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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1916 11 : 0 V FOR RENT HOUSES South. IVE-ROOM holme, nil modern except heat. 884 S. 2sth. Harney 2891. MODERN cottage, five roemi. large cement Daeement, 1041 a. U4th St. 1818 I' ARK aVE '-r. mod. brick. Miscellaneous, WE HAVK WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. -R. 8491 Maple 8t I . .. 8401 Parker St 10.00 4-R. 1816 Carter Lake Blvd 14.00 7-K. 8018 No 42d St 18.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. l-R. 8904 Saratoga St ItO.OO 6-R 2818 No. tlth St. (for col ored) 18.00 l-R. 2231 So. 8th St 14 00 STRICTLT MODERN. B.R. 2720 Corby St 180.00 l-R. 3607 No. 80th St 2. 00 6-R 1S02 No 4Sth St 17.80 6-R. 4336 Franklin St 10.00 l-R. 8918 No. 10th (with garage).. 81.60 6- R. (112 Farnam St St. 06 T-R. 978 No. 27th Ave 16.00 T-R 8906 No. 18th St 80 00 7- R. 4110 No. !0th St 87.60 6-R 3801 No 17th St 10.00 6-R 1717 Park Ave., (choice brick dwelling- newly decorated Inside and out) , M.M .R 2008 Dewey Ave. (good brio dwelling: very close In) 46.00 FLATS. f.R. 201 So. 30th St. (strictly modern flat, with hardwood fin ish and built-in ' uffet) (86.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE PRINTED LIST BEFORE RENT INO. PORTER 6HOTWEIX. 808 So. 17th St. Pout, 6016. 16.001109 S. 28th St., 4 rooms, sub-base-ment. gas and water. 610.60 2712 Shirley St., 6 rooms, water and gas; good for the money. $20.00 1734-36 S. 27th St., St. Louis flat; your choice of 1st floor or upstairs apt., modern: reasonable rent: close to car. 126.00 Heated 1712 Burt St., id floor apartment, 8 rooms and bath; modern. 840.00 2103 Lothrop St., 6 rooms, mod., hot water heat; sun porch and sleeping porch; good neighborhood and good house. D. V. SHOLES CO., IIS City , Nat. Bank Bldg. Dougr, 66. 1408 N. 24TH ST., 6 rooms, strictly modern; easily heated; 827.60. 1R4S Reward St.. 6 rooms;1 bungalow. 8623 Cass St., 10 roomB; arranged for roomers or two families. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Xyler 1636. 836 Rose Bldg. The Bee carried 47,640 MORE PAID Want Ads first 10 months of 1016 than same period 1816. Thl. flaure EXCEEDS THE COM BINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVES 80,000 rAll sin, Reason; Better Results. Bsttsr Ratal. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH. SONS 4k CO. 101 BEE BLPO DOUO FOR RENT Ap't and Flats West JTOR RENT Dundee five-room apartment. for 166.00. W. L. SELBT SONS. DOUOLAB 1610. ST. CLARE. I and 4-r. apts., 14th and Harney. Her. nor 447. ; North. RENT CUT TO 116. 1110 N. 22d 6-r. flat, ateel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, water paid, IIP. RASP BROS. Douglas 1663. ttrtRT modern, un-to-date brick flat in city. Hot water heat 8621 uass an. u. ei. Barney 1803. South. l.nnnu almost new. modern flat, 2712 Jackson St. Telephone Walnut 1084 or Douglas 1866. 4.RM. flat; modern except heat; aouth front first floor. 2618 Marcy. SIS. 4-RM. Apt. In Sterling; no car fare. First Trust uompany. u. im. Miscellaneous PAYNE & SLATER CO., "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN" APARTMENTS irwm PATtT.Tl.E 826 South ISth St. rooms and tils bath, exceptionally larga living room, fine front Borah. Here you have no ear faro. IIS summer: 141.10 winter. TOTftTLAND ANNEX Park - Ave, ... --Leavenworth. Brand now, I rooms , and delightful sun room) now wall paper, new gas stovo and rsfrlfsra - tor; everything fresh and elean. 166 heat and water furnished. PAYNE SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat Bldg. 126.60 111 I. SOth St., l-r., flat, all modern. 17.601617 Clara: Bt, s-r. iiai. taa no eta r. Ilth St. l-r. flat. 117 60 8638 Davenport ft, l-r., all mod. 831.00618 S. Ilth It, ,6-r., all modern bungalow, H. A. WOLF, 14 Ware Block. Douglas 8068. MOST modern up-to-date brick flat In city; hot water haatl walking distance, u. oou. H. 1808. 8-ROOM flat for rent IIS per month; oloas In. Phone Doug. 161. FOR RENT Buiines Pr'p' ir Stores- TWO modern stores nsar Postoffloe. Low rent O. P. ItebMns, nil Chloago. STORE room, 1111 Cuming St Phone ater 3866. Offices and Desk Room. desirable atudlo location In Wead bldg 16tb and Farnam, and in Baldrlge bldg. lots ana rarnam; rental roasonaoio. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. DESIRABLE office rooms In tho remodeled Crounse block. 118 N. 16th St., (opposlts postofflce), 110 to 116 per month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater. Doug. 167L CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas McCague inv Co. Miscellaneous, BUILDING FOR LEASE. Desirable corner oentrallr located, anlt able for semi-retail and wholesale llnee; about 100 feet good modern ahow win dows; about 16,000 sq. ft floor space! steam heat, electric light GEORGE & COMPANY, fhone p. 763. 02 City Nat. Bank B1d WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Housci and Flats. HAVE parties wanting to rant flva, als and ltht room houses in tbj Weit Farnam, Dundee and Field club districts of the lty. Want good housss In good neighborhood-. Write at once and secure good isn.nti. Want to hear from owners oniy, No agents. Add rein Box . Omaha Bss. WE HAVE customer lor a 6 or rm, house or bungalow; not tar from nign senooi, What have you? CALL UB UP. HURRT. INTKR-BTATB RBALTT 929-80 City Nail. 1 CO., , 1882. WANTED Haling on cottages or houses ts rent or soil on soar Daymen uavs out tomers walUag, .nquirs 41 1 Ktrbacb Block. Douglas 97. UALLAOHER A NKL8CN will Bids k alter your rent nig. 4i Brajidelf Doug 1XHI Furnished Houses, Flats. FURNISHED rooming house or hotel small town. All particulate In first letter. Hurry I A. R. Turnee. 21 OA Douglas SL REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West BEAUTIFUL HOME. We nave far sale on very easy terms Splendid reeldeaee at 116 N. ISd St This house haa elsht rooms, all in flno eon. dltlon. The lot te 60H43. V la la a very desirable nelsnborhood and tbo price sertatnly low. ALFRED THOMAS, 808 First National Bank Bids. WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE x $5,000 Thlr ts a good 1-story frame house with t rooms, strictly modern and In Rood con dition, one-half block of the Farnsm car tins and close to the Blackstone hotel, GEORGE & COMPANY 902 City National Bank Bids. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WKST FARNAM DISTRICT 8 -room, I baths, nearly new; bis" discount, only 15,160 See It. Ill N. lath Av.. 1(11 LINCOLN BLVD ll-room trlotly modern, with hot water Beat, Dousiaa lilt North. 2418 Larimore Ave. $150 Cash Price $2250 A fins I -room home, full cemented basement ; bath and toilet ; just newly painted and papered. Call Tyler 69 and aik for Mr. Olenitis. HASTINGS & HAYDEN 1114 Harney St. NEW BUNGALOW. A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It Is finished tn oak. up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fix ture,; full basement, large attic. Located t 1923 North 26th St. Pries, $3,160; easy terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 490 Bee Building. Phone Doug. 4270. NEW BUNGALOW, 11, HO. Just west of Port Omaha, 4 rooms and bath, electric light, fine well with pump, good cellar, cement walks, chicken house and close to school. $150 cash, balance on your own terms. This la a bargain and beats paying rent. P. J. TEBBENS, f)B Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone P. 3188. AN ESTATE orders one remaining property closed out. A 6-r. house, business lot. Military Ave., only 11,260. A great bar gain. OEUK(JH) O. WALLACE, 614 Keellne Bldg. KOUNTZIS PLACE rertrloted district resi dence for sale F v Knleat. 6616 w. Ilia. FOR SALS 8 acres Improved. Col. 1646 South. WELL LOCATED IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Just finished and up to the minute Big room bungalow; large living room, fire place, beam calling, built-in bookcasss, dining room, built-in buffet, plate rail and paneled walls, kitchen and pantry on first floor, three large bedrooms and bath on second floor; full basement; large -jaet front lot, with shads trses. Ws will be glad to call for you and show you this fin bungalow. SCOTT & HILL CO., N Dpug. loop. Qiouad Floor McCague Bldg. FIVE KUUMb-MfcW All modern in every detail; living and dining room all oak finish, with built-in bookcases; pantry with slaborats cup. boards; Icebox room; full basement with floor drain; shades; tlsctrlo fixtures and screens; all furnished. This Is a real bar gain at $1,760; $&00 cash, balanos on termg to suit. Others ask as muo as 1,260. Let us show you this wash. T RAVER BROS., 70s Omaha Nat. Bk. Evenings Web Doug. 4m in. VERY SPECIAL BARGAIN. $2,100 will buy 66x140 ft., with good house, on 28th, Just off Leavenworth; non resident owner. Easy terms. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1102 FARNAM ST. VI HAVK) XiUTKRB FOR HOURS WORTH THS MONET 1M ALL VARTI OF THE CITY. LIST YOUR PROPBR. TY WITH .US FOR RESULTS, CNHIL'B REAL ESTATE A INS. AOCY., Brandels Tbester Bldg Trier ills. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW Very easy terms. 1810 I. 86th Ave. Red 1661. Miscellaneous. $260 CASH, $28.60 PER MO., will buy one of the niftiest bungalows m town, 6-r. ana bath; strictly modern; oak finish, with a number of special features; high-grade lighting and plumbing fixtures; full ment basement, furnace; dandy east-front lot; lVt blocks to car. Price only $1,100. Let us ahow you this bargain. RASP BROlV, Douglas 1663. INVESTMENTS, ( IN8URANCT $40 Is- esms on pries. 11,109, -Mine i nouses, rooms saoh nsar high school and Crelghton college. Also I and t-roous bungalows, UOO down, and twt I rooms, fit down, balance monthly. CHAS. B. WILLIAMSON CO. WE have clients with cash who are looking for good, first-class, close-in investment property. HIATT COMPANY, 84B-T-S Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. Tyler 10. NEW bungalow also l-i. and gardening; your terms and pries; inv. witn moo, rent. I houses (flat cost 13.500). la. 600. D. HIT. FIVE rooms, nsw, oak finish, ' fully "deco- rated, all modern, etc., U,7io; saoo oasa, balance monthly, Colfax MIS. REAL ESTATE-Unimproved West. CARPENTERS and builders, call to see us this week, we have soma special bar gains in soms low-priced tots, where you may build small modern nomss. rnsy have alt street Improvements: are close-in, near car Una and art selling for about 9400. SHULER A CART, 104 Keellne Bldg, Phone P. 6074. North. APTER looking at MINNE LUSA, 300 dif ferent buyers deemed tnat it was tne oesi proposition on the market and they hacked their judgment by buying lots. IF TOU will oome out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 187. 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WaverXt PARK. On of the choice lots In the addition slse, 4xlI6; sast front, and on the oar Una. Pries. $760. Tsrma $10 cash and $7.60 per month, C. A O RIM MEL. S4t Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Phono D. Ills. OWNER must sea east front lot on fonta nel. Blvd., In Clatrmont Will Mil at tacrine prlos U taksn at onos. Call Douglas 17 SI South. ACRE! SOUTH. Imnroved and unimproved In eat ten-acrs tracts, on or near Bsllsvut oar Una, Best of school facilities. C R. COMBS, 1'hono Doug. lilt. KOI Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. A PINE plaoa for chicken raising, garden. Ing or fruit trses and berry bushes; 1 good lots; ons block from car line and close to sobool. Pries, 7lo; 1 down and too per week on each lot Boi 7D4T, REAL ESTATE Suburban Benaon. STAR'S YOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUY THIS LOT. 110.00 down snd 110,00 per month; pries 12(10 M; slse 60xl!s ; located on Locust St,, between Clark and Burnham, not far from school and oar Una, Oso. R Wright. Rea office. Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE. We have Just listed a 7 -room, brand new home In Dundee, Well located, with in one-half block of both street car lines Living room running fu 1,- length of the houss with built-in fireplace and book cases. Dining room has built-in bookcases and plate rail. Has one of tho nicest but ler's pantries that you ever looked at. Nice kitchen with one-pleee sink. Three bedrooms snd combination bedroom and sun room on second door. Bath room has tile floor, also bath Is a bass tub. Tha floors of ths entire house are genuine oak. Finish downstairs Is oak and white enamel upstairs. Qood floored attlo on third floor, Full cement basement. A good furnace. On paved street, paving all paid. Owner has reduced the price of this prop erty 11,000 within the last ten days. Shown only on appointment. PAYNE INVBSTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D 1TI1. DUNDEE. 601 Cuming St. Strictly modern, nsw, 1-r, house, hard wood finish, extra weli built and right -up to ths minute, ready ts occupy. Pries IS, 400. Easy terms. S. P. B08TWICK 4k 100 Bee Bldg, SON, Tyler im. South Side. fc.ROOM residence, South Stds. fl.ftOO; Si cash, balance lib per mot tb Dou sill Florcnce. NR THA WAY has I, 4. ' 2o snd IsR-aer linpr. trauts tui elty property, Fie. 331, REAL ESTATE Suburban Miscellaneous. S ACRES, s-room house, barn $ 3.600 120 acres, 12 miles of P. O It. 100 JOHN N. FRKNZKR Doug. 4. TW6"XCRBC bearing 'fruit trees and 6 room modern house for sale cheap, In Omaha. Watts, 611 Paxton Block. REAL ESTATE- Investment FARNAM STREET 13-ft corner, Farnam and ltd, $250 a front foot. Ws do not know of anything on the street as good for the money. Have client who would taks a long lease on a building on this ground at a fair rental. Thla kind of property Is scarce and very little of It on the market. Buy. Improve and Isase this and you are assured a steady Income and, with the growth of the city, a very substantial increase. HARRISON & MORTON, SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKBT & SON, Phone Dour. 608. 1607-8 W. O. W. Bile FOR BALE. Double brick Bt. Louie flat, within fear blocks of letb and Haruoy; oloae In; bar vain price. v CALKINS CO.. Doutlas 1811. City National Bank. 'Decrease. WB have clients with cash who are looking for good, flrst-claBs, close-in investment property, HI ATT COMPANY, J4S-7J-9 Omaha Nat. JWiJBIdr Tyler IP. IO0(h--Br.rk "flat, near 30th and Farnam; rented at ffiw a month. OLOVER A SPAIN. Douglas 3962. 91. 20 City National. REAL KSTATB. WU. COLFAX, fit, Kvsllns Bldg Doug. IITt. REAL ESTATE BW Pr'pty DOWNTOWN LOTS. 44x66 feet, 19th and Burt Hta., $2,200. 40x feet, with half Interest In It foot driveway, near SOth and Farnam Bts $1,000. J. H. Dumont ., 416-18 Kee llne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. INCOME property near Ford plant. Owner, Harney $164. 19th Bt. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate. Lands. Etc. 840-ACRE Improved land, Kimball Co., Neb. 12 r- near Kimball: no sand: want hard ware or general store ; also have good hardware at Hamlin, la., for sals lor hub. R. Hansen, Hamlin, la. HAVE two no-acre farms and one SO-acre farm eastern Nebraska, to trade for oity property. ARCHER REALTY CO., S0 Brandels Bldg. Ranch special city property. t, sell or trade ranches fer E. Franta, 76 Brandels Bldg. TRADES-f-TRADICS TRADES. Farms. Cattle. Ranches, New Apart ments, FlaU, etc. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. FIRST-CLASS west Iowa farm to deal for Nebraska or Colorado tana. THOMAS CAMPBELL, KEELLNE BLDO. A 12-ROOM rooming house for sale or sx change for equity in lots or house and lot, or good car; good location. Jau ioug las 66, after $ P. m. WE have soms good homes and rental prop erties for Nb. or la. land. uawara . Williams Co., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. GOOD lot, desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment. Webster 4Z4I. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 6 and 6-roomed houses that can be sold lor live casn; Daianee ,id per month; give complete description ftrst letter. W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1880 Farnam. Tel. Poug. 1064. NOTICE. 1 have good Income propertr renting for 61 per month; mortgego, 18,600. Price, 17,600. Want land or acreage. W. S. FRANK, 101 Neville Block. WB have buyers for your property. INTSR-BTATH nJUALTT CO.. 128-80 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 1662. FOR SALES F. D. Wead, 810 8. 16th St. FINANCIAL Real Bttatc, Loam, Mortgage!. CITT and farm loans promptly made. Rates, I, b and I per oent. Reasonaoia com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., II! South lTth, Omaha, Nob. i PER CENT to t per oent on best class) city residences in amounts $2,000 up ; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO,. 1SJ1 Farnam St. $g,000 MORTGAGE, bearing ik Pr cent semlann. ; secured by farm 6 miles from town, valued at raimaage Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W, Bldg. ESTATE loans, per D. HI. BUCK it CO., IIS Omaha Nat, Bank. cent. See NO DELAY, T. GRAHAM, BE8 BLDG. OMAHA homes East Nsbraaka farms. O'KKBFH REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phone Doug. JT1B. FARMand city loans,' and C per cent W. H. Thomas, Kesllns Bldg. Doug.. 1141. 6 MONEY HARRISON MORTON 118 Omaha Nat'l, Bank Bldg. MOKBY to loan on improved farm, and ranches. We also buy good farm raort gagea. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. DON'T PAY IN INSTALLMENT. PAY IN 8, 8, 4 or 6 YEARS. BEST PLAN. SHOPEN ft CO., KBBLINS ULDU. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED. TUOS. L. McOARRT, KBHLINE BLDO, TEL. RED 4844. I PER CENT and I per pent money. Toland tt Trumbull, 448 Bee Bldg. uouglas S707. 160 to 810,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 16th and Farnam 8ts. MONEY on hand for city farm loans. H. W. Binder, National Bank Bldg. i City GARVIN BROS. 146 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. CITY a J. H. fnrm loans, B, BU per cent. Dumont ft Co.. 41 Keellne Bldg. Stocks tnd Bonds. FOR SALE Block treasury stock. Oo'. mine, Leadvllle, Colo. If interested see me for particulars. Address Box 1900, Bee, Abstracts of Title. Kerr Title. Ouarantee and Abstract C SOB S, 17th St. ground floor. Bonded by Mi Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of- flee In Nebraska, soa Branasia Theater. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. 140 H. H. gds total cost, VS. BO, 140 ' Indorsed notes, total coat, $2,60. Smaller, larger am'ts, proportionate rats. ' PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Oraanlsed by Omaha Businees Men. 432 Ross Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. IBB. POULTRY AND PET STOCK DA MAO ED WHEAT, 11.60 t hundred. A. W. Wagner, 101 N. 18th. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTY Heads ths poll for not profits from Its truck farms and citrus fruit groves, and is also elected ths finest climate In the world. JTor particulars and lltsratura ppiy A. PARSON ft SON, Phone Doug, 7i4. 62 Brandelg Bldg, Iowa Lands, 4o""P BR A CR E, 160 acres fourteen mlli from Council Bluffs, adjoins small sta tion and school: main automobile road fair set of improvements; Ideal stock and grain farm; small payment down, balance long time; low rate of interest. J, i Jones, t.a Lafayette Avo. Phone 864H. IOWA1 and Neb. farms, all sizes, wtthln driving dlatitnte of Omahs. W. T, Hmlth Oo 814 Clly Nat'l Bunk Illdg., Om.iha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota, 140-ACRK FARM 46 M.IAE8 .FROM Minneapolis; S mites from two good rail road towns; good set of buildings, conflat ing of T-rooin house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, machine shed, windmill, etc. 160 acres under cultivation; can practi cally all be cultivated: no waste land; excellent earn land; 10 head of cattle, consisting of 12 cows, balance m and two-year-olds, 0 horses, hog", chickens snd complete set of machinery every thing on the placs, Including one-third of this year's crop, goes at ISO per acre; IMOO cash, all the time wanted on bal ance, t per cent Interest, Schwab nros,, 1021 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS 6 iiown, $6 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and prultry la rut near town, Boullurn Mlnnourl Prlt-e only $1100. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cah and 16 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; rloso to 3 big nmrkfts. Write for photographs snd full Informa tion. Munger. A-Ut, N. Y. Life Build Kansas City, Mo. Nebraska Lands. SMOOTH s "near town, Johnson" Co., Neb! Reduced prtre for 10 days; possession given. Easy terms. STEWART, 216 8. 17th. A HIGHLY Improved farm for grain rent, TOLAND & THl'Mm'LTi. Douglas 6107. 44S Hen Bldg- cXn sell or exchange any lands you have to offer, C. J. Canan, McCague Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen eral ' crop atate In the union. Settlera wanted; lands for sale at low prlros on assy terma; excel lent landa for ntark raising. Ask for booklet 35 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant; Htale arroa wanted. If Interested In frutt lands, auk for book let on Apple Orchards, Atldreaa Land Com missioner Soo Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Phone D. 8288. 8041 Farnam Bt. . REBUILT OVERLANDS. (LATE MODELS.) FORDS, TOURING CARS, $175 UP. Also Buleks, BtiulffbRHpr. Hupps and other llaht cars from 61J6 up. Lowest prices In America. Cars demonstrated. List furnished to out-of-town purchas ers. Bend for It j no obligation. Who's sottlni the pare now? In the ilret ten months of 1616 THR BKK rained 47.840 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING the COMBINED OAIN of the other two Omaha paper lor same period by more than 80.000 PAID AD8. Good Results. Oood Rates. Qood Rervtoe. AUTO CLEARING! house 8208 Farnam St. Douglas 8810. 1618 Stearns Knlsht 8. touring 11,600 1814 Hudson Six model 64 1114 Hudson Coupe " HIT Maxwell Tour., brand new ... 640 UTOT INSURANCE " Fire, Theft and Liability at lowest rates. KILLY, ELLIS THOMPSON, 116-14 City Nat. BH. Bldg. Doug. 2416. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES C. W. FRANCIES AUTO CO., Douglas 858. . 2216-18 Farnam St, DON'T throw away old tires. We mnhe one new tiro from two old ones ana onve you 60 per cent. 8-ln-l VuMntilng Co., 1611 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb. Douglas 8914. WE will trade you a new Ford for your Old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 10th and Harney. Douglas 6681. CBOSSTOWN OARAGE. 816 8. 24th Doug. 4442. We buy OLD CAIto. Farts tor Hup 20, Oldsmohlle, Chevrolet, Apperson. FOR SALE Hupmoblle, 88 h. p., 1114; can't keep It over wtnter;,wlll sell at a Bargain, Lau narney ... CORD tires for Fords. 308. 88.66: 80,3V, 111.66. zwlebel Bros. V. 4S7S. 2ftis f-ar nam St. OUR REPAIft WORK WILL SATISFY YOU TELL St BINKLEY, 1818 Rarney St. Doug. 1640 Auto Repairing and Palnting. STROM BERQ SKRVICH STATION. OEORGE W. WILLIAMS, 1500 Jackson SL Carburetors my specialty. Red 414Z. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Maynaorrer, iiw w, isn. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service, a prices right. 218 S. Ilth St D. 7310. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto renal r In k. "servlbe car al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, ilQ Harney Di. jyier one. Hill Ive ft. I char ngi. Tyler m Automobiles for FORD for rent. You may drive ft. I charge by mile. Doug. Evening!, Tyler mstt, Motorcycles and Bicycles. H AR LET - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gains In used machines. Victor Roos, Motorcycle Man," 2703 LeavBnworth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles W. Martin and wife to Ger trude V. Fratt, Mary street, 86.5 feet east of Thirtieth street, south slds, 42x110 160 George N. Rose and wife to Glenn A. BNgnt, tsvana street, nenson, 4B0 feet west of Kennedy, north aids, 168x200 Bankers' Savings and Loan association to Emma Ds vore, Thirty-fourth street, IB feet north of Arbor street. ssst Slds, 49x140 1,600 Gsorgs C, Johnson and wlfs to Helen D. jotinson, jrorty-ntnin avenue, no feet south of Cuming, east aldf , 47x64 1 Margaret E. Angel to Morris Zalt chick, Burdetts strset, 142.4 feet sast of Twenty-seventh strset, south slds, 10x126 -, 1,100 Edward M. Slater and wife to A. L. Slater, Lake street, ISO feet Went of Sherman avenue, south side, 40sl !i 6 Nathan Wilson, referee, to Fred O. Swanson. Leroy avenue, so feet south of Allison, west side, 60xl2N. 160 Elisabeth Kuhlman to Joe MhtruIIb, northeast corner Tenth and Douglas Streets. 66x66., Howard W. Harvey and wife to Mag- dalena Conoannon, southwest corner Twenty-ninth and Charles streets, 61.16x107 F. J, McShane, Jr., sheriff, to Commer cial Savings and Loan association, southwest corner Thirty -second and T streets, 44x74 1,63 Foreign Trade of U.S. Eight Billion Dollars New York, Nov. 7. The foreiei trade of the United States (or th rali.nrlar vrar nf lyio win annroxi mate the sum of $8,000,000,000 or about one-fifth of the entire interna tional trade of the world, according to estimatei made public here today by the foreign trade department of the National City bank. New Citizens Do Not Like Wilson's Writings Lead, S. D., Nov. 7. (Special.)-A strong Hughes sentiment is said to exist here among the large foreign element of the city, attributed to data on hand quoting from President Wilson's "History of the American People," In which the president before entering politics is put down as stat ing that "the foreign population it more to be desired as workingmcn, not as citizens," referring to the Chi nese, the lower classes "from the south of Italy and the meaner soit of Hungary and Poland, where there is neither skill nor energy nor any initia tive or quick intelligence." The foreign-bom population takes exception to any affront to their pride of race and so open a belittlement of their intelligence. CENTENARIANS ' JIRELAND Claim of Largest Number Not Sustained by Comparative Statistics, SWEDEN GIVEN THE LEAD Recently a' correspondent asked a question which predicated as a fact that there were an unusually large umber of very old people more than 100 years old ill Ireland. In replying stated that I did not know of proof that there was an unequal number of centenarians in Ireland, A very cour teous Irish sentleman differed with me, saying there were more centenari ans in Ireland proportionate to popul ation than m any other country in the world, and that the reason was to be found in the simple diet of the old time people and especially in the cus tom of eating bread containing a good deal of bran. .. I promised to investigate for him. As the result of that investigation I ill sure that there are other countries with more centenarians than Ireland holds. The report of the rcmstrnr general of Ireland shows that in 191 1 there were 1,154 people over 95 years of age population of ,.iW,.'4ll. In that year there were neatns, ot which 461 were of people 95 years of age and upwards. Of these 461, 123 were reported as being over 100 years of age. i he report says: Absolute verifica tion of the ages of very old people is not possible, owing to the absence of public records for remote periods, hut on secondary inquiries having been made as regards persons returned during some recent yeari ai centen arians, it was found the age was cor rectly stated in almost every instance, so far as the registrar could ascer tain. The figures quoted above show that about thirty out of each 10,000 of the population are 95 years of age or over and sixteen out of each 10,000 deaths are deaths of centenarians. Some Comparisons. How do these figures compare with other figures? I have not been able to make an absolute companion because of several defects in the statistical data. In addition to the inaccuracies due to faulty registration 100 years ago, there is the trouble whieh comes rom a tendency to lump old people 65 vears and over in one table: 75 years, 85 years and over, and 95 years In still other tanies. ulover s united states census office life tables for ten regis tration states in 1910 shows that for each 10.000 persons born forty become centenarians. This is at the rate of four per 10,000. Of each 1,000 persons HIU years old living at the beginning of a year, 402 would die before the end of the year. But America It a young nation, a ittle over a century old, and, there fore, but few centenariani are to be expected among its people. We ex pect to find a few centenariani per million population in a young country or in a country where the population is Increasing rapidly, in tne united States, as well as we can judge, the population fl increaiing at the rate of about a million a year; the death rate is around 16 and the birth rate around 25.5. The population is nearly 100,- 000,000. The annual increase from ex cess of births over deaths is nearly 750,000. The remainder of the growth is, due to exceii of immigration over emigration. A Land of Elders. In Ireland the birth rate is 23; the death rate Is 16.46; the population is 4,458,000. The excess of births over deaths would indicate an Increase of population of about 29,000 a year. However, we find that the population of Ireland decreased at the rate of 50,000 a year for many years and is now decreasing at the rate of about 25,000 a year. This li due to an excess of emigration over immigration. A low birth rate, a high death rate, a heavy emigration -rate, and a decreas ing population make tor a population In which there is a preponderance of old people as compared with a young country growing in population as is the United states, and quite independ ently of the effect of the foods cus tomarily eaten in the two countries. A fairer comparison, therefore, is he tween Ireland and some of the older countries of Europe. The number ot people over 93 years of age per 1,000,000 Inhabitants in dif ferent countries is as toliows: land and Walei, 13.5; Scotland, 15: Ireland, 21.3; Denmark, 25; Norway, 20; Sweden, 28.5; Finland, 14; Russia, 12.5; Austria, 13.5; Hungary, 11.5; Switserland, 15; Germany, 16.5; Hol land, 18.3; Belgium, 20.5; France, 24; Spain, 14.5; Italy, 17; Bulgaria, 18; Serbia, 11; Australia, 11; Canada, 10; United States, 12. These figures do not Indicate that the Irish people are the longest lived of all peoples. Chemin'i Investigations. . Metchnikoff quotes extensively from Chemln, "who," he says "brousrht together the ancient and new records on the centenarians of all countries up to the end of the nineteenth century." Metchnikoff does not allude to evidence of un usual longevity of the Irish people in found 5,455 centenarians in Servia. Bulgaria and Koutnania, and Orn- atein found 278 persons over 95 years of age among the 0UU,UIM (jreeks Chcinin wrote: Although these fig ures appear to be exaggerated, it la undoubtedly the case that the pure. keen nir of the Balkans and the Dastoral or agricultural life of the natives predisposed to old age." Chcm iu wrote that in the Commune of Sournia and In the Department of the Somme, both in Trance, there is a disproportionate number of very old people. Snudby of England, In his book on old age, makes no reference to cen tenarians In .Ireland. He saya that it is more common in Russia than in other parts of the world for individ uals to exceed a hundred years. He savs that at the celebration of the centenary of the battle of Borodino (1812), eight participants In the bat tie were found to be alive. He re fers to three interesting characters. each well over a hundred, who par ticinated in the Napoleonic wars. Several participants in the Greek war of independence (1825 to 1827), lived to be over lot) yeart ot age. Neighborhood Comparison!. Saundby does not accept the state' ments as to the longevity of the Bulgarians In their entirety. He says: "There arc no means of deter mining with certainty the ase of the people in Bulagria." The opinions of men who have investigated longevity do not sustain the idea that the , Irish are longer lived than any other peo ple. When compared with the people of England, Scotland and Wales, the people of Ireland are long lived, as the figures already quoted indicate. In 1910 sixty-live persons over 100 years of age died in England and Wales. Compare this with the 123 deaths in a year of centenarians in the very much smaller pupulation of of Ireland. Or note this comparison'. In Eng land and Wales, for each 1,000,000 population there were 4.S centenar ians, as compared with 9.1 in Scotland and 110.4 in Ireland. A closer analysis show that, as compared with the Scotch and Eng lish, the Irish baby has a somewhat high death rate. Between infancy and 03 years of age the death ratet are nearly equal, between 65 and 85 the Irishman has a very little advan tage. If the Irishman can get by 85, his chance of reaching 105 is much better than that of the Scotchman or Englishman who is competing for the same goal. Dr, A. W. Evans in St. Louis Globe Democrat. Panama Business Men Buck Pending Law troiTi"M,ohdpr,'e ot The Aorllr,t 1'reM. ) Panama, Oct. 2, The employers' liability law which has passed the Na tional Assembly and is in the hands of the president for signature is being vigorously opposed by local business interests and foreign corporations do ing business in the republic. The lat ter feel that in the event of the act becoming law it will be applied un equally and made a means of holding up the outside corporations. The op position of local interests is based partly on the application of the law to themselves and partly on their gen eral desire to have nothing done to discourage the investment of capital. The most objectionable feature, ac cording to the opposing employers, is the provision of half pay during sick ness incurred while at work. This is believed to be capable of infinite abuse, for the reason that many of the laborers lay off a great deal and lie around their quarters in a condi tion between plain laziness and a sort of sickness which is the result of hookworm and lack of proper nour ishment. About 70 per cent of the people have the hookworm, according to the reports of the Rockefeller foundation and in some districts over half of the people are chronically in fected with malarial fever. Another prime objection to the law lies in the procedure outlined for Us application. This requires that funds be deposited in the national treasury to guarantee the payment of liabilities, or that every employe be insured In an insurance company for the purpose to be organized in Panama. The for eign corporations profess to believe tnat tne lunus tncy put up win lie stolen; and they do not think an in surance company could be handled economically or even safely, so that they would be liable to lose all that they invested with one. The corporations contend that the law, while excellent in many respects, il too far ahead of the economic and sanitary developments of Panama. They claim it has been adopted from laws recently enacted in highly de veloped countries and is not ap plicable to Panama. ' j Germans Make Ghent Flemish University (Corresponclones nt Tho Assoetated Press.) The Hague, Netherlands, Oct. 1. It is reported that the University of Ghent will open late this month or early in November as a Flemish in stitution, in accordance with the ideal of Governor-General von Blissing, notwithstanding the sharp opposition of the Belgium government at Havre. Anonymous circulars are being dis tributed among professori and stu dents calling upon them to boycott ijlient nereattcr, the university au thorities, however, have already se cured fifteen Flemish and twenty-five uutcn nrotessors. most ot tnem ou te unknown men, who have hitherto helk minor positions in the educational realm. A number of distinguished scholars have declined the proferrcd posts, notwithstanding the guarantee of a high pension should they be ousted from their positions after the war. A body calling itself "The Flemish University association and compris ing more than a hundred members, has lust issued a manifesto, sinned hv two parliamentary deputies and others letting forth reasons why the decree of the governor-general in this matter is to be regarded as a lust lega de cree of s competent authority." orais ing those wno nave joined the staff of the university and condemning former professors who have declined to serve. Ibe Belgian government at Havre. names of three Ghent professors from the role ot tne Knights of the Leopold Urier for co-operating in the new scheme, which, in its view, aims at dividing Belgium. The Belgian gov ernment is itself prepared, it is stated, on the conclusion of peace, to lay a inn netorc I'arnamcnt tor the hlem ijhiring of Ghent, having already had such a plan under consideration be fore the outbreak of the war, Trent CfHiith snd Colds at Onoe, Danseroux bronohUl and lung ailments fnllnw nsBlpetri) eoldo taks Dr. Klna's New Discovery, It will ke you well. All drue jfltM. AriverllN'imont. I OMAHA'S LARGEST 1 FIREPROOF STORAGE jj Is the sate place to store your r i Koodi. Omaha Van & Storage Co. i J 806 So. 16th Si. i J Phene Doug. 4163. ltaiiiiiBiiaiiBiiaitaiiaiiBiiiiiiHBfiaiiBii,iaiiiNiii,naiiiiiiitiiaiiai!t Woman Sues Former Husbandfor $5,000 Alleging that her former husband, Fred M. Cute, slandered her, Mrs. Edith B. Clute has tiled suit with the clerk of the district court for $5, 000 damages. JITNEYS TAXI )ter 202 AMI HKMUNT THE B- Delly Marine. T 07 VAUEVnl.E .!, Niri.l. .1:15. i'liie Week 7"- v.taii DALY: HAH. 'Xj HV EMMA SHAH i aiy &: !ma;i; riicin,: K o m - ; rtt 4t W. eltly. A vl'-T: , i0c: i.o t ,eti I A'! 1(00.11 i I c:i !; Orplmim Price,: Ms i. Su.w .yi, t 'S- menu. lOo, 26i:, t,ue dnil li.c. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." Mhu.. i.l-".'S-S0e. lo-'Jo-atwoe. n .. nn.U.4 fn. TEACHERS' CONVENTION WEEK ' nnu Ynivi i-lul C Musicsl Ibll SJ8IIIOW Burl.i lesque Crnry Uebe LsTeur, Lester Allen, Leo Hoyt. Great Ca,t end Bit Beauty Chorus. Twj Rot mplets shows election nils iau ana in Returne read Iron, the stste at both per- (oi'iiir.noeB. (Kins! Pert , nuance r ridsy Nliht) Ladies' Dims Matinea Every Week Day. Mat,.. lSe, 2Sc BoYD SSe to 7 So TONIGHT MATINEE TODAY "A Little Girl in a Big City" Not Moving Picture. uLA.tK MclULLOUGH ALEXANDRIA BURKE BURKE DAVE WOOD'S ANIMAL ACTORS HARRY DAVENPORT, In , "The Heart ol n Fool" HAMILTON THEATRE 40th and Hamilton Presenting the Well Known Triangle Program Tonight Wm. Deimond in "Lieut. Danny. U. S. A." WM. S. HART In t . ' "' ' ; ' The Return of Drew Egan Keystone Comedy. Path. Weekly ssaaaTmeTeaMen HIPP THEATRE Ds Liim Photo Sneetlcll ani Eijd ids Festurins F rsnk Kssntui Markjr WARS WOMEN ' i A Groat Masterpiece Painted With Smiles and Tears. A Heartbeat In Every Scene. Continuous Performance From 11 to 11. Adults, 20ei Children, 10c, M I IC C Horn of Par IfllreSC mount Pictures , SESSUE HAYAKAWA MYRTLE STEDMAN ' "Tha Soul ot Kur.San." i rrKTtf ' . DR. McKENNEY Ssvsi "It's surs st thst you will si. wsys tisvt good h smith if yov hva good sound tssth." Corns In today and htvt ths Me Kcnnsy Dentists sxamlna your tssth and put them in porfset aonditlon. Hssvlsst Brldgo . Bsst Silvsr FUN Work, par tooth, $4.00 Wonder Plates worth in to 2S, $5. $S, $10 Bast I2k Crowns-- $4.00 Wo please yon or refund your money. McKENNEY DENTISTS 14th and Farnam- 1334 Farnam Si. Phona Douglas 2072. THE BEER YOU Utt A glass with , your dinner is ' good for you. Phone Douglas 1889 and have a case sent home. 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