THE BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 19ij Want-Ad Rates CASH WITH OBl)E. j. Mr word ..each InsereTon W i u .a,. koMrt Ml dleDlay.) AOs Peracraphed or go.' In Dlspler "tylt. te per line... .s.1.... on tlnw Jo pr Itno .....thrfea consecutive times i&ount ilx wordi to the Hoe.) CHABOE BATES. 1 to vr Bno. )...ori time Is) POT lino ......three tonoociltlTO tlmea (Count Hi arorda to the Una.) ' Special Battol Form and Ranch. Lands. to par lino... thres consecutive times (Count six wordi to tho lino.) rORKION ADVERTISINClTOinER AQENT8 OR HELP WANTED CLASSI- ' FICATIONS. .. . to m word Kli! lHo por word three consecutive UmM SO AD TAKEN FOB IMS THA A TOTAL OF M OR LESS THAN too A WAV. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AMD FU- NEBAL NOTICES. Ho per lino lnssrtlon Mlnlmx.m cherite M cents.) MONTHLY RATE FOR BTANDINO AM (No chawe ol copy allowea.l ono iino !;!! Two Unco or rnoro.... or lino 21.20 (Count six worda to tho lino.) (Contract ratoo on application.) THE BEE will not bo responsible for mora than ono Incorrect Inoortlon of an tlsement liana for more than ono t mo. ADVERTISERS should rotaln receipt rJlvon by Tho Boa In paymant for Wants Ada, aa no tnlatako can ba rectified without them. DIE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently brln or oent In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re Cairo tho same food aerrlco aa whan do ilrertns your ad at tho office. PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT-AO COLUMNS CLOSE. BVENfNO EDITIONS.., 12:M M- MORNINO EDITIONS.... : P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM Current offrrtnro el the Wet Matlaa , Picture Theaters hi O (Ckaaiod Daile.) Downtown. 1RNA11. 141 1 FARNAM ONE GOOD PICTURE , and EXCELLENT COMEDIES. PRINCEBS. nfr-H DOUGLAS BLUEBIRD, RED FEATHER and UNI VERBAL Productions. eo Preaented Hero For la VOLORIANA." -reel Baaterplece, featurlns Utile EOE RAH, tho srealoat child aclreaa on the acreen. Nortn. 41TH AND BURDETTE 'iNEPTUNFS DAUGHTER." ANNETTE KBLLKIIMAN MATINEE FOR CHILDREN ""mthTand lake DIAMOND, "THE CHORUS OIRL AND THE KID." "STRICTLY BUSINESS." "TO SAVE THE SPECIAL." GRAND, MTH AND BINNEI i VIROINIA PEARSON, In "A WAR BRIDE'S SECRET" and OOOU COMEDY. HIPPODROME, -"jfiTAND CUMINO. "YELLOW MENACE," ' V FEATUR1NO . .!.: EDWIN 8TBVBN8. tgTltROP." ' "iffirWb t&TUROP ' '""' HOBART HBNI.BT In ' "TEMPTATION AND THE MAN." ' PATH B COMEDT. NEW STAR, SHERMAN AVE. LOCUST "LIBERTY NO. 3." .. ANIMATED WEEKLY-. ' "POISONED LIPS." ' UBURBAN. 2.TH AND AMES , TRIANGLE PRESENTS ', WM. DESMOND IN "LIEUT. DANNY OF U. S. A." South. "iiTii'AND LEAVENWORTH APOLLO. MARIE DORO In "COMMON GROUND." AND A OOOD COM BUT. BOULEVARD, iSD AND LEAVENWORTH "WHERE LOVE LEADS"'""' ' AND . A OOOD COMEDY COMFORT, HiTli AND VINTON PROF. JEREMY'S EXPERIMENT. 'HE) D1HID AND HB DIDN'T." " :" SEE AMERICA FIRST. BOULFF, . . 2S5 LEAVENWORTH MME. PETROVA In ' "THE SCARLET WOMAN AND A OOOD COMEDY. , West e'lST AND UNDERWOOD DUNDEE, HARRY CARET In ' "THE THREE GODFATHERS." "SHE WANTED A FORD." MONROE. , J15S FARNAM "SECRET OF THE SWAMPS" WITH MARGARET OONKALEK. AND A GOOD COMEDY. HA. aOTH AND DODGE MOLLIS KINO In 'THE REVOLT." ALSO A ONE-REEL SCENIC. Bouth Side. ORI'HEUM. JtTH AND M "DAD'S MASTERPIECE" 1 AND A COMEDY, "HELL TO PAY AUSTIN." DEATHS & FUNERAL, NOTICES. IIELOREN Ealher, aged 11 yeara. 11 ' tnontha and IK daya, beloved dausbter of . Mr. ana Aire. AMI Melfron. November t, JIU. i . Funeral Friday afternoon at I a'elock , from family realdence, 1101 Lincoln boulevard. Interment Weat Lawn aemo tery. Frlenda are welcome. RUBECK Mra. Kllialnth, aed tl, Novem ber . , ... . Funeral (ervlceb at realdence. 1(11 North Twentieth atreet. Friday at S n. m. Interment Fonret Lawn cemetery. She la aurvtved by her huaband, T. J. Rubeck, and four children, throe atatera, Mre. Fay Jenaon, Boulder, Colo.; Mre. Ethel Owena. Mra. Mato Boye. of Omaha, and two brothera, Corneltua Wllllama. Pawnee, Oolc. and Robert Wllllama, Omaha, FUNiLJJIRECTOSS. DUFFY JOHNSTON, emtatma iSTuT neral directors. 717 B. Hih. Tyler 171. STK BL'RKET A SON Fu?eraT"director; andambalmers. 2104 Leavenworth. Uar. 20, BULSS RIEPBN. und.nakerrand "4ro. Beimwa. ,wi o. lain Bl. uouglae ISIS, FLORISTS. BKRT QUAMTT CUT ftOWERa or plants. Art Combinations shipped every where. Excellent service te our ouetom :: ere in past years reconmends. HKRH A J WO BO 0 A, 1411 Farnam BL, Doug. H0. TaROEST ASabRTMEMT of freih, ; delivered fr shipped anywhere. L HMN- UMtoun, iwi9 saraam bi., uoug, list. ronteoetl riorlst TMX. LARMOM 1114 Douglaa. Doug.' 44. TPARKEI.' Flower Shop. 411 j. Hth. D. glOt. A,' DoHaohUR. 1811 Harney" ATflTFtortst. U04 Farnam SC. b. IQgfc-" BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ftlrths Fred and Bonn Hfllsten, 4Sd ami Rffke, girl; Harland and Roee McNab, t? North Thirtieth, boj D. B. and Florsnea Peterson. 41 Parker, girl; Andrew and Anna, 3, Rehn, flitlft Franklin, boy. faUis Ksthsr Helgi-en, II, t)l Lincoln avenue; Roland Sherbondv, 14 days, 2SI3 w.fnthyrii aiunn u. ofoyce, - , , Twenty second and Howard: UitunMv n Sit Houth Twenty-sisth, Klisabeth A. Love I dr. te, 14 North Twentieth; Michael all ien. 40, H29 Bouth Thirty-ninth; Clarence 19. Foster, 3, Zbbi Pratt; Helen Klt.p. trick, r 8 North Forty-ninth; James Charles Connell, t dsys, honpitmli L'harlo H. brown. vi, .tv nvuiD'a; juyrtle Aiuier sn, 3, tv4 A tits, , 4 CARD OF THANKS. WrTwVh to" thank all who wTklndly gave their aid and eympathy durlns the alck neea and alnra the death of our beloved wife and mother. J. E. PINE AND FAMILY. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permlta to wed have been leaned to the following: Name and Realdence. Johennee E. Flecher, Omaha... Mary Chrtottaneen, Onaha. . .-. Thomaa Metcalf. Avery, Neb... Dlcle Hayea, Avery, Neb George Matuezewekl, Omaha .. Barbara Ignowakl, Omaha Eddie Nlcholaon, Omaha Mildred Palmer, Omaha Archie A. Sinclair, Omaha Blanche Grey, Omaha..... Vldle A. Clemona, Omaha Ruby McQuillan, Omaha Leonard Brlllhart, Atlantic, la. Veltna I. Hall, Atlantic, la Arthur G. Huffman, Harlan, la. Bertha Bailey, Omaha Age. ...17 ...11 .. 1 ,..2! 24 19 25 22 2$ 26 , . .over 21 ...over la Loula Wltkln, Omaha !' Bcaele Keller, Omaha S3 Wlnaton K. Jackeon, Omaha 24 Roae Hudecek, Omaha 24 George J. Caughltn, Omaha , 26 Freda V. Straaaer, Omaha.... Beamer N. Parrlck, Council Bluffa.. Qulnnle Moore, Council Bluffa Oren L. Reaglo, Council Bluffa. Roae Harding, Council Bluffa 22 21 17 .. 11 .. II .. 21 .. 22 .. 22 .. JI. Walter H. Nelaon, Jameaton, S. D,. Haael L. Dodda, Ina, III Alflo Petrufello Omaha Maria Nlgro, Omaha '. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS ifr you Ion anything nd will advertUe It hn, you will iurljr recover H It found by an honeit perion. Remarkable reoov trlei are brought about every day through this column, THH LAW People who find lost ar tlnlee are Interested in knowing that the State law Is strict In requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do eo, U same can be proven, Involves a se rious penalty, OMAHA & COUNCIL m,VVVH STRKST RAILWAY COMPANY, Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha' tt Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street ear. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful . owners. Call Tyler 800. LOST -Opon-face gold watch, chain and pencil; Walt ham movement: near Central Park school Tuesday evening, I o'clock; reward. E. 8. Past. Col 1171. LOST A crank for a Chalmers oar, Under pleas return to Ostten fc Wlckham's cigar store, 10th and Howard, and re ceive rewara. FOfjND Lady's carat solttare diamond ring near Orpheum Sunday night. What reward? Address Bdgar Allan. Chlmmey Rock, Neb. s FOUND a eanltary Soda Fountain. ORBBN'S PHARMACY, 16th andJHoward. LOST A bay "mare 7 yeara"bld'. weight too Iba., branded 7-L on the left aide. Call W. II. Walker, B. 3S, LOST Oentleman'a open-faced gold, watch. Call Harney 63at and receive reward. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furnituro and Household Goods. Bom stalwart" evidbncb Ff I OF THE DOLLARS' D0YINO POWER Quality and price Is tho keynote vf this remarkable furniture aale . , that honaat, dependable quality that . oarrles with It the aaeuraaoe of ' luting eatlofactton. It la our onnatant effort to plaoe . tha beat of furniture before you at the lowest poaalblo prices oonalatanl With the quality offered. STATU FHRNITURB CO., Cor,Jj4th and Dodge. Plione Douglaa 1117. BUYa Little niant Ironing table. ' It gives absolute sallafaotlon. Tho Little Olant Manufacturing Co., Omaha. ' STOVES, furniture, ruga, bedding and linen ox an atnna. upon tiu 9 p. m. Dolgoff. Ilil N. 14th Jit. .. . STOVES. ALL KINDS. Sea Ul first. Prices right. City Furniture Co., lot s. ltth. ' Loyal Furniture Co,, 122 N. Hlh St. ' BARD coal baseburnef; good aa"nsw 1411 Indiana Aye. Webster 2221, Pianos nd Kuoical Instruments, PIANO playr or organ, 136. Tel Bar. 4711. jewelry, Diamonds and Watches, BltODRKOAARD'S "Lucky Weddlnf Rings7' at tain anauougias ats. Billiards and docket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. . Brand new, carom ana pooket, with complete putat, 1125; secondhand tables at rs Sliced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, dell. ' oatesaen and aoda fountain Sxturea. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK B-COLLENDEH CO., 407. 0, South lOtb St , Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS XXPBRT ELECTRICIANS AND ( MACHINISTS LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111-10 8. nth St., Omaha. 1 BOILERS, , steam, electric, gas engines, plpee. Oroas Wrecking Co., HI, Cuming. rrinnng ana umce suppues. Oet our prices on Job Drtntlna. CAMPAIGN CARDS A SI'Ri-til.TT V. B. PTO. CO., BEE BLDO. DOUO. 1172. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., al'ao publlo Bteno. Phone tor prices. Douglaa 2201. atu raxion ntit. WATKKS-BARNIIART Pig. d. Co., quality printing Tel. Doug. lite. 124 S.1 11th St. NEW maohlnes sold ths aamo aa rent;' 22 per month. See us before you buy or rent, Shipped any place on ten daya tree trial. Butte Typewriter Exchange, 212 8. lth. Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS acid, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver Typewriter, I months for IS. Central Typewriting Eiohange, Itos Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarch, and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywhere; Rem- Inglon Typewriter Company. D. 1 184. WE BUY, sell and exchange typewriters. Ouaranteed tpyewrlters, 210.00 up. Write SAVE 20 per cent on your" typewriter sup pllea. Call Midland Co., Douglaa 2147. Sewing Machines. "Sewing machines We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sswlng machines. MICKKL'S ' 1 NEBRASKA CYCLB CO., ' ltth and Harney Sts. Doug. Ht 1 Miscellaneous. - Who's setting the pace now? in the first ten months of ilU THR BRB gained 41.940 Paid Ads, KXCKEUINO ths COMBINBD GAIN of the other two Omaha papers tor same ' ' 0,0W PAID ADS. ' Good Results, Oood Rates. Qood Service, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving, ir, o UUy, area, umana nxture A Supply Co,, 4U-.8.1I g. nth. Doug. (4, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- tresses mane over in new ticks at half the price of new ones. Phone us for sample of tiding. Mall orders Oiled. VlftT Cuming St. Douglaa 1467 ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE! Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled la bond whisky, itc, 11. 00. tl.lft, full quart MY high standard of quality will be main tained; 4 quarts of old Font en tile whisky, ; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house, Doug, uu lai-iai N. 16th St. Horns-made grapa wine, ' $1.25 PER GALLON. Sunklet port, full quart. (0 cents. Old Taylor whisky, full quart. 22 oenta. .A-H.1.KT BtfUB. BLACK DIRT FOR SALE. '.. ' 1"urd" '"- "Lek olr,i danda. lions or other eeede, J, II. lumont. Ioua. 210, or Walnut 2044. . DRY kiNDLINOWOOi) ACUi BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1127. WANTED TO BUY IJIITTMAM . Hlahaat Price! -r.r ,7 Furniture, Rugs. Clothes, Pianos. Office Furniture. Trunke. Shoes. Douglaa 3171. Ree.. Webster 4101 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought .sold. 3 E N K t lV ft highest price for .U 11 AV A 11 tO ctoths, ehun, trunks. u nnQ, uto rarnam. . liMuiic.aas)i. m m,, a-fuusias m'JU. oijAHA"iriil A Iltutibtr To. want bald tnUed paper. Will ftnr good price. Call IJOUg. 134. WANTED TO BUY FIT A MnWT.2 SOL BEKCIMAN A CO. 40t S. Uth SL HOLMES pays your price for second-hand clothes, shoes and hats. Webster f a 20. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1,000 lettarheAds, IS, 60; 1,000 envelopes, $2, THE PRINTINO HOUBK OF MAUBR, Phone Doug. 7744. 1610 Farnam St. BRODEOAARDS "Lunty Wedding Rings" at 16th and Douglas Sts. Accountants. - JOHN H. CATHRAE ft HON (INC.) Chicago, Racine, New Orleans. Publlo Accountants and Auditors. ' Systematl&ters, Efficiency Engineers. t Business Counsellors. Omaha Office, 1223-24 W. O. W. Bldg. . H. L. Bray, Besldnt Manager. a A. DWOBAK. C. P.-A., T. Q. KlNNEf. B8I Bamge Bliw. Pljons Doug. It $9. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION Side, Knife, Box Pleating, uov. jitmons, nemsiucning. ntu. nesting Button Co., 431-2 Paxtdn blk. R. 4B43. Amusement!. MRS. WEST, society entertainer, palmistry and cards: for engagements Tel. Ty. 2091. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS MORGAN, SIS Bee. Douglas 406. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery roods ments. Z. H, Reader, 1506 N. llth. W. I7. ORT MAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKER T. 312 N, lUth BT. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. "OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED OOOD8. IjET US FHOVB IT. Bathi. . DR. BENDA Sulphur, steam. Modsrn mrKiin bathb and habsagb. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. Hit Farnam. Phone Doug. 6S7T. Dr. W. H. Knollenberg, combining Sulphur Bini oatns at uniropracue treatments, 19 for 30; single adjusting, 1. Lady at tendants. S. W. Cor. 24th A. Far. St. D. 73SS S ITT E N HOUSE Sanitarium; all kinds bath. zzzS. 1 P?lra "' 17tn na Douglas. Brass and Iron Foundries. Psitton-MtteheU Co.. 27th and Martha 8t. Buttons and Pleating VAN ARNAM Drsss Pleating and Buttoi (jo., 8 se. t raxton Bin., Doug. 2101; accor dion, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstlchlng, ptcot edging, pinking, niching, covering buttons; sll styles and sixes. Price list free. Carpenters and Contractors. Lessard A Bon, lv06 Capitol Ave. Tyler 1611. Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATER ESS, excellent poo... special attention to parties and 8un day dinners; prices reasonable. Har. 420. Chiropractic. Drs Johnston. 122S W, O. W. Bldg. D. 661. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment, ur. .tfurhorn, Kose Bldg. Palmar school graduate. DR. KNOLLENBERG, B. W. Corner 24th ana rarnam ais. rnone Douglas 7HB. Dr, Frances Dawson, 602 -J Rose Bid. T. 2266. Dr. J.'C. !.awrence. Balrd Bldg D, 2481. - Circular Distributing. WILL distribute circulars and furnish names or farmers and rural taxpayers Lancaster and surrounding, counties. Address A, Ooertx, College View; Neb. Cleaning and Pressing. SUITS pressed, IBc; cleaned and pressed, $1, tjLVi ureensione, .uft Hwrney. Red 2761. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent, am w. nin. jonn reiaman. D, Sill, NEW Masquerade Costumes, 212 Bdway, council ciurii, ja. juts. m. ireieter. Detectives. ' JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. 'Tyler 1136. Interstate Detective Ass'n. 422 Ramgs Bide. SiK Dancing Academy. KeeD Dancinir Acdv.i.5.t.h." Claaa lion, eve, class and assembly- Wad. eve. Private leeeona any time D. 221. Danoa TueB., Thurs., flat., Bun.: mat. a, ova. aohooL atonday -'and Wednesday svs. . t44a., Aoademy lor Rent Friday lfivenlngs. Dentists. Dr. BraJbury. No pain. 212 W. O. W. Bid,, Tafl'a Pent. Rms., 202 Roae Bldg. D. 212S. Dretgmaklng. AHT OT DRRSS CUTT1NO SCHOOL. 20 oenta a lesson. Satisfaction or money returned. 2012 N. ISth 8t. Web. 281. POR 8TYLK, raaaonable price In your fall areeees; ses Atsinson vo., ISO! Famem. OOWN8 and suits a specialty. Work guar- anieen. weneier ewev. t-maklng by the day. 2104 Devon. D. 7702. Bsp. drsmkr. Child's clothes, spso'ty. D. 2027. Terry Jreaamalrg oollege, 20th and Farnam. FIRST -CLASS dressrnaklng. Karnsy 22s aOWNS 200 Balrd Bldg. D. 270e T Fixture, and Wiring;. riTTP'K'TNi'lEI""trl hlng machines, irons and readme lamps. 2222 Cuming St. Douglas goat. Everything for Women, ' ACCORDION, aide, knlte, sunburl, ' box pleating; covered butlona. all slses and styles, hemstitching; ptcot edging, em broidery; Deeding, braiding, eordlng, eyo let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200 Douglaa Blk. Douglaa 1232. SWITCHES from comblaga, 21 up. Dyed, soc. aire. M Hrlllnat, 339 Paitoa. Bldg. Furnace Cleanine. TStp. chimney and furnace oleaner. K. 3303. Hair Dressing. ' IDEAL Hair Parlors, 307 Balrd Bldg. Mani curing, toiittt aruciea. Douglaa BlSb. ' . Job Printing:, OATH C1TT Printing Co., hTgh-grado print- ing. anal w. itm. rnone Web. 1SS7. Express Companies. Anywhere 25c. Web. 2104 TWIN CITY Express Co., 1422 Case St Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling a speolalty. justice, of the Peace. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 313 Paxton Blk. Red 7am. notary runuc; qepoamon. stano. C. W. BK1TT, 201 Barker Block. Mailing Lists. WILLdlstrlbute clrculara and furnish names ot farmers and rural taxpayers Lancas ter and surrounding counties. Address A. Ooerts, College View, Neb. Masseures. UARIH QEIOER, masaalo and hatha. Room an Neviiu Ulk.. 3rd floor, lath and Harney. Sclantlflo maaaage; baths. 1323 Farnam St Osteopaths. Dr. Mary Andersen, tot Bee Bldg. D. 3e Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter- national Patent Co.. 383 Brandels. D. 3S31. H. A. STURUIS. 330 Brandela ThTT.34'tr Piano, for Rent 23,t per1 mo. A. Hoepe Co.. 1613 Douglaa, Rug Manufacturer,. FLUFF ruga from old carpets; raf rugs a speolalty- oleanlng and alterations Peary Rug Factory, 2422 Cuming. Red 3343. Shoe Parlor,. HEN'S, WOMEN S. SHOES Shlned, Cleaned. mnana pnoe noapual. l33 Farnam. Tinners, TIN work of alt kinds, set cheerfully glvoa. Elsaeaer, 1231 a llth. D. 3433. Towel Supplier OMAHA Towel Supply. 807 a llth. D.331 Wedding Stationer. WEDDINO announcements and prtntlits. Douatas Printing Co. TeL'boug. tie. ' SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU have anything to trade, meke un a little ad and run It la this column tor seven deye it only eosta (o nd 2o per answer, Tills offer Is good aniy in Ouiaha. and excludes Real Estate, cash offers and Buslnsss Properties Per tale er Trad Theee, as well as mall ardors for usej of Swapper's Column, must pay regular rates. On or two a newer are sufftolect to snaae your trade ana the whole trans action only coeta about lor Try it. ON 13 l-(t. John Van rana. Derfeet cottdl. tlon; 1 forty-raiioD hot water' tank, on n-inFn trtts srouer. aitnest new, worth up wards (ft 1290. what havs youT S. C 5, Bee. 10-VuMJMK tVntury Dictionary, half leath er bind (nr. new condition; larve oak chif fonier, yum tftiie uiarhlnie-i, sample rui, Kur Voiu, Winchester. Re ml tic two !' arms. Address 8. C. 121, Bee. SWAPPERS COLUMN 1H1S, 6 -PASS EN Q KR Carl II lac, electric Usht and starter, t new Fluke tires, others as good as new; will take food diamond In exchange. , Ad drew R. C. S8. JUHR-EFJ gasoline Iron, for dishes or food chopper; also a big English baby cab, dresser, typewriter, for what have you? S. C. 392. Bee. lt H. P. GASOLINE BNUINB to trade for hog from 260 to 800 lbs. or calf to months old. Box 8. C. M2, Be. WE swap or buy kodaks; films developed free; one-dliy service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk 16th and Harney. TRADE 1200 equity 4-rOom house, half acre ground for varan t lot. Cheap -for cash. Address Box 7778, Bee A LITTLE AD In this .column wilt bring about some remarkable exchange. LAROB size base burner to swap for what have you? Address 8, C. 388. BUSINESS CHANCES Who's setting the pace now? Tn the first ten months of lt)10 THE BBS gained 47.940 Paid Ads. EXCEEDINQ the COMBINED OAIN of the other two Omaha papers for sams period by more than 29,000 PAID ADS. Oood Results. Good Rates. Oood Service. WANTED Agents throughout Iowa and Nebraska to sell SPRIN'l OILERS for auton, Every car needs them. All auto distributors, garages, etc., recommend them. $84.60 will handle large sbunty. Money refunded if can't make good. O, L W. HPRINO OILER CO., OMAHA. 882 Brandels Bldg. FURMTL'HB stors In good town, thickly populated, eastern Nebraska ; III health reason for selling. Box 7007, Bee. FOR SALE Retatl grocery atock; Invoice around $7,600; Aug. business $4,04; Sept. business 84,511: good reasons for selling; best town In Oregon. Address T 878, Bee. RESTAURANT and cafe, Hotel Savoy, rent free; good proposition, call, at note! office, ittn ana JscKuon. TO OET In or out of business, calf on GANGESTAD. in Bes Bldg. Doug. 847?. GUARANTY plain; get In or out business. All states. P. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S, 14th St. WILLIAMS, established 29 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 MoCague B1dg, Reference, U. 8, National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse. stocks than any other firm In V. B. Write for terms. FOR SALE Good, clean dtock of hard ware, live town, central Nebraska. Oood reason for.- selling. . Bs quick. Address T 267, see. if YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call, on Busch Borghoff, 790 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. lilt. WB BUY, we sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films, Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 810 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address owner. 118 West 8th Ave., Denver, Colo. r 40 -ROOM hotel for sale, or trade. Douglas 7191. . Rooming Houses. FURNITURE OF 11 ROOMS FOR SALE, HOUSE FOR RENT; MODERIr. HOUSE KEEPING AND SLEEPING ROOMS. WALKING DISTANCE. RED 8314. ROOMING HOUSES, ft 11 slses, great bar gains. 411 Rose Bldg. I Phone Tyler 8487. SITUATIONS WANTED . WEEKLY" RATE, 150 PER LINE. Day work or business ads, xegular rates. I Unas on week., ..,..... a. ...80s t lines one week 410 Each extra line 16o per week. Male. A-l OFFICE man, 81, many years experi ence as clerk, bookkeeper, cashier ana in credits and correspondence, la open for permanent position, Record clean and of steady advancement.'' At present traveling salesman, but desires return office work reason of change. Highest references as to .. .htlltw tlAnrl Hnsa Tnt.r. view address Box 7927, Bee. WANTED Position by a capable man with financial responsibility, who has had years of experience In 'Omaha ae office and sales manager and credit man. Can aelt automobiles, auto tops and accessories. Also furniture, hardware- and other goods. Willing to work hard, either In Omaha r elsewhere. Address Bo 78B1, Bes. J HEFFLEY makes a specialty of repairing and reshlngllng leaky roofs, reliable work manship at a reasonable cost. For par ticulars mnd estimates csu -ryier km. YOUNG MAN High school education, Wlsh- ea a permanent position, drug business or restaurant preferred. Address C. M. Hull, Route 8, Essex, Is, " 1 LICENSED fireman desires position. Good references, rnone uarney eoeo or iiar ney 4374. . - ' - POSITION WANTED as accountant or credit man; eight years' experience. Can glvs best of references. Box Y 880. Bee. WANTED By a capable young man, posi tion as chauffeur, Address Y 679, Bee. WORK wanted as janitor by all-around kitchen man; colored. Doug. 8016. YOUNG colored man wants place aa los msn or butler. Webster 6908. WANTED Position by sober, - reliable por ter. Call Web. 3691 Female. WANTED Place as companion In C. S, family by woman of refinement- will as sist with care of children. Address Y 683, Bes. ELDERLY lady wishes position aa houss- koeper in good, respectaoie nome, wnere she will have full charge. Box 7910, Bee. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower tnan any otner rorm or advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. WANTED Management independent tele phone exchange; western Nebraska pre ferred. Address Y 606, Bee. PRACTICAL nurse wants place In or out of town; lire t-c lass city references, rhone South 8279, or South 8878. . DESIRE to play piano for picture show 8 times week, from a):ao to :su. u. Harris, 831Q Davenport, NEAT colored girl wants ltht work. Web ster 4T6t, ask ror utss jacKson, ITS is. 86th St. , ' WANTED Position as housekeeper for widower with children. . Phone Tyler S496-J. ORGANIST and A-l piano player, wants position. Doug. 6887, ot Box. 7 008 Bee. Competent colored girl wishes general house work without laundry, rtione weo. i7. POSITION wanted by lady as cashier in c' or drug store. ColfaK 1888. SITUATION wanted by first-class colored chambermaid. Webster 8486. COLORED girl wants place tor geheral housework. Harney 4888. r , COLORED woman wants general housework. Wsb. 8861. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing; piece .work; lace cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 8104. PRACTICAL houee cleaning or cooking by the day. Web. 4837. . : FOR day work or bundle washing call Web ster S88S. Bundle wasH; lst class laundress. H. 924. Colored woman wants day work. Web. 89&L DAY" work "of any"kfnd, exp. Doug. 6189. A-l laundry wk 68.10 day. Wb. f4 after 4, Day wk'.. bndle. wash, stain rem'd. Wab, 8167 DAY work. Washing ahdTronlpg. Web. 8S447 Bdis. washing done. 1088 N. fist. Ty. S4t6wT Day work wtd. by good' laundress. Web7l087. Ex. col, worn, wants day werk.. ret. D. 6016 Wanted day wbrkfwmTTTo 4 SotVlise." Experienced lady wants day work. Har. 1269. Good indras. Bundle wash, horns. Web. U69. LaWy wk. Call,''feel., Real. Guar. Web. 4887 Flrst-cliTBs laundry" day work, Web. 4730? FOR food laundress. Please call Web. 2317, Exp. washwomen want day work. Ty. 1154. " WANTED Bundle washing. Red T99S. DAY trot wanted. Call Harney 4676. Hotels and Restaurants, RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT ' AGENCY. 1416 Davenport St. Douglaa U&6. Headquarters for hotel kelp. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, prefer man who has had experience In the oil busi ness or similar lines; salary 866. Must have one who dees not object to travel ing. " , . . Western Reference eV Bond Ass'n, Inc., 768 Omaha National Bank Building. A FlRSr'-CLASS bookkeener. prefer man whi) haa had experience in the oil busi ness or simitar lines; salary 96; must have one who does not abject to travel ing. Wentem Referenre ana Bond Ass n. Inc., TC3 umaha National Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Store, and Offices. PRIVATE SEC. (steno.) .320 BTKNOUHAPHHK BKKPR. (beginner, out of town ... 60 OFFICE CLERK ., 2' ASST. STOREKEEPER 22 THE CANO AQE.NC1T, 300 BEE BLDO Commercial Positions Call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1016-16 City Nat. Bk. Blflg. ST UNO., 676; steno. and bkkpr, $86 to 6100; steno., $60; blller, $f0; typist, $40; office clerk. $60; office clerk, $35; offloe boy, $30; office boy, $36. , . -WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brand. Tnea. Bldg. WANTED Intelligent young man to do telegraphic Work, ahd learn grain busi ness. Must be fast operator. Jewish boy preferred. Answer Box 278, Atlantic, la. FOR a .high-class commercial posltlonr ee us. NO FILING FKE, only. 60 cents to Investigate references. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. . ProfesaJont and Trades. WANTED A doctor, registered In Nebraska and In Wyoming or able to register, for a good adv. office and one-half time on the road. Big, established and paying wel). Salary or commission. Must be a hustler and able to come at once. Address Y 668. Bee. Drug Positions All States CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1U16-16 City National Bank Blflg- WANTED Ico cream maker; plain and fancy man; give age, experience and sal ary expected In first letter. De Coursey Creamery Co. Kansas City, Kan. WANTED At once,an A-l sausage maker. Permanent position and tpp Wages-to the right man. Washington Market, 1407 Douglas. WANTED A tailor with good reference ; must be sober and steady. Write or wire Hamilton Cleaning Works, Scottsbluff, Neb. Neb. ; WANTED Experienced Jeweler with tools, live town of 1,600, southern Idaho. For particulars write Jerome Drug Co. Jsrome, Idaho. PAINTER wanted who can do graining on metal furniture; stesdy position to the right man. Address Box 766, Bee. " Salesmen and Solicitors. IF YOU HAVE A FORD TOURING CAR AND WANT TO MAKE BIO MONEY DUR ING THE FALL AND WINTER MONTHS, WE HAVE THE BEST PROPOSITION ON THE MARKET TODAY. WE ARB THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS , FOR THH DETROIT WEATH ERPROOF BODY TOPS AND WANT THESE OOOD, LIVE SALESMEN TO DEMON STRATE THB TOPS FOR ALL POPULAR MAKifiS OF CARS. WILL PAY A LIBERAL COM MISSION TO A FEW LIVE HUSTLERS. v DON'T APPLY UNLESS YOU HAVE A FORD CARTO USE IN THE BUSI-' NESS. 1 WINTER TOP COMPANY, 2216-18 FARNAM BT. DOUGLAS 863, READ THIS E. Fredericks made $61 this past week selling SPRING OILERS for autos In one Nebraska county. Many agents making i to $10 per day: no ex perience required. A OOOD POSITION for this winter with a steady Income. $60.00 investment required, which Is well secured. Bank references as to our re sponsibility. Dept O. N. O. L. W. SPRING OILER CO., Brandels Bldg., Omaha. IF you are a salesman of more than av erage ability; If you can approach busl nes men and present facts Intelligently, keeping tn mind our proposition requires no coloring or misrepresentation, you are tho man ws want. We require the bove qualifications and verified references. Commission 'basis. If you can qualify and stand prosperity after you do qualify, w notei r laiiron, itl to 12, 1:30 to 4. WANTED Three bright young man. Prefer men wim Hieti experience, una or the fastest selling propositions offered today. Apply between It) and IS a.i m.. Manager. TRAVEL south and sell BUI Safety Raaor DiwriKjuiui macnine, or ao gooa business -at home; must have $200 eash. C. W. Hayes, Unftt-Docekal Drug Co., 17th and Farnam. REPRESENTATIVES to sell our Modern lire neinover, state manager here to- . w. jT.jf.n, tier urann notei. V SALESMEN Big money forTbuainraa get WH. '-QUI m iVl4 .-, VV. itlQf STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC. INV. CO.. 1017 W. O. W. Bldtf, WANTED Salesmen who can earn $60 por week. 438 Ramgs Bldg. Boy. STOUT boy wanted to learn trade. Cham- pion iron wonts, i6ta and Jackson. t OR 1 BOYS, steady work, good "pay. BOY for grocery wagon. Central Blvd. Oro- WANTED Errand boy. Ralph Printing, $20 Trade Schools. .v . WB WANT MEN TO LEARN " THE BARBER TRADE. Psw weeks quaHfy to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; ws have placed graduates In leading positions everywhere: compara tively no expense; catalog mailed tree. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. -110 a 14th St., Omaha, Neb. .' (Established 1861.) . - t . . AUTO MECHANICS. V EARN BIG MONEY. Nsvsr Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Method NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASTM. ,1817 N. 80th St.. Omaha, Send for Free Catalogue. - UOOD MEN WANTED ' To learn auto work for ths many po sitions now open. Fine training work la auw and eleotrla starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, . ' sees farnam. umana. .Neb, LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expense while learning. Wages or percentage. Ws won't over charge you to begin; 140$ Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. . i The Bee carried 47.140 MORE PAID Want Ads first 1ft months of 1816 than same period 1816 This figure EXCEEDS THE COM BINED OAIN ot the other two Omaha papers by OVER 80,000 PAID ADS, Reason: Better Results. Better Rates. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN m WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men under ago of 86; cltlsena of United States ot good character and temperate habits, who eaft speak, read and write the Eng lish lauguage. For Information apply to rltMSrutttng Officer, Army Blot , 16th and Dodge Hte.. Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. 16th St., Lincoln, Neb.; 887 4th St., Sioux City. Iowa; 8076th Ave- Pea Moines. Iowa. WANTED Young men as railway mail clerks; $76 per month; sample examina tion questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 881 R, Rochester N. T. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, $76 month. Sample questions free. - Write, Immediately. Franklin In- "J'-i111 $$1 W, Rochester, N. Y. WANTEDNam men winning to become government railway ma 'I clerks, 676 month. Quick Increase te $160. Vacatlona diress Y-685, Bee. COMMON laborer, white of colored, Union Pacific Store; good wages; steady work. Call at Cass St. gate, ask for store-keeper. WANTED Man aAd wife to take care of rooming house. 1780 Dodge.' MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corp at once; report at Lincoln.' LABORERS wanted. 16th and Jacksoh Sts. HELP WANTED . MALE AND FEMALE. WTD 8,01)0 meh and women to eat chicken dinner Sun. The Dutch Mill, 1618 Harney HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. AN experienced comptometer operator to accept position out of the elty. This Is a permanent place with a manufacturing firm and will pay to start $60. Western Reference and Bond Asa's. Inc. tit Oma ha National Bank Bldg. 3 STENOGS AND BKKPRS. $50-$65 a at en os, beginners, $86; cashier and bookkeeper. $46. ; CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., . , ivia-ts uity nat. xk. aiag. AN experienced dictaphone operator, prefer young lady who has been accuet6med to considerable machine work, willing to pay $76- for first-class . operator. - Box 8007. Omaha Bee. v STF.NO.. $66; steno., $40; steno., $60; blller, $60; office clerk and typist, $40; diet - opr., 616; steno. and bookkeeper, $61. WATTS REF. CO.. 840 Brand. Thea. Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Storei and Offices. BTENO. (ood advancement) 350.00 STENO. (boa-Inner) 3S.O0 THB CANO AGENCT, 300 BEE BLDO. STENOGRAPHER and office clerk, 160. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bids'. 1 Professions ana Trades. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Apply Evana .Model Laundry, 1Kb and Douslas.. Household and Domestic. WANTED White girl for general house work. Mrs. A. W. Friend. 3404 Haw 1 thorne .AyOj Telephone Walnut 792. WANTED A girl for general housework; no wa.hlng. Call Harney 1673. 123 S. 36th Ave. YOUNG white girl for general housework; email family; good home.. Phono Harney 3300. COMPETENT white girl for general houae- work. Phone walnut 867. - WANTED Girl to assist with general houae. work. 1322 S. 3 let St. Harney 1343. WANTED Girl to aaslat with houaework and care of child. Phone Wal. 3707. GOOD COOK and housemaid. 203 S. 33d St Phone Harney 1847. ' '. Miscellaneous. AN experienced chocolate dipper. Mc Combe Candy Co., 2306 Leavenworth. WANTED Good eiperlenced lady barber. 213 S. 14th St. GIRL wanted at 120 S. 33d St. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS STATE, county, city agents to sell Ford owners 100 per cent efficient, absolutely necessary device; hundreds tn use, highly . recommended; Instantly demonstrated, quickly sold; generous commissions, ex clusive territory ; nominal capital re quired; state experience and qualifications first letter. Lane Motor Device Co., San Diego, Cal. EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLEOa DAT SCHOOL. - NIGHT SCHOOL. Bvery day ir enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLE.S COLLEGE, Douglas 1666. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg., Entrance, $10. Douglas 6800. TELEGRAPHY, RAILROAD AND COM MERclal. Positions secured. Can earn board. Catalog free. Nebraska Telegraph College, Lincoln, Neb. THB SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Class and private Instructions, native teach ers. 3110 Lake St. Phons Web. 6554. T. M. C. A. Day And Night School. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; early applications favored. Harps fur. Loretta De Lone, 805 Lyric Bid BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodge. We show the pupils how to study music In the right way. D. 2471. PERSONAL piles, Fistula CURED . Dr. B. R.. Tarry cures pllelT fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curs guaranteed and no money paid nhttl cured. Write for hook on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. TARRT, 140 Bee Bid., Omaha, Nsh, MISS WEST, Manicuring, facial and scalp tfeatm'ts; refined patronage Invited. Conl tlnental Bldg. Douglas, cor. lth, Rro. 16. FRANCES LA FORE, foot specialist, mas sage, electric treatment . Boom 9, Ottawa Bldg.. 24th and Farnam. Douglas 7295. Open evenings. ' f ' - "' THE Salvation Array Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture maga eines, Ws collect. We distribute. Phono Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-111S-1114 Dodge St: 1 . MEN treated and cured by Dr. Burke, Omaha's men's specialist, at 31S Crounse Blk. Opposite P. O., east. RUPTURESrr treated with. surclcal operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wrar, 302 Be. Bids-. liAE BRUGMAN, M. T. Sclantlflo maaaeu.. baths. 202 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. BATHS of all kinds; maaaadro and chiropody. 210 Balrd Blk. 17th and Douslas, D. 8422. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1800 FARNAM. MISS L. LILLY Bath and massage, 1321 Farnam St.. Id floor. Phons Doug. 1410. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. : David ge Blk. Phone Douglaa 8761. NOAH and Charles write to your brother, Frank Christie, at Seattle. Wash. LIT ELLA WEBSTER, masseuas, 611 Paxton Blk., 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Red 1400. MISS CLARK, manicuring, 1102 Farnam St. Room 2. Douglas 8751 A PRIVATE maternity hor..e, 4416 N. 38th St. Phone Colfax 2042. SCIENTIFIC massage, 530 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6371. FURNACES cleaned. 11. Central Tin Shop. Manicuring and mass. 1823 Farnam. Rm. is' MASSAGE girl wanted. 1323 Farnam St. MOVING AND STORAGE Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try us. Largs (horse padded vans. Storage, 31 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move, you QUICKER,. CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phoui Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. GORDON VAN CO. riBBPROOP WAREHOUSE. v - Packing-, - storage and mov. Ins- 212 N. llth St Phone Douslas 294. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. . Caresul attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1613 and l<t How ard St. Phone D. 6534. FIDELITY bIbvS FRU Phone Douglas 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments, " Also for storage, moving. 18th andJackion Sis. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separaut locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. . i OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 101 g. 1 6th Bt. Douglas 4161. J"i ?TrT?T" Express and Moving. . V7. IXEjrjU packing and storage. ISO? rarnam St . fcouglas 6246. Maggard VSou; Van and Btorage Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and shipping. Phone Doug. . FOR RENT HOUSES West 5-room bungalow, all modern. In ex cellent condition, nearly new. Close to oar line. Por Particulars, THE BYRON REED CO.. Douglas 37. 211 S. 17th St i-R. COTTAGE, cWtm In ju 121 N. 24th. Desirable neighborhood. A nice place. Looks ilka a home. Part mod.. Good repair. Phone Red 402. hl-R., 464S Farnam. arranged two, families. moaern iuisibvtj, imhi locauon, fit. Hastings Jb Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. 55. FOR RENT -7 -room strictly modern bunga low. Metal windows aave fuel Call Douglas 3424. 33U Howard St. FOR RENT Six-room house, modern except heat Three-quarter basement. 1001 Web ster. iDQuir neat door. x . FOR RENT ROOMS ( ATTENTION, ROOM -HUNTKR81 If you fall to find the room yew desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Ees Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at ones. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two rooms in small family; modern home; closn to car line and IS minutes' ride from business section; suit able for young ladies; with all con veniences ; reasonable ; with meals If de slred. 2503 3outh llth St. Tyler 1081. FOR RENT Steam-heated furnished rooms for men only, at the Sunshine apartments. Rates. 32.50 and up per week. Office, 604 N. 17th St. 610 8. 25TH AVE., near Leavneworth. Com fortable, warm rdoms, suitable for two respectable gentlemen. Red 8216. 355 2 HARNEY ST. One elegant suits of" furnished rooms, south front; private fam ily; close in. ONE cosy room In private family. In Hans corn park district, near car line. Harney DZUlf, FURNISHED room in private family for one or two gentlemen. 2014 Elm St Tyler NICE, clean room In modern brick flat) references exchanged; close In. 913 8. 25th St. ' CHICAGO 2610 In private home; large south front room with alcovo; also side room. 620 s. 24TH AVE. Furnished rooms for two or four men.. With or without board. SOUTH front room, modern; furnace heat lady preferred. Harney 4646. LARGE, sunny room, twin beds, modern In every way, uarney 47S7. Steam heated rooms, 32 per wk. Also rooms vim MitneneuB, ugat;n noiei, uo. niuiie. POR RENT Front room, furnished, privets bath If desired. 2121 Douglas. Doug. 171. N. 22D, 321 Cosily furnished, entirely mod em room, with or without board. TWO cosy rooms, rtodern; on car line. 2328 Poppleton Ave. Douglas 4711. 8 LARGE nicely furnished rooms for gen tlemen. 206 N. 23d St. FOR RENT 2 nlcs furnished rooms; 320 N. 17th St WORKWOMEN'S Hotel, 209 N. 13. T. 2673. Pleasant, well furnished room. 3008 Farnam. ROOMS 103 S. 25th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. EXCELLENT room, every convenience, mod., furnace heat; single or ensulte. Prl- vate home. Walking distance. 1663 St . Mary's Ave. i . STEAM-HEATED modern housekeeping rooms; also steam-heated sleeping room. Call Red 8650. ' 210 N. 19TH Two housekeeping rooms. Close In; everything furnished. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $1.60 per week, with bath. 1622 Burt St. TWO steam heated light housekeeping rooms, furnished. 4758 N. 24th Street. MODERN light housekeeping rooms, 2416 Sherman Ave." AND $3 Clean housekeeping rooms. 221 Leavenworth St. . Board and Room. UNDER NEW MAN- nPLTP TT A THTl agement: lovely steam lllUiilAil heated rooms. Refer 213 S. 26TH ST. ences wanted. 1 per day and up, . A LARGE, beautifully furnished room, three windows, large closet, next bath, In new modern house; must be seen to be ap preciated; suitable for two; best home cooking. 1548 8. 26th St. Tyler 1709. 2424 JONES Well furnished front room; board for two; private family; walking distance. Douglas 8122. PLEASANT large room for two In private family; meals if desired; walking distance. 2518 Davenport. 2715 JACKSON Pleasant front room. Gen tlemen preferred. Board optional. Har ney 2499. MODERN, new, pleasant, home-like, home baking, reasonable. Near car. Col. 1164. ROOM and board In private family. 820 S. 21st St. Doug. 8208. Unfurnished Rooms. 6 ROOMS, modern except heat, on second floor. Call Walnut 2943. . ...... 3 LARGE, modern, 316 per-month.1 , 633 S. 30th St. Harney 3061. , Rooms Wanted. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THB BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms. , FOR RENT FURNISHED ' - Apartments and Houses. Apartments. FURNISHED or unfurnished apts., 2, 2 or rooma; 24th and Farnam, or 26th and Harney, 229 up. Ernest Sweet, D. 1472. Houses. ALL MODERN, In Dundee, 7 rooms, 22E. 2012 California. Phone Walnut 2560. SIX-ROOM, all modern, near Farnam car, Dundee. Walnut 2658. , FOR RENT HOUSES West. T-R. modern house. Also 4-R. duplex, close in. Apply 2646 Capitol Ave. I-ROOM 2 baths. West Farnam district, 146.00. Phone Doug. 2047. North. 4-R., 3319 Taylor, newly paper throughout, modern ex. furnace, water paid, $14. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney. Ty. 60. Hl-R. cottage, mod. ex. furnace, 1813 Spruce, nicely paperea and tn good condition, 318. Hastings & Heyden, 1014 Harney. Ty. 60. 1516 GRANT ST. 7-r., conm., modern, $25. T. V. Hall. 423 Ramgs Bldg. Doug. 7406. 6-R., 2410 Larlmore, mod. ex. furnace, good con., nice yard, $19. Hastings A Heyden, 161 Harney. Ty. 80. $26 Six-room, 3504 N. 34 tb St. Web. 167T. South. BRAND NEW STUCCO. 103 SOUTH 41ST ST. " X Very large living room, with fireplace, breakfast room with special built-in fea tures, 8 bedrooms, delightful sun room; everything spotlessly clean. Price, E0. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 618 Omaha Nat Bldg. Phone Doug. 1016. "3316 DEWEY AVE. 6 rooms all modern, house In excellent condition. CLVe to car line. FOR PARTICULARS - Douglas 297. 212 B. 17th St 700 Georgia avenue, 12 rooms, modern, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Doug. 2715. 016 Omaha Natl. Bank Bids. 7-R., 625 So. 20th, arranged for two fami lies, ciose in, moa. ex. rurnace, $27.60. Hastings & Heyden. 1314 Harney. Ty. 80. CLOSE IN, 6 rooms, 623 So. 20th, mod. a. furnace, very good, right down town, $38. Hastings Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. SO. 3-R., 626 So. 30th, close In, mod. ex, ht $11. rtasunga at tieyaen, irjn uarney. Ty. 50. FIVE-ROOM house, all modern except heat ,,834 8. 28th. Harney 2091. 6-R., close In, 709 So. 19th, nlcs cottage, modern ex. furnace, $20. Hastings & Heyden, 1 614 Harney. Ty. I 6-R., 24S7 So. 16th, good houae, modern eg, heat. In A-l condition. 321. Hastings & Heyden. 161 4 Harngy. Ty. BP,' FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heatj walking distance. 866 8. 31st St Call Red 8153. SIX LARGE rooms, all modern. 1526 Vln- ion si., omy -w a montn, fnona Doug. 4810; FOR RENT 5-room eottage, modern, 26th ana pee i. nomas ueary, ssis S. 26th. 1316 PARK Vlfl. 1'T. modTrtc Miscellaneous. ' no Don csrriea 4T.940 MORS PAID Want Ada first 10 months of 1016 than same period 1916. This figure EXCEEDS THB COM LINED OAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 80.000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Results. Better rim 3409 N, 24TH ST., 6 roome, strictly modern; 4549 Seward St, 6 rooms; bungalow. ' 1633 Cass St., 10 rooms; arranged for roomersbr two famtllea. ARMSTRONG-WALSH rflUPlMT 1 Tyler 1636. 336 Ross Bldg HOUBB.S FOR RENT. CRR1GH, SONS 8t CO. BEN BLDO. JX)Uta .8