GERMANS EVEN NOW PLAN ADJUSTMENT American Association of Com merce and Trade Notes In teresting Progress. MANY VISITORS IN BERLIN Oorresiondenee of the Associated Preaa.) New York, Nov. 6. Interesting notes on several phases of German industry are contained in reports from the American Association of Commerce and Trade, which have just reached here from Berlin. The German machine industry, it is declared, is now in the process of a general readjustment, back to the pro duction of implements of peace times as well as war. The fact that for two years many of the machine-producing factories have been concen trating on implements of war, in or der to save themselves from stagna tion, has caused the supply of ma chines for all other purposes to. de crease. "And," the report continues, "since competition of normal times has practically ceased, the demand for machines for peace production has steadily increased. "This is the case, for instance, with agricultural implements, manufac turers not being alble at the present time to satisfy the demand, and works, furnishing equipments and supplies to mining, steel and iron con cerns, are occupied to full capacity and hardly equal to the task of filling orders. Reconstruction. "The result, therefore, is a period of replenishment and renovation of such overworked equipment that has now set in and which is limited only by the long deliveries required. "It will be a tremendous undertak ing after the war, to replace the worn out machine equipment of German factories, a work that wiM require sev eral years to accomplish." Statistics of the German steel pro duction month by month are given, showing substantial increases over 1915. . . The coal and coke situation, the potash market and the linen industry are all favorably reviewed. The hop crop for 1916 is shown to be way below that for the previous year, .there having been a considerable de crease in the cultivated area. Many Travelers. The number of transient visitors in Berlin during the month of August was shown by the hotel registers to have reached a total of 110,452, which was a considerable increase over previous months. It is interest ing to note that of this total number only 3,600 were foreigners, including 163 Americans. From hostile coun tries were recorded one each from France and Italy, two from England and 200 from Russia. The annual fall fair in Leipsic is reported by the American association as having had very satisfactory re sults, showing a considerably in creased demand for high quality goods of all sorts. "Experienced exr hibitors," says the report, "explain this by the fact that a large part of the people are now earning much more than before the war." The glass and ceramic industries reported good turnovers, as did the entire metal goods industry, the latter having learned to adapt itself to al tered condition, and many substitutes were in evidence for copper and brass. Large orders were recorded by the paper goods manufacturers, and novelties for the Easter holidays were sold in record time. Discuss ing the foodstuff branch inaugurated at the fair, the report says that the hundred, exhibitors in this line were highly pleased with the results1 ob tained, and the foodstuff exhibit promises to be a permanent feature of the Leipsic fair. The text of an appeal to the peo ple to subscribe to the fifth German war loan is quoted in the associa tion's report as follows: War Loan. "Notwithstanding recent political events, the Reischbank once more is calling 'the roll for a war loan. The financial leaders of the empire con fidently hope that the performance of duty in this respect will not need an appeal to patriotism, but that the will to take part in the achievement of an honorable peace is, at all times, alive. "The verv increased number of our enemies forms an incentive to our efforts, spurring on to unsurpassed achievements. "Our finances do not shake under the vast amounts which so far have been subscribed for, which will ex perience a further strengthening by the additional billions to be placed at the disposal of the empire. End of War Will Close Service of Many Americans (Correepondenee or The Aeaoclated Frese.) Manila, Oct. 11. Harry Hershey, secretary to Governor General Har rison, states that the end of the year will see the retirement from the gov ernment service of 17 per cent of the American personnel. These Ameri cans are taking advantage of the re tirement law, which permits them to leave the service with a three-year pension. It was stated that of 1,800 Ameri cans in government employ at the time the law went into effect only half were eligible for retirement and about a third of these will have se cured it by January 1. Practically every employee eligible for retire ment has applied for it, but men whose services cannot be spared will not be allowed, at present, to take advantage of the law. Panama Opens Harbor That Will Help Americans (t'nrreepondence of The Aeaoclated Preee. Washington, Oct. 19. The republic of Panama has opened a new port on the Atlantic coast, about eighty miles from Colon, and begun con struction of a government building there. The port is named Mandinga and is located on Mandinga Bay in the Gulf of San Bias. It has an ex cellent harbor with deep water and is only a short distance from im portant manganese ore mines owned by an American syndicate. 'Nearby is the site of a town to be named Nicucsa, to be developed under a government concession granted to an American who has long resided in Colon. CROWN PRINCE AT VERDUN THANKS TROOPS This i one of the few late photograph of the German crown prince at the front. He it shown here thanking aome of his soldiers who distinguished themselves in defense of captured Verdun positions, which positions have since been entirely recaptured by the French. CROWJ TOJWCE AT SOBSEA RAID JUST ECH0ES00R STORY German Submersible Dupli cates Civil War Record of Confederate Lieutenant. LOCALITY IS THE SAME New York, Oct. 13. The conster nation occasioned in shipping circles by the raid of the German submarine U-53 is a remarkable duplication, 'na val men say, of what happened in 1863 at New York and other eastern ports when the 'Tacony, under the command of Lieirttnant C. W. Read of the confederate states' navy, passed up the Atlantic coast, burning and scuttling American ships. For two entire weeks Read con tinued his foray on American com merce and notwithstanding that more that forty cruisers and chartered ves sels were sent out in search of him, the intrepid confederate was only captured when he ventured into the harbor of Portland, Me., in an at tempt to cut out a steamer of that place. During a period of three days the Tacony cruised off the Nantucket shoals and in that time burned a full rigged clippership, bound from Liv erpool to New York, a bark and a Liverpool packet. These three craft were destroyed in the same locality where the U-53 on Sunday last sent six steamers to the bottom. Southern Daring. It was in May, 1863, when the con federate cruiser Florida, being off Cape St. Roque, Brazil, on a cruise against American commerce, cap tured the American brig Clarence. The Florida was commanded by Commander J. N. Moffit. Serving on the Florida as 'a watch officer was Lieutenant C. W. Read. Commander Moffit was about to burn the Clar ence when he was approached with a request from Lieutenant Read to be permitted to take the Clarence, man it with twenty men from the Florida's crew and proceed to Hampton Roads, Va., there to slip in Fortress Monroe and cut out a steamer. . With the steamer, Read proposed to cruise against American commerce. Failing in the attempt to get by Fortress Monroe, Read proposed as an alterna tive then to proceed to Baltimore, Md., and fire the shipping of that port. Commander Moffit approved of Read's request and transferred to the Clarence twenty man and one how itzer. With his new command Read parted from the Florida and followed a course for the American coast. One month later he was off the Carolina coast, where he burned and bonded three American vessels. Learning from his captors that no craft were permitted to pass Fort Monroe with out strict examination and then only in the event that the vessel attempt ing to enter was laden for govern ment account, Read decided to aban don his original idea and instead to make a raid up the Atlantic coast. A Clever Ruse. On June 12, when about fifty miles east of Cape Henry, the entrance to the Chesapeake, the Clarence made false signals of distress to a fine bark in the distance. The bark bore down on the Clarence and before its people were aware of it, Read's men had clambered on board, armed to the teeth, and the bark was their prize, It proved to be the Tacony, an American craft. Read at once saw that it was a fine craft and not being altogether satisfied with the sailing qualities of the Clarence, he burned the latter after first transferring his howitzer and crew to the Tacony. Before leaving the ground where the Tacony was captured Read gathered in three more craft, one of these, the schooner Schidel, he burned. The others, a brig and schooner, he bond ed. Finding himself encumbered with many prisoners, Read transferred all to the last captured schooner and sent them into Philadelphia. The Tacony now stood off shore laying a course to intercept the homeward-bound American ships engaged in the West Indies trade. On June 15, the Tacony being about 250 miles east of Cape Charles, it burned a brig. Then it made for the Nantucket shoals, where on June 20 and 21 it burned the three vessels above men tioned. On June 23 the Tacony was off the Georges bank and in that locality it burned eight American vessels. By June 24 th Tacony had reached a position to the northward of the track of vessels bound from Europe to the port of Boston, and when at a point about 1 10 miles east of Portland, Me., " .aaaae"""'-' J&4&-h3XSi. K.$.&&iW.wSS w THE OMAHA VERDlWf it captured the schooner Archer. Read appreciating that many vessels must by this time be in search of him, decided to quit the Tacony. This he did by transferring to the Archer, after which the Tacony was fired. Still Roams Sea. Read now planned to slip into Port land, Me., and cut out a steamer at that port. He passed into the port with the Archer without being chal lenged and about 9 o'clock of June 26 he carried by boarding the cutter Caleb Cushing. This was a two masted sailing craft. Before cutting out the Cushing the alarm was sound ed and Read found it expedient to get to sea as quickly as possible. Manning the Cushing he made sail and managed to clear the harbor, but by morning the wind failed and the Cushing was surrounded by several excursion steamers filled with troops from the port, and at 11:30 a. m. of June 27 Read surrendered to the military on the steamer Forest City. The advent of the Tacony on the American coast produced a record of alarms seldom paralleled in history. The Navy department was deluged with telegrams for a fortnight. The commandants at the Philadel phia, New York and Boston navy yards were ordered to send out every available craft, to charter and seize, if need be, any suitable craft capable of steaming within forty-eight hours. A week after the first instructions were sent out the Navy department wired to charter more vessels. In all more than forty steamers cruised in search of the Tacony, but not once was that vessel sighted. The whole occurrence indicated, naval trttn say, that it is of little use to inaugurate a search unless it is done in an intel ligent manner and there was every indication that the search for the Tacony in 1863 was without any central control. Cordons Useless. The Tacony affair has been used as a striking illustration in naval problems in matters having to do with scout patrols. It was afterward shown that several uf the searching craft were at times very close to the Tacony, but owing to a well-established system of control the Confed erate was able to slip through the cordon that it was attempted to form. A year later the Confederate cruis er Tallahassee made a dash out of Wilmington. N. C. cruised as far north as Halifax and after absence of almost twenty days, until her re turn to Wilmington, burned or scut tled thirty-one American vessels. The work of destruction was accomplished in ten days of actual time, the re maining ten days being spent in cruis ing. Commander J. N. Moffit on the Florida made a rapid passage over the Atlantic coast and then reached over on a long leg to the Asores. He also passed over the coast, but at no instance was the consternation created so great as in the case of the raid as made by Read with his twenty men in the Tacony. Australia Stays In Art Competition Correapondenee of Th Annotated Press- Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 3. When it was decided recently by the federal ministry to revive the archi tectural competition for a design for the Federal Parliament house at Can berra (the Commonwealth capital site), which was suspended in Sep tember, 1914, on account of the out break of the war, Australian archi tects declared this was "practically giving the thing to the United States.". By this was meant the advantage held by Americans in that their nation is not at war. The Victorian Institute of Archi tects protested against proceeding with the competition at present, but the minister for home affairs, King O'Malley, a Canadian, who was once a New York bank clerk, replied that the decision was that of the cabinet and was unanimous; that while some architects might not be able to com pete on account of the war sufficient talent should he available to insure a satisfactory range of designs being submitted. As announced by Mr. O'Malley the terms of the competition are: Designs must be in by January 31, 1917. A total sum of $30,000 will be paid in premiums for the first eight designs, the first design entitling its author to $10,000. The judges will be G. T. Poole, Australia; Sir John J. Burnett, Great Britain; Victor l.alnux, France; Kliel Saarinen, Russia, and Louis H. Wagner, Chicago. The ministry will employ the architect placed first by the judges for the initial portion of the building, hut only provisionally for subsequent stages, inasmuch as the construction of the edifice will be spread out over a number of years. Persistence Ii the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 12, llJ16. mm Socialist Who Shouted "Stop the War" is Not Honored in France (Correapondence of The Aeaoclated Preee.) Paris, Oct. 12. Pierre Brizon, the socialis. deputy who recently called upon Premier Briand "to stop the war." and gave the premier occasion to deliver in the chamber one of the most eloquent speeches of his career, is not taken seriously in France, but some portions of the 'address he de livered in opposing the war credits are interesting. He is one of the three dissident social deputies who met a number of German socialists during the war in conference in Switzerland. In the course of his attempt in the chamber to arrive at a calculation of what the war costs, he said: "How many men shall we have lost at the end of the war I I have said that it will last another year still, at least with the policy of Monsieur Briand. Supposing that, at the end of the war. France has a million and a half of men killed. Going back to our calculation of the value of their work and taking an average of thirty three years of effective labor for each man, we reach the sum of 100,000 francs for each individual. Multiply 100,000- by 1,500.000, and you obtain 150 million francs as the economic value of the Frenchmen who will haVc been killed during the war. "Thus we have the three figures; fifty billions and more public expendi tures at the present time; in a year more thirty billions more, making a total of eighty billions for public ex penditures. Let us estimate five bil lions for the reparation of war dam ages, making eighty-five billions, to which we must add our old debt, that we are too likely to forget in these days, of thirty billions, which makes 115 billions. There is the gulf that is to be filled in actual cash, which, added to the 120 billions of economic loss, brings the cost of the war up to 315 to 320 billions of francs." "Yes, in the capitalistic period in which we have lived for a century past, wars, colonial wars, and the present war is nothing but business. "Now business is treated in a busi ness way, intelligently, prudently, with clear eyesight upon the future. Instead of giving the blood of his country, if Monsieur Briand could obtain tfft result that we wish to at tain victory, according to you, or national independence that we all of us want by negotiation or through intermediaries, we can, and we ought to negotiate. Before having arrived at absolute, positive proof that any peaceful solution is impossible, we nave not the right to continue to throw, without counting, the people's billions into the abyss and masses of men under the drum-fire of death." Cashing Soldiers' Needs Is Profitable Business Paris, Oct. 12. The French "sut ler" has shown his cunning by thus far resisting all efforts of the com missary department of the army to cut down the enormous profits he makes out of the soldiers in the zone of the armies. Camembert cheese, a favorite supplement with the men near the front, and which is dear enough in Paris, brings from three to four times what it really ought to sell for at the repose stations. Other luxuries bring proportionate prices in spite of the itinerant bazars organized by the commissary depart ment. The motor peddling cars are not swift enough to get the better of the "sutler." , The commissary department is now trying another remedy. Two immense general stores have been established at important distributing points be hind the front with a view of furn ishing more promptly everything the soldiers need in addition to their regular rations. Each store is suffic ient to supply 300,000 men and the provisions supplied from them may be more readily carried to the meii than by the motor-bazar method which required more cars than could be spared. Each of these general stores em ploye 3,000 men and fifty officers. Other stores will be established if it js foundnecessary. E. M. MACARTNEY Tatchtr of Spanish and French BM Brand ! Thter Bldf., Harney 740. REPAIRS AND STOVES, HEATERS, FURNACES PS mMM PROMPT SERVICE MODERATE PRICES WATER FRONTS AND WATER HEATl:40 ATTACHMENT! OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-3 Dou.'js St. Plwne Tylft ?i) WAR MAKES FRENCH SOLDIERGROW TALL Back to Natural Mode of Liv ing, Fighters of France Thrive Healthfully. THOUSANDS LIVE IN CAVES (ioVeepniideitce of The Aeivlatrd Pr French Front. Oct. 11.--In all the villages, numbering between thirty and forty, captured during the En tente offensive on the Somme, sup ply columns mingle in what looks like confusion, but this is more ap parent than real, fo' everything works uilh the utmost precision and order. So soon as a position :eeM ta!.en t tic supply depots move up and arrangements for feeding the men composing the first, second nnd third lines arc made with cstrnot linsry rapidity. n the coinhatnrt lines themselves the movement." uf the troops arc naturally hid. 'en from view. Every man is Ved "ion to dig himself in and in a very few hours even on a field of battle .turh as that extending north and south of the Somme over a length of forty miles and a depth of perhaps ten, scarcely a human being can be seen. Efficient System. Behind the lines distributed over an area probably fifty miles square, are parks of vehicles and provision and ammunition depots. These are all connected by dozens of lines of light narrow-gauge railroads, laid with, un believeable rapidly and intersecting the fields in every direction. Horses are tethered in thousands waiting to he attached at any moment to ve hicles of every sort used to dispatch supplies to any part of the line. Along the roads, most of which have been specially cut even while the shell fire was still heavy, in order to re lieve the main national routes usually reserved for the heavy motorlorries and staff motor cars, convoys of cars ranging from the small donkey-cart to the large supply wagon with a team of four horses continually move to or from the fighting line. Junior officers, many of whom in private life occupy high positions in business, seem to have adapted themselves swiftly to the new life so different from their regular occupation. At every intersection one of them is posted to direct the traffic, and they do so with all the efficiency of the members of a city police traffic squad. Never during his sojourn with the French armies has the correspondent of The Associated Press observed anv serious congestion. Occasionally a German long-range i gun will tear great holes in the roads in the endeavor to prevent reiniorcc ments coming up or the approach oi ammunition columns. At once large sauads of men supposed to be en joying a rest from the rigors of the front line are put to work to fill the gaps with fresh macadam and hime steam rollers aonear from every where to level the surface. Then other men come on with tar pails and brushes and coat the surface to prevent the rising of dust as much as possible. The houses of the recaptured vil lages, when they are still standing, are largely in ruin, but most of them are repaired and utilized as stables for horses. Some of the cellars have not suffered from bombardment and frequently squads of men are billetted there. As a rule, however, the men in the rear of the fighting lines are compelled to build or excavate their own habitations. Generally they pre fer to dig them out of the slopes of the hills and often they are so in geniously constructed that only on near approach can they be seen. Tens of thousands thus live in caves, where they sleep on bundles of straw spread on the ground. During the two years of war they have learned to irke themselves very comfortable under these conditions so different from those of their ordinary lives. All the men look in splendid condition, and the army doctors report a very small percentage of sickness among them. Anyone who has lived with the French in times of peace, at once remarks that the soldiers seem to have increased both in stature and strength during the war. The men of the nation appear to thrive since they have returned almost to primitive conditions and been deprived of the comforts to which they had become accustomed. GeltiM Bvan. "Now. whit do you want?" aeked the nharp-tempered woman. "I railed to Mea If 1 could eell you Home bakln' powder, ma'am," eald the aeedy sen. tleman with the etasterlns wbl.kere. "Well, you can't aell no bakln' powdei here, and I ain't sot no time to watte on peddlera anyway." "Come to think of It, ma'em," eald the aeody gentleman, aa ha tautened hie bar. "1 wouldn't care to eel! you any nowder, Thle poky Utile kitchen of youre la eo low In the rellln' that the bread wouldn't have no chance in Hue." Dallaa News. Heavy Hoisting E. J. DAVIS -eaMaaeeeeeeeeeeee 1?12 FarnamSt Tel. 0. 353 SUPPLIES FOR Alaskan Engineers Making Big Effort vTo Rebuild Railway iCui-rreiiOndcnce of Tho Aeeocletci'. Pro ) Seward, Alaska, Oct. 12. The Alaskan Engineering commission is now employing a force of 525 men and sixty-four station men in the re juvenation of the Alaska Northern railway, which was purchased by tl'c government, when the selection of the route was announced by the presi dent. The work consists of rebuilding bridges, elimination of High trestles with fills, improvement in the align ment and some slight reduction in the grades. There will he a small re duction in the maximum grades on the twelve-mile and forty-five-mile summits. Many of the fills have been widened, and much ballasting has been done. Across Placer river, in front of Spencer Glacier, temporary trestles and tills have hecn made, tor a distance of over 3,000 feet, which will he replaced next year by a per manent trestle raised ten feet above the present level of the track. New shear and diversion dams are being constructed so as to control the waters of the river and to prevent washouts, which have been an annual occurrence since the road was con structed. Seventy-five thousand new ties have been laid, and it is contemplated that before the work of rejuvenation is finally completed to Mile 71. over 200,000 ties will have been laid. A machine shop has been built at Seward to replace the one which was burned early last year, and atl repairs are now being made in that shop. The road is now in operation to Mile 64 from Seward, and a freight train is operated over the line every Sunday and a passenger train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur days. It is expected that the line will be opened and in operation to Kern Creek (Mile 71), the end of the tack, this month. Kern Creek will be a distributing point for that part of the work on Turnagain Arm, which will he done from the Seward end, as well as for points along the Arm, and considerable increase in traffic is expected ss soon as the line is completed to that point. The work is being prosecuted un der the immediate supervision of R. '. Weir, engineer in charge. Mr. Weir has also charge of the new construc tion work along Turnagain Arm be tween Kern Creek and Glacier Creek, a distance of four mites. This is all expensive rock work, and it is esti mated that it will cost approximately $250,000. There are now several sta tion gangs at work on this portion of the line. It is expected that it will be completed by spring, when the work along Turnagain Arm will be prosecuted as fast as funds and ma terial will permit. . Altogether contracts have, been let at Seward to station men aggre gating $150,000 on work between Seward and Glacier Creek, and in ad dition to that the monthly pay roll of the Alaskan engineering commis sion at Seward now amounts to be tween $40,000 and $50,000. Germans Say Americans ' Teach Belgians to Loaf (Correspondence of Th Associated Preaa.) certain attraction for the Belgian in that the American Relief Committee k...lrlai i1rlain heist ( fi-tr the t intern. UUUUB Mi vj aa, v . tue ployed through its relief funds," ac cording to tne vossiscne teuung. This it takes to be a partial explana tion of what it admits to be the very Has Used Duffy's 25 Years C. H. PARROTT Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Invlvorates th narvoua mechanism of the otomarh beeauM It la an mbaohitvly pur dUtil lation of thoroughly malted train, Including barley and barley malt euppllee tha nteda ary food element to build rich, red blood corpuscle, quickly, to there) If a ooneequent freedom from die-ettv Irritation, Invariably. Duffy'a Pure Malt Whlikey U a tonlo itfmo lant and body-builder that ha itood the test for over 60 yearn. A tableepoonful In water before meaU an directed afiilnta in improving; distention and aiiimilation. That's why tt It especially valuable for couph, cold, and stomach trouble.; and you. too, can make a Ilka teat oi tte virtuea if you line. "Get Duffy's and Keep Weir Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. Beware of Imitations. Get Duffy'a from your local dniffliiel, grocer or dealer. $1 par bottle. If he cannot supply you, write ut. Stnd for useful household booklet free. The Duffy Malt WhUkey Co.. Rochester, N. Y. yj'.'.WI'JS'J V Veeur lift. ) office. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by ; DR. WSLLIAFjJ CBE1GHT0R MAXWELL 503-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phono Red 4390. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. 11 A larRc number of unemployed in Bel gium. There were at the endof June, -It says, 666,913 men, 309,552 women and 587,132 children without employ ment. Up to that time, 146,400,000 francs had been distributed to the unemployed. Oh! the Charm of Beauty Let S'vart'i Calcium Wafere Reetore the Color to Your Cheeka and Remove th Cause of Pimples, , Blackheads, Etc. Kvery one envltw a heuaflful tVin. Juet aa every pn . ien a healthy par on. Uninhtly ft..-,', with pimpye-, di-eol rtiona, tlHi'kh.'plK, e'c. rrc imth i.f but unhealthy face- tl't.- n b"6 i.i i ur'.. io. I'hat-! tha bl. nd and the 1. blemlihea disappear. "Ufa to Ma No la a Beauteoue Total, far I Have Made All Skin Trouble a Thins f the Put." Vou moil not believe that druse and ealvee will etop facial blemlehea. Tha cause la Im pure blood filled with ell manner of refuse matter. Stuarfl Calcium Wafers eleanee and elear the blood, drlvlnf out all poiiona end Im purities. And you'll never heve a tood eom plexion until tha blood la clean. No matter how bed row eomplexlon la. Stunrt'a iiclum Wafers w.ll work wondere wlth It. You cen get these little wonder work ert et your drueaiete for SS eente peekaao. Free Trial Coupon " F. A. Stuart Co.. JSS Stuart Bldf, 'erihalL-Mlck. Bend me et once by re- rn mall, e free trial peckec of Stuart's . .Iclum wafers. Name. . Street. City. . . .Stete.. DENTISTRY Efficiency Reliability Economy Guarantee No Charge fee Eaammatlea EeUbllehod ISSS RAILFY THE DENTIST Dr. Bailey, Pres. Dr. Shtpeerd, Mgr. 706 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hth end Harney Streete, Omaha. TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 Tho. swallrat r-sulte obulnsal frosn th us Duffy's Pur Msll Whls key durin. 25 years prompted Mr. Parrott to express hi pr-Utlo , Sat th following wrdi v j ;., "Twenty-fire years ace, "U In Albu querque, N. M, 1 wee taken down . with etomeeh trouble. My doctor edatied a to take Duffy's Pure Melt Whiskey ae di rected before meals. It ftsod ma up, end I here need Duffy's aa eeeaslea rurotred til theie yean. Everyone la ur Camp web more or leas troubled wUk atomaeb dietreas. ' which ell said wee earned by the Ikali th the water, and it earns to yese that few . othere of the eld pioneers who like myaalf were trading end buying Kaeaje suss end other Indian eurloa from the Indiana, that we came to look upon Daffy's Pore Melt Whisker ae the old standby, end when any of us had a cold or ear etomeeh was bed we used Duffy's end we recommended H ae I do to all our friends." 0. H. Parrott, Belvidere Flati, Sth and Orsnd Arenuel, Milwaukee, Wis. . t IITMCV Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in AH Cases. Pay When Cured. Car Fare Paid One Way to Points Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the 1