la THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1916. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Cash Market Takes Sharp Bise When Active Demand Eats Light Receipts. ! , COEN SELLS VERY WELL Omsha. Nov. I. ItH. I.llht teeelete unci an active cash In quiry forced another ehan rise In the caen fralD market. The advene. In wMl ana com waa the larsesl, wheat rullns trom Jo to 4c hliiher end com from lc to Ir above veeterday's everaae orico. Itinera wer In the market tor durum wheat ana In ran Inetance paid kl preralume for choice milling wheat. The hard winter variety, however, nnld very readily, and the No. 2 trade brought around l.uell.54. while the three hard ranted from l.ll.4, with th. bulk oln, at ll ll . . There wee net much off frede wheat on the tablea and the No. , trade aold from 11.71 to and the sample at about II. II. . The caeh trade In corn wae very tood and the bulk of the recelpta. which were In theNo. I trade, eold from lOeJMtie. Tellow com waa In good at about a cent premium, the yellow eelllnt up to flttc while the white and mlied corn of the aame grade aold at 0 lie. Oat were rather alow, and although the run waa good, there were only a few aetee reported up to noon. The market, however, waa about w to lo higher, with the bulk f the aamplea aelllng at i2tMc. There waa a fairly good run of rye and oil ley, but the trade In (h cereal we very alow, (he rye- market being quoted nominally one cent lower and barley nom inally unchanged tn fc hither. Liverpool clone: Wheat, unchanged; torn, td higher. Primary wheat receipt were I.IM.SM bueheia and ahtpmenU M1,00 nuahela, atalnat raoelpli of l.n,n buehele and hlpmenta of l,:ie,oee bushels leet year. Primary corn recelpta were 113.008 bush oli and ahlpmenta 111. 000 buehele, atalnet receipt! of 1112,000 buehele and ahlpmenta of Zel.eee buehele laat' year. . Primary oaU rocelpte were TaMOv bueh le and ahlpmenta buehele, atalnat receipt of 111,000 buehele and ehipmenta of 1, 131,100 buiheta llet year, , ( r CARLOT RKfRlPTfi Wheat- corn. ttate. Chicago - 'Mlnnoapolla It Iuluth HI Omaha .....,.... II Kaneaa City .....144 8t. Lout i ' Wlnlpeg ....... ...171 Wheat Theae aalea. were reported today: No. 1 hard winter! 1 car, II. lit. No. I hard winter: I rare, 11.11;,? earn, II Hi 1 car, 11.14. No. I hard winter: I ear, 1.14: t car, tl.lltt; I nara, 11.11; 1 4-1 cara,; 1 ear, 11.11. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, II. IS I car, 11.11: I can, II. 71. Sample hard winter: I cara, 11.71. No. 4 print: 1-1 car, 11.11. No. I durum: l-l car, 11.11. No; I durum: l-l car, 11.11. No. 4 durum: 1 car (light) 11.10. No. I mired: I eara, No. 4 miaed: t oar, 11.71. lemplo mlied: 1 car, 11.71 Com No, I white: I ear (new and old), lie; 1 ear, Mteei bar. He. No. I yel low: 1 rer, II Ho; I care. Ho; I eara, 10 He. No. 4 yellow: I cara, Mt,ii 1 car; loe. No. i yellow: 1 car: lettc.' No. 1 mixed! -l car. He. No. I mlied i' l-l car. Ho. No. I mixed: I e'. Ho; I car. lotto; I oar, 0r. No, 4 mixed: 1 oar, too, Oata No, I white: 1 car, II ,. Stand ard: I cara, lie. Ni, I white: I cere, 6 to; i car, il,es I carl tluc. No. 4 white: 1 car, lllsoi I car, 41c Sample white: I car, lie; 1.1 car. lute Caah Price wheat: NO. I hard, Il.tIO Mitt; No. I hard, 11.1101.14; No. 4 hard, Il.7ltyl.l3: No. aprlng, l.ietUI; No. I aprlnt, ll.70Ol.ll; No. I durum, 11. sit) Ml: No. I durum, ll ll II. Cora: No. I white, lOtteile! no. I white, IIHO OHc; No. 4 white, lltyllc: No. I white, 17 tjHe ; No. I white, lyl7o; No, I yel low, HCHHo; No. I yellow, lOtjtln; No. 4 yellow, ll4IOHe: No. I yellow, M0c; No. I yellow l7Hfllo; No: I mixed, fOUj HHe; No.' I mixed, lltteile; No. 4 mixed, MtllU; No, I mixed, nolle! No. t mixed, l7llo. Oata: No. I white, 130 63'io; standard, llHOlic; No. I white, la Ollc; No. 4 while, IStUlaC Oarley; M'HIng,; No. 1 feed, 7Olaa. Hyo: No. I, 11.1101. 40; No. I, 111, Ol.ll. ' Omaha Future. The future eltuailon wae very etrong to day and opening prloea on all eereale were higher. The exporta tnue far thle week have totaled 1,000,000 buehele, with about TlO.oot bushel of thlt amount eold la the local pit. . ' , The government report, which camo out yeeterday, applied mainly to corn and waa generally regarded by the trade aa bulllaM, and today rtee In flora la probably due lo thle report Trading In wheat e,t the cUa wae rather heavy la . the local pit, with prlee en December fleeing about So higher and le up on the May. Corn eloeed Mrong around th high marh of the day, while oata were firm, December ruling I He higher and May Ho higher than the opening Quotttlono. , ,J '.; i.oca! range or optional Art. 171 II II 44 231 Wat. liec May July Com. Deo. May Oata. Dee. May Open, Ullh. 1 II I " I 41 ' H II I ' i ml' ti ! t it t im 1 4IM H.ll 1" lit 141 I4 I .e H -17 M 17 Cloae. Bat. 1 11111114 I IIUI1I4H S IIHI144tt "14 I4 a US 11 ' eTIel It, Chicago oloelnt prlrea, furnlehed The Bee or iAtan at Bryan, oiock and gram brokers. sis eouin maceentn etreet. umaha Art Open. High. Low. Cloae, ITea y Wht I 1 T Dec I I7H i MS 117 1 It int. May 1 Ittttt 1 lift 111 , 2t lit July 1 14 ti I Ilia lit I llllltlU Corn. ' . 1 . Dwe. 11(4014 J lilt 1114 . It IIS May IHo 01 to . HV, July II ,11 II . I3k o Oata. ; , Dmv. 114,0 II 11 l II May UO'li 'lift llIIKO 41 pork. Jaa. It II It It . It tl ft 31 II May It 41 II It It 40 II It 31 47 Lard. Deo. 1171 17 17 It II lt'M II Tl Jan. 11 71 It II 11 70 II It 11 17 Hit. ' Jan. II 7 14 11 14 16 1431 14 tl CHICAUU CHAIN MABKKT. MKW YORK GENKKAL MABKET. Quota tloae of the Day en VarUue ladlag Commodltlee. New Turk Knv a plfur Rtronter: aprlnt patente. ll.iiOt.70: winter patenta, II.70O; winter etralthta. l. 3SOI. 10. Wheat Spot, etronf; No. 1 durum. 12.37; No. 3 hard, 13.01: No. 1 norlhern Duluth, 13.12: No. 1 northern Manitoba, 3.15. t. o. b. New Terk. v Corn foot, etront; No. z yeuow, vi.iv-m, . I. . New. Tork. Oata strong; atandard, ll0Hc. Hay Finn. ' Hope Steady; atale, 11. 41031c. Hldta firm. leather Klrm. Provtelone Pork, firm: beef, quiet; family. I32.00O34.00. Ird. etront; middle west 17.10017.10. Tallow, ateady. OMAHA UENRHAi, MARKET, Button No. 1 creamery, la cartont or tube. i;c; No. I, lie, Cheeej quotatlone by Urlau Co.: C'heex Imported Swlae. 10c: domeatl: Swlea, 10c; block Swlee. 82c twin cbeeee, 24c; trlplete, S4c; dalelee, 21c; youitt America, 34r; Blue lbel brick, 24c: llm berger, 31c; New Tork white, 24e; Hoque- tort, etc. Oyetere "Klnt Cole" Cheeapeake stand- arde, tellon, 91.41; large cane, 31c: email cane, 22c "King Cole" Cheeapeake He. lecte, gallon, 11.71: larte cane. IRr: email cana, 21c "King Cote" Northern fltdanarde, tellon, II. It; larte cane, lie; email oana. 3bc. "Klnt Cole" Norlhern Selecta, gallon, 11.10: large cana, 43o: email cana. Sic. 'King Cole" Northern counte. gallon, II. la; larte cane. 4Nc; email oana, 29. Celery Mammoth, per doxen, Tee. ' Floh Halibut, per lb., lto. Pike, fancy dreeeed northern etock. per lb., 12o. Bull- heada, fancy northern, per lb lee. flck. erel, fancy dreeeed. per lb., 12c. Catflah, large and aniall, per lb., tie. Salmon, red. per lb.. 14c. Salmon, fall, per lb., 12c White- fleh. northern alock. per lb... lie. Trout, elaea to ault, per lb lie. Black Baaa. or der alxo. 22o; odd alxea. 17c. New froaen Whltefleh. fine Block, 12c. Headleeo snrimp, per gallon, 11.21. Pteted Shrimp, per gal lon, 11.71. Kippered Salmon. 10-lb. baaketa per lb.. 17o, Smoked Whlteflah (chuba) 10- . baaketa. per lb.. 14c. Hene, 4 Iba. and up. ltc: under, lle: eprlnta. He; rooetere, 11c; geeee, luc; dtirka, 12o; turkeye, 14011c; Capona, 24c Oulneae, each 21c; Oulneae, each, 30c; equabe, Homere, per doxen, II.I0O4.00; plg- enne, per doxen, 71, . yruit and vegeublo pricea furniahea ay Qillneky Prult Co. t Fruit orantee: tea, 100a, 22e box, 4.eo; 121a, box, 11.21; ltOa. box.; 171a, Ilia, box, ,11.71; 300a, 2lta, I'.Oa. box 11.00, Lemona: Pnrtcy, box, 17.00: choice, box. It. It. Crapefrult: Florida 31a, 41a box, 110; Florida lie, box, 11.00; Florida Ha, lot, box, t.2i; Applea: York Impa. Va., bbl; Ben Davla bbl., 13.10; wine eapa, bbl., 14.00; Jonathan, box, 11.11: Jon- thana 113a and larter, pox, 11,71. Orapeo: Tokaya:, crate, 13.31; Kmperora orate. 13.10; Hmperorr keta, 14.10; Malagaa, ex tra choice, keg, 11,00; Malagaa. fancy, keg,; llatagaa extra fancy, keg, tl.OO. Peara: Btrtlotta. crate. 11.00; Kelfera, bu.i 11.31. Vegetable Potaloee: Market prlca. Sweet polatoea: Virginia, bbl., 4.31; hamp- l. 7. Honey; Hae, ex.. 13.74. cranber- rle: bbl., 11.10: boxea, 13.10 Vetolabla: Onlona. orate, 13.10; red or yellow, ib,, 3c; tomatooa, lug., 13.00; cuke dot., II. It: eabbaga,' lb., lo; rutabegoee lb., 2o; celery, Michigan, dot., 40c; Colorado, do., oc. Mlaoellaneoua Peanuta. Na, f raw. Ib. Ic; roaat, lb., lot Jumbo, raw, lb., Ic; Jum 3.71; fit) oaae, II. Ot; No. t Kngltah wal bor roaated, la, llo; , Drom. . date, oaae, nuta, Ik., llo. : V k ' Kanaaa City Grate Markat. ' Kanaat Cltr. Nov. Wheat No. I hard. 11.1401. tl! No. 1 red, II.I30I.II; Decem ber, 11.14; May, 11.17. corn No. I mixed, tiooie: No. I white. tO'le; No. I yellow, 11 Olio; Decem ber, lOIIo; May, 10 Olio. oata No. I white, l4Oi3o: No. I mixed, nolle. Butter creamery, !4o: flrate. e; geo. onda, I0o; packing, 21c. Kate Flrata, !4o. Poultry Hena. llo: rooatera. 'llo: krollen, 20o. ,. St. Leula Urala Markat. St. boula, Nov. t Wheat No. I red. 11.17 Ol.H; No. t hard. December. 11.17; May. Corn No. t, 17c; No. I white, old, 11.11; December, tto; May, llo. oata Hither; track, No. I, llo; No. I white, nominal. li, f, ' CHICAGO UVB STOCK MABKKT. flrmi at . tv oak i Meep, Strang. Chicago, Nov. t. Cattle Rocelpte, 1,000 head; market, firm. Native beef oattla, 17.10 O10.ll: weateca atoera, atocker and feeder, I4.I0OI.00; cowa and heifer, IJ.TiOI.70; calvea,, Uoto Reoelpta, 11,000 head; market weak at lOo advance above yeaterday'e average. Bulk, light,; mixed. II.3IO10.00; heavy, ll.tlO10.3t; rough, ll.liOI.H: plga, 11.7101.71. Sheep and Lamb llecelpta, 11,000 nead: market, atrong. Wethere. I7.7SOI.I0; twea, ll.l0O7.7l; lamb,. l. too 11. 70. LIVE ST0CK MARKET Tat Cattle Strong: and Active, feeders Steady Fat Sheep ; Strong: to Quarter Up. HOGS FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Rocelpte were: . Official Mnmtav .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wedneeday katlmat Thureday . Nov. I. II. ratlle. Hota. Sheep. t.010 7.437 11.320 1.307 7.177 1.100 1.214 I.I3T 1.100 11,720 l,tQ t.700 Four day thin week .13.341 21.131 41.420 Sma day laat week. .40,213 13.114 '"' Soma day 2 weeka agolO.021 34,317 l.l7 Same day I week atoli.lll 11.431 110.101 Sam day 4 wieka 11.410 121.I3C Sam daya laat year.. 14,311 11.717 tl.2tt necelnta and dlaonelUon of lle Block at the Union etock yard. Omaha, for tweiily four houra ending at 3 p. ro. yeeterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. H'r'a. I 21 10 I 45 I 2 -1 :i 1,414 1,1 II 2.141 73 201 Sheep. 1.097 1.717 2,177 2,417 ;::k; . "St Loula Uva Stock Market. , St. l.oule, Mo..-Nov. I. Cattle Receipts, 1,100 head; market, Btrong to 10c higher. Native ef ateer. I7.I0O11.II: yearling steer and helfer. II.IOOH.lli cowa, 11.10 7.76; Blockers and feeders. southern steers, II.00OI-00; eowa and ncllena. t4.ooos.oo: prime year una steers and helfsra, t7.IOOt.00; native oalvea, fl.Ot V .o. . ...... . , Hog -Receipt. 11,100 head: market. higher, Llghte, II.IIOI.II; pita. ll.tOOMO: mixed and nutrnera, lt.34Ol0.00; good heavy. II.I0O10.00; bulk, tl.loel.IO. Shoap and Iimba Heoelple, 1,100 head: market, ateady to 31c higher. lAmba, 17.10 011.41; ewee, 13.7107.11: yearllnga, 11.00 O .l. .... ,1 C. M. & Bl. P.. Wabaeh Mlaaourl Pacific . Union Parldlc ... N. w east N. W weet C, St. P., M. A O St Q., eaet C. H. A Q.. weat R. I. i.; east la i C H. 1. A P.. weet I ....... flllnokl Cenlrel .... 4 a . , , ,. Chi. Ot West 1 2 ToUl receipts ..141 120 " 37 DISPOSITION H BAD. - Cattle. Hog. Mnrrl & Co 411 Swift A f.t 121 Cudahy Packing Co.. S7I Armour t o.. ...... eii 3. W. Murphy Mnroln Packing CO... 041 H. O. Pack. Co ' I Heea Cudahy. from K. C... 201 W. ti. Vannant CO.... aa Benton, Vansant 1,. lit B. l.ewla ae J. II. Root A Co.... II I,. P. Huex I Roeenstock Bros. .... II F. 0. Kellogg , 13 Sullivan Broa 7 Rothachlld A Kreba.. 31 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 47 Christie Ill Hlgglna 7 Huffman '7 Roth 2 Moyera .11 Olaaaborg I Baker, Jones A B...... xi Banner Broa ,.;.... ' 14 " ' ...... John Harvey 114 ..if Jensen 4a Lungren.... H O'Day t Other buyer 101 Total ....... .....4,111 1,411 1,134 CattloRecelpta were very fair for a Thursday, but the light runs earner in tho waek leave tno xoiai tor w,o ivr day at 13,111 head, leva than hair tne number received during the earns period In recent weeks, and smaller than a year ago by over 11,000. head. .... The demand for killer of all klnda wa aotlv and price wera again Btrong, Some very ehole yearllnga Bold up to 111.10. the highest prlca aver paid this month, and only lo under the extreme top tor tho year to ante. . Stocker and feeders were itsady and fairly aotlve. v . 1 Quotations on oattla: Good to choice beeves,; fair to good beevea. I.!091l.t0;bommon to fair beevea. II.I0O; fanoy heavy graeaor. ll.1IOI.1li good to obolca graaa beevea. I7.100l.lll 'air to good graaa beevea, II. 7607.60: oommon to fair greet beevea. M.tOOt.71; ood to ohalo heifers, t.7lO.ll: good to choice cow. ll.liOI.7l: lair to good cow. i.i0 III: common to fair oowe,; - .i.An. fudere. I7.8IOS.00: fair to (000) feeder.; common to falrl fAAdlAM It (IBI.e!: tfOll IU aiu-luay aamea- n, t7.t60l.OO; atook hIfert, t.tB96.TI; tock cowa. M.15OI.00: itock wIvm, t.0 ttl.Otj Val CftlVM, B.DUiV,WW, . t.. oto.. tft.uas.ti. RapruanUtlv MtMi T BARLING 8TBBRS AND HBtFKRS. - ro. Av. Pr. No. .j Av. Pr. I.. MIUW y Hog Tk bMrlih oampt.lm that pack-M.m- tA iii inib.nvura.ta vm tar day Utai onlr on &mr, tor prtot cam back with a ItfllOo upturn thli mornlnv. puttlnC them t th hith tlm of the weak. Shlppera bouvht rather prtnly and did not have to pay more than a nickel advance for any pf their ituff, Bom of the fint packer blda were no more than tteady, but move ment atarted on a 6a hither baele, and the market Improved ateadlly at the forenoon advanced, being a much aa 10c hither In many aa before tho doie. Anything do- J I table aold u Mil. it any time on the Intel. ' ' ''' - ab a. feantitai tntnc n .ooKea aa mouan llVhti ahowod Juat aa much advance aa anything elae, though the market waa very erratic Packera needed the hoga. how ever, and did not discriminate agalnat un darwelghta ai much aa they have on eome noent dayi. The market waa aotlv and everything waa cleaned up by ihortly1 after :I0. ' Bulk of the offering loia it f.D.,u, and after having remained In the aame nntnh far aavaral dava the toi wa nooaiea a nickel thti morning, reaching tMO. Tea tarrtav'a iiumD waa ' more man rBMaineu and current value- are- generally a dim higher than th cioa Of laat ween, inai vidual aalea looking all the way from Juat atrong to a much ai He higher. Reoelpte wer in largftat oi in ween to date, lit car, or about 1,600 head being reported la. Th four day' total of Jt.iai head b about 4,000 ahort of a,, week ago, but la 6,000 larger than two weeka ago, and a gain of 11,000 over th oorreepondlng days Kuium (Hy Uto Btoek Market. Kanaaa City, Mo.. Nor. I, Tattle Re. eelpte, 1,600 head; market higher; prim fad ateer. 10.0011.60; draaed beef ateera, IJ.60fpO.10; western iteera, t,S0fl.0Oj cowa, 4,S01,S0; helfer. 18 00010.00; torkere and feeders, t6.ft0O7.Tt; bulla, l,00 I 60; oalvea. tt.tO01O.6O. Hogfr-RcLpts, toft head; market higher) bulk of aalea, tt.OO9i.H6; heavy, I0.86O l.0- packra and butchvrs. tMSOMO) light. IB. 601,80; plga, M Sheep and 1 Lambs Recelpta, 1,100 head: markat higher; lumbe, t10.TSOll.ll: year llnga, 18.00; wether, IT.lOtfMQ; twea, tt.76Or.60. last year. Eoport f Kitenalv British Uft Wheat Valuta. Chicago, Nov, l.e Forclbui upward tend ency la th wheat nwrltel today carried prices to the highest level yet this aeaaon for the May delivery, $X.U a bushel, A big export demand was considerably reaponalble. Th market closed atrong, If.Hc net higher, with December at tl.1101.10, and nay at 11. li. utnef leading ataples. too. , all showed gain corn, aStfJv; oata, He to lVtOlWe, and provlalona, 16t46o. Free buying on the part of houses that aaually act for British Interests wa the , main faotor in taking mil surplus ofteringit - out of tha. pit until the iMcember aa well aa the May option bad risen wn up Into the nlnetle. A tier, that point, had hern reached profit taking by holder waa rather heavy at tlmea and acted a a check on th more 1 onthuatastle of the bulls. In connection with the advance, reports , wer current that UrltlHh purchan a In the United State and Canada, this wevk amounted to several million bunhela. and , that shipments from Jake porta would be continued- If possible until December It, although navigation usually nd about lia- cember t. Purther redncllon In estimates of tha Ar , gonlln eaportable eurplu helped today' upturn In what prices and ao likewise did reports of unfavorabl weathar In Antin. The bears also wer decidedly handlcappod by the advano la prices in tha Naur York clock market. Cam reschwd th htgheat prlc level In twenty-four ywars. The tact that American com oooid be laid down In Uverpool cheaper than Argentine corn was a factor tn addition to th bullish shewing of the government crop report. Foreign demsid gave strength to oata. which wer further assisted by th rise of other grain. - . Higher quotations on hog and cereaU lifted provisions. Lard sold at tlT.11 for Iermbsr delivery, th topmost figure since 170. Chicago ftssh Price Wheat t No. t red. $; No. t red. ll.Kml.6H: No. S turd, (M.I.; No. t hard. !,M J UT . Corn: No I yellow, new, tl 0.1.6; aid, tl-ttl-7ti: No. yellow, new. ISO tic; old, 11.01; No. white, new, 110 I.e. Oats: Standard, S.&E-Hc Rye: No. , t.4T. Harlffyr ttvtfll.l Borda: Timothy. t3 -" clover, tH.00Ol6.D0. Provision: Pork, 621. SO; lat. 1)7.10; ribs, 611-7614.6, . Butter Unr hanged. -Higher; recotpta. t.t caaoa: flmti. tlHOI4c: ordinary flrsta, 131. 0, at mark, case included, t034c. Potatoes laower; recelpta, tl j-ara; Mln ' Bsoto aod .Dakota white, tl ti.iOj uin aosota and Dakota Ohloa,; Wis consin aod Michigan white, 11. 61.60 ' - PouiUfAUvii ivwTi Cowl, llo; springs. . ,. Manx City Uva Stock Market.' Moua City. 1a Nov. t. Cat tl Receipts, 1,600 h3; market, steady: ieef ateers, t-.6 l.0; butohera, t6.607.S6; oanners, 18 76; atorkera and feeders, t6.IOO6.6l; bulla, its as. etc., t6.00Ot.76; feeding cows and helferK, t&.t60,75. , Hogs Recelpta. 0,600 - head: market. ateady; light t4.ltOI.46; mixed, tft.Ur.0. bnvy. if.totyt.Tft; bulk or sales. 6t.l.6. Sheep and Umbi Recelpta, 6.000 head; market, 16036c higher; ewe, ti$07.36; lamb, $1.0011.10. ; '; M. Joseph Htoch Market. ' St. Joaeph, Mo.. Nov. I. Cattle Receipts 1,100 bead; market strong to lOe higher; steers, . 6010.60; cows and heifers, 4.16 tn.t)0; calves, 6,00 U.O0, - Hogs Receipts, T.0O0 head; market 70 tBc higher; ton. tt.tO; bulk of sales, IMOO 1.16. " ' Hheep -and Lambs Receipt. 100 head; market steady; lambs, tl6.76U,26; ewes $t.TtT.t0. . , .VI.- ,"-" Metal Market. vNt Tork, 'Nov. 17,607.10; soelter. strong: spot. East St. Louis dttiivapv llttOllo. Copper, firm; electrolyte, flrat quarter. ttt.00 10. 00 ; second quarter, 631.0021.60. Iron steady and unchanged. Tin, frm; spot. 641.07 41.114, At Ixn- aon. spot copper, ins ivs; luturea. 1131 electrolytic. (141; spot tin. (114 6. futures. ties ihu. -o ivm; apaiier, tot M. Dry tioods Market. New Tork, Nov. I Political uncertainty restricted dry goods to a considerable ex tent today, although all price held very nrm. worm pa yarns movea miner and colored cottons were higher, Knit good openings of th fall of 1017 show advanoes ranging from 30 to 69 per ent In eicee of the prlvee of a year ago.. Dress goods aavancea a per cent. . . , Elevator PaU Kill Three, tTnleaao. Nov. . rnree osraiina arM killed and about twelve Injured today whan a paesenger elevator In the plsut of the Plor- sneim rinoo 00 n. pn 111 mur iioora. 'A Hint to the Aged. U people past tixty vein of aire could be persuaded to go to bed. at sooft at they take cold and remain in bed for one or two dayt, they would recover much more quickly, especially if they take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, There would also be less danger of the cold being followed bv any of the more serioua diseases.- Pr No. Ar. Ah. Pr. 76. .174 110 H tl tO, .166 ... tt IS 73. .lit 10 t SO tl..ltl 60 t tt 51.. 130 100 I II v II. .161 ISO, f 70 hn Th market wm a roost uneven affair thli morning, for with light receipts and a healthy packing request seller got neextly anything they asked that waa at all within rason. uun a gooa snar or me offering wa from rang territory, while fed aturr wu scare, nut tn quality waa sren orally good, and buyer took hold of everything In good hspe, a good clearance bowfig mad by 10 o eiocn, or snort ly arter. Packers Quoted aalea or rat snoop ana lambs all the way from atrong to as much aa I tic higher, while the general market wa called 10 16c higher by most ot the oiler. Best cornfed lambs here stopped at tll-16, the new record established - torday, while a atring or good range iambs reached $11.10, and both fed and range lambs landed at 111. 00. Quit a bit of aged stock wsi on offer and bulk of It was of a wry desirable class, th result being th establishing of now tops ror tn season, two care or goon handywelgbt yearllnga went far above any previous sale ot tho aeason, reaching t.l&. Real heavr yearllnga orougnt, va ewes that wer rather hurry landed around $7.00, while a atring of handywelght range ewes that had the added advantage 01 be ing mpty reached 17.11. Feeders were scare hardly enough be ing offered to Pis he a market. Quotations on neep ana ismos: i,amrs. good to. choice, tit. 10 11.16: lambs, fair to good, il.oi latno. teeners, is. s 010.00: yearlings, good to choice, LSI: yearlings, fair to good, 17.606.60: yearlings, feeders, tT.!o.O0; wethers, fair to choice. 7.00OH.i; we, good to cnotc. 17.007.16; ewes, fair to good, 11.167.00 ewee, plain t cull. 14.006.16; owe, feed ing. 14 606.71; wea, breeders, all ages. t00l.60. Ropraaentativo sal; No. ' Av, SOI fed wethers. ........ 1 101 170 Wyoming leading lambs.,., 64 SI South ls Kola feeding lainba.ll Its fed yearlings 101 71 fed wei ....HI T coiu .,; 11 110 fed Mve .. 364 fed lambs , II ted lambs . Ill ted lambs 0 culls 14 ted lambs , 104 ted lambs 1 fed limbs . ..114 T7 Ot Pr. 1 26 ' S I 60 t 60 t St 4 60 7 00 vtt 16 S 60 10 SO 60 10 X$ 10 SO It 10 SEQUOYAH OIL MAKES BIG GAINS. v STILL GOING UP. This tteek went from ll.St to 11.71. aa wo had predicted tt would. W hav CONFIDENTIAL Information thai tho opening of several Urge we'll will oauaa largely, inoreaeed dividend. There will be another IMPORTANT ADVANCE In prire as oa as this is officially an nounced. Lt aand you our privata ro ports. LI BeM Si -t. La Salla St A. rtfTM V, Suit U, Chicago -Remarkable Saving Opportunities in All Departments Fridays IUT Welcome Teacher to Omaha and Omaha's style and bargain center. Make I I yourselves perfectly at home II II' here. AYDEN' We're Desirous that your visit to Omaha should be so pleasant you'll H hit IF DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS wSaawV want to come again and again. r Bargains in Tailored Suits and Coats That Will Set a Record Mark November Sale for Value-Giving In Our Busy Suit Department Second Floor. 'v Nearly 400 Handsome Tailored Suits, all newest styles; just received Shown in two special lots Friday. nn We show a splendid line Wool Velours and Chif fon Broadcloth Suits that would sell regularly up to $65. Many exclusive novelties included in this lot. $ie$35 A,35' At 14s (Jg A great line of New ouiia. in ropiins, uaDar dines and other popular materials. Many fur trimmed and worth $25 and $29.75. All sizes, 16 to 46. Truly matchless values at sale price. Hundreds of Nobby Winter Coats, in plain colors, plaids, and fancy mixtures; many beaver '.loth, trim- $J 075 med in the season s, most popular materials. r v. 1 it . n , s tHw itemarKaDie values in mis saie, ai Handsome Winter Coats, made to sell at $35.00 and $39.50, in Salts plush, broadcloths, Bolivia cloths and choice novelties; all sizes and in the newest styles. Choicest lot of coats shown in Omaha, at, sale price $25 r - ... , $16.50 Woman' and Mies..' Suitt, $7.9S Alt wool serges, gabardines and novelty weaves, in blacks and colors, all sizes, 16 to 46; many fur trimmed suits in the lot; all up-to-the-minute styles. Suits that sold at $13.75, $15.00 and $16.50, all go at one price Fri day, at $7.95 $12.75 Silk and Wool, $5.88 Fine silk poplins, taffeta silk and all wool serge dresses; new full skirts, pocket trim ming and tailored styles, in blacks and colors; all sizes, 16 to 44; all new dresses; latest styles. Dresses that were made to sell at $10 and $12.76, Friday $5.98 $101 Woman's and Miaaas' Winter Coat, $5.00 New Coats in plain colors and checks and mixtures: heavy, warm coats: belted backs, loose backs and belted fronts; dozens of pretty new styles; large chin chin collars. Costs made to sell at $10.00. Friday $5.00 U - iDelightful Bargain Offerings in1 Our Annex Cloak Section: - $4.00 Bath Robes, $2,98 Heavy Bath Robes in all Uie new Navajo and floral designs, in light, medium and dark col ors; all sizes; regular $4.00 values. Friday, at $2.98 $6.50 Dress Skirts, $3.98 Fine all wool poplins and imported serges; fine twill, in navy, blacks and colors; odd lots of $6.50 skirts; one big table full Fri day, at ,. $3.98 98c Sateen Petticoat, 69c Close fitting, elastic tops, wide ruffled and pleated flounces; fine quality, washable sateen, no dressing; a regular 98c value, Fri day at .69c 50c Fleeced Dressing Sacquea, 29c Fine quality fleeced dressing sacques, in med ium and dark colors; neat patterns; all sizes, 36 to 44; regular 60c quality, Friday. . . .29c $1.00 Gingham Houao Dresses, 59c Good quality checked gingham and percale house dresses; odd lots and broken sues of our regular $1.00 dresses; all sizes, 34 to 44. Friday, at . -.59c 75c Flannelette Petticoat,, 49c Extra wide and heavy quality flannelette pet ticoats, embroidered edge, pink or blue stripe ; regular 75c values, Friday 59c $1.50 Flannelette Kimonos, 98c Very heavy flannelette kimonos, all the new colorings, designs and styles, also odd lots of seco silk kimonos; regular $1.50 values, Fri day at ., 98c Infant,' Wear H Price One big table of infants' wear, including bon nets, toques, coats, shoes, stockings and doz ens of articles that baby needs that are slightly soiled, from the show case; all go Friday at price. J Underwear and Hosiery Specials in the Annex Women's 35c Cashmere Hose, in black and ox ford, plain and heavy ribbed. Special, pr.25 Women's Cotton .. and Fleeced Hose, regular and extra ' size ; j hem med and ribbed tops; 20c quality, pair. .15 Children's Cotton and Fleeced Hose, 15c val ues, pair 12Vt Infants' Cashmere Hose, 20c values, . 10, 8 pairs for 25tf Children's Tan Hose, sizes 7 to 10. Sale price, per pair . . .6t Ladies' heavy ribbed Fleece Union Suits, low or high neck, short, long , or no sleeves; ankle length; worth to 98c, at ..............49. Ladies' heavy Fleece Vests and Pants at 25 and ,.,,.49 Ladies' heavy quality Outing Gowns, worth to 75c, at .49 Ladies' Wool Skirts, $1 values, at. . ..... .69 Ladies' heavy .Fleece Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, low neck, no sleeves; any style, at 98. Dainty 50c Boudoir Caps, at, . . . 25 Ladies' Rickrack Trim med Aprons, regular 50c values, at. . . .25 $5 and$6.50Trimmed Hats For Two Houra Only Friday From 1 to 3 P. M. $2 To stimulate Friday's buying we put on sale, for two hours, 263 Trimmed Hats. Every one a beauty and worth $5 to $6.50. A big assortment of black and colors. Large and small styles In the Annex Friday- BleachedMuslin,ShortLengths5cyti Thousands of yards of bleached, muslin and cambric, yard Cf wide, Friday's sale, yd. . . . Remnant length of Lining C n Cambric, all colors, yard. . Remnant lengths Silesias and Percolins, Friday's sale, Irtje, per yard 1 lC Remnant lengths Flannelette for House Dresses, - ' 1 f per yard vC Remnant lengths of Outing Flan nel, worth 12 He AXr per yard 02C Remnant lengths Dark Blue and white Percale, (yard Q 1 wide) yard. Silkoline for Comforter Cover ings, best colors and pat- 1 A. terns, yard. IvC Cotton Batting, in 3-lb. rolls; opens in continuous flQ strip, 72x90, each. Oi7C Sheets, full size, 81x90, bleached, patent welded seams, CQse each U7C Pillow Cases, good muslin, 45 or 42x36 inches, Friday, JQq Toweling, Pansy Twill, bleached, Friday's sale, per C yard Table Damask, remnants of 2 and 2 14 yards, worth OCr 39c, Friday, yard "OC Bed Spreads, hemmed crochet weave, Friday, 7 Q each.. 'fC , Sheeting, 2 yards wide, bleached, worth 30c, Friday, per 2Jc Cheese Cloth, best quality, bleached gauze, Friday, yJL per yard "2 C Cambric Muslin, Nainsook finish, best 12 He grade, Fri- Ql a 2 day, yard. Blankets, large size, white or grey, wool napped, (hi QQ $2.60 values, pair. . . P I a70 Blankets, cotton sheet blankets, full size, white or t 1 OQ grey, pair V e05 Blankets, cotton, grey or tan, large enough for 4-it. beds, Friday, pair 98c Crowds of enthusiastic buyers throng our Notion Department every Friday sale day. A glance at these big price-reductions on stand ard and fancy notions will make the cause so obvious to you that you'll surely be one of the crowd Friday. Great reductions on Standard - Notions, Read every item carefully. A Simplex, 'Four-Section, Adjustable Dress Forms, admirably fill every requirement of home dressmaking by giving accurate meas urements of neck, waist, bust and hips of gar ments. Regularly $T.G0, Friday.... $3.69 Simplex, twelve-section; very highly satis factory dress form. 15.00 value. .$6.95 19c Sanitary Elastic Belts... 10t Slightly soiled Stickers and Novelty Edgings, values to 20c. Bolt..... 5tf 5c full 300 count Pins, at, paper. .3 25c pkg. Sanitary Napkins, 12 in box, 17 10c Imported Steel Crochet Hooks 5 6c Lingerie Tape, 5-yd. bolts., ..34 10c' Fancy Hair Pins, cabinet assorted sizes, t 5 60c and 75c salesman's samples of Shears and Scissors, all shapes and sixes, pr. .294 J. 4 P. Coats' and S. B. Silk Finish Crochet Cotton, white and all colors; 5c values, 3 for 10 Men's Cushion Neck Bands, all sizes, each ...2 II ft "7 A cordial invita tion to the teach ers to visit our busy Shoe depart ment and inspect our line of fine shoes. . Black Soap Kid, in lace or button, welt soles and leather tPC Louis heels Black Kid lace, white, washable kid top, welt with leather Louis heels. . Black Vici Kid with white or ivory ffC ' kid tops, special. . For the school room you will want a Gro ver Shoe to get that foot comfort; which is only found in Grover Shoes. ' Splendid Friday Special in Corsets . . Children's knit waist and sweaters in annex salesroom.' 25c C h i I d r e n's Knit Wai3ts(i age 2 to 12 years, at. 15, 79c Boys' Cotton Sweat erg, in navy; sizes 24 to 34, at........... 49 . $1.50 Boys' Sweaters, in Cardinal, navy, gray; all sizes, at. ... . .Qg $1.50 Corsets, in pink or white; 18 to 28 sizes; an ideal house corset, a- ,79. 25c Brassieres, fasten in front "or back; nicely trimmed ; all sizes, 15 11 V ( i I 4 I Advertisement - eiae -