The Omaha Sunday Bee PART ONE THE WEATHER FAIR ?T NEWS SECTION ONE TO TWELVE PAGES J VOL. XLVI NO. 22. OMAHA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER " 12, 191638 PAGES FIVE SECTIONS. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WILLCOX WAITS OFFICIAL COUNT IN CLOSE STATES Republican Chairman Will Not Concede Election of Wilson Until Definite Figures Are at Hand. HOUSE WORRIES WILSON President Fears He Will Not Have Working Majority Be hind Him in Congress. POPULAR VOTE GOSSIP New York, Nov. 11. Chairman Willcox called on Mr. Hughes in the afternoon and had an hour's talk with him, after which the chairman reiter ated that the re-election of President Wilson would not be conceded until after the official count. It probably will be a week, he said, before this is completed. New York, Nov. U. With Repub lican National Chairman Willcox still awaiting the official count -in close states before conceding the defeat of Charles E. Hughes in the national election, the latest returns today in the close states of California, Minne sota, New Mexico and New Hamp shire still presented on their face no change affecting the president's ma jority in the electoral college. Mr. Wilson still led in California, New Mexico and apparently New Hampshire, and Mr. Hughes in Min nesota, with only a few districts yet to be accounted for in each state. President Wilson in Williamstown, Mass., was reported to be chiefly con cerned over the complexion of the next congress, which was still in doubt today. The president's plurality over Mr. Hughes in the total popular vote, ac cording to the latest estimate, based upon incomplete returns, is 403,312. His total vote was 8,563,713 and that of Mr. Hughes 8,160,401. . Wilspn Worried Over House. - Williamstown, Mass., . Nov. 11. President Wilson is not concerned over the refusal of the republican campaign managers to concede his re-election. The chief thing worry ing him -is the political complexion of the next house of representatives, because of its effect on his plans for legislation. He has not yet received final information on this point. The president is understood to take the result of the election as a vindica tion of his past course and as ap proval of the general outlines of pol icy in domestic and foreign affairs set forth by him in his speeches as a candidate for re-election, i After his return to Washington to morrow he will catch up immediately on official business, and in the near future will begin the preparation of his December message to congress. Nothing has been given out as to whether he will remain constantly in Washington until congress convenes. The president took a short walk this morning. He was invited to wit ness a foot ball game this afternoon between Massachusetts Agricultural college- and Williams. Un his return trip tonight he will be given a recep tion at Albany, N. Y. Democrats there have organized a parade in his honor and he may speak briefly from the observation platform of his private car. i Vote of New Hampshire Closer Concord, N. H., Nov. 11. Presi dent Wilson received a plurality f 63 votes over Charles E. Hughes in New Hampshire, according to certified re turns from all except small precincts made public by Secretary of State Bean. In arriving at this figure, Mr. Bean announced, he included in the Wilson total 289 votes cast for him in Ward Two, Dover, but omitted through error from certified returns, and by accepting as probably correct the newspaper returns for Dores chester, the missing precinct, which had not reported officially. Hughes Holds Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 11. With at least thirty-eight precincts to be heard from in addition to the results of the vote of the soldiers on the border, Mr. Hughes still is maintaining the slight lead he has held over President Wil son for the last two days in Minne sota. The last figures received give the republican nominee a votes. .can u. The special commission sent to gather the 2,138 soldier votes on the border returned to St. Paul today. (Csntlnued oa Pag Two, Column Twa.) The Weather For Nebraska Fair. ' Trmueratiires at Omaha Yesterday. Cmprtvttv Local fUeortl. lllfl. 1I1S. 2114 Hlfthnt yMttrdny ... H I7 14 h)W't yntirdy . . J- a IT Jt MPixn tmprture ... St 41 If I'rH Dilation U .01 .00 90 Tfii.rMirture and preciplUtion departs. from tl norm!: Normal tsmperntur 19 rwicttjnry for the dy. IS Total ,km ni March I 331 Normal fvarlpUatlon 04 Inch Kil'-M for th duy .11 Inch Tut, rattifall tnrsj Much . . . .1S.ll 4nehn Pffflrltncy inc March 1 13.00 Inrhva TWIrltncy for cor. period. 1IIS.. 1.14 tnrhN Deficiency (or cor. period. 11 4-. J 40 Inrhoi I A. WKL9H, Mauoroloflat, Hours. Deg. f 6 a. m 28 t 6 a. m 87 I 7 a. m 26 A 3 a. m it f 9 a. m 26 I (to a. ra 26 I hi a. m 26 ' 12 m 26 D 1 p. m 36 iV 2 P- m 26 3 p. nt 96 4 p. n..... 26 mm ' IS:!!::::::::::" - 1 7 p. m S NEBRASKA VOTE ON THE STATEOFFICERS Democrats Make Clean Sweep of the State Without Any Exception. MORRISSEY IS IN THE LEAD Two-thirds of the counties and four-fifths of the vote of the state have been heard from, and the re turns tabulated on the heads of the ticket. Sixty-six counties give the drys a lead of 16,418, and the rest of the state will increase this materially. On president, Wilson has 27,648 over Hughes in sixty-six counties, and his lead will also be increased. ' Hitch cock is 11,175 ahead of Kennedy in seventy-seven counties. Sutton is running closer to Neville, being but 5,295 behind in seventy-one counties. Neville's lead is safe enough to insure his election, however, as the twenty two counties still to hear from will very likely increase this. Chief Justice Andrew M. Morrissey has a lead of 3,335 over Justice Jacob M. Fawcett for the office of chief jus tice of the supreme court in the sixty seven counties heard from. For as sociate justices Cornish, Sedgwick and Dean are leading, the latter hav ing pulled up ahead of Judge Barnes. Fred Beckman, running; for re-election as land commissioner, is the only republican candidate on the state ticket who has any chance for win ning, but even he has fallen behind Shumway, democrat. Following are the latest Nebraska tigures PROHIBITION. 8tzty-nln Counties For 1 1 Against '. ' ( PRESIDENT. Sixty-seven Counties Wilson, dem Hughts. rep 114,311 97.S75 121 118 92,983 SENATOR. Seventy-nine Contles Hitchcock, dem. 130,610 Kennedy, rep t. ....118,332 GOVERNOR. Seventy-three' Counties Neville, dem 120.161 Sutton, rep'.'. 112,696 FOOD AMENDMENT. For 80,371 Ajslnst 37,163 CHIEF JUSTICE. Seventy-seven Counties Morrissey 94,732 Fawcett 10,474 ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. Seventy Counties Cornish 91,986 Sedgwick '.'.84,619 Dean 81,658 Barnes 81,120 Hastings '.'. 79,862 Martin -.78.625 SUPERINTENDENT. Sixty-eight Counties Clemons, dem. . , . Thomas, rep....,'.... , ,103.363 .102,234 LAND CUMMISSIUNBK. Sixty-seven Counties Shumway, dero. Beckman, rep . Ra.II.WAt COMMISSIONER, Stxty-alaht Counties .. 98.211 ..96,919 Wilson, dem 106,813 Clarke, rep ....100 477 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Fifty-seven Counties Howard, dem. . . , . ...101,174 Shumway, rep....'. 87.433 STATE TREASURER. Fifty-seven Counties Hall, dem..... Reynolds, rep AUDITOR, fifty-seven Counties Smith, dem...., Marsh, rep.. ..'.'. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Fifty-seven Counties Reed, Dem 109.316 '. 89,966 .99,998 .88,486 .103,290 Devoe, rep 89,096 SECRETARY OF STATE. Fifty-eight Counties Pool dem 109,847 Walt, rep " 86,373 UNIVERSITY REGENTS. Forty-nine Counties ' Hall, demo ,83.914 Landls, dem ,, ...76.864 Seymour, rep...'.! 69,713 Bassett, rep 66,781 Writer Accused of Trying to Blackmail Countess Bernstorff Washington, Nov. 11. Kard Armga rad Graves, a magazine writer of New York, was arrested by Department of Justice officials here today, charged with attempted blackmail of Countess von Bernstorff, wife of the German ambassador. The arrest was made after the em bassy officials complained that Graves had tried to sell them what purported to be letters from persons in Germany to the countess and members ot the embassy staff and other documents appearing to be official cipher dis patches from the Berlin government to the embassy. Uthcials said the letter on which the formal charge against the prisoner was based appar ently, was a communication to the countess from a cousin m Germany, Smyth in Prospect For Federal Judge r. ...... 1. c ai. . i : J-h.evivai 0f the candidacy of Constan - tine J. Smyth of Omaha for appoint ment to a federal judgeship. It is re membered that Mr. Smyth, who has been an assistant to the attorney- general, was strongly recommended for the succession to Judge Munger which went to Judge Woodrough and it was generally understood at that time that his claim was held in abey ance lor the next vacancy. A vacancy now - exists on the federal court of appeals for this district through the death ot Judge Adams ot St. Louis, and still another vacancy if pros- yect by the expected rctircTjut ot udge Sanborn, who has completed the necessary period of service to en title him to retire. Mr. Smyth's friends are expecting him to be named for one of these places, although probably no appointment will be made until congress convenes in Decemeber, because ratification by tne senate is needed. Japanese Favor Wilson; Feared Protective Tariff Tokio, Nov, ll.-.The election of President Wilson is welcomed by the Japanese press, which praises his peaceful disposition and believes his continuation in office augurs well for the furtherance of American-Japanese friendship. Business circles are pleased, as they feared a republican protective tariff would be a blow to , Japanese exports to America. REPUBLICANS TO HAVE PLURALITY ili i niurn uniicr IN LUTILH n .... -r.K oyj- V'V"-,- mUQ) Latest Count on JV3 . r Con gressmen Gives 0. 0. P. Lead of Three Members Over Bourbons. THIS MAY-BE CHANGED Further Returns May Cause Shift in Situation, it Is Believed. DEM LEADS IN NEW MEXICO New York, Nov. 11. The probable complexion of the Sixty-fifth con gress was further complicated today by late returns from one close district and a reclassification of the politics of three members of the California delegation. The count in the one doubtful district, that in New Mexico, is not vet complete, but theelection of Walton, democrat, is probable, according to latest returns. A reversal in the Tenth North Car olina district, where complete re turns indicate tne election ot con gressmen J. critt, republican, by a plurality of thirteen votes, broke the tie which existed on the tace of the returns, for congress, up to last night. A reclassification of tht. politics of three members of the elected Califor nia delegation, John J. Nolan in the Fifth district, Everis A. Hayes in the Eighth and Charles H. Randall in the Ninth, in accordance with their polit ical designation in the Congressional Record, also apparently was favorable to the republican side. The names of the three members appeared on the republican and dem ocratic tickets, and Kandau, in addi tion, was also on the progressive ticket, in the returns as previously announced two had been credited as democrats and one as a republican. The Congressional Record, however, classes Nolan as a progressive, Hayes as a republican and Randall as a pro hibitionist. As a result of these changes the republicans from present indications will have a small plurality in the house, latest figures giving them 216 members, the democrats, 213, and other parties, six. There are a number of close dis tricts where on the face of complete returns members are apparently elect ed by very small pluralities. 1 lie Third New Jersey district, where Kouerc varson, republican, is appar ently selected bv eleven votes over Thomas I. Scullyrdemocrat, and pres ent member ot congress, is a case in point. The official count next week may change some ot these close dis tricts. - Germans Deny Any Serious Losses in , Big Battle in Air Berlin, Nov. 11. (By Wireless to Sayville.) The following announce ment is from the admiralty: 'On the night of November 9-10 hostile airplanes dropped bombs without success on Ustend and Ltt- brugge (Belgium). One British ma chine was forced down and was cap tured, and the aviator, a British of ficer, was made prisoner. . - Un the morning ot November 1U a German battleplane attacked two British biplanes between Nieuport and Dunkirk. It shot down one and forced the other to retreat. "In the forenoon three of our bat tleplanes met a superior British aerial squadron ott ustend and attacked it immediately. After a combat the en emy was forced to withdraw. Our machines returned to their base, hav ing suffered insignificant damages.1 The British war office announced last night that thirty British airplanes had encountered a hostile squadron of thirty to forty machines which was dispersed after a battle during which six of the hostile machines were ob served to begin to fall, although they were not seen to hit the ground. Nine other German airplanes were said to have been driven down in damaged condition. Seven British machines were said to be missing. Two U. S. Regulars Shot to Death by " Corporal W. Smith Laredo, Tex., Nov. 11. Corporal W. Smith shot and killed Privates Jones and McKnight and wounded Private Conners, while the four, all members of K troop, Faurteenth cavalry, were at the camp stables this morning. Smith was placed in the guard house. Governor Goethals Retires From Army This Week Washington, Nov. 11. Major Gen eral George W. Goethals, governor of the Panama canal zone, will pass into the retired list of the army on his own application, dating from No vember 15, next. Army orders today show President Wilson-has approved his application for retirement after forty years of service. The order of retirement affects only General Goethals' military status and does not operate to relieve him from duty as governor Of the canal zone, hut is preliminary to his retirement. He probably will be succeeded by Lieutenant Chester Harding, engi neers corps, now acting governor. General Goethals has been selected by President Wilson" as chairman of the eight-hour commission, which will review the effect of the Adamson law. It has been understodd that General Goethals desires to free himself from canal duties and rest before taking up this new task. , ,v MISS PYRTLE LEADS FOR TEACHERS' HEAD Nominations of State Associa tion Are Made, to Be Voted Upon Next Month. TO BE COUNTED 'IN OMAHA Miss Ruth Pyl-tie of Lincoln ran highest among the five-teachers nomi nated for the office pi president of the; , Nebraska! State Teachers' asso ciation. ' The other nominees are: Martha Powell, principal- of the Long school of Omaha; A. O. Thomas, state superintendent, Lincoln; H. H. Hahn of Wayne Normal, and E. U. Graff, superintendent of the Omaha schools. v Five persons arc nominated for each office. The ballots will be sent by mail to all the members of the association November 27. They must be voted and back in the hands of the executive committee by December 7. The executive committee will then meet in Omaha December 9, to can vass the vote and announce the elec tion of the officers and members of the executive committee. Those Nominated. Following is the list of nominees for the various offices: For President Ruth Pyrtl, Lincoln 72 Martha Powell, Omaha ..- 201 A. O. Thomas, Lincoln 107 K. V. Oraff, Omaha .10 H. H. Hafin, Wayns S For Vice President Ruth Pyrtle, Lincoln SO Belle Ryan, Omaha 43 Martha Powell. Otnahs, ' 36 Fretl Hunter, Lincoln 14 A. H. Waterhouss it For Treasurer John F. Matthews, Orand Island ... 176 O. A. Gregory, Crets Ill E. U. Oraff. Omaha John A. Woodard, Seward 12 A. H. Waterhouse, Fremont For Executive Committee, First District Jessio Ncwlon, Lincoln .17 Anna Tlbbetts, Peru 17 Mary Tremalne, Lincoln 17 J. A. Doremus, Auburn 16 Fred Huntor, Lincoln 9 For Exocutlve Committee, Second District B. U. Oraff. Omaha 4U Karl Adams, Omaha 16 J. O. Masters, Omaha '. 11 A. H. Waterhouse, Fremont 7 M. A. Sams, Valley 6 For Executive Committee, Fourth District E. J. Bodwell, Heatrlce 64 John I. Woodard, Heward It R. R. McUee. David City I J. T. Anderson. Ashland 3 C. N. Walton, Wahoo 1 For Executive Committee, Sixth District H. O. Sutton, Kearney 46 No person can run for two offices in the regular election. This means that between now and the time of sending out the ballots, the persons whose names appear as nominees for two or more offices will have to de cide which office they will run for end send in their resignation as can didates for other places. The place of meeting next year will also be decided by ballot at the same time. Russians Retake . Portion of Ground v Lost at Skrobowa Petrograd. Nov. 11. (Via London, 2 p. vo.y Determined counter attacks by the Russians have resulted i the recapture of a portion of the position- taken from them yesterday by the Germans near Skrobowa, in the Baranovichi rcgionf the war office announced today. Doctor Thanks Those Who Didn't Vote for Him Dr. E. Holovtchiner, defeated can didate for re-election to the Board of Education, says he feels like a boy on the last day of school, just before a long vacation. . - "1 want to thank those who voted for me and I also want to thank those who did not vote for me. After nine years on the board I am glad to get a rest. I am just as happy as if I had been re-elected,1' said the doctor. TUESDAY WGHT JKfA A. ft WOK P.M. - THURS.A.M. JHURS. P. ft, - FBI PAY rmrui booh shows lMflf J 0rCr$ ( THAT MWMSOTA HAS 4M1P-$r t JfT VTOf Political Retrospect UNDSBERG FOUND! DEAD JNjlS OFFICE Widely Known Pianist and Ak-Sar-Ben Composer Ends Life With Revolver.- WAS DEPRESSED OF LATE Sigmund Landsberg, widely known Omaha pianist, . composer and in structor, was found snot through tht heart yesterday afternoon In his office,- 302 Lyric building. Eighteenth and Farnam streets. The authorities assert the evidence points conclu sively to suicide. William Saalfeldt,, 1706 Canton street, janitor of the building made the discovery after 3 o'clock. The body was lying face down on the floor, a revolver near the right hand, and the thumb through the trigger guard. Saalfedt had gone., to the of fice to deliver a package? In the morning he had spoken to the pianist, but the latter acted in a queer man ner and did not answer. Coroner Crosby asserted that Landsberg had been dead several hours when the body was found, ' Born in Germany. Mr. Landsberg was born in Ger many and after coming to this coun try, settled in South Omaha more than twenty-five years ago, and a few years latter moved to Omaha.. For more than three years up to the)pres ent time he had lived at the home of Mrs. Cassie Riley, 829 Park ave nue. According to Mrs. Riley, he was possessed of a most sunny disposition until recently, when he suffered a nervous breakdown. Insomia had been his chief complaint of late, and .he was very much worried over his condition. To. J. E. Brill, 2'0 Park avenue, a close friend, he spoke on several oc casions of consulting specialists about his condition. The last few days he seemed more depressed than ever. He had told Mrs. Riley that recent business transactions -had not gone as he had expected. Worried Oyer Relatives. Besides he had worried great deal over relatives in the war, according to other friends, and was constantly fearing that he would receive bad news from the old country. A sister lives there and a brother, George in Kansas City, and Carl in Chicago. He was not married. In Omaha he is survived bv two uncles. M. Wollstein of the Wollstein Liquor company and E. Seligsohn, a cousin; Mrs. W. L. Harris, 722 South Twenty-seventh street. Coroner Crosby .will hold an inquest. Mr. Landsberg wrote the music for Uthc Ak-Sar-Bcn show this year, and had written the music for one other Ak-Sar-Bcn show. He had composed several songs and piano numbers, and was familiarly known to the musical public as Phillip Ambrose, under which non-dc-plume, ihc wrote many pieces. A number of his composi tions were dedicated to Omaha musi cians. . Member of Clef Club. He was a member of the Clef club of which several prominent Omaha musicians are members, and played the accompaniments for soloists at the annual Saengerfest. Mr. Lands berg was well known and liked, par ticularly throughout the city and the state where his association with the Ak-Sar-llen entertainment had won him considerable fame. His death came as a severe shock to his friends and relatives. The lat ter assert that they can give np rea son that would explain in any way his suicide, Dr. Penn of Ravenna Died At Local Hospital Yesterday Dr. J. H. Penn of Ravenna, Neb., died here at a local hospital yesterday afternoon- His body was yesterday sent to Ravenna, where the funeral will be held. Dr. Penn was widely known in his section of the country, as he enjoyed a large practic. , SWIFT SOAKED, BY MMSJITn ME Packers and Number of Rail ways Assessed on Charge of Violating Rate Law. NORTHWESTERN ROAD ONE .Chicago, Nov. 11. A fine totaling more than $171,000, was assessed by Federal Judge Landit today against Swift and Company, -packers, and a number of railroads convicted of vio lating the interstate commerce act In most of the, cases the charges were rebating or in shipping less than carload ' shipments at carload rates. . J ' Swift and Company were fined $60-000; the. Penneylvania railroad $20,000; the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern railroad, $20,000; the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. ' Louis, $20,000, in one case, and $50,000 in an other. North Western Fined. In addition fines ranging from $100 to $1,000 were assessed against the Chicago & North Western railroad, the Indiana Harbor Belt railroad and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.. Paul. These fines were in most instances for failure to comply with the twen-tv-four-hour cattle law which pro hibits allowing live stock to remain in freight cars more than twenty- eight hours at a stretch without at tention, . The Pennsylvania fine and the $20, 000 fine against the Pittsburgh. Cin cinnati, Chicago & St. Louis were for rebating to the W..H. Merritt com pany, Chicago Board of Trade firm while the $50,000 fine was for rebat ing to B. A. ' Fokhart, head of the Fokhart milling company. Mr. Fok hart was tried for the same offense some time ago, but the case was thrown out of court by Federal Judge Anderson. Charge Against Swift. The charge against Swift and com pany was that it shipped less than carload shipments to Michigan points at the carload rates. New Kingdom of Arabia Asks the U. S. for Recognition Washington, Nov. 11. Formation of the new kingdom of Arabia, with Grand Shcrif Hussein Ben Ali as Monarch and Mecca as the capital was reported to the State department today in an undated telegram from Mecca signed by Sherif Abdullah, minister of foreign affairs. The Ara bic nation, Abdullah said, would henceforth be an active member of the society of nations and confidently looked forward to recognition by th United States. The new kingdom re suited, he said, from an unanimous meeting of the notables and citizens of the country, who definitely threw off the yoke of the committee of the union and progress at Constantinople. The State department knows noth ing of the new foreign minister and little of the circumstances surround ing the proclamation of the kingdom and does not know how to reach the foreign minister's office in the absence" of any consular or diplomatic repre sentative in Arabia. Investigation into the situation, however, may be possible through British or French sources, The request for recognition is ex pected to be met in much the same way as other government attaches during the war. Egypt when the new khedivate was established in Decem ber, 1914, consular officers were in structed to recognize the new officials as de facto. With respect to the new government of Poland the United States will postpone final action until peace it established. I . J AMERICAN SHIP IS SUNK; SHELLED BY A SUBMARINE Colombia Reported by Lloyds to Have Been Sent to Bot tom, Having Previously Sent Out Calls. CREW LANDED AT CORRUNA London Hears Earlier Vessel Made Wireless Appeals for Help From U-Boat. v IT WAS THEN UNDER FIRE London, Nov. 11. The American ;( steamer Columbian is believed to have been sunk, according to an announce ment by Lloyds. It was reported here on Wednesday that the Columbian was sending out wireless calls for help, saying it was being shelled by a submarine. The calls were picked up by Admlrality stations. Nothing further, however, had been heard of the Columbia un til, tonight's statement from Lloyd's shipping ageucy. The crew of the American steam ship Columbia has arrived at Corun- -na, Spain, in lifeboats, says a Reuter'i dispatch from Madrid. The Columbia it under American registry and sailed from- New York, n.,.u.. id -.. a n . nAk oi ULIUUC1 ID SIIU VVlUUtl 1.1, bound for Genoa, she was reported . i - . C" . v t' ai toucning at at. nazaric, rrairc, on November 2, leaving thatport tne next day for Italy. The Columbia is owned by the American-Hawaiian Steamship company of New York and was built in San Francisco in 1907. The vessel carried no passengers, but had a crew of abount 113 officers and men. She was under charter by the French and Canada Steamship com pany, with offices in New York. British Paper -Thinks Moosers Elected Wilson London, Nov. Ill The Manchester Guardian attributes President Wil son's success to the rallying of a auf ficient number of the progressive votes which Roosevelt gained in 1912. "It seems a small thing," thit newt paper continues, "but yet It may Indi cate a new epoch in American po litical life. The. progressive move ment arose entirely independently of foreign . politics. Many progressive , votes given to Wilson are given with the mental reservation that they will not go again to a democratic candi date unless Wilson confirms the faith . of- the progressives by consolidating what is still only tentative. If he does that he will have established himself as the ablest statesman since Lin coln and he may be destined to play a part in the achievement of peace, which, will give him a place in world history." . . , Indiana Republicans Elect Full Ticket ' Indianapolis, Nov., 11. Complete, but unofficial, returns , from the ' 3,143 precincts in Indiana give Charles E. Hughes a plurality of 7,294 votes. Hughes receiving 340,882 and President Wilson 335,388." The republican! re-elected their lull state ticket, James r. uooancn, for governor leading with 13,629 votes to spare over J, A. Adair. Harry S. New, who will succeed JohiA W. Kern in the United States senate, has a, plurality of 11,721. James E. - i ...tin AmtmA Thflmil T W. gart for the short term in the senate, received a plurality of 11,425. Indiana will be represented in the house of representatives by nine re publicans and four democrats, Young Hebron Farmer With Rent Money Lost Grand Island, Nov. 11. (Special Telegram.) Considerable mystery is attached to the disappearance of Er nest Myers o Hebron. According to a police announcement today, Myers came to this city about a week ago with a considerable sum of money with which he was to pay the rent on a farm he occupies, the payee be ing Former Supreme Judge Harrison. The rent being overdue, Judge Harri son wrote to Hebron, which fact led to the discovery that Myers had left Hebron a week ago today to come here with the money. Apparently he has not been seen there nor here since that time. Myers is described as a man 23 years of age, between 155 and 165 pounds, dark brown eyes and walking with a decided stoop. The Greatest Gain In the history of any Omaha Newspaper 49,462 More paid Want Adi in The Be from to November 1 1th, 1916 than in same period, 1915. The Reasons: ' Lower Rates Better Results Best Service Phone Your Ad to Tyler 1000. K