THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1916. Nebraska CANDIDATE DIES ON ELEC TION DAY. SILAS R. BARTON DIESJUDDEEK Republican Candidate for Con gress in Fifth District Dies of Heart Trouble. WAS ILL ONLY FEW HOURS Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 7. Hon. Silas R. Barton, a member of the Sixty-third congress, representing the Fifth Nebraska district, and the republican candidate for election to the same office at this time, in com petition with Congressman Ashton C. Shallenberger, died suddenly at 11:30 this morning of heart trouble. Mr. Barton closed his campaign in his home city last night with an open air meeting. Intimate friends had known that the severities of the cam- aign had previously affected his ealth. and during the last five weeks he had, upon several occasions, peen compelled to remain in his home for recuperation. The exposure of last night, he having stood with bared head while addressing the home folks, is believed to have brought the fatal end. Widow .Waa Miss Metcalfe. He leaves a widow, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Metcalfe, ol Omaha, and one son, Silas R. Bar ton, jr. Silas Reynolds Barton was born at New Lindon, la., May 21, 1872, moved with his parents to Hamilton county, Nebraska, in 1873, where they took up a homestead. He graduated from the Aurora High school and attended the Peru State normal. He engaged in farming and teaching school until 1898, when he was appointed deputy county treasurer of Hamilton county, from which position he resigned in 1901 to assume the duties of grand recorder of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Nebraska. He was president for two terms of the Grand Recorders' association of the United States, was a member of the supreme lodge finance committee to audit the accounts of the order, was a member of the committee of fifteen to revise the rates of the order at a meeting held at Montreal, Canada, and resigned as grand recorder of the Ancient Order of -United Workmen upon his election to the office of audi tor of the state of Nebraska, serving in this capacity from 1909 to 1913. Prominent in Order. During Mr. Barton's two terms as auditor and insurance commissioner he was a member of the national ex ecutive committee of insurance com missioners; was nominated by the di rect primary as a candidate for con gress in April, 1912, over four com petitors, receiving 6,109 votes of a total of 11,389; was elected to the Sixty-third congress, receiving 18,816 votes to 17,522 for R. B. Sutherland, democrat. The news of Mr. Barton's death spread quickly throughout the district. In many cases republican managers ent word, as far as oossible. that the voting should continue unaffected by ine suaaen eternise. In many cases democratic poll workers called attention to the death by information to the voters. Inquiries also came in as to the result should Mr. Barton be elected. In his home city republican voters generally and even independent and democratic vot ers cast their votes for their departed fellow citizen as a measure of respect . What Effect May Be. Congressman Barton's death may leave a vacancy to be filled by ap pointment oy ine governor in case the dead congressman receives a ma- jority of the votes cast, according to the opinion of prominent Omaha at torneys. Under the state statutes the appointee of the governor would hold over until the next general election, unless removed by the house of repre sentatives, which oasses on the tier. tion credentials of its members. The Nebraska constitution does not pro vide for a special election to fill such vacancies. Local republican leaders suggested Congressman Barton's death miorht be used as cause to disqualify Shal lenberger in the house of representa tives, should a republican house be elected. One attorney said: "A re publican house would undoubtedly re move onauenDerger and direct the governor to appoint a republican to represent me t ittn district. Possible Vacancy. Other attorneys and republican lead ers, holding that a dead man could not be elected to office, declared that in the event of either Barton or Shal lenberger receiving a majority of the votes cast, the logical course for the house of representatives to nursue would be to declare a vacancy and di rect tne governor tp till the vacancy by appointment. The federal constitution has no pro vision for such vacancies and they are covered by statutes of the states, at torneys said. Attorneys were unani mous that under the Nebraska law no litigation over the office could grow out of Congressman Barton's death because the case is covered ex plicitly in the statutes. It was suggested by some Omaha attorneys that the death of Congress man Barton would possibly influence the lower house in disqualifying Shal lenberger, should he be elected, and directing the governor to appoint a third candidate without there be one. No other party candidates, however, were nominated for congress in the Fifth district. Mr. Barton was married a few years ago to Miss Ellen Metcalfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Met calfe. Word was received this morn ing by Mr. Metcalfe that Mr. Barton was quite sick with pneumonia and he and Mrs Metcalfe took a tram for Grand Island about an hour before the news of his death was received. Fire Destroys Barn. York, Neb., Nov. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Fire destroyed a barn be longing to Ed Stone, who lives two and one-half miles southwest of the city. An Aid to Digestion. When you have a' fullness and weight in the stomach after eating you may know that you have eaten too much, and should take one of Cham berlain's Tablets to aid your digestion. Advertisement. ai i sex J iaJ&es llllilliiili V ..... . i W SILAS R. BARTON. STATE OFFICERS GO HOME TOCAST VOTE Capitol Deserted by Men Who Go to Put Ballots in at Own Towns. POOL STAYS BY THE SHIP LANAO AMERICAN SHIP WHEN SUNK Captain Says He Knows Noth ing of Sale of Vessel to Norwegian. BRITON AND TEUTON GAINON SOME War Offices Give Out Conflict ing Reports on Operations in Western France. STATE DEPARTMENT VIEW (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 7. (Special.) The state house was practically deserted today, state officers and employes going dome to vote. Secretary of State Charles Pool was the ony state officer holding his legal residence out side the city who did not leave the state house, casting his vote by mail. Mr. Fool s home is in Hyannis. Governor Morehead went to Falls City, Auditor Smith to Seward, Treas urer Hall to Franklin, State Superin tendent Thomas to Kearney, Attorney (jeneral Keed to Madison, food Com missioner Harman to Holdrege and some of the deputies to their home towns. Silver Bars Worth Fifty Thousand Taken by Bandits El Paso. Tex.. Nov. 7. Sixty-seven bars of silver, belonging to an Ameri can mining company at rarral, Lhi huahua, are reported to nave been taken from Edgar Koch, an agent of the company, by Villa bandits at Santa Rosalia on October 27. The silver was said to have been valued at $50,000, and was being brought from Parral to the border. Koch is said to be the German consular agent in Parral. , Officers of the mining company here say they have had no confirma tion of the reported robbery. Noth ing further has been heard from the Americans who were in Parral when Villa bandits are said to have taken the town. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice. Neb.. Nov. 7. (Special.) The city schools will close at noon Wednesday tor the remainder ot tne week in order to give the teachers an opportunity to attend the state teachers' meeting to be held at Omaha Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. At 'the annual meeting of the Ne braska Christian Endeavor union at Omaha, Rev. N. P. Patterson of this city was elected vice president and Miss Clara Kimmerling, also of this city, was re-elected treasurer. , Many of the farmers in Gage county have finished gathering their corn crop, which in most instances has yielded heavier than at first expected. Alpha Graf, a farmer living north east of the city, reports a yield of fifty-two bushels to the acre and many fields are yielding all the way from thirty-five to fifty bushels to the acre. The grain is of good quality. Bellevue College Voters Cast Ballots for the First Time Youthful Voters of Bellevue college had the thrill that comes once in a life-time when autos came up the hill to call for those fortunate enough to be of age. Of course, the young ladies could not vote, but their influence had been felt, and classes and such immaterial things were temporarily put aside and campaign speeches held the minds of the students. Every issue before the public had been discussed and settled to the satisfaction of the feminine politicians, and many a mere man had been set straight as to the proper thing tor the good ot the nation. Chicago Republicans Start Celebration Chicago, Nov. 7. Newspaper searchlights and pyrotechnic signals here awarding the election to Hughes. started a demonstration of republic ans blowing horns, shouting and wav ing nags in the streets at 8:30 o clock. Hartington Man Loses Leg. Hartineton. Neb.. Nov. 7. (Spe cial.) Ole Mingshol of this city, a prominent contractor and builder, had to have his right leg amputated in consequnece of a fall at the new hos pital. The, bone was so badly frac tured that amputation was deemed necessary. Mr. Mingshol was at one time member ot the city council. Cardiff, Wales, Nov. 7. (Via Lon don.) Captain Mainland of the steamship Lanao, sunk by a German submarine off Cape Vincent, said to day that he knew nothing of the re ported sale of the Lanao to a Norwe gian. He was acting on the assump tion that the Lanao was still of Phil ippine registry and entitled to fly the American flag. Captain Mainland said it had been a moot question for a long time whether vessels under Philippine reg istry were entitled to tly the Ameri can flag, adding. Many owners ot sucn vessels nave been fined by the United States gov ernment for flying the American flag, but a recent decision gave them the right to do so." The captain saved the ship's papers, which he brought to Cardiff, showing that the Lanao was registered at Manila and thus entitled to fly Amer ican colors. State Department View. Washington, Nov. 7. In the ab sence today of Secretary Lansing and other high officials of the State de partment the course of the United States in dealing with the case of the steamer Lanao, sunk by a submarine October 28 off the Portuguese coast, was undetermined. The department was without official advices from con sular or diplomatic officers on details of the sinking. On the strength of press dispatches officials here were inclined to believe that there is but little ground for an American protest, since the ship carried contraband and was warned and its crew transferred without accident. The question of her registry ap parently is the onlv troublesome fac tor. Despite the declaration of its American captain that it was under American registry and flew the Amer ican flag when sunk, the official view at the Department of Commerce, which handles changes of registry, was that the Lanao had been sold by the Findlay, Millar Steamship com pany of Manila to Hans Hannevrg of Chnstiania, Norway, and that while actual transfer to her new owners had not been made, the sale had gone far enough legally to take her from the protection ot the American tlag. American Woman Killed by Bandits Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 7. Arthur Wil liams, agent for an automobile supply house in Chihuahua, reached here yes terday in a battered automobile after a chase by Villa bandit sharpshooters in another car, in the course of which a woman, whose name is unknown here, and Williams' little daughter were killed. Williams' wife was killed in Chihuahua before the chase began. Solid South Still Solid for Wilson Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 7. Scattering re turns from Alabama. Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas. Mississipp, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Tex as and Virginia, indicate a normal vote was cast in those states, with the usual majority for the democratic candidates, including President Wil son. Meile Boy Will Not Lose His Eyesight as Result of Accident Herbert Meile. 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Meile. who had his left eyeball pierced by a piece of stubble Saturday morning while play ing toot Dan at forty-second ave nue and Wakley street, is reported to be rapidly recovering from his in jury. It is thought that he will not lose the sight of the organ. TAILOR TALK A traveling ulesman tald to ai: "I am going ait on my firit vtilt to headquarteni; make me the right tort of a ault." He told ui afterward that no one ha met waa batter dreiaed than he. Suite, $28.00 to $48.00. MacCarthy-Wilson TAILOR COMFORT CLOTHES" 315 3. 15th St. Elke' Bldg. RUSS LOSE BRIDGEHEAD SUBMARINE AND DESTROYER SDNK Italian and Austrian Warships Go Down During Duel on Night of October 16. TRANSPORT GETS AWAY Berlin, Nov 7. (By Wireless to Sayville.) On the Somnie front yes terday the British made an attack near Faucourt L 'Abbayc, but were immediately beaten back, the war office announced today. British Make Gains. London, Nov. 7. Gains by British troops in the neighborhood of Butte de Warlencourt, on the Somnie front, during operations last night, were announced today by the war office. French Front Quiet. Paris, Nov. 7. (Via London.) Last night was barren of important happenings along the French front, the war office announced today, there having been only intermittent can nonading on portions of the Somme front and on the right bank of the Meuse in the Verdun sector. German airmen dropped incendiary bombs on Nancy yesterday, but did no damage, according to the official statement. There were no casualties. Today s statement recapitulates the prisoners taken by Franco-British troops in the course of the fighting on the Somnie front since July 1, giv ing their number up to November 1 at 71,532 men and 1,449 officers, while the number of guns captured is given as 173 field guns, 130 heavy guns, 215 trench mortars and 981 machine guns. Russian Bridgehead Taken. Berlin, Nov. 7. (By Wireless to Sayville.) The capture of a Russian bridgehead on the-Stokhod is re ported by the war office. On the northern part of the front, between Dvinsk and Lake Naroci, Russian ar tillery is displaying marked activity. Roumanians Continue. Advance. Bucharest, Nov. 7. (Via London.) The Roumanian forces in Dobrudja, which recently assumed the offensive against Field Marshal von Macken sen's army, are continuing their suc cesses, the war office announced to day. Progress for the Roumanians along the entire Dobrudja front is reported. Father of Editor Davis of Ord Dies Ord, Neb., Nov. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Mansill Davis, pioneer home steader in the Loup Valley, died of apoplexy at his farm home near North Loup, while doing the chores Monday evening. He was the. father of Horace M. Davis, postmaster and editor of the Ord Journal. Funeral Wednesday afternoon. , Rome, Monday Nov. 6. (Via Taris, Nov. 7.) An Austrian submar ine and an Italian destroyer were sunk in a duel on the night of Octo ber 16, according to an official rtate ment issued by the admiralty today. The submarine had attacked a trans port, which escaped. The text of the statement follows: "An Austrian submersible at tempted on the night of October 16- 17 to torpedo one of our transports conveying troops, but was discovered and attacked by a convoying de stroyer. The submersible and the de strover sank, while the transport readied its destination safely. The majority of the crew of the destroyer were saved and two orhcers and seven men of the crew of the submarine were made prisoner." On the night of November 1 our destroyers after crossing boldly and successfully a mine aonc and sur mounting bv their daring solid obsta cles defending the Fasana-Hola canal. managed to enter the customary an chorage of part of the Austrian fleet. Two torpedoes were fired against one large ship and were observed to catch in the vessel's torpedo net. for two hours our destroyers re- connoitered within a few hundred yards of the forts and strong citadel of Pola and only withdrew when they had accomplished difficult and most delicate missions. Numerous power- Stops Tobacco Habit in OneDay Sanitarium PuMUhes Frm Book Showing How Tobacco Habit Con Bo Banished In From Ono to FIto Days at Homo. The Elders Sanitarium, located at 680 Main St., St. Joaeph, Mo., haa publlahed a free book ihowtng the deadly effect of the tobacco habit, and how It can be banUhtd in irora one to live days at noma. Men who have uied tobacco for rrore than fifty yeara have tried thla method and aay It If entirely auecctsful, and In addition to banishing the desire for tobacco hai im oroved their health wonderfully. Thli meth.wl banUhea the deelre for tobacco, no master wneiner 11 la amoKinv, cnewinv, cigarettes or snuzi flipping. As thla book Is belnsr distributed free. anyone wanting a copy should aend their name ana aaaress at once, Ad vert Dement, DON'T HAVE GRAY HAIR It' Unnecessary Q-Ban Dark ens It Evenly No Dye. No matter how gray your hair, pre maturely grav, faded, bleached, streak ed with gray, all you need to do is to shampoo your hair and scalp once a day with Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer, This is a very pleasant experience, and after a few applications you will be delighted to see all your gray hair gradually turn to an even beautiful dark shade. Q-Ban acts on roots mak ing hair and scalp healthy, restoring the color glands so all your gray hair is naturally darkened and entire head of hair becomes soft, fluffy, long, thick and of such an even beautiful, soft, dark shade no one could tell you had used Q-Ban. Also stops dandruff and falling hair, leaving your hair fasci nating and abundant, without even a trace of gray showing. Sold on money back guarantee. 50c for a big bottle at Sherman & McConnell's Drug Store, Omaha, Neb. Out-of-town folks sup plied by mail. Advertisement. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Horn. Cur. That Anyone Can Uit Without Discomfort or Lo .1 Tim.. W. hav. a New Method that cures Asthma and w. want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your ease is of long tandlns or recent development, whether it te preaent ae occasional or chronic Asthma, you should send (or a free trial of our method. No matter In what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation. If you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms fo inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patnt smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own ex pense, that this new method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free offer ta too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at one. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do It today. fill searchlights beat the sky and sea and batteries opened random and futile fire. "On the night of November 3 sev eral of our destroyers sank a large Austrian steamer anchored at Du raizo under the shelter of defenses and a mine jone. Kncmy destroyers came out and were attacked by our ships, which forced their retreat. Our destroyers then returned safely to their base. On November 5 three enemy destroyers appeared at dawn I before Santa l'idiolniare and began tr, bombard that part ot the coast, atllioi:gh no military works are there. One of our armored trains rushed up. engaged and drove off the enemy. Two destroyers were hit, one was seen with a heavy list being assisted bv others. The enemy tire was in effective, one railroad man being slightly wounded and small damage done to privaie property." Three Deaths at Lindsay. Lindsay. Neb., Nov. 7. (Special.) The body of Mrs. C. ft. niccher was taken to Newman Grove Sunday and buried there. Mrs. Blccher died Wednesday. She was one of the old settlers in this neighborhood, being 58 at the time of death. She and her husband came here lo a farm south west of town while yet young, where they lived until about five years ago, when they sold the farm and came to town. She leaves a husband and three sons Clarence, John and Guy, and one daughter, Mrs. Tom Reece, who all live here. The body of Miss Benadina Wiese, age 16. was buried at the Catholic cemeterv. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wiese, five miles south of town. She had a fall about a month ago, hurting her knee, which got well apparently, nut started an infection a tew days ago, which re sulted in death. Mads Hendricksen died yesterday after a short illness at his farm home eleven miles southwest of here. He was 78 years old, coming here from Denmark, He leaves a widow and a son. C. Hendricksen of Paxton, Neb., 49 and a daughter, Mrs. Lawrence; John- J son. Funeral will be Wednesday at j the West Danish church. Mr. Hen dricksen had just completed a large new house. All Run Down and Worn 5 Out from Kidney Trouble n Some time ago I had a severs attack of Kidney trouble; my condition vm iueh tkst , t was up and down, I not able to work ( more than half of the time. I eemd all worn out, had no appetite and could not rest ' it niirh. I trlei several different remedies; til with no results, I wrote Dr. Kilmer ft Co., end they unit me tt mull .temple, which seemed to give me relief. I then purchased more Swamp-Hoot and enntlnued to take It " until restored to rood heslth. I hava bn 1 strong- and hftalr.hy for the lent twelve years. , I cheerfully reoommenJ Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-"j, Root to others who hara kidnty trouble. Yours truly, , MRS. R. CROSSI,EY, AnUors. Ok la, ,, Personally appeared before me this 1st day of Mareh, 191 S, Mrs. R. Crossley, who ; subscribed .the . statement and made oath that the same Is trot in lubitan and -In fact. ED. DROWN, Notary Publle. 1 in and for Pushmataka Co., Okla. ' Latter to Dr. Kilmer Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. Prove Whit Swamp-Root Fill Do for You Send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer ft Co- Blnff hamton, N. Y. for a sample alia bottla, It will eonvlnce anyone. You will also veetW a booklet of valuable Information, telling about, the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure .and mention The Omaha Dally Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar alia bot tles for Bale at all drug stores. ON YOUR FEET ALL DAY? TRY THIS HOME EASER Thousands of people who are on their feet all day suffer terrible tortures because their feet ache, bum, chafe, and vrow tender. This Is the way a saleswoman In a bit; department store hae solved the problem of keeping her feet always In sood condition, Bhe buy, a 3-cent packase of Wa-Ne-Ta and In the evenlnff on arriving home sh. removes her shoes and ttocklnrs and for a few delightful minutes allows them to soak In a pan of warm water In which two or three Wa-Ne-Ta tablet, have been dissolved. Then eh. put. on fresh hosiery and ehoea and her evening la comfortable. All th. burning, throbbing, aching oeneatlons are gone out of her feet. If you ar. troubled again, try this. Wa-Ne-Ta added to the bath water 1. eleanelng and purifying, removing Impuri ties and banishing body odor. Tou can get Wa-Ne-Ta at all drug stores for 16 cents, or we will mall you a sample package prepaid to your aaaress II you will send us 10 cents to cover cost of parking and shipping. ind. L. C. Landon Co., South Bend, FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 1001. A, Niagara and Hudson St... Buffalo. N. Y. Send Ire. trial of your method tol Dandruff Soon Ruins the Hair Girls if you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when re tiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inex pensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dan druff you have. This simple remedy never tails. Advertisement. Our Telephone Number I 2020 Douglftt Our Telephone Number It 2020 Douglas) Teachers -We come Make This Store Your Meeting Place SAY TO YOUR friends "Meet Me at Brandeis" and then you can come here and enjoy all the conveniences and accommodations which this great establishment has to offer, with the certain knowl edge that .they can find you quickly and easily. : We have made special preparation to satisfy your every need, and are well pre pared to show you just what the GREATEST RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT in the Middle West has to offer in the way of service. Rest and Writing Rooms, Parcel Rooms, Free Local Telephone Serv ice, a Branch Postoffice, etc., are just a few from the scores of Ac commodations here, which will make your "Convention Days" in . Omaha a success. i,v .' ,. That Superb Revelation of Nature's Best Handiwork YeMowstoim':'' FWk Is Being Shown Here in Scenic Reproduction STANDING UPON ARTIST'S Point, the vision travels over the Most Glorious Kaleidoscope Nat ure ever presented to man's view the foaming River, over a thousand feet below, widens out into the Incompar able Canyon of the Yellowstone, and in the center of tbf immediate fore ground, the Great Falls of the Yellbwstone, nearly twice as high as Niagara, tumbles great volumes of water over its cliffs. Turn quickly Geyser Basin affords a sensation never to be forgotten more than forty geysers bubbling and hissing live steam, give one a thrill never before experienced. The Geysers and Hot Springs are shown with wonderful fidelity, even to the hazy clouds of team which punctuate the landscape. The forest covered mountains, the brilliantly tinted createra and an ingenious device which repro duces the periodical eruption of "Old Faith ful" The most regular of geysers. The arrival and departure of stage coaches, the light of "Old Faithful" Inn are among the little touches of realism, while the color ef fects of sunrise, sunset and storm are unrivalled. The entire exhibition will prove exceptionally interesting to Mothers, Daughters, Fathers and Sons, Teachers EVERYONE. . You are cordially invited to view thla inter esting exhibit and attend the lectures' which will be held every day this week from 10:30 to 4:30 on the Third Floor. Beautiful New Blouses At Very Reasonable Prices 1 1 TT" 1 1 WE ARE DISPLAYING the most complete stocks of all the most desirable styles in charming Blouses for Fall and our collec tion at these moderate prices is the largest in the Middle West. . This is your opportunity to pur chase a beautiful Blouse to take home with you and pay very little for it. . (Dressy Net, Georgette, Marquisette and French Voile. Lace Trimmed Fichu models, with large collars, in Voile and Marquisette. About 1,000 extra quality Georgette Crepe Blouses, in white or flesh, 50 different models. . New Striped and Plaid Silk Blouses, semi tailored models. All the new colors. At $5.00 At $3.98 and $5.00 At $1.00, $1.45 and $1.9522 Llngerie Blouses"u Second Floor.