THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1916, 15 FOR RENTHOUSES Miscellaneous. WE want mor huuws and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleaned out our blK list is conclusive proof of the efficiency Df, our rental service, ff you want to keep your place rented see Payne & Slatf-r Co,, "Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1016. The Bee carried 47,140 MORE PAID Want Ads first 1 months of 1014 than Bam- period 111. This figure EXCEEDS THB COM D1NKD GAIN of the other two Omaha paper by OVER 20.000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Results. Better Ratea. 140 N. 24TH ST6room""atrlctly modern; eailly heated; $37-60. 4P49 Seward St., 6 rooms; bungalow. 3623 Cass St., 10 rooms; arranged for roomer or two families. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1638. ISJJ, ??; 4011 IZARD ST.. 7 rms., all niod.,"$36. 109 Lothrop St., 6 rms., all mod. $17. 1834 N. 21st. St.. rms., mod. ex. hat.. $1$. BIRKETT A CO., 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. SSI. 44 6 r Bed ford 6-r. mod., furnlihed, $27.60 8613 Ersklne 7-r., not mod., 2 lots, 12,00 819 S. 5th St. 6-r., electric light.. 12.00 1108 N. 22d St. 4-r., mod 16.00 RASP BROS., 106 McCAGUE BLDG. HOU8K8 FOR RENT. CRHIUH, SONS A CO. Ill BEK BLDO DOUG. FOR RENT Ap'ta and Flats West NEW "IDALIA" APARTMENTS. JUST COMPLETED. 116-17 N. S3D ST. In Omaha's choice and select residence district; consisting of: 4-R. apartment with built-in bed and mall dressing room which has bullt-tn chiffonier, making practically a 5-room apartment. 6-R. apartment with built-in bed, small dressing room which has built-in chif fonier, sun parlor with tile floor, built-in bookcases, making practically a 6 -room apartment. All apartments finished In white enamel and oak, beautifully decorated, exclusive lighting fixtures; gas range with oven above, refrigerator Iced from outside; large light kitchens; ol. light fixtures with extra sockets for electrical appliances; and lamps; Murphy-ln-a-door beds; wall safes, vacuum system; gas dryer In laundry; French doors tn living rooms; double curtain rods. Absolutely up-to-date and complete In every respect. Call us for appointment, or Janitor will how you through. 1 Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. HASTINOS & HEYDEN, JH!i?arn?- T,erB0- MELROSE APARTMENTS, JUST COMPLETED. TWO LEFT. Located at 33d and California, very beautiful and up-to-date, in a good loca tion; on Harney car line. One 3-room Apt, consisting of living room with built in bed, dining room with built-in bed, and mall dressing room, which has built-in chiffonier, kitchen and bath. One 4-r. Apt., consisting of living room, dining room with bullt-tn bed, small drnnalne room and built-in chiffonier, bed room, kitchen and batb. Very choice and? up-to-date. Open today. Janitor will show you through. Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. HASTINOS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. FOR RENT rDundue five-room apartment, for $66.00. W. L. SELBY A SONS, DOUGLAS 1610. DESIRABLE 6-room apartment In the Potter, at 38d and Farnam. Tel. Harney 3631. North. 7-ROOM APARTMENT. Located at 2117 Sherman Ave.; heat, water and janitor service; large rooms; all tn good ghape; on'. 82.60 winter, 126.00 summer. Phone Douglas 4810. 6 ROOMS, NEW BRICK FLAT, 1107 N. 23d; first-class condition; all -modern; $80 a month. Phone Doug. 4810. MOST modern, up-to-date brick flat In city. Hot water heat. 2622 Cast St, D. ((91. Harney 1802. . .. , South. 6 -ROOM modern flat, choice location. 1116 8. 29th St., $22.60, water free. Web. 1158 or Web. 2640. I-ROOM, almost new, modern flat, 2712 Jackson St Telephone Walnut 1084 or Douglas 1940. BIX large rooms, Inside flat. In brick build ing, 1(21 S. 10th, over grocery; $18; bath. 1 4-RM. Apt In Sterling; no car tars. First Trust Company. D. 1161. Miscellaneous $26.00221 S. 80th St. 6-r., flat, all modern. $7.601117 Clark St. I-r. flat. $36.00818 N. 18th St, t-r. flat $27.60 2881 Davenport St., l-r., all mod. $35.00628 8. 86th St., 6-r., all modern bungalow. H. A. WOLF, 814 Ware Block. Douglas 8068. 8-ROOM flat for rent, $26 par month; closs In. Phone Doug. 162. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores- RESTAURANT, 107 8. 16th; steam hsat Hall, 24th and Parker, on year's leas, tin 7 South 18th St. good brick, $80. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 884. ' TWO modern stores near postofflce. Low rent. O. P. gtebbtns. 1610 Chicago. Offices and Desk; Room. DKS1RABLE studio location In Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam, and tn Baldrige Bldg., UOlh and Farnam; rental reasonable. F. P. WEAD, Wead Bldg. DKSIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block. 119 N, 16th Stopposite pLStofflce), $10 to $16 per month. Conrad young, 322 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. CHOICE office space. BYirdBldgTf7tlTand Uouglas. McCague Inv. Co. MOVING AND STORAGE Globe Van and Storage Co. Foe r"t moving service try us. Large S-liorss p&ddc-d vans. Storage, $1 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you .VICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFER. Vhon Tyler 230 or Douglas 433ft. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov. Ing. 319 N. Htb St Phone liouglas 394. " METROPOLITAN-VASTaND STORAGE CO. Careful attention flven to order, for movinv. pecKing or atorage. Office at Ray mond Furniture Co., tail and MM How ard Bt. Phong D. ft.:,. FlrtEPItOOF WAREHOUSE! fleparaio locked room, for household irnods and piano,, moving; packing and OMAHA VAN AND STORAOK CO .111 B. Mth M. Uouilaa 4111. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas IM for rornptste list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 14th and Jackson Sts. 11.11 per hour. Van aad Storage Co., Moving. Paeklng. Stwrago an4 shipping. Phono Doug. 1494, T C. PEF.lV K'PWso and Moving J. J. XVCiXjU packing and stores. Douglas 634. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Plats. WANTKI Dating on tottaa or houses to ri-nl or soil easy payment. Have cus tomers waiting ttitiulro 41$ Kerbecn Ulw-s, Douglas 84I. QALLA.1HKH NELSON will took after your fob tale 444 Biaadels H'dg tnHg . Miaccllancoua. 1 Vi A VtV.D stoMa and xirliunt fur ear rental department. N F I tods a to, Harnr at at I Ha, Tvlopkoa itoug Ut Prraiatrnce lj the Cardinal Virtue iu Aivf riuing. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE ' $5,000 This Is a good t-story frame house with 7 rooms, strictly modrrn and tn good con dition, one-half blork of the Farnam car line and close to the Blarkstono hotel. GEORGE & COMPANY, 02 City National Bank Bids. BEAUTIFUL HOME. We have for aalo on very easy term a plenAtd residence at 116 N. 83d St. This house has sight rooms, all In flue con dition The lot is 101143. I la In a very desirable neighborhood and the price Is u-xrtalnly low. f ALFRED THOMAS. $08 First National Bank Bide WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8 -room. I hatha, nearly new : big discount only $6,260 See It. 888 N. 88th Ave. till LINCOLN BLVD n .roonTThouso. strictly modern, with hot water heat Douglas Mil. North. ! ! ! ATTENTION 1 ! ! AUTOMOBILE REPAIR MEN. At 14th and Sherwood Ave. we have been Instructed to sell all of Block 4 and Lot 1, Block 1, being a parse! of ground 141 ft. north and south by 147 ft. east and went. This property backs up on the Belt line and has a very large- barn suit able for automobile storage and repairs. The barn has basement, first floor and attic, needs some repairing, but can be made serviceable at small expense. This property belongs to a London owner and he denims to close out at once. We can ell this entire proposition for 88.800 on reasonable terms. No better bargain of its kind has been offered In this city, fee us at once. PAYNE & SLATER CO., fits Omaha Nat. Bk. BMg. T. 1016. A Real Bargain 3720 North 21st Street Only $200 Cash Balance $23 Per Month A dandy 7 -room home; kitchen, dining and living room, reception hall and 3 hod rooms and bath. Modern In every way. The price Is only $2,460. You must see this one. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. U losing. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. BIG BARGAINS. $3,800 New 6-r. mod. bungalow: oak finish, 60-foot lot, near 34th and Ames. $200 cash. $2.860 Same as above on cor ner lot. $2.960 New 6-r. all mod. bunga low, a dand, near 19th and Stthler Sts. terms to suit. $3,100 Gr. new, all mod., oak finish, near 48th and Miami Sts. Tour own terms. $3.200 6 large rooms; new, mod., handsomely decorated, oast front lot, near 48th and Military Ave. These aro all exceptional bargains, will sell on terms or take a good lot as Arst payment. Bee us before buying. RASP BROS., OWNERS. IMMcCaiuo Bid. Douglas 1668 NEW BUNGALOW. A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It la finished In oak, up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fix tures; full basement, large attic. Located at 1928 North 26th St. Price, $8,160; easy terms. NORRIS 4 NORRIS, . 4,0 Be. Butldlnt- Phon. Doug. 117,. AN ESTATE order, one remaining property closed out. A 6-r. house, bustnesa lot, Military Ave., only $1,260. A great bar. gain..' OEOROE O. WALLACE. 614 Keelln. Bldg. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale. A. V. Knlest, 3516 N. 11th. 6-ROOM. cottage on Florence Blvd., lor only 11.760. Douglas 1294. FOB SALE 2 acres Improved. Col. 1646. Squth. WELL LOCATED IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Just finished, an up-to-date six-room bungalow; large living room, fireplace, beam celling, built-in bookcases, dining room, built-in buffet, plate rail and pan eled walls; kitchen and pantry on first floor; three large bed rooms and bath on second floor; full basement; large east front lot with shade trees. Will be glad to call for you to show you this fine bungalow. - - SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 1009. Ground Floor McCague Bldg. FIVE ROOMS NEW All modern in every detail; living and dining room all oak finish, with built-in bookcases; pantry with elaborate cup boards; Icebox room: full basement with floor drain; shades; electric fixtures and screens; all furnished. This la a real bar gain at $8,760; $.00 cash, balance on terms to suit. Others ask as much as 8,260. Let us show you this week. T RAVER BROS.t 106 Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 8888. Evenings Weh. 4881. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Large living room, dining room, kitch en, two bed rooms and bath, all on one floor; large atttc; oak finish and oak floors throughout; built-in bookcases, plate mil and panel walls; full basement. South front lot on paved streot. Hanacom Park district. SCOTT AND HILL CO., I nig. around Floor McCague Bldg. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Kight-Room Modern House at 709 Kouth Hth Street, win b" sold to the highest bidder on the premises. Monday, Nov. 18th at 10 a. m. Hons.) Must be,Moved From Lot. This Is a well built house and a chance ot p.L'k up a bargain. DRAKE ft CO.. Owner. James L. Uowd, Auctioneer. VKRY SPBCIAL BARGAIN. $2,100 will buy xl40 ft., with good houe. on 3vh. just off Leavenworth; bob- icsUlent owner Kasy terms, JOHN W. KOBIHNH, 1808 KARNAM BT. NEW 6-KOOM HUNCALOW Very easy terms. 1210 a. j(Ub Ave. Bed Ull. Miscellaneous, DO YOU WANT A PRETTY HOME? 92x100 CORNER; SOUTH AND EAST FRONTAGE. You can't find a prettier place; 8-room house, oak floats and fkniah. beautifully dtoraloJ: estertor of house roronlly it In ted , ornamental shrubbery around I be nttro lot, shade trees and flowers. This property has been the homo of prent cvttpant stare tt was built a few years as an it shows that good rare. Uarasr let Um rear. Btre-l paved and paid la Wo want you to see this property II win pieaas you. HI ATT COMPANY. Mi Hat t. Bonk Tylor IN VISJTM RNTS, IN MA ANrK Inrom .ti prlr-o betns 8 ftou.. 4 tvmm ' h, aoar nig n s koi sad -Oetghina vnileg Also 4 i4 wmM (wniiwi, ... ut. un4 i t i ruum, ttowa, iMuts'-t mouibii ' r. V II. I M VUS i'O Lire Wunt Aus 1'rutlut.c Keoulla. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneoua. $150 Cash Build to Order 3-Room Bungalow Two Lots Attractive home, t rooms, wtth 4 -room arcommodatiuiia, same as an apartment, lrge living room with built-in bed, kitch en, bedroom, clothes ntoset, pantry. Torch es cellar, poultry house, tour ehotco of three (orations. $l&0 cash, balance eaay. See us If you want a new home ready for you tn the spring. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1414 Harney Bt. Phons Tyl.r 0. $1,500 5-ROOM COTTAGE. All modern except heat: new maple floors good tiarn and chicken house; close to car, school and stores. You should thin, It looks good. Easy terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 100,. around Floor llcCagu. Bldg. STOP THAT RENT BILL. A new five-room cottage on largo cor ner lot, 64xltl; Just being started; mod ern In every detail; oak floors; cloao Id and near West Farnam car Una. $2,360, $300 Down. $86 Per Month. Ready December ISth. SHULER & CARY, 204 Keellne Bldg. Phone Dong. K,T4. HOUSES WANTKD. wb have Burma fob homes WORTH THB MONEY IN ALL PARTB OF THB CITT. LIST TOUR PROPERTT WITH U8 FO RESULTS. 0'NF,1LL'8 REAL ESTATE INS. AONCT., Brando!. Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. NEW bungalow: also 2-t. and gardening: your tarma and price: In, with 1400, rant. I houses (flat coat I1.B0,). I! IOS D. 11,7 FIVE rooms, new. oak finish, fully daaoT rated, all modern, ate. 12,16,: 120, cash, balance montbly. Colfal 14IS. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. LOT BAROAIN. WEST FARNAM. Choice west front lot on 34th street, between Dodge and Davenport Sts. This block is being built up with fins homes. Get In on this price $1,860. D. V. 8HOLE8 CO.. Doug. 48. tIB City Nat. Bk. Bldg. North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA. 800 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the boat proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lota, IF TOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 117. 742 Omaha Nat. Bang Bldg. FINE LOT VERT CHEAP. Evans St., between 16th and 16th, clow In, all Improvementa In, 60x120. Owner needs money and will sacrifice. My sign on the lot. . P. J. TEBBENS CO., . 60S Omaha Nat'l. Bit. Phona D. 2111. waverlt park! On. of the choice lota In the addition; slse, 46x126; east front, and on tho oar Una. Price, 2710. Term 110 oaah and 27.60 per month. C. A. GRIMMBL. S4I Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1416 OWNER must sa.l east front lot on foato- ntll. Blvd., la Clalrmont. Will Mil at aaorlflca price If taken at a oca, Oall Douglas 1721 South. ACRES SOUTH. Improved and unimproved la on to ten-acre tracts, on or Beltevue oar line. Beat of school facilities. C. R. COMBS. Phone Doug. 2,1,. 20, Brandela Theater. Miscellaneous. A FINE place for chicken raising, garden. Ing or fruit, trees and berry bueheat 1, good lota; one blook from oar Una and cloao to ecnool. Prloe, 2760; II dowa and los per week on each lot. Bos 1147, Bee. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. 5 Acres With 4-Koom House If you want a good surburban horns where you can grow the beat kind of veg etables, you should look at this property. About 3Vi acres of good level rich blaok loam soli, the balance can be used for pasture. Has running water. This is loca ted northwest of Benson, 4 mile from the paved road and the new town of "West Benson." This Is the finest kind of land for potatoes. Will sell on payment down of $276, balance very easy terms. Price, $2,760. HASTINGS HEYDEN Ull Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. " "" A Fine Chicken" Ranch Benson New large 4 -room bungalow, full collar with outside cellarway. Poultry house. Four lots. Now being fenced chicken tight. One block to paved road. Price, $2,876; $260 cash, balance like rent. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1114 Harney Street. START TOTJH HO MB IK BENSON! BUY THIS LOT. $10.00 down snd $10.00 per month; prioe $200 00; also 6O1I86; treated oa Locust St., between Clark and Burnham, not far from school and car Una. Ooo R Wright, Bee office. Omaha. 10 Acres Northwest of Benson Within one-half mils of paved road; fine laying land. Has 8 acres In raspberries, I acres In alfalfa, 1 acres cultivated. Will sell for $400 per acre on very easy terms, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1114 Harney Street South Side. I-ROOM rosldenco. South U'de tl 4tt: aM eash.Jbalai.eo 61 $ pot month. Doug. 0881 ' ? Ploranca. NE THAW AT has I, 4, I, 10 and l!ft-acr Impr. tracts for city property. Ft. Sit. Miscellaneous. New 5-Room Cottage With One Acre Toeatod within one block of tho main street, pavsd road and Benson Gardens jitney lino; has else trie lights. La ad Is levsi and has the richest kind of soil. Would make an ldal slae for raising shlekona, have a garde and soma fruit. Only Ic ear faro down town. Will sell on payment dowa of ISO! and tho bal ance aboat tho asms as rent. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, m Hrn' a(reet. LAROKIT available suburban traM noar Omaha. 781 an res for sals at III an acre, eleven miles from llth and Far nam; railroad atatlon ea Iho farm, and pavvd road I Its border. Ideal for alfalfa and fruit sr suburban or summer Homes II. OlVnrd, 410 So. 8tk St Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN rfRNlTtSR, pUnoo. lad. aotea as entitf 4 i.pte H. M. go., total !. 18 11. $ " ladoraod ata. Uial tmmt,, ma I Mr, largor amis, pvaparttonat rata. PROVIDKUT I.O AN HM'IHTT. Organised by Omaha Huslneaa Mm, 488 Ross Bldg.. Iith and rarnana Ty. Ml FARM LAND WANTED WA NTRl T r 1 ar bwy tmpyd farm. 4 l ttf a-ra), wlthia M sailoo of 4Aaha Mts !. Be. REAL ESTATE Investments HARNEY ST.-$40,600. CLOSE-IX CORNER. With brlrk Improvements that pay 8 per cent net. $14.(100 rash required. In line for Immediate Increase. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3S. " 111. 10 City National. SEE INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TL'KET SON, Phone Doug. 60S. 1607-1 W. O. W. Bldg FOR SALS. Double brick St Louie flat, within tou. blocko of 14lb aid Harn.y; clone ta; bar gain price. CALKINS CO.. Done la 1311. City National Bans. Deorease. Tx'Vestm'enTT Corner, clone tn, two houses, annual rent l?20. Price, 16.600. S. P. BOSTWICK SON. S00 Bee Bid.. Tyler 1504. REAL ESTATE. WM COI.fAX. la, K.ellnr Hlrtg liul ITS i REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty BUSINESS PROPERTY Corner lot, 40?1 feet, at street car trans fer point, with new one-story and base ment double brick store. Income now $1,140 per year; will be 11, Jo after June 1, 1118. The leases run nearly four years; tenants pay for repairs. Price, $11,000; liberal terms. Why This Is a Good Buy Tho property Is located at a street car trans fer point, where values are advancing. This la a safer and more profitable In vestment than apartments or dwellings; no risk of vacancies; no repairs to pay for. The present Income nets S per cent after paying taxes and Insurance. v The tenanta are building up business and ran afford to pay higher rents after leases expire, J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-11 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 600. INCOME property near Ford plant. 18th St. Owner. Harney H64. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc. HAVE two 100-acre farms and one 80-ncre farm, eastern Nebraska, to trade tor city property. ARCHER REALTY CO., 680 Brandels Bldg. I HAVE for sale or trade a modern property, 360 Biondo Rt. or will rent for K'o a month.' Address Johnny Canns, ISth and Douglas Sts., by M. Sleek, owner, or Inquire ISth and Douglas. TO TRAD B 400 acres In Polk county, Ne- nraska, for Omaha property. 831 Bran dies Bldg. Paul Sydow. Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for clt? property. E. Franta. 670 Brandels Bldg. TRADES TRAD KB TRADES, Farms. Cattle, Ranches, New Apart ments, Flats, etc. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. FIRST-CLASS west Iowa farm to deal (or Nebraska or Colorado land. THOMAS CAMPBELt. a ICEBLINK BLDO. . 1 I-ROOM rooming house for sale or ex change for equity In lots or house and lot, or good car; good location. Call Doug las 6811 after 6 p. m. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties tor neb. or la. land. Kdwara r. Williams Co., Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. GOOD lot, desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment. Webster 4248. REAL ESTATE WANTED ACREAGE WANTED. Wo have a cash customer for small Im proved aoreage tract near Omaha. . THE BYRON REED CO., Phona Doug. SIT. til 17th St. WANTED 4, I and I-roomed houses that can bo sold for $100 cash; balance $16 per month; giro complete description first letter. W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1120 Farnam. Tel. toug. 1004. WE HAVE customer for a I or 0-rm. house or bungalow; not far from high school. What have youf CALL US UP. HURHY. INTER -STATE REALTY CO., 929-10 City National. D. 8862. WE have buyers for your property. INTEK-BTATH HriALTT CO., 021-10 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 8802. FOR SALES F. D. Wead, 310 I WANTED Listings of real estate tn Omaha for sale. N. P. Dodge A Co., Harney St., at 16th. Telephone Doug. 821. FINANCIAL Real Estste, Loans. Mortgages. S PER CENT to I per cent on beat class city realdsnooo In amounts $1,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions, PETERS TRUST CO., 1828 Farnam St. $1,600 MORTGAGE, bearing 7 per cent serat- ann.; secured by farm, 8 miles from town, valued at $4,606. Talmadga-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. REAL"' ESTATE--- loans. " 6 ""'per " cent. See t If Omaha Nat. Bank. NO DELAY, W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDO. OMAHA homes East Nebraska farms. O KEEKS REAL iTHTATH UU,, 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phone Doug. 271B. FARM and city loans, 6-6 '4 and 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug.. 1641. 6 MONET HARRISON & MORTON 016 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Blt. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloko Inv. Co.. Omaha. DON'T PAT IN INSTALLMENTS, PAT IN I, 3, 4 or 6 YEARS. BK8T PLAN. 8HOPKN A OKKELINIC BLDO. REAL ESTATE LOANS " WANTED. THOS. L. McUARKY, KEELINE BLDO. TEL. RED 4344. 6 PER CENT and I per cent mo'iey. TolaiTd & Trumbull, 448 B-e Bldg Ouuglan 477 ill 00 to $10,000 made promptly. F. L. Wead, Wead Bldg,, ISth and Farnam Sts. MONEY on" hand foi- "city" and" farm loans. H. W. ' Binder. City National Bank Bid GARVIN BROS. 846 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans, 6, , t" cnt. J. H. Dumont A-Co., 416 Keellne Wig. Abstracts of Title. YAV, Title, Uusrenle and Abstrai l Co . XVcIT 306 S IT'h SI., ground (Vior. Bunded by Mass. Bending snd Ins t'n. HEED APHTHA' l" CO., oldest abstract ef tVs In Nebraska. Brand els Theater FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lantuk PALM UK At "II COUNTY Heads the poll for net profile from I trut h farms and citrus fruit grovs. and I also sleeted the finest climate In (he world. For particulars and Htrstur apply AarARSOK SOW, Phono IM." 7844. , 4W Brandels Uldg Dt'VAl. County. Florid.., offers great np partaaltlm for pmfnabl farming and tack raising. Investigate. I .and are furl 1 1 and ehap, Illustrated botlot. Fubllwlty department, Imtal County Com- tislonsrs. jarasowvine. ri Idaho Land. MaU.RA CITf h.l ll bea opened aadar the raited Stales Rrkapealt Frecl WrtU fwr full M" if s.r la Meiba Tewa alt Co, Melba. CaayiNi County. Idaho. Tia Land. "AST TKXaS" H n writ for my free bank dsrrtb lag gn-'d r(.rn sad slfalfa lead la east Teaaa for 1 36 ar a e 101 NevlH. Bia FARM AND RANCH LANDS lows Land,. . AT AUCTION Four good farms usntatnlng 80 acres en eh. will bs sold st Publte Auction en the farms, one mile oast and tMj miles south of tngdon. Mo., on easy terms. WRDNKSDAT. NOV. 1ITH. AT I P. M. Thee farms are about 14 miles sooth of Iowa siute line aro lovol and the best Mark soli; all In cultivation and all In winter whai that go with tarnta; fair Improvementa. If you want one of the bat producing farms In the country al your own price, don't fall to attend this sate. The legal number aro south half of Sec, -It, Town. 44, Range 41, Atchison Co., Mo. These farms re at for 8-6 of wheat ml corn, delivered. For further Information s Frank Bobbin, lngdon, Mo . or Dowd Auction Co., 1184 W. a W. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. JAMES LDOWD, Auctioneer. FRANK BOB B ITT. Owner. $40 PER ACRE, 140 acros fourteen miles from Council Bluffs, ad Jot no small ela tion and school; main automobile road; fair set of Improvements; Ideal slock and grain farm; small payment down, balance long tlm; low rata of interest, J. U. Bone. Jti.l I,afayette Avju rhons I64. idWAand Noli, farina, sir alios, within driving distance of Omaha.i W. T. Smith Co., 014 Ctty Nat'l Bsnk Bldg,, Omaha. ' Minnesota. ' 140-ACRE FARM 46 MILES FROM Minneapolis; 1 miles from two good rail road towns; good set of buildings, consist ing of 7 -room house, largo barn, granary, corn orlbs, machine shed, windmill, etc. 160 acres under cultivation! can practi cally all bo cultivated; no waits land: excellent corn land; 10 head of cattle, consisting of IS cows, balance ens and two-year-olds, I homos, hogs, chickens and complete set of machinery every thing on the place, Including ona-thtrd of this year's crop, goes at 10 per acre; $6,000 cash, all the time wanted on bal ance, I per csnt interest. Schwab Bros., 1081 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri Lsndi. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $t monthly; no tntsrest or taaos; highly pro ductive land; close to $ big marksta. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger, A-111. N. T. Ufa Build Kansas City, Mo. . OR EAT BA HO A I N S $6 down, $$ month) yT buys 40 acres good fruit and pouRry land near town, southern Missouri. Pries only $800. Address Box 101, K ace later Springs, Mo. Nebraska Lands. AT AUCTION 1,800 ACRES Or NEB. LAND to bo sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. SALE TAKES PLACE IN THB OFFICE OF DOWD AUCTION CO., 1181 W. O. W. Blrtg Omaha, Neb. TUESDAY, NOV. 14. at t P. M. SHARP. Legal numbers all or Section 6, Tswn hlp 11. Rang 40, Arthur county, Ne braska. This section will ha sold on terms of $1 per aero rash, balance payable 60 cents per acrs per year until paid for. Section No. I, legal numbers ire wast half of east half, and west half of Sec tion 1, and east half of east half of See tlon 1, Township II, Range 41, Oardsn county, Nebraska. This section will be sold on terms of $1 per. acre cash and tt cents an aero par year till patd for. The above land Is cheap western land; Section No. $ ta pretty well Improved, and some In cultivation on each section; It will be Mid to highest bidder on above data regardless of value. For full Information regarding this land call or address Dowd Auction Co., 1180 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Neb, Remember ths sale takes place In the Dowd Auction Co. office, Tuesday, Npv. 14, at t p. m. James L. Dowd, Auctioneer; B, W, Morse, Owner. ' A QUICK SALE BAROAIN. 409 acres In Logan county, Neb., fenced and cross-fenced, fair Improvementa, Id acres under cultivation, 160 can bo culti vated, real li graalng land. Writs me fof price and terms, Joseph Mlchaner, Coun cil Biurrs, ia. GOOD WHEAT AND CORN LAND. 10 acres, 14 ml. MoCook, IH another good R. R. town. Black loam, 10 an. cultv. one Held. Balanoo good, grass, Fenced. Price 11,161. Terms, Cornelius A Co.. Hastings, Neb. SMOOTH SO near town, Johnson Co" Neb. Reduced price for 10 dayi; possession given. Easy terms, STEWART, 111 S. 17th. A SNAP for sals. II acres for gale Imj miles from Blair, Neb. I will bo In Omaha at the Arcade Hotel, November II and 14. R. Martin, owner. A HIGHLY Improved farm for grain rent. TOLAND TRUMBULL, Douglas 707. 441 Bes Bldg. CAN nil or oiehangs any lands you havs to offer. C. J. Catian, McCague Bldg, Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen era! crop stats In ths union. Settlers wanted; lands for sals at low prices on easy terms; excellent ' lands for stock raising. Ask for booklet II sn Wisconsin Central Land Grant j state, acres wanted. If interested In fruit lands, ask fan book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com. lnlsaloner Soo Railway. Minneapolis, Minn, Horses Live Stock- ForSaieT -Vehicles WORK team for sals, cheap for cash. Call South 1661. J. L McKeirnan, A tioOD young team for sale cheap. Call Douglas 6606, LIGHT team for sale or trade, Phons Ftor. 408. POULTRY AND PET STOCK ONE extra fine Boston Terrier, perfnet white marking and pedigreed. I months old, house broken. A. B. Wood, Ham burg, la, BUFF ORPINviTONS" and Black "Minorca" cockerels. 8212 S. Illh. Harney I431V DAMAGED "wheat," $1.60 a'Vundrsd. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. lflth. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Phons D. 121!. 2047 Farnam BL EBU11,T OVER LANDS. (LATE MODELS.) FORDS, TOURING CARS, $175 UP. Also Hulrks. mndebaker. Hupps and ether light cars from $126 up. Lowest prices In America. Cars demons I rated. List rum (shed to out-of-town purchas ers. Send for ll , no obligation. Who's setting th pat. iiw? In ths (tret len 11.01 1 Im of III THE BEK sained 47.10 Paid Ads t&XCF.KDINd the COMH1NMD OAIM of the other two Omaha apr for same psrtod by more than 10,000 PAID ADS Good Results Good RaUa. Good Service. AUfocmmNcTHoirgE :: Fsrnem si. Dousiss 111'; 1116 gusrns Kntgftt 0, touring $1,4 1014 Hudson Sis im4l 44 60 Itl4 Hudson Coos 060 1017 Maiwti Tour, brand now AUTO" INSURANCE "" I irir.. Theft sod IJaWllly at leweal rate. Kii.i.t. ai.i.m tiiomtimin. ni l, cur Nat. m. niui tw... :,i,. I busies ,11. .11,. H Pareen It A t'Aft thai la pre,ly raeallt le fa buet r..M a ,wd aariala. Our fertHtle or. ,r In.uraar. t'hon. Tyi.r 111 . a Mivf'm o, ?., i.r a' rvirnn th $OHT tnreei a'wey .Id tiro We make eee new tire free l-e old ee snd oave yen ,, nor Mat. l-ln-l Vuleanirhia t'e., 1616 iM.eaoert .t..Omeha, K.fc rioeilaa 111! " i sF.n Cars at rai. i-rk es. W. KRANtIS ALTO CO., Iwullaa H V.1'1 r,uaa ' Wli vltl Irene red d ne Wr4 W Voetf eld en ifrTiiis.b UARAna ro. ),tk aad Hemoy, IHH..'ea Ull PiliwilTtlwV OAI'AOK. Ill " llth ' Ot' itt ev tt.l t'.ll. Pane H,i I,. (Hdeaaenite, Catrnkl, Asree AUTOMOBILES CORD tires foVFords, 0117 ft.ll; li3H. 1111. Zwlehal Bros. D. 4678. Far nam SL OUR REPAIR VdRiTw ILL SAtftFt YOU TELL a RINKbteT, SII8 Haraoy Sr 1oaf. 1441. Auto Repairing and Painting. STRfiMREHO KKRV ICE "STATION. " GEO BOB W. WILLIAMS. 160 Jackson St Carburetors my specialty. Red 14I. 1100 reward for magttrto We aa't repair. ' rt'l?'t.!.r''t; "wyd-trlar. 810 N. 1MB. NKR. Auto Radiator llepalr Service, and prices right. Ill 8. llth Ft. p. T- Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "servlco car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 1011 Uarney St. Tyler III. . Automobiles for Hire. FORD for"ren(TTou msV drive tt. I charge by mil. Doug. 1932. Bvouinga, 1 vier mis. Motorcycles and Bicycles. ' HaKlEY-PAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Hsr- galns in used machines, 1c10r woo, "ine Motorcyulc Man." 3701 Leavenworth. Legal Notices. ' Omaha, Neb. m Heeled bids will b rrcelvod by W. T. Bnurhs. Secretary. Heard of Education, $04 Clt Hall. Omaha, Nebraska, unit! 8 00 p. in., Thuraaay, uecrmner (in. .m. mr eroetlon of lh Field Club School building. according to plans and specifications pre pared by neorgo . rnns, Arcnnect, imtt New Omaha National Bank building. Omaha, Nebraska. Rids are doslred on the following Items wtth certified cheeks as follows: 1. Entire completed buiiumg cnccK, two per cent of bird. I, Oeneral construction check, three per cant of bid. I. Heating and ventilating, automatic heat control, vacuum system, plumolng and gaa fitting cherk, five per vent of ld. 4. Klftrtc wiring, etc. check, ten per oent of bid. Make checks payable unconditionally 10 ths School district of Omaha as a guar antee that the bidder. If successful, will enter Into a contract wtth the School Dis trict pursuant to bid and give a surety bond, satisfactory to ths Board, covering fifty per cent of amount of contract, guar anteeing completion of contract and pay ment of Hens and rlalms. Certified checks will be returned at oni to successful bid den and to the successful bidder upon siecutlon of contract and bond. Rids must be plainly marked with the name of the school bid on and for the part of the construction they represent. Plans will bo on file on and after Novem ber llth. 111, at the office of the Architect, in J I New Omaha National Hank Building, Omaha, Neb. One set will be on file at ths Ilulldent Exchange of St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dot Molnoa and Omaha, Coplos of the drawings and opacifies Hons may bo obtained from ths Architect I George B. prim, 1018 New Omaha National Rank Building, Omaha, Nbralka upon ap plication. A certified rheck In amount of 121, drawn tn favor of George B. prim, must accompany all applications for speci fications or drawings, the chock to be re turned when the specifications and drawing ars returned. All bids must bo submitted on blank proposala which wilt be furnished by ths Architect 0 nsppUcattnn. Tho Board of Education reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to Waive lr regulation In tho bids should It bo deemed In ths Interest of the School District so to do, W. T. BOURKE, . Secretary, Board of Education 881-NllrilL school nrii.niNG. Omaha, Neb. Seated bids will be received by W, T. Rourke, secretary hoard of education, SOI Ctty Hull. Omaha. Neb., until 1:00 n. m.. Thursday. December 7tl, 1118. for tho erec tion of ths Park School building, according to plans and specifications prepared by Thomas R. Kimball, architect, II World- Herald building. Omaha, Neb. Rids are desired on the following Items with certified checks, as follow; 1. Entire completed building. Check. 2 per cent of bid, " It General construction, Chock, t per cent of hid, I. Healing and ventilating, automatic heat control, racuum system, plumbing and gas fitting. Check, 6 per cent of bid. . c.eotnc wiring, etc, Check, 10 per cent of bid. Make checks payable unconditionally to tns school District of Omaha as a guar antes that the bidder, if successful, will enter Into a contract with the School Dis trict purusuant to bid and gtva a surety bond, satisfactory to the Board, covering so par cent or amount or contract guaran teeing completion of contract and payment or uens ana claims. Certified claims will be returned at once to unsuccessful bid tiers and to the success ful bidder upon execution of contract and pond. Btda must be plainly marked with ths nama of the school bid on and for ths part of ths construction they represent. ' Plans will bo on file on and after No vember llth, 110, at the offlrn of the arch itect, 684 World-Hsrald building, Omaha, Neb. One sot will bs on file at tho Build ers' Bichangn of St. Paul, Minneapolis. Des nomas ana umana. Copies of the drawings and spec! ficst Ions msy so oniainsd irom the architect, The R. KImbaU. 084 World-Hsrald build In. Omaha, Neb., upon appMnntlon, A certified check In amount of $16.00, drawn In favor of Then. R, Kimball, must accompany all applications tor sisrificattons or drawings, tho chnck to bo returned when the speci fications and drawings are returned. All bids must be submitted on blank proposals wnicn win be furnish) by the architect on application. 1 The Hoard of Education reserves the right to reject any or alt bidi and to walvs Irregularities In the bids should It be deemed In the Interest of ths School District so (0 do. W . T. BOURKE. fiecv. Bosrd of Education. S27nlldst SCHOOL BUILDING. Omaha, Nob. Sealed Mds will be received by W. T. Dourke, Secretary of Hoard of Education. 606 Ctty Hull. Omaha. Nebraska, until 1:00 P. II., Thursday, December 7th, 1114, for the erection of th Henry w. Yates School Building, according to plsns and specifica tions prepared by John McDonald, 108-11 Omul-a National Bank Building, Omaha Ne braska, Bids ore desired on the following Hems wtth certtflfd r hacks n follows: I. Untlre r nmpieied building. Check, 8 per cent of bid, I. Osnrela consi ruction Check, I per sent of btd. I, Heating and venlllsttng. u to. ins Me heat control, vacuum system ptnmmng and gaa fitting. Chick, 6 per rent on bid. 4. Electric wiring, etc. Check, 10 per com oi Did, Males checks payable unconditionally to the School District of Omaha as a guarantee that the bidder. If sucevsnfut, will enter Uito a contract with the School District pur suant to bid and alvs a suratv bond, satis factory to the:' Board, covering 60 psr cent of amount of contract, gtisruntoolng ronv plat ion sf contract and pi,ymni of llns and claim, Certtned che hs v III In turned at ones to unsuccessful bidiinrs and to ths successful bldtl -r upon "xccutlou of nortrart Ond bond. Bids must a ptslnly msrked wtth the asms of th school bid 011 and Mr th part or tne construction lhy rpiani. Plans will be on fit on and sftr Novem ber Illh. 11. al th nrfire of the Arrhltert. 8-11 Omaha National flank t'nahi, Nab, On sl will b on fl st lit Hwlldsis' ftirhangft of SL Paul Mtuueapolls. Des Jrti'ltif and tMnaha. f'epin f th d 'swings sod Hpo-lflratnns my In- olMSl-ifd from th ArrhUi'l, John Mrponaid, l II mneha National Ilei.k t Hlulillng, OntQha. Nb-rl,a, apm m.Mt' lion. A -erttrtJ chk tu snmnnt $8i.C90. drawn In tutor rt John Mrl'oi.ald. must ac. eompany ail sr stir at tens nl drawings are 1 aro returned All bltls mual bo submitted oa 'blank proposads, wnk't will bo furnished by Arthl?ct on Di'tl.cailri. Th Hoad of r.deifarlo rM-va ths tight ; to reject any or 411 bide and ta walva ll- regular! 1 1 In lh bxls ahimi II bo md In t la ttf at of ih Svhowl IrntrW sa 1 W T III.I RkU nirrwterr Heard ef Mural Inn. P. ION lid II. REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS ' Waller .'hamberila" aad wti'-'te" , H rimer H hoWnsAa, eMthaet writer Tweaty qtaiS and lewey t av. tue .6 ' Joseph H, Prtedel and wifv f Feed ! Mis, northal newer Fifty -third t and Oa etreeis. Irregular smreslntatel ! ... I.7T6 Uertrad Jg Tuly sad bwabesM ta t'4 Mete. Ftiiy-seewad imimm, It fe aarik ef !la eirael. eee do, Is rag star, asratae.ety I7I4 t. Harmon Whinnerp ead wtfa fta WilllaM 64wt at at. Ohio Mreot, iw feet ewt ef rrtrees4 eireel. awlh sMe, MslfS W.t On.he Imi A RulMlag asss4attae le Kdear A $vla, Piritt Mr, simu old leot west mi Perij-eoe Legal Notices. M'NOOI, nt'tl.ll41. Omaha. Nek. Sealed Mds wilt I" received by W. T, noura, neeretsry nnarn rr isnuranon, see City Hall. Omaha, Nbraska, until 1:0 p. rm, Thursday, December 7lh. HI, for the ortv'tlon of the New Clifton 'Hill School Uu titling, accord lag to plans and specif Ira- tlons proparpd hi Frederick W. and Edwin H. Clark. Archltacls, 441 Urandsla Build ing. Omaha, Nebraska. , Mills are flmlred on the following Its ml with certified cherks so follow: 1. Kntlre computed building. Check, t per cent of bid. 8. General construction. Check, i par cent of bid. 1. , HMllnaf and vfinl tla tiiiaT . anlamamtlrt heat control, vacuum system, plumbing and gas fitting. Cherk. I per cnt ot bid. 4. Gie trio wiring, etc. Check, 1 per cent of bid. Make checks payable unconditionally to the School District of Omaha as a guarantee that the b!ddr, tf succtwiful, will enter Into a contract with lh School District pursuant' to -bid and give a surety bond, satisfactory to th- board, covorlng 50 per cent of amount of contract, guaranteeing comple tion of contract and payment ot Hens and laims. certified checks will bo returned at once to unsuccessful bidders and to the lacrvasfui bidder uoon aaacution of contract and bond. , Bid must he plainly marked with the nimi of the school bid on and tor ths part of tho construction they represent. nana win bm on lite, on and after no vember llth. 1018. at the office of tho arrhltevtB, 4S3 Brandels Building, Omaha, Nenraaka. one set will be on file at the (lulldera' Exchange of St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dca Moines and Omaha. Copies of the drawings and aportflratlens " msy bo obtained from tho arrhlteota, Frod-eru-k W. and Kdwtn B. Claras. 4H3 Brandela nut id ing, Omaha, Nebraska, upon applica tion, a certified check In amount $36.09, drawn In favor of Frederick W, and Hid win - B. Clarke, must accompany all applications for specifications or drawings, ths check ta be returned when ths specifications and drawings aro returned.- All bids must bo submitted eg blank proposals which will bo furnished by the arc hi tec ta on application,' Tho Board or Education reserves ths right . to reject any or si) bids and to waive Irreg ularities In ths bids should It bo deemed In the Interest of the School District so to do. W. T. BOURKB, Secretary Board -of Education. Sll-Nii-d-st kfiAL STAlf TftATfSFHG ond street, north side." 4Sitlil4. ,'. ' 1.0 Charles W. Martin and wife to Ruth K. Tmmble, Ida street. Ill feat west of Twenty-fourth street, south slils. 4lillt.. .............. T6.( Ubbto Henry to Clauds R. Combs, Fortieth avenus. 801 foot north of Ames avenue, west itdo. LOOallT. 1.100. ( Jo Hajk to Charles Hyjetd) north- ' west corner Thirty-third and J -streets. OOsttS ....... ..V. . .... 1.1 Peder fik river and wife to Dr. W. R. Thorns, Parker streot, 100 feet oast of Forty-eighth street, south' side. 100180 1.1 Peder A. Skrtver to 'Sidney Dlinng- ' ham. Burdetta strsot, olghty -eight fceU saitt of Forty vrtth atrnet, 1 ' north sldeh 44tlll. 1.1 Peder Skrtver and wife to Dr. W. R. Thomas. Central boulevard, 17 4 feet south of Dodga, aast aids, 41.1x41 1.1 Onion Trust company to William H. Clark, Fortieth treat, 141,4 feat north of Farnam streot, wast Mds, 46 8-xl66 1,114.1 Union Trust company to Grace I . 1 . t Johnson, Fortieth street, 161 test Jorth of Farnam street, west sda, - ' 6 8-lxlll - 1,164.1 Axel H. Anderaen and wife to Dag , ntsr Dreyor, Seward street, fifty ' feet oast of Forty-fifth street, south aide, 7 6s 140 1.1 Mlchasl Maasara and wife to Alfred W. Gordon, Harney strost, HI feet east of Park Avenua, north slOe, 10x131 1.1 Indncsa Hlsff. 1 Tako Dr. Bell's Plno-Tar-Honey for that hashing night .cough; U stops ths cough And you sleep, . S6c AH druggist. Ady. AHUSKMKNTS, TODAY TOMORROW 1 6 Tho Spirited anal Z, Eaeltlng Horso Kaat L Ths Famaus Kentucky E ,v L, Tksroughbred, Ouaon Bssa IN fha Rollicking Fun ol tho Inlmltobla Pkkanlnalos Tho Strangest and Largest Cast th Play Has Ivor Nasi OLD KENTUCKY A,, a, Brlfht, aad a. Now oa th. Day ef If, Birth. Biz Funny Novel Parade Daily Popular Prises : DaUr Mat. Kk. BOc. NI&U 2Be.IOa.Ttc. Dottff, ' THE BKST OF VAUDEVILLS Dally Matinee. JilSt Nlfht, 1B. ThU Week Eup, . .NrTDV I VINII! DALY! HAR OCRS; Al k l ann, Btsdman: Daneini Ken. nedyet Ceil Parkeil Paul Gordon 4 Am. Biaa; Ori'heum Tra.el Weealr. Prloe, 1 Matinee, lallarr, lloi best aenta (except Saturday ana Bundojr), llo. NUtnU, lOe, l&o, 10. and lie "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." ijUrftltr Jlx nir suu.. 15-u-M.. 'jyAJfia C.en'l., U-IMt-n.. VaudeHfls's uroateet Entertainer BEN WELCr.Mf.BIG SHOW Ml HiirAL Bl RrKSQl'E Two snappy satires, A whirl of exhilarat ing fun. Bn Welch and his famous mono' Inpue. Only time here tht season. Big beauty chorus. (Ftnal Prffirmsnce Friday Kite.) (Udie' Dims Matinee Every Weak Day.) .ret Clavton and Ed AntoM he Heart of Virginia RavaM Clam ha ke Elks Picture Special , Bertha ICalich and Stuart Holmes, in LOVE AND HATEH HIPP THEATER A O. Lnaa Photo Aneetecle Peetarnif Frank Keonea and Enal Mwhr -WAR'S WOMRN A Great Hnmln. PeaMed Wire a,lea and Teare. A Heartbeat as Every eew. Ceatentasve PerternMnre Freaa It an II. Adnlla, Met t.kl'eVea. Int. FARN AMjr1 House Peters la "The Velvet Paw" r.KSE UMiMt wurr jack PKaruas Tarneateaa'a aaaaji Avi'iiVirW"