Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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fiDAY, NOVEMBER 11,' 1916.
Most Desirable Styles, Satisfying Q u Uity and Saving
Fall and Winter Hats
The low crown,
wide brim, tissue
weight fitetson rep
resent the very best
in style and qual
ity. When inferior
and undependable
on e r c h a n dige is
flooding the mar
ket, Stetson's qual
ity and price re
mains the same'-
The "Hayden's
$2 Special' Hat
Has always been dependable, both as to style
and quality. They still live up to their repu
tation. Beautiful shades of green, grey and
blue are predominating colors. Each one
carries the union label.
To make way for new stock, all broken lines of early
fall soft and stiff hats are to be cleared out. Also a
large sample line of high priced velours, in all Q C
colors. Values from $2.00 to $5.00 Saturday, vwC
Our stock of men's and boys' winter caDS is as complete
as any in the city. All the fancy weaves, checks, diag-
rTinaln. as well A hlllA aArcran anrt hlnplr fani r.hnt. ni-a
as serviceable as they PA dyi Je Ct
are sightly OUCf J1 .nd J 1 .0 U
Saturday is Candy Day
. Take home a box of delicious cream or
other choice candies, which we offer at
most attractive prices.
Two Big Specials Saturday
Jut Creams, home made i After-Dinner Mint
regular price, 8 Be fresh, delicious: reeular
Bale price, no i price 20c, sale
per lb iOC I price, lb
NO MATTER from what angle
you view the clothes question:
Whether it be point of style, quality or service;
we're splendidly prepared to satisfy your every
desire guaranteeing you satisfaction.
Saturday We Make a Special Display of
Hart Schaffner & Marx $0
High Grade Suits and O'Coats at . .
There is class and distinction to each of the broad assort
ment of styles. They're made from absolutely all wool or
silk and wool fabrics, in the season's best colorings and pat
terns; only best linings and trimmings used. They're tailored
right, fit right. The largest, most complete line of these
clothes shown west of Chicago.
) Other Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits at $1 7.50 to $40 Overcoats $20 to $60
A complete showing of
Men's Rain Coats, Macki
naws, Trousers and Sheep
and Canvas-Lined Clothing,
all very reasonably priced.
We are showing a very
strong line of Suits and
Overcoats which we also
guarantee to give absolute
satisfaction, at
$10.00, $12.75 and $15.00
We are offering some great values in our boys' depart
ment and we want you to see what we are offering.
Boys' Norfolk Suits, in a splendid line of patterns; all well tailored and
perfect fitting. Two pairs of knickers with most every suit, giving you
practically the service of two suits. Sizes 6 to 17 years.
Boys' Overcoat, in button to the neck and convertible collar styles, in
many different styles and patterns; sizes 2V2 to 12 years; all wool mack
inaws, in patterns that are pleasing to the boys; 6 to 18 years. Garments
in each line that are worth up to $7.50, at . ; f
Boys' Norfolk Suits with 2 pairs of knick
ers; good, strong materials, in very pleas
ing patterns. Suits worth dQ Aft
$5.00; 7 to 15 years, at P.HrO
Boys' Juvenile Suits, in a broad assortment
of styles and patterns; mannish little suits,
Remarkable Saturday Specials
Gold Band and Decorated
- Dinner Ware
Thousands of Pieces on Bargain
Tea Cups and Saucers, regular $2 dozen, set 10
Bread and Butter Plate, regular $1.20 dozen, each 5
Breakfast Plate, regular $1.50 dozen, each ' .7
Dinner Plate, regular $2.00 dozen, each -lOtf
Sauce Dishes, regular 95c dozen, each 5
Covered Vegetable Dishes, $1.00 values 45t
Gravy Boats, regular 40c values 20t
8-incn Round Vegetable Dishes, 35c values 19$
8-inch Meat Platters, 30c values. Jq
12-inch Meat Platters. 66c values . . . .
. ' a w y
: i
Rousing Specials in Men's Furnishings Saturday
You'll find selection made' easy here by the wide
assortments of best makes offered for your selection. "
Union Suit, in natural gray color, wool
and cotton mixed, our regu- d J in
lar $1.50 number, at J A 1 7
Heavy Fleeced Underwear, the celebrat
ed "High Rock" brand. Shirts and draw
ers, all sizes to 46. No extra charge' for
the extra sizes. Special, 50 C
Flannel Overshirts, collar attached, in
blue and gray colors. A well d 1 O C
made, full sise shirt, at. . . . J A .eJ
Men's Knitted Jackets, no collar style,
a specially good coat, in navy and gray;
any size to 48, special J gQ
Flannelette Night Shirts, cut full size
bodies, any size neck. Well OQ
made and sewed, special at. . . . 0C
Heavy Cotton Socks, in differ- r C
ent colors, lOci 8 pairs for
Men's Fane";
1 7 Vj , specially priced
i Fancy Shirts in soft or stiff cuffs,
and fancy patterns, any siie to
. ...85c
Our Neckwear at 50c, in distinctive and
attractive patterns, is deservedly popu
lar. The attention given to details of
construction mark this neckwear Pft
as especially desirable, at. .... . OUC
We sell the Barker Collar and show over
fifty styles ; also have 14 sizes. OP
The price remains 2 for COC
ow About Stoves?
Let Us Show You the
Range Eternal
tfTlljtii laajpaMaair;!
The inside walls are made of
heavy gauge special copper
bearing range steel and will
not rust; oven bottoms are a
quarxer-incn mien ana win noi
warp. We have them in all
styles, sizes. Up from $55.00
Other Steel Ranges up
from $25.00
Renown Nickel Finish Cast
Ranges, up from $50.00
Other Renown Cast Ranges,
up from $32.50
Cook Stoves, up from. .$12.50
No. 50 Climax Food Chopper ... 89c
No. 51 Climax Food Chopper. . ,98c
No. 62 Climax Food Chopper. .$1.25
Potato Kicers. 19c
8-quart Blue and White Preserving
Kettles 39c
10-quart Berlin Sauce Pan 89c
14-quart Gray Dish Pans 2Sc
2-quart Gray Coffee Pots 25e
6-quart Aluminum Percolator . . . 98c
Black Japan Oil Heaters $3.39
American Lady Oil Mop, with pint
of Oil for 49o
8-eallon Garbage Cans ...79c
10-gallon Garbage Cans . .
12-gallon damage uans. .
Fait Mattr.ft.Mt, full alu, ipacUl $fl.7B
Btdi, Sprint. MMtrniM and Plllowa
Do not wait and thtnk yau can bur any tfm.
Thla la for on day only.
$3.60 and 185.09 Braaa Bdi, extra heivy,
maaiv pattern?; the fatnoua Simmons'
make; iix pattern, on nale. ....... .424.S0
Saturday We Will Hold
Greatest Value Giving
Sales of Furniture
Known in Omaha
in Many Seasons
Vernia Marten Beda, 2-inch poet, heavy fill
era, jit e.00
W have In itoak eome aheap while beda,
silt, that era marred and illihtlr thlp-
Call gprlata. aala priae '
, x
Varnli Marten Bad, ipl., S4 7S
ped, on aala far
Woven Wlra Sprlnga,
lit thia b.d. . S2 00
N a w Sanitary Fait
Mattreaeee, enlr SS.TS
Thla mattraaa la
worth S10 ; all larar
felt with roll tint.
Ill All Larar Felt
Mattraaa, art tick, at,
only 1740
SG.fiO Gooae Faathar
l'illowa, fancy tickinff,
at S3 JO
12,69 Plllowa, 7 Iba.
to the pair I1JO
Remember, we have
cheaper plllowa for
SI JS ta SSc
SanlUrr Bolater Ralla
worth 12. only.. SUB
S7.SO Call Sprlnfa
suarantaad SO yaara,
far S4.7S
Link Fabric Sprlnsa.
S-inch raiaa, falvanla
ad with protected eor-
nera. only S3.7S
Cheaper onea at $3.00
(20.00 Contlnnoua peat, l-mah, Braaa Bad,
aavy filler., at (1S.OO
117.60 Contlnuoua Poet Braaa Badi. liaTht
flllera, at 140
1 10.00 Strela-ht Poat Braaa Bade, llfht fill
era, at sa-oo
IK.60 RtAlght Poat Braaa Bad, heavy fill
er., at SIS.OS
Vernia Marten Beda, 2-lneh eontlnuoua poata
thin filler. the fam-
iua Himmona' ateel beda
--on aale one day, $7S
Brais Bad, aala prica. . .13J0
'e.'ll rir:.s(.:l Riirlne Cliickena.
No. 1 atock. nothing- finnr, lb ls9c
Firat quality Pork Lnitie. lb. . . lSi'.c
Flat quality Pork ShoulHert, lb I:'c
Firat Quality Spare Rib,, Ih 12,c
Firat Quality Neck Bonof. )h '...4',',c
Firat Quality Steer Pot Rnaat, lb., 10c, liVtc
Firat Quality Steer Round Steak, lb. ..ITtt
Firat Quality Steer Boilins Beef, lb S'Ac
I'irat Quality Home jnaae OBuaage, id. .lavtc
Genuine Spring Lamb Not Goata.
Hindquartera, per lb 17Vic
Forequartera, per lb MVac
IS auneaa ta the Baiud and a eavine
IS ta SO Par Cant an the cost ol living.
No. 1 Regular llama, lb lSV.o
No. 1 Picnic Hama, Ik IdVtc
No. 1 Back Bacon, lb
No. 1 Salt Pork, lb MVic
Freah Bulk Oyatora, aolid meat, no vmtar
added, per quart 40c
Big Savings in Drug
Section Saturday
It. tO WalllnBton 2t Byrlnga, guar
antaad I yaara l.4
98.00 Walllngton l-qt. aomblnation
flyrlnga, uarantaad 8 yaara $100
11.150 2-qt. Hot Watar Bottlt, rd rub-
bar, at Mc
He Red Rubbtr QIovm, for houia work
at tB
Four 10a bara Parosida or Lana Oil and
Buttarmilk Soap lie
Four 10a Bella Crap Toilat Papar, Uc
10a Bara Dr. Samon'a or Jap Roao
Soap for 6c
11,75 Horllck'i Ualtad Milk, hoapltal
lit, for M-Tfl
10a Shoa Shinola. Ta
2(a bottla Paroxtdo of Hydrogan. . . 1B
8c Tooth Bruihta, bait briitla. ...10a
Oe jar Daggatt'i and Romidall'i
Craaro for Mc
60c Tuba Pabaeo Tooth Paste S2c
!6o Jar elap Roit Cold Cram 19c
He Jar Pond'a Vanlntilng Cream... lie
ftea Imported Bloc Powder, Including
Java, for Ua
I1.S0 bom Le Trefle or Ainrta Pow
der (or B
vOc Jar Pompelan Night Craam. . . .SSc
Jflc bottla White Pine Cough Cure. .19c
50o bottle White Pine Cough Cure. 3ftc
$1.00 bottle Lydia Pinknam'i Com
pound for 79
76e bottla Plnaud'i Toilet Water... 10c
10c oa. Locaat Bloacom or White Bote
Perfume, per ec .Uc
lf'o Wllliama' Talcum, Oa motion, Boio
or Violet 10c
50c bottle Hlnd'c Cream .Uc
Colgate1! Tooth Paate, large clae, . .SOc
1 quart Perafln Oil, for houae clean
ing, at Mc
Ila jar Crema Da Merldor 19e
5e bottle Beit Bay Rum 19c
Read Hayden's Big Special Grocery
Sale for Saturday
Quality Goods and a Saving of 25 to 50 Per Cent on the
High Cost of Living
eS-lb. tack beat high-grade Diamond H
Flour, nothing finer for bread pica or
caket, per 4-lb. sack $2.35
U lba. best pure Oranuiatad Bugar. .$1.00
9 bara Beat 'Em AH. Diamond C or Swift's
Pride Laundry Soap 2Sc
7 Iba. Best Moiled White Breakfast Oat
meal at Mc
lba. Chelee Japan Rice 35c
5 lbs. Hand Picked Lima Beans ISc
Skinner's Famous Maaaronl, Vermicelli or
Spaghetti, made in Omaha for and by
Omaha people, it's quality that tells the
tale, per pkg VjC
16-01. cgna Kamo Soups ,SVic
U8-01. Jara Pure Strayed Honey 30c
Pure Fruit Preserves, per jar. ..... , , -25c
6 cana Oil Sardine 2Se
Large bottles Woreeater Sauee, Pure To
mato Catsup, Pickles, orted kinds,
Prepared Muatard or Horseradish, par
bottle, at ViC
Fanay Queen Ollvea, quart Uc
Klpo Olives, per can 10c
S bara Elder Flower or Ceeeanut Oil Toilet
Soap for 29c
Baker' C'ocoanut, lan 10c
Pure Pniit Jelly, 2fi 10c
Mac Lar an' a Peanut Butter, lb 12Vtc
The Best Tea Sif tings, lb 12Vac
Breakfast Cocoa, lb Mc
Fancy Golden Hantoa Coffee, lb 20c
The Bast Fancy Creaxnerv Butter. Ib...39
No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb 95c
Full Cream, N. V. White or Young Amer
ica niiMis. Hi aju
iNeufchatel Chekie, each 3c
imported Koqaefort (..ncese, IP flOa
IS lbs. Beat Cookisig Potatoea 40c
New Solid Cabbage, lb ...SVic
Fanay 8weet Potatoes, lb .3ViC
Old Beats, Camits'or Turnips, lb V
8 bunehes Fresh Parsley .fa
t heads Freth Leaf Lettvct , .Be
I large loup Bunches 9
t sUlks Fresh Celery , ..Bo flnlnnflh ntc t-
1 Hubbard Squash, per lb Se
November Sale of Standard
Notions and Dress Forms
12 -station Simplex Form, can be used to
get any measurement of hips, bust,
shoulders, neck, waist and height. The
most used form at lowest price ever
made in Omaha, $11 value $9.9$
Four (4) -section Simplex Adjustable Dress
Forms; very convenient and suitable for
the home dressmaker: can be used for
sizes 84 to 40; $7.50 value $3.99
Kleinert Featherweight Dress fhleld, alae
S, 20c value, 12c; also , 29c value, I7c
sise 4, 30c value, 21c; else S, 3Sc value,
at 24e
lOe Prime Snap Fasteners, black and white,
popular sices, dosen Be
J. 4 P- Coat's Darning Cotton, blaek, white,
tan and gray, 46-yard spool i regularly 8
for So special, 4 for .....Be
10e Hair Pin Cabinet, all sises crimped
pins, at 9c
19a Banltary Elastic Belt, well fitting. 10c
lie ChfldTs Hose Supporters, white and
black, all ages . 7e
J. P. Coat's and 8. B. Silk Finish Cro
chet Cotton, all wonted colore, 100yard
ball; regularly fie ball, S bails for. ... 10c
irst It Pays
Imported Steel Crochet Hooka; all slits:
10c value, each. , Sc
fa Bowstring f-Cord Sewing Thread, black
and white, not all numbers, for Se
If. K. Knitting Cotton, white enlyi
regularly le, ball S
Sanitary Napkins, 8 In boi, comfortable
and absorbent, value 10c, 8 boaes 19c
lfte Red Seal Hair Nets, cap and fringe,
all colors lvc
10c Inside Betting, blaek and white, 1U,
, t and 9 Inches, yard 9c
80s, 78c and 11.00 Salesman's Samples of
Shears, Scissors, Button Hole and Manl
cure Scissors, all high grade steel; ell
perfect, at 29a
Warren's Oroa Grain Featherbone -blaek
and white, lfio yard, special for Be
6c Pollthed Pint, full 800 count, an A-l
Pin, per poebage 3c
2 He Cotton Tape, black and white, 8-yard
bolts, at tc
6c Men's Cushion Neck Bands, all sites
2 for $e
15c Bias Tape, white and black. 11-yard
bolts, sise 8, A, S and 4 per bolt 9c
THK LAST DITCH. Br Will Uvlniton
enmfort. New York. Ueorffe H. Ooran Co.
The author's most brilliant novel of
love, peril nd adventure. Two beau
tiful women, master portraits by a
master painter, lend distinction to this '
lastly moving tale. All the mystery j
and gorgeous color of the east is here,
the narrow, crooked, lamp-lit streets i
of a Chinese sea port, the hot, dusty
flatness of the desert toward Tibet,
the cool sharp air of the hill country
at dusk.
MEN. WOMItN AND Ot'NS He aapii.r".
N.w York.,. H. paran Ce. II. :i.
Like a new star rising out of the
smoky clouds of war has appeared
this new literary genius who writea
under the name of "Sapper." These I
remarkable tales are of men and
women whose lives were twisted as
suddenly, tangled as wildly, changed
as utterly as the barbed wire of the
trenches under the waking of the
THK SNOW nt'KNlR. Br H.nry Ores. N.w
York. U.orfe H. Deran .Co. II. IB.
Reviera, th mow burner, ii like no
other character in fiction save possibly
the grim figure of Jack London I
"Sea Wolfe. The story of the fight
with the young eastern college athlete
is one of the most gripping scenes in
recent fiction.
LOCAL COI.OR. By Irvln S. Oab. N.w Torla.
Uaora. H. Daren Ce. Il.lft. -
Irvin S. Cobb is a maiter of the
short story. In thia new volume of
tales some humorous, some pathetic
every one dramatic, Cobb is st his
F1BBLB D. D. Br Irvln S Cabs. New York.
Uterte H. Daraa Co. II. 10.
Cobb hat done it again I Fibble D.
D. is as hilariously ridiculous ss
soberly funny at much of t scream
at "Speaking of Operations." It is
all about s mincing namby-pamby
young curat who triet in (vain to
shepherd s boyt ctmp. chaoerone s
crowd of young ladiea through Eu
rope and tetcn giggling students 01 a
young ladies' teminary.
A QtLDED VANITY, Br Richard Deans.
N.w York. H. Doran ce.
Here it a surprise for all lovers of
'The Dops Doctor" that grim epic
of the South African veldt. This it
t novel of English society life--the
Riviera marriage tla mode. Dett,
graceful, lightly handled triumph in
s new vein.
TUB LlOIft SHARB. Br Arnold Bennett.
new Tora. ueorfo h. uoran co.
Here it Arnold Bennett in his
lighter vein the Arnold Bennett who
gave us "Buried Alive." This amusing
storv ot Audrey More, wno naa an
appetite for life and wanted the
"lion's shara" of things, is full of deft
aketchet. of entertaining characters.
surprising situations and interesting
diicuisions ol modem problems.
-written with the young folks prim
arily in mind. However, her theme is .
yet one that will appeal also to the .
older reader as will her charming
style and the somewhat unusual lit
erary construction of the work.
IAN. Ry laa.r F. MarrnxiMm and Pant.
Prnlun.n. Nrn- Vwrv. Hai jw ni-othe .
All about the humorous, ftcntlr
roughly educated, very fine Americar
gentleman, the man who never broW
his word. A beautifully notteit u
work with clear halftone portraits o'
famous actresses and actors and clca
easily reiul type.
THE INSfRRltf-rlliN I.N llt'HM. ' II
.lam S(Ithi'. Now Votll. Ylte .tin.
Mill. II ''a. tl.SH.
Mr. Stephens kh cki. e to those win
ware waiting thij loiiiig fight; t
writes with events clearly hcfo'V ' :r .
The result is a vivid revvlatio.' o, I r.
soul of Ireland.
illarrlmln.Mnf aenoi.. Hy William Hraa): .
M p. rhllailelplilH. W. B. Saundeia i'm
II 10
All experience of fifteen s-ears pri
vate andi hospital experience, writir,
on medical subjects for the popular
manaiines. and especially conducting
a daily "Health Talk" department in
the presi through the efticient man
agement of The National Newspaper
Service, is the authors warrant lor
offering thit little book.
OALLIPOL1. Mr John Maa.fl.ld. New
York. Tito MaraTlllan Co. 11.2,.
The book it important aa literature
at an interpretation of England's
point of view in the present war, and
aa the reflection ot tne mina ana per
sonality ,of a great figure In modern
literature amid acenea of fighting
bloodshed and disaster.
A Stalnar. New York, riemln, H. RaveU
Ca. 11.01.
. Prof. Steiner addreaseaa himself to
the problem of how best we may set
our national house in order, so that a
successful facing of the criait maw ac
crue. He pleads for unity, solidarity,
genuine nationalisation. He possesses
special qualifications for hit talk, rep
resenting in miniature what the coun
try itself it at large. It it book of
rare quality, written by a man who
thinks and fecit deeply one pos
sessed, too, of the faculty of lacidly
expressing the conclusions at which
he has arrived.
L. Oeorfe. Beetem. fctttl., Brown . Caw
1.11. ,
In Mr. George's essays oa feminism
the originality of his point of view
ia allied with remarkable vigor of ex
pression, for while he is a pronounced
champion of the feminist movement
in England, he has not refrained from
criticizing women. He bows to no
inttitution, neither to retpeetsbility,
nor marriage nor good form.
Br rerolval
York, uaaraa n.
Coon.r. Maw
J. Coon,
Damn Co. fj.ll,
Thit It s delightful historical novel
of the year 1837 in Canada. Entirely
new in itt fictional treatment of the
Scotch Highland chieftan, who comet
to Canada with hie loyal clantmen.
This ia a dramatic atory, full of charm,
with surprisingly tweet and whole
tome atmosphere, genuine suspense
and strong love Interest.
If Y-af AN. Br O. B. L. Haw lark. Oaort H.
Doran Ca. IS aenta.
During til the slow terrible months
of sgony, the woman st home has
been pouring out her heart in tweet
sympathy and cheer to her men st
the front. The tout of Englsnd it in
these simple touching exalted letters
from sn English wife end mother to
her man "tomewhere in France."
Br Antan Chekhov. Translates, br Con
stance OarnatL New York. The Maaatlllan
Ce. 11.10.
Thit volume which eontaint a num
ber of noted ttoriea In addition to The
Darling, it prefaced by a criticism of
Chekhov, written by hit fellow-countryman,
Tolstoi, and it provided alto
with s general introduction by Ed
ward Garnett.
Fl.her. New Yark. The Ablnsdon Praaa.
60 eenta.
A beautiful Christmas story, inter
preting the giftt of the wite men
gold, frankincente tnd myrrh. The
setting and imsgry are oriental, and
the ilustrations, harmonising perfectly
with the theme, tdd much to the
chsrm of the book. The book carries
s missionary message, and it genuine
ly spiritual in itt suggestion tnd
MARY 'OUSTA. Br Jeeeph a. Lincoln. New
York. D. APSl.len Co. II. II.
This ttory It told from Mary
'Gusta'a point of view and you may
be quite ture it it tn original one.
In the midst of the managing pro
cess a romance develops that holds
the Interest of every resident on the
Ctpe tnd makes a delightfully fit
ting climax to this delightfully hum
orous and human story.
With llloelratlona by Loula nhaad. New
York. Harper A Brother.. 11.10,
A book full of the interesting Ara
bian Nights narratives which are al
ways popular. Thit book it beauti
fully (illustrated and decorated in
fact, hat over 100 illustrations.
p.roy K...e Fltahush. New York. Harper
A Brethera. 11.11.
The romsnce snd adventure of re
clamation in desert and forest. Told
in an extremely interesting way and
Burnet. New Tork. Harper A Brothera.
Thit it indeed a beautiful story and
told in a beautiful way that goes
right to the heart. A little knight with
his little tin sword and his expedi
tion into the wide world of the streets
in search of a kingdom,. how he buys
the park from the gardener for t
penny in order that the poor little
children from Unintentionable street
may share its beautiea with him and
all of his other adventures from a nar
rative which is exceptionally good.
New York. Oeorta H, Doran Co, 11.11,
Thit Jolly little novel is ideally de
signed to cheer a world depressed by
war. There is quaintness and typical
Lucat flavor in these quiet, amusing
letters from a young British -volunteer,
hit mother, aunts and unclet,
and the girl he "meets by mail."
Mlja. New York. The MacMlllan Co.
A panorama of American history
set forth in a ttory of delicate fancy
trig nm or tub black hills:
p. Lanaa. Beaton.
ard Oa. Il ia.
Lothrop, Lea A SaePf
Like Mr. Lsnge's other books, this
it an "Indian atory" of the best tort
and valuable for the encouragement
of careful observation of the wondert
of nature. Bett of all. 'it it so interest
ing that the reader becomes absorbed
in It. For boys from 12 to 16, but en
joyable for anyone. . . i
Fraael. Rett Wheeler. Boston. LothroD
Lee ShepsrS. II 10.
The great value of thit narrative is
thst it opent the eyet of so many
readers to what our government is
doing for us to steadily ai to swsken
little thought. .
Attacked by Hawk,
Postal Clerk Seeks
Refuge Under Desk
Somewhere Lawrence Proulex, ss- -littant
superintendent of mailt,
heard that If a person it attacked by
s hawk, thst snimal will , loosen
Its hold only by having itt
feet burned. This informstion served
him in good ttesd yesterday after
noon when in the course of his duties
he examined a ttrange paper corru
gated box from which muffled founds
were emanating. Closer examination
disclosed a large, gray, angry hawk
which became all the angrier when
the assistant superintendent tried to
tooths itt ruffled feelings with s
gentle ttroke. i .
With s cry of triumph the feath
ered cannibal made straight for Law
rence, who managed to save himself,
by ducking under a desk. It was
some fight and finally ended when
the weakened bird flopped over in
despair. Lawrence Proulex lost no
time in putting the hawk back in its
box. . k
The annimal wat senf from Friend,
Neb., to the Northwestern School of
Taxidermy to be mounted.
There is a ruling in the parcels post
service which forbids the sending of
live animals through the mails.
Sea Surgeons Watch
And Wait for You
Would you like to have a minor
operation performed free of , charge
by Uncle Sain't turgeons? If so, join
the navy. "A recent order to the lo
cal navy recruiting office permits the
signing of men with minor defects
who can be cured by minor opera
tions. Applicants having bad teeth,
tonsilitis or flat feet are now enlisted
and cured at government expense,
Willis D. Gould of Omaha was the
first recruit to take advantage of the
opportunity. He enlisted yesterday
although having bad teeth.
Nebraska Telephone
Men Receive Promotions
The following promotions have
been announced by W. B. T. Belt,
general manager of the Nebraska
Telephone company:
L. B. Wilson, commercial superin
tendent of the Nebraska Telephone
company, to be assistant to G. H.
Pratt, general commercial superin
tendent, with the title of special
F. A. May, district manager at
Grand Island, to be commercial su
perintendent to tucceed L. B, Wilton,
E, C. Hartley promoted from com-.
mercial agent to the newly created 1
position oi commercial engineer.
Periistence It the Cardinal Virtue
in Advertising. ,