Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Railway Board Acts on Com
plaint of Car Discrimination.
(From a 8taff Corrpondont.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 8. (Special.)
The Wood River Milling company
today filed a protest with the State
Railway commission, alleging that
their company had been discriminated
against by the Union Pacific Rail
road company in the matter of furn
ishing cars and that the Grand Island
Milling company had been favored in
that rcgrd.
The commission at once took up the
matter by telephone with Edward
Rich, solicitor for the company, with
the result that Mr. Rich informed the
commission that the matter would be
adjusted within "ten minutes."
Pool Files Statement
Of Campaign Expense
(From it Staff rorrapondnl.)
Lincoln, Nov. 8. (SpecialsSecre
tary of State Charles Wesley Pool
was feeling so good this morning that
he hustled around and was the first
candidate to file his election expense
account with the secretary of state.
The statement shows that Mr. Pool
spent $60079, of which $212.12 went
to the newspapers for advertising;
$,(68.17 was spent for printing and
$20.50 for distributing cards.
Girl Who Shot Self
May Not Recover
Aurora, Neb,, Nov. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Miss Viva Cole, who ac
cidentally shot herself through the
body last night, is still alive, with
slight hopes of recovery. The sur
geons operated, but were unable to
find the bullet, which has evidently
lodged in the spinal column. One
lobe of the liver was perforated.
Dr. I. W. Haughey Is
Slowly Recovering
Aurora, Neb., Nov. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Dr. I, W. Haughey,
chief medical adviser for the Royal
Highlanders, is reported this morn
ing as resting easy and well on the
road to recovery. Considerable con
cern was manifested last night be
cause of the hemorrhage fcom an op
eration for the removal of his tonsils.
The bleeding was stopped late last
night and his rapid recovery antici
pated. Republicans Gain.
Nine Congressmen,
76 to Hear From
New York, Nov. 8. With seventy
six congressional districts to be
cleared up republicans now have
gained nineteen seats over their quota'
tn the present house, while the demo-
Lcrats have gained ten, a net gain of
nine lor me rcpuoucans, wnicn re
duces the present democratic major
ity of 23 to S. Two democratic dis
tricts in New Jersey now reported
doubtful would tf reversed reduce the
majority to one.
Soldiers' Home Notes.
Grind IaUnd, Nb Nov. I. ( Special.)
Mm. Martha Psrdo, who hai bain quite) HI
for th iMt thrM wka, dU4 Monday
morning at ;M o'clock.
Mr. and Mn, story o1bratd tholr tint
wrddlnc artntvtnmry Saturday ovanlnt by
entertaining a number or rrtonoa, Tiwir
artieata were Mr. and Mr. McCrta, Mr. and
lire. Wilier. Mr. and Mri. Will Jonee. Mr.
and Mr. MeKot, Mr. and Mm. Ooorfa tlono,
Charlta Orn haa atkad for a ftrunday
furlough. Newton Strode aaked for the
unit lenath of time, while Mr. He rah
Fowler requeeted only a tea dayi' leave of
(Caatlnuc From Paga on.)
Harlan 1 ISO 1ST 1 111
llawaon .... 4 III 111 210 IIS
11.11 1 110 104 1!4 124
Rd Willow .1 13 II 17 11
Red Willow .1 21 13 17 T
R"d Willow .1 21 )I IS 21
Wayno 1 15 7 47 00
FawnM 1 2SI ISO 210 221
Colfax 1 10S 21 44 36
Pumas I lift 140 134 111
Rlrhard.on . I M 102 73 101
Kollll 2 III 131 12) 04
I w.-. I 10 41 21 41
llouela. II llast 10724
(-Ufltrr 1 111 177 141 111
Oas" 1 112 ISO 139 S
York 1 17 71 71 74
Polk 1 221 2S 210 IS7
York 4 311 401 2SI 371
Nanra II III I4T 710 324
folk 1 201 lift 171 113
Rarny I 474 17 607 413
fork ... t ISS 1 57 HI 171
Krlth 3 III H7 HI 73
Hooker 1 102 77 S3 SS
Oa 1 71 61 47 21
Dawn 1 330 312 32N 322
K.IIh 3 62 44 31 14
cia i ti t:, its 3i
BIOUK 249 III 171 114
(lane 2 222 114 203 111
( umlns 12 1099 130 1030 III
'ward II 1377 lilt 1362 1062
fhaaa 1 IT 71 II 61
Llutlfly ..I IT 146 121 TI
Jrff.r.on ... 1 112 lift 101 119
Thayar 13 1023 1019 1117 940
0. I 471 36 2S7 947
nichardion .. I 119 149 111 14'
Complete Counties.
II of II.. .. 719 III 141 1029
II ( II.. .. 1091 1191 966 1271
Rork 441 167 331 41T
Doda I1II 2401 2264 1274
drand total .104 14711 11711 20611 11112
County. Pet. Dry. Wat.
Haundara : . . IT ITS 1429
burning- I " 160 101
Hamilton 2 ISO too
York S 111 IIS
Oil. 2 116 111
1. anroter II 1141 2263
nir-hardaon , 1 ioi II
Phalpa S no 21
Hall 1 IT1 117
Rod Willow I 111 ll
Thurston 1 ill 117
Gas 4 INS 111
l.ani'llter 31 111! 2111
bodea , I 1136 1611
Koarnty 11 1014 641
Phalp 1 2)1 IT
Harlan I 672 241
tiawaon 4 IT7 164
Krd Willow t It 19
Colfax 4 IH 464
droll. Bluff I 711 219
Antplopo 1 210
Soona 11 1110 III
I.OUD t 100 40
Oakland 1 102 no
Dawaon S lift 61
N.maha I 104 140
Wayna 4 147 123
Purnaa I 110 12
PawnM I 12T 113
Colf.i 1 21 14
Rlckardson 1 121 Si
Kalth I 114 114
Uawaa 1 42 10
Total. 331 IIIOI 114IT'
Pet. Cry, Wat.
Pr.vlouilr r.port.4 191 ll.TII 11,017
Oaf 1 111 It
York 1 ..W 210
Nanoa II 1.067 SO!
K.arn.y 4 120 149
York t 121 TI
Kalth I 111 TI
Hook.r 1 101 II
Gaga 1
Kalth 1
Gaga 4
Sioux I
Cumins 11
Seward , 16 1
Thayer 11
Oast I
Rlrhardfton 1
Rlrhard.oa 1
Douslaa Ill 11.062 22.614
Orand total! 40G 69.T49 66,101
672 241
1.670 2.164
1,241 2.1N1
(Continued from Face One.)
ponent, George S. l'atton, and it was
believed hi majority would approxi
mate 200,000.
The two prohibition amendments,
which shared interest with the presi
dential contest, rarly today appeared
to have been beaten.
At 7 o'clock this morning, with
about one-third of the city ballots
counted, it was estimated that Wil
son's majority in San Francisco
would be about 12,000.
At I.os Angeles, after counting far
into the night, the registrar closed his
office and announced that it would
not be opened again until 8 a. m.
Late returns from Sacramento
county indicated that Wilson's ma
jority there would be about 4,000.
Wilson continued to gain as other
northern California counties report
ed. In Placer county it was figured
his majority would be about 1..100.
San Francisco, Nov. 8. Of 4,443
precincts of 5.917 in California Hughes
received 347.9.!8 and Wilson .552,6.52.
San Francisco, Nov. 8. Woodrow
Wilson took the lead ill California at
4 p. m. today. Returns available at
that hour from 4,306 precincts out of
5.980 precincts in California gave:
Hughes. 337.657; Wilson, 339.195.
San Francisco, Nov. 8. With 602
complete precincts counted out of a
total of 684, Wilson was leading
Hughes by 12,500 in San Francisco.
The republican state central commit
tee concedes San Francisco to Wilson
by about 15,000.
San Francisco, Nov. 8. City of
Stockton complete gives: Wison,
6,694; Hughes, 4,316.
San Francisco, Nov. 8. Return! to
night from 4,401 precincts of 5,917 in
California give: Hughes, 342,963 ; Wil
son, 345,908.
San Francisco, Nov. 8. O. K. Cush-
ing, chairman of the democratic state
central committee, issued late today
the following:
"Basing my opinion upon verified
reports from every county in Califor
nia. I confidently assert that President
Wilson will carry California by
San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 8 Re
turns from 4,020 precincts out of 5,917
in California give: Hughes, 317,845;
Wilson, 314,698.
Shortly after noon today O. K.
dishing, chairman of the democratic
state central committee, claimed Cali
fornia for Wilson by 10,000. Chester
H. Kowell, chairman of the republican
state central committee, reiterated his
earlier statement (hat Hughes would
carry the state by at leatt 6,000 votes.
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 8. Semi
official figures announced today by
Thomas McAlcer. registrar of voters,
showed 412 complete city and county
precincts gave Hughes 41,412; Wilson,
Bakcrsfield. Cal., Nov. 8. Ninety
three precincts complete of 122 in
Kern county g;c Wilson 5.672;
Hughes. 3,690.
Warner Concedes
Stephens' Election
Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 8 The re
election of Dan V. Stephens (dem.)
to congress from the Third Nebraska
district by 500 to 700 majority was
today conceded by his opponent, W.
P. Warner (rep.) Stephens' plurality
two years ago was 8,000.
Dry Amendments
Losing in California
San Francisco, Nov. 7. Meager re
turns at 9:30 p. m. on prohibition
showed a slight majority against both
the complete prohibition and the
liquor restriction amendments and in
dicated a sharp contest.
New Mexico.
Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 8. Returns
from 112 precincts in New Mexico
Hughes 5,419; Wilson 5,614.
The Quinine Thai Does Not Affect Head.
Becauaa of ita tonln and laxative effect,
laxative Bromo Quinine van be taken by
anyone without fanning nor
ringing In the head. There la only one
Bromo Quinine." B. W. DROVE'S signa
ture la on box. 36c Adverttaemenl.
Four States Added
To Dry List, Says
Oliver Stewart
Chicago, Nov. 8. Oliver W. Stew
art, national prohibition campaign
manager, expressed gratification over
the result of wet and dry fights in
states today.
"Returns indicate that the drys
have added four states Michigan,
.South Dakota. Nebraska and Mon
tanato the dry column." said Mr.
Stewart. "We saved Arkansas to the
array of nineteen dry states with !
which we entered the campaign. The t
election of Bamberger as governor
of Utah, a democrat, favoring pro
hibition, 1 think means prohibition
by statute out there.
We arc pleased at the victory for
woman's suffrage in South Dakola,
for that means the election of offi
cials who will make the prohibition
On the wise mother's shopping list:
Or. brera's
For The Teeth
Powder Cream
Snd 2c stamp today for generous ot ithn
Oi. Ljon'i PrfcT Tooth P wdor or Dental Cream
1. W. Lyon & Son.. Inc. S77 W. 27th St. N. Y. City
3$ IP8 I
9 lays Free I rial
From Piles
no matter how long or how bad go
to your druggist today and get a 50
cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment.
It will give quick relief, and a single
box often cures. A trial package
mailed free in nlain wrapper if you
send us coupon below.
6 0 Pyramid Bid., Marshall, Mich.
Kindly .end me a Free aamnla of
Pyramid Pile Traatmant, in plain wrap
per. Name '
City Statu
of Waffles and Pancakes
. Held At Our Office
Thursday and Friday, 10 A.M. to 5 P. M.
In Your Own Home
Choice of the World' Greatest Phonographs
The Aeolian Vocation
Columbia Grafonola
Pay only for the few records you select
and wc will send any style to your home
start the payments in 30 days.
We carry the largest and most complete
stock of phonographs and records in the
city. Prices
$15, $25, $35, $50,
$75 ;;? $375
Come and bring your friends and let us
demonstrate these wonderful instruments
to you in our soundproof parlors.
Latest Records Now On Sale.
1311-1313 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Retail and Wholeaal Distributors for Nebraska, Iowa and South
H'.W !.'.wi.W.a ..J-Wa"Jiaar.iaali-aaw--a.e I. ijii I, ," If ... V.." ",' ' ?'rW. ".'V'-.A- W'''?'''
Most Modern and Sanitarv Brewerr in the West
Family Trade Supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor,
2502 N. St Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or et.
51 i5o9Hwirdstreet' Ifisi
! "eeojll Mill. U 11 .11 I ewawjeeaeeanpm 1 1 u BILg I .l I. aniawavavawaamewaall.l . Slini I I 1 W.-S ageBaMjoa5UI.Ma
fJMMlaanlilllIMM - I-" M
M SlT'iSl"5t Corner f3 JrJfeJLJ 0 S-iS.'.T sMr
j :;; - 'Mfr $13.75 The Popular Price Cloak and Suit Shop PilM $18.50 fM&Sr
J j :P V'fl 2,000 Fwsl. Mew Ooati Jt from ttw Saltan martot, botvU at gnat lwttens In pileea aad win Iw offend k!l$TOlLiVW
E. $ ' - V ''I'Ik for leu money than thaw garment! could be bought In January. Note pricea carefully. Prf 13aii
i-Kfe ft ft flffl Women's and ft ft flTfl Women's and ft ft A TO Wom,n' nd MisM f A'PmV I
I fflpp coats saw coats wmm coffs mm
U IWll Novelty Cloth, riald.. Plato W.., Clotbi. Wool Ydoun. 'iSSj. iT JSi 'fnl
lU Mli$S?iftlL Wool Velour, etc. cloth, Melton with Far or TiE -' 1p l A S
n M. a&MW Valuog up to GJ AftO Clotha, Plash, etc. &J g& tZ( Value, up to fM.oo; tZa Til KvlI h I j
I J mM$$M ' whUetheyla8t---- il-V $27.60, your choice JLV J& SMf lfi l
I! ' iiMy ftftfjTft Women's and ftftflffi Women', and mm' ftftATO Women's and Ff IK ft Jl
' Pt ci0$&W& 1 ill Li I A Misses' Ooata In all 1 .1 1 1 I Ooau to an the latest Mill I Misses' Cloth Coats -&MlJ Ldd 1
lWWm0M$m WUHI the Ufit rtyl-, UUH I O ,tyleg and WHIU to an the UU8t rffKP f
i'M 10WM?W some of them with Fur trimming, or without Fur trimming. These Ooata are Btyles and colors, with or without Fur igajA
tiij They are made up in Wool Velour, Bo- made up in Wool Velour, Zibeiine Velonr, Seal- trimming. Nicely made up in Sealette P ' $ J
S livia Cloth, PlUBh, ette Plushes, BoUvla Plush, V e 1 o u r, t V'
U Broadcloth, etc. telRlGhHtZ Cloth, Melton, Xtgm- QGtSjfyiEZfi -Wool Velour, Bo- Ctafr I gft '
A Values up to $35, Of nette Plush, etc. Vai- ifi" Uvia Cloth, etc. P qLtfV
Y. choice at, each.... JQJr nee to $40, eholoe, each a C:: Values to $48.50, at V iL I
j We also will offer several nal high price Ooati in Velour Velvets, Seal Plush, Esqtilnette Plush, Panne Velvets '"- I
J and Imported Broadcloths at prices of $42.50 np to 69.50 a wvlng of 28 to 33Vi on these garments. l