Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Good Things for the Table Offerings of the Market Household Hints
Car of Best Washington Wrapped Apples now in. Nothing better
on the market. See them and save from 50c to $1.00 a box.
Following, while they last:
Extra Fancy Jonathans, wrapped, box.- , $1.95
Fancy Jonathans, wrapped, box $1.85
Choice Jonathans, wrapped, box $1.70
Belle Flowers, Snow or Paragon, box............ $1.70
Pcwaukee, wrapped, box $1.50
Some stores have a few barrel Apples left from last car:
BEN DAVIS, pk., 32c; bu., $1.25; bbl.. $3.25
WINESAPS, pk., 35c; bu., $1.35; bbl $3.65
At these prices it will pay you to put in a supply for winter, as
they are bound to go higher soon.
CABBAGE is scarce. Fine for kraut, per cwt $3.00
ONIONS, No. 1 Red or Yellow, pk., 48c; sack lots, cwt $3.22
SQUASH See it at our stores. Per lb., 1 He; per cwt. $1.35
RICE Best 10c grade, fancy Japan, 6 lbs for 25c
: Car now in. You cannot afford'to buy a poor grade of rice when
you can get the best at this .price.
Sugar, best beet, 13H lbs $100
Flour, Economy, 48-lb. sack. . . .$2.30
(SatUfantion guaranteed Try it.)
Elk horn Milk, large cang 9c
Small eons, 3 for 13c
Tip Corn Syrup, B-lb. can. 21c
Crystal White Syrup, 5-lb, can 25c
Comb Honey, ruck 15c
PHtes Peak Macaroni, Spaghetti or
Noodles, 10c pkg 7c
Hent Rolled -Oats. 7 lbs.... 25c
Soda, 10c, pkg. .'. Sc
Sunbrtte Cleanser, three 6c can 10c
Cuff pc, Economy Blend, 25c grade, par
lb., at 18c
Coffee, Independent, 85c 'grade, lb. . .28c
Queen of the. Tub, a wbi'e aoap, 8 large
Bars ror 23c
These prices are only a sample of hundreds equally low. We
have no "leaders" or "baits," for we make every price a bargain.
Carload buying, strictly cash selling, low delivery expense make it
$5.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE. Smaller Ord.r. for 8c
Address Mail Orders to Our Trackage Warehouse, 108 N. 9th St.,
Pig Pork Loins, lb . 13c
Choice Milk-fed Chickens, lb. 18c
Choice Forequarters Mutton, lb ........ 7c
Choice Steer Pot Roast, lb .B'c
Pil Pork Roast, lb 13c
Pig- Pork Butt., lb 16Vic
Steer Round Steak, lb ,.17Vtc
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb 17c
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb. 12V,c
Lamb Lega, lb.. 13V3C
Mutton Chop,, lb...'...,, laVac
Spare Rib", lb. . ., I2V,c
Oppoalte Woolworth'a
Consult 'i the, Food Advertisements on these
pages and know where your needs will be best
supplied. .' .... ......
't t
of meeting
- materials by
to make good bread ranges from $1.76 to $2.80 to each barrel of flour.
Very naturally the cost of the bread can be materially cheapened by
leaving out some or all of the sugar, milk, shortening or malt.
Buying cheap bread is false economy it is not a saving, but a
waste. Though you may get a little more in weight, you get less in
food value.
KLEEN-MAID is sold not on a basis of ounces, but of food value.
It gives you the most for your money in nutrition and goodness. It is
.. the most economical bread you can buy. -
Made of high grade flour with enough sugar, malt, milk and short
ening; made by clean, automatic machinery in a clean bakery; wrapped
and delivered clean that's KLEEN-MAID.
'Takes You
Back to
Tip, white, best grade, lb. : . 22c
Tip, tinted, lb 234
Canh Habit, high grade, lb I Re
Magnolia, 2 -lb. roll 30c
Better quality meat, as follows i
Baeon Bellies, by the strip, lb. 22c
Bacon Backs, by the atrip,, lb 20c
Bacon Back Strips, by strip, lb...., 18c
(Baron 2c lb. more if sliced.)
Shoulder Steak, lb 15c, 17c
Short Rib Boil, lb .lie, 12c
Pot Roast, lb 12c, 14c
Rolling Beef, lb 9c, 12c
Extra Lean Regular Haraa. lb 173.
Sugar Cured Katns, lb 1 3 lic
Extra Lean Bacon, lb .19c
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb , 16V,c
Fresh Oyaera, per quart 40c
From 8 to p. in. Pork Chopa, lb., 13c
From 9 to 10 p. m. Country Sauaag,
par lb., t sc
113 South 16th Street
Phone Doug. 2307
Sc and 10c Store.
-cheap bread is false economy
T IS unfortunate that many bakers, otherwise reliable,
unusual advances In the price of flour
leaving out of their bread some of
The. cost of ingredients other than
1315 MJM
Appetizing Apples and . !
Persimmons on Market
A bright young man connected with
a local fruit and vegetable market
has figured out how many apples
Adam and Eve ate. Some people,
says he, think that Adam ate one
(eighty-one) and Eve 812, making a
total of 89.1. Others think Adam 814
fun and Eve 8.U4 fun, making a
total of 8,938. But, as a matter of fact,
he .holds. Adam 8.142 see how it
tasted and Eve 81,242 see how it tast
ed, making a total of 89,384.
And we might remark, incidentally,
that that many apples, purchased at
this year's prices would cost quite a
bit of money. Still there are consid
erable quantities of apples on the
market. But the most plentiful arc the
big, fancy fellows from the Pacific
northwest and Colorado.
Persimmons have arrived in Omaha
I the last week. And you can have
big, juicy pomegranates from Cali
I fomia to delight the palate at two
for a quarter, or thereabouts.
I Pumpkins and squashes to make
j many good things like pie for the fall
! and winter appetite arc very plenti
ful. And those houeydew melons are
still hanging around the Jocat mar
kets, with no sign of a diminution in
their plentifulness.
Some very fine grapefruits and
other representatives of the citrus
have a habit
and other raw
the essential in
flour necessary
10c Loaf for
Quality and
J ltd
i 1
imm mmm wmmm wmm
71 JL ir JL i afk i 1
laiffrfUft lustra a wkiMmvbm
faimlv are arriving now from Cali
fornia. Potatoes continue to be very high
in price and the market men say
there is rio hope of the price coming
down. Sweet potatoes are cheaper
than the Irish variety.
Very fine lettuce is now very plcn
tif til and the staple vegetables are
all up to usual standard.
Kitchen Lore.
Game should always, where possi
ble, be roasted in front of a clear tire.
Its flavor is then incomparably better
than when baked in an oven: .
A simple dessert is made by grating
apples into a mixture of white of egg
and powdered sugar. Then drop by
tahlespoonfuls into a large dish partly
tilled with plain cream and dot with
candied cherries.
A tasty breakfast dish is to take a
dozen herring fillet and wash, and
then roll them. Place a small piece of
butter or dripping on each with pep
per and a touch of vinegar. Bake
slowly for half an hour.
To prevent the juice of pies from
running over, spread a thin rim of
butter around the under crust at the
edge before putting on the top crust.
The juice will not escape and the
flavor of the pic will be improved.
In tke great out of doors
or at the evening reception
Bakers Cocoa
equally accept
invigorating and
Walter Baker Q Co.
20,000 lb.. Choice Milk-fed
Pig Pork Loins, lb
Choice Steer Round Staak, lb 17Vte
JHeer Porterhounc Steak, lb 17V.C
'Steer Sirloin Steak, lb. ........... leVia
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb ..12V.C
Steer Chuck Roast, lb 'iC
Young Veal Roast, lb 11' , c
Young Veal Chopa, lb 14' ,c
Lamb Lega, lb.... 13
Mutton Chopa, lb 14V.0
Pig Pork Roast, lb 13c
Mail Orders Filled Promptly.
We have received a large shipment of extra fancy
1916 lambs, which we will place on sale Saturday at a
very low price. '
1916 Forequnrtars of Lamb, per lb . .12$c
1916 Hindquarters of Lamb, per lb .'' I4ic
Extra Fancy Young Mutton Lega, per lb 12)e
Extra Fancy Young Mutton Chopa, loin or rib, per lb. . 12 He
Extra Fancy Young Mutton Stew, 4 lbs., for 25c
Home Dresner) Spring Chickens, lb i&c
Home DreHierl Hena, lb ISV4C
Home Dreesefl Duck, lb 19c
Extra Lean Pork Loin, any quantity, per
lb., at Me
Choice Hteer Rib Rout, lb 14',c
Choice Steer Beef Roaft, lb 12'2c
Fancy Veal Roant, lb,., ISc
Choice Steer Sirloin Steak, lb 17VjC
Choice Steer Round gtenk, lb 15
Choice Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 12V3
ranted or your money refunded, par sack .92.35
Home Made Weinerj, lb 121,o
Home Made Coney Islands, lb....l2ac
Home Made Knock Wurst, lb, . , , . . 12Vac
Home Made Polish Sausage, lb....l2VaC
Home Made Bologna, lb 12 Vac
Home Made Berlin Ham, lb 17 Vic
Konher Style Smoked Britikett. lb. . . .40c
Make your hens lny by feeding them Ground
Writ tor our money-saving price list. Mail orders promptly attended to.,
Tha moat sanitary and UDto-dats markat In tha wast.
One of Armour's litiSed' . .
Bated for dinner, cold for lunch, broiled for breakfast, Armour's Star Ham has tha appetite
appeal that never fails. To be sura of best ham, look for Armour's blue and yellow Ovhl Label.
Jdome Economics department )
SW by Irn,a K Gross -1'
The term "beverage." to most of
us includes milk, tea, coffee, cocoa
and chocolate: and we feel that a
beverage is something "extra" at a
meal. As far as food value goes, bev
erages are sharply divided into two
classes the nutritious, including milk
cocoa and chocolate and the non
mitriiious if not positively harmful,
including tea and coffee. Since the
subject of milk and its value was dis
cussed in this column last Tuesday,
we shall not refer to it again today.
Cocoa or chocolate are real foods
in themselves, and, in addition, are
either made with milk or served with
cream, both of which add further
nutritive value. Sugar also adds food
value; hut since that is added to all
beverages except milk, it need not he
considered. Only one charge can be
brought against cocoa or Chocolate
they each contain a stimulating sub
stance like the stimulants found in
tea and coffee. Though the effect of
this substance on the nervous sys
tem is very much less than that of
tea or coffee, owing to the small
amount contained, still cocoa should
not occur in the diet of very young
deu j j
Ltd. 1
Chickens, lb 18c
... . 1378c
Pll Pork Butta, lb '.MSVie
Spare Ribs, lb , U'.o
Extra Lean Regular Hama, lb lTe
Small Hama, lb 13V,o
Kxtra Lean Breakfast Baoon, lb...lQVo
Sugar Cured Bacon, lbs 10e
Prom 6 to S p. m. Lamb Chopa, lb. , .Sc
Front 9 to 10 p. m. Pork Chopa, lb., 13o
Phont Doug lai 279)
New Rapid Delivery Syatem. '
Beit Granulated' Suirar.t lbs for.. $1.00
All brand Creamery Putter, lb,..,.3c
Fancy Country H utter, lb.. '.3Bc
Good Oleomargarine, lb .15c
Large Leaf Lettuce, alwayn, 2 for Sc
Kxtra Fancy Jonathan Applet), boa, $1.99
kxtra Large Potatoes, peck 46c
Peanut U utter, niade while you watt, per
lb., at I Be
Beat 'Em All, Swift's Pride or Diamond
C Soap, 9 bars for 25c
finer on the market, every sack war-
oher Htvle HRiaini, yr lb ,45c
Schmalz Herring, eacn Sc
Roll Mop Herring, 6 for 2flc
Speck Herring, 2 for ,, Iflc
Imperial Ruselan Sardines, per lb.,.. 20c
Anchovies, per lb, . . . 20c
Manntrte Herring, each f....7VjC
Bone, ft lbs. for,
. -23c
Readers are cordially invited to
ask Miss Gross any questions
about household economy upon
which she may possibly give help
ful advice; they are also invited to
give suggestions from their expe
rience that may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems.
children, ami when introduced later
should he weak, merely a flavoring of
the milk. Cocoa and chocolate are
similar in composition except that
chocolate is richer in lat; hence, pos
sihly. less easily digested, though
more nutritions. '
Two indictments may be made
against tea and coffee they contain
stimulating substances and also an
astringent substance, tannin, which re
tards digestion. The stimulant has a
different name in each case but has the
same effect upon the nervous system.
The use of tea or coffee is seriously
questioned on account of their stimul
ating properties; but no mailer how
we may feel about adults indulging
in these pleasant flavored beverages,
there can be no doubt that children
should never drink them. The. harm
may not be apparent at the time; but
the nerves are undoubtedly affected.
Young people who have not attained
their full growth should drink very
sparingly of tea or coffee, and every
one should be temperate in their use.
One cup a day should be sufficient: or
at most two cups, one at breakfast
and one at luncheon or dinner.
The amount of astringent in tea is
greater than in coffee, but since less
tea is used 4cr cup than coffee, that
difference is minimized in the bever
age as served. Green i tea contains
more tannin than black tea, which
has undergone a fermentation pro
cess. Our interest in the astringent
substance lies chiefly in the fact that
we can control the amount in the
beverage by our methods of prepara
tion. Tannin is soluble in boiling
water; therefore, if we prepare tea or
coffee without boiling, considerably
less tannin is extracd. If strong
coffee is desired, more coffee per cup
should be used, though a rounding
tablespoon or two level tablespoons
per cup is the general rule. The
French drip and percolator methods
of coffee making are good because the
boiling water lis not in contact with
the coffee grounds for a long time.
If one desires (tie flavor of boiled
coffee and some people insist it is
the ' choicest the coffee should not
be boiled more than one minute.
Good methods ot tea making include
the use of the tea ball, provided fresh
tea is used for every three or four
cups; and the steeping of tea three
to five minutes in an ordinary 'teapot.
. Cocoa. I " '
On cup liquid, althor m Ilk. iratar or
Imlf and holt. 7
: .Two tiasi,o(tna prtfoa. ''
Two tBRKpoona auirar, or more If dcatrrd.
Heat liquid, reserving a small por
tion cold. Use a double boiler if all
Cheap SubatlLUlca coat YOU aama priet.
wj People Are Watching t
UJijr They watch these ads announcing the Sunday ?
If Specials and have them regularly for that day'a V
IHllj dessert. Next Sunday they will have . ' . '. ' ''
bbbjjjJ ,;. 15 POUNDS SUGAR, $1
The Stockinet Covering
An txcluiive Armour fiaturt. Paltnt upplitJ fir.
Intensifies and preserves all Cl
the rich, juicy goodness of
, milk is used. Stir reserved cold liquid
: with cocoa, add to hot liquid; add
! sugar and beat with a Dover egg
! beater one minute before removing
I from fire.
1 On. cup liquid a. for cocoa,
j On. olulea squars choeolala.
On teaspoon augar, or mora It deslrsd. .
Grate chocolate. Heat liciuid with
sugar. When boiling point is reached,
add chocolate grated and beat one
minute with a Dover egg beater.
If desired, chocolate may be cut
and added to liquid when liquid is
cold, l'rocced as above.
Tea Making.
One taaspoon per cup.
Kre.hly iioillitff water.
Scald teapot, put in tea, pour in
freshly boiling water. Allow to steep
three to five minutes. If tea is made
in large quantities and not alt served
at once, the tea leaves should be re
moved after the required steeping. ,
Coffee Making. ,
Twn tablespoons eoltes p,-r cup. '
White of oan. or two . shells. - Ona
os. llt for ten eups of coffen.
Stir white or shell with coffee, add
a little of the coffee cold, put into ii
the not. Add the rest of the water j;oVi
cold, stir, bring slowly to the boiling
point; allow to boil one minute and
let stand five minutes in a warm
place. If coffee cannot be served at
once, pour liquid cojfee off of grounds
and keep it hot.
For making drip coffee or perco
lator coffee, there are special coffeti
pots. Directions are alwaya provided
with these.
Substitutes for Bacon and-
A breakfast of substantial charac
ter is preferred by the generality of
people ana tnu tenqs io monotony. ,
There is, however, plenty of scope ' J.
for variety. ..... i jt
To many persons eggs and bacon
are an indispensable breakfast dish.
They prefer the odor of the succulent
rasher to the most artful of epicurean .
surprises. The writer ha heard of . r"
a busines man who, though absent for (
long periods fromi, his native land,..yj,
never lost the memory of the home .j
breakfast. When back in? his own;
house, though (tie hour might be mid- -'
night, he straightway announces his .y
arrival by an imperative order for u
a dish of eggs and bacon, f Another ; yfy
devotee of breakfast bacon, while V;'.
abroad, found that the substitutes
tor tne Deiovea oisn wnicn me pe- j,
nlghted foreigner gave him were a J
ileinlolms mnA 1i inl.mnlv vnurH '
that once home he would devote his
morning attention to bacon bacon
and eggs, the one was naught without
the other, he said for the rcat of his
The cold breakfast Is held by some
to h a smiling snare generally.
Pink and white ham and the ruddy
tongue are by no means unacceptable
to the taste, but they induce thirst.
A soused mackerel is not to be de
spised. Deviled kidneys, broiled sau
sages, baked haddock, tomato ome
lette, curried mushrooms are suitable
,for the morning meal. 1
In these days of economy it would
not be inopportune to mention some
sample ' breakfasts of homely fare1
which have been devised by a health ' (
association. They consist of porridge
with milk, toasted bread and butter,
marmalade, and oranges and apples;
herrings or bloaters, brown bread and
margarine, golden syrup and bananas,
S Ibn. best Coffi..,..; , ...1.00
Coffee Spctl, per tb ,. ...30e
Tom for icing, per lb. .... . .B0e ts 60c
SiHir sold with 11.00 order of other
goode. . -
406 N. tatfc St.,
Phon. Dou. M4S.
kA A .J r-A
36 hff Rttlft Boot Fnt .
Prepara Your Lattar for tha
f $100 Cash Contest
So it roaches Us by Not. 16.
j. Com to tha storo and ask for
9- tho Contest Manager if yosi
j) wish to aak any queatlona about
. the Lottar or any point in the
Conteat that is not Clear. It
may pay you. So WRITE THE
: .61 '
. tr!
' oil
AA your ttmattr for f A
O.aUii.fl Product:
Thur many of (nem.
S HOBT. HI DATZ, Mar., ISth Jones
armour ,rlrr,irhSi"r,io': s&
Read Want Ads for Profit Use Them for Best Results
lijlllilllia(jiillllt!fl:ii:l lrl.r:l:IT.:ra:l!l