Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Brief City News
PUtlaum Weddlni Binx EdUolm.
Umy Root Print It Now Hereon Press
Llbttaf Fixtures Burgpsa-Qranden Co.
Want Avenue Opened Citixrns pe
titioned the city council to open Fowl
er avenue. Nineteenth street to Flor
ence boulevard.
Gets Divorce Dora B. McOreary
has been granted a decree in divorce
court from David W. McCreary,
Cruelty wa the allegation.
North Side Rummage Sale Ladien
or Plymouth Congregational rthurch
will hold a rummage sale Friday at
Eighteenth and Kmmett atrtets.
Wife Charges Cruelty Cruelty la
alleged in a suit for divorce rued
the clerk of the district court by Anna
C, Miller against Henry C. Miller.
Carey Cleaning Co. Tel. Web. 392.
Mm. Craig Located Mrs. A. J.
Craig, who ran away from the Wise
Memorial hospital and phoned her
husband she was going to drown her
self, was located by him yesterday
In the homt of friends.
Xew Girl at West Home Friends
In Omaha learned of the birth of a
daughter to Dr. and Mrs. A. D. West
of Racine, Wis. Mrs. West was for
merly head of the history department
at Brownell Hall, and Is therefore
widely known in the city. Dr. West
is head master of the academic de
partment of Racine college. This is
their second child.
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland.
Highwaymen Get
Gold Watch and $198
Thieves got $198 ami a gold watch
from four men.
W. Miller, owner of the Palm thea
ter, was persuaded by three men and
a gun to yield $90. The robbery was
staged at Twelfth and Douglas.
A negro highwayman took $2(1
away from L. Grcgor, 4211 Pacific
street, at Tenth and Davenport
Two white men held up Frank
Schneider of Louisville, Neb., at Sev
enteenth and Harney streets and got
Charles Burker, 518 North Seven
teenth street, handed over $70 aitd a
gold watch tCf two men at Tenth and
Davenport streets.
Teachers Discuss
Simple Spelling
"I ust la laff wen I saw teecher.
.Vow I kri." ,
That will be the way to write if
Nebraska adopts the Rooseveltian
plan of simplified spelling. The
state teachers, in convention here,
will hear Dr. A. Gideon of New York
City, field and newspaper represen
tative of the simplified spelling
board, expound some of its benefits
Saturday morning. Dr. Gideon is not
a radical reformer of the art of writ
ing words, but is irt Omaha, he says,
merely in the interest of twelve abus
ed words.
The dozen words were adopted in
their simplified form by the National
Education association in 1898. Last
year the association decided to end
with a "t" all those words ending in
"cd" which are pronounced "t." Thus
"kist" will succeed "kissed," . ,.
The words which Dr. Gideon cham
pions. are: Tho, altho, thru, thruout,
thoro, thorofare, thoroly, catalog,
decalog pedagog, program and pro
log. Needlework Guild
Re-Elects Officers
AH officers of the Needlework
Guild of America were re-elected at
the annual meeting held Wednesday
at Jacobs' hall. Mrs. J. J. Stubbs is
president; Mrs. M. B. Newman, vice
president; Mrs. W. W. Carmichael,
secretary, and Mrs. George Hender
son, treasurer.
Local charities, including the Visit
ing Nurse association, City Mission.
Child Saving institute, Old People's
home, House of Hope, St. James Or
phanage, Christ Child society and
others, and hospitals doing charity
work will today benefit by the distri
bution of close to 4,000 garments col
lected by the- guild. The collection
was viewed by hundreds of women be
tween 2 and 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Auto Bumps Pedro,
Who Sues for $15,000
Because a balky gasoline motor car
ran over him, Pedro Perez, a section
hand, is suing the Rock Island rail
road" for $15,000. The claimant al
leges that while working for the Rock
Island near Albright the gasoline car
which was being operated by the
company's foreman maliciously and
dangerously ran over him, inflicting
damages of the above named sum.
The case is being tried in the United
States district court before Judge
Woodrough.. J. M. Dickinson, re
ceiver of the Rock Island, is named
in the petition.
Surprise Friends by
I Marrying at Lincoln
Hurry Redman of the city park de
partment, accompanied by' Miss Jean
ette Shogren of this city, journeyed to
Lincoln and returned as Mr. and Mrs.
Redman, surprising relatives and
friends of both families.
Mr. Redman and his bride prepared
themselves in advance with a fur
nished home on Military avenue,
where they are now snugly en
sconced. The groom is a son of Superinten
dent Redman of the park department
and grandson of the late "Uncle Joe"
Frank W. Mondell
Is Probably Re-Elected
Cheyenne, Nov. 9. Returns from
all except a few scattering precincts
in Wyoming indicate the election of
Frank W. Mondell, republican, over
John D. Clark, democrat, for con
gress, by a majority of 304, with TOO
"maverick" votes mailed in by absent
voters, which will not be counted un
til the official canvass is made, but
are not expected to overcome Mon
dell's lead. Kendrick's majority over
C. D. Clark for the United States
senate is 2,836 and Wilson's majority
Tired, Aching- Mute! llrd.
Mass's llihlly iipll.d, Mill,
ante! and your soreness disappear. Ilk.
ousts. ot a Ho koul today. All oni
fflata, i jUreoTtUement.
Heaviest Vote in History of
South Side Oast in the
Recent Election.
The funeral of Michael Gillen, late
veteran detective on the local po
lice staff, ill be held Saturday morn
ing at 9 o'clock at St. Mary's church.
Corrected announcement was made
this morning by Funeral Director
Bernard Larkin, who will have charge
of the services.
Election Gossip.
There are just 1,448 drys in the
South Side, according to yesterday's
record count in the city, county and
state election; correspondingly there
are 4.357 wets in the district. As
predicted, the heaviest vote in the
history of the city was cast Tuesday.
A total of 5,805 votes were cast on
the amendment pro and con, account
ing for the largest vote in the history
of the South Side.
The next highest voting was for
sheriff. McShane skinned through
the eighteen precincts with 3,095 votes
or a plurality of 660 votes over Mike
Clark, who drew 2,435. Presidential
eleclors next came in lor count, with
a total nf 5,400. Wilson getting a
majority of a little over 2,000 over
Hughes. The town went strong for
Neville, democratic candidate for
governor, the majority being 1,600.
Race for Police Judge.
In the race for police judge, Har
vey Reed, present incumbent, ran
a wide third with Fitzgerald and
Madden, leading with 3,000 votes and
his co partner next with a little more
than 1.000 less. Reed drew a ballot
of 2,100 or nearly 800 behind McMad
den. The present judge carried but
four of the seventeen voting precincts.
Judge Foster polled a vote of 1878.
according to the last returns and had
majorities as second man in three
West L and West Q street pre
cincts returned overwhelming majori
ties for the democratic candidates.
It was apparently plain in all districts
that the democratic candidates were
carried, weight, filth and all, on the
shoulders of the wet forces, which
insured their election. Gubernator
ial returns corresponded almost in de
tail with the presidential count. Ne
ville was an easy leader.
The knifing that was given Henry
Murphy, erstwhile popular city at
torney of South Omaha, was the talk
of the city. The fierce fight waged
by personal enemies and the open
turnout agaiust him at the polls on
election day, are held as accountable
for his weak showing. According to
the count he carried but one precinct,
and that by a majority of less than
twenty votes, the district being his
residence territory.
Mike Clark's splendid showing was
cause for much conversation. The
street car inspector won overwhelm
ing majorities in five South Side pre
cincts and played an even count in
one with his opponent, McShane.
To Play Council Bluffs
South High and Council Bluffs will
clash in one of the premier foot ball
battles of the local season tomorrow
afternoon on the Luxus foot ball
lot at Twenty-fourth and Vinton
streets. Coach Patton's team is in
a weakened condition, due to the loss
of players who are down in their
studies, but will put up a hard fight.
The Bluffs eleven is generally con
ceded as an exceptionally strong
team. Central defeated this combina
tion three weeks ago by a score of
7 to 0.
Joe Dworak, fast halfback on the
local eleven, is the banner product
of the team. He is expected to star
with Rugie and Corr, tackle and end,
also in the limelight. Patton's team
averages less than 145 pounds in
weight since several regulars have
been dropped from the lineup. The
game will be called at 3 o'clock.
M.fflc City Hrores.
1st. Id. 3d. Tot.
Taylor 139 176 165 479
Ysgrsr 127 1 21 137 914
Rasper HO 197 142 438
Clowe 1G0 138 138 426
I.rns , 230 192 191 613
riknuiL-Hp a s s
Totsls 801 761 779 2341
lit. 2cl. Jd. Tot.
Altnmn 142 129 178 443
Wlttlff HI 142 104 967
Keener 117 191 lau 424
Meegan m 147 17 901
Denlson 1ST 171 141 469
Total. .' 712 799 763 2204
1st. !d. 3d. Tot.
Bachman 164 139 12.1 isn
Hslger 156 149 132 436
(Lunik 181 186 122 499
'Olt 137 146 ... 373
Kin 17! 119 189 60S
I'' 164 164
Handicap 4 4 24 32
TotaH 803 772 764 3329
Int. 2rl HA Tnt
Collin. 177 1 57 188 5??
127 199 123 398
Bloomciull HI 1,7 )
Kct.mej-or 12? 190 176 472
Devlne 201 181 169 698
1 Totala 768 774 799 21J1
Mafflc City (ioaslp.
Without ,i'nnnmv vi. ....
It you need not be poor. Aak the saving
department ot the stock National
bank. Houlh Omaha, for a copy of their
Household Expense Book. It makes savin,
Night school at Ihe Mouth Ride High
................ ....... -u-,....,, inline week, due
to the State Tearhera' aeaorlatlon conv.ntlon
- - . viuit, ik. (-rinripal
Huwalrit dismissed the atudenta ti....
day Vvenlng.
Just Apply This Paste
and the Hairs Vanish
(Helps to Beauty)
A safe, reliable home-treatment for
the quick removal of superfluous hairs
from your face or neck is as follow:
Mix a stiff paste with some water and
powdered delatone, apply to objec
tionable hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes
rub off, wash the skin and the hairs
are gone. This simple treatment is
unfailing and no pain or inconven
ience attends its use, but to avoid dis
appointment be certain you get gen
uine delatone. Advertisement.
WrIU today, I will tH you, frw of charge,
of a limpl horn treatment for math ma
whtcfa eared me after phyiicUns and change
of cllmaW failed. I am 10 grateful for my
ftreaent good health, after years of anffer
ng, that I want everyone to know of thi
wonderful treatment. M re. Nellie Evan.
E-6. Dee Moinee, low.v Ad.
Dispute Over Little Daughter
of Dead Woman is Dramatic
Court Sbenc.
Mrs. Mary My lister of Council
Bluffs, mother of Mrs. Thomas Swift,
a member of the ill-fated party that
plunged into the Missouri river in the
Sarpy county automobile tragedy sev
eral months ago, broke down on the
witness stand in Judge Wakelcy's
court when attorneys cross-examined
her as to her daughter's death.
She was testifying in her own he
half in the legal finlit being waged for
the guardianship of 7-ycar-old Lillian
McEldon, daughter of Mrs. Swift.
The former husband of the automo
bile tragedy victim seeks to get his
daughter away from the grandparents
in Council Bluffs. The fatiier, Byron
McKldon, was granted joint-guardianship
of the child when he and his wife
were divorced. Now that the mother
is dead he wants full guardianship of
his daughter.
Grandmother Wants Her.
The grandmother is making her
fight for the little girl on the grounds
that practically since Lillian's birth
she has made her home with tlte old
folks in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Mynster
contends that the child has come to
look upon the Mynster home as her
It was brought out in the testimony
that Lillian is being educated in the
Bluffs at the expense of the grand
parents. The grandfather is an
Van Lear Win. In Mills Utj.
Minneapolis Nov. 9. Thomas Van l."ar.
who was endorsed ft ml rei-elved the support
of the socialist psrty. was eleetod mayor nf
Minneapolis over Oltn ( i.sngun by a ma
jority of approximately 3.000 voles, accord
ing to complete returns today.
Need Only Trust to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound,says Mrs.Kurtzweg.
Buffalo, N.Y. " My daughter, whose
picture is herewith, was much troubled
iwitn pains in ner
back and sides every
month and they
would sometimes bo
so bad that it would
seem like acute in
flammation of some
organ. She read
your advertisement
in the newspapers
and tried Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound,
She praises it highly as she has been
relieved of all these pains by its use,
All mothers should know of this remedy,
and all young girls who suffer should
try it. "Mrs. Matilda Kurtzweo, 529
High St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Young women who are troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, dragging-down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion, should
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Thousands have been re
stored to health by this root and herb
If you know of any young wo
man who Is nick and need) help
ful advice, ask her to write to the
Lydia E.Pinklmm Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mans. Only women will
receive her letter, and it will be
held la strictest confidence.
iVv, ( A
law. j
Sciatica. Etc.
Free Trial of a New Method That Cure by
Removing the Cause. Send No Money.
We've a new method that euros Neuralgia,
Neuritis, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Neurasthenia,
Tic Douloureux, etc1., and we want you to try
It at our expense. No matter how great your
pain, or how terrible the torture you en
dure from diseased nerves, our method will
bring prompt and blessed relief. No matter
whether your ease is occasional or chronic,
nor what your age or occupation, this method
should cure you right in your home.
The Mulhall Method does not contain a
drop of morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine,
aeetanilid. or any narcotic whatsoever. It
provides a nerve food that cures by remov
ing the cause.
We especially want to send it to those
so-called "incurable" cases that have tried
all the various doctors, dopes, sanitariums,
"opathys," ate., without relief. We want to
show everyone at our own expense thst this
method will end at once and for all time,
all those tortures and twinges of almost
unbearable pain that are present in Neural
gia, Neuritis, Sciatica, Migraine, Tic Dou
loureux, Neurasthenia and other nerve dis
eases. This free offer is too important to neslect
a single day. Write now and begin the cure
at once. Address Mulhall Co., Room 6M,
Brisbane Bid., Buffalo, N. Y.
To Get Rid of Wrinkles
and Bad Complexions
Rabbi Cohen to Speak
. Here Friday Evening
Tlie HuiiRarian society wil! conduct
modern orthodox services Friday eve
ning at the Swedish auditorium.
The society secured Rabbi Samuel
M, Cohen of the Beth Sholcm syna
gogue of Kansas City. Mo., to deliver
a sermon in iinguMi on a timely mod
ern Jewish topic.
The Friday evening service is but
the first step of the socieiy in their
attempt to encourage a movement to
bring the younger element into close
contact with the congregation. The
society also wishes to announce that j SgnatOf Allen jS
it will bear the entire expense ot the
meeting and urges everybody to at
tend, Friday evening at the Swedish
auditorium at 8 p. in. sharp.
Fersistcnce Is the Cardinal Virtue
in Advertising.
Chosen District Judge
N'orfolk, Neb.; Nov. 9. William V,
Allen, former United States senator
from Nebraska, has been elected dis
trict judge of this district. v -i
It Is morn Important now than during
the period of profune pemplratlon, to keep
the pores clean. All cosmetics rtog the
porus. In cool weather this interfnrcs
greatly with elimination of waste mate
rial, Injuring Instead of aiding the com
plexion. 'Ordinary mercollsed wax serves
all the purposes of creams, powders and
rouges', giving far better results. It actu
ally peels off an offnslve skin, et th
name time unrlngging the porfu Minute
particles of ecarf skin mine off day by
dtty, causing not the least diionilWt,
Gradually the healthy, younirer akin ba
noath peeps out. and in Ir-nn lhn a
fortnight you have a lvller complexion
than you ever d roamed of acquiring. Mer
collsed wax. obtRlnntilc at any drug Htore.
Is rpread on nightly lik cold c.ram anil
wsphed off murnlnitH. (nn ounce ueuully
For removing wrinkles, wtthout mop
ping the pores with pasty stuff, hers's a
never-falling formula: Une ounce pow
dered saioflta, dissolved In one-half pint
witch hasel. Baths the fac in this dally
for awhile: every Une will vanlnh com
pletely. Even tho first application gives
surprising rauiio.veriiineni.
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M.f
Burgess-Nash Gompany
Thursday, NoYomW 9, 1916.
"everybody store
Phono DougUi 137.
Here's Great News for Friday
Sugar Plum Hospitality Week
NEWS about the most unique merchandising 'achievement in the history of this store a new name a new occasion a
new method, if you please of making a visit by you to our store both pleasant and profitable. There will be a won
derfully attractive SUGAR PLUM purchase for you, a timely staple piece of merchandise which will be sold for a song.
Here it is ...
This splendid kitchen utensil
"Wear-Ever" Pure Aluminum
Rice Boiler
Two-quart size,
quality ; regular
$2.20, for 29c.
strictly first
retail price
lr trr- Eft M
To purchasers of goods to the
value of $5.00 or more Friday;
not more than one (1) boiler to
a customer.
Be sure to see the SUGAR
PLUM for Saturday in Window
No. 6 on Harney St.
Just for Friday
TWO very special offerings for
Friday from the November
silk sale, that are way out of the
Chiffon Taffeta, $1.29
Black chiffon taffeta silk, rich
black, full 86 inches wide; very
Bpecial for Friday, at, yard, $1.28.
Chiffon Taffeta, $1.69
40-inch black chiffon taffeta
silk, soft finish, rich raven black;
special sale price, Friday, at, the
yard, $1.69.
Silk Moire, 98c
Black, silk moire for skirts
dresses and coats, full one yard
wide; in November lilk sale, at
98c the yard. Co. Mala Floor.
Our Visitors
The School Teachers
WE WANT you to make this big store your downtown
headquarters to make use of the many conveniences
we have provided for yoir. Located in the very heart of
Omaha, with all cars passing or transferring to our door, and
within a few steps o,f Convention Headquarters, you'll find
it a most convenientplace to meet friends.
Our rest room on the balcony of the main floor affords a
splendid place for simply resting or writing letters, while
our accommodation or information desk will answer all in
quiries, check your parcels or wraps and be as useful as pos
sible to you and, remember, these helps are all FREE.
It is also a splendid time to do your Xmas buying. Many
novelties shown now can not be duplicated later.
Then there is
The Cricket Room
a most convenient place to meet friends where you may be
served with a good, wholesome dinner, light luncheon or re
freshments at a moderate cost.
200-yard machine cotton, spool. 2c
12-yard bolt bias tape, all widths,
bolt .So
Pearl Buttons, dozen.. 2 He
Men's Shirt bands, each , ..2H
Darning cotton, 3 spools 5c
Large bottle machine oil ..... ,B
6-yard bolt rick-rack, bolt . , . . ,7
Children's hose supporters, pair 7c
Shoe string- shopping bags, ea. lOe
100 yards of machine silk thread,
spool .So
Wire hair pins, 2 boxes. . ... . ..Be
Fancy trimming buttons, card. . lo
Embroidery bandings, 6-ydbolt 3o
Nickel plated safety pins, 2 dos. Bo
Urge sise needle books, each, ,10c
60-inch taps measures, each... la
Hooks and eyes, card . . ... .... 1
Steel thimbles, each .......... 1
Small scrub brushes So
Silk finish crochet cotton, spool 3
Notion boxes, each 10c
Embroidery edges, 6-yd. bolt. . 10
Basting thread, 600-yd, spool. ,3o
Chinese Ironing wax, eaeh . . , .n, u
Buri au-Nosk Cse-Dsn Stair (tor.
MUSLIN at 6Vfc
GOOD quality bleached and un
bleached muslin, 36 inches
wide; yard, 6 Wo.
Outing Flannels, 8VsC
Good grade striped and checked
outing flannels and white baby
flannels, yard, 854 e.
Velour Flannels, 8Vgc
Fancy kimono velour flannels,
new designs that sell regularly at
15c the yard; sale price, yd., 8Kc.
Remnants, Vs Price '
Odd lengths of flannels, ging
hams, percales, ticking and mus
lins, accumulations from our regu
lar stock; Friday, tt Price.
Ginghams at 5c
Good quality apron check ging
hams; Friday, yard, Sc.
Comforters at $2.95
Large size new cotton filled
comforters, plain sateen cover with
fancy colored sateen border; splen
did value, at $2.95.
Blankets, $3.59
Double bed size blankets, 66x80,
part wool, pink, blue and tan
plaids, plain white; Friday, 13.59
Burs..9'Na.h Co. Down Stolr. Stora.
Women's Hose 25c
WOMEN'S black cotton fleeced
lined hose with split soles,
full fashioned, regular made foot;
special, at, pair, 25c.
Children's Cotton Hose, 15c
Children's black cotton hose;
plain or fleeced lined; seamless;
Friday, at, ISc.
Burgsss-Nash Co. Down Suir. Stor.
Women's Union
Suits at 50c Each
WOMEN'S union suits, white
cotton, low neck and sleeve
less, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves,
high neck and long sleeves; all an
kle length; per suit, 50c.
Children's Vests, 25c
Children's plain or ribbed fleece
lined vests, sample sizes only, 25c Co. Down Stair. Stor..
We Will Allow You
$15.00 on Your Old
Sewing Machine
FOB a few days only we will al
low you $15 for your old ma
chine on any cabinet or princess
Standard Rotary machine in stock.
This liberal offer enables you to
secure a brand new sewing ma
chine and at the same time dispose
of your old one, making the first
payment on the new one and then
$1 a week soon payshe balance.
Three Specials
4-drawer automatic lift, at $22.50.
2-ri rawer, hand lift, at $16.50.
1 Free (almost new), at $22.50.
BurgMa-Naah Co. Down Stair. Store.
Clearaway Friday of
Men's Shirts
Just About One-Half
Regular Price
THE lot consists of all the
soiled and mussed shirts
from our main f ldor stock, Bhirts
from our' last Saturday's up
stairs sale, at greatly reduced
prices; also a job fortunately
picked up that just fits in sizes
which completes the assort
ment to make it really the best
lot of shirts we've ever offered
in our Down Stairs Store.
Every size from 14 to 17, and
especially strong, and the good
sizes, 16, 16'. and 17. the
price quoted will be less than 14 the original price,. 65c.
Burg..-Nash Co. Down Stair. Stora.
Boy's 50c Blouses Friday 25c
Boys' good quality BTouse waists, made of percale, ma
dras, chambray and sateen, faced sleeves and cuffs, military
collar, all sizes for ages 5 to 14 years. The usual 60c kind,
Friday, for , , ,25c
Burgess. Nash Co. Down Stslr. Stora.
One Lot of SILK
POPLINS at 39c
TN neat patterns, in large range
of colors; both light and dark,
with plenty of white grounds with
colored figures ; 24 Inches wide;
Friday, yard, 39c.
Rmuwate ot
Dress Goods, 29c i
Short lengths of serge suitings,
wool challies and mixtures; lengths
of 1 to 3 yards in a piece; big lot
of colors; were 49c to k39c a yard;
at yard, 29c. Co. bowa Stairs Stora. '
Fan cy Coutil
Corsets at 89c
Women's Winter Coats $2.00
"DLACK only; made box or semi-fitted effects; full length
-L models; some all silk lined; large shawl collars; only
a limited quantity, at $2.00 each.
Women's Suits at $2.00
MIXTURES and plain colors; long and short coat effects;
only a limited quantity at $2.00.
Children's Wash Dresses 49c
MADE of ginghams, percales and flannels; long or short
sleeves, with braid or button trimmings; some were
formerly priced to $1.50; Friday, 49c.
XpANCY coutil corset, medium in
A bust and skirt; lace trimmed
and finished with draw tape; rein
forced with hooks; four heavy hose
supporters; were $1.60, fbr 89c.
Brassieres, 25c
In good quality long cloth, with
scalloped edging or embroidery
trimmed; closing back style, 25c. Co, Down Stairs Store.
Huck Towels. $1
Again Friday
1 "
to $4.00;
NE big lot, including shoes intended to sell
your choice, Friday, $2.19.
Women s patent colt with Cuban
and low heels.
Women's gun metal calf, Cuban
and low heels.
Women's vici kid, button, lace;
Cuban or low heels.
Women's patent colt with
cloth tops.
Women's patent colt, but
ton, kid top.
Women's dull calf with
medium and low heels.
Women's kid lace comfort
shoes, rubber heels.
The entire lot is composed of sen
sible, serviceable shoes, at less than
the coHt of making.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora.
iBurgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney-
Pleached huck towels, good
weight, medium size, red bor
der or plain white; Friday, the
dozen, 11.00.
Bed Spreads, $1.75
Crochet bed spreads, large dou
ble bed size; scalloped with cut
corners; snow white, assorted mar
seilles patterns.
Dresser Scarfs, 50c
Dresser or buffet scarfs; whits
or natural color; scalloped and em
broidered or lace trimmed; special,
at 50c.
Turkish Towels, 20c
Bleached Turkish towels, 22x42
inch; heavy weight, soft and ab
sorbent; a splendid value, at 20c.
Fancy Bath Towels, 25c
Fine mercerized Turkish towels,
with handsome combination color
stripes or with broche border, in
pink, blue or gold.
Buras-Naah Co Down Stalra Store.
Beadings, Edges 5c
EMBROIDERY edges, headings
and insertions; specially priced
Friday, at, yard, Sc.
Flouncings, ,10c
Embroidery flouncings, corset
cover embroidery, allovers and
tucking; the yard, 10c.
Val Laces, 3V2c
German val lace and insertions;
yard, 3 )c.
Neckwear, 5c i
An assortment of soiled and
mussed neckwear, choice, Be.
Lace Remnants, 10c
Remnants of laces, embroidery,
nets and bands, at 10c.
BurtOM-Naafe Co. Down Stair. Store.