Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1916, EARLY MALL EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Count of Vote at Noon at To
peka and Kansas City Shows
j Hughes in tb Load. ,
" TopekaKan., Nov. 7. Incomplete
returns from twenty-five out of thirty-two
precincts in Topeka, compiled
at noon today, show the following
results: - -
Hughes 1,389 and Wilson 974.
In twenty-three precincts the in
complete vote for governor gives
Capper 1,331 and Landson 501. The
city Is normally republican. The
double election boards used made it
possible for returns to be given out
before noon today. -
Kansas City, Kan., Nov. 7. Incom
plete returns given out here at noon
by election judges for nine of the 108
prfctincts of Wyandotte eounty, Kan
sas, including Kansas City, Kan., gave
Hughes 378 and Wilson 329.
Wichita, Kan., Nov. 7. Incomplete
returns from the twenty-six precincts
in thia city give Hughes 808; Wilson,
1,080. Capper, republican, for gov
nor, 925, and Lansdown, democrat,
723. Wilson, republican, for congress
man, received 674, and Ayerj, demo
crat, for re-election, 898.
-' LittU Scratching In Indiana.
"' IndianaDolis. Ind Nov. 7. Early
reports from all parts of the state in
dicated that a heavy vote will be
polled today. ' The polls opened at
6 o'clock and in many precincts a
third or more of the registered vote
: was cast by 9 o'clock. The polls will
close at 6 o'clock tonight and returns
where voting machines are used will
be announced soon afterward. The
raoiditv of the balloting: in many sec
tions of the state indicated that
fstraiaht" tickets were being voted.
In other places there wert indications
ol scratching.
Arrest! at St. Louis. "
St. Louis, Nov, 7. An extremely
heavy vote was cast In the early hours
of voting fn Missouri today. It was
estimated that 40,000 votes were cast
in St. Louis In, the first two hours.
One hundred and fifty negroes were
arrested here for alleged attempts to
vote illegally; The polls in Missouri
close it 7 p. m. .
Cloudy Day In Iowa.
! Des Moines, la., Nov.' 7. Reports
from various counties in Iowa indi
. cats a heavy, vet today despite the
cloudy weather. A heavier vote than
, ever was cast in Des Moines up to
noon. Two election judges were ar
rested in Des Moines as I result of
the bitter fight over the stata ticket.
Heavy Vote in South Dakota.
Sioux Falls, S, D., Nov. 7. Reports
Irom over the state that as the sky
. became overcast and rain threatened
voting became heavier and it was es
timated at 10 a. m. that at least 40
per cent of South Dakota s vote had
oeen cast. ,
, Snow in Colorado and Wyoming.
) Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 7, Voting
In the rural districts was expected to
be light today as the result of a heavy
now storm which prevailed today
over the greater- part of Wyoming.
The proposed prohibition amendment
nd the woman's vote held th center
of interest,
i Denver, Nov. .Snow flurries,
which increased to a heavy, whirling
snowstorm, promised toward noon to
cut down the voting in Colorado. The
itnrm was general throughout most
of the skat and appeared likely to
continue until the polls cjqsed at 7
p. m. ' " " .". !
I Fins Day in North Dakota.
Fsrgo, N. D., Nov.7--.Wlth weath.
cr conditions ideal predictions were
that 100,000 ballots would be cast in
jNorth Dakota today, or 8,000 more
ithan the previous high mark. Both
Republican and democratic headquar
tiers here, after receiving reports to
iday from various parts of the state,
Reiterated confidence of victory In the
yiri'sultntial contest...
f Liquor Fight Bring Out Vott,
Detroit. Mich,, Nov. 7. From every
(section uf lower Michigan this morn
ling came report of heavy voting.
Clear weather and the state-wide pro
hibition fighthistoric for its vigor
'and bitterness- helped to bring out
i what i expected to u a record'
brtfakine? vote.
Nearly every county which reported
to Dctruit before 11 o'clock this fort'
fnoon forecast victory for th prohK
bition forces, but the presidential con
test was sharply in doubt. Several
counties wert concded to Hughes,
'- but in th majority democratic and
republican chairmen mad conflicting
;ciaims, : , .
J Larg Women Vote in Kansaa.
; Topeka, Kan., - Nov. - 7. Kansaa,
j presidential, was claimed by both
, republicans and democrats today.
1 Democratic managers expressed small
.hope for th outcome of their state
; ticket, but claimed seven of the eight
t congressmen up for election, Of the
! 625.000 vote estimated to be polled,
J 225,0X10 of. these ar expected to b
j cast by women. ; :
-1 Wilton at Leavenworth.'
t Leavenworth ,Kn. Nov. 7, The
i Incomplete returns from th thirteen
! precinct of this city, as announced
. this afternoon, gave Hughes 1,254 and
! Wilson 1,383, The governor vote was
i Capper 1,327 and Lansdon 1,033. The
vote here, in the congressional dis
trict, shows 1,332 for Anthony and
; 40 tor vorwine.
! Geary County.
, ;. Junction City, Ksn Nov, 7. Three
wards in Junction city and one pre
1 cinct of rural Geary conntv. incom
, oleic, give Hughes 383, Wilson 303.
For governor Capper received 416
' md Lansdon 279. The vote far Fifth
1 district congressman shows C. M
rlarger, republican. 349. and G. T.
J Hclvering, democrat, incumbent, 394.
I Cbanut tor Hughes..
Chanute. Kan.. Nov. I. The Dar
ial returns from four precincts of
. 2 chanute, given out this afternoon,
I ihow Hugh 392 and Wilson 355.
i The vote four years ago in this coun-
y was Wilson 1,993, Roosevelt 1,190
'i Hughes Leads In Lawrence
i Lawrence. Kan.. Nov. 7. Incom
late returns from two precinct giv
', . lughes 152, Wilson 81. Capper 165
! nd Lansdon S2. For Second district
1 ongressman u vote was Little 151,
jaggart 73.
! Coffey County Is Clost. '
' Burlington. Kan.. Nov. 7.-Incom.
plete returna front nine of the twenty.
Forecast of Electoral College
State. Hughes.
Alabama ;
California 13
Connecticut 7
Idaho 4
Illinois 29
Indiana 15
Iowa 13
Kansas 10
Kentucky . . . . , , .
Maine 6
Massachusetts IS
Michigan 15
Minnesota 12
Mississippi , .
New Hampshire 4
New Jersey 14
New Mexico
New York , . 45
North Carolina , .
North Dakota.. 5
owo ................. :,
Oregon , , 5
Pennsylvania 38
Rhode Island. . . , .' 5'
South Caroline
South Dakota ,
Texas . .'. . . i
Virginia ,
West Virginia
Wyoming '
two precincts of Coffey eounty gave
Wilson 498 and Hughes 505. The
vote from seven precinct on gov
ernor showed Lansdon 280 and Cap
per 457.
topeka i for Hughes.
Tooeka. Kan.. Nov. 7 An incom
plete count in all but three of th eitv
precincts here late today showed:
Hughes. 4,937i Wilson, 3,133s Capper,
9,66; Lansdon, i,049. 1-or congress
man: Anthony, 4,154; Corwine, 2,334,
and Harding, 894. - '
Ottawa. Kan.. Nov. 7. The Incom
plete return of Franklin county gave
Wilson 674 and Hughes 871. Four
year ago the franklin county vote
Was: Wilson. 1,963; Roosevelt, 1,959,
andTaft, 97i. -
Iola. Kan.. Nov. 7. The five ore-
cincts of this city today gave incom
plete returns of 349 for Hughes and
217 for Wilson. The vote on gov.
emor was .Capper 400 and Lansdon
182. On the Second district con
gressman the tabulation showed Tag
gart 263 and Little. 419.
in vnt the vote for Wilson in this
eounty was 1,739; for Roosevelt 1,003
and for Taft 1,692. In 1914 for gov
ernor it was Capper 3,106: Hodges,
2,370, and Allen, 769.
Muivane, Kan,, Nov. 7. Incomplete
return from Gore township v
Hughe 58; Wilson 65. Th vote for
Eighth district ' congressman gives
Ayret (democrat) incumbent, 65
Wilson (republican) 72.
Kansaa City. Kan.. Nov. 7. Incom
olete return reported before th noils
closed from 168 precincts of the 2,474
in Kansas: Mugncs, M.twu; Wilson,
Topeka. Kan., Nov. 7, Women in
Kansas cast approximately 40 tier cent
of the total vote, it was estimated here
tonight from reports received from
over th state. The total vote was ex
pected to reach 600.000.
Kansa City, Kan., Nov, 7. Re
turns from 165 of the 2,474 precincts
of Kama complete: Wilson, 26,482;
Hughes, n.iti. the vote tor governor
in 138 precincts: Capper. 23,105: Lans-
don( 14,892. On secretary of state
from forty precincts the vote shows:
Urandle, Hotkin, 6,460,
Hiawatha. Kan.. Nov. 7. Incom
plete returns from four precincts give
Hughes 321 and Wilson, 196.
Ashland. Kan.. Nov. 7. The first
two precincts, making incomplete re
turns, gave Wilson m: Hughes, 86.
For governor: Capper, 134; Lansdon.
do. l he vote on seventh district con
gressman was Shouse (democrat) in
cumbent, 97, and Simons (republican)
T-inor AraWa Sn-nlri
All Are Rescued
Paris. Nov. 7. The Peninsular &
Oriental liner Arabia has been sub
marined. It carried 450 passengers.
All re believed to have been saved.
McCormick Holds Fast
' To Fast Disappearing Hope
New York, Nov. 7. Vance Mc
Cormick, chairman of the democratic
national committee, announced at
8:45 o'clock that he was confident
that the complete returna would
show the election of President Wil
son by a substantial majority.
Not Quit Down and Out.
Many a man feels that he is down
and out when as a matter of fact he
still has in him many years of good
service that can be brought out by
proper treatment. Stomach trouble
often makes one despondent. It hits
him where he lives, saps his strength
and energy and make him feel like
giving up. Give hnn a few doses of
Chamberlain's Tablets to improve his
digestion and, invigorate his liver and
bowels, and in most cases recovery
is prompt ano eiiectuai. Adv.
To Come.
(Cantlnoed STrom Fate On)
made this statement after receiving
reports which he said indicated that
both New York stat and Illinois
had gone for Hughes. 1
"It is a little early for remarks,"
Chairman Willcox said, "but from
news received thus far it seems as if
Mr. Hughes was elected. It is a
great victory and gives u great lat-
isfaction. It thows that the people
can be trusted.
Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 7. City, of
Buffalo, 126 districts out of 191 gives
Hughes 27,733; Wilson, 23,780. Whit
man. 27.690: Seabury. 22,452: Calder,
27,584; McCombs, 20,583.
Rochester, jn. jr., Nov. .Ninety-
five districts in Rochester out of 1
give Hughes 21,3.14; Wilson, 12,564;
Whitman, ZU.95B; Seabury, 12,880.
Rochester. N. Y... Nov. 7. Fifty
nine districts out of 183 of Rochester
gives Hughes 13,633: Wilson, 7,551,
same districts give Whitman, liHi
Seabury, 7,826.
Johnstown, N. Nov, 7. City of
Johnstown complete gives Hushes
995; Wilson, 947. For governor, Whit
man, l.tuo; seabury, Vii.
Gloversville, N. Y., Nov. 7. City
complete gives nugnes t,nt Wilson,
New York, Nov, 7. Returns from
ninety-six districts out of 3,690 out
side New York City for president
Hughes, 19,706; Wilson, 13,806.
New York. Nov. 7. Returns from
thirty-five districts out of 3,680 out
side pew York uty for governor:
Whitman, 6,633; Seabury, 4,645.
Returns from twenty-eight districts
out of 3,680 outside New York City
ior unucu oiates senator gives
Calder 5,483: McCombs. 3.440.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
261 district out of 3,680 outside New
York City for governor give Whit
man 56.114; Seabury. 38.995.
Returns from 226 district out of
3,680 outside New York City for
United States senator give Calder
48,653;; McCombs, 32,387.
Jamestown, N. Y., Nov. 7. James
town, complete, for president gives
Hughes, 4,526; Wilson, 1,835.
For governor in 1914: Whitman. 2.-
962; Glynn, 568; Sulaer, 999; Daven
port, 242; Strebel, socialist, 481,
Corning, N. Y., Nov. 7. Th city of
Corning, complete, gave Hughes 1,
399 and Wilson, 1,364. For governor
the vote was: Whitman, 1,357; Sea
bury, 1,086, and for United States
senator: Calder, 1,414; McCombs, 1,
203. .
New York. Nov. 7. Returna from
312 district out of 3,680 outiide New
York City; Hughes, 63,744; Wilson,
New York. Nov. 7. Returna from
200 district out of 3,680 outside New
York City for governor give: Whit
man, 43.581 ; Seabury, 32,620. Returns
from 180 districts out of 3.680 outiidr
New York City for United States en-
atorgive l-l'e' J8.348; McCombs,
Troy, N. Y, City of Troy, complete:
Wilson, 8,817; Hughe. 7,804. In 1914
tne city gave Whitman 7,299 and
Wnn b,ik8,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y, Nov. 7. Com
plete returns, Poughkeepsie: Hughes,
3,727; Wilson, 2,91?.
Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 7. City of
Auourn, complete: Wilson. 1374:
Hughes, 2,861. Wilson's plurality.
n wuion carried Auburn
by thirty-one vote.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
769 district out of 3,680 outside New
roric city; Hughes. 144.251; W son
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
1,581 districts out of 3,680, outside of
New York City: Hughes, 282,550;
Wilson, 211,9a
New York, Nov. 7. Returns trom
2,246 districts out of VJ.680 outside
New York City: Hughes, J80.1W;
Wilson, 280,234.
New York, Nov. 7, New York
county, with thirty-six districts miss
ing: Hughes, 106,222; Wilson, 133,784.
Kings county, witn tnirty-six dis
tricts missing: Hughes, 1 1 J.JUo; Wil
son, 119,344.
New York. Nov. 7. Returns from
787 districts out of 5680 outside New
York City, for governor give Whit
man, 151,678; Seabury, 1 10,438.
Returns from 5J7 districts out oi
3,680 outside New York .City for
United States senator, give Calder,
112,268; McCombs, 74,939.
New York. Nov. 7. Returns from
2,431 districts out of 3,680 outside New
York City, give Hughes 401,737, Wil
son 297,280.
Newburg, N. i ., Nov. 7. Newuurg
complete: Hughes. 3,282; Wilson, 2,-
070. In 1914: wnitman, t,my, viiynn,
Hornell, N. Y Nov. 7.-Hornetl,
complete, gives Wilson majority of
273. Wilson's plurality over vote for
Taft and Roosevelt in 1912 was 45;
over Hughes, 273; a gain, for Wilson
of 228.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
393 districts of 3,680 outside New
York City for governor give Whitman
80,403; Seabury, 56,502.
Returns from 312 districts out of
3,680 outside New York City for
United States senator give Calder 67,
337; McCombs, 41,759.
New York, Nov. 7. One thousand
and nineteen districts out of 3,680 out
side New York City: Hughes, 188,
632; Wilson, 141,376.
New York City. ,N
Returns from 1,080 districts out of
2,127 in New York City: Wilson,
174.306; Hughes, 148,594.
Returns from 115 out of 2,127 in
New York City for governor; Sea
bury, 15,616; Whitman, 14,236,
New York, Nov, 7. Returns from
fifty districts out of 2,127 In New
York City: Wilson, 7,511; Hughe,
Nw York, Nov. 7. Returns from
seventy districts out of 2,127 In New
York City: Wilson, 10,571 j Hughes,
New York. Nov. 7. Returns from
ten districts out of 2,127 in NeV York
City for president give Wilson 1,587;
Hughes, 1,017.
New York, Nov, 7. Returns from
twenty district out of 2,127 in New
York City for president give Hughes
2,175; Wilson, 2,963.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
forty districts out of 2,127 in New
York City; Wilson, 6,086; Hughes,
New York, Nov, 7. Returns from
140 districts out of 2,127 in New York
Vlty: vvniun, v,-.,, j.iugi,, ...www.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
1,972 districts out of 3,360 outside
New York City for president give
Hughe 341,423: Wilson, 54.JU3,
New York. Nov. 7. Returns from
310 districts out of 2,127 in New York
City: Wilson, 60,213; Hughes, 51,524.
Returns from 15 district out of
2,127 in New York City for governor,
give Whitman, 1,518; Seabury, 1,713.
Returns from 480 district out of
3,680 outside of New York City for
president gives Hugns, vwk; wii
son. 72.887, - - v ,
Returns from 840 districts out of
2,197 in New York City :,Wson, 133,
493: Hughes. 114,814. '' -
Returns from 57 districts out of
2,127 in New York City for governor
give Whitman, 6,396; Seabury, 6,984.
Keiurns from i,uou uisincis oui oi
2,127 in New York City: Wilson,
17.4.306: Hughes. 148.594.
Returns from 115 districts out of
2,127 in New York City for governor
Seabury. 15.6162: Whitman, 14.236.
Returns from 769 districts out of
3,680, outside of New York City
Hughes. 144.251: Wilson. Ut.432.
New York, Nov. 7, Return from
1,970 districts out of 2,127 in New
York City! Wilson, 325,951; Hughes,
287,693. ,
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
1,864 districts out of 3,680 outside
New York City: Hughes, 325,660;
Wilson, 24X539.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
567 districts out of 3,360 outside New
York City for governor give Whit
man 115,924; Seabury, 83,920. Returns
For Lazy Liver,
Stomach, Bowels
"LAX-OLA" Mikii Them Work Fine!
LAX-OLA that wonderful nw natural
Mtlng vmidr li now utvinf thousand.
front tht aliMMM of conitipikion, billoua
n, inaetlvt Hvtr. sour stomach, autt-uv
toslaattm, vhrantt htadathtt, and aiioiat
trvubita. ' Savtnt thtra baaauit It producM
honast taiulU. RulU whtah art of mora
than mar temporary duration.
LAX-OLA b aa aunavtor to ordlnsirv
phyaias Ultra vtallr 1 no aamnaritan. It not
only doaa tha work, but it ponltlvaly aauaaa
no ffriplng, no pain, no Ill-effect whatever.
it aoean t weaken muaeuiar actioiwHloean't
Injure llnina of atomach. In teat in m or kid-
neya. It not only help the nowela, but liver
and kidney , too. In feat, helpa the entire
organiam. And you don't have to heap e
UKinf it venaatmBiy. no Hanger el esquir
ing the "aathartla habit."
No other remedy for eonatlnatlnn anil m.
ultant evil, la ao aeaeptable to the atomaoh.
Haa a bentfteial tenia effect, aa well aa a
mild, gentle laxative artlnn. AnutlVnsr hut
nauaeatlng. Choeolata flfttoMiUmi ahs la
uy issm casinjr.
LAX-OLA L 2.1c box ., rr.
iTivn "ww ii jou mn mmt uoraugniy Mil.
(tod. Cat It tUrl
Jut Try Thie When
Hairy Growth Appear
(Modes of Today),
A smooth, hairless skiff always fol
lows the use of a paste made by mix
ing some water with plain powdered
delatone. Thia paste is applied to the
hairy surface 2 or 3 minutes, then
rubbed off and th skin washed, when
every trace of hair will have vanished.
Na nam or discomfort attend the use
of th delatone paste, but caution
should be exercised to be sure that
you get real lton, Adv.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at ail druggists.
, itfltt.
from 398 districts out of 3,680 outside
New York City for United States sen
ator give Calder 85,234; McComb.
54 975.
kri York. Nov. 7. Return from
920 districts out of 2,127 in New York
Citv. for governor: Whitman, U4,-
752; Seabury, 134,391.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns trom
1,940 districts out of 2,127 in New
York City: Wilson, 316,193; Hughes,
American Concedes Hugnes.
New York, Nov. 7. The New York
American announced at 7:55 that its
returns showed the election of
New York. Nov. 7 Returns from
2,037 districts out of 2,217 in New
York City: Wilson, 3J3,8o; Hugnes,
New York, Nov. 7. Returns trom
1.760 districts out of 2,127 in New
York City: Wilson, 280,593; Hughes,
255,521. ,
Returns from 680 districts out ot
2,127 in New York City for governor:
Whitman, 91,309; Seabury, 99,355.
Returns from, ten districts out of
2,127 in New York City for United
State senator: Calder, 1,081; Mc
Combs, 6,991.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
430 districts out of 2,127 in New York
city for governor: Whitman, 53,170;
Seabury, 61,739.
New Jersey.
Trenton. N. J.. Nov. 7. The first
district to be heard from in Sussex
eounty gives Hughes 26. and Wilson
23. There are twenty-eight districts
in Sussex county.
Cincinnati. Nov. 7. The first ten out
of 546 precincts in Hamilton county,
which includes the city of Cincinnati,
give Hughes, 1,057; Wilson 355.
Cincinnati. Nov. . Kecurns ior
president from nine precincts out of
J.57U in UtllOi Wilson, Oi Hugnes,
Cincinnati. Nov. 7. Returns from
forty-nine precincts out of 5,570 in
Ohio: Wilson. 5.377: Hughes. 3.973.
Cleveland, O., Nov. 7. The first
precinct report from Cuyahoga coun
ty follows: For president: Wilson
9hi Hughes, 36; for governor, Cox
(democrat) 9J; Willis (republican)
34. . For senator: Herrick (repub
lican) 34; Pomerene (democrat) 93.
Fhlladelohia. Nov. 7, Nine election
districts out of 1,431 in Philadelphia:
Huifhes. 705: Wi son. 323.
Philadelphia, Nov. . Keturtt
from 253 districts out of 6,968 in
Pennsylvania give Hughe 31,249:
Wilson, 11,801.
Philadelphia. Nov. 7. Return from
206 district out ot l,JU in rmiadei
. u;:i... voea, uk.. -f.iC-
Philadelphia, Nov. . Returns irom
im -J : -... i i til ! du:i.j.i.
4UU UlllIltlB UU, VI lil 111 l llll.utl-
phia give Wilson 2,677; Hughes, 11,-
270. j
Phladelnhia. Nov. 7. Returns
from thirty-six districts out of 1,311
Everybody likes a good
Pay your election bet
w. with a 1 '::
Dunlap or
The world's standard of
hat excellence the only
store in Omaha showing:
both. Dunlap and Stetson
Hats. .
511 S. 16tVt
Her Grand Bldg.
I w fAgi oitcAT raipn or thb
Mll.bUltr of tht uluprcplt era-
ih4 j hi. W strWt Imm
vrr tuitemw bj making the trant
actloa tntlNlir Uitattory.
5 Whtn you 4m burin drugs you
!wl to know that tho ytopla who soil
them to you know thu busuiMi and
that thty will bo striatly koaoat. '
16th and Howard St.
Comfortable, fully quippd rooms,
f 1.00 a day and up.
Quick Service Lunch Room, th
, . beat In the city. .
Music with Meals.
TabU d'Hotaj Dlnnor, 3Scu
Trunk, Bag or Suitcasa
ShovM Can From -
"Omalw'i In! aanrao Balloon,"
1S03 FARNAM ST. y,
in Philadelphia: Hughes, J.166;
Wilson, 752.
Philadelnhia. Nov. 7. Returns from
803 districts out of 1,311 in Philadel
phia: Hughes, 79,359; Wilson, 28,079.
Philadelphia, No. . Keturns trom
1.038 districts out of 6.968 in Pennsyl
vania give: Wilson, 45,040; Hughes,
Rhode Island.
Providence, R, I Nov. 7, Returns
from seven precincts of 182 in the
state give: Hughes, 1,303; Wilson, 666.
ror governor: ticeckman (rep.), l,u4;
Munroe (dem.), 4s9. hix precincts,
United States senator: Lippitt (rep,),
1,037; Gerry (dem.), 552.
Providence, R. I., Nov. 7. Returns
from four precincts out of 162 in the
state giv Hughes, 741; Wilson, 419.
South Dakota.--
Sioux Falls. S. D.. Nov. 7. Nine
of the eleven wards in Sioux Falls
give Hughes a plurality of 221 Seven
teen precincts out of forty-four m
Minnehaha, the most populous coun
ty of South Dakota, give Hughes a
plurality of 421.
Sioux talis. 5. D.. Nov. 1. Thlrtv-
three out of a total of 1,738 South
Dakota precincts reported Hughes
leading Wilson by 314 plurality.
Scattering reports indicate adoption
of the prohibition amendment.
Burlington, Vt., Nov. 7. Returns
from 32 out of 284. renresenting 32
out of 246 cities and towns, give
Hughes, 6.6U7; Wilson, Z,54
Governor: Graham, 4,542; Mayo,
1,772, United States senator: Page,
5,034; Miller, 1,568. -
San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 7. The
vote in the Kansas Signal Corps com
pany here was Wilson 10, Hughes 9.
For governor, Capper 14, Lansdon 4.
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 7. Scattering
returns at 7:45 o'clock, indicate the
vote in Texas was similiar to that of
four year ago, when Wilson led
Taft and Roosevelt by approximately
Emphasize Their
Superb Showing
Hudson Seal Coats
The Most Attractive
of Highest Character
Fur Coats
Offered by Any
Apparel Store
In the Middle
$105 to $450
Remnant Sale
Of Silks and Woolen Fabrics
an extraordinary event,
which occurs on Friday.
Particular Later- Worth Waiting for.
Mahogany, Walnut or
Old Ivory Dresser
A ttrlhlng immph t tha wtll
mac?, property duigntJ nf mil
HnlthnJ turnitun Mat thU far
b offering at low popular prlctt.
Th top is it inch wid with
a large plate mirror above. There
are four drawer In ail, two wid
and deep one, and two with (mall
divided drawer at th top. Th
metal drop pulls ar attractive and
the caster ar good.
Price, $25.00
$260.50 Bird'i-Eye Maple Bedroom Suite, $197.50
Seven Piece Sheraton Inlaid Style, Consisting of
l4.00 Drener 4f.00 56.00 Bed 142 00
$58.00 Chiffonier $41.00 $10.80 Chair I7.7B
$50.00 Triple Mirror Dress-
tng Taoi
Orchard &
165,000 votes, with the entire state
democratic ticket elected.
El Paso, Tex., Nov. 7. Five Perm
sylvania regiments in the field give
Hughes 1,274, Wilson 968.
Returns from 495 districts out of
9,968 in Pennsylvania give Hughes
60,920, Wilson 24,540.
West Virginia.
Charleston, Nov. 7. The first
returns from West Virginia were
from Kanawha county, where three
precincts give; Wilson, 117; Hughes,
78. For governor the same precincts
: r -11 tAm 171 Rnhin-
K1VC. V.Uluwt,t
son (rep.), 80. For United States
senator: Sutherland (rep.) , 130;
Chilton (dem.), 120.
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 7. Returns
from ninety-nine precincts out of
2.250 in the state give Hughes 10,203,
Wilson 7,304.
For governor eleven precincts out
of 2,250 give Williams, democrat, 794;
Phillip, republican, 893.
For United States senator, returns
from nine precincts out of 2,250 give
Wolfe, democrat, 300; Lafollette, re
publican 641.
Milwaukee, Nov. 7. Returns for
president from 158 precincts out of
2,250 in the state, gave Wilson, 11,
466; Hughes, 14,633.
Returns for governor from 23 pre
cincts out of 2,250 in the state, give
Williams, democrat, 1,298; Phillipp,
republican, 1,457.
Returns for United States' senator
from 20 precincts out of 2,250 in the
state, gave Wolfe, democrat, 667; La
follette, republican, 1,248.
Milwaukee, Nov. 7. Returns from
659 precincts scattered widely about
the state indicate more than a two-to-one
vote for United States Senator La
Follette over Wolfe.
Milwaukee, Nov, 7, Five precinct
in Milwaukee give Wilson 875 and
Hughes 808.
Two hundred and eighty-nine scat
tering precincts in Wisconsin indicate
that Hughes is running one-third
ahead of Wilson.
Droasor, $25.00
Chiffonier lo Motoh, $24.00
$11.60 Rocker.... n. tft an
I $10.(0 Toilet Chair $7.71
Wilhelm Co.
South 16th Stroot.