Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1916, EARLY MALL EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics' j
November 7, 1916.
Society slept late this morning. Un
til the last moment the; shot out the
restless, insidious poison which fills
the air. Gray clouds hover darkly
over the city, clouds which perhfps
have suspended their gloomy brooding
over Shadow Lawn.
Like lightning flashes in the over
cast sky are the excitements of the
citizens. Bets are making half the
men of the town wildly hilarious S)
sunny irriiaDie. ; Ana women are in
volved, for only yesterday a young
woman well known in social circles,
whose name I withhold upon request,
confided that a friend had just sent her
a telegram asking her to place a de
cent little bet for him. She did.
Women are at the polls in unprec-
' edented numbers. A handsome so
ciety matron whom I saw not an hour
ago remarked upon it, "Women are at
all the polls passing out cards and
urging everyone to vote. I don't like
1 the looks ot it, do vou? To see women
standing there with men doesn't seem
just right."
But women are voting today. Our
club editor aid it, and she's not the
only one. It's exciting business why
didn't you argue the family out of
the house, and preen yourself and
thrill, when1 you cast your first vote?
By tonight we will all be keyed to
such a pitch of excitement that the
city will be seething. The gentleman
who almost collided with me down
town last night realized the situation
and sought sweet oblivion. Some
will celebrate' alone, call afThe Bee
for first returns and go quietly home.
One of Omaha's inner set said the
other day, "We never have engage
ments on election night. My hus
band wants that evening to himself."
But the majority of society wilt fol
low a program of dinner, vaudeville,
supper and supper dance, with elec
tion returns mingled with it all. .
Election Night Partiei.
One of the most popular means of
whiling away the hours until the elec
tion returns are finally counted to
night will be to attend the Orpheum.
Large parties are being planned in
such numbers, that the theater wilLb
honored wtih a second society night
in one week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L.'Reed wil en
tertain at a box party with fourteen
guests. This party will attend the
new Tuesday Night Dancing club
party at the Fontenelle or the supper
dance at the Omaha club.
A Dutch treat party will attend the
theater and afterwards take supper at
the. Omaha club. The members will
Messrs. and Meadame ,
W. J, roye. W. T. Bur,
Qlenn Wharton, . W. D.v Hoaford. "
II. O. Calpetser, ... ' '
Judge and Mra. W. D. McHugh will
have with them at the Orpheum this
evening: r -
afeura. and Iteadamas
W. F. Gurlay, General Oeorc H.
I a. Canada. " - ' Harris.
Mr: and Mrs. G. T. Porter are en
tertaining at the same theater; ...
Messrs. and aleadamee
asorce Morse. Kred Sholwill.
Mr. Oeore Morse, Jr. .
V Miu BWeao Cole. . . v '
The Just for Fun-club will attend
the Orpheum and afterwards take sup
per at the Fontenelle. The members
include: ,
Messrs. and Meadameac 1 .
W. L. Harm, Sol leen. '
H. BVIIhelmer, Bam Werthelmar.
Henry Rosenthal,
Dr. and Ilia. James B. Qoets.
Mr. and Mra. T. I. Donahue and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble will
have supper at the Fontenelle after at'
tending the Oroheum.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hitler wilt en
tertain a party at the theater and will
go to' the Fontenelle after the per-
formance. Their guests will be: , '
Messra. and Masdames ,
Usury Hlllsr. Arthur Landauar.
Socialist League. ' !:
A branch of the Young People's
Socialist league was organized here
last Saturday evening. Meetings will
be held each Saturday evening at 8
o'clock at the socialist headquarters
T in the Lyric building. An interest
ing program, open to all interested,
has been arranged for next Saturday
i evening.
Alumni Dinner.
The Nebraska and Western Iowa
. Alumni Association of the University
of Chicago will meet at dinner at
the University club on' Thursday at
$:30 o'clock. Several out-of-town
alumni who are attending the Nebras-
ka state teachers' convention have
made reservations. Any former stu
dent of the University of Chicago is
welcome and should make a reserva
tion with the secretary, Miss Irma
Gross, Central High school
Pagalco Club.
Mr. Harry Unitt entertained the
members of the Pagalco club at his
home Saturday evening at a masquer
ade dancing party. The guests were:
Glady Redhouse,
Rosa Dtinn,
.Maude Rows,
I,olo Marsh,
Alice. Buckley,
Oeorae Marsh.
Clarence Smith.
E. V. Kelly,
Ed Colber,
Harry Unltt.
Alberta MacCrona,
Jane Hhafor,
Jennie Chrlatensen,
Lote Ostrom,
Winifred Rose,
Irens Baker.
Oeorre Ooodman.
Lee Bchwelaer,
Bob Hammanc.
William Brockmlllar,
P. Selbr,
J. Thomaa.
Mr. and Mra. Unltt,
Mrs. lownlns.
Sisterhood Luncheon.
The B. K. chapter of the P. E. 0.
sisterhood was entertained at lunch
eon and kensington at the home pi
Mrs. Joseph Weeth Monday after
Sewing Club Meeta.
The St. James Orphanage Sewing
club will meet at the home ot Mrs.
Antone Foote, 817 Pierce street,
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
club is composed of friends of the
orphanage who have volunteered their
aid in making aprons and other use
ful garments for the orphans. Meet
ings are held every two weeks and
the membership numbers eighteen.
For Miss Chandler. v
Miss Marian Weller had a foursome
luncheon for Miss Irene Chandler of
Kansas City at the University club
today, the party included Miss
Helen Garvin and Mrs. F. H. Gar
vin. Miss Gladys Robertson will en
tertain for Miss Chandler on Thursday.-
Luncheon at Blackstone.
Miss Mildred Todd entertained at
a prettily appointed i yellow lunch
eon at the Blackstone today for Mrs.
Alfred Roche of Troyr1 N. Y.. who is
the guest o! Miss Irene Load. A
basket of yellow buttonhole chrysan
themums was the attractive center
piece for the table and yello-Wplace
cards carried out the color scheme.
Covers were laid for
Louls Hupp of
Katharine Krtif , .
Jrena Coad,
Albert Buseh, -
Helen Van Duaen.
Alice Coad. ;
Bcetrlo Coad. -,
Alfred Roche of
' Troy, N. r.
Willis Todd.' .
For Bride-Elect. I '
Mrs. Edson Rich entertained at
luncheon at her home today in honor
of Miss Isabel Vinsonhaler and her
maid-of-honor, Miss Mary Van
Kleeck of Poughkeepiie, N. Y. Yet
low crysanthemumi were used in the
dining room and pink chrysanthe
mums in the other rooms. Covers
were laid for: .
Misses Misses
Isabel Vinsonhaler,' Mary Van Kleeck, : ,
Ann Olfford, Retina, ConnelL
Marian Towla, -
Mra, p. M. Vinsonhaler Hill.
Fish' Sale Plana. ' '
The annual gold fish sale for the
benefit of the Creche will be held
when the order of glass bowls for the
housing of the fish arrives. In the
meantime some of the little creatures
are dying because of the chemical
treatment of the water which is going
on at the waterworks. Miss Arabella
Kimball, who cares for the fish in her
fountains and fishery, thinks that it
may be necessary to convey water
from the natural springs known as
Coffin Sorings near BelTevue to sup-
ply t
the lite-glving element tor tne
Eastern Guest Coming.
An attractive eastern guest is com
ins to visit Miss Mildred Todd next
Tuesday. Miss Marian Mathers of
Greenville, Pa., will arrive at that
time for a visit in Omaha. Numer
ous social functions are being planned
in her honor. First of, these will be
a bridge on Wednesday, given by her
hostess, and a luncneon win De given
rriday in her honor.
HI Weather Kje.
Two women war hurrying down the alceet
In th rain, carrying- their umbrellaa low
for proteotlon. In turning a corner aharply,
the point of on umbrella struck passerby
In th forehead.
-. "doodneas I" gaaped th woman, "Ml keep
an eye nut In the future."
"Ooodnenal" exclaimed the man, "you
nearly had on out In tha present!" Chi
cago Hera Id. v
1 ."Simon Pure" cot te mora be
cause made mtirely from pure
leaf fat-beM of all fata. Worth
more because it goes a third
farther than ordinary lard. -
Om Armm't HUUf
Use "Simon Pure" in cakes and pastry
d for deep fat trying. Does not smoke
until it reaches a temperature fully 100
higher than
from tmoke.
Roet. Badata.
Osaah. Nee. W.
t far I A
Timely Fashion
tin PhJ'l
; MMi
Fall and Winter Fashions
Panne velvet and hatter's plush.are
both good materials for smart hats,
usually of the picture type.
There is a pronounced vogue for
pockets on tailor-mades and the in
set, coat sleeve has been revived.
Silk fabrics continue to be used ex
tensively for autumn sports clothes.
Satin is a popular material, as is also
silk jersey. I . ,
Ton coats for motor and .'nniintrv
club wear are many times primmed
with wide skirt bands, collar and cuffs
of fur, and on many smart wraps re
cently seen beaver was the favorite
It is demonstrated bv the clothes
being worn on the street that women
are not accepting the extremely long
skirts tor outdoor attire, and it mat
ters not whether this attire be the
ever-popular tailored suit or the pew-
ly popular walking dress.
On some of the new suits for au
tumn there is little trimming, though
broad silk braid is occasionally em
ployed as a border for skirt and coat.
Belts are ubiquitous, though on many
models the belt appears back and
front. .-, . .
Negligees of very dressy style sim
ilar to the tea gowns of other years
are becoming more and more elabo
rate in fabric and trimming, though
still kept in simple design. These ex
quisite requisites of the wardrobes are
made of chiffons, nets, satins, crepe
de chine and of lace. Many are em
broidered in metal threads and are
)t hff Rrdrt Boot Fnt '
that needed for successful
This means a kitchen tree
Sold in puis only 3 i
Mir. lSth Jones Sta- Pa one Di. I OB.
L. WUklnsaa, Kth A Q, Tl. a. ITM
fit mO ttht Armowr OmalHy
k faonmcW ftji Atmomr't (WLW
Ma sW Mee ml elaaJer' am frmm
Hint ByRacmteuse
The hoodbaclc, as
featured on this
afternoon gown is
worthy of note.
Pale grey chiffon
velvet Is used in
the model, the
skirt of which is
very full, with
deep shirrings at
the waistline.
Chiffon in a
matching tone is
introduced in the
sleeves, this -lending
a, softness
that is very
attractive. The
dainty transparent
vest is made of
fine' silver lace
and this is
arranged in
becoming line.
gracefully full and in floor length. For
the young girl and youthful woman
empire effects and shorter lengths
are chosen.
Fans of feather, ostrich predominat
ing, and of a size that is best ex
pressed as enormousrare to be worif
with evening go was. They are be
ing chosen to match the gown, or to
contrast sharply, and are certainly an
effective and interesting accessory of
milady's dress. ; '
An exquisite petticoat purchased for
an autumn trousseau is of net. cut in
scallops at the bottom and trimmed
to above the knee depth, with slightly
gathered ruffles of satin ribbon fol
lowing the line 'of the scalloped edge,
and in color tones ranging from a me
dium rose to a delicate flesh pink, the
darkest tone being at Jhe hem of the
petticoat, the lightest at the top.
There is a marked fancy for com
bining two materials in blouses.
Georgette crepe and crepe de chine
being especially favored. One exquis
ite waist of this sort was carried out
in a pastel-shade .of lavender, he
whole of the upper part, collar and
sleeves being carried out in Geor
gette, the latter picot edged, with-the
corselet part of crepe de chine inset
with open-work stitch. Flesh pink
tulle was used for the tiny kerchief
folded inner vest. v
Thefts in the Jacobean House always occurred when the guests were at
dinner.. Christopher Race for example, entered immaculately attired. The
next moment his pearl studs mysteriously vanished. By what strange force?
You can read the solution in 'The Jacobean House" the current
"Scarlet Runner" story in the , .
Sunday Omaha Bee
Then see the remarkable dramatization of this enthralling situation at
the best motion picture theatres. '
I Then see the remarkable dramatization of this enthralling situation at I
the best motion picture theatres. ' .' Jf' 1
I i5 M 1
I Hf - - sJtV i
me Sconomcs department
dited by hmo ST. Gross -JjJT
Milk as Food.
The cornmonly accepted statement
that milk is a very valuable food de
pends upon the fact that milk con
tains all the foodstuffs in excellent
proportion. Further than that, the
foodstuffs found in milk, though not
in great quantities', are of a kind which
are particularly valuable in nutrition.
Thus the fat occurs in an emulsified
or finely divided form, which is more
easily digested than solid fat; the
sugar is much less liable to ferment
than is cane sugar, and the ash is par
ticularly good in building up the bony
structure of the body. Also the food
stuffs of milk are very satisfactory for
growth, therefore, milk is an absolute
necessity for the baby, and almost a
necessity to the growing boy and girl.
Whole milk, or milk without the
cream removed, contains aGout 4 per
cent fat, 3.3 per cent protein, S per
cent corbohydrates, 7 per cent ash,
and 87 per cent water. Skim milk,
which most of us would scorn as
food, has a very similar composition
except the amount of fat, and is a very
valuable food considering its price.
Our objection to it is based upon its
lack of rich flavor; but it is very satis
factory when combined' with other
foods. Cream, because of its high fat
content, gives more heat units in pro
portion to weight than whole or skim
milk. Buttermilk, a by-product of
churning, is similar to skim milk in
composition. It is a valuable-food,
but I imagine its medicinal powers
have been overestimated.
While we appreciate the food value
of pure fresh milk, we must not over
look the positive dangers of impure
and unsanitary milk. Bacteria, which
may cause' disease, flourish in milk
under ordinary conditions. The milk
man's care is scrupulous cleanliness
to see that the bacteria do not enter
tho milk. They may enter through
the dusts of the stable, dirt on the
cow or on the hands of the milker
or handler of the milk, or even
through the water used to wash the
We find on the market raw or mar
ket milk, which moans milk sold by
the ordinary "milkman who has
exercised reasonable precautions and
cleanliness. We may also obtain "cer
tified milk, which means milk put
out under unusual conditions of clean
liness, and by workers who are ex
amined medicallv. The cows of a
certified dairy are tested more ofte
for tuberculosis, and are kept excep
tionally clean and healthy. The regu
lations ot a certineo dairy are indi
rectly under the supervision of the
American Medical association. ' Certi
fied milk costs about 10 cents per
Certain firms oasteurize the milk.
The pasteurization process consists of
heating the' milk to a point below
hoilinar. keening at that temperature
for twenty minutes, and then rapidly
cooling the milk. The object is to
kill any disease bacteria which may
be present. This process does not
affect the flavor of the milk as boiling
does. Boilid or sterilized milk can
not be purchased, but is sometimes
prepared at nome. its navor n
changed, it may be less easily di
gested, but it certainly is safe. Under
ordinary conditions' Douing is l
As safeguards for the safety of the
citv milk suddIv. Omaha has passed
certain ordinances and provides for
inspection of the dairies. The rating
of the avrious dairies, in per cents.
is published in the daily papers every
rso often, so that a housewife can
know the cleanliness of the dairy she
is patronizing. Beyond patronizing a
Readers are cordially invited to
ask Miss Gross any questions
about household economy upon
which she may possibly give help
ful advice; they are also invited to
give suggestions from their expe
rience that may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems.
dairy with a good rating, there are
certain precautions which should be
practised in the home. We cannot
change the number of bacteria which
are present when the milk reaches our
houses, but we can prevent the en
trance of other bacteria or the multi
plying of those which are already
present. The entrance of other bac
rteria may be guarded against by
keeping the milk in the original bottle
until used, by washing the top of the
bottle before opening, and by keeping
the bottle closed. After the paste
board cap is punctured, an inverted
glass makes a good cover.
Another important household pre
caution is to keep the milk cold. Ba
teria are not killed by cold, but
neither do they flourish in a cool
atmosphere. The housewife who pat
ronizes a safe dairy; who keeps her
milk absolutely clean and cold is fur
nishing her family with a valuable
food 'and the jise of milk should be
encouraged even at the present cost.
The housewife who must count every
penny and every half-penny should
exercise the same precautions, but
should utilize skim milk, especially
for cooking.
. Tested Recipes.
Corn Pnddlng.
1 can corn teaspoonful salt
1 cupful evaporated 2 teaspoonfula baking
milk powder
la teaspoonful white S eggs
Chop the corn, add the milk and
mix well. Sift flour, salt, pepper and
baking powder together and add to
the corn mixture; addthe egg yolks,
which have been beaten until thick,
then cut and fold in the stiffly beaten
egg whites. Put in a buttered baking
dish and bake from thirty to forty
five minutes in a medium oven. Serve
as a vegetable for dinner.
Celery Relish.
1 cake Neufchatel 1 bottle stuffed
cheese olives
cream paprika
1 red pepper blanched almond
salt and pepper 1 bunch. celery
Fill the celery stalks with a mixture
of the cheese, sufficient cream to
moisten, chopped olives and salt, pep
per and jiaprika to taste. Lay them in
a dish with rows of olives between
and topped with strips of red pepper
and almonds. Garnish with the tips of
the celery.
Coooajint Cream Candy.
I tespoonfuls butter 1 cupful evaporated
S cupfula augar-J -' milk J ..
teaspoonful craam 1 cupful water
of tartar ' H cupful shredded
teaspoonful vanilla cocoanut
Mix butter, sugar, cream of tartar,
evaporated milk, and water. Heat to
the boiling point; stir only until the
sugar is dissolved! Boil to the soft
ball stage, remove from the fire, add
cocoanut and vanilla and cool quickly.
When cold,, beat to a creamy cpn
sistency'and drop fapm a spoon on
paraffin paper. ; .
N Baked Salt Mackerel,
Freshen the fish by putting it meat
side down in a large dish filled with
fresh water, leaving it from twelve to
forty-eight hours, .and changing the
water several times.
Lay the fish in a baking pan or
earthen dish. To a medium-sized
mackerel add one pint of milk or
cream and bake until milk is nearly
! gone, leaving simply a thin juice.'Two
i minutes before serving add a small
I piece of butter. This with the milk
i makes a thin sauce to pour over the
fish when it is on the platter, serve
with baked potatoes. Mother s Mag
azine, y
Eggless Fruit Cake.
cupfuls sugar
2 tablespoonfuls
1 tenspoonful grated
1 teaspoonful grated
I cupful chopped nut
H cupful chopped
t-t cupful chopped
lemon peel
l-S cupful chopped
orange peel
1 teaspoonful grated
1 teaepoonful grated
1 cupful seeded
s cupfula sour milk
1 teaspoonful aoda
S cupfuls flour
1 cupful currants
Pinch of baking powder.
Cream the sugar and fat and add
the spices. Add one cupful of sour
milk; add the fruit, and then one cup
ful of flour. Beat to a foam the other
cupful of sour milk with the soda, add
to the mixture and then add the two
remaining cupfuls of flour sifted with
a pinch of baking powder. Bake in a
slow oven one hour and-a halfi
Thanksgiving Halad.
Select bright red apples of uniform
size. Cut off the tops and make cups
by scooping out the inside, taking
care not to break the shell. Fill the
cavities with a mixture of diced ap
ples, chopped celery, seeded white
grapes and walnut meats, mixed with
mayonatse dressing. Put tops back on
and tie each apple with red ribbon.
Advice to Lovelorn
Don't Go.
Dear M1m Fairfax: There 1b a younf
man employed whero I am, who haa akd
me aeveral timea to go out with htm. Now,
he haa every intention of becoming en
gaged to another girl, the first of the new
ear, whom I have met. 1 told him It waa
wrong for him to ask me to go out witlt
Him, but he said it waa all right, he could
do what he felt like, and he still persists
in asking me to go out with him.
I am considered very good looking and
have many frienda. I like this young man
very much but would not for the world
encourage his attentions so as to discourage
him towards the pother girl. WORRIED.
Have nothing more to riV with him.
To all intents and purposes he is
engaged and it is not only rather dis
honorable for him to want to go
about witl another girl but the crit
icism of that "other girl" will be-jeer-ing
and unkind when his engagement
is announced. It is fair neither to
the girl he loves nor to you for him
to ask you to go about with him.
Since his sense of fair play is not
.going to protect either of you, you
musV assert your xommon sense and
. The Troth by All MeMis! .
Dear Mlas Fairfax: I am IS. Two years
ago I became engaged to a young man of
good moral character and excellent habits.
He Is dearly in love with me.
At the time we became engaged I did
not love hlnu - -I believed I would learn- -to
love him, but te my disappointment, my
feelings have not changed.
We have set a date for the wedding en
several occasions, but each time I post
pone It, giving a ridiculous excuse for the
action, and as my fiance indulges me great
ly I very easily have my own way.
I feel I would bet unhappy If I married
him, and as I believe myself a .moral
coward, I would welcome a suggestion as to
the best ways and means of placing the
situation before, him. He la a serlous-mlnd-ed
man, and I know It would ..grieve him
sorely to know the truth. """' ,
Tou owe this man the truth and nothing
but the truth. Don't xcuse yourself on the
ground that you are a moral coward. That
Is no excuse It Is a confesaloi of sin. Do
the fair thing by a man to whose honest
affection you cannot respond and tell him
that you think to go on .would be crimi
nally unfair to him as well as yourself. Bet
ter a quick, merciful blow than the risk of
entering on a life of unhapplneaa.
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