11 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1916. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. SPECIAL, 1NDOCEMKNTS IN ANY OF THK KOLUIW INOj HOUSES AND COTTAUES PARTLY MODERN 4-R. S401 Maple SI ?! .R. 2401 Parker St. JJ-JJ 4- R. ISIS Carter Lake Blvd 14.00 I-R. Sll Martha St 7-R. 6018 North 42d St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-R. 2904 Saratoga si, .. . . . . ... .. .R. 2BI9 N. 27th St. (colored! . . . 16.00 6- R. J2J3 S. th St mi 7- R. 1315 Capitol Ave. STRICTLY MODERN. 5- R. 3607 N. 30th St " -R. 1302 N. 46th St. (only I20 la April 1.1 .... -R. 433S Franklin St 5- R. 3311 N. 20th St. (Choice bunga low. garage In tear) -R. 4112 Farnam St " V" -R. 1414 Laird St ? 7-R. 97! N. 87th A4 7-R. 390S N. 18th St. ;v',""V' 7-R. 4110 N. 20th St. (Choice de tached house with garage In the r-ar.1 Reduced to 7- R. 4812 S. 28d St " .R. 3849 Oherlee St " 8- R. 3901 N. 17th St. -vv 3'" 8-R. 1717 Park Ava. (Choice ""' dwelling, newly deooratod Inalde .R. 2608 Dewey Ave. (Oood brlok dwelling, very close In. well ar--.Unged for keeping roomer..) ... 45.00 FLATS. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6- R. 116 N. 24th St. (2d floor).. 112.50 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 208 8. 80th St 26.00 PORTER & SHOTWELI, 202 S. 17th St. Doug. 60U. FOR RENT Ap'to and Flats " West. NE.W "JDALIA" APARTMENTS. JUST COMPLETED. 116-17 N. 8D ST. In Omaha'a choice and aelect residence district; conaletlng or: 4-R. apartment with bullt-ln bed and ... .huh hM built-in man areas, ne . , nhirfAnier. maklna practically a 6-room apartment. , t . ,. 6-R. apartment with bullt-ln bed. smell dreaalng room which has bullt-ln chif fonier, aun parlor with tile floor, built-in bookcases, making practically a 6-room apartment. All apartmenta finished In while .n.m.l mr.A rn.lt beautiful I V deCOrated, exclusive llrhtlnu fixtures; gas range with oven above, refrigerator Iced from outside; large light kitchens; el. light ..... ..nir.,B fn, electrical appllancea; and lampa: Murphy-ln-a-door beds; wall eafea, vacuum sysiem. e" dryer In laundry; French doors In living rooms; double curtain rods. Absolutely up-to-date and complete In every respect. Call lie for aoDOlntment. of Janitor will show you through. Omaha'a Largest Rental Agency. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ' 1614 Harney. Tyler 60. MELROSE APARTMENTS, JUST COMPLETED. .TWO LEFT. 1 Located at 83d and California, very beautiful and up-to-date, In a good loca tion; on Hartley car line. One -room Apt., ooniMUHi ' miu . In bed, dining room with built-in bed, and .email areeaing room, wiuuu u -' chiffonier, kitchen and bath. J - nnnalsHncr rtf HvlntF room. dlnlns room with built-in bed, email dreulnff room ana oum-in cniiioiuor, ueu room, kitchen and bath. Very choice and Onen today. Janitor will how you through. r u-- t .xMast Pantol ArmnrV. HASTINGS A HBTDBN, 1614 Harney St FOR RENT Dundee five-room apartment, tor bv.ww. W. I SBLBY AVSONB, DOUGLAS 1610. North. " "' er ai-nr 1D1DTU ff.MT water and janitor eervlce; large joonu; all in sood ahaDe; only $82.50 winter, 2t.0tt tummar, Phone Douglae 4810. n, nifi x v x j. w fi 1110 N. 22d,, 4-r. flat, eteel rang, fu plate, Kltcnen -caoinei, wur vmo, HASP BRQ3. Douglaa Wl.- ' 1 1 w -- V75 Mcwr tTJTrw wt.at HOT N. 2Sd: flrst-olase condition; all modern; 20 a month. Phone Doug. 0 MOST modern, up-to-date brick flat In city. w. ten oaa Hr TV flSfil. Harney a 8 oi South. PAYNE & SLATER CO., "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN. iOABTMPMTC and Ule bath, exceptionally large living room. n rw- fv- , . , . no car fare; $S5 lummer; $42.60 winter. PORTLAND ANNEX, Park Ave. and Leav enworth, brand new S room and delight ful eun iroom, new wallpaper, new gae tove and refrigerator; everything freen and clean. heat ana water iurnieneu PAYNE & SLATER CO., 61ft Omaha Nat'l. Bldg. I - ROOM, aimoei now, , . " Jackion St. xeiepnone vmu- w Douglaa I860. "six large rooms, inside flat, in brick build- l 4-RM. AdL in Sterling; no car tare. Flrat Trust Company. D. ,1161. Miscellaneouc 626.00 22i B. 10th St, 6-r., flat, all modern. ..e no MO TVT 1th at e. lt 636.00 623 S. 6tb St., 5-r., all modern oungaiow. H. A. WOLP, 614 Ware Block. Douglaa 6068, TROOM flat for rent, 26 per month; cloae In. Phone voug. ios. FOR RENT Bu&ipest Pr'p'ty Stores RESTAURANT. 107 B. 16th; steam heat Hall, 24th and Parker, on year's lease. 807 South 13th St. good brlcK. su. JOHN N. FBBNZER, DOUGLAS 664. TWO modern stores near postofflce. Low rent U. r. Hteooins, iom tmttvgu. Offices and Desk Room. rtttMTRART.Hl studio location In Weed Bldg. 18th and Farnam, and in Baldrlge Bldg., 20th and Farnam; rental reaeonaoie. F"i D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block, 119 N. 16th St. (opposite postofflce), $10 to 1S per month. Conrad Young, 32 uranaeis meaier. uvui. nu CHOICE office apace. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas, McCague inv. to. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WHAT have you for rent in the way of four, flva and six-room modern up-to-date apartments? f refer ence will be given to those in better district of the city. Want lo deal direct with owners. No agents. Tele- WANTED Listing on cottages or houses to rent or sell on easy payments. Have cus tomers waiting. Inquire 418 Karbach Bleck. jjougias siuf. GALLAGHER A NELSON will look after your rentals. 04 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 6882. t REAL ESTATE IMPROVED BEAUTIFUL HOME. We have for sale on very easy terms a splendid residence at ill N- 83d St This house baa sight rooms, all in fine con ditio. The lot ta 60x141. I Is In a very desirable neighborhood and the price to certainly low. ALFRED THOMAS. 801 First National Bank Bldr WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8 -room, I baths, nearly new; big discount, only 16,660. See It 8B6 N. 66th Ave. 1811 LINCOLN BLVD 1 1 -rosm house, strictly modern, with hot water heat Douglas Ills. . North. MINNE LUSA SNAP. Owner is railroad man and making Change. Will sell at ft, sacrifice; brand new bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, stucco frame, oak and birch, all built-in fea tures, all on one floor with large attic; room for $ more rooms; one block to car line- paved street; 600 cash will handle. p. J. TEBBIN8 CO., $06 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 1182. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. NEW BUNGALOW. A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It is finished in oak, up-to-date, bullt-ln features end lighting fix ture; full basement, large ettlc. Looated at 6821 North 26th St Prloe. 11,160; easy terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Doug. 4170, 1260 CASH, $39,60 MO. Buys one of the clansicst bungalows on the mitrknt today; 6-room, strictly mod., oak finish, high-grade fixtures ; has a number of special features; full base ment, furnace heat; dandy east front lot; 1H lks. to car; south of Wavcrly Tark. Price M.100. RA8P BROS., DOUQ. 1CBS. AN ESTATE orders one remaining properly closed out. A 6-r. house, business lot. Military Ave., only ll.lbO, A great bar gain. OKORQE Q. WA1XACK, 614 Keellne Bldg. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale. A. V, Knlest, SBIii N. 18th. 6-ROOM cottage on Florence Blvd., for only 61,750. DougUs 1204. FOR SALE I acres improved. Col. 1646. South. WELL LOCATED IN HAN SCO M PARK DISTRICT. Just finished and up to the minute six room bungalow; large living room, fire place, beam ceiling, bullt-ln bookcasee, dintnir room, bullt-ln buffet, plate rail and paneled walls, kitchen and pantry on first floor, tnree large oearooma apa uaia on enrond floor: full basement: large east front lot, with shade trees. We will be glad to call for you and show you this fine bungalow. SCOTT & HILL CO, Doug. lOOt. Giound Floor McCague Bldg. FIVE KOOMb NEW All modern in every detail; living and dining room all oak finish, with bullt-ln bookcases; pantry with elaborate cup boards. Icebox room: full basement with floor drain; shades; electric fixtures and screens; all furnished. This is a real oar gain at 62,760; 1600 cash, balanoe on terms to suit. Others ask as much as 1,260. Let us show you this week. TRAVER BKOS., 706 Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 86ft. Evenings Weh 46. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Eight-Room Modern House at 709 South 18th Street. Will be sold to the highest bidder on the premises. Monday, Nov. 13th at 10 a. m. House Muet be Moved From Lot. This Is a well built house and a chance ot pick up a bargain. DRAKE & CO., Owner, James L, Dowd. Auctioneer. VERY SPECIAL BARGAIN. $2,100 will buy 66x140 ft, with good house, on 38h, just off Leavenwortn; non resident owner Easy terms. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW Very easy terms. 1210 S. 26th Ave. Red 1661. Miscellaneous. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $200 DOWN, BALANCE $25 A MO. nearly new. airicuy moaern. ubk un ion and oak floors In living room and din ing room. Colonnade opening, bullt-ln bookcases and window seats. Full cement basement. Furnace heat. Price $2,600. A real bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1781 INVESTMENTS. INSURANCE $400 income on price, 2,60O, being 3 houses, e rooms each, near high school and Crelghton college. Also 6 and 6-room bungalows. $200 down, and two a-roora, ibl down, balance monthly. ; CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. HOUSES WANTED., WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE MONEY IN ALL PARTS ... OF THE CITT. LIST YOUR PROPERTY riWITH US FO RESULTS. . O'NEILL'S REAL ESTATE A INS. AQNCY,, Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. WE have clients with cash who are looking for good, first-class, close-In Investment property. HIATT COMPANY, 246-T- Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 0. NEW bungalow: also S-i. and gardening your terms and price; Inv. with $40, rent. I nouses (flat coat sa.nuoj, x,tQp. u. 1107. FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, an modern, eto $2,760; 9iQ9 cash, balance monthly. Colfax lsst. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West CARPENTERS and builders, call to see us this week. We have some special bar gains in some low-priced lots, where yon may build small modern homes. They have all street improvements; are close-in, near car line and are selling for about $400. SHULER & CART, 204 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 6074. LOT BARGAIN. WEST FARNAM. Choice west front lot on 34th street, between Dodge and Davenport St. This block Is being built up with fine homes. Get in bn this price $1,360. D. V. 8HOLES CO., Doug. 46. 16 City Nat Bk. Bldg. North. AFTER looking at MINNB LUSA, 300 dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF TOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO, Tyler 1S7. 142 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldf. WAVERLY PARK. One of tha choice lot. In the addition slse. 46x186; east front, and on the car line, mce, tu. Terms siv casn and 17.60 per month. C. A. ORIMMEL. 149 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldf. Phone D. 1616. OWNER must mJ east front lot on Fonta- nell. Blvd.. In Clalrmoat. Will Mil at auriflo. price If take, at enae. Call Douxlaa lilt. South. ACRES SOUTH. . Improved and unimproved In one to ten-acre tracts, on or near Betlavue oar Una. Best at school (acuities. C. R. COMBS, I'bono Doug. 6,16. 60, Brandeis Theater. MiKclIaneoiw. A FINK place for chicken raising, garden Ing or fruit trees and berry bushes; 10 good lots: one block from oar Una and close to school. Price, $76; $1 down and 60c per ween on eacn lot Box T04T. Bee REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. , 5 Acres With 4-Room House If you want a good surburban home where you can grow me oesi Kina oi veg etables, you should look at this property. About 3 acres of good level rich black loam soil, the balance can be used for pasture. Has running water. This is loca ted northwest of Benson, mile from the paved road and the new town or "west Benson." This Is the finest kind of land for potatoes. Will sell on payment down of $271), balance very easy terms, rrice, $2,760. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. START TOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUY THIS LOT. 10.00 down and 110.00 per month; price $200 00; slse 60x12$; located on Locust St, between Clark and Burnbam, not far -from school and car line. cc R Wright Bee office, Umana. 10 Acres Northwest of Benson , Within one-half mile of paved road; fine laying land. Has 8 acres in raspberries. & acres In alfalfa, 1 acres cultivated. Will sell fur $400 per acre on very easy terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. , A Fine Chicken Eanch Benson New larre 4.room bun.alow, full cellar with outside cellarwity. Poultry house. Four lota. Now belnit fenced chicken tight. One block to paved road. Price, 1,176; ISSO cash, balance like rent. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street. South Side. ROOM residence." South I'd $l.0t: 460 oath, balance 816 per mot tb Pous 6886 Florence. NE THA WAT has 8. 4, I, 80 and Ill-Mr Impr. tracts for city property. Fin, m. Miscellaneous. ACRES WEST, NEAR OMAHA. 60 acres -"4 mile from West Dodge St., on high ridge, unimproved, $fln0 per acre. 40 acres14 mile from West Dodge St., well Improved, $676 per acre. 20 acres mile from West Dodge St., fair Improvements, good truck farm, IS 00 np crm $ acres On high point between Dodge St. and Benson, nearly level, cnoice unim proved property, $800 per acre. All located within 6 miles from Six teenth St. GEORGE & CO., Phone D. 766. 001 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. New 5-Room Cottage With One Acre ' Located within one block of the main street, paved road and Benson Gardens jitney line; has electric lights. Land la level and has the richest kind of soil. Would make an Ideal place for raising chickens, have a garden and some fruit. Only 5c car fare down town. Will sell on payment aown oi saoo ana me (nu ance about the same as rent. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street. REAL ESTATE Investments $21,000, 10 PER CENT NET. A close-In corner, well Improved, two hlnflks from 16th. on one of the main busi ness streets where values are Increasing rapidly. First time offered; the cost ouy on the market toaay. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douilss 39S2, ,!-! City National. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKBY SON, Phona Pouar. 08. X0J- W. O. W. Bldf, FOR MA LB. Double brick St. Louis flat, within font block, of 19th and Harnayi olose In I BM fsln price. i CALKINS CO., Douglas 1311. CI'; National Bank. Decrease. INVESTMENT. Corner, close In. two houses, annual rent ,720. Price, ,6,600. S. P. BOSTWICK SON, 300 Bee Bld. Tyler 150,. WE have clients with cash who are looking for good, first-class, close-in investment property. HIATT COMPANY, ft8-T-l Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler . te,800 Brick Hat near 30th and Farnam remeu ei tow GLOVER ft SPAIN. . Douglaa 9. ,lt-0 City Natldhal. REAL BStATB. . -- WK. COLFAX . 1.1 Keellne Bldg. Doug. Mli. REAL ESTATE B'nesi Pr'pty DOWNTOWN LOTS. 44x66 feet, 10th and Burt Sts., $$,$00. 40x6$ feet, with half interest In 16 foot driveway, near $0th and Farnam Sts., $1,000. J. H. Dumont ft Co.. 416-18 Kee- line mag, mono uougias INCOME! property near Ford plant. 14th St. Owner, Harney 83&t. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc. HAVB two 180-acre farms and one $0-acre farm, eastern nenrasaa. to wane ior ciiy property. ARCHER REALTY CO., $80 Brandeis Bldg. Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city property. IS. crania, Die nranaen wm. TRADES TRADRS TRADES. VtLrmm. dnttle. Ranches. New Apart' ments, Flats, etc, ABBOTT, 4 Patterson mork. FIRST-CLASS west Iowa farm to deal for Nebraska or Colorado lana. i THOMAS CAMPBELL, f KEELINE BLDG. A 12-RDOM roomlna house for sate or ex change for equity in lots or nouse ana ioi. or good car; good location, uau uoug' las 689$ after 8 p. m. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or la. lana. tuawara s. Williams Co.. Omaha Nat'l Rank Bldg. OOOD lot, desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment, Webster 4 REAL ESTATE WANTED ACREAG-TWANTED. We have a cash customer for small Inv proved acreage tract near Omaha, THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 8. 17th St. WANTED 4. 6 and btroomed houses that can be sold for $1U0 cash; balance lift per month; give complete description nrsi letter, W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 10S4. WK HAVE customer for a $ or 6-rm, house or bungalow; not far from high school. What have you? CALL US VP. HURRY. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 911-10 City National. ; P. $86 WE have buyers for your property. INTER -STATE RKALTI CO., 129-10 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. $861. FOR SALES F. D. Wead, 310 S, lUth St. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. $40 fl-mo H. H. gds., total cost, $3. SO. $40 " Indorsed notes, total cost, $2,40, Smaller, larger ara'ts. proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 4!$ Rose Bldg., lHh and Farnam. Ty, $6$. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. 5 PER CENT to C per cent on best class city residences in amounts iz.u'io up; also farm loarsi Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 12 Farnam St si. E00 MORTGAGE, bearing S per cent semi tnn.: secured by farm, 2 miles from town, valued at $4,600. Talmadge-Loomls Inv, Co ., W. O. W. Bldg REAL ESTATE loans, $ per cent , See D. B. BUCK CO., Ill Omaha Nat. Bank. NO DELAY, W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG, OMAHA homes East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL E8TATE CO., 101 6 Omaha Nat'l. Phona Doug. lfl$. FARM and city loans, 6-6 H and $ per cent W. H. Tnomas, jveeune oiur. uou(.. imi 7ir MONEY HARRISON ii&SrBS U0 916 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We slso ouy gooa iarm mon gages. Ktoke Inv. Co., umana. DON'T PAY IN INSTALLMENTS, PAY IN S, 3, 4 or 6 YBAR8. BEST PLAN. SHOPEN ft CO., BLtLHJ. RE ALKSTATE" LOANS " WANTED, THOH. U McOARrtt, KEELINE BLDO. TiiL. RED 4344 FINANCIAL Real Estate,Loans, Mortgages. PER CENT and " per cent money. Toland A Trumbull, 44$ Bee Bids. Douglas 6707. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, weed Bldg., isth and yarnam ms. MONEY on hand for city fnrm loans. H. V. Binder, National Bunk Bldg. and City GARVIN BROS. 34 Omaha Nat l Rank Btdg. CITY aud farm loans. 6. 6. tf per cent J. H. iMimont 'o.. 418 Keelire wag. Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALK Block treasury stock. Uwld mine, Leiidville, (,'ulo. ir mterfstea w m for particulars. Address Bo T00, Re. . Abstracts of Title. If- Tide, Uuarantee and Abstract Co., JEYCII aofi 8. 17lh St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mann. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ADSTHACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebrnska. 206 Uvandels Theater. Motorcycles and Bicycles. H ARLR Y-D A V 1 1 SON 'MOTORCYlTLBS. Bar gains in used machines, victor Rons, 'ine Motorcycle Men,"' U7G3 Leavenworth. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM BKACH COUNTY Heads the poll for net profits from Its truck farms and citrus fruit groves, and is slso elected the finest climate In the world. For particulars und literature apply A. PARSON A SON, Phone Doug. 748. 6S2 Hnindels Bldg, DUVAL County, Florida, offer ureal op portunities for profitable rarming ana stock raising. lnvosllgate. l-aml are fertile and cheap. Illustrated booklet. Publicity department, Duval County Com missioners, Jacksonville. Kla. Iowa Lands. $40 PER ACRK, 10 acres fourteen miles from Council Bluffe, aUJctiiN email wm tlon and school; main automobile rottd : fair set of Improvements; Ideal stock and grain farm; small payment down, balance long time; low rate of interest. .1. O. Bone, 163 Lafayette Ave.. Phone 364S. IOWA and Neb. farms, all slxos, within driving distance or Onmha w. t. wmun Co., 114 City Nat'l Bank Dldg., Omaha. Minnesota. 140-ACRE FARM 45 MILES FROM Minneapolis; t miles from two good rail road towns; good Bft of buildings, consist ing of 7 -room house, largo barn, granary, com cribs, machine ahd, windmill, etc. 10 acres under cultivation; ran practi cally all be cultivated; no waste land; excellent corn land; SO head of cattle, consisting of 12 cows, balance one and two-year-olds, 6 horses, hga, chickens and complete set of machinery every thing on the place, Including one-third of this year's crop, goes at $60 per acre; $6,000 cash, all the time wanted on bal anoe, fl per cent Interest, fchwtfh Bros.. 10aa Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM S10 rush and $5 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to 3 b'g markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger. A-119, N. Y. Life Build Kansas City, Mo. GREAT BARGAINS $5 down, 5 monthly. buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry iana near town, southern Missouri. Price only i00. Address Bos 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo. . Nebraska Lands. VALLEY COUNTY FARM AT AUCTION, THURSDAY. NOV. 11, 2. P. M. . AT ORD. NEBRASKA. 660. acres well Improved 3 to miles of Ord, 380 acres under plow. XO acres al falfa, balanoe hay and pasture. For full Information address NEBRASKA AUCTION CO., Central City, Neb. v OOOD WHEAT AND CORN LAND. 160 acres, 14 ml. McCook, fVi another good R. R. town. Black loam, 100 ac. cultv. one field. Balance good grass. Fenced. Price $1,860. Terms. Cornelius & Co., Hastings, Neo. - SMOOTH 80 near town. Johnson Co,, Neb. Reduced price for 10 days; possession given. Baay terms. "r . i STEWART, 318 8. lTth. A SNAP for sale. 118 acres for sale 3tt miles from Blair, Neb. I will be in Omaha at the Arcade Hotel, November 18 and 14. K. Martin, owner, A HIGHLY improved farm for grain rent. TULANU ft THUHBUL-li, Douglas 8707. , 448 Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange any lands you have to offer. C. J, Canan, McCague Hiag. Texas Lands. BAST TEXAS. Call or write for my free book descrlb tng good corn and alfalfa land In east Texas for lis per acre. W. S. FRANK, 101 Neville Blk. Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen eral crop state in the union. Settlers wanted; lands tor sale at low prices on easy terms; excellent lands for stock raising. Ask for booklet 86 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant; state acres wanted. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com. mlasloner Soo Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Phone D. 8312. 2047 Farnam St. REBUILT OVERLANDS. (LATE MODELS.) FORDS, TOURING CARS, $175 UP. Also Bulcks. Studebakers, Hupps and other light cars from $126 up. Lowest prices in America, cars aemonstraiea. List furnished to out-of-town purchas era. fiend for Itj no obligation. Who's setting the pace now? In the first ten months of 1918 THE BEE ruined 47.B40 Paid Ads. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha paper lor same period by more than 80,000 PAID ADS. Good Results. Good Rates. Good Service. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE M0f Farnam St. Douglas S3 1 0. 1111 Bl.arna Knlrht , touring l,60(l 1,1. Hudson (tlx model 64 M0 11 Hudson Coup. M0 1,17 Hsscwell Tour., brand now ... 640 AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Theft and Liability at lowest rates. KILLY, ELLIS THOMPSON, 818-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2819 Douglas 868. 2218-18 Farnam St, A CAR that Is properly rebuilt Is in most caeeB a good bur Rain. Our facilities are your Insuranre. Phone Tyler 71T. 8. O. S. MOTOR CO.. 2408 LEAVENWORTH DON'T throw away old tires. We make one new tire from two old ones and save you B0 per rent. 2-tn-l Vukanlxing Co., 1616 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb. Doug Ins 2914. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglas sr.3, 221G-JK Fur nam St. WB will trsde you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. 20th and Harney. Douglas E26I. CROKSTOWN GARAGE, 31 1) S. 24th St. Doug. 4 4 4 .J. We liny OLD CARS, Parts for Hup 20, Oldsmoblle, Chevrolet, A p person CORD tires for Fords, 80x8, IS. 66; 30x3 Vt 811.88. Zwlobel Bros. D. 41.78. 2518 Far nam St. OUR REPAIR WORK WILL SATISFY YOU. TELL & BINKLKT. 2818 Harney St. Douar. 1B40. Auto Repairing and Painting. STROM BERG RBKVH -K STATION, GEORGIA W. WILLIAMS. 1506 Jackson St. Carburetors my specialty. Red 4142, 10O reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repair1!. Mayenorrer, zjo N. mm. NEB.' Auto Radiator Repair Sorvlre, and " Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT suto repairing, "service car at ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Harney St. Tyler &!. i Automobiles for Hire. FORD for rent. You may drive It. I charge by mile. Doug. J6JZ. Evening, Tyler 1838. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. WORK team ToTnato. cheap for cash. Call Bourn ior. a. u, 71 A Hon I y o u n t' t earn for sale cheap. Call Douglas $$$. 'OULTRY AND PET STOCK DAMAOKn WHKAT, "liTBO a handrei. A. tt Waitner, ,01 N. Iln. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS tfrantu A Boneo'n and wife to Barker Co., northwest corner rorty-flfth Knit t Irani mfrmMk. irresular prRlHemtmt, 1 171 SO ,...,...$ 1 W. Grimes ami wife to M, A. Teasi. Twenty-fourth atreei, 10 feet south of Ohio street, west side, 21.1110.. $.000 J. V. Grimes and wife to M. A. Pease. southeast corner Twenty-lhirn ana c treet. 4OK130 M0 Issnr N. Oiilll to flanfoni K. McCet- lum. Crown Point avenue. 10$ f'st weat of Twenty -seventh street, north elde. 60ia ! Florence K. Mlxter arid husband to Charles H. Peels, Twenty-second street. 3S feet south of Rurdette Court, weal side, asl40 - t, 150 ,yman K. HWby and wife to Melville R ftiurtr.uin. northwest corner Twenty-second and L streets, loxlSO. 1 Qutney Realty co. to I'aut HaisovsKy, Thirty -sixth street, aso teei soum of O street. wtnt side, 40x11$. 3$$ F. .1. Mi-Shana, Jr., nherlff, to Censer vnttve Savings and Loan associa tion 1 210 United Rc Hstate and Trust Co. to Lticio Dlliglto, Kleventh street. ln$ ffot south of William ureet. west Ml.lf, 36x1 ;to 1U GeorKe W. Peck and wife to Harry K. An l In, Forty-fifth street, eouth of Maple street, west side, 60x143.,.. 1 STOCKHOLDERS HALE OFFICERSTO COURT Must Show Cause Why They Should Not Give Notioe of Stockholders' Meeting, i DISPUTE WITHIN COMPANY Following ction brought by Edwin T. Swobe, i stockholder in the Na tional Fidelity & Casualty company, Frank McCoy, president; , Nye F. Morehouse, secretary: N. B. Uodike, W. J. Havnes and O. Mosher, officers and directors, have been ordered to appear before district court Friday to show cause why they should not issue notices of a meeting of the stockhold ers. The action to show cause was passed upon in Judge Day's court The u aintitt is the state ot Nebraska, on the relation of Governor Morehead, Willis E. Reed and William H. irmth acting on the state insurance board. A stockholders disagreement is said to have precipitated the legal action, High School Boys And Girls Do Not Know How to Study Knowing how to study is a lost art among high school students, accord' ing to frof. Herbert Browneil oi the University of Nebraska, who ad dressed the physical science section of the teachers convention. Jnditter ence to learning is general among stu dents, but even where there is a de sire to learn, there is the necessity for knowing how to study. Constructive thinking, development of power ot initiative, encouragement to do more difficult tasks, are benefits derived from the difficult study of ohvsical science, he said. I hat teachers should not discourage students who do not know the ap plication of all the laws of physics was a point empnasizea by rrot. Browneil. "Learning that certain things can be accomplished and get ting the relationship of important things in life are far more important," he pointed out. tits talk was on the' furpose ot rnysics in tiign Schools. Woman Teacher Preaches Eugenics Headaches, neurasthenia, constipa tion and a host of like ills of child hood can be traced to bad posture in the school room," declared Miss Susan Myrick in the physical educa tion conference of the state leach ers convention at Central High school. "Only the erect position is assurance that there is no posture strain, said Miss Myrick, who is su perintendent of physical training at Hastings. I nis conterence proved most interesting to school ma'ams, as the large auditorium was crowded to the doors and many waited outside for a chance to hear the health talk. Eugenics and biological hygiene were advocated by Miss Myrick. This country is gaining in many things, but not in the physical char actenstics ot tne race, sne saia Winter Swoops On Western Nebraska According to the reports to the rail roads, the western part of Nebraska is getting a little touch oi winter. All through the western counties ol tin state there was rain Wednesday aft emooii, turning to snow during the night. This morning in many local! ties snow covered the ground to dcDth of an inch. ' Bridgeport was the coldest point in Nebraska, the temperature there our ing the night getting down to fifteen degrees above zero. Temperatures of eighteen to thirty-six above were the rule, with slightly warmer in the ecu tral and eastern portions. Shoots Himself Because Wife Died Brooding over the recent death of h s wife. William Kincharnt, M Templeton street, shot himself below the heart. The attempted suicide was made in tne nome 01 nis menu, n. Rnrcham. 3618 Boyd. At the Swedish Mission hospital it was said he would recover. About Constipation. Certain articles of diet tend to check movements of the bowels. The most common of these are cheese, tea and boiled milk. On the other hand raw fruits, especially apples and ba nanas, also ffraham bread and whole wheat bread promote a movement of the bowels. When the bowels are badly constipated, however, the sure way is to take one or two of Cham berlain's Tablets immediately after supper. Advertisement. NEW YORK STOCKS Wall Street Proceeds to Buy Regardless of Political Conditions. RAILS RATHER BACKWARD Nftw York. Nov. RKriilMi ot pollll- nl coiMUlrratlona Wall Hlrfl, or at lt h moit venturMom membrrt ot that com munity, continued Unlay to manifwat thMr llrf In ba.-lc and intrlnaic vtmtmiona oy fr and confident buylnn of aiocka, p. tally lndualrUlf, iq.ulpmnta ot tha taml- Ralla wim- backward and alurflah and motor Mv.ffrd from th m nwtralnta ao lilt ihrvMi In that particular (roup. Tne movinitn(, an a vvhola, wan obvlouaiy of pro fiMlotinl or t (tin, public tntert holdhn aloof n view of pOMMlhlfi rnntlnKenrl, Many nw rf'orOa wrs ml, fhlf a motif hfe hflnn Central Laathar, which roaa 1 point to U9; Lackawanna mii, i u, ; American Writtn Papar, proff-rred, to International Paper ft to 7; Union Ban and Tuper (new lamt t to 107; American I.LcomUva to m, and Allta- ChAlmra prefer rod to . In addition, 8ara- HoxfciH'k and lh arverAl laaufa of tha Quit 0tatA fttefll rompany, roRistorrd new maxl mum. Over one-third of the total turnover of bout l.MMOO" aharra Vns contributed hy I'nltrd Hlaiei ftte-l. Leather and the Ma rine, the fiwt njmrd xupplylnir t7H,000 Other atronit and m tlve liwi.t. Ineludtn Re public iron, Crui'thl Steel. Trended Steel Car. American Car and the Ruirara. ronpera, n a Whole, were prominent throughout, hut Kftlna ro comparatively mnll dearKe the brilliant atatementa aub- n lit tad by (he Utah and fhlno comi'anlea, nd another nhurp riao lit the refinrd metal to 30 H centa. with a premium on thin price for tmmodiata delivery. Katlmntea for atel carnlnga for the current quarter, popularly placed at an unpfacadi-niad volume, arruunted for the atrencth of that taaua In trie race uf bear preaaure. uealtnra in iwnda wera moderate and lack ing In .ture, axrept. for the strength of lachawHima fltel hm and United tltatea Steel stinking funda. Total aalea, par value. 15,410,000, Untied Statea bonda wera un changed on tall, Sal pr. Ktvh. Low. Clna Am, Beat flua-ar d.dAA tiu inau iftau Am. Can fl.100 3 t Am. Car A Tdry.. 1P,00 71 fl 7H Am. Locomotive., , 48.000 Iflii 9ti 97 Am. Hmolt. Uef S.ROO lllH llOH 111 Am. nugar nr. ,, z,uo 131 ns 11m 1114 n m, 1 lei.,. Am. Zinc, L. 8. Anaconda Cooper .011 n,i i3J isau '.oo SM, u k h 70.300 9t 1S 7S 1,100 TH los loH :o,oo o n i 1,400 US II IN MVi t.ioo tiu tH is Atchlaon , Baldwin 1.000. Bait, ft Ohio ... Brooklyn R. T. , Butt A flu p. Cop, Cal. Peroleum ,. Can. Paeiflo ... Alii: 'l ,nn 113 IT, ITS ..110,100 111 11014 111 . enlral Leather I104 HI II Vi 114 in! nil Ches. A Ohio , C, M. A B P.... Chi. A Northweat. 400 too i:H nil lsitt R. I. A P. Rv. Chlno Copper Colo. F. A l..v.. Corn Prod. Ref, , Orulcble 8tea , ,, niatlller'a Sec. , . Kile . Oen, Kteetrlc . , . . , Ot, North, pfd .. Ot. N. Ore Ctfa .. Illlnota Central ., interb. Con. corp. Inau. Comer , , . . International H. , int. m, M. pfd ota 67.700 1124 'H l-nH van. v,. do siv js ai 174, 37 ikennacoti vop, in.cott Cop, ,, 11,400 It (. Vi 14 4k N 1344 c. Patrol 1,600 111 110 HOti Max. Miami CuDDar Mo K. T. pfd.. Mo. Pacific Montana Powsr .. NAtlonal Load ,. Navada Ooppar , , N. T. Central .... N. T., N. II. (I.. Norfolk W.st. North. Parlflc .. Pacific Mall Pac, T.I. A Tal, JS 1,600 IDH 'I H I0H V.ioo t$ 7.000 2H :SH 1 1,100 10ll 10IU 10IU 1.600 II 104, lOti 00 1,1 111 2,100 113 . 1 l.ioo am 1,400 Ray Cons. Coppsr. 13,100 30 Raadlna 11.100 not. 1 Rp. 1. A S 8hat. Arts. Cop. ., So. Paclflo 11,100 1141 314, 3,100 1 ,1 31 3,000 101 41 10114 10141 3,000 JH4 .214 114 1.400 130 121 121 00 234 14 22 . 400 231... 23414 224 , 14,400 1614 1604 160U So. Railway Btud.bak.r Co, .. Tan. Ooppar ...... Tax. Company .. union racuio . . . . Union Paclflo pfd, U. 3. . Alcohol.. u. a. nto.i rj. a. Bt..i otd .. 1.200 1434 141 17,200 1264 122 1,300 121 121 ll.OOO 114 112 '141 124 121 4 Utah Coppsr Waba.h pfd "B". . W.at.rn Union . , 134 1.100 1114 3041 31 600 103 10141 103 W..t. niMtrlo. 11,100 St 164 1574 Total aataa for th. day, 1,600,000 sharaa. Haw Task Monay Market. Naw York, Nov. l.rMaroantils Paper- 14 per e.nt. Btarllnf uacnanaa so-day Dim, ,4.T u oemmarclal 10-day bill, on b.nka, 14.70 44 : commercial 10-day bills, 14.704 1 demand, 4.76 11-11; cables. 14.71 7-11. Silver Her. uhqi Mexican aouara, "4". Bonds Government eteaayl railroad atronr. Tim. Loans nrm o asys. ioi per e.nt: 10 daya. 33i4 par cant; all months, I4I4 Pr c.nt. Call aionay aieaayi ntan, I, p.r o.nt ruling rat., 1 per c.nt; last loan 24 per cent; closing bid, 2 4 per cent; offered at IV, par cent. U. a r.f Is, "t II 4 K. C. X. ref 6s,, 11 . do, coupon ....'-- at un vel U. 8. I. re ,.100 M.. K.iT. 1st 4s 71 do. coupon .. 1004 Mo. Pan, o 1.. 102 U. 8, 4., cel.. ,110 Mont. P. 6a II 4 "do. coupon ..liv t. . I. i;. aep os.iis'a Am. I4m.lt Is, ,110441V. T. City 44s. 1114 Am. Tel Tel N. Y, N. H, SV 4t. Ill 11- A CV BS.lintt Anglo-Prenrh Si 16 North. Psc 4s.. 1244 Atchison gen 4s. !84North. Pac. 3s.. 664 Ban. unio ,s neur.. o. li. rei ,s sde Relh. Ht. ref Os.lOlViP. Tel. Tel. Is.10114 Central Pac 1st. !04Penn. con. 44s. .10544 Cbea. Ohio cv Penn, gen. 44S.1034 cv 46s Bftieneaaing gen is.. I.v. C B. Q. J 4s 1144 81. 1.. F. C, M. a II. P. ref 4 34 cv 6s 10I48O. Pac. cv Is, .106V4 C, R. I. P. Ry. Pat rf. 4s.. I2!4 ref 4s I7480. Ry 6.. .,,,.1024 C. A . ref 4 4s 16 4 Union Pacific 4s II U. K. u. e ,s BJunion r. cv ,s.v4 icrl. n 4. 73 U. 8. Rubber Ss. 101 41 Oen. Electric 6I.106HU. 8. Bteel 6s ..1074 Ot. N. 1st 4U.100 4West. Union 44s 17 111. cent, rer 40 iiu. 01 uan., isai ss Inl, M. M. 44s. 1014 London Htocli Market. I.ondon, Nov. 0. The uncertainty of the result of the presidential election caused a slump In the stock exchsnge today and the list closea oun, penning no iinat decision. Silver us r. S4ttc per ounce. Money 6 per cent; discount rate,, short snd three months, 644P544 per cent. Coffee Market. New York, Nov, 3, The coffee market was aul.t, but prices ruled easier under scattered Irnde selling or liquidation. After opening et a decline of one to three points prices steadied on covering, but eased agnln itnd closed st a net decline of one to three points. Hales. 13,260 hags. Closing bids: November, 3.3fir: December, 6.300; January, 3.34c; February, 1.33c; March, l.4lc; April, 1.4Hc; May, 8,61c; Juno, 6.68c: July, 3.01c; Auguat, 3.36c; September. 8.70c; October, 8.74c. Hpot coffee Quiet. Rio 7's. 144c; Santos 4's, 104c. Comparatively few fresh offers were reported In the cost and freight mar ket and quotations were unchanged around 10c to 10.10c for Snntoa 4's. The official cables reported no change In the Hraxlllan market. Omaha Hay TJnrUet. Receipts lllht on both hay and slfalfa. Market Is firm and steady, the demand Is good. 1 Pralrlo Hay Choice upland, 110.60ft 11.00; No, 1 upland, 0.60fl10.00; No. 3 up. land. 18.000.00; No. 3 upland, Ifl.00O7.00. Midland No. I. Il.6010.00; No. 2, 37.00 A3. 60. Lowland No. 1, I6.0047.00; No. 1, 14.00 O5.00; No. 3. 33.00 4,00. Alfalfa Choice, 116.00: No. 1, 114.00; standard, IU.00OU.60; No. 2, llO.OOitf. 12.00; No. I. .00( 10.00 Straw Oat, 16.0001.50: wheat, 15.00 5.60. till and Rosin. ' , Havannnh, Oa., Nov, I. Turpenttne4-Mar-ket firm. 4844 : sales, 211 bbls: receipts, 343 bbls; shlpm.nts, 116 bbls; stock '11,111 bb s. Rosin Market firm: sales, 1,308 bbls: re ceipts, 1,231 bbls; shipments, 1,300 bbls; stock. 77,342 t,01S. WUOte; A, B.- C, D, B 33.36; T, a. H, 1, K. M, 11.36; N, 16.60 W.O, 16.16; W.W, 16.86. . Three British Ship. Sunk. London, Nov. I. Lloyd's announces that the British stesmera Sheldrake, Sk.rrle. and Hunnyslds, have been aunk. , . 7 Hacking Night Cough Relieved. Dr. Bell's Pln.-Tar-Honey tak.n a little at a time will stop your cough, soothes Irri tation. Only 26e. All druggists. A4v. IS. ,00 Itt 34 SO 1,500 4H I3H l 11.200 tti ISU IIU 1.300 llt Ilii llti 31,700 14 ll; l!U 1,300 IIU 41 451 1,100 Slli lit, 31 100 lljii 111 111 100 110U 111 HI 11,600 ibH : ll too lost, ioh ioch 1.300 11G nil us 11.100 ;'! tit! 7 it? l,z 13 111 ISM !t 57 T2 !'J 114 OBvT lOlli SOME OF STUDENTS SHOULD BEOS FARMS Professor Says They Try to Get Some of Them to Return to V Till the SoU. TALK OF RURAL SCHOOLS "Too many students come to the universities without any definite pur pose. They come because it's the thing to do to go to college and they pais the time as best they can studying sometimes, when there's nothing else to do. We have 5,000 students at the state university and I often wonder ,.. why some of them come." Dr. James E. La Rossignol of the school of commerce of the state uni versity philosophized thus in the course of an address Thursday morn ing in the commerce section of the State Teachers' association conven tion. ' "' "We try to get some of them to (O back to the firm," he continued in humorous vein, "but they don't want to do that. We'd like to see each of them take a ten-acre plot of ground and find happiness. But they won't. iney want to get a degree, wnat a degree is good for nobody knowi, but they want one anyway. To Qo Into Business. "The school of commerce wi es tablished at the university in response to a demand from the students, not a spoken demand, but a demand never- theless. There they were, plenty of them that intended to go into busi ness, but who wanted a degree first, and they were not making good use , of their time. Some of them were taking the fine arts course, which was no good to a man going into business unless he had plenty of time to waste just getting 'culture,' whatever that is. "The fine arts course was originally designed as a training for theologians, " giving them Latin and Greek and Hebrew.? In England they give it to 'gentlemen and gentlemen in Eng land are men who live without work ing. "Some men at the university take law or engineering as a course though they expect to go into busi ness when they get through college. "The school of commerce provides a useful course for auch students. The 'longest way round' is not 'the short est way home' in education. "We are already having great at- -mand for our graduates and the stu dents are taking to the course so readily that we are thinking of mak ing it harder to keep them out. The . demand for graduates is for such work ' as secretaries of commercial clubs , and municipal managers." Story Teller' League. In the story tellers' league at the Castle hotel the science of telling stories to children was discussed be fore an audience that crowded the ball room. Story telling, which used to be a natural and spontaneous art among primitive people, has now become a science that must be taught and that has its rules. ..-, " "In telling stories to children" iaid Claire McPhee of Lincoln, "you must . be dramatic. That doem't mean nec essarily that you must gesticulate and expressionize. But you must feel the -story and have in your voice the quali- ties expressive ot the story you art -. telling. ...: Katherine Gamble of Tecumseh spoke on "Dialect Stories In Chil dren's Literature," Georgiana Davis of Omaha told of story songs and Pearl S. Kelly of Peru discussed story tell ing in primary grades. , , 3 Rural Schools. In the agricultural section Mrs. Vera B. Taft of Aurora spoke on "Ag riculture in the Rural School." Mrs. Julia Walker of Indianapolis told of what the study of agriculture has done for Indiana. "The corn yield in Indiana has been greatly increased and the cost of pro ditcing a bushel has been reduced from S2 cents to 22 cents," she said. "And we have more and finer hogs and cat tle than ever before. This waa done ' principally through inspirational and educational work among the boys and girls. - "When a boy gets properly educat ed he goes to his father and says, 'Pa, that's a bunch of scrub cattle we've got. Let's get rid of them and start reeding cattle that's worth while. And our land is sour. Let s fertilize it scientifically and see what we'll raise then.' " John Boehr of Hastings told what ' has been done by the garden club market and Lew T. Skinner spoke on Boys and Girls Clubs in Nebraska. Autos Crash and One Man is Injured Bumping into another auto, almost tearing a piazza away from a house, smashing their machine pretty well and scaring countless pedestrians were the achievements of Ralph Brown, C. P. Carlson and Jerry Fitz, who were in charge of the Carey Cleaning company s auto when it smashed into another car at Twenty- second and Evans streets. Brown was badly hurt aud attended by Dr. rruner. - ' - : The Carey company's car was south bound. Another machine, bearing the initials "J. A. P.," was coming from the west. The two met and Brown, who was at the wheel, swerved sharply. ; The Carey car with the three boys catapulted up a bank and rammed into the house at 2202 Evans street, prying loose a part of the ver anda. 7 The unidentified car was able to proceed under its own power, but the Carey machine was disabled by the impact. Ninety Days in Jail For Holding Up Man George Moore, 712 North Sixteenth street, arrested on suspicion of being one of the three men who held up and .i robbed William Miller of his watch .' and $90, was discharged when arraign ed in police court. He was not posi tively identified. . " W. L. Hogan, Des Moines, accused of robbing A. Bushner, 518 North Sev enteenth street, of his watch and $70 wai sentenced to ninety days in jatL . Melvin Reed, colored, caujjht in the . act of stealing D. H. Hardm'a auto, was bound over to the district court 1 with bonds fixed at $750.