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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1916)
12 r THE EE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1916. UYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Very Light and All Good Kinds Higher Sheep Active and Firm. . HOGS STEADY TO TEN UP Omaha, November 7, 1916 Wfl-l.'Tunnilav t.OHO 7.437 !.!! Eatlmata Tueaday 1,700 MOO 12.600 30.B20 41.2C4 67.7S1 6.H1 73,675 40.844 Two daya thla week.11.760 13.737 8ama daya laat week. .37.577 1,! Same daya I wka ao..27.U 12.752 Bame daya I wka ao..3,l0 -( 7.M9 Same daya 4 wka. eo..3,84 J.M1 . - .... p B0.57S 9.332 Reeelpta and disposition oi live atock at the Union stork yarda. Omaha, the Onion stoek yarda, Omaha. lor twenty four houra ending at 3. p. m.. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Shp. HT'a. C. at. St. P J 1 Wahash 2 . . . viMAurl Paclfte 13 1 Union Pacific ' C. N. W., eaat 1 C. N. W.. weat 11 C. St. P.. M. 4 0 3 C. B. Q.. eaat C, B. Q . eaat I C, B. at Q.. weat 60 C. R. I. P., eaat .... 4 C, R. I. P.. weat ... 3 llllnola Central 1 10 19 I I 2 12 4 1 20 Total reeelpta lit 37 43 DISPOSITION H EA D. Caltle. Hon. Sheep 307 1.624 4imi 687 1.217 1,333 934 1.636 1,389 367 1,336 1,015 Morris Co. Swift 4V Co Cudahy Packing Co. ... Armour 4- Co Schwarta ft Co. J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing- Co. ... 8. Omaha Pack, Co. .,. Hurnger ft Oliver Benton, Vanaant ft Luah F. B. Lowla J. B. Root ft Co. ..... Rooenatoek Broe. P. O. Kellogg Warthelmer ft Degen Sullivan Broe Rothachlld ft Kreba .. llo. ft Kan. Calf Co. ... Chrlatla Hlgglne Huffman Heyera Olaaeberc ...... Baker Banner Broe. John Harvey Peanta ft Francla Jenaon ft Loungren .... Other buyara 161 491 136 14 101 il II 16 76 I I , 1 10 14 17 70 43 . II 111 .;:: 1,191 Touts ..MM MM 14.064 rUlmcd that Bomt of the ws at $7.00 would figure riv?,"'" than yentrday. Thrne decke of n-iuurut fM yearling topped the rtfty' trud.?. hnrmlnK while othr ao)d it hi Kit na js. r.0. On 1 1-' ban. of t ve nalfn chni? h inly wt ijrlu yoarllnm mifrht to bring $8.75 rnMly onuuith. Small bunch of wether oqualed yesterday's top of I8.2&. Feedra madr up a rattier large proton ion of tha total n-c-lpt, than on moat reefnt daya, but demand wall good, and aa moat of the supply waa of a desirable aort nearly ev erything aold early, at good firm figure, bent here reaching 19. H. Keedlnf ewea wcr about iteady, a good kind bringing 1 5. I0 W lu.75. The breeding ewe aejtion la drawing near the close, but dema nd la at 111 good, while auppllen are very light and- buyara are complaining of IrfabiU';- to fill ordera. Quotation on aheap and lamba: umbi, good to choice, f 10.76& 11.00; Iambi, fair to good. 10.00I0.6t; lamba, fefdera, t.7& tt9.HI: yiiarllnua. good to choice, in.vuw S.7S: yearllntfH. fair to good. $7 004? I.0U ; yearling, feeder. 7.008.0u; wether, fair to choice. n.octjB. jo; ewe, gooa to cnoice, 96,8607.1.'; ewe, fair to good, .867.10; ewea, plait' to culls, 4,005.7&; ewe, feed ing, I4.P04JI6.76; ewea, breeder, all age, 16.00 8.60. itoruaentatlv sale No. , dD Wyoming yenrllnga IU 118 Wyoming feeder ewea 93 600 Wyoming feeder ewea 14 224 Idaho breeding ewe 97 128 breeding ewea........ 9i 29 Wyoming wether Ill 62 Wyoming ewe 96 229 Wyoming feeding ewea JH 202 Wyoming feeding ewea ftV Wt. 47 JtrVomlng feeding lamba. 203 "Vyuming feeding lamba 6t 173 Wyoming feeding lamba.... 45 131 fed yearling 13 174 fed lamba 78 16 fed lamba 71 116 native lambn HI 26 Co lorn do wethera 98 2M Wyoming ewea ..108 212 Colorado lamba 6& 622 Wyoming feeding taniha.,,.. 83 lb native lamb 78 Pr. $8 60 8 60 6 75 7 26 6 00 8 2ft 7 00 8 20 S 60 86 I 86 9 36 X 40 10 90 10 00 10 66 8 00 7 00 10 16 40 11 00 nri, box, 85.26: 150. box. 85.60; 178a. 2Sfta. box, 15.76: 200a, 21G. 260a, box 90.00. Lemon; Fancy, box, 97.00; choice, box, $6.50. Crapefrult: Florida 30. 46 box, $.60; Florida 45a, box, $8.00; Florida 64a. mm, box, $U.26; Apple: York Imp. Va., bbl. $l.50; Hen !avia bbl., $3.60; wlna sape. bbl., 94.00; Jonathan, box, 1.66; Jon athana Iriia and larger, box. $1.76. Grape: Tokay:, crate $2.25; Kmpefora' crate, $2.50; Kmperofs' keg, $4.60; Malagas, ex tra choice, keg, $6.00; Malaga, fancy, keg, $7.00; Halagua extra fancy. keg. $8.00. Peart: Uurtltta. crate, $3.00; Keif era, bu , $1.35. Vegetables Potatoes: Market price. Sweet potatoes: Virginia, bbl., $4.26; hamp er, $1.76. Honey; Han, ca.. $3.76. Cranber rlea: bbl., $8.60; boxes, $3.69 Veg.-tables: Onion cfate, $2.00; red or yellow, lb., 3c; tomatoes, lug., $2.00; cuke do., tl.75; cabbage, lb., J He; rutabagoea lb., 2c; celery, Michigan, doz., 40c f Colorado doe., 90c. Miscellaneous Peanuts, No. 1 raw, lb. 8n; roast., lb., 8c; Jumbo, raw, lb., Ac; Jum $3.76; figs, case, $1.00; No. 1 English wal bo, roaated, lb. 10c; Urom. dates, case, nut, lb., ISfcc Omahaf Hay Market. Choire upland prajrle hay. $10.BO11.00; No. 1 upland prairie nay, $9.60010.00; No. 2 upland prairie hay, $H.OO&9.00; No. 3 up land hy, $j.00e7.o0. No. 1 midland prairie hay, $9.50410.00; No. 2 midland pralrlu hay, (7.0Os.6O. No. 1 jewland prairie hay, $8. 007.00; No. 2 lowlantl prairie hay, $4.00 6.00; No. 8 lowland prairie hay, $3,000 4.00. Choice alfalfa, $18.00; No. 1 alfalfa. $14.00$ 14.60; standard alfalfa, $12,000 18.00; No. 2 alfalfa, $9,00010.00; No. 8 alfalfa, $8.0009.00. Oat straw. $S.OO0tf.6O; wheat straw, 8&.00&&.60. CHICAOO JJVK MT(K K MARKRT. Cattle. Hcmngt to Ten nt- Higher Ifrtgn, Hheep and I-amh Higher. Chicago, Nov, 7. Cattle (teceipta, 6,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; calves, 36060c higher; native beef, $7.00$ 11.76; western steers, fi.80pl0.00: slockar and feeders, $4,8008.00; cow and helfera, $3.76 09.85; calves. $8.6012.00. Hogs Receipts, 24,000 head; closed 6c higher than yesterday's average; bulk of sale, $8.2009.86; light, lH.7609.80; mixed, $9.2009.96; heavy, $9.2609.96; rough, $9.26 09.40; plga, $6.4008.00. - flheep and Lambs Receipt, 1.000 head; closed 10026c higher; wethers, $7.6008.76; ewes, $4.10f7.66; lamba, $8.60011.16. naMnt Af Mttia wars very light, as was to be expected on an election day. onlr 100 ears being reported In. For th two t)ay receipt amount to only 11,780 . head, being less than half the usual run. Packers all wanted a few killers, and for that reason the marital was cuv, u .r able kinds being; fully 10c higher than yes itK nth Mr arades at least strong. This would apply to cows and heifers, as well as beef steers. Btoekers and feeders were In very light supply and firm. uuoiaiiona on wiw. beeves, $10.t0O11.10i fair to good beeves. ft main AA. AOMmnil I A fa.p tMeVeS. S6.60O 8.60; fanor heavy rawer, $8.7609.71; good to choice grass beeves. $7.6008.15; fair to good graaa beeves, $8.7607.60; common to fair grass beeves, $8.08.76; good to hlM helfera. 88.76(97.16; good to choice eows. $6 UO 76; lair to good a i. flAnmnn ta fair cows. 14. 00O6.60; ' good to Choice feeders, $7.3608.00; fair to good feeders, $8.36 07.18, common to fair feeders, is. .o?ro.; iw v".:"7, atjoa An- itnck helfera. 86.2608.761 stock eows, $4.3608.00: stock calves, $8 00 Ml AO: vsal calves. I8.00OK.0O. M8 BUH. tags.. Sto t.2606.l6. WR8TERN8 & B. Howell Co. Wyoming. v. A Pr No. AV. Pr. 8 steers.. 17 35 T steers. .litl 7 10 12 cows. . .1070 180 17 steers.. 994 8 80 Mrs. J. B. Kendrlck Wyoming. tsrs..l35B 1 30 6steers.,1221 7 28 John Morttnson Idaho. ' 14 steers., 864 I 00 S3 steers. .1025 $ 75 D. Hanna Nebraska. tata a HA tlrnwi... til I 00 Hunter C. wyominsj. 50 feeders. 991 66 $8 steers. . UT W. L. DlcWnion--VVyomlng. 30 steers.. 1188 I 00 II. Kendrlck Wyoming. 0iteer..1148 1 60 I steers. ,1303 I 50 UUh Construction Co. Nevada. 1)0 steers. 1005 T 55 74ateers.. 971 70 Edward Merrlman Wyoming. It feeders. 89$ T 00 18 feeders. 941 I $8 O 4 Bar Ranch Co. Wyoming. 58 feeders. 104 T 86 21 ateers. 101 T 15 O'Nsll Bros, Nevada. Meows. ..1001 60 16tera. .1044 V 10 Rhode 8 (earns Wyoming. It-feeders. 911 116 10 steers, .UU TIB W. D. Rusher Wyoming. $1 feeders. 785 1 36 , 4 steers. .1151 T 75 P. H. Bros. Colorado, 41 steers.. U41 1 76 8 feeders, 135 140 WYOMING. , 10 steers., 138 4 60 6 steers. .1398 100 9 calves.. 17T 16 31 feeders. 1016 I 10 OREGON. ' 15 steers. .1274 106 14 cows. . .10 4 40 15 steers. .1194 1 06 48 steers.. 1097 1 '46 NEBRASKA, 'it tkAm '. lit 8 65 17 Steers.. 1102 4 86 Toowa... tit 1 75 8 cow.,. 1061 4 25 8 eows... 101 4 60 Hogs The market averaged about 5c higher again thla morning, prices ranging all the way from little better than steady arly to as much as 6010c higher at the best time. Shippers' orders were not overlv nrML and as early Darker bids showed little or no advance, order buyers were able to put up their droves at figures that were ' ' steady to In no oase more than 6o higher. The top showed no advance, landing at 19.76 gain ivurj. ( Outside of a few of the very first Rales . which were possibly no more than steady to strong, the packer market was largely 6i higher, and at one time hogs of desirable weights sold 60 100 higher. The extreme Jtlraa ntlaTht Hot haVS bOOH OUltO OS high as the best time, but It was fully as good as th average on everything egoept possibly . sumo or th lights, ugnt nogs see men ie or, if nvthlne?. a llttll more plentiful than yea- vterday and while a good many of them sold ' as much as 5o higher, they are not so badly wanted as tho heavier and a a general thing are not moving up as rapidly as the weightier offerings. go rar tnia wees; prices nave mww up generally 10c, The top la no higher than It vu at laat week's close, but there Is a good sprinkling selling right up to the high nridft- while on Saturday there was a 30a t spread between top and the high end of the hulk, id os l of tooay sates tanaea ai OI.4S. No, Av, Bh. Pr No. Av. 48. .161 ... $ 25 89. .166 44. .291 120 t 44 59. .334 16. .392 ... t 4714 43,. 294 12.. 241 - 14 t 65 74. .835 69. .396 124 t 40 57. .271 45.. 431 ... 4 75 PIGS. I 00 29.. 184 86 Kansas City Mrs Htork Market, Kansas City, Nov. 1, Cattle Hocelpta, 8,000 head; market higher; prima fed steers, 89.76011.26; dressed beef steers, 87.60W9.50-; western steers, $6.7609.36; cows. $4,600 7.60; heifers, $5.6009.60; stock era and feed ers, $6.6008.00; bulls, $6.0004.40; calves, $4.50011.00. Ho go Receipts, 7,000t head; market higher; bulk of sales. $9.4009.70; heavy, $9.6609.76; packers and butchers, $9,400 9.70; light, $9.2009.66; pig. $7.7609.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,200 head; market steady; lamb, $10.60011.06; year lings, $7.7608,76; wethers, $7.2608.26; awes, $6.7507.60, St, Louis Live stock Market. St, 'Louis, Nov. 7. Cattle Receipts, 4,200 hesd; market higher; native beef steers. I7.UOH.60; yearling steers and heifers, $8.60011.18; cows, $fi.604$7.76; atockera and feeders, $6.3007.60; Texas quarantine steers, $6.6008.00; prime southern steers, $8,000 9,00; cow and helfera, $4.6007,60; prime yearlings steers and helfera, $7.6009.00; da tive calves, $6.00010.76. Hogs Receipts, 700 head; market higher: lights. $9.2609.66; pigs, $7,1509.00; mixed and butchers, $9.2509.96; good heavy, $9.96 0 10.00; bulk of sales. $9.2009.90. lit Joseph Live Stock Market. . St. Joseph, Mo Nov. 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,200 head; market lO016o higher; steers, $8.60010.60; eows and helfera, $4.26 010.00; calves, $6.00010.60. Hogs Receipts, 1,100 head; market open ing 10016c higher; top, $9.76; bulk of sales, $9,3804.70, I Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 head; market 10c higher; "iambs, $10.60011.26; awes, $6.7507.60. ; ' OMAHA OKNEKAL MARKET. Butter No. 1 creamery. In cartona or tubs. 37o; No. 3, lhc Cheese quotations by Urlau ft Co. J ' Cheeae Imported Swiss, 40c; domestic Swiss, 40c; block Swiss, 82a; twin cheese, 34c; triplets, 34c; daisies, 24c; young America, 34c; Blue Label brick, 16o; lim berger, 86c; New York white, 24c; Roque fort, 66c Oysters "King Cole" Chesapeake Stand ards, gallon. 21.45; large cans, 33c; atnall cans; 28o, "King Cole" Chesapeake Be-' : teats, gallon, $1.75; large cane, lie; email cans, 26c "King Cole" Northern Mdanards, gallon, $1.66; large cans, 38c; small can, S6a. "King ,Cole" Northern Selects, gallon, $1.90; large cans, 48c; small cans. 38c. "King Cole" Northern Counts, gallon, 11.15; large cans, 4 Bo; small cans, SO, Celery Mammoth, per dosen, 78c. ' Fish Halibut, per lb., 160, Pike, fancy dressed northern stock, per lb., UHo. Bull. heads, fancy northern, per lo ifro, Pick erel, fancy dressed, per lb., 12c. Catfish, arse and email, per lb.. 17c. Salmon, red. per lb.. 14c. Salmon, fall, per lb., llo. White- fish, northern stock, per lb., 16o. Trout, slaea to suit, per lb., 18c. Block Bass, or der site, 22c; odd slaea, 17o, New frosen Whltoflsh. fine stock, 13c. Headless Shrimp, oer gallon. $1.36, Pteled Shrimp, per sal- Ion, $1.16. Kippered Salmon, 10-lb. baskets per lb,, i7o. smoked wniterish (chubs) 10- lb. baskets, per lb., 14 Ho. Hens. 4 lbs, and up. 15U; under. IStte: iprinKB, mo; roosters, u o; geee, iui ucks, 12c; turkeys, n 0 18c; capons. 24c Guineas, each 36c; Guineas,' each, 80c. squabs, Homers, per dosen, $3.5004.00; pig eons, par dosen, 76, Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by aiimsky fruit uo. Fruit Oranges: 99s, 100s, SZP hog, 14.50; Liverpool iraln Market. Liverpool, Nov, 7. Wheat Spot, firm; 1 northern No. 2, No. .2 hard winter, lfis 6d; No, Duluth, Us tf1: No. 1 Manitoba, n 16s 10d; No, 3, Us 9d. Corn Spot, firm ; American new, l?s. Cotton Market. Liverpool, Nov. 7. Cotton 8pot, In fair demand ; prices higher; good middling. 11.4ic; middling, 11.22c; low middling, 11.18c; sales, 8.000 bales, Including 6,000 American. f Actor Victim of Realism. Playing the "bum" has become second nature to H. II. Tingle, a film actor, at one time well-to-do, according to a story he told Police Judge Cheaebro. Tingle was arrested on a charge of keeping late and unusual hours, a form of vagrancy. Tingle declared that since he played the part of a vagrant in "Humanity," he haa felt a strange desire to live the life a desire so all-compelling that ha hae ac tually lived It, frequently low dives and the habitats of denizens of the underworld. Judge Cheaebro aald Tingle's story Inter ested him strangely, and, if true, would win probation for the actor, Los Angeles Times. Perslttencs Advertising. Is the Cardinal Virtue In American Girl Gets Serbian War Medal Correapondence of the Aeeoclated Preaa.) Athens, Oct. 16. Miss Marcelle Reed of La Grange, Ore., who for two years has been caring for desti tute Serbian orphans, has received from King Peter of Serbia the order of the Milosrche in recognition of her work. For the last three, months, during the absence of Madame Dora Drouitch, the head ot tne n. r. rrom ingham institute, assisted by Miss Emily Simmons of New York, Miss Reed finally broke down under the long strain and has returned to the United States for a rest. Mrs. Charles H. Farnam of New York has just inspected the Frotbing ham institute on behalf of various American Serbian relief organizations. She has left Athens tor !aloniki, where she will continue her work of studying the needs of the Serbian refugees and the civil population of Serbia with a view to securing more unity in the American relief work. Minister of Public Instruction Da vidovitch of Serbia expressed to The Associated Press correspondent the hope that more co-ordination could be secured in the organization of Ameri can Serbian relief work to spare waste effort and duplication. It is wonderful what the people of the United States have done and are doing to help distressed Serbia," he said. "No one can have any idea how much it means to us. Without the help of the Americans so many Serbs would die that the Serbian peo ple would be in danger of ceasing to exist. "Most of all we shall need medi cines and clothing. But after these, the simplest and cheapest of food stuffs; wheat, cornmeal, rice, beans and sugar are the essentials. Our people are peasants. They neither know the use nor have acquired the taste for more elaborate things to eat. Last year they received a large quantity of green corn from the United States, but they did not know how to eat it or what to do with it, and this, valuable shipment was wasted Oh that account. "In the matter of clothing the sim plest and warmest garments are best. In the early days of the war we re ceived many boxes from America and England in which kind- ladies had pacekd low-necked, filmy balls gowns. If you could have seen the Serbian peasant women, who needed flannels, clutching,, shining-eyed, these gauzy creations of silk and chiffon, the like of which they had never dreamed ex isted I "The best way of shipment is for a central forwarding committee in New York to accumulate the supplies un til a shipload is gathered. then to hire a vessel and send all the supplies aboard it to Saloniki. There a dis tributing' committee can be charged with seeing that they are placed in the way to do the most good." Germany Does Not Forget Its Poet-Dramatist Correspondence of The Associated Press. Coburg, Germany, Sept. 23. In celebration of the one hundredeth birthday of the famous German poet .iilhnr ntctav Frpvtaff. his drama, 'G'raf Woldemar," was pre sented at the court theater, with his son. Prof. Dr. Kreytag of Munich, .. - I Prof l".-rV- iii lie e ruit. u ...... . -j tag's debui upon the stage. 1 lie per formance was witnessed by the duke and duchess of Coburg, as well as by the leading actors of the theaters at tassel, VViesftaaen ana aieuuinjc". Feel Stnffy? Irritable t Dissatisfied? Tour liver is the cause. Clean out your system with Dr. King's New life Pills. You will feel fine. 26c. All druggists. Adv. Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue lo Advertising. Sh. Pr. ... II vro i 4i no ii ... lit 40 I II I 01 1I..10I 101.160 Sheen Tha killer trade raa aa unltke yes terday'a aa It could be without ahowlng any quotable advance. Monday It required qulia a, etratch of the Imagination to call rat lamba anywhere near generally ateady, but thla morning buyere had changed their tuna, and while yesterday a prlcea were ao. tually higher than Chicago, the market to day opened early at prlcea that were eteady tn, tf anything, stronger. Several bunches landed aa high aa 111.00. It being the eighth eoneecutlve market day that that price haa been top, while bulk or the offerings sold upwards from 110.60,-wlth good weighty fed lamba aa nigh aa uia eneen were called generally ateady, though buyara DIXIE FLYER Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta Lv. Chicago 10:25 p. m. Ar. Jadnvilla 7:25 a. m, (2nd day) x iTake a sightseeing trip through the sunny south on your way to Florida. See the battlefieldLfegion and the Tennessee mountains. The Dixie Pvoute it shortest and most scenic way via ' Cm & la (Chieafo A Eaifera Illinois Railroad) . To Florida Improved equipment Observation sleepers, ConifMrimeni cars and Diners, s, Drawing-room Dixie Limited will be in ictvicc on and after January (th, (faving Chicago at 11:30 a. m. and arriving Jaduonvillc at 7:30 p. m. ne day. LI in imp you plan your rianaa inp. um jam nou m jra- J. r. GOV AN, Gtatrai Kgt 108 Wait Adaaa i : Chicago, Ob o The Telephone Smile or the Telephone Scowl Did you ever say, after com pleting a telephone conyersation, "I'll bet that man is a regular grouch, " or, "I'll never buy an other thing at that store." Why did you make such a re mark? It was probably because the party on the other end of the telephone wire failed to use tele phone courtesy. ' Here is the proper way to begin and end a telephone conyer- sation: The telephone bell rings, and the person answering says: "Mor ton & Company, Mr. Baker speaking." The person calling then says: "This is Mr. Wood of Curtis A Oompany." Mr. Baker re-, plies: "Good morning, Mr. Wood," and the conversation has started without a series of unnecessary questions. f . The business is, transacted. Mr. Wood says, "Good-bye, Mr. Baker," and he reoeives the reply, "Good-bye, Mr. Wood," and the conversation ends without the feeling that ono or the other has been cut off abruptly. You do not ooewl at a friond jrou itwat tHf th atroat; you amllo. Why havo a wwwl In yaur valaa whon you talk ovtr tho tolophortof NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY ST gtfr .... - Ml CI SEQUOYAH OIL & REFINING UP TO $1.75 W prdlsttj thrfadvnc from oar in lid informattio of rapid development in thi company'! oil propertlee. We have Important bow taformation that warrant t to aJiRouneo ANOTHER BIG ) ADVANCE DUE Ow client made moner on tho Laat ad vsuMo Lot tell you why jom can poet to make money on tltii now advance, which wo look for. Send for private re port and other information. ; E. A. FECSCJ& CO. Brokers Soil. , tag S. U SalU St Caicaga. Mabtaining its supremacy in all features that conduce to more efficient service and greater conlfort for its patrons, the "Milwaukee Road' has during the past three years, spent several million dollars in re habilitating its line between Omaha and Chicago. The heaviest steel rails have been used in double-trackings the line, curves have been straightened, grades reduced, automatic block signals installed, distances shortened and today the "Milwaukee " is the Premier andthe shortest route between Omaha and Chicago. Three trains daily leave Omaha and arrive Chicago at hours to suit your convenience. ' Tklttb anJlle&nl cat mmathnt art ' 111? Farnam Street Omaha EUGKNE DUVAL, Geeanl Aft Z s E . . r1- - We4 aa WW - a 4 J I Lf f . M . r 1 L a . 11 am JLi aw aV V Im 1 WjlL!&ma33 v VIA THE TJhe- SHORT LINE 1 is ImTS Z-W-i-p r.l?:: Take the Family to California this winter lou'll be surprised howjittle it costs to spend an entire winter on the Pacifier Coast rents are reasonable and food supplies cost even less than at home; furnished bungalows rent for as low as $16.00 a month, public markets supply green vegetables, sea foods, poultry and eggs a pleasing change from the usual winter menu. And you can be outdoors every day, automobiling, surf bathing, fishing, mountain climbing or just resting-can you imagine a more profitable winter vacation? Union Pacific System will make your trip to California as pleasant as your sojourn there less than three days on the way, each full of interest and far too short. Begin planning now for this California winter va- cation by applying for literature and information about fares, routes, etc. to ' ' i ! L. BEINDORFF, City PaMenjrer Ajrent j " A 1S24 Farnam Stmt, Omaha, Nab. Phone) DougUa 4000 a' 8b fix