Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics
terary discussion took place. Cov-
- :a t '
ers were laid for
MBdamee '
Charlae Qrunlff,
George Swohoda,
Prank Brubakar,
H. r. Shearer.
J. J. Ileae,
W. C. Prlra.
I.twH Oldfleld,
F. Mania.
N. Martin.
Belle Spretu. Krancee HcComba.
Mrs. Philip Schlurter entertained
at a family reunion Sunday, when
twenty-five guests were present.
Miss Doris Van Sant entertained
the G. K. C. club of the South Side
at her home Wednesday evening. The
guests were:
November 10.1916
An unwonted burst of gayety fof
high school folks will come tomor
row. At that time crowds of Omaha
High school young people will run
down to Lincoln by motor or special
train to witness the gridiron clash be
tween their own foot ball team and
the Lincoln high school eleven.
The game itself will be a society
event, but the visit will be the oc
casion of much entertaining. The
local Maderian club will be the guests
of the Lincoln club of that name. The
girls will be entertained at the homes
of Lincoln girls, this evening a large
dancing party will be given in their
honor at the Lincoln hotel, and they
will stay over until Sunday evening
for a tea which will be given for
The members of the Ofnaha Made
rian club who will attend the game
are the Misses Frances Howell,
Phyllis Hunter, Martha Smalley, Eli
zabeth Elliott, Helen Parrish, Wini
fred Brandt, Dorothy Kavanagh.
The boys of the Maltese club will Stork SDecial.
also make the trip and will be enter-, A daughter, Katherine Charlotte,
tained by Lincoln Maltese club mem-, wa, horn to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
berii l tie umana ooys win oe en-. pj,cher Sunday.
icriainca ai s uautc ai uic -mmm
hotel tomorrow evening. Those who
will attend are Messrs. Robert Pin
kerton, Fred Eyler, Emil Storz, Frank
Wyren, Sigsbee Sears, Rex Elwood,
Philip Carlton, Frank Risenberg and
Robert Stora.
Mildred Conway,
Anna niacins.
Mamarat Prlra,
flare MrMIIIrn,
Retta Corbmakcr,
Maaon Zerbe,
rharlee Janaan,
Clifford lAraon,
Our Kmlfh,
Tom Redmond,
Tom (Irlfftn,
Illa Hunter,
Iluth Griffin.
IJorla Harry,
Carol Hutehfneon,
Helen Van Sant.
Ray Wllaon.
I'udley ItiKhram,
Wayne Emtnh,
Michael HlHlna,
Fay Carr,
Bruce MuCulloch.
Tea lor Mlu Butler.
Mist Mildred Butlar, now of Kan
sas City, but recently pf Omaha, was
the honor guest at a pretty tea this
afternoon given by Mrs. Louis
Meyer, The dining room was dec
orated in color scheme of red and
yellow was used in the living room.
Mrs. Edward Creighton and Mrs.
Jack Webster poured tea. Assisting
M!ea Mleeee
Mellon Davie. - Bllssbeth Davie,
Mary Megeattw , Louise Dinning.
Marian Towla,
Elka Informal Dane. v ;
The following were present at the
first party given by the Elks' In
formal Dancing club in the lodge
room Wednesday evening: ,
Meaars. ana jsesjaainea
J. B. Oood.
C. L. Potter,
John T. Brlre.
Kenneth B. Hatch.
Oscar P. Silicon,
A. A. Bylander, t
W. L. Cockley,
Joseph C. Curtla,
P. S. Tannery,
O. V. Waplee,
Nora McCarthy,'
Marie WoouHr,
leva Nelaon.
Mary Flthlan,
Alice Boyce.
Loretta Curtis, . .
&V Lyman,
F. Pratt Howard.
Walter C. Nelaon.
t Meaera. '
Boy D. Hart,
I.. M. Waplee, ' t
Charlea O. Peaks,
P. E. Noaok,
. William Bohan,
C. R. Connolly,
Robert J. Shields.
Mayme Dlneen,
Beae Hoaan,
Bess Phelaa,
Kile Peaka,
Frenoee Watt,
Helen Hobon.
Selma Johnson. .
Alumni Dinner. ' .
The alumni nd former students ot
the University of Chicago, who met
at dinner at the University club last
evening, enjoyed informal talks Dy
Hon. Henrv Tefft Clarke of Lincoln
and Miss Juliette Griffin of Omaha.
Large bowls ot red roses aecoratea
the table. Dr. A. D. Dunn, president
of the organization, presided. ' Those
present were: ,
Meaera. ana weoaain
3. 0.
Waylend Mai',
I.utlla Carter of
Bellavue CoUefO,
laabel McMillan.
V.rda Wllllama,
Krina Levlne,
Francee Barton, ot
Bellevue College,
Mary Moaea ot
Wayne State Norm.,
I .aura B. OrandelU
Meeere.-e ,
J. Cunningham of :
Haetlnsa Collaga,
Eugene Rlesor,
Robert Hevldge,
Kdward ErlrKsoa
Bellevue College,
& A. Uarrta.
W. Abbott s '..
Edith Earl,
lrma Oroae.
Belle Roblnaon at ;
Connrll Bluffs,
Rlln Yoangberg,
Lillian Chernlee at
Council Bluffa, .
Jennie Kultman,
Thereea Traay,
Slele Lundeen ot
. CouncH Bluffa, .
H. R. Meyer,
& Hoeman af -. '
. Arilnaton.
Mark Havlde, .
A. A. Blnkle.
Dr. W. Thompaoa. ,
Dinner for Wedding Party.
Miss Marian iowle will entertain
at dinner for the members of the
Caldwell-Vinsonhaler wedding party
at her home this evening. Table
decorations will -be in maidenhair
fern, lilies of the valley and orchids.
Covers will be laid for: .
Mlaeea. Mleeee
leabel VlnWakaler, Mary Van Kleeck of
Realna ConneU. Pouahkeenale, N. T
Uellora Davte, Anna Olfford,
Meaera.- y . - Meaera '
John Caldwell. 4, Cut hbert Potter,
Vlotor Caldwell, . Julian Thompnen ot
Robert Burna, , : - Barneaviiia, Mian,
ban Oallasher, . . . n . ,,
Notea of Interest.
Mrs. Dudley Keever of Centerville.
O.. soent Xhursrlay in the city witn
her relatives, Mr. Ralph B. Elliott
and Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Keever is en
route from Denver.
Omaha friends of Miss Isabel Lou
den, who conducted a studio of ex
pression and dancing in this city for
lour years, oui wno is now in ini
cago, will be interested to learn that
it is her brother, the Hon. Frank
Louden, who has just been elected
governor of the state of Illinois.
Mrs. rred stoker returns to her
home in Flatbush, Brooklyn, today
after several weeks' visit with her
father, Judge Macomber, and her sis
ter, Mrs. f . A. Luscaderc
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash are at the
Vanderbilt in New York City. Mrs
E. W, Nash and Miss r ranees Nash,
who have an apartment in the
metropolis, will return to Omaha' the
early part of Decerhber for Miss
Nah s local concert.
Miss Eva Mahoney, who has been
Timely Fashion Hint By Raconteme
'?' NCafc glW
n ll'ltaMl'l'lMW
Showers for Bride-to-Be
Many queer and fascinating seta where a combination of furs
is used are shown this season. Particularly interesting is this seal
and beaver set. which consists of mcllon muff and cape scarf. The
manner in which the moleskin strip "threads" the collar is espe
cially charming. The hat worn is a clever affair, with partly trans
parent brim, bordered with moleskin and ornamented 1 by an old
ribbon ornament. -
After an engagement has been an
nounced the girl's friends usually give
some kind f a shower, which must
he clever and unusual. A pretty idea
for a linen shower is to stretch a
line somewhere in the house and
pin the gifts on it. After all the
guests have arrived the guest of Jion
or is given a small clothes hamper
and escorted to the room, where the
"wash" is hanging and told to take
it in.
There was great fun at a recent
kitchen shower, when one of the girls,
dressed like a real southern mammy,
appeared with a small pushcart piled
with tinware. Over her bandanna she
wore a hat made from a colander
and trimmed with a dish towrl and
a sink brush. At her waist dangled
a chatelaine made of patty pans,
cooky cutters, a nutmeg grater, etc.
A sewing club entertained o;;e of
its members at a luncheon in this
way: In the center of the table was
a large, round sewing basket lined
in favorite color. Suspended over
it on ribbons 'of different length, thje
same color as the basket, was a
shower of articles for it, darning
ball, scissors, needles and pins, emery,
wax, etc.
A very ingenious girl, who was giv
ing a handkerchief shower for a
friend, made a .wedding belt from
a peach basket covered with white
crepe paper and tied with white tulle,
Thts she hung over the guest of hon
or's place, and, at the psychological
moment she pulled a string, letting
out all the handktrchiefs in a real
Every Kind Prices Vary Low
f Over five hundred machines to a
1 select from. Rent applied on
; purchase. ' ;
I Central Typewriter
1 Exchange, Inc.
1 190S Faroam St i
T Phono Douglas 4121. . i
at the Waldorf, goes this week to a
French convent on West Fourteenth
street, where she will be for the re
mainder of heV stay in New York.
Mr. and Mrs.- T. R. Rutledge spent
last week-end in Minneapolis.
Mrs. Simon Eiscman of St. Louis
arrived this morning to be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Newman and
Mrs. Herman Newman. Mrs. Eise
man, who visits here frequently, will
remain a few weeks.
The Girl Who Always Complains
There' was once a girl whose
mother named her Isabel. At a cer
tain stage of her development she
changed her nanu to Yaobel, She
explained with wide-open, hontst eves
that she liked things to be symbolical
and represent that for which they!
stood honestly and that she had come
to recognize that she was not an
Isabel. .
Ysobel't whole life was arranged
on elaborate lines of what she
called absolute honesty. . Her hair
was suspiciously brown at the roots
and quite gold color everywhere else.
Ysobel - explained with elaborate
honesty that people who bleached
their hair cmld manage to make it
the same color all over, but that na
ture was so erratic about the way she
tinted things I
Ysobel picked out her friends care
fully. She hated shams,' she said, and
she couldn't endure people who were
not honest.
She always wore heavy veils in the
daytime because, as she explained,
her skin was so delicate. But one
day, when she was reproaching a
friend for the Vulgarity of using a
bit too much powder on her hose, the
friend in a burst of honesty retorted:
"But, Ysobel, how can you criticize
me for a little talcum when you use
ro" -.
Before she could finish the fatal
word, however. Ysobel had told her
severely that jealous people always j
envied high-colored ted cheeks, and
the little maiden of the talcum powder !
was forever taboo. As Ysobel said,
she liked honesty; she could stand i
any criticism based on truth but she I
couldn t endure to have people so de
sirous ot ottering unasked criticism
that they jealously maligned the very
things in which she took a little na
tural pridft "like my hair and skin,"
concluded Ysobel complacently.
Oh, yes) Ysobel prided herself on
her truth-telling ability. It meant
she could tell you that your skirt
dragged in the back and that your
new hat wasn't becoming and that
she didn't think Mary Smith was a
sincere friend and that she had seen
Billy Proctor out with a girl who
didn't look exactly well, you know.
Ysobel's desire for the truth made
her consider you entirely insincere if
you told Mary Smith she was looking
well or suggested to Billy Proctor
that his voice was good enough for
opera. But it reacted against you if
you1 dared to suggest to her that she
should not wear green and that ciga
rette smoking really wasn't the thing
for a girl. You were a cat If you crit
icised Ysobel and a flatterer if you
spoke well of anybody else.
Ysobel bflieved absolutely in the
truth and after her father had told
you that she was 10 years older than
her sister, Mabel, and Mabel had con
fided that if she were' a man she
would be old enough to vote. Ysobel
widened her big blue eyes and asked
you if you thought a girl of twenty
one ought to be thinking seriously of
Nobody ever found out if Ysobel
believed in herself. She was abso
lutely consistent in her published love
of the truth and her visible practice
of something else.
Do you know any Ysobcls? ' i
Fraternity House Dane. ' '
The Lincoln cnapter ot Lieua yn
is eivine a house dance and party for
Omaha visitors at the Lincoln-Omaha
game, Saturday' night, November it.
Omaha guests include: , , v .
Meaera. Meaera ' '
Porter Allan , Hllborl rctereon,
Harold Landerydu. Richard amlta, ,
Waller HUenbauch, Charlea Crow,
Warren Be, Howard lioualae, ;
Paul Wlicoa. 5f ( Truman, Redtleld.
Omaha host are: - . .
Meaera Meeera
aweldemer Thomeen, Frank Hlxenbaugh,
f Frenk Cerpenter, Tim flulllvnn.
iFred Welrath. Robert Proudflt..
i Harlan CatCn.
On tha Calendar.
Vesta chapter, order ot eastern
Star, will entertain the first of a series
of dancing parties at the Castle hotel
Tuesday evening.
Vesta chanter, Order of Eastern
Star, will entertain at cards at the
Masonic temple Wednesday evening,
November 29. ,": . s
Wedding Announcement.
Mrs. K. Jrluehling announces the
marriage of her daughter, Frieda V.
Strasser, to Mr. George L Caughlin,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. m Caughlin,
which took place Wednesday. The
young couple left immediately for
Salt Lake City, Ogden, Utah, and
uenver, ana win nuu tneir numc at
Columbus, Neb., upon their return.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. B. F. Diffenbacher, assisted by
Mrs. J. K. McCombs, entertained the
W. W. club on Wednesday. Read-
' ; ings were given by Mrs. J. J, Hess
; and Mrs, W. C Price, after which a
Atellet areearattoa of merit
Qelpa to eradicate daadreS.
tee " - ' U. J
Sx aaty toOrar ar Faded Hair,
Sjr j aw. aaq ii.geat iTuaema.
first aid for
skin troubles
"Will Resinol Ointment realty
stop this dreadful hching and clear
my ecicma away ?"
" Madam, if you only knew as
much about Resinol as doctors da
bo safe It is to use, how promptly
it acts you would not doubt, you
would use It at met. Usually it
stops itching immediat ely and soon
removes every bit of eruption. '
Heelnol Ohraaent U eo nearly Seaholorea
that It cen be wed on eapoeed aurtaree with
eet attractlnff undue mention. Sold by ell
druKiiete. For sample tree, write to Dept.
J7.R, Reeled, Beluaiue, Md.
Mtmday Even to. Navmbcr II Mi. 9 p, m. Pupib srhonld Join th ftrit IcMon.
Tvna mM. rMMBablW. Advanecti CUm TaMday. I P n, Hisil. school clata Sat
urrUya, M p. m. Antvmbly ovary Wednasdiv vanim. Kuftlttnt nuilc. PriviiU
Ifsnons mnr tlra. jHarnty (U. Zttib aod Karnam Stl-aata.
Comfortable, fully equipped rooms,
$1.00 a day ana up.
Quick Service Lunch Boom, the
best in the city.
Music with Meals. ,
, Table d'Hota Dinner, 3Se.
1515 Howard
Get Our
Low Prices
g on Heaters
and Don't Wait for the Cold
Buy now, while our stock is -complete.
Oak Heaters, $6.50, $8.25,
$9.75, $12.00. ;
Hot Blasts from $8.75 to
$22.50. . .,, , - V v
St- II I HI- I
eg- s in .vrm 7
Demonstration Week of
Owing to increased
cost of leather in
all shoes,
Ground Grippers
will be advanced
Nov. 20, 1916. Buy
now at OLD prices.
We have with us
for this week an ex
pert from the fac
tory to demonstrate
these shoes to you.
Base Burners
From Peninsular, Royals
and on down the line to
good Hard Coal Burners
that consume all the fuel
properties in your coal, as
low in price as
Aluminum Ware In 6-Qt.
Kettles and 1-Qt. Cereal
Cookers at 65c.
apbu is j
I I (BcnntBll
BouwraragKl . mous physicians all ; mmms
1 I' sissnmtsjssnmn
The Exquisite Flavor
Booklet 317 S. 16th, Betwaan Hae-ney ud Farnain. . ' on Raquaat
1 -a- a. I
TstimonUU " a
Read what they
will do for
Cure flat feet with
out plates, relieve
bunions, corns, cal- Q
louses ana oroiieu
Indorsed by fa-
v Refinement and delicacy in the flavor of Betsy
Ross Candy gives it the wonderful popularity it enjoys.
Purity is the reason for it. . Purity in materials purity in the skillful
methods, of making purity in all the surroundings in which this
charming candy is made. The model Betsy Ross kitchens are : pure
white and every worker dresses in spotless linen.
We are exclusive dealenfor Betsy RossCandy. '
' Our special arrangements for fresh shipments
enable us to supply you always with fresh, "
wholesome, delightful Betsy Ross Candy.
Always Fresh at
Burgess-Nash Co.
, i , ' ,. ..
- P. S. The price of Betsy Ross Candy has not been raised in Omaha.
w ' 1417 Douglas Street ,
Stylish Clothes on Credit
Ladies' Suits and Coats
Suits That
Show Style
They are the rich
est collection of all
styles of (raiments
it has ever been
our pleasure to show. A won
derful group of wel) made suits
in smart styles and of good fab
rics; on special, Saturday
and Up
Jobby Coats
for Fall
Superb is the only
word that fits the
luxurious coats de
signed for this sea
son. The styles this year are the
clima of coat designing, and
the coats we are offering for
Saturday are our best. On spe
cial sale
and Up
-44 An
ai.uu .vli.uu
That Coat and Suit Question Settled
Men's Fall
' Suits
Suite that ara a happy
combination of etrle and
tood materlale. Not only
have wa a inappr H"
ot young men's clothet,
but wa also have a larsre
asiorted line of men's,
conservative suits. Our
speetale for Saturday
ara prteed
and Up
BOYS' SUITS, $4.50 and Op
Bom wmi Ilk -ixty. Salt for boys
th..t will hvi you othrs lot of
n cadi a ftmt worry
Classy Men's
Overcoats that can
not be beaten , is
what we claim for
our large stock of
coats. We have them
in all sizes and styles
Special for Satur
day " 1 ' '
and Up i
GIRLS' COATS, 56.9 8 and Op
In which your little rirl will ha ahla a-
appear any place and be proad of ker-eelf.
1 '