4 R THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 12, 1916. tr lasaes . irom riimiaiia JSL; PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES fJ DIAMOND THEATER ' -DEVIL'S TOY" ; Foaturinf ADELE BLOOD ' ' ane EDWIN STEPHENS FORTUNE! FAME I end LOVE! MONROE 26th Strait and Farnam . ... . HOLBROOK BLINN In "THE WEAKNESS OK MAN" A Strent Dramatic Play ol Hueua Interact. HIPPODROME TODAY "LIBERTY" ; The Angel of the Attic" Two Comedies IOMAH ATX. I i "MAROONED" ;,- ' Featuring I" Edward Arnold and ' Alice McChosney. mmmm mmmm mmmm ROHLFF Toyth'sr I TODAY AT B, 3:4, 30, Till, and Faatarinf : ... i 1 BESSIE BARRISCALE I , CHARLES RAY i : LOUISE GLAUM I , w ,v. in- " ' I "HOME" 1 BEN TURPIN, io i "DUCKING A DISCORD" PATHE NEWS SynftU ml E4wU Onwi ia Patht iNiwi. U1mJ Today. -- , MIKEOLA, U tr A w MrOtn wlwleM tlgrph, MpsbU of MmmunloRtinv rai Min within radiui of 10 atiltu, U twttfd for M by tht UnitW SUtti Oov ramcnt, OAKLAND. CAU-Mlrmnir tchool lrli 81 v fin exhibition of thlr rowing bil r in their snnual (all rtiatU on Lke M err. it. T. THOMAS, D. W. L Shtni u overturn d and others wnihed hort in a tern f if fcnrricana that ivwpi the Danish West IndiM, ioon to baeomt the proportjr of the Unitd StaUa. MONTRKAU CANADA Sir Sam Hughaa, l MinUtor tf Militia, rtviawi t.000 txogp. fho arc about to leave wr aarvic in rne. on tha Canadian drill grounds at Champ d Mara. PARIS, FRANCE Muny new nutomobfl ambulances art presented by tha Rou manian Government to bar vaJlantralltae, tba armiaa in Franoa. , 8 A LO NIC A. GRSKCE The silled fleet pro tocttng their troops on Or.-sk toil, viva apretaeular dmttonatratlon of their invin cible strength to warn enemjp powers ot their reaoluta determination. WASHIN;TON, I). a Tha aapitol rcetva its annual bath before tha winter session of Congress convenes. BAN FRANCISCO, CAU The revival of tha American flag on the Pacific ia now as sured; an the new steamer Veneiuelt tha second ship to roe a me the Oriental run, starts on Its maiden voyage. ALDERSHOT, ENGLAND-Before leaving for tha front tha Royal Engineers are given a tasta of aatual warfare sondi . tions to better prepare them to aseet tkelr stubborn fog. ' f MR. SALOON OWNER: Turn Your Building Into, Motion Picture Theater or Let i Ut Sell You Theater Already Equipped. For the past eight years we have furnished machines r and equipment to 90 per cent of the Theaters in Ne i braska and Iowa. Write for further particulars. ; : OMAHA FILM EXCHANGE , ' 108 South Fourteenth Stroat , ; Tho Pionoor Motioa Picture Machino Doalora.ia this Territory. I MPRESS FIRST HALF , KILKENNY FOUR In Act Somewhat Different Comedy and Harmony Singing CHARLEY CHAPLIN- in "HtHiwu int. aviu-M 1 ' - LAST HALF. ROSS BROTHERS Champion Midget Boxer of the World ' Presenting ;'v "A DAY IN A GYMNASIUM", KATHLYN WILLIAMS in "THE TEMPTATION OF ADAM" I I iannaissasaaasnaaan-ei nlllllllllllllllllllllllllr: XCEPTIONAL VODFVH NTERTAINING DUCAT 10 NAL PICTURES 3213 No. 24th St. MARGUERITE CLARK In "HELENS FROM THE NORTH" Beautiful Scenery Wonderful Acting Though Yon Mey Shed T.ere, You Will bo Carried to Joyful Leufbter. PRINCESS THEATER "THE OUITTER" ' "SHADOWS OP SUSPICION" The Cotnedieo aro "KNIGHTS OF A BATH TUB" and "ANY OLD DUKE'Li.DO" ORPHEUM ssr 1 BIO ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE EDWIN AUOUST. la "HIS PROMISE "EVIL CURRENTS" Drama ' - Triangle Comedy. Suburban Theater . Seo FRANCES NELSON and ARTHUR ASHLEY , . In "THE REVOLT" A Virile and Blood Sllrrlng Story Da nendinf up-tothe-minuta Interest. HIPP ALWAYS A OOOO SHOW Pn mount nut Cl L. Open From 11 to 11 Daily . TODAY AND MONDAY Franklhi Farnum and Agnea Vernon ' la a Bluebird Photoplay .'A Strangar From Somewhere" A Play That Rlnga True TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 2?A.fc5IM,,1M,,r remans Dancera MAURICE aad FLORENCE WALTON "THE QuIsTOF LIFE"' THURSDAY ONLY .' RHEA MITCHELL Star al "Damaged Cauda" la "Philip Holden Waster" A Thrilling aad Feecui.tlng Story , . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Theodora Roberta and Aalta King "ANTON, THE TERRIBLE" 100 ADMISSION 10c TUP DPY uthBnd i nr. it c a DougiH TODAY AND ALL WEEK Fmioui Sinford Comedians Musical Comedy and Vaudeville Thl wiorad troup h compoeod ( many axparlancad aetort, , HARRY Ca SANFORD, Managar and. Produer,i ; CARRIE SANFORD - ' ' Loading Laity, From Nev York PEARL BRICCS . Cincinnati, Ohio CARRIE CLEMMENTS Omaha LOUIS CLEMMENTS ' Omoha , ' " LAUVERNSTE1NE FORD Kaaaaa Cltf DUDE LANCFORD DrumnMr, Juat Free. ta Coast EMANUEL CLARK Loader of tha Orcaealra JESS BANKS (Graa.y Plf) Wo Aro Now Oporatinf Undar NEW MANAGEMENT You Can Sao THE BEST Photoplays of Raoant Ro- . loasa Horo. giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim: ! Week? 1 Commencing E I Nov. I 3112! 1 PRICES: i 10c s 20cl LOTHROP Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for Magic Theater Features - Metro Pictures Today May Allison and Harold Lock wobd have the leading roles in "The Masked Rider" today at the Msiic. There is also a Red Feather film, "The Path Beyond the Winds," s drama picturing a beautiful story. Features and serial pictures are billed for the coming week. ' COMFORT THEATER "'''".'. TODAY , "CANNED CURIOSITY" w 'tHE ETERNAL CHALLENGE" i ; j And Comedy . "THAT DOO GONE BABY"f GRAND THEATER A gripptbg pioture of Border Life. LIEUT, DANNY OP THE O. S. A." ' Featuring WILLIAM DESMOND. CADMAMilt.ua irnnnnm F.m.m A Second Mary Pick-ford ' , JUNE CAPRICE la Capriea of tha Mountains" Caau, Boys and Clrla, and Moot the new makt rlCRf ORD r MONDAY BETTY MANSEN , ' - l .. In -. "A Woman's Roaurr.ction" , A Faotavtay Worth Comtag Dawa . i own i. Aiieno. Dine Well Here- la a room especially fitted up for "Movie Enthusiaata." ' : The ""' "Movie Inn" Has upon its walls the pictures of the leading faYoritea. BRANDEIS STORES II "VVttl ov 1 I ' S ai i I"" (INC.) A PHOTOPLAY THAT WE KNOW WILL PLEASE "A Stranger From Somewhere" . Today and Tomorrow First Showing at THE HIPP THEATER And a BLUEBIRD can be seen every Sunday and Mon day at this theater, which believes in pleasing all Photo play "Fans." ... , . ; Glance over the following list of theaters in Omaha alone who show Bluebirds and you will know the reason we say: v 'That if it' a BLUEBIRD it must be good." Park Princess Com :' Apollo Ideal Hamilton ' Star ' Diamond Mafic Columbia . Dundee ' Lyric Omaha Franklin ' Benson Alamo Hippodrome Clifton ' Loyal . Monroe' Roper, Council Bluffs ' A few motion picture houses in 'Omaha do not show ; . , . BLUEBIRDS YET. " v '. , We suggest that they call. $nd see us. - ' ; , ; Wm. Desmond in Remarkable Role at the Grand Today At the Grand theater today the fea ture is "Lieutenant Danny of the U. S. A," in which William Desmond takes the leading part. Monday, Wil liam Fsrnum is seen in "The New Governor," and on Tuesday Holbrook Blinn takes the leading role in "The Hidden Scar." A later announcement will be made about the program for the end of the week. Z "SOMEWHERE ON THE BATTLE- I Z FIELD" I "LIBERTY" " I I "SHADOWS OF SUSPICION" I I .Aad Comedy. . . I DUNDEE THEATER . DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "His Picture uilhe Paper" By For tho Most Laughable Picture You Have Ever Soon Him In. TODAY TRUE BOARDMAN MONDAY GOLD ROOSTER DAY TUESDAY MARY PICKFORD WEDNESDAY SHIELDING SHADOW THURSDAY CHAS. CHAPLIN FRIDAY WILLIAM FOX PLAYERS SATURDAY I DARE DEVIL LARKINS : I PALM THEATER U ISM Douolos Straot. M 13S0 Douglos Stroot. t Giroa its patrons the best show in the city for tho money. TODAY "Girl From Frisco" "Jess of the Foot Hills" Good Comedies, Etc. The Famous Jew Comedian LEW ROSE A CO. zioaoaoaocaoEaoaocio Omaha I Omaha This Week Douglas Fairbanks Feature Attraction at the Dundee Douglas Fairbanks created a five reel comedy, "His Picture in the Paper," the feature offering at the Dundee today. Monday, Ella Hall in "The Love Girl;" comedy, "The French Milliner," a Keystone. Tues day, Henry B. Walthall in "Pillars of Society; Wednesday, A Woman s Way, features Ethel Clayton, and Max Swain in the comedy, "Vampire Ambrose;" Thursday, Fox offers Ber(ha Kalich in "Ambition;" Fri day, "The Place Beyond the Winds:" Saturday, Bessie Barriscale appears in nome. . Three Stars in Leading Roles At Diamond Theater Today Adele Blood, Edwin Stevens and Montague Love are seen today in "The Devil's Toy," the feature picture at the Diamond, The program for the week is furnished by the Mutual, General and Laemtnle film exchanges. The names of each picture will be announced later. - Norma Talmadge IN. "FIFTY FIFTY" Keystone Comedy 1 Pathe Weekly lUII ICE? Home of I III W9En mount Pictures JANE GREY FRANK MILLS in "The Flower of Faith" A Powerful Story of Early Frontier Life. ' Spectacular, Striking Night Sconce. Commencing Tomorrow, (November 13th) Continuous Performances, 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. All Seats 25 Cents. The Dramatic Sensation of the Season ."Humanity's most powerful weapon against the premeditated destruction of the unborn." mm. w. r.iv CUIL0EMJ?" "A smashing, daring subject, done in a smashing, daring way." Good women and wise men praise this daring photo-drama. Muse Offers a Bran New International Film for Today "The Flower of Faith," an Interna tional Film company release, will be presented to the Mtise patrons to day and tomorrow, featuring Jane Grey and Frank Mills. A Selig news and a comedy will also be shown. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Blanche Sweet, the Paramount star, in "Unprotected." The latest events will b shown in the International news; also a comic cartoon. Dustin Farnum, in "A -Son of Erin," the new Paramount picture, will be the attrac tion for Friday and Saturday. Omaha Features Many Stars During the Week's Schedule Today Edward Arnold and Alice McChesney are seen at the Omaha in "Marooned." Two other pictures. "Here and There" and "The Curse of the Forest," are offered. Monday Charles Ross, in "The Senator;" Tuesday, "The House of the Golden Windows;" Wednesday, "At the End of the Rainbow," featuring Myrtle Gonrales; Thursday, "The Summer Girl;" Friday, "The Masked Woman," "Animated Weekly" and "A Political Tramp;" Saturday, Pauline Fredricks, in "The Woman in the Case." Norma Talmadge and Mary Pickford at Strand The attraction at the StrancJ today is Norma Talmage in a story of an artist model's life, "Fiftv Fifty," di rected by Allan Dwan. The action of the story is quick and snappy all the way through, while a Keystone com edy completes the program, plus a Pathe weekly. Tuesday till Saturday comes Mary Pickford in her latest, "Less Than Dust." This is the first feature that Miss Pickford has released under her own banner. Vaudeville and Photoplays Offered Palm Patrons Today Lew Rose, comedian, will, be seen in one of his acts, assisted by his company, at each performance at the Palm this afternoon and evening. The feature pictures are "The Girl from 'Frisco" and "less of the Foothills." The program for the week is a serial, which otlers a pleasing penormance each day. "Love Never Dies" Is at New Star Theater Today A Bluebird is the feature at the New Star theater today. Ruth Stone house, Franklyn Farnum and Kings ley Benedict appear in leading roles in "Love Never Dies." In this picture extreme care has been taken in the photographing of each scene. The week's program is filled with good films of recent release. , Holbrook Blinn in Feature Picture at the Monroe Today The Monroe feature picture today is "The Weakness of Man," taken from the last play written by Count Leo N. Tolstoi, Holbrook Blinn is featured in this Fox production. A later announcement will -be made of the offering for the week. Suburban Theater Offers "The Revolt" as Feature "The Revolt" it the Suburban theater today is taken from the five act play of this name which played a long run in New York.' The program for the week is composed of pictures that will furnish amusement and in terest. , ... ajllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllJ Magic Theater omaha Metro rreoonta m MARY ALLISON and S HAROLD LOCKWOOD, In "THE MASKED RIDER" S Rad Foether. 3 "THE PATH BEYOND THE WINDS" S Fltiiliiiiiiiiliiiilliiiiiiiiniiiliiiililiiiiiillii; j BOULEVARD. 33d St. and I I Leavenworth TODAY MARY PICKFORD I "Hulda From Holland" J Her Interpretation of Hulda, tha 1 littlo Dutch girl, furnlahee humor and I eroatoo a aonuino heart appeal which 1 jreu cannot realat. I Burton Holmes Travelog, Too MONDAY EDITH STORY, in I ' "THE PRICE OF FOLLY" Many Pictures of Worth i At Princess This Week At the Princess today, "The Quit ter," a two-reel western drama; "Shadows of Suspicion," a drama, and two comedies, "Knights of a Bath Tub" and "Any Old Duke'U Do." Mondav, Franklin Farnam in a three reel, "The Woman He Feared," and an L-KO comedy. "A Million-Dollar Smash." Tuesday, "Liberty," Ani mated Weekly, "the Eyes of Love and comedy, "Sweedy, the Janitor." Wednesday, "The Yellow Menace," "Stumbling," featuring Agness Ver non; a cartoon comedy and a travel ogue. Friday, "The Devil's Bond Woman." featuring Dorothy Daven port. Saturday, "Guilty," "Lost in Babylon" and two comedies, "A Ca pable Lady Cook" and "Making Over Mother." Mary Pickford in Feature Picture at Boulevard Today Mary Pickford will be at the Bou levard today in a Paramount feature picture, "Hulda from Holland." Mon day Edith Storey in a Vitagraph play, "The Price of Folly." General fur nishes the program for Tuesday be sides Paramount-Bray cartoons and "The Count," a Chaplin comedy. Wednesday Wallace Reid and Cleo Ridgely in "The. House of the Golden Windows." Thursday Theda Bara in "Her Double Life." Friday "Dorian's Divorce" features Lionel Barrymore. A Sidney Drew comedy will be shown, too. Saturday "The Crimson Stain Mystery," and General pro gram. Charlie Chaplin in His Funniest Film at Empress Charlie Chaplin will appear at the Empress starting Monday this week in his seventh two-reel comedy re leasing through the Mutual. Ordi narily the Chaplin comedy should have been presented last week, but Mr. Chaplin, actor-author-director, refused to hear anything of it. He demanded ten days more for the de livery of his b,ain child, "Behind the Screen." "Its the best idea I ever had," wired the clever comedian of the popular feet. "Give me ten more days and I can make it the fun niest comedy I ever appeared in." They gave Chaplin thirteen more days. See the result on the Empress screen. Liberty Serial Featured At the Hippodrome Today At the Hippodrome today "Lib erty" is a feature of live interest. "The Angel of the Attic," adrama is also shown, and two comedies, "In Onions There Is Strength" and "A Charming Villian." Monday a mixed program. Tuesday the Laemmle Ex change furnish the pictures. Wednes day Pathe News and "The Grip of :' Evil." Thursday the "Yellow Men-' ace.'1' Fox furnishes the feature for Friday ! and a World film will be shown Saturday. , Marguerite Clark Featured At Lothrop Today and Monday In "Helene of the North," Mar guerite Clark will be seen at the Loth top today and Monday. Mary Pickford Tuesday in "Hulda from Holland." Wednesday Alice Brady in "Tangled Fates." The features for the last of the week will be announced later. A Second Mary Pickford At Farnam, June Caprice The feature at the Farnam today is "Caprice of the Mountains." The of fering Monday is Betty Nansen in "A Woman's Resurrection." Feature films will be shown the rest of the week that represent the best of recent re lease. CLIFTON THEATER TODAY HELEN HOLMES "MEDICINE BEND" NEW STAR THEATER Yes, It Is a BLUEBIRD TODAY " GLORIANA " Featuring LITTLE ZOE RAE Wednesday-" The Escape' Moving Picture Machines Bargain Prices Send for list of new and slight ly used Powers, Edison, Simples machines. Western Supply Co. 12th and Harney Sts., Omaha. For Movie Mdse, See "VAN" APOLLO THEATER 29th A Leavenworth. Tel Her. 1804. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE Today, Starting at I P. M. GRAND DOUBLE BILL Paramount Offaro . BLANCHE SWEET in "THE RAGAMUFFIN" 8 BIG ACTS 6 Alao CHARLIE CHAPLIN "THE PAWNSHOP" i acts a ' TOMORROW (MONDAY) MARY PICKFORD "Hulda FrolrTHolIand"