Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 14

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is Going On
. in Society Circles
Berger-Letch Wedding.
A wedding of great interest to Uni
versity of Omaha- students was that
ol Miss May Leach and Mr. Jean I.
Berger, which took place Thursday
evening it the parsonage of the Ger
man Presbvterian church. Rev. E. !(.
Cleland officiating. Both the bride
and proom and most of the attend
ants are students at the university.!
M'ss Ulga Anderson was the maid of
honor and the bridesmaids were
Misses Laura Axford. Lillian Ander
son, Fern Gilbert and Lelia Ander
son. Mr. Jean Roberts was best man
and Messrs. anndland, Lowe, Towell
and Seihert acted as ushers. Little
Misses Etta Barentsen and Clara
I. indley were flower girls and the
fmgs for the double ring ceremony
were carried in a large white chrysan
themum by Master Aletha MeWhin
riey. Master Quito Eddy acted as
page and the wedding march was
played by Mr. Lucius Ely. The bride
carried white chrysanthemums, and
her only ornament was a bind of
seed pearls, the. gift - of the groom.
She was given away by her foster1
(altier, Mr. E. M. Knapp of this city.
The rooms were decorated in large
chrysanthemums and garlands of au
ttimri leaves. After the ceremony, a
large reception was held for the
school friends of the bride and groom.
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Krell announce
the engagement of tlrtir daughter,
Onie. to Mr. William Craighead. The
marriage will take place December 1
at the home of the bride's parents.
Dance Club Meett.
The Qui Vive Dancing club held its
first party at Turpin's Friday flight.
Those present were:.. i i
yogurt. nd Meaclamea
H. K. Waller, . (1. B.' Cramer,'
r. W. Mlkeeell, H. U. Lyons,
W. R. MeFarlana, iW. O. Fuller, ,
Bea, Robtdout, A. A. "rasffert.
Oeo. K. Thompson, Mrs. Mania Blllok,
B. M. Sunderland, ' 'E. W. Bedford,
B. A, Fesau, 10. S. Freeman,
r. J. Jumper, a C. Wall.
Dr. L. A. Dermodr. C. H. Whltnejr,
II. II. Softie. J. T. PlekarC
A. B. pecker, ' Robert A. Nelson, , .
barer m. ret-aa, -, Harvey j. wins,
Lee M. Hamlin,
w. a. stryKer,
1. r. Haros,
Roy A. Ralph, -r.
H. Hall.
Howard Gaoartch,
Tom 8. Kelly,
A. C, Hartman,
B. A. Srhurinan,
John Lavello,
Byron J. Raad,
Jamaa 1. Raad, '
T. L. Trout,
C. D. Oleeer.
Bi L. ' rjaaforta,
Dr. A. a. Ada ma,
Dr. B. C Henry,
W, C. Roa '
T.. A. Johnaon,
John H. Hueele, .
B. C. fowler.
Dr. John Maoh,
J. M. MtCarlhy,
Ray L. Brown,
Alaa C. Raad,
W. H. Tyaon.
Dr. D. T. Qulalay,
Im Huff.
R. H, Ward,
II. L. McDonald,
Wm. L. Caroy,
D. M. (Ihrank,
8. A. Houaor,
B. A. Moora,
K. B. Slerrlckar, .
D, A. Ha(.r,
C. h. Jones,
Dr. C. a. meen,
Frank Boat,
W. H. Rhodes,
Charleo Bothwall,
Jess, u Hunt,
Itr. IE. H. Rraenlns, R. K. Haldaman, -
I.ynno D. upham. Neal Jonaa,
J. J. Sullivan, - Jaaaa Rorara,
rrtd. J. Orlffln, D. K. Klllntwood. ,
R. N. Haerea, Allan Parmar. ,
Birthday Party. ; !;
(i To celebrate her daughter Virgin
ia's eighteenth birthday, Mrs. E. C.
Lucas entertained a party of girlt at
her home Friday evening, one for
each year of Miss Virginia's age.
Decorations and favors were in pink
and white; .Those present were:
Ml MM i. ' Mima
Dorothy Browa, ij( . . Myrtle Brown,,..:-
Halon Cramer, Ruth Cramar,
Wltnelmln Brando Brma Fltoh, 3
Genevieve Hart, . . Harriet Millar, . ,. .
Hale Kelly. l.Uclle Hlera.
Bva Hardlannart, " Thalma Smith,
Haaol Hamataad, - Marsaret O'Neill.
Marl. Haasea, .
Informal Dancing Part. , V ,t
Miss Edna Riley gave an informal
dancing party at her home Friday
evening in honor of Mils Nan Spald
ing, who leaves Sunday to 'make her
home in Baltimore. Her father, Mr.
Leonard A. Spalding, has preceded
the family and Mrs. Spalding, Miss
Nan and her two small brothers,
Leonard and Nathan, -Will follow to
day. Thirteen couplet were present
at the party. Decorations were in pink
chrysanthemums. -
Mr. Donald Kiptinger entertained
informally at tea at the Fontenelle
for Misi Spalding Saturday after
noon. i-i- .J'N ' , r ,"
Social Club Reorganises.
- The November club reorganized at
the home of Mrs. Edith Kaehler Fri
day, when prizes were won by the
hottess, Mrs. J. E. Monroe and Mrs.
R. Ryan. Mrs. C T. Maus and Mrs.
J. W. Bartlett were guests. The club
will' meet in two. weeks with Mrs.
Monroe. The members are
H. Putnam,
J. B. Monroe.
Annur Royor,
R. Ryan,
A. H. Burr. .
D. F. Dean,
. Bdllh Kaehlar,
- Kv Morrill.
. Bva Maeon.
. . H. R. Rodonneld,
.( , It. u Choaaalla,
' a. i
Dinner in Council Bluffs, ,
Mr. nd Mrs. Charles T. Stewart
entertained some Omaha guests at
their dinner Wednesday evening, pre
ceding the first assembly dance at the
.Wish we .Could show every
woman In- Omaha some of
the blankets we have cleaned
: We make them as soft and
fluffy as ' when " new and
guarantee them not to
shrink. ' "' ' "' ' "
We also restore felted and
shrunken blankets to their
original size and appear
ance. . ' ' .'!.,-;V.-"V '
No other establishment in
Omaha is prepared to clean
wool blankets as we do.
Double blankets. .$1.25
Single blankets .... 75c
The Pantorium
"Good Claawora mmi Dyers"
ISIS-ia-IT Joaee St, Deuftaa SJ.
raaMfc Off kal, 01S Fanuaa St.
' Swath SloW, 4701 S. 14th St.
PhoM South tlSS.
Bride and
Grand hotel. The Omahans were Mr.
and Mrs. O. C. Redick, Miss Lynn
Curtis, Mrs. Wildman, Mr. and Mrs
J. J. Hess. Mrs. John T. Stewart.
Mrs. E. W. Dixon; E. W. Hart, C. W.
Hull and Dee Knowles. The table
waa a most unusual one, with pink
and black decorations. A black bowl
in the center held a few lovely pink
roses, standing straight up in formal
fashion, while black candlesticks,
with pink and black striped shades,
painted in roses, lighted the table.
A New York Reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Christiancy enter
tained at dinner at Sherry's in New
York City last week a number of
Omaha visitors to the city and for
mer Omaha people, including Gen
eral and Mrs. Brooke, Mr, and Mrs.
E. J. Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Estabrook, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ait
chison, Mr. and Mra. E. P. Peck, Mr.
and Mrs. Mcintosh, Mrs. Charles
Offut and Mra. Arthur Remington.
Oo East for Foot Ball Games.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Edwards are
with' their son Robert at Cornell.
They will witness the Cornell games
and the Army and Navy game in New
York. November 2S. -
Mr, and. Mrs.. John F.' Stout left
for Hot Springs, Vs., and Washing
ton, where their daughter; Gertrude,
is at Mrs. Somen' school. They will
take her with them to New Haven
for the Yale-Harvard game on the
25th, and to Philadelphia for the
Thanksgiving game between Cornell
and Pennsylvania.
Mri. Charles Stewart of Council
Bluffs leaves today for Hoopeston,
111., to join her daughter, Mrs. Donald
McFerren, and Mr McFerren, who
will accompany her to New York.
They will attend the foot bait gaWa
and Mra. Stewart expects to be gone
until after the holidays. Mr. Stewart
joins her at Hoopeston for Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. McFerren.
Mrs. M. C. Peters and Miss Gladys
Peters leave about the 20th for New
Haven, to spend Thanksgiving with
Clarence Peters, who is at Yale. They
will be there in time for the Yale-Harvard
game, but wilt go to New York
for Thanksgiving. '.
Mra. W. H. Bucholz leaves next
week for New Haven, where her son
Fritx is a Yale student. She will be
there for the Yale-Harvard game and
Mr. Bucholz will join them for
Thanksgiving, which they will all
spend in Philadelphia. -
On the Calendar.'
The White Shrine Whist club Will
meet Monday afternoon at the Ma
sonic temple. '
The Fidelia club will give a bridge
and high five party at its hall, Thirty
ninth and Webster streets, Tuesday
aV W SI I -vtatssw-
It dispels hair ugliness gives the hair life, snap and luster. It eradi
cates dandruff, keens the scalp clean and stops itching. Is not oily nor
does it darken the hair. Guaranteed by the Herpicide Company. De
troit, Mich. Applications at the better barber shops.
Attendant in Wedding of Week
-, ST! 7 3 VX I
YanKleeck - "r
afternoon. The affair was" originally
planned for Wednesday, but circum
stances arose which made the change
to the earlier day necessary.
For Mrs. Nalibow.
Mrs. S. Greenberg gave a woman's
welfare party at her home Wednesday
afternoon in honotof Mrs. Robert
Nalibow of San Francisco, who leaves
for her home the latter part of next
week after a month's visit with her
Earents, Mr. and Mrs.-Louis Coren.
lecorations were in pink chrysan
themums. '
Le Man Club Party.
' The Le Mars club will give a "rube"
at Keep Dancing academy Tuesday
evening. This affair is an addition to
the club a calendar for the winter and
is being given by special request.
For Notre Dame Gam. '
The Omaha alumni of Notre Dame
university of Notre Dame, Ind., are
planning to entertain the Notre Dame
toot ball team after the game which
is scheduled for Thanksgiving day in
Lincoln. If the team can stay over
the next night, Friday, December 1,
its members will be invited to Omaha
and given a dance at the Blackstone.
Harold McConnell and a number of
other Notre Dame alumni will have
the affair in charge.
Children's Story Hour.
' One of the many worth while at
tractions which Miss Evelyn Mc
Caffrey is offering at the Metropoli
tan club building is the free children's
story hour next Saturday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Miss Grace Sorenson,
the well known Omaha story teller,
will entertain the children with some
of her own stories. After the story
telling will come a short time for
playing ring games.
Franco-Belgian Society.
The date for the big card party to
be given by the Franco-Belgian Re
lief society for the benefit of its fund,
has been set for Saturday, December
2, from 2 to five o'clock at the Black
stone. Next week committees to
manage the affair will be appointed.
Bridal Affair.
This evening at the Blackstone Mr.
Robert Burns, Mr. Cuthbert Potter
and Mr. Julian Thompson of Barnes
ville, Minn., three of the ushers at
the Caldwcll-Vinsonhaler wedding
Her Worry Is
For Her Hat
Not Her Hair
There is a lot of comfort in having hair
that won't blow off, but many don't
realize this until it is too late. The
time to save your hair is while you have
hair to save. The most dependable
Hair Saver
Tuesday evening, will entertain at
supper for Miss Isabel Vinsonhaler,
Mrs. John Caldwell and the other
members of the wedding party. Those
included will be:
Mlaaea Mleeee
Anne Otfford Reflna Connall
Marian Towle Mary Van Kloeek
Mellora Davta o( Poushkeepala
Mr. Victor Caldwell.
Mr. and Mra. Ellaa Vail of PoDihkaopale.
Wiener Roast.
Friday the Rainbow club of How
ard Kennedy school hiked to Child's
Point for a wiener roast. A very en
joyable day was spent in games and
a paper chase. The members present
Martha Hodsea
Ruth Redmon
Bva Stone
Marsaret Buoektat
Varna Monticoinery
Ooldle Patterson
Dorothy Oravaa
Carrla Nlelaon
Alloa Rolllna : .
Nellie Pattereon
Myrtle) Boyachon -Oaona
Rmlly Stona
, Bessie Getty
ftlyrtle Chrlstanaen
' Oladya Condon
Ruth Holnsa
Thalma Hlddaush
Inola Redd
Alice Wataon '
Bertha lwaon
. Lillian Hopklna
Leaoh .
Luncheon for Lincoln Guests.
Mrs. C S. Rainbolt entertained at
1 o'clock luncheon at her home Sat
urday for Miss E. Ruth Pyrtle and
Mrs. A. E. McCrystal of Lincoln,
who were her guests for the week
end. Yellow chrysanthemums formed
the table decorations. Covers were
laid for ten guests.
Bellevue College Dinner.
The annual fall banquet of the
Bellevue College Alumni association
was held Friday evening at the Rome
hotel. Thirty guests were present.
MMil',alali''WMM'WM"M,eaMM'MM,MIII'at,,atWgtgtW 'LL.-'ir?f17.".SC
The "6Mickels"
Victrola Experts
What Would You Do If You Found It
Impossible to Buy a Christmas Victrola?
If -fIi
i AX.
The college colors of purple and gold
were used in decorations and on the
place cards. After the conclusion of
the banquet older alumni present
joined with Dr. and Mrs. David Ram
sey Kerr in tales of former (lays on
Elk hill. The list of those present in
eluded: x
! Ileeeere. and MesdameM t
R. M. Crofwtman .1. P. Kepler
Dr. and Mra. David R. Kerr.
Mra. Paul Johneton.
Anna MoClelland
Alberta O'Kane
Marsuerlte Neiblt
Jeanette Ooodwlll
Luella Carter
Alma Jamea
Blva Douslaa
Frederick Jones
William C. Plndley
Orle Lee Webb
Herbert Joneo
Rioold L. Ohman
Avla Doyd
. Kutherltio Nielen
Marguerite Jack
Alice Barton
Olndys Lumeden
Ruth .Derbyshire
Ollfa Qerehe
Alfred Wataod
John tnoomqutst
. Dr. Jamea M. Patton
Prof. Oscar Bchmledel
Friday Night Dancing Club.
The Friday "Night Dancing club
gave its regular party at Druid hall
Friday evening with fifty-five couples
present. The club's next party will
be given Friday evening, November
17, at Druid hall.
Visitor from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Townsend
have with them Miss Alice Huesday
of Portland, Ore. Miss Huesday has
been much entertained during her
stay in Omaha and affairs are planned
for her until her departure on Wed
nesday. Stork Special.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McPherson last Monday
in Boston, where Mrs. McPherson
is with her parents.
Social Affair Planned.
Women of St. Peter's parish will
give an afternoon bridge party in the
hall, Twenty-fifth avenue and Leaven
worth, Friday at 2 o'clock.
Holiday Dates in Demand.
Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur C. Smith have
chosen Christmas night for a dance
which they will give at the Blackstone
for the younger set and the school set.
ZSth and Faraaau Sta.
WM. L. KEEP, Directs
Claaa Monday and FrMajr Evenlnrs
AaaambHa Wedneeday and Saturday
Private Lessons hp Apretntmeiit '
Phone Douf las TSSO '
1 smztwr
Yes, you HAY find it impossible to buy just the style Victrola you seek,
if you wsit until nesr Christmas, for the Victor factories are hard pressed
to cope with the demand. What hinders from choosing right now just the
style you want in just the finish you desire? Why not come in, choose the
instrument, pay a few dollars down and have it set aside until you want it
at Christmas time? It's a foregone conclusion that you ARE going to buy
VICTROLA of SOME kind, but better buy now, to be sure of the STYLE
you WANT.
Choose Your Victor Victrola Now!
Pay a Few Dollars Down, Then Have Us
Set the Victrola Aside Til Christmas.
The stock shown here at present is immense
'but there's no
tre I It I
viciroias will oe completely sola out.
Mickels' Nebraska Cycle Co.,
Corner 15th and Harney Streets. Omaha, Nebraska.
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mrs. Charles A. Grimmel will give a ler to bejhe guest of Mr. and Mrs.
large luncheon for her daughter, Miss W. H. McCord and Mrs. Bancker to
Margaret Grimmel, on Tuesday, the j be with Judge and Mrs. W. D. Mc
26th, at the Blackstone, and'that even- Hugh. . .
ing Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keller , Mrs. U. J. Hill, sister of Mrs. Vm
will give a dance at their home for ! sonhaler. arrived Sunday i and a broth-
Miss Emily Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Storz give
one the next night, December 27, for
Miss Elsie and Robert Storz. On
the 29th the Maltese club of the
high school have engaged the Black
stone ball room for their Christmas
dance, and Saturday, the 30th, is the
night of the Yale Glee club concert
at the Brand''is, which is to be fol
lowed by 3 dance in their honor at
the Fontenelle, given by the local
Yale alumni.
Notes at Random.
Mr. and ilrs. Brandon Howell have
taken an apartment at 508 South
Thirty-fourth street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cornish re
turned to New York Wednesday
night after spending a week here with
his sister, Mrs. J. M. Metcalf.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford are
expecting Miss Edith Thompson of
Milwaukee to visit them early in De
cember upon their return from the
Mrs. F. H. Davis returned Tuesday
from Topeka, where she was called
last week by the critical illness of
her brother-in-law, Bishop Millspaugh
of Kansas, who is much improved
this week.
Mrs. F. A. Brogan, who has been
at the Seymour in New York for
several weeks, is now visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Lufkin at Rye for two.
weeks, and will go to Ithaca for
Thanksgiving with her son, Maurice,
who is at Cornell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pritchctt re
turned Thursday f-om their trip to
Cuba. In Havana .hey met Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Penficld, who were there
on their wedding trip. Miss Hammer,
who has been in Chicago during the
absence of Mr. and Mrs. Pritchett, has
also returned.
Miss Helena M. Chase, who is at
tending Miss Wheeler's school at
Providence, 'R. I has just been
elected one of the editors of the
Quill, the school' magazine. Miss
Chase and a school mate, Miss Har
riet Chase, have been winning in
tennis doubles.
Rev. Charles F. Dole of Boston ar
rived Thursday on his way to visit his
son, James Dole, in Honolulu, and
stopped over here two days, the guest
of his cousin. Mrs, Wilson Low, and
Mr. Low. Mr. Dole is a well known
Unitarian minister of Boston and is
president of the Twentieth Century
club. He is a close friend of Dr. Rob
ert Leavens, the new pastor of the
Unitarian church here.
Out-of-Town Quests Arrive.
Julian Thompson of Barnesville,
Minn., an usher, came Monday and
is at the Caldwell home. Miss Mary
Van Kleeck of Poughkeepsie, the
maid-of-honor, who has been at the
Vinsonhaler home last week, is now
with Miss Regina Connell.
The wedding of Miss Vinsonhaler
and Mr. John Caldwell Tuesday will
bring a number of but-of-town guests,
among them two former Omaha wom
en, Mrs. W. D. Bancker, now of In
dianapolis, and Mrs. John H. Butler,
who moved to Kansas City last spring.
Both are expected today, Mrs. But-
Christmas Things
are Ripe
Pick Them Now.
Our Supply
is Abundant'
Buy Yours of
The "6 Mickels"
telling how soon many of
er. Samuel Ellison of Kirksville. Mo.,
comes this week-end, as will also
Judge Vinsonhaler's brothers, Dr.
Frank Vinsonhaler of Little Rock,
Kan., and Harry Vinsonhaler of St.
Louis, with their wives.
Social Gossip.
C. M. Wilhelm returned Tuesday
from two weeks in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Storz went
to Excelsior Springs Wednesday for
two weeks.
Mrs. C. J. Greene left Sunday for
Washington, where 6he will remain
for the winter.
Mrs. Horace Burt was in Omaha
a few days last week, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Orr.
Miss Margaret Dows of Cedar Rap
ids arrives Tuesday to visit Miss Re
gina Connell and to attend the latter's
debut dance.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kinsler and
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowgill of Chi
cago have been at the Biltmore in
New York this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Haverstick.
Mrs. Victor Caldwell and Mrs. Frank
Colpetzer returned Tuesday from a
week at Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wharton, Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Hosford, Mrs.
Moshier Colpetzer and Mrs. Charles
Kountze left Thursday for a week at
Excelsior Springs.
E. W. Dixon wen to New York last
week, to be gone until Thanksgiving.
He will attend the Yale-Harvard and
Yali-Princeton games.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Vail will be here
this evening from their California
wedding trip, to stop a few days with
her mother, Mrs. Jaquith, before go
ing on to Poughkeepsie, their future
Mrs. John C. Cowin has returned
from a long stay in California, much
improved in health. Mrs. Cowin en
tertained a few friends at luncheon
last week for Mrs. E. J. Cornish of
New York.
Mrs. E. V. Lewis, formerly of this
city, arrived in Chicago this week
from New York and is going to visit
her mother in Springfield, 111. Her
son, Arthur, recently sailed with the
Canadian troops to England for serv
ice in the English army.
Miss Naomi Towle, who is in New
York at school, goes up to New
Haven next Saturday for the Yale
Harvard game, the guest of Fritz
Bucholz. i She will also attend the
Cornell-Pennsylvania game in Phil
adelphia on Thanksgiving day with
(Continued on Pare Eight, Column Pour.)
Have Beautiful, Soft Hair of
an Even Dark Shade.
Not svn a trace of cny hom in your
hair after a few application of Q-Ban Hair
Color Restorer to hair and scalp. QBan
U no dye, U harmleM, but makes scalp and
hair healthy and restores the natural color
viands. If your hair is gray, streaked with
tray, faded, dry, bleached, tlijn or falling,
apply Q-Ban as directed on label. Soon all
your gray hair and entire head of hair grad
ually turns to an even, beautiful dark shade,
leaving all your hair healthy, fluffy, soft,
radiant, thick, full of life, fascinating; so
evenly dark and handsome no one will sus
pect you used Q-Ban. Also stops dandruff
and falling hair. Sold on a money-back
guarantee. Only 60c for a Mg bottle at
Sherman A HcConnell Drag Stores, Omaha,
Neb. Out-of-town people supplied by parcel
post.- Advertisement. '
and comolete
the styles of !f
, 5i