HIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1916. Friday, November 10, 1916. Burgess-Nash Store News for Saturday. Saturday Will Be Another Busy Day-The, Fourth of Our Uniqu Phone Douglas 137 Hogplt apty . Here's your "SUGAR PLUM" for Saturday with a purchase amounting to $5X0 or over This $5.00 v s Silk Petticoat for$2.Q0 Made of beautiful taffeta silk of superior quality, in an unusually attractive style, with elastic top. All the sea son's newest shades and popular bright colorings, includ ing newest changeable effects. Full sweeping petticoat with flounces and silk underlay; regular price, $5.00. : T. .. . .,, BURGESS-NASH CO. r Limit oi one (1) to a customer. Women's "Burnasco" Quality SILK LISLE HOSE at 50c air FINE quality black, in extra sizes, double garter tops, full fashioned, regular made foot. Women's Black Silk Boot Hose, 60c Extra sizes, with mercerized double garter top, full fashioned, regular made foot, Burnasco quality. Women's Black Cotton Hose, 39c "Burnasco" quality, extra sizes, double garter top, full fashioned, regular made foot. Bur,M.-N..h c..-m nr. Women's Fleeced Union Suits 85c WHITE Cotton, fleece lined, dutch neck, elbow sleeves or low neck and sleeveless, ankle length, sizes 40, 42 and 44.. Women's Cotton Union Suits, $1.25 Low neck and sleeveless, ankle length; dutch neck ana elbow sleeves; also high neck and long sleeves, sizes 40, 42 and 44, at, $1.25 per suit. Every woman will be interested in this announcement Too Many Trimmed Hats Brings About These Extraordinary Reductions for Saturday 'THAT'S exactly it Too many trimmed hats in our stock at this time and this is the group WC 6 decided to reduce tne number by clipping the price quite severely. Four HATS that were to $5.00 for Burgm-NMh Co. Second Floor. ' " " Just received "for November Selling, new creations in $1.00 HATS that were to $12.50 for $5.00 HATS that were to $7.50 for $2.50 HATS that were to $35.00 for $10.00 Burf -Nh Co. Main Floor. Men's Sterling Belt Buckles $3.50 HAND cut pierced monogram sterling Bilver belt buckles, complete with leather belt, two or three initials, choice of a good, se lection of styles, at, $3.50. La Vallieres, $1.00 Sterling silver la vallieres, dain ty styles, set with fine quality white stones, chain and pendant, each in a gift box, at $1.00. Pearl Bead, $1.50 The most popular bead of the day. A 27-inch graduated white pearl, special, at $1.S0. Perfume Ball, 50c Dainty enameled perfume balls on a silk gros grain ribbon, SOc. Bread Trays, $1.50 Sheffield plated bread trays,, with thread pattern border, $1.50. Mustard Jars, 25c Cut glass mustard jars with sil ver plated tops, 25c: Burn..Na.h Co. Main Floor. Yes, These Burgess-Nash SUITS at $25.00 Are the Biggest Values in Town 1 Kl .1 - . ai nywnere in ear tne rnce AND if you will go in Saturday and look through L the line there is no doubt hut. that vnn will snv so yourself. fcA """j gai mem, possesses an me poinis mere are to a suit thorough satisfaction with the way it fits, the, way it's made and the way it looks and wears, strictly hand-tailored throughout made to conform with the rigid requirements of the "Beirgess-Maslhi Stamdairdr which means the best possible at the price. In styles and fabrics everything that is new is represented, The tailoring shows the master touch of America's greatest designers. Altogether these suits prove for themselves that they are the best values in town at the price. We have your size prove it for yourself. And When It Comes to OVERCOATS at $16.50 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses at $5.00, $5.95, $6.50 to $10.00 THE most wonderful blouses and the most wonderful values in blouses it has been our privilege to offer in a long time. , One hundred of them in a special purchase just received from one of the best New York makers, on sale Saturday. Georgette and crepe de chines, in flesh, white and navy; many new styles, in the group, featuring new sleeves, new "jabot" ideas, deep yokes, narrow box plaits, new cuffs, new collars specially priced, i BurgeM-Nuh Co. Soeond Floor, k . . "Party and Dancing Slippers" The Newest Lasts and Patterns MODELS that will not be found elsewhere in the City.( The prices range from $4.00 to $10.00. BLACK and. white satin with Louis heels, $4.00 the pair. BEAUTIFUL beaded vamps, in black and white satin: also 'mat kid with Lnnis ViopIo $5.00 the .pair. ! DATENT kid, glazed kid and dull -I- kid evening and spat Datterns with Louis Covered heels, $7.00 pair. And the most dainty display of fancy novelty slippers we have shown. I - Burgess-Nash Special Boots, $4.00. Our Burgess-Aash special boots for women in dull calf kidskin and patent are the best possible values, at $4.00 pair Burgeaa-Nash Soeond Floor. a Gloves for Women and Children JJ OMEN'S French kid gloves, made of selected French National skins, sewed pique or overseam, handsome emoroicierea Dack and y2-mch bandalette cuff. Black,' wiiitq.aiiu tuiuia. A.Ull llle pair. Women' Glace Kid Gloves. $1.25 tn SI Kn Women's 2-clasp overseam glace gloves,4lack, white ana colors, at $i.ou ana $1.25 tne pair. , ' ' Wah Leather Gloves, $1.75 and $2.00 ;In pearl, ivory, sand, French gray and pegalle, excep tional quality leather, guaranteed washable. . Children' Glove, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. In a large variety of styles, some with silk lining, others have warm fleece lining; $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 the pair. Burf..-Naah Co. Main Floor. Drug Specials Hot water bottle, guaranteed, 2 quart size, $1.25 value, 59c. Pebeco. tooth paste, SOc size 29c Combination fountain syringe and hot water bottle, guaranteed, 2-quart size, 95c. Java rice powder, 50c size, 25c. Hughes' Ideal vulcanized rub ber back, bristles guaranteed not to pull out or push in; also a white ivory comb, special, at 95c. Honey and Almond cream, 19c. FREE Three cakes of Palmolive soap with a 50c jar of Palmolive cream or a SOc box of Palmolive face powder, 80c value at 44e. White ivory powder box and puff, at 50c. Burfou-Naah- Co. Main Floor. Chrysanthemums 10c T ARGE, fresh cut chrysan themums with long stems, for 10c. v Roses, in all the shades, fresh cut, dozen, 49c. Violets and carnations at spe cial prices. Bur(....Nah Co. Mala Floor. Special Supper Saturday Evening ' 5:30 to 8 p.m. 40c Splendid Service, Best Cuisine. Buri..-Naah Co. Crkk.t Room You Cannot Duplicate the Values Study, if you wish, descriptions of new fabrics. new weaves, new effects, new ideas Then come and find tb.em all literally built into Burgess-Nash Over coats. We can afford to emphasize almost to the point of "bragging" in advertising such merchan dise, smart styles, all the desired weaves, nil th rioo style features and the price is but $16.50. ourgoa.-na.il Co. Fourth Floor. SPECIAL MEN'S HATS $1.45 WERE TO $3.00 You can irot off easy with your election bet with one of these hat specials Sat urday at $1.45. Either soft or stiff styles, in a variety of shapes and shades. Hats that' were $3.00, specially reduced to - close out quickly, at 11.45. BurfO...Na.h Co. Fourth Floor. mm:, ! Boy's Knickerbocker SUITS With 2 pairs of Pants, $4.95 K NICKER styles for ages 6 to 17 years. Coats, Norfolk, loose belted and pinch back styles, pants lined through out. Extensive range of materials and colorings. At $4.95. Boys' furnishings Boys' caps in variety of styles and patterns, at SOe and J 1.00. . Boys' hats, very latest styles, at SOc and 1.00. Boys' leather dress gloves, fleece lined, at 65. pair. -Boys' gauntlet glove, leather facedf'fleec lined; special, at 55c and $1.00 a pair. Burgo...Naah Co. Fourth Floor. . Meiil Here's a; GLOVE "Snap" You Can't Afford to Overlook at $1.15 ..- , . .: ;. BIG assortment of dress and lined, both silk fnd wool lined gloves, consisting of cape skin, suedes, kid, and in fact, all the leathers used in the making of good gloves for men! rAminff o4- Vi Kaivinniniy n-f 4-Vi t spIxita mni!nn sno . tl.!. ....11 "- . -.- t l v wiv ui-giuimifi wi "! Rivvo Treating DCttBUll, HUB Will m Call tfc ., V substantial saving to the man "who knows." Sale price, pair, $1.15. . . . Men's Sample Union Suits $1.98 and $1.45 All the sample union suits from a flgua, Ohio. mill, makinar noth-. - ing but high grade underwear. Worsted yarn and some mixtures of wool and cotton. A saving ot over on union suits; it should claim rour at tention ; sale price, $1.98 and $1.45. Men's Coat Shirts Saturday at $1.00 Men's plaited and soft shirts, stiff and French cuffs, reduced V for Saturday's selling, sizes 14 to 17, all coat style, sale price, $1.00. Burtoo.-N.ah Co. Main Floor. Every Express Brings Us- MORE NEW COATS At $25, $29.50, $35 and $50 AND they were never so good-looking. They're ample and generous as to cut, gracefully ------ .-.. ..-..-w, ... un.cn vi lur or mr inmming. oome nave belt and loose hanging back, others show the outline of the -figure. Velour, Vicuna, Bolivia and Broadcloth in black, navy, beet root, chartreuse, gold and brown. Fore than a hundred styles. New Plush Coat Arrivals Manv new stvles in loose swino- tvnoo witn i n , . . . , . t , . , , -j f-" ...v.. ..r. DuaiJCB in tuiiuia, new iurs ior tnm- .ming, linings beautiful, plush quality standard, $23.00 to $50.00. Pretty, New Trimmed Hats That Were $5.00 to $7.50 SATURDAY $1.79 THAT'S the big millinery item from the Down Stairs Store for Saturday. Made of good qual ity silk velvet in the" favored sailor shapes and chic turbans, colonial pokes and other smart models. It's clearing time in this section of our store and this is the way we do It reduce the price for quick disposal $1.79. Bur...-Na.h Co. Down Stair. Star.. Again Saturday We Offer You Women's High Shoes to $4 at $2.19 One big lot, including shoes intend ed to sell to $4.00, your choice, $2.19. Women's patent colt with Cuban and low heels Women'i gun metal calf, cuban and low heels. Women's vici kid, button, lace, cuban or low haels. Women's tan calfskin, low walking heels. Women's patent colt with cloth tops. Women's patent colt, button, kid top. Women's dull calf with medium and low heels. Women's kid lace comfort shoes, rubber heels. The entire lot is composed of sensible, ser viceable shoes, at less than the cost of making. . Burg...-N.h Co. Down Stair. Stor.. 2.19 Pair These Serge Dresses t9.95 Were Intended to Sell to $17.50 AND they're worth it, too, made of super ior quality of serge, in the very latest styles, pleated effects with colored embroidery belts, fit-' ted basque and plaited skirts made tunic effect. Some have satin sleeves, flannel collars and button trimmed. . The colors are navy, bur gundy, green and brown; sizes, for women and misses. French Serge .Dresses at $5.95 Here's another remark able value in the Down Stairs Store for Saturday. French serge dresses- in the most de sirable colors, with satin col lar, button trimmed, pleated waist and ribbon ties. Bur(....Na.h Co. Down Stair. Storo. Burgess-Mash GoMPliY. "pP DVD r-MTv'e! Sr,NBE DirtiiiRUI-4cM Moor. aaal w a. a aw Wt I W HI Vnlaf