The Omaha Sunday Bee PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO TWELVE PART TWO MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO TWELVE VOL. XLVI NO. 22. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1916. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Debutante Distinguished for Her Beauty CLUBDOM Calendar of Club Doings Monday Omaha Woman's club, business meeting, Met ropolitan liall. 2:30 p. in., followed by open program of education and health commitees, 3:15 p. m. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Benson chapter, Mrs. . A. Wilcox, hostess. , Association of Collegiate Alumnae, drama sec tion, Mrs. Stephen Davies, hostess, 4. p. m. Neighborhood Bible classes, leaders' meeting, Y. M. C. A.. 2:30 p. m. Chautauqua circle. Tennyson chapter, Mrs. h. Benedict, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Tuesday Drama league lecture, public library, 4 p. m. Omaha Woman's club, oratory department. Metropolitan hall, 10 a. m.; parliamentary practice class, 2:30 p. in. South Omaha Woman's club, business meeting, library hall, 2:30 p. m.; followed by literature department program. Business Women's council, luncheon and prayer meeting, court house, 11 to 2 p. m. Monmouth Park Mothers' club, school audi torium. 2:30 p. m. Daughters of American Revolution. Omaha chapter, Mrs. F. J. Hoel, hostess, 2:30 p. m. T.. E. O. Sisterhood, chapter B. P., Mrs. U. G. Brown, hostess. Grant and Custer Women's Relief corps, Me morial hall, 2 p. m. Equal Franchise society, the Fontenelle, 10:15 a. m. Wednesday Omaha Woman's club, literature department, Metropolitan hall, 10 a. m. Clio club, Mrs. O. A. Scott, hostess, 2:30 p. m. "OU People's Home day," Woman's club, Rail way mail service, at Home, 2:30 p. m. Visiting Nurse association, board meeting, city hall, 10:30 a. m. Miller Park Mothers' circle, school auditorium, 3:30 p. m. Omaha Woman's club members sew for Franco-Belgian relief, 1:30 to 5 p. m. Thursday 1 Omaha Story Tellers' league, Miss Ruth Thompson, hostess, 4:15 p. m. Omaha, Woman's' club, home economics de partment, Metropolitan hall, 10 a. m. Omaha Woman's club, Mothers' and Daughters' day, Metropolitan hall, 2:30 p. m. W. C. T. U., West Side, Mrs. William Vickery, hostess. Friday Society of American Widows, Crounse block, 7:45 p. m. Mrs. E. M. Syfert, president of Woman's club, "at home" to club members, 2:30 to 6 p. m. Saturday ';-'" South Omaha Woman's club? music depart ment, Mrs. Walter Hill, hostess. Society of Fine Arts, lecture by Prof. Stockton Anson, Hotel Fontenelle, 2:30 p. m.; exhi bition opens at 7 p. m. : TEEMING with interest is-this week's activ ities of the Omaha Woman's club, particu larly with regard to Monday's program. During the business hour, Miss Esther Johnson, juvenile court officer,' who is a member of the civics committee, will bring pertinent juvenile court affairs to the attention of the club women. Following this, the open program hour, which is put forward to 3:1 J o'clock, is in charge of the education and health committees, headed by Mrs. W. S. Knight and Mrs. K. R. J. ' Edholm, respectively. Miss Mary Gray Peck's talk on "Better Motion Picture Films" v the education committee's contri bution to the meeting. Miss Peck, who formerly headed the drama section, General Federation of Women's Clubs, is now a member of the special committee of the big women's organization on better iilms and has been 'touring the country in the inter ests of better films in all motion picture houses. Special "movies" for children is the most important work of Miss Peck's colleagues and in this interest, Miss Peck has addressed mothers' clubs, women's clubs and state teachers' associations wherever these organizations congregate. The public health department of the general fed eration has added to child hygiene, tuberculosis and social hygiene a fourth division called diseases of adult life. Under this head comes the study of cancer. At the recent convention of the Nebraska federation the following resolution was passed and the interest" thus started among Nebraska club women : ' Whereas, cancer is now recognized as a con trollable disease, and that the great mortality frbm same can be materially checked by intelligent observ ance of the laws of health: "And, whereas, the American Society for the Control of Cancer looks to the woman's clubs to disseminate information on this subject as an eco nomic as well as a humane measure: "Therefore, be it resolved: That this federation be placed on record as endorsing tTie aims and the educational work of this society by pledging its moral support and whatever material help lies in the power of this organization to give." In direct line with this is Dr. Faimer Findley's talk to the women on the work of the American Society tor the Control of Cancer. This will be the health committee's contribution to tne program. Saturday is a red-letter day for members of the Society of Fine Arts. Prof. Stockton Axson, a brother of Ellen Louise Wilson, first wife of the president, will speak before the society on "Rudyard Kipling, the Military Idea." The talk will be given at the Hotel Fontenelle at 230 o'clock instead of the regular neting hour at 4. Prof. Axson not only had close'personal relations with the president for thirty-four years, but he served under him when Mr. Wilson was president of Princeton university. He was assistant professor of English at Princeton from 1899 to 1904 and professor from 1904 to 1913, when he joined the faculty of Rice Institute, Hous ton. Tex., as professor of English. Prof. Axson has written intimate sketches on the life and family circle of the president. That evening at 7 o'clock, this year s first exhibit of the Fine Arts society will open, continuing ten days. Twenty bronzes of Cutzon and Solon Bor i;lnm. world-renowned sculptors, who call Omaha their home, and twenty-five oil paintings by Childe liassam, Fredcri-k Frieseke, Charles H. Davis. Kniilc Carleson and Paul Dougherty will be shown this, the ninth exhibition of the society. Mrs. Ward Burgess, chairman of the cx'iijitiou commit tee, has been personally very influential and active i:? providing this opportunity for enjoying the five man exhibit. The showing of bronzes, too, is an in novation lo Mrs. Burgess' credit. Twenty-five cents is the admiss-on fee to the exhibit, which will be open week-days from 10 in the morning until 10 at night. Sutiilays. when the pictures and bronzes will be shown from 2 o'clock until 10, the admission fee will be only 10 cents. (Additional Club News on Pafre Miss Regina Connell Already Knownfor Her Distinctive Charms of Person and Character SOCIETY ft f i'i t " H I 4 ? J I ' h ; - 'J J 7 -A I vw J , 1 "3 ... f "mA J U . 1 . 1 ' k f n l " . I? m U-" Social Calendar Monday ' Bridge-Luncheon club, Mi's. J. M. Metcalf, hostess. Luncheon for Miss Isabel Vinsonhaler and Mr. John Caldwell, given by Mr. and Mrs. Elias Cornell Vail. Bridal dinner at the Blackstone for the Cald- well-Vinsonhaler wedding party, given by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M. Vinsonhaler. Monday Bridge club, Mrs. W. A. Redick, hostess. Tuesday Caldwell-Vinsonhaler wedding at All Saints' Parties at Auditorium to hear Julia Claussen. Bridge for Miss Marian Mathers of Greenville, Pa guest of Miss Mildred Todd. Dundee Bridge Luncheon club, Mrs. Fred Cox, hostess. Prairie Park Needlecrafr Mrs. James Atwood, hostess. Sermo club, Mrs. George Gearhardt, hostess. Garfield Circle club, Mrs. Flora Snyder, hostess. Wednesday Dancing party at Hotel Fontenelle, given by Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Connell to introduce their daughter, Miss Regina. Dinner parties preceding the debut dance of , Miss Regina Connell. Cinosam club dancing party at Scottish Rite Cathedral. Trinity Parish Aid, Mrs. W. A, Fraser, hostess, at 10:30. 1915 Debutante Bridge, Miss Stella Thummel, hostess. Thursday Luncheon for Miss Regina Connell, given by Mrs. R. J. Connell. Luncheon for Miss Marian Mathers of Green ville, Pa. Miss Mildred Todd, hostess. Afternoon bridge given by women of St. Peter's: ' parish. Friday Friday Bridge club, Miss Mary Burkley, hostess. , Saturday ' 1 . Omaha Society of Fine Art, reception and priv ate view of art exhibition, Hotel Fontenelle, 4 to 7 p. m. ANOTHER eventful week is before Omaha society, the affairs of interest being the big dancing party, which introduces the second debutante of the .season, and the . fast of the large society weddings carded for the remaining days of the year. The bride has been showered with attentions night and day; each member of the wedding party has enter tained for her, except those whose affairs are planned for the one remaining day. The debutante will be the occasion for a series of charmi'tig parties, which will occupy the week intervening before Thanksgiving holidays, with their jollifications for returning school folks, and the usual Turkey day fes tivities. , , t The last week has been trying to everyone. No one seemed , exempt from the excitement produced by a presidential election. Society was either inter ested in its political menfolk or was kept in sus pense about some very interesting tittle transac tions carried on outside its regular Tine. One coulJ hardly find a society woman in town who did not have something at stake a friend's success, an inno cent bet or some principle on trial. Tuesday evening of this week will occur the marriage of Miss Isabel Vinsonhaler, daughter of fudge and Mrs. Duncan MacArthur Vinsonhaler, to Mr. John Hugus Caldwell, son of MrA Victor Cald well, and a scion of one of Omaha's oldest and most distinguished families. The ceremony wilt be per formed by Rev. Thomas J. Mackay at All Saints,' Episcopal church. A reception at the home of the ' bride's parents will follow. Miss Vinsonhaler will be the first of the three fall brides from the Country club set, who will live in Omaha. At home cards announce their residence as 4508 Dodge street, after January 1. Miss Regina Connell, one of Omaha's loveliest daughters, makes her bow to society Thursday even ing at a dancing party her parents, Dr. and Mrs.' Ralph Wardlaw Connell, are giving at the Hotel Fontenelle. Her exquisite coloring and grace- apd poise of carriage give Miss Connell great distinc tion, while her amiability and personal characteris tics make her a prime favorite with the older genera tion, as well as her own set. Miss Connell attended the public schools and Sacred Heart convent in Omaha, then went east to DanalHall at Wellestey, Mass., and then to Miss Guild's and Miss Evans school in Boston. While at Dana Hall Miss Connell won honors for two successive years on distinction of appearance above all other girls in the school. . Already the social calendar is dotted with given-in-honor affairs for this charming debutante, who is a linguist of ability as well. She speaks French and German Ad is an earnest musical student. With Miss Mary Munchhoff she will continue this winter the cultivation of a beautiful voice begun during her eastern studies. Miss Connell's versatility is given the final test by her mastery of the knowledge of household arts, as well as her devotion to outdoor sports. I Miss Margaret Dows of Cedar Rapids, a school mate at Boston, comes Tuesday for the debut dance. Miss Van Kleeck. a Dana Hall school friend, is now the guest of Miss Council, having come for the Caldwcll-Vinsonhaler wedding, at which both young women serve as attendants. , The serious work of the Franco-Belgian, society goes merrily on. Each day has its own circles- to work at the "shop." Monday morning Mrs. Ezra Millard If ads the lirst Dundee circle, in the after noon Mrs. Palmer findlcy is in charge of the work of a Bemis park division. Tuesday the day is divided between Mrs. William Heinz and her work ers and Mrs.; A." J. Troup and those who assist her. Miss Kalherine Thmmucl has organized a corps of young women workers for Wednesday morning, and that afternoon is given over to the Omaha Woman's club under the leadership of Mrs. Edgar Allen. Thursday the day is occupied by the work of the two Franco-Belgian society circles, the morn ing session in charge of Mrs. J. J. McMullen and the original circle, under Mrs. John A. McShane, meets in tRe afternoon, ' Friday, three circles will work, two at the room in the Baird building and the third, the second circle of the Trinity Parish Aid society, at the Gardner hall, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Voss. The first circle of the same society will work in the morning with Mrs. James A. Tancock. The second Dundee circle works in the afternoon, Mrs. W. L. : Selby in charge. Saturday afternoon the Baptist circle, with Mrs. Edward Johnson as the, leader, will be busy. I Following Prof. Axson's lecture on Saturday there will be a reception for members of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts and Friends of Art, and a priv ate view of the paintings and bronzes in the exhi- ' liition, which is thrown open to the public later in ihe evening. The hours for the private view are 4 to 7 o'clock. (Additional Society News on Next Page) J