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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1916. 1 - v THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED Y EDWARD KOSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. THE B PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha poatafflaa u moadlui gutter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Dally and Sundar v Dallj withoat fiundar.... Evening and Sunday Evening without Sunday.. Sunday Baa only By Carrlar par month. .... 40a.... t . . . .210. By Mall arytar ,.... 4.M ... .... . 1.09 Dally and Sunday Baa, thraa yaara in advance. llO.vo, , Sand notlaa af change of addraaa or Irregalarit In de liver? ia vmana see. vireniewon vvpartrovnt. REMITTANCE. Remit by draft, expref a or noetal ordar. Only l-emt atampa taken In payment of amall aeaaunU, Paraanal eheeka. exeept on Omaha and aaatam eacnanfe, not accepted. OFFICES. ... Omaha Tha Baa Building. South Omaha 211 N atraat. Council Bluff a 14 North Main atraat Lincoln 12 Little Building. Chicago 11 Peopla'a Gae Building. New York Room MS, 1SI Fifth avetine. 8u Louib 601 New Bank of Commerce. Washington IZt Fourteenth atraat, M. W. ' CORRESPONDENCE. a Addraaa cemmunleatlona relating to nawa and aditarlal matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. OCTOBER CIRCULATION 53,818 Daily Sunday 50,252 Dwight Wllllama, elreutetlon ananafar of Tha Bee. Publishing company, being duly awern, aaya that the ' average circulation for tha month ef October, ISIS, waa (S.S1S daily, and 60.252 Sunday. DWIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. , - Bubaerlbod In my preaence and awara to bafara ma thla 4tk day af November, nil. - 0. W. CARLSON, Notary Public. Subaeribor UaTial th city tempararll, akould hay Tha Baa) nilgai to thorn. Ad. elraea arill h eha.B,gecl a f tea a raajuiraeu After the deluge of words, plain figures took food. V a mm w ' A Mtttl, few back precincts are yet to be -beard from. . '''' " . ' At least one-half the political prophets are sure f vindication. .1 - - Hindsight Is always much better than fore sight in politics as elsewhere. , V Now, all ' together republicans, , democrats, 'progressives, wets and dry pull for Omaha I ,'; The hot air storm has blown itself out. Truth may com out of its cyclone cellar and feel res tonably secure. V The I. W. W. organisation shows woeful lack of preparedness In failing to provide ah efficient ndertaking department , If it is real close anywhere on the state ticket, it will take several day to make) sure which way the weight of the votes pulls down the balance. ' ' And to think that, with that Walt street en dorsement in his pocket, our senator had the brass to charge that his opponent waa the Wall Street candidate! Now, for business. The country is saved once more. With the proud consciousness of duty done, the sovereign citizen turns from politics to the rpnsh for No. J, .; "' - - w It is a serious question, just the same, whether the European war can come back for as much front page space as it enjoyed previous to the presidential campaign. Berlin announces the restoration of Poland to aational rights. As a measure of safety first the Polacks no doubt will teap to the trenches and hold back the Russian road roller. ' t a I i, , r While weather sharps grounded on the fed eral payroll flout the old reliable signs of winter, few will deny the scientific certainty of a hard winter which Wednesday's figures will convey to the left. Watch for a reflex of the campaign expendi tures fn the report of comparative postofftce receipts at the end of the month, remembering, too, that we had no general election in Novem ber of laat year. . No matter how readera may regard the ir , foment, admirers of adcrafty can scarcely resist lifting their hat to purveyors of political adver tising. The season's output sets a high standard f typographic art, literary vigor and volume. Stocks of wheat in Omaha elevators exceed ky two ind a half times the quantity in store at this time last year. High prices account for much of th excess marketed. The showing effec tively dispose of fears of a shortage In this .. section. Political reforms instituted in th stress of : war are open to suspicion. Th grant of re stricted Independence to Poland does not look good ta Ignace Paderewski. "It will only add to the sufferings of my people," he says. Pader . ewsU know Poland and its conquerors. Official reports place the total of foreign loan In this country at $1,931,000,000. An equal . amount of American securities held abroad haa been absorbed at home In two years. Both trans actions scarcely dented the nation's pile of re sources or palled the nation's appetite for good things. TH Woman Who Teaches Mere man is prone ta take it for granted, in his philosophy of marriage, that to be single is x be infelicitous. The womanly woman has no ioubt that if she met the right man there is no letter task than to be his home to him. But if late has not brought her the other person, her ife is still to live, and there may be "The tove she longs to give to one Made great enough to hold the world." Doctor Arthur Holmes ef State college tells ur Pennsylvania teachers that 375,000 unmarried aromen of their profession in the United States ire mainly cheerful and contented, and that the Mrjcentage of those- who are happy is at least ts high as it is in the case of those who are set n families. To stand in loco parentis to a school 00m is not to realize completely the maternal nstinct and its satisfaction; but the teaching arecr, if it haa its frequent discouragements, ind its often overpowering- weariness, has like- rise its own peculiar compensations, and all of bc mite atnoiara arc not inainrerent or ungrate ul. If they do not in the active hour rise up o bless the instructor and the instruction, there amies repeatedly fn after years a strong sense if gratitude to those who in childhood wrought vita exemplary patience for their good. v- . .... - Need of Short Ballot Again Demonstrated. The experience which every voter here has just had in wrestling with the unwieldy ballot used in the present election must emphasize anew the need of the short ballot. If further emphasis were called for, the fact stands out that here in Omaha, to register the voter'a wish independently on every measure submitted and every office to be filled, required seventy-nine cross marks. Voters had to manage four separate pieces of paper, there being a non-partisan judicial ballot, a school board ballot and a water district ballot in addition to the general election ballot. Nor should the change in the form of the big ballot, by arranging the names side by side in three columns, instead of one under the other, ribbon fashion, deceive anyone as to the length of the ballot. Cut this ballot up and paste all the pieces together like a shoe string and we again have a seven-foot ballot What an inexcusable tax on the time and intelligence of the man who wishes to do his full duty as a citizen, to say nothing of the extra cost and burden upon the election ma chinery and the election officers! The short ballot movement does not present a political proposition, in the sense of being of advantage or disadvantage to one political party over another, but it is a movement to make gov ernment by the people workable by the people. The need of a remedy for this condition ought to have the immediate attention of our law-makers. W Ting Fang Back in Power Perhaps the most) important bit of news from Peking in months is the announcement that Wu Ting Fang has accepted the place of foreign minister for China. The return of this man of vigorous influence and liberal tendencies to power can only mean good for his country. His liberal attitude had brought him into disfavor with Yuan Shi Kai, and he haa been in retire ment more or less obscure since the ascendancy of the late presidency. That his seclusion haa not been aolitary or inactive ia shown in the final overthrow of Yuan, although the Sun Yat Sen party, with which Dr. Wu has been closely identified, has not entirely established its control of the empire's destiny. Wu Ting Fang's presV ence in th cabinet ought to have the effect of repressing the Japanese aggression. He is de voted to the ideals of democracy and has been a consistent friend of the United States, where he has twice represented his government as am bassador. , The chaotic affaire of China ought to soon, partake of a more orderly character because of the presence of Wu Ting Fang in a place of power and responsibility, Restoring Poland to th Map. The proclamation of the Teutonic allies, an nouncing th restoration of the kingdom of Po land to its place among the geographical and po litical divisions of the world, is one of the Inter esting features of the war. While it sounds iron I. al at this time, it may be prophetic of some phase of th adjustment hoped for and not with out the range of possibilities. Consummation rests on the outcome of the struggle. If the Uermans ar sufficiently victorious to dictate terms, the purpose of the present proclamation may be made effective. Otherwiae, it may take considerable perauasion to gain Russia's consent to giving over such a alice of its emnire. Curi. ously enough, no mention is made in the procla mation of any intent on part of Germany or Aus tria to relinquish control of any portion'of Po land awarded to either under the terms of the third division 'of Poland. Emperor Francis Jo aeph has announced that in carrvinr out the nrn. visions of the proclamation Galicia will be granted such degree of autonomy as may be consistent with the interest of the Austrian empire, but not further. The ahriek Freedom uttered when Kos ciusko fell will hardly be stilled by the design just announced from Berlin and Vienna. Death of Ex-Congreseman Barton. The unexpected death of former Congressman Silas R. Barton probably throwa the election of congressman in the Fifth Nebraska district to his democratic opponent up for re-election, for it ia to be presumed the news of his demise, even while the balloting was going on, apread by word of mouth sufficiently to change the result of the vote which would, otherwise, surely have been in his favor. , Mr. Barton served two terms aa state auditor and one term as congressman with creditable official record and the accumulation of many friends. It was thought that he had still a prom ising future ahead of him and this early ending of hia career, plainly caused by the exposure and strain ef campaigning, ia greatly to be regretted, Fonr of the men involved in the assassination of the Austrian heir apparent in June, 1914, have passed away, three by the execution route, one naturally. The conspirators unwittingly lit the fuses of the powder houses of Europe and drenched quarter of the world with innocent blood. , Milliona of lives have been sacrificed and millions mutilated for life aa a result of the Sare jevo tragedy. Royalty ia a mighty expensive institution and those who like it are paying the price with compound intereat. . The Public Utilities commission of Kansas, unable to head off the deal, feels constrained to remark that the reorganization scheme of the 'Frisco railroad system is too crooked to back into an ordinary roundhouse. A careful analysis of the scheme convinces that commission that the reorganizersirim the shareholders for $5,333, 333, which is characterized aa pure loot. The novel bunching of treyspots in the deal emphasize the fact that the 'Frisco system lives up to its reputation. Barely 3,500 Americana out of 100,000 remain in Mexico. In leas than four years they fled the country, in most cases stripped of their property and humiliated by insult and Ill-treatment. The protection to which they were entitled aa peace ful citizens was denied them. Can any"full blooded American weigh this simple truth and not repudiate the authors of cowardice and infamy? It ahould not be overlooked In the tumult of the timea that the great American dollar is win ning increased respect. Flippant scoffers of peace timea are hushed by its Importance as a war as set and eagerly reach for all they can get. In contrast with the dotlar'a ehestiness across the aea is its humility as a purchasing power .at home. Owing 'to the activity of rival artillerists fu ture visitors to the Dolomite Alps- are assured an abundant supply of cracked shells handpicked for souvenirs. , : ........ .,. Flying By Night " Mtorary Dlgoet The present war has doubtless set the art of aviation many years in advance of whea-e it would have stood in an era of peace. Incidentally, it has been responsible for the premature death of scores of promising aviators, but those who are left can fly better and better. One of the young est branches of the art, itself in the course of rapid development, is the operation of aeroplanes by night. At the outset of an article on "Night Flying," contributed by Henry Woodhouse to "Flying," this author tells us that while as early as 1910 various aviators flew in moonlight, and while hundreds of them have been flying at night in the war zone or for exhibition purposes, these are not really navigating the air at night with knowledge and certainty. "The aeronautic movement and the military authorities welcome, therefore," he goes on, "any developments in this line, such as Lawrence B. Sperry's recent night-flying experiment. ("This flight of Sperry is the first demonstra tion of the possibility of water flying at night. The youthful inventor flew from Moriches to Am ityville,, fifty miles away, in pitch dark, lighting his way over the dark waters of the bay with specially arranged lights attached to his aero plane and guiding his course by compass. "Mr. Sperry, accompanied by his mechanic, started from Moriches at 8:22 on the evening of September 1 to fly to his hangar at Amityyille. His flying-boat was equipped with a new night flying outfit, constructed by Mr. Sperry... After the lights were switched on and the aeroplane started, the machine sped through the black sky with weird effect. The machine, entirely oper ated by the Sperry automatic pilot, which con trols its course and maintains its even keel, and directed by compass, flew without trouble to and landed at Amityville. "The Sperry night-flying outfit consists of a bank of three stream-lined searchlights of fifty candle-power each. Through the use of parabolic reflectors each lamp throws a light beam of ap proximately 40,000 candle-power. These lights are mounted on a cleverly designed fitting which secures -them to the leading edge of either the upper or lower plane. This mounting is so con structed that the lights can be tilted in a verticle plane, making it possible to use them for signal ing purposes and at the same time rendering them most efficient for landing. The tilting of the lights is secured by turning a small knob fastened within easy reach of the pilot so that the lights can be operated without interfering with the control of the machine. "The lights themselves are controlled by a Specially designed push switch, normally held open by a spring, 'which is operated like a tele graph key for signaling and, by giving the top a quarter turn, locks in a closed position when de sired. "The current supply is secured from a very efficiently designed generator of 150-watt ca pacity, mounted on a convenient part of the ma chine, where it will not be in the slip stream, and is driven by means of a wind turbine at 4,000 rev olutions per minute. By means of an automatic cut-out one of the three lamps remains lighted should anything happen to cut off the main cur rent supply. A compact storage battery is auto matically thrown into circuit, wihch is otherwise floating on the line." The night Zeppelin raids, we are told, have recently forced aeroplane night flying on a large scale. The Allies were forced to establish aero plane patrols by public demand, which had to be met, although no one could say just how the avi ators were to go up at night, whether they could see other aircraft in the dark, how they could maintain their machines at an even keel, how they were to return to their starting , place and land against the wind, etc. Blunders were committed and lives were lost before a working plan was reached. , , ,'. . : ; The writer proceeds: ' "While the navigation of airships by night is a comparatively easy matter, auch is not the case of the aeroplane, which cannot stop in mid-air for the purpose of inspecting the ground under neath. And, whereas an aeroplane, lands with velocity seldom less than forty miles per hour, it is imperative, if aeroplanes are required to fly by night, to provide adequate landing and navi gating facilities. "First, the aviator must know his relative position to the1 ground. For this purpose the machine must be fitted with an altimeter, for in dicating the height, an inclinometer for indicating the aeroplane's inclination, and, finally, position lights showing the transverse position of the wings. The latter requirement is attained by small electric 'bulbs (colored blue so as not to blind the pilot nor reveal his presence to the enemy) which are fixed on both wing-tips; the current is furnished by a storage battery, which is also used for lighting the blue lamps, which permit reading the navigating instruments. "The same battery may, furthermore, be used for working a amall searchlight, with the help of which the pilot might hope to effect a landing if forced down by engine trouble. The use of searchlights has not, however, been generalized on aeroplanes, aa it might reveal the aviator's presence to the enemy. "The second and principal requirement for riight flying assuming the engine to be of the reliable kind consists in providing adequately lighted landing stations." In a recent article in London Aeronautics Mahgni-Eltten gives interesting information on night flying, with special regard to conditions obtaining at the front. Mr. Woodhouse sum marizes this as follows: "The conditions of night flying in England and in France arp vastly different; in many in stances pilots fresh from England have had no previous experience in it, while others who have flown a lot are not up to the same flying standard as those who are initiated out there, and, anyway, they all require a lot of practice from- a military viewpoint: "It is interesting to note that the French have an excellent landing system, very similar to our own, and it has been extensively used during the recent and present Verdun operations. Barring unfortunate contingencies, French machines are not permitted to land until they get the signal, 'All clear' from below. When a French pilot arrives over what he thinks is his own aerodrome he circles round, sending his own special letter in Morse by searchlight; this should be answered by one of the ground projectors, and a machine should never land until the call has been an swered, the main idea being to prevent machines landing on hostile aerodromes or even on those of neighboring squadrons. "The method in use in British squadrons is that a pilot on approaching an aerodrome, and wishing to descend, will fire one of his Very lights. The signal predetermined wilt be an swered from the ground. If the signals agree, the pilot will know he is over his own drome and may accordingly land. If the signals do not agree, he will recognize from the color of the ground signal the aerodrome he is over. As every pilot should memorize the signals of adjacent aerodromes, this method will also assist him in determining his course for his own. The dis tribution of landing flares is on the following system: ' 0 0 0 Three flares in line, so; 1 2,-3 One flare in the right-hand 0 bottom corner, so; 4 "And a pilot wiahing to descend should know by prcarrangement which of these flares are doubled so: 0. And different one in each brigade. The various aerodromes and landing stations in a brigade are distinguished by the color of the Very lights fired from a spot adja cent to the double flare. Owing to military exi gency, it is impossible to state more plainly the code on which this is based." , Another war "horror" threatens neutral Gotham. Hairpins are soaring with other neces saries and scarce at that. Coiffure artists fear a famine which will force a return to the girlie braids knotted at the back. I aaaaaaal mm anaaa J Thought N'ueeet for the Day Our country! In her Intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; hut our country, right or wrong. Stephen Decatur. One Year Ago In the War. Ruanlana continued their vigorous attacka on the German lines In the Rlga-Dvlnk region. On the extreme west of the Balkan front the Montenegrins claimed to be holding the Austrians In check. The Intention of Koumania to re main neutral, at leant for the present, Was emphasised In dispatches from Bucharest. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. The nuptials of Edward Heafey and Julia O'Kourke were celebrated at the future residence of the young couple on South Thirteenth. The grooms man waa P. C. Heafey and the brides maid Miss Katie Shannon. The drawing tor the crazy quilt for the benefit of Mrs. Lapham took place 333 being the winning number. The new packing house of Thomas Lipton was formerly opened at the stock yards, giving employment to a large number of men, nearly all of whom have come here for the purpose of working in the Institution. Miss Emma Jahn has gone to Cen tralla, III., to visit with relatives. Her marriage with Kmll Ackermann of this city will occur there In Decem ber. Fred Pickens, chief clerk of the postofflee, has' been absent, from his post of duty for several days back, be cause of a severe attack of rheuma tism. ' Mr. Jenntson, superintendent of con struction for the Western Union, has left for a brief tour of inspection throughout the state. In connection with the ferry cars, the Urtlon Pacific has lately put a ticket seller on each side of the river and passengers who go over in their wagons pay their fare to the conduc tor. W. A. Gaines is now conductor In charge of the ferry and Conductor W. H. Maden has been put In charge of the terminal. M. Elgutter, the Farnam Street clothier, was suddenly stricken with paralysis while at dinner at his home on Pacific street. , This Day In History. 1814 The British ship Leander captured the American privateer schooner General Putnam off Cape Sable. 1837 First locomotive In the Mis sissippi valley put on the track of the Northern Cross railroad In Illinois. 1864 Abraham Lincoln was re elected president of the United States. 1886 Sir Donald Smith drove the last spike in finishing the Canadian Pacific railroad, 2,009 miles west of Montreal. 1889 Montana, the forty-first state In order, was admitted to the union by proclamation of the president - 1897 A treaty to protect the seals In Bering Sea was signed at Washing ton by representatives of the United States, Russia and Japan. lfll Arthur J. Balfour resigned from the leadership of the unionist party in Great Britain. The Day We Celebrate. J. J. Gleason of the Western Stamp & Stencil company is today celebrat ing his forty-second birthday. He Is a native born son of Omaha. Maurice F. Goodbody is today 26 years old. He ia employed as an in spector for the United States Trust company. Lawrence Y. Sherman, senior United States senator from Illinois, born in Miami county, Ohio, fifty-eight years ago today. Prince Erik of Denmark, first cousin to the king, who is-studying practical agriculture in western Canada, born In Copenhagen, twenty-six years ago today. Dr. Henry H. Apple, president of Franklin and Marshall college, born at Mercerburg, Pa., forty-seven years ago today. Henry B. Burnham, former United States senator from New Hampshire, born at Dunbarton, N. H., seventy two years ago today. Rear Admiral William C. Wise, United States navy, retired, born at Lewlaburg, Va., seventy-four years ago today. Joe Choynskt, former well known heavyweight pugilist, born in San Francisco, forty-eight years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Important results of experiments on animals by members of the Philadel phia Medical society, seeking to dis cover the infantile paralysis germ, are expected to be made public at a meet ing of the society today. Robert R. Morton, principal of Tus kegee Institute, is to be the chief speaker at the fourth annual meeting of the Negro Organisation society of Virginia, beginning its sessions today at Roanoke. Of interest In naval circles will be the wedding in Washington today of Miss Beatrice Dulln and Lieutenant Herman Edward Fisher, United States navy. Another naval wedding In the capital today will be that ot Mrs. Olive Gale Hill and Captain Ridley McLean, United States navy. Interesting ceremonies are to take place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this afternoon, when the Aero club of New England will present to the State ot Massachusetts a tractor biplane, to be used for the training of the Massachusetts naval reserve In the art of flying. . President Mary E. Wooley of Mount Holyoke college is to be the principal speaker today at the Founder's day exercises at Lake Erie college, Palnes vllle, O. At the New York navy yard today an auction sale will be held of the hundreds of decanters and- wine glasses that are not longer required for the use ot the fleet, on account of the order Issued early in his ad ministration by Secretary Daniels, calling for the abolition of the officers' wine mess in the navy. Storyette of the Day. " At the end of a South Carolina col ored meeting It was decided to take up a collection for charity. The chairman passed the hat himself. He dropped a dime in It for a nest egg Well, every right hand there entered that hat and yet, at the end, when the chairman turned the hat over and shook It not aa much as his own contribution dropped out. "Fo' de lan's sake!" he cried. "Ali's eben los' de dime Ah atahtod wiv!" All the rows of faces looked puzsled. Who was the lucky man? Finally the venerable Calhoun . White summed up the situation. - ( "Breddern," he said solemnly, ris ing from his seat "dar 'pears ter ha a great moral lesson roun' heah jsome whar." Case and Comment Tonsil Removal. Omaha, Nov. 7. To tho Kditor of The Bee: An Inspection nurse's hi terferenre with my patients haa prompted thie article, and 1 trust you will publish my protest against the malicious massacre of tho tonsil. Many people today can well remem ber when bleed Inir, bliHterinfr and "no water" to patients with fevers was the rule with physicians. Later a floating: kidney was said to be the cause of many ailments, and an opera tion waa performed. Then came a displaced uterus, for which nearly every woman was treated for months or years. Later it was ovarian irri tation and operations. Appendicitis has had a great run, and made mil lions for the doctor, but It, too, Is waning, as peopln learn it can be ob viated without operation. Many other fads have had their run, too numerous to mention here. Cutting out the ton sil Is now taught the people by the Inspection nurses, inspired by the sur geon. This is alt wrong and Bhould be forbidden by the "people. It is rare that a tonsil needs to be removed. Many children while growing rapid ly have enlarged tonsils , that do no harm and readily return to a normal condition when the people are taught to keep elimination sufficiently active. A poisoned blood stream is the essen tial underlying factor In tonsil en largement and inflammation. The tonsil Is not a gateway for In fection, as taught by the germ theor ists, who very wrongly teach that germs are the primary or fundamental cause of disease. The tonsils are phonatory organs and play an Impor tant part In the mechanism of speech and song. Removal of the tonsil Is a capital operation and dangerous, as some re cent deaths in Omaha during the operation have shown. If necessary to be done (which Is very seldpm), It should always be done in a hos pital, where accessible means are at hand In any emergency that may arise. Choloform should not be used, as there are other anaesthetics less dangerous and just as efficient Death may result from hemorrhage, but often Is caused by shock from the operation alone, children being epecially susceptible to shock in operations on the throat. Other bad results may follow re moval, as development of latent tuber ouloals of the lungs. Permanent In Jury to the palate and pharyngeal muscles, witn contraction or the tts sues and impairment of the voice may follow, with many other throat trou bles. The causes from within the body mat gave rise to the enlarged tonsil not having been removed by elimina tion of the chemical substances In the blood, the tonsil may recur after re moval and new troubles appear. No one except the recording angel can tell the number of deaths that have been caused directly by removing the tonsils, ana the pages of medical lit erature have no record of the damage done by the countless operations made, The cuttings out or removal of the tonsils is strongly condemned by the aavancea t rankers ana most able phy sicians and surgeons of the world, and for the reason that there Is a better and more successful method of han dling these cases by the purification of the blood stream and methods of correct living. Then the enlarged ton sil will be reduced by normal absorp tlonand perfect health be the result. When the people are taught how to care for their bodies and how to elimi nate waste chemical substances from the blood there will be no enlarged tonsils if the people obey the law. DR. L, A. MERRIAM, EDITORIAL SIFTINGS, AROUND THE CITIES. St. Joe looming up as hasty marriaia mart. The record of licenses issued in 116 was passed in nine months of this year. It is supposed that the patron saint of the town lends a halo to martimonlal knots thereabouts. Minneapolis boosters are studying con vention hall plans, which will cost $26,000, and netting- tenders of sites. Hustling for the wherewith will begin soon after the po litical .tumult subsides. San Francisco and contiguous towns mani fest increasing earnestness for a big brtdgt across the bay In place of the ferries. Plans now under consideration contemplate a brldg five and a half miles long, carrying three roadways and four railroads on sixteen spans, two of them high enough for any ship to pass under. Estimated cost 122, 000,000. Philadelphia school enrollment totals 227, 000, an increase of 7,000 over last rear City commissioners of Manhattan, Kan., put into effect a 2 -cent rate for electricity used in heating and cooking. The rate for lighting remains at ft cents, and for motors at & cents. Manhattanites figure that the cut rate meets the local natural gas rate of 27 cents a thousand cubic feet, San Francisco authorities are having an other bout with jitneys. Some time ago, acting under pressure the supervisors passed an ordinance excluding them from Market street, below Van Ness avenue. Now the jitneers have sprung an initiative pe tition, which operates to suspend the regu lation until an election is called. The city of Buffalo employes a system of deflectors to protect citizens' ears from tha sounds of foghorns which' are frequently blown from shore over Lake Erie. The de flectors are ereceted behind the horns and serve their purpose admirably. Cedar Rapids is the premier eity of Iowa for general co-operation. . Out of a popula tion of 42,000, 1,492 of the liveleist residents belong to the Commercial club, and their teamwork is thn envy of rival burgs. When the club goes after a proposition within reaching distance, it is as good aa landed. And Cedar Rapids is a dandy town to boost for, too. Sioux City has the official word of tha food and dairy commission for the assertion that a general cleanup of food and fluid foundries would materially enhance public health. The inspector reports unsanitary conditions in various dairies, butcher shops, grocery stores and restaurants. Food and dairy inspection is a new move in Sioux City, and the official feels his way by pointing out conditions that mast be remedied. Ener getic prosecution will result if bad condi tions persist. Philadelphia Ledger: The public is about ready to declare a strike against strikers. But who carea for the public nowadays? Washington Post: The best illustration, of commercial reprisal on record is the re sult that follows when two Yankees en gineer a horse trade. Washington Post: English Is said to be growing in acceptance as the language of diplomacy, despite the fact that it is so convenient in saying what you think.' Cleveland Plain Dealer: k prominent veg etarian says that persistence in an unvarying banana diet will enable a man to live 260 years. Well, we are quite ready to believe this after somebody proves it. Detroit Frees Press : Fifty-seven varieties of plans for settling the railroad dispute have been offered in Washington. They differ in every respect except that they all Include a provision that the consumer must pay the freight. Louisville Courier-Journal : "Never tele phone to your fiance at his office during busi ness hours," advises an adviser of girls. "A busy man has no time to talk to you over the telephone." Oh, why not let Geraldine break him in early if she's going to marry him? New York World: The forty-seven aerial engagements on the Somme front in one day Indicate the remarkable development in the military use of the aeroplane. That ia war-flying to some purpose and with mili tary advantage won through the display of true courage, Pittsburgh Dispatch: Because, unlike our stone age ancestors, we no longer chew up our enemies as well as our raw meat food, we are losing our teeth, says, the doctor to the teachers, and then he urges that boys be taught to box. Does he mean that biting In the clinches should not be barred T New York World: "Billy" Sunday's delay In tackling the hosts of darkness in New York cannot possibly be ascribed to lack of courage for the task. The inference is therefore inevitable that as this would be the crowning conquest of his evangelical crusade, hi is ljaving It for the last. After Armageddon, what other fight would there be left to win? Springfield Republican : The American people have acquired much respect for General Goethals, who has left the Panama canal for New York, saying that he will not return in an official capacity. His departure was unknown to the canal employes. Such a the country. The efficient man who does his work without fuss and feathers and personal exploitation commands the favor of thought leavetaking was characteristic of the man, and will make a pleasant impression upon ful persons. BITS OF CHEER. "Don't you know you will be punished (or fishing on Sunday?" asked the ahockud minister of the little boy on the river bank. "Not on your life!" replied the young angler. "Dad's fishing himself a little way down the stream." Richmond Timea. Dis patch. Mrs. Hokus Your husband Is a quiet drfimpr, Isn't he?- Mrs. Pokus Humph! You ought to hear him sometimes when he can't find his collar buttons. Judge, "He travela In the moat exclusive circles." "Up doesn't look like a society man." "lie's a polar explorer; there's nothing common about the Antarctic circle." Buf falo Express. ' VM h QAMBLGRAW HA RHM A AP N EAR rWoSAL - CAN VoUYBi- ME" ANSTHlNf, ABOUT (!5 A HARD QAME To fW-MV QUEEN 'This Is the smallest fifty pounds of Ice I ever naw," said the kitchen lady. 'Permit me to Inform you, madam," said the high-brow Iceman, "that the apparent smalliUHS Is due to the Intense cold to which we subject our Ice In the proceas of manu facture, thereby producing- the closest Con- traction." Boston Transcript. "AM fixed for my'ijpeech?" Inaulred Can- greseman Wombat. 'Yep. You'll find the laughter and ap plause in the correct places' . "Better arrange for some fellows, too, to ask a few questions. And I'll have th answers ready." Louisville Courier -Journal. t unn-iru ouuiu iiuwera sent 10 MISS Ked- " " ailaSCU 11 I HO IIUriBL U1UH I send them O. O. D." Ttiew! jjjd she pay for them?" . nun, m.til O lille ,1, I VB gOl to pay her." Boston Transcript. THE WIND AND THE SEA. Bayard yaylor. The sea Is a jovial comrade. He laughe wherever he goes; Hl,!Lmerrlment 8hln in the dimpling lines That wrinkle his hale repose; He lays himself down at the feet of the sun. And shakes all over with glee. And the broad-backed billows fall faint on tthe shore, In the mirth of the mighty sea. But the wind is sad and restless. And curbed with an inward pain; You may hark as you will, by valley or hill. But you hear him still complain. He wails on the barren mountains. And shrieks on the wintry aea; He sobs in the cedar, and moans In the pine, And shudders all over the aspen tree. Welcome are both their vole-, And I know not which is best The laughter that slips from the ocean's " iwinuiiisw wina unreal. There's a pang In all rejoicing, n. jvjr m ma n-art or pHin, And the wind that aaddens, the aea that Are singing the self-same strain! In Buying Rubber Goods Don't take chances. If you need a hot water bag, a foun tain syringe or rubber gloves, get something that Is guaran teed; then if they prove faulty you can have them replaced. The rubber goods we sell are all guaranteed, and many are made especially for us and have . our name stamped on them a sort of quality insurance. Headquartera for hospital and alck room aupplies. sherman & McDonnell drug company Four Good Drug Stores. i 1 ' 1 fflimunitinttimmtinniiirinniirmiiffliiiumimirMimHiiitiimiimmrrutnmim,-,-,,,, mm jSunnyBrook Whiskey h-.HWI.IM. GROTTE BROTHERS CO. Gttni Dritrlbenofi Omaha. Nrbraskl