THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1916. 'Hi'iiMniin:rnpiiiniiiiMtiiMiiMtiiM'iMuiMiM'MiMiriiiMiiMUMMii''ii'itiMii'iiiMiiMiiMiMiMMMHiiMwiiMMiiiiuiiMMMilMiMM'Telephon 2020 Douglatiii'iiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii'ii'iiimiiiiiini'iiiii'iiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiuiitiiiiM' iiini'iiniii)niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiim'"i-iiiMuiiiimiiut! The Economy Center of Omaha The Economy Center of Omaha Two Great Sale Days FRIDAY and SATURDAY Wonderful Bargains In Everything You Heed Warm, Durable Blankets and Comforters Cotton Blanket!, size 64x76 inches. Double blankets in gray and tan, with fancy washable borders. Heavy nap. Regular price, $1.35, sale price, the Pr 98$ Woolnap Blankets, extra heavy cotton b 1 an k e t s , beautiful weight, wool finish; permanent nap. White, tan and gray, with fancy washable borders, mohair binding. .Regular $2.50 values, sale price per pair . . $1.98 fextra Fine Quality Wool Blank eta, fine weight and finish ; neat, fancy plaids and checks, also plain shades. Full size. Regu lar $5.00 values, saie price, pair $4.39 Crib Blanket, double cribl, made by the well known Beacon Manufacturing Co. None better. Plain white with fancy borders. Regular 75c values, special, the pair 49$ Heavy Cotton Comfortert, cov ered with good grade fancy printed silkoline, mostly light shades. $1.50 values, $1-29 Beat Grade Sateen Covered Comfortert, filled with best grade pure, sanitary cotton, either plain or fancy centers and 9-inch fancy borders. Scroll stitched. $3.50 values, special, each $2.45 - 27-inch Dren Gingham, made in America. Fast woven dyes, neat, fancy checks. Regular 10c value, special, yard . 7V2$ Women's Ready-to-lVear at Unusual Prices Buy a New Coat, Suit, Dress, Blouse or any other wearables here Fri day, at extremely low prices. Newest creations, complete stocks. Hundreds of Coats at Lowest Prices All the latest styles, made of the wanted materials, such as All-Wool Velours, Wool Plush, Pile Fabrics, Fancy Mixtures, Plaids, Etc., many with large collars. All the newest colors, in all sizes, as well as extra sizes for stout women. Special lots at each price " $5.85, $8.95, $9.95, $12.48, $13.85, $14.85 Women's and Misses Suits Two Very Special Lots Hundreds to choose from, many different styles. Made of All-Wool Serge, Pop lin, Gabardine, Fancy Cloths, Etc. Newest colors, materials and styles. $10.00 to $13.50 values.. $5.85 $15.00 to $20.00 values. $10.95 Included in the $10.95 lot are several styles for stout women. Fine suits, sizes, 39 to 53. Women's, Misses', Juniors' Dresses, tour Lxtraordinary Lots Dozens of new, right up-to-the-minute styles to choose from, in all the newest colors and materials. All sizes. $4.0.0 to $6,00 values, silk arid wool . $6.50 to $9.50 values, silk, satin and Wool .,. $10.00 to $12.50 values, silk, satin and Wool . $15.00 to $20.00 values, silk, satin and Wool J... $2.85 $4.95 $8.95 $10.95 Beautiful Blouses We are now showing a wonderful lot of Crepe de Chine, Georgette, Chiffon and Lace and Fancy Net Blouses Copies of high priced models. All sizes and colors. Two very special lots. Values to $5.00, $1 AC J $o ne sale price , ,pl.S70 and tp.O We are Omaha agents for the celebrated Biltmore Blouses. As usual we are showing a great assortment, in a variety of stylos. Siies range from 36 to 50. New, desirable, white wash materials. Special. $ ,00 Domestics, Dress Prints Flannels, Etc. Tha G n u i n a AmoiUaaf Bleachad Outim Flannel. Full bolts to select from. Regular, 10c value, special, yard 8'2$ 27-Inch Draes Gingham, made in America. Fast woven dyes, neat fancy checks. Regular 10c value, special, yard. . . t IViti Mill Ramnanla of Bleached Mul- . lin, good bleached Muilin, good grade, 6c value. Special, at yl 31 Fait Black Sateen, highly mer cerized; hand loom weave; book fold. 19c value, yard . . 15$ The Genuine Wlnoior Fall Suit-' inn, neat designs. Regular 10c values, yard 7V&$ The Genuine "Duckling" Fleece Flannel, in all the wanted ki mono and wrapper styles. Fri day, the yard, at . v . 10'2$ 36-inch Plain and Fancy Curtain Scrim and Etamine, neat, fancy borders, 12Hc value, yd. 7V2C ' 27-inch Fancy Outing Flannel, .extra weight, warm, fleecy nap. 9c value, yard 6Vi$ Mill Short! and Lengthi to 20 Yardt, of Light' and Dark Dreaa and Shirting Printt. Regular 6Hc value, yard :4eVl6 ' Good Grade Apron Gingham, indigo dye. All size checks and broken effects. Special, Friday, yard 5V& " Trimmed Hats -$1.95 and $3.00 Two Groups of Great Values . " . This Basement . ' Millinery Store is becoming more and more popular every day values like these are not even approached 'anywhere in Omaha. , These Hats are well shaped, with fur, gold and silver and flower trimmings. Also Velvet-Draped Turbans in wide'variety. Fur Bands for Trimmings, 79c Gofd and Silver Bands, with fur edging. Very popular for Winter Hats. x Women's Fine Dress Shoes Vici Kid, Dull Bronze and Patent Colt Leather. CuJban heels and medium short vamps; 7 and 9 inch tops. Sizes 21Jj to:8; widths from B to E. Lace and button styles. Special, the pair, $3.48 and $3.95 Friday and Saturday Specials 500 Pair Women's Dress Shoes, in vici kid, dull and patent colt. Sizes 2 to 7. Sale price, pair. . .$2.48 Children's Shoes, sizes 3 to 8. Hand turned soles, pat ent tip. Black and tan. Very special, pair. . .98$ 400 Pairs Women's Fine Dress Shos, in tan, patent colt and kid. Not a pair worth" less than $4.00. Small sizes, from 1 to 5, Pair .......98$ 600 Pair Misses' School Shoes, in tan, box calf and kid. Button and lace. Sizes 82 to 2, pair.... $1.98 Notion Bargains 50c Notion Boxes, spe cial .. . 10$ 12-Yard Bolts Bias Tape, .Finishing Braids, Tapes and Edgings, bolt, 3V$ Crochet Cotton, Friday, ball ........ .2V4$ Large Pieces of Elastic, special, 3 for 5$ Good Shell Hair Pins, box for 316 Machine Thread, 200-yard spools 214$ Stocking Feet, pair. .5$ Wash Edging, 10c grade, yard 312$ Velvet Grip and Buster Brown Supporters . . . 12$ Large 10c Bottle of Ma chine Oil, each 5$ Safety Pins, 3 cards for 5$ 3-Yard f Bolts of Tape, each 1$ Ocean Pearl Buttons, the card . . . . ; 3$ Knitting Cotton, white and colors 3$ Good Wooden Suit Hang ers, each 2$ Bath Rugs, Rag Rugs, Etc. 27x54 Chenille Bath Rugs, $2.50 values $1.35 36x72 Chenille Bath Rugs, $3.50 values for. .$1.98 Blaok and White Rag Rugs', $1.50 values, 79$ Carpet Sweepers, $2.50 values, sale price, $1.79 1,000 Wilton Rug Rem nants, worth $2.50, 69$ 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs. Slightly mismatched. $25 value for $15.98 Also Odd Sized Rugs at Bargain Prices. See The . x Yellowstone Park Scenic Reproduction On View Here on the Third Floor AH Week. With wonderful : fi-' , delity, the marvelous region of the Yellow 1 stone National Park has been reproduced ," in miniature from the spouting geysers to the glorious colors of the canyon and the play of sunrise, storm and sunset. A giant searchlight sweeping the scene from the top of Old Faithful Inn, and the arrival and departure of the Stage Coaches add a life-like air to the ex ceedingly interesting reproduction. Children and grown ups are cordiallyin vited. Lectures will be given each day this week from 10:30 to 4:30. Third Floor. Hosiery Women's Fine Gauze Lisle Hosiery, black only. Sizes 9 and 9lj. Worth to 35c. Special, pair 17 Women's Cotton and Fleece : Lined Hosiery, black only, with hem and ribbed tops. Some outsizes. Worth to 25c. Special, Fri day, pair 15 Children's Black Cotton Hosiery, fine, medium and heavy ribbed. Worth 15c a pair. Friday, 9 pairs for $1.00; each pair. .12'a$ Infants'- Part Wool White Hose, regularly worth 15c, Friday, pair 9 Men's Cotton Socks, black and colors. Split feet and soles. All sizes. Friday, the pair 15 Underwear Women's Medium Weight Munsing Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; low neck, sleevjeless; ankle lengths. Friday, $1.00 and .$1.25 Women's Pink Lisle Union Suits, with band top and shell knee, 50$ and 59$ Women's White Lisle Vests, with hand crochet ed tops. Sizes 4, 5 and 6. Regularly worth 35c, sale price 25$ Children's Knit Under waists, ages 2 to 13 years. Values to 15c, at 9$ Women's Medium Weight Fleece Lined Union Suits. High neck, long sleeves; Dutch neck", elbow sleeves; low neck, sleeveless. Ankle lengths. All sizes, for 49$ A Corking Good Sale of Boys' Suits About 400 Boys' Suits in all. Every suit . worth a lot more. All at once price Friday and Saturday, per suit, $2,95 . One-pair and two-pair-pant suits, in a large range of desirable patterns. The newest styles. . Grays, browns, blues ' and greens, neat mixture effects. Ages 6 to 16 years. Your choice for $2.95 Sale of Boys' Overcoats, $3.00 to $4.00 Values, $2.50 Odd lots from last season's selling. Every coat a real value. Ages 2o to 12 years. 1 ; Boys' Flannel Blouses, 50c Dark and light gray, khaki, navy and blue. Splendid wearing flannels, good and warm. Ages 5 to 16 years. Big Lot of Odd Knickerbockers, 65c Many are suit knickers and fully lined. A bargain. Ages 6 to 16 years, 65c. S Remnants of All-Wool Dress Goods Remnants and Mill Ends of All-Wool Dress Goods, in all the most wanted weaves and colors, for this Fall and Winter. Lengths from 1 to 1 'a yards. Worth up to $1.25 per piece. Many matched. Each Piece ; 49C " Remnants and Mill Ends of Wool Dress Goods, Suitings and Coatings, in lengths from 2 to 5 yards. Almost every wanted weave and color. Values in this lot to $4.00. Special, Friday, each piece 95$. $1.95. $2.19. $2.45 Square and Oval Frames. $1.19 Gold Burnished, Excellent Values A CHEAT STOCK of 16x20 and 14x20 Gold Burnished Frames,' suitable) for framing cnlurged photographs. Etchings at Exceptional Prices Good Subjects in Excellent Variety 79c Framed Pictures at $1.00 Color prints, hand colored, sepia prints and photogravures suitable for any room in the house. Baiement. Men's Furnishings One Lot of Men's Fleece and Derby Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, in ecru, gray and random color. About 30 dozen. Mostly all sizes. Regular 50c values, sale price, garment 35 15 Dozen Men's Sample Sweater Coats, wool mixed and all wool. Plain and ruff -neck collars $1.00. $1.50. $1.98 One Big Bargain. Square of Men's Fleece Lined and ' Derby Ribbed Union Suits, medium and heavy weight. Regular $1.00 values, the ' suit 75$ Men's Sample Flannel Shirts, in tan, gray, brown and blue $1.00 ; and $1.25 Warm Winter Wear for Men and Young ien Good Styles--Lowest Prices Perfect Satisfaction THESE DAYS, when Men's Clothing of every description is demanding highsr and higher-prices, it is a remarkable demonstration of the supremacy of this store, that an announcement of this kind can emanate from this Basement. Men's and Young Men's Sample Suits, 975 Five Hundred Sample'Suits, selling here at a saving of $3.00 to $5.00 on each suit. English and conservative models, full and half lined coats, in Scotch mixtures, fancy worsteds, cassimeres and tweeds; sizes for men and young men. Men's and Young Men's Overcoats $9.75 250 Overcoats, in fancy mixtures and plain col ors, at a saving of $3.00 to $5.00 on each coat. Omaha Headquarters for Sheep-Lined Coats, $4.50 Up. Men's and Young Men's Mackinaw Coats, $5.00 In all the newest shades and colorings; values, to $7.50. 1100 Pairs of Men's Trousers, Worsteds and cassimeres, all colors; in threi big lots, at a saving of from $1.00 to $2.00 on each pair. Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 Onion Made Overalls, 69c and 75c Omaha distributers for Carhart Overalls. Khaki Pants, $1.50 and upward. fieced Coon bkin Coats, $25.00. Siberian Dog Coats, at $15.00. Bttement. Turkish Towel Ends, 3c , ' . 50c Damask, 35c About 50 Pieces of Fine Quality Mercerized Dam ask, all very pretty pat terns, Friday, yard. .35 25c Padding, 19c This is the Double Fleece Kind, to protect your ta ble. 54 inches wide. Yard, at 19 Exira Mill Seconds of 8c and 10c Towels, 5c $2.50 Spreads, $1.75 The crochet kind. Extra size and heavy quality. Very pretty patterns. Your choice of scalloped cut corners or plain hemmed. While 200 last, each for .-.......$1.75 iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiimiiiiuiiiii.iimiiiiiiHiiiiiim t . - . . . 1 ... .