Provisional List of ' - Members of the I - ;- - - I - United States Senate. . artaone "Henry F. Aehurat, P. ArkanaeeJuatlm W. F. Ktrby, P. CallfornlaM-Governer Hiram Johneon, R. Connmtlcutr0orge P. McLean, R. Delaware Henry A. do Pont, R. Florida Oovemor Park Trammell, D. Indiana Hanr 0. New, R.; Jaraee E. Walaon, R. Maryland Dr. Joaanh Irwin Franca, R. ' Maaeaehuaetta Henrjr Cabot Lodse, R. . Mlchttan 'Charlaa E. Townaand, R. , elinneeote Flank B. Kellnsr. R ' MtaaUalppt 'John Bhara Wlllleme, D. Mleeourl 'Jamea A. Reed, D. Montana "Henry 1 Meyere, D. Nabraaka Bx-Congraaaman John L. Ken nedy. R. Nevada Key Plttmaei, O. ' New Jereey Joaeph 8. Prellnf huyeen, R. New Mexico Andrteua A. Jonea. I). New York E-Conreaaman William M. Older. R. Ohio 'Atlee pomarene, u. Pennaylvanta Philander C. Knox, R. Rhode laland Peter O. Gerry, R. ' Tenneaeee Congreaaman Kenneth D. Mc Kellar, D. Texaa Charlea A. Culberaon, L. Ttah Kx-Congreaamao Wllllnm II. King.- D. Vermont Carroll 8. Pare. R. Virginia "Claude A. Swenenn, P. Waehlnr'nn Mllea Polnneatar, R. Waat Virginia Congreaaman Howard Sutherland, it. Wlarnneln Robert M. !a Folletle. R. Wyomla Governor John B. Kendrlck, D. eiQCumbent. Home. I 0. L. Oray...D l-W. B Oliver.. O I h. Dent, Jr.D f ej.L. Burnett. .D r-H.B. Kteagall D I E. B. Almon..D 4 F.L.Blackmon D 0. Huddleaton.D a !. T. Heflla.D 10 W.B. Bankhead.D . Artaoaa. it Large ' 'Carl Hayden....D Arkaaaaa. ' 1 T.H. Caraway.D I H.M. '.Jacoway.D t W.A. Oldfleld.D '. M, Taylor.. D J.N. Tillman.. D t W.S. Goodwin. D 4 -Otla Wlno...D CaJIfenela. t E. H. Hart R t D. S. Church. ,D I J. B. Raker, .D I A. Hayea..R 5 C. r. Curry. .D "C. H. Randall Pr 4 "Jullua Kahn..R ID H. SS. Oeborn.,.R '. I. Nolan... It 11 "Wm. Ketner..D a -j. Jt. a,iaoa..n A rolorada. 1 B C. Milliard. D I -B. Keating..,. D K '...utwrieke 4 E. T. Taylor.. D j , K .. Cannaetlrut, ; I A. Lonergan...D 4 E. J. nill.:....n i .i I 'I. P. Olynn....R I J. A. Tllon....R ... , . Uelaware. It Urge. T. W. Miller... R k " ' Florid. 1 H J. Drana...D 1 Walter KehM..D 'Frank Clark.. D 4 W. J, 8ra....O . j- - . . Dearth. 1 J. Overetreot. .D T Oordon Lee...D Frank Park...D . j. Trlbbla..D I ?. R. Crlap...D "T II. BelL.i.D 4 W. Adamaon. .D lb Carl Vlnon...O I W. a. Howard. D 11 J. R. Walker.. D , S J. W. Wlae...D It W. W. Lareen.,D at trgc . . B. la French. ...R A. T, 8mllh....R IlUaala. M, McCnrmlok...R II J.C. MoKenila.R .w. B. Maaon R 14 aC.H, Tavenner.D i M. B. Maddon.R la B. J. Klng....R ' I 'J R. Mann... R la C. Ireland R a 'W W. Wllaon.R IT J. A Sterling. R 4 C. Martin...... D It J. O. Cannon.. R I A. 1. Babath..D ! W.B. M KInley.R J. MoAndrawa.D lb H. T. Reiney.,1) T Nella Juul R II L.l Wheeler. ,R I T. Oellagher. . 1 II W. A. Roblnh'gR t-r A. Britten. R II M. D. Foater.B I (!. . Foaa....R I 'T . Wllllarw.R 11 -Ira Copley. ...R 14 'E.B. Uenlion..R It C. B. Fuller... R .. i ' ."ladaaaa." ; 1 ( w. Cook . . I A. Jt. Venal... R t Of ear E. RlandR t F. . Furnell, . .R a-IM. al. 1-UI....U 1 W. R. Wood...H 4 U Dtan..,.U IWOiW." Ranch. .D J-e. Ma. .. .V M.V' t aVVf. Cometock. R lTfll,W. ,iwiol i. aoraa....R ! : lanra. ' ' t'Ck. Kennedy. R t eft C. Dowell..R H. . HUI1....R I "K. M. Towner.K I 'B. B. Sweet . R t'Vf. R. Orean,.R 4 'II. N. la -w, r. voaaa..rt t J. W Oood..,R 11 0. 0. teen.,.. a "ftW. Rama'yerR 1 R. AnthonyR C M. Harer.,R B. C. Little. ...R a A. R. Coanelly.,D I "P.P. CemnbellR V M. ahouae O 4 C. W. Miller. ,R I W. A. Ayraa....O i ' Xantaeky. ) A W. Berkley!) 1 !. C Cantrtll.D I n M. K'helnert I "Harvey Helm..l -"R. T. Thomae.D I W. J. Flelda...D -u.o Jouuauu. U 10 '1. W. Langley.R B. aherley.,,.D II eCalah Poweri..R I A, B. Rouae..D n , - Loalftana, '. I A. EetoplnaL.D I R. J. Wllaon I H. O. Dupra. .D b ej, f, ganda I w, O. Martin. .D 7 U Laaaro., 4 J. T. Watklu.D J. B. Aewell MalM. 11,. B. odall..R t . A Patera I W. 11. White, Jr., 41. A Uereey , , D Maaeaehoeelta. . t'A. C. Tdway R Alvla T. Palter. D t F. H. 01lletl..R 1 'I'ewr Taue...U I c. D. Paige... R II 'O. HvTkham.R 4 . B. WtnalewR II '3. A. Xlalllvan.D a "J, J. Rogera..R II "W. K. Carter. .D A. P. OardnarR 14 H. L. Klncalde.R t 'M. F. Phelan..D lb W. I. Oreena.,R I r. W, O'llngerR 14 "Joeeph Waleb.R 1 F. E. D'mua..D ej. W. Fordney.R j.g. w. Baakea.D J. C. MeUughltn J, M. C. HmlthR i R 4 E L. HamlltonR lb O. R. Curr!e..,.R b Carl E. MapaaR 11 F. D. Boott...R 4 "P. 11. Kelly. .R II W. F. Jameb. ,R L. C. CramlonR II 'C. A. Nlohola..R Commerce Range ; Demonstration it the Central ; Coma to our itore any day thli week and lt$ ua explain the auperloT featurea of the justly famous Cera awrta, "King of Rnfaa." which is in active operation on our floor. We want to prove conclusively that this range is a perfect baker, a fuel aaver and simple to operate. You can have one in your home on thirty days' trial. k ' As uaual, you make your owa Urme. : We are serving "Three-Minute" biscuits and coffee. " CENTRAL 17th and Howard Sti. ScnoritaAmina The celebrated Spanish Dattcer Fred Vsfalden ', at " ' Hotel Loyal ; ALL WEEK . Week Days, to 8 P. M. SuaUys IS to I ud to 8 P. M. Both of these entertainers were former Orpheum favorites and Were well received by eastern crit ics. The management of Hotel Loyal will feature high-class en tertainers of national reputation during the coming months. , Newly-Elected Senate and House Maryland. 1 '1. D. Price... P 4 -J. C. L'thlcum.D I -J. E C. Talbott D I "S. K. Mudd.,.R C. P. Coady..D b F. N. Zlhlroan..R KluMaota. 1 R. Anderaon..R 6 FT. Knutson....R I F.F. EllaworthR t 'A.J. Volalea4..R S -C. R. Davta...R 'C. B. Miller. . . R 4 C.O. Van UykeD H. Slenneraon-R 5 E. Lundeen . . . . R JO 'T. D. 8chall..P MUalaalppl. I R. 8. Candler. .D t W. A. V'enahleD I 'H. U. stepheneU 4 B. P. Harrlaon.D J B. O. Humpreya 7 'Perry B. Qulnl) D I J. W. Collier. V 4 T. II. Union... U Mlaaourl. ' 1 M. A. Rom)ue..D Champ Clark n 2 W. W. RuokerU 10 'J. K. Meeker. . R I 'J. W. Alexander 11 '. L. laoe It 4 C. F. Booher.D 12 C. Dyer R k'W. P. KorlendD 13 W. I,. Henley.r 6 f'.C. DICklneonD 14 J. J. RuneII..D 7 c. W. HamllnU 15 Perl I). DeckerD I !). W. Shackle- 1 T. 1.. Ruliey...U tord 1 Montana. At I,arg (two) J. M. Bvana...l) H. B. MltrAell . . . D Xebraeka. 1 r. ,-'. n 4 C. IT. M'ot....tI 2 C O. Lobeck..D I A, C. Shellb'serD NrtjMla. K. P. Roberta H Naw ILempehlra. 1 C. A. BullowayR I B. H. Waaon..R New faraey. 1 "W. J. Browning 7 D. H. DrukkerR i R I Bdw. W. uray.R I !. Bacharach.R R. W. ParkerR I T. 1. Scully. D 10 F. R. Lehlbach.R 4 B.C. H'ohlna'nR 11 "John J. EaianD (J. H. CapetlckR II -J. A. Hamlll.U a R. N. Heath. D 'New liaxleb. At Large B. C. Hernandea.R New York. 1 F. C. Hlcka..R II W. 8. Bennett. ,R I "C. P. CaldwallD .. u. i..,UH I Joe. V. Flynn.U 24 'J. W. Hualed.H 4 H. H. Dale...D 24 "Udmund Platt.R a J. P. Miller.. D 17 C. B. Ward...R I F. W. Howe..R 21 R. b. Sanford.R 7 JJ. Fllageraldl) '. H. Pecker.. H D. J. OrlHln. li 10 H, 8. DeForeat..R 'O. W. 8wlt..R . -u, il. omu....u R. L. HaakellR 12 W. Molt K 11 'D. J. KlordanD II H. P. Bnydur.R j II 'Meyer Lendons 14 '(I. w. F'rchlldR It "C. D. BulllvanD II W, W, Magee.R 14 M. F. Farley. D 14 "N. J, Gould. ..R 14 'M. F: Co'.rv. ,i 17 "H. T. Pratt.. . .R II p. T. Doollng..D 1 'T, B. t)unn...R a', v. Danaera..n IS o. B. Francee..R a .. 41 C. B. Smith... O IS B. Roanblat...B 42 W. F. Waldo. ..R 114. M. Hulbart.,D 'jJ.Ai. UanuiMiiiii i .,.. UlwlMuU. . . North Carolina). 1 'J. 11. Small. . .D I K. L. Godwin . ,D S C. Kltchln . .' . . D 7 L.D. Roblneon..D I 'O. E. Hood.. D I R. L. D'ughtonD 4 . W. Pou....D '; y Weiib...r i 'C. 14. StedmanD lb Zeb Weaver.... D North Dakota. 1 'H.T. HelgeaenR t 'P. D. Norton.. R t 'O. M. Young. .R V Ohio. ' 1 'N. Longworth.R It C. L. Brumb'ghD I Victor Heinle.. R 5 "Warren Gard.L) 14 B. R. Bathrlek.D 4 B. F. Welly...D i. ,,uicu,.u I John 8. Snook D 14 'R.C. McCulloehR 4 '0. C. Keana..R 17 'W.A, AehbrookH 7 'i D. Feea..,.R II 'D.A. Holla'w'thR John A. Key..D lb 'J. O. Cooper. . .R I I. R. SherwoodR 10 Wm. Gordon.. D 10 'R. M. SwItalerR II 'Robt. Croaeer..D 11 H. C Clay pool. D II H. L Kmtreon.R Oklahomas i T. A. B J.B. ThompaonD I 'vv.rl. aaaungai 4 'Boolt Farrla.,.D I 'C. D. Cartor..D 7 'J. V. Moniintlcll 4 T. D. MoKeownD I D. T. Morgan. . .R 1 'W. C. HawleyR t 'C.N, M'ArthurR t 'N. J. SlnnotL.R Pannaylvaxua. At Large (Four.) T. I. Cragn...R 14 'E. R, Kleea... ,R MM. Garland. R II 'J. V. Leeher...D J. McLaughlin. R 11 'B. K. Fooht...R J. H. K. SoottR II 'A. 8. Krelder..R 1 -W. S. Vare....R II W W. Bailey.. D 'CI. 8. Oraham.R lb A.R.Brodback. ..D Si-ej. H. Moore... R II C.H.Rowlamd .,.R 4 eo.W. BdniandaR f t B. B. Robblna. R t B. Coetello R II R. F. HopwoodR 4 0, P. 14 'H. W, Temple. R 7 T, 8. Butler... R II W. W, Klnoald.R I H. W. WataonB 14 'H. J. Steele... D I 'W. w. Orleat.f 17 N. L Strong.... R 10 John R. Farr.R II O. D. Bleakley.R II Joan J. CaaayD It , O. Porter. .R It 'R. D. Heaton.R 10 "W. H. Coleman R It "A. O. Dewalt.D II 'J. M. Morin...R 14 'L.T. M FaddenR 12 'A. J. BarohleldR 1 ed.P. O'S'neaeyD. I 'A Kennedy. ,,R t-TW. R. SUneaa.R ' ' loatli Carallwa. , 1 e. B. Whaley.D I !. B. Flnley..D t 'J. F. Byrnea.D 4 J.W. Raaedale.D I FH. Domlnlck.D 7 'A F. Lever... D 4 8. J. Nlchola..D i rath Dakota. 1 C. H. Dillon... It t en. & Johnaon.R t J. C. Barllne. Invest-1 ment: J MADE to ORDER NICOLL tailoring mean the very best materials the very best tailoringat the very lowest price for such work. "Nicoll" means 6e without V extravagance. J Suits and Overcoats " $25, $30, $35 and upwards ITICOLL The Tailor -VrXJEBXEMS' SONS THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER - Teaneeaee. - 1 'Sim R. Rolla.R 'J. w. Byrne. ..D 2 'R. W AiiHttn 7 !.. P. Padgett. D A Moon....D s 'T. W. Slmo...l) t 't'or.leu null.,i 'F. J. Oarrelt.,1) t eW.C. H.iu.lon U 10 Hubert FIhcr..U Texaa. At Large Jeff M'Lemore..D 'J. H. Eale...l D. E. Garrett... D I J. N. 5Unilield.Il 1 'K. Black D 10 'J. P. UuchananD 2 Martin' Llea t) 11 T. Connelly. ...D 3 'Jamea Young.. .1H2 J. C. Wllaon....D 4 'Sara Rayburn . I) 13 M. Jones D fi 'H.W. 8ummeraD14 'J. L. Hlayden..U 4 'Rufue Hardy. ,D 15 'J. N. (lamer. .D J 'A. w. Oregg. .D 14 T. L. Blanton..D I tah. 1 M. H. Welling. D 2 "J. H. Maya D Vermont. 1 U. Oreane.R 2 'P. H. Dale R Virginia. l-'Wa A. JoneeD 4 'Carter GlaeB. . .D I 'E. E. Holland D 71. W. Harrlaon.D I 'A. J. MontagueD I 'C. C. Carlln...D 4 'W, A. Watenn.Di t-CJJ. Slemp R 6 'E.W. SaunderaD 1(1 'H. D. Flood ... D Waahlngton. 1 .Tohn F. Miller. R 4 'W.L. L FolletteR 2 'I,. H. lladley It 0 'C. C. Dill D 1 Albert Johneon.R Meet Virginia. I 'M. M. Neely. D 4 H. C. WoodyardR 3 'a. M. Bowera.R 8 E. Cooper R I 8. F. Rood R 4 A.B. LlttlepageD Wlaeoneln. - 1 'H. A. Cooper. R 7 'John J. Rach..R 2 'M. E. Burke. . D 'K F P"wne..R J M. Nelaon. R D. C. Claaaon..R 1 'V. I.. Cory. -M lo 'J. A. rifrt. H r 8'nfh.Kl't 11 "I. L. Lenroot..R I H. Davldaon...R Wyoming. At Large F. W. Mundell.R 'Incumbent. Tumulty Claims Election of Wilson Long Branch, N. J., Nov. 8 At 3:40 o'clock Secretary Tumulty is sued this-'Statement: "We claim the election of President Wilson by a majority of from ten to thirty electoral votes. We will get West Virginia, Minnesota, Kansas and California." . Marx Detroit Mayor. Detroit, Mich., Nov. I. Oecar B. Marx, eeiuihMean. eu re-electpd mavor of Detroit yeeterday. Hie democratic opponent, Judge William a . V.onnouy, tuuy vwiEwra e.i & e victory. Roamanlan (ieneral Dice. Indon, Nov. B. The death ot General Drngallna, commander of the ftrat Rouman ian army, trom a recent wound received In battle la reported In b Buohareat dlapateh to the wlreleee preaa. RAYMOND'S LetterContest 1$ Open Till NOVEMBER 15 ONE MORE WEEK In Which to Write Your Letter TheMdOCash Will be AWARDED Dec. 1st to the Writer of tome ONE tET TER. Tell in your letter What kind of Salesman you prefer. A store cannot be of greatest usefulness to you without selling force that is not of aid and use to you in making your purchases. Your question to1 answer is: ' How best can he do thtsT Raymond's aim and ideal is: To build up a store service so useful, so apprecia tive! that may merit and keep your trade. Write the letter now. We want your views. mam iwi , . MANY men do not appreci ate the difference between investment and speculation. Such men, in handling the funds of estates, think more of possible profit than they do of possible danger. We look to safety first, and we are able to find a fair return with safety. Karbach Blk. New Hampsliire Is " Jn Hughes Column, Says State Official Concord, N. H., Nov. 8. Complete returns from the state gives Hughes a plurality of 161, according to an un official announcement tonight by Ed win C. Bean, secretary ot state. New York, Nov. 8. Democratic headquarters announced at 5:40 o'clock that their returni showed New Hampshire had, been carried by Wilson by 159 votes. Hughes Increases His Plurality in Michigan Detroit, Mich., Nov. 8. Late re turns increased the plurality of Charles E. Hughes over President Wilson in Michigan. Reports from two-thirds of the voting precincts of Thompson - eve he v s t nst Meeting Place. This Store the Style Center The name, Thompson, Belden & Co., established 1886, is synonymous with Quality and Fashion. It represents the highest ideals in merchandising and is recognized as a Style Center of Fashions that are charming, correct and fairly priced. We Make No Claims That Cannot Be Substantiated Prices are as low as consistent with the highest quality $3.85 for Any Petticoat in Our Entire Stock For the remainder of the week we make this offer, which includes all styles and colors. Formerly sold up to ?6.50. ,: Sterling Trimmed Umbrellas $2 Cover of Silk and Linen, case .. of pure silk. Sterling trim : med handles. Each , one different. An extra value . for $2. ' v ' 7, Embroidered Initial Pillow Cases 69c a pair Made of good sheeting, scal loped and embroidered with a beautiful Old Eng lish initial. Size 45x36. Thursday, 69c a pair. Stationery 19c a Box When the present upply is sold no more can be had for less than 40c a box. Box of 48 sheets of paper and 48 envelopes, 19c. Box of 100 envelopes, 19c. Writing tablets, 10c, ISc and 25c Turkish Towels at Old Prices We anticipated the ever-increasing cost of cotton yarns over a year ago, and bought in large quantities. As we bought at old prices we are able to sell at old prices. Every One An Extra Value FANCY TURKISH TOWELS. 25c PLAIN TURKISH TOWELS, 29c PLAIN TURKISH TOWELS, 39c PLAIN TURKISH TOWELS, 59c PLAIN TURKISH TOWELS, 75c PLAIN TURKISH TOWELS, $1.00 No more to b had at these price. Silk Underwear Women Will Like . Crepe de chine gowns, combinations and envelope chemise, white or flesh col or, plain or trimmed. The gowns, $5, $6.25, $7.50, $8 and more. Combinations and chemise, $3, $3.50, $4.25 upward. Third Floor. I La Grecque Corsets . We invite you to see our wonderful display of the lat est La Grecque Models for the present season. More handsome than ever before, with the same perfec tion of fit that has always distinguished La - Grecque from the ordinary corset. $1.50 to $6 Coreat Sactioa, Third Floar. V1 ' I.' 9, 1916. the state give Hughes 208,480, and Wilson 181,017. The congressional contest in the Second district between Representa tive Beakcs, democrat, and Mark R. Bacon was extremely close tonight and both candidates were claiming victory. - ' Quaker State Troops Cast Votes for Hughes El Paso, Tex., Nov.8. The Penn sylvania troops in the field, the only large guard organization here to vote, gave Hughes a total of 3,132 and Wil lon 2,029. The Massachusetts units of two ambulance and one hospital company, expressed their preference for Wilson, however, by 40 to 19. The First eDIaware, encamped at Dem ing, N. M., also favored Wilson by 127 to 104 votes. a J" le tt eachers Lordia IV Many Conveniences and a Service Second to None. Toilet Articles Underpriced Fine grade of Toilet Soap, by the box, 12c. Tooth Brushes, all styles, very extra, at 8Vsc Talcum, Lilax, Corylopsis and Wisteria, 8y3c box. 60c Silk Lisle Hose 39c a Pair Black and white silk lisle, ,. garter tops, double soles, 60c regularly. Very specially priced, at, 39c Colder Days Warmer Underwear Women who seek the largest variety of styles and the best quality will be pleased with our of ferings. AS AN EXAMPLE t- WOMEN'S WOOL VESTS, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, pants to match for the same price, $1.00. COTTON UNION SUITS, low neck, no sleeves, ankle length, for 65c. i RIBBED COTTON UNION SUITS, high neck or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length, all extra fine quality, $1.65. PINK SILK VESTS, lace trim mings, ribbon shoulder straps, for S3.B0. Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs 15c When we say linen we mean all linen, not cotton. Dainty Neckwear Large and small collars of organdie and voile, 25c, 35c, 50c Collar and cuff sets, 35c and 50c Feather Boas, 75c. White Lawn Tea Aprons 1 9 and 29c Two styles, one lace trim med, the other made with a ruffle and two pockets. The prices are quite exceptional. kaUM assets Steamship Arabia Sunk by Torpedo Without Warning y ... . London, Nov. 8. The Peninsular and Oriental liner Arabia received no warning from the submarine which ...I. : in k Mediterranean nn Mon- ' day, according to a statement issued i this morning by the admiralty. All the . 437 passengers, including 169 women and children, and all the crew, withthe exception of two engineers, who were killed by the explosion, were saved by vessels yhich went to the rescue. Hughes Is Maintaining Lead in South Dakota Sioux Falls; S. D., Nov. 8. Incom plete returns from 1,408 precincts out f 'I I t nV Jl - I. - TTl invitea 10 iviaie New Silks and Wool Fabrics Specially Priced PLAIDS AND STRIPED TAFFETAS, a quality sold all season for $1.50. All desirable colors. THURS DAY, $1.29 A YARD. CHIFFON TAFFETA, NAVY AND BLACK, an ' extra value at $1.50. THURSDAY, $1.29 A YARD. Captivating Serge Dresses Thursday $15 A dress that is both fashionable and practi cal made of fine qual ity blue serge. Varied styles from which to choose, includ ing those of loose flow ing lines an adapta tion from the French Renaissance. Also plain tailored and embroid ered fashions. The Serge Dress is at its best in this display. The Price $15 Is Truly Extra. Trefousse Finest French Kid Gloves Sold Here Exclusively. Imported by Thompson, Belden and Company, direct from France. The finest quality to be had. First quality, one and two clasp, heavy contrasting embroideries, in all col ors, $2.50 a pair. Shelbourne pique, in all colors, $2.25 a pair. Special pique, one-clasp, heavy embroidery, $2.00 a pair. You II Do Better Knitting If You Use Utopia Yarns To secure the best results it is necessary to use the best materials. Utopia yarns in our judgment, are the best to be obtained. They are smooth and even, colors true and prices right. Free instruction in knit ting 'by Miss Steenstrup, an Stamped Articles for Less Than Usual 35c Stamped Towels.. 25c 50c Stamped Towels. . .35c 65c Turkish Towels... 49c 65c Pillow Cases 49c 65c Night Gowns 49c Art Needlework Five Hundred aeTefeetefaiad of 1,728 in the state late this afternoon indicate that Hughes is barely main taining his lead over Wilson. The latest figures are Hughes 41,949; Wil son, 37,349. Germans Gain Ground in the West and Lose in the East Berlin, Nov. 8. (By Wireless to Sayville.) British attacks between Le Sars and Gueudecourt on the Snmmi. front last night were broken up by the German fire, the war office announces today, bouth ot tne aomme v, Ormans lost possession of the village of Presscire. . The Koumanians ,aiueu " ground yesterday on the Transyl "anian front in the Tulghes sector it is announced officially. Near Bodia pass the Austro-German forces re captured positions taken recently by the Roumanians. , I Ci-nA Tti rb. ee ini .siurc men j Thursday $2.50, $2.75 CHIFFON BROADCLOTH, in black only, not a large quantity. $1.95 A YARD. ENGLISH COSTUME VEL VET, our best quality, reg ularly $4.95; THURSDAY $3.75 A YARD. Dorothy overseam, fancy contrasting embroidery, $1.75 a pair. Washable gloves, white and colors, $1.75 a pair. Street gloves, capes and mochas, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 a pair. expert. She will assist you with each piece of work until it is completed. Lessons daily 10 A. M. to 12 M. ; afternoons, 3 to 5. The little folks receive the same careful, compe tent instruction as their mothers do. Applique Bedspreads and Patchwork Quilts We have some interesting made-up pieces that are attract ing a lot of attention. Art Needlework Books All the newest and best books pertaining to the subject of needlework. A very large selec tion. Section, Third Floor. and Eighty Pairs SORQSIS SHOES Thursday $3' a pair It's unnecessary to men tion that shoe prices are constantly soaring, so that a reduction is out of ordi nary. These offered are stylish shoes of SOROSIS quality, which is unsur passed. You'll be wise to choose more than one pair. $3.95Thursday III HI 1 1 1 I'm da 209-211 S. 15th St a