Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Result of Election on Bead of
Supreme Court Closely
(From a 8iaff Correspondent.
. 'Lincoln. Nov. 9. (Special.) The
result of the election of supreme
judges may have to wait until the
6ull vote is in judging by the returns
as coming to the state house.
Lancaster and Douglas counties on
supreme judge, gave Fawcett for
chief justice, on the figures so far
obtained, a lead of approximately
7,000. Only about one-fifth of the
state has been heard from. .These
tame returns giv the associate jus
tices the following:
r.rrfi.h :.. ."
Stdtwick J .. .'i .... . .
Ia ..
Martin " ,
SI 143
. 33,111
On chief justice the vote stood at
Uurrussy '
Funeral of Barton
- Held at Aurora
Aurora. Neb., , Nov. 9. (Special
Telegram.) Followed by a funeral
tram of automobiles more than a mile
in length,' the body of Silar R. Bar
ton of Grand Island, late republican
candidate for congress, in the Fifth
district, was today conveyed to the
Aurora cemetery and now rests be
side his father. Masonic and United
Workmen bodies united in the fu
neral ceremonies.
Business in Aurora stopped for a
while in honor of its former citizen
and hundreds of Hamilton county
people attended the services at the
grave. '! " v .v
Mr. Barton' was born and reared in
Hamilton, county. '.After serving as
deputy county - treasurer,, he was
elected td an office- in. the- nUited
Workmem rlodge and . romoved to
Grand Island. . ki'i s .
Weeping Water's New
School House Open
-Weeping Water, Neb., Nov. 9.
,Special.)-The new $17,000 high
; school building just being occupied at
Weeping ;Watert - The old building
. ' which is on the same campus, will
be used by-'the grades entirely; the
' need of more room being the reason
for the construction of the new build
i Ihg. The new building Is 44x60 feet
1 and has three floors. The basement
houses a gymnasium, 57x24 feet, and
manual training room. A large stage
is provided and separate dressing
rooms in connection. '
It is nlanned to. use the building
as a community canter for.! some oil
the social activities ot the town, as
welt as for all school entertainments
j and social affairs. - No bonds were
voted for the construction of the
building. About half of the cost was
r provided for from, a sinking . fund
'and the other half raised by voting
' warrants instead of bonds.
i'.William A. Watson, Old u
' Resident, Has Fatal Stroke
i " William A. Watson, a resident of
Omaha for thirty-three years, died at
' .the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry
"' Hornung, 1327 South Thirty-fifth
i. street, vesterdav. as a result of a
j stroke of paralysis, He it survived by
..his widow and daughter, six orotnert,
-Cyrus E., John Na Oliver S., Albert
vH. and Ulvssea G. of Omaha, and
James Anderson of Chickasha, OkL,
- and Mrs. Jamet Newkirk of May berry,
;,1 Mr. Watson was born in Sullivan
: county, Indiana, June 1850. For
: many years he was engaged in the
horseshoeing business on Harney
street, between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth streets. He retired from busl
" nest about six years ago and had since
t lived at his home in Benson. He was
a member of Grant post, Grand Army
of the Republic, having served in
Company C, Eleventh Illinois infan
f try. Funeral services witl be held Sat
urday afternoon at i o clock (rom the
, Burkett chapel.' Interment will be in
Forest Lawn cemetery.
.Telephone Chiefs to Move;
' Will Not Build This Year
Four of the Nebraska Telephone
company's chiefs with their staffs
i will move November 15 into new quar
trrs on the sixth and seventh floors
of the Brandeis building. The object
.Of the transfer ia merely to give more
room to the main headquarters on
Douglas street. .
v Those who move are Division En.
gineer E. H. Pattern and his force of
-thirty persons; E. I.' Hannah, division
plant supi'-intendcnt; J, R. Carter,
superintendent ol trailic; i.. B. Wil
son, commercial superintendent.
;, I;. S. Mofsman, general traffic en
gineer, has just moved into quarters
in me aaunaer8-icuncuy)uiiQiiig.
Library Books May Now Be
- Borrowed Longer Period
- A ruling which went itno effect at
the public library Nevember 1, alllows
' patrons to keep books for twenty
eight days, instead, of fourteen days,
the former time limit. Patrons are
also allowed to -renew thr? honks fnr
a similar period; at the expiration of
the twenty-eight day. In this man
ner Miss Edith Tobitt, librarian.
pects to do away with the many small
fines imposed upon members who
kept their- books longer than the
time limit. ;
"Y. M." Worker in Japan Will
Speak, at Local Association
r Arthur Jorgenson,," student secre
tary of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation branch at Tokio, Japan, will
be the speaker at the Sunday after
noon meeting at the local Y. He
will talk on the Japanese student, Mr.
Jorgenson formerly was assistant sec
retary of the local association. He is
a graduate of the Lniversity of Ne
braska. J. J. McConnell who fought
with the allien in the European war
ill also speak. ' '
Concordians Hear
Boy Scout Leader
Tell of Plans Here
Members of the Omaha Concord
club at the weekly meeting and lunch
eon at the Hotel Fontenelle heard
Judson P. Freeman, national field
commisioncr of the Boy Scouts, tell
of the month's campaign of organiza
tion that is to be carried on here.
He outlined the activities of the
Scouts and spoke of the great civic
interest being taken in the movement
in other cities. Mr. Freeman declared
that the field for the work here was
exceptionally good.
1 he Loncordians expressed them
selves as being heartily in accord with
the Boy scout movement and passed
resolutions to appoint a committee
to aid in the campaign in Omaha.
C. E. Corey, vice president of the
club, acted as chairman ot this week s
meeting, which was largely attended.
Dental Dispensary ,
For Children to Be
Opened Next Month
Announcement was made yesterday
by Dr. P.; P. Shearer that the free
dentil dispensary for children will be
opened in December. The plan has
been under discussion' for several
months. " In the neighborhood of
eighty Omaha dentists will give their
services to the new institution.
That from 85 to 90 per cent of all
children in Omaha are suffering from
some physical malady hat can be
traced to defective teeth, is the con
tention of Dr. Shearer.
. He said that in Boston, $2,500,000
was donated for an institution for the
care of children's teeth and in a year
the decrease in infectious diseases
among the children of the Hub city
was 60 per cent. ,
Notes From Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.).
A stranger visited Beatrice Tuesday
afternoon and succeeded in passing a
forged check for $10 at Klein's store.
He made a small purchase of goods,
received the balance due him and dis
appeared.! The check was drawn in
favor of Louis McGown, a young man
employed at the farm of John Pen
ner and also bore the supposed signa
ture of Mr, Penner, who stated that
he had not issued tuch a check. The
officers are working on the case.
Oliver Maize of Armour, Neb., and
Mitt Mayme Wilson of Hollenberg,
Kan,, were married yesterday after
noon at the court house by County
Judge Walden.
The annual corn and poultry exhibit
of the Beatrice Poultry and Pet
Stock association, will be held here
the second week in December and
prospects point to a big exhibit.
Thomas E. Roberta and Ora Rob
ert, well known young people of the
Wymore naisjhborhood, were married
yesterday afternoon at the home of
the bride's parents. , ,
John Wlcltmann of West Beatrice
it circulating a petition for the re
moval of Chief of Police Hayden,
charging that he hat failed to prop
erly pertorm nit outlet in making ar
rests, etc. -
Charles W, Burrows, democrat.
who won over G. W. Steinmever as
representative from Gage county, will
undoubtedly be the youngest member
ot tne Nebraska legislature at the
session this winter. The young man
it 23 yeart of age and wat born and
raited on hit father't homestead near
Adams. He taught tchool for two
yean and later engaged in farming.
Reavis and Sloan -l
Have Big Margins
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 9. Congress
man Keavit, present republican in
cumbent in the First district of Ne.
braska, hat a majority of 3,500 votes
over his opponent, former Congress
man jonn a. Mcuuire, according to
returns from tix of the teven counties
in the district. In the Fourth dis
trict, with one county and two other
precincts missing, Sloan, present re
publican incumbent, it leading his op
ponent by J,o55 votes. Keavis elec
tion was conceded tonight at demo
cratic headquarters.
Suffrage in West
Virginia Beaten
Charleston, "W. Va., Nov. 9, Re
turns from 84J out of 1,713 precincts
in West Virginia on suffrage: 33,887
for, 72.473 against.' ,
Like a Boy at 50
With Vitality
Doctor Sajri Nuxotod Iron U grMUit
ero tho strength and oaaWtnco of doltcato, narvout
folks 200 par cant In two waalu' tima.
MKW YORK, N. T Not lonf 0 a Wn
rm to mc who wti ntwrtr hulf a century
old and ik4 m to five him a preliminary
lamination for ltf Innuranca. I waa aiton-
liattl to find htm with tha blood r-muura
ot a boy of 10 and a full of vior, vim and
vitality ai a young man; In fact, a young
man b really waa, notwithstanding hta ago.
Tha Mrret, ho wld, waa taking Iron nuxat
mA Iron had filled hint with rnWMt Ufa. At
So he waa In bad halth: at it careworn and
nearly all in. .Now at a mlracta of vitality
and hi tar baamtnir with tha buoyancy of
youth. Ai 1 havt uld a hundred ttmei ovar.
Iron la the greatest of all atrongth builders,
if L)oilt would only throw awsy natent
medicine and naunaoua com'octlona and take
almple nutated Iron, I am convinced that
tha llvr-fl of thoiwmdi of persons might bo
saved who now die every year from on Mi
nion I a, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver
and heart trouble, etc. The renl and true
reuse which started their diseases was noth
ing more or less than a weakened condi
tion brought on by lack of Iron In the blood.
iron la absolutely necessary to enable your
blood to change rood Into living ttssu. with
out It. no matter how much or whttt you est.
your food merely passes through you' with
out doing you any good. Too don t get the
strength out of It and aa a consequence you
become week. Dal and tlckly looktna. Juat
like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient
In iron. If you are not strong or well you
owe It to yourself to make tha following
test: See how long you can work or how far
you ran walk without bnuomlng tired. Nest
iSKe two iiva-araii. tmifta 01 ordinary
nuxetad Iron three times per day after mewls
fnr two weeks. Then test Your Btifnth
again a nil see for ynumelf how much vou
have gsltifd. 1 tisve seen dosent of uervous.
nih-don pespl who wm ailing all the
whll-, double their s;rongih and endurance
United States Commissioner of
Education Details Method
of Teaching.
If the teachers of Nebraska who at
tended the association meeting held at
the Auditorium last night paid atten
tion to the words of P. P. Claxton,
Washington, D. C, United States com
missioner of education, they learned
two things how to teach, and why P.
P. Claxton is commissioner.
The subject of the discussion was
"The Promotion of the Teacher With
the Pupils." In substance he showed
that the history of a child, its environ
ment, habits, interests, and the history
of its family, both in a physical and
mental sense, are the prime facts to be
ascertained in order to start properly
in the pupil's education.
As an insurance agent or physician
inquires into the life of an individual
and his family to ascertain just what
to expect from the person, so a teacher
should make this a vital issue of pre
paredness for the campaign of teach
ing. "Don't teach a child to recite by
heart from a text book," said the
speaker. "That is not education, but
mechanical efficiency. Learn what
your pupils do out of school, what
they are interested in, how they spend
Saturday and Sunday and their vaca
tions. '
The Main Education.
"Out of school life is the main edu
cation. Learn what they are taking
interest in without, and bring these
things into the school and interpret
them for your children.
"The teacher who would teach must
put herself into the minds of her chil
dren. Teachert in grade tchools have
no sense of value, but' merely go
through a certain process of dispensa
tion without weighing the result.
"Instead of learning first, second
and third grade teaching singly a
teacher should not onlv be nreoared,
but should instruct pupils not only in
one grade as the first, but on into the
thirdand fourth and even through the
sixth grade. , She then becomes ac
quainted with the child, its habits,
owers of retaining knowledge and the
best methods by which it may receive
true learning.
"If this plan will be carried out, the
teachers in the tchoolt will teach chil
dren and subjects, instead of just sub
jects." '
Commissioner Claxton cited numer
ous amusing incidents of the absolute
fll.. -C ML. 1. 1 : " !,.. i, I. nnt
lUliy Ul WW itBMlllig . o itui
interpreted so that tne child's mind
can digest it.'. Hit ditcourte thowed
the years of devotion he has given to
the subject.
City Superintendent of Schools John
D. Snoop of Chicago spoke on "The
Variable and the Constant in Teach
ing." He put much ttrets on the
gospel of work and self-reliance for
the s pupil and particularly on the
of control, which he termed
"the greatest word in the English lan
guage." ,
Mr. Shoop recently sustained severe
injuries in an auto accident and it was
against the advice of hit physician and
family that he came to Omaha. But
he asserted that "hit visit had been a
real tonic in more wavs than one."
The Nebraska State Teachers' asso
ciation will probably hear no more in
teresting talks during the forty-first
annual session, and besides the speak
ing the singing of the Menoma Male
chorus, under the direction of Jamet
E, Carnal, wat superb.
Bellevue Students to Stage
Banquet at Rome This Eve
The Bellevue college banquet at the
Hotel Rome this evening, probably
will be attended by every Bellevue
alumnus now in Omaha for the teach
ert' convention. Through an error in
printing the program the banquet was
announced for the college dining
room. Many of the teachers who are
graduates of Bellevue have been mak
ing the college hill their headquarters.
Headquarters for the Bellevue teach
ers is at the Young Men's Christian
association. They all attended the ad
dress by President tterr at the Com
mercial clu yesterday afternoon.
Burroughs' Machines -
Speed Election Returns
Voting men and women owe an
extra ballot of gratitude to the me
chanical mathematicians, the Bur
roughs' adding machines, which made
returns, as published in The Bee, so
early and to accurate.
Edison and Bell helped to speed up
the news by means of the telephone.
But the chief eccelerator and verfier
of the votes was the faithful adding
machine.! Every time it clicked it told
the fate of somebody's favorite and
told it with perfect precision.
Bubbling Over
Taking Iron Did It
of all iti-onf th builcUra OfUn iiv
and entirely get rid of all symptoma ot dyi-
pipela, liver and other troubles In from ten
to fourteen dare time simply by taking Iron
In tha proper form. And this after, they had
in some casta been doctoring for months
without obtaining any benefit. But don't
take the old forma of reduced Iron, Iron
acetate or tincture ot iron, simply to save a
few centa. Tou must take Iron In a form
that can be easily absorbed and assimilated.
Ilka nuxated Iron, If you want it to do you
any good, otherwise It may prove worse than
useless. Many an athlete or prtaeflghter has
won the dsy simply because he knew the
secret of great strength and endurance and
ftllod his blood with iron before he went
Into the affray, while many another baa gone
down to Inglorious detest simply for tho
lac a ot iron. ai, oauer, H. u.
NOTE Nuxated iron, recommended above
by Dr. Saucr Is not a nattat medicine nor
serret remedy, but one which to well known
to drugglxte and whose Iron constituents are
widely prescribed by eminent physicians
sverywhere. Unlike the older inorganic iron
products. It Is easily assimilated, does not
injur tn teem, matte tnera Diaca, nor up
aet the stomach: on tha contrary. It is
most potent remedy, In nearly all forms of
Indigestion, as well aa for nervoua, run-down
conditions. The manufacturer; hav nch
great ronnaence in isuxatea iron mat they
offer to forfeit 1100.00 to any charitable In
stitution it tney cannoi lane any man 01
wo iris n under 10 who lacks Iron and In.
cresee (heir strength 100 per cent or over
in four weeks' time, provided they hav no
serious organic trouble. They also offer lo
refund your money If It does not al least
double tour strengfh and endu-ence In ten
davit' time. It Is dispensed it thfr rlty by
Rerms't A- MM'onnl! Drug Stores and all
oLh-T druggls:. Advertisement.
Republican Chairman Says Al
leged Official Figures Are
Not Authentic.
Concord, N. H Nov. 9 The com
plete figures of New Hampshire show
ing a plurality of 117 for Wilson presi
dential electors are based on certified
returns to the secretary of state, 240
precincts out of a total of 294. added
to press returns from fifty-four pre
cincts. The secretary is checking up
the press returns with those certified
as the latter come in.
The two precincts which were miss
ing until this afternoon gave a total of
eleven votes for Hughes and seven for
Demos' Figures Disputed.
Philip F. Falkner, chairman of the
republican state committee, issued the
following statement:
"The claim that New Hampshire j
has gone for Wilson is unsubstan-
tiated by any returns in our posses
sion. "Fully 40 per cent of the town
clerks throughout the state have ren
dered no returns of the vote, but such
unofficial figures as we have verified
in every quarter of the state indicate
that Mr. Hughes has carried New
Hampshire by something less than
100 plurality.
"We have well fortified information
of irregularities in the counting of
votes in many quarters and we have
today instituted proceedings for an
inspection of all the votes cast in the
state on Tuesday as our law provides.
die on lucsuaty aa our mw pruviucs.
"George A. Fairbanks of Newport, I
one of the Hughes presidential elec
tort, is the petitioner in this action
and we expect to have the New
Hampshire ballots in the hands of the
secretary of state by the cjose of an
other day.
"We do not concede New Hamp
shire to the democrats and are pre
pared to substantiate our claim of re
publican victory before any competent
Certified returns for 248 precincts
out of 294 in New Hampshire give:
Hughes, 37,072; Wilson, 36,793.
For the balance of the state the
secretary of state has only press re
port! and it was on the certificate re
turn! combined with press reports
that the Wilson plurality was placed
at 117.
Credit Men to Hold
Monthly Dinner
The monthly meeting of the Omaha
Association of Credit Men will be
held at the Hotel Fontenelle Thurs
day evening. The dinner is to be fol
lowed by a business aession.
Frank H. Myers of Benson &
Myers will talk on the subject, "The
Farm Loan Bank and Its Relation to
Credits." . .
An entertainment feature will be
given by Frank T. B. Martin of Mar
tin Bros. & Co.
W. A. Glass it chairman of the
entertainment committee.
Blackburn Wants Lawyers
To Suggest Law Changes
Thomas W. Blackburn, chairman of
the committee on legislation of the
Nebraska State Bar association, de
sires members of the bar of the state
to communicate with him concerning
any changes they would recommend
in the statutes ot the state, particu
larly such at would simplify the pro
cedure. Another meeting will be held be
fore the annual meeting of the Ne
braska State Bar 1 association, at
which time additional recommenda
tions will be brought to the attention
of the association. ,
All Phonographs in One
10 Pathe Records
Easy Terms
Free Trial
Executive is Given Summary of
Election News at 11 A. M.,
but Withholds Comment.
Long Branch, N. J., Nov. 9. At 11
o'clock President Wilson was given
a complete summary of election news
to date, including word that Senator
Hollis claimed New Hampshire. Al
though the word transmitted to Mr.
Wilson was almost entirely favorable,
he reserved judgment.
President Wilson was informed at
10:25 o'clock, in a telegram from Sen
ator Hollis of New Hampshire, of the
change in- the New Hampshire
returns giving Mr. Wilson a lead of
ninety-three votes, Senator Hollis de
claring that Mr. Wilson had carried
the state by that plurality.
"Congratulations," he concluded.
It was taken for granted among of
ficials here that there would be re
rnuiitj! in several nf the verv close
states and it was believed that weeks
, . , . - , , i
might pass before questions involved
are settled. Officials said the results
would be watched very closely in or
der to insure a fair verdict.
The president was in a cheerful
mood today and believed the result
eventually would favor him.
The president will leave Atlantic
Highlands on the naval yacht May
flower late this afternoon or tonight
for Rhine Cliff, N. Y., on the Hudson,
where he wilt board a train at 10
o'clock tomorrow mornintr for Wil-
lianistown, Mass., where he will act j
as godfather for the child of Mrs
Francis B. Sayre, his daughter.
. . , ...
KaCinCJ AUtOITlOblle
Burned at Deshler
Dtshler, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.)
While-trying out his Emden car
on the track at the Thayer '.bounty
fair grounds this afternoon, Ray Her
bert of Sioux City, Ia., had his car
destroyed by fire. It backfired and in
a moment was in a mass of flames.
"Only 'Gets-It' for
Me After This!"
It "Gati" ErarT Corn Evary Tima.
Painlaag. Nothing Mora Simpla.
"I'll tell you what, I've quit using toe
eating salves for eorns. I've quit making a
package out of my toea with bandages and
contraptions quit digging with knives and
scissors. Give me 'GETS -IT every time!"
That's what they all say tha very first time
When Yoa Sea Thee Pretty Girls In Your
Druggist's Window It's a Gawd Tima
Ta End Your Corn.
they asc "GETS-IT" It's because "GETS-IT
Is so simnle and hit to use put it on In
few seconds because there- Is not work or
corn-ioonng to ao, no pain that shoots up to
your heart. It get your corns off your mind.
All the time It's working and then, that lit
tie old corn peels rirht off, leave the elean,
corn-free skin underneath and your corn
la gone! No wonder millions prefer "GETS
IT." Try It tonight.
"GETS-IT" is sold and recommended by
druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent
on receipt ot price by K. Lawrence Co.,
Chicago, lit. -
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world's best corn remedy by Sherman A
MeConnell Drug Co.
Plays All Records
We invite every music lover, to attend one of the daily concerts
at our talking machine department and hear the great new Bruns
wick play the Famous Pathe records. Then" hear your favorite
American records it is a revelation. Two sound boxes accom
plish this.
Contains the best qualities of the best phonographs made in
troduces special refining features that make its music thoroughly
, The "Vox Humana" tone regulator alone distinguishes the
Brunswick from all other phonographs.
Equipped with sapphire ball, jewel point and steel needles.
Has 12-inch turn table, automatic stop.
Made by the world-famous Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.
Encased in a masterpiece of Brunswick cabinet work.
The celebrated Pathe records, largest collection of records in
the world, and are the onlysource through which Americans may
hear the greatest European artists and Music. Superbly played by
the Brunswick, as well as all American records.
Daily Concerts 10 A. M. to 5 P.M.
Evening Concerts 7:30 to 9 P. M.
He jumped and escaped injury. His
machinist, F. E.Harries of Davenport,
la., jumped, but has a sprained back
and burned leg, the car ran close to
the racing stables, but prompt work
saved the building. This is the
car that won fourth place in the au
tomobile races at Omaha in 1915. The
company is putting on a big racing
event here Saturday and Monday.
Prominent professional drivers from
several states have entered six cars.
How To Get Rid Of Catarrh,
Catarrhal Deafness Or
Head Noises.
If you have catarrh, catarrhal deafnesa or
head noises esused by catarrh, or tf phlegm
drops in your throat and has eaueed catarrh
of the stomach or bowels you wilt be dad
to know that these distressing symptatns
can be entirely overcome in maty instances
by. the following treatment, which you can
easily prepare in your own home at little
cost. Secure from year druggist 1 ounce of
Parmint (Double Strength). This will not
cost you more than 76c. Take this home and
add to it pint of hot water and 4 ounces
of granulated sugar; stir until dissolved.
Take one tablespoonfol foor times a dsy. A
decided improvement Is sometimes noted
after the first day's treatment. Breathing
becomes easy, while the distressing head
noises, headache, dullness, cloudy thinking.
etc., gradually disappear under the tonic
iiu w me miwiMh iau ui men, issie,
near urn ua mucus oroppinfT in
the back of the throat art other syimitoms
which suggest the presence of eatarrh and
which are often overcome by this efficacious
treatment. Nearly ninety par cent of all ear
troubles are said to be directly caused by ca
tarrh, therefore there must be many people
whose hearing can be restored by this simple
home treatment. Advertisement.
I5I3-I5I5 Howard
The Rockers Priced
Opened UpEvery Onea
Big Value
Five Rockers, golden oak, high backs,
$2.25, $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.50
Rocker, leather seat and back, auto
seat construction, fumed oak. . .$7.75
Rocker, leather upholstered seat, very high back; large
and roomy .$8.25
Solid Mahogany Rocker, auto seat; covered in a handsome
tapestry ,.. $10.75
Mahogany Rocker, velour, auto seat .$8.25
Mahogany Rocker, velour, auto seat, William and Mary
design .$9.75
Large Wing Rocker, overstuffedtapestry cover. . .$18.50
Overstuffed Tapestry Rocker, like illustration $15.75
Bed Davenports and Duofolds
Covered in Moroccolin and Genuine Leather, $19.75, $24.75,
$26.50, $27.50 and up. These are done in quartered oak,
frames and upholstered over steel springs. Ask to see the
spring construction.
The Davenport here illustrated is done in finest Spanish
Ask to m this Bad Dar-
enport openad and tha
spring work.
A Big Sflverware
Union Outfitting Company
16th and Jackson Struts
Saturday, November 11th
A big purchase of William A. Rog
ers' 1881, A-l, guaranteed silverware,
bought by us at an extra heavy dis
count, enables us to put the entire
purchase on Special Sale for this One
Day Only at prices that will mean a
saving to you of at least one-half.
Every piece of this splendid high
grade silverware is finished by the
old reliable hand process, insuring
greater durability than ia found in
most of the goods produced at the
present time. Included in thit big
purchase are many beautiful twenty
six piece seta. These sets are put up
in elegant silver chesta, which are
lined with a very toft white semi-silk.
There are also many dozens of table
knives and forks, teaspoona and
tablespoons any of these ' Will be
sold separately or by the dozen.
Come to this big Silverware Sale
expecting to find extraordinary val
ues, and you will not be disappointed
and, as always. YOU MAKE YOUR
Below Are Just
Leather and
fV Ul
ffiw heavy quar-
&V h VI t e r e d oak