THE , BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1916 i 1 y ,5 r-'. Briej City News PUtlanm Wedding- Rlnga Edholm. Have Root I'rint It Now Beacon Praaa. Ufhtinv Fixtures Burstsa-Qrandeii Co. Elect DlrUlnson district Judge Adv. ' Notice DcnifMTa lh iA m republican nominee for state representative. Vote for me If no one looks better. 8am Hoff,. v , P. VI. Fitoh For district Judge. Advertisement. , , ' How about REDICK for Judge? Vote for Jacob Fawcett for Chief Justice of Nebraska.' The only mem ber of Supreme Court from Douglas County. x George A. Magnej for county atty. Jeff W. Bedford for CO. commUtilon. Shrlver for County Assessor. . C. T. Dickinson, for district judge. Fine Fireplace 'Goods Sunderland Vote for Jacob Fawcett for Chief Justice of Nebraska. The only mem ber of Supreme Court from Douglas County. i ' Carey Cleaning Co. Tel. Web. 392 - Vote for Jacob Fawcett for Chief Justice of Nebraska. The only mem ber of Supreme Court from Douglas County. . ' I Two Are Granted Divorces Two spouses were granted decrees In di vorce court from alleged' cruel hus bands. Letty Hudson was freed from James. Barbara-Bushus was grafted a decree from James. Bushus. Remember Dickinson for district Judge. Advertisement. Vote for Jacob Fawcett for Chief Justice of Nebraska. The only mem ber of Supreme Court from Douglas County. John C Martin for Supreme Judge. - Travis for District Judge. Yellowstone Park Sbenoeraph for the, Visiting Teachers You can see. Yellowstone park on ' the third floor of the Brandeis stores any day "this week between 10:30 a. m. J d n r m " A little theater has been arranged xwith seats for quite an asdience and a talking machine to provide music. "The "icenoirraDh" shows the upper geyser basin of the park where over fifty geysers are shown;, nese spotu at intervals varying from one minute to fourteen days sending their streams of water up from thirty Ao 259 feet. On the "scenograph" "you see the Old .Faithful geyser in the foreground ' and other geysers in the background. A line of stage coaches moves along the road toward Uld waitmui inn, rtnuHs are movina across the sky. A cloud of steam gurgles and spurts from Old Faithful srevser. Then the stream of water is shot into the air. "Old Faithful." says the lecturer, "snouts everv sixtv-five minutes, send' ing a stream of hot water two feet in diameter to a height ot uu reet. Niffht now descends on the scene, the litrhta in the hotel are lighted and . the stars come out in the sky. Soon a storm comes up, accompanied by bright lightning. After a while it is dawn again 'and the stage coaches draw up in front of the hotel to take the siehtseers through the Dark. The show is for the Dublic. , the visiting teachers being especially in vited. I he pertorrnance ana lecture are given every titteen minutes. Another Factory r Locates in Omaha i . Omaha isto have a washing ma chine' factory two stories high and employing thirty-five to. fifty people, D. D. Rullman ofj St. Joseph, Mo., who, with his brother, has been suc cessfully manufacturing the Rullman washing machine in St. Joseph for twelve vears. has come here to locate a new factory for the manufacture of these machines.; Mr. Rullman has al 1 ready moved, his family here. They are now living ix 1804 Lothrop streej. The factory hi to be located on the west side of Twentieth street where . that street meets the Belt line a short distance south of Ames avenue. The Missouri Pacific Railway company . has agreed to put in a spur of track to provide shipping facilities. Ground is to be broken for the .new olant this week. It is to be a brick building two stories high, with 100- toot tront ana iu-iooi aeptn. it is to he modern in every detail. The washing machines produced by the Rullman company are made for , electric, water or hand power. The industrial committee of the Commercial club has been in Confer ence with Mr. Rullman tor some , months with regard to Omaha's, de sirability as a location. Pinch Constable. , ' For What Judge Did Judge Vincent Hascall was in hurry to 'catch the train thiif would - carry him to Lincoln and the Nebraska-Ames game. So he borrowed the car of his constable, M. J. Roach, 2559 Marcy street, and hastened to catch it. Being unable, to park the . auto in its "right position and catch ' rh. train .at the same time, he caught the train. f Later Roach was arrested for leaving his conveyance where it should not be parked. , Monday morning Vincent Hascall ' heard of his deputy's predicament and appeared in court to take a plea of oniltv for the offense for which his subordinate had been' pinched. But ' the magistrate said nay. and proceed ed to tell Roach a number of things and then fined him 1U ana costs, County Attorney Ramsey, 'who was sitting in the prosecutor's "chair, and juage nascau rescuea Snirli (mm the bull oen and wen his bond after he had appealed the '. Health of Omaha is j In Good Condition Health office statistics for October showed a decided improvement over the same month of 1915, with the ex ception of typhoid fever cases. There were twelve typhoid cases last month, as against one during October last year. Diphtheria cases dropped from 126 to 33 and scarlet fever from sixty four to sixteen. Smallpox was re duced from seven cases to one case. Health Commissioner Connell stated ' that the health of the city was never 'in better condition than at present DAYS OF THRILLS ' AND RED TORCHES . . " Oroh Recalls Days When.Bry- anites Rented' All Halls- and 0. 0. P. Stayed Outdoors. - t BRYAN STILL FIGHTING By A. R. GROH. It is interesting to look back on presidential elections of other years and observe the changes. Take the election of twenty years ago, for in- tance. ' , (Of course, this will hardly be re membered by the ladies. They .were nearly all small children then, or per haps not yet born.) i , It seems to me that the campaign was "lots more fun" then than k is now, though that may be because I saw it with boyhood's enthusiastic eyes. ' . You don t see any torchlight pro cessions and ilambeau clubs now adays. They don't- lire off cannon and have marching men shooting off. Homai. candles' and carrying torches as they did in the big McKinley pa rade here in 1896. In that year, I see by The Bee files, Bryan and Sewall and Bryan and Watson were the "popocratic" candi dates and' McKinley and Hobart made the race for the republicans. , Where They Were Then, In the year 1896 Charles Evans Hughes- was a practicing lawyer in New York: Woodrow Wilson was a professor of jurisprudence at' Prince ton; a man named Theodore .Roose velt was president of the New York City police board: Charles W. r air- banks was a lawyer in Indianapolis and Thomas R. Marshall (now vice president of. the United States) was even more obscure than he is now, for his name wasn t even in Whos Who," and it didn't get in, either, until 1912. - -V William Jennings Bryan is the only big figure of the 1896 campaign who has -survived the flight of years nd,i still big. The Bee of late October, I896,.fore-' told the great victory of McKinley, Fight for Bryan Hopeless, All for McKinley." laid the headlines. and on the day after election one big heading proclaimed victory. It 'read simply, "McKinley." , ,' ', Hurl Eggs; ' i" The campaign was full of rough ness, as the headlines recite. "Brutal Acts of a Bryan Mob. Cigar Butts and Eggs Hurled at J. G. Carlisle by Free Silverites Vat Cincinnati." "Ready for Brvan Rowdies, was the heading of an article telling of the measures taken by Chief pf Police Sigwart of Omaha. ' ' -Bryan's Last Speech Made Cur ious Crowds Jam Halls to See the Boy Orator and Return to Watoh the Great McKinley, Parade." This was a heading on the day'before the elec tion. 1 here s a wealth ot unconscious humbr in 'the first four words,,; isn't there? - . , "Miles of Marchim Men. Popdcrats Have Hired All the Halls, so Republi can Demonstration Will Take .Place in the Streets." said the headhles over an account of one of, those pa rades with -flambeau, Koman candles and marching men. They 'fired off cannons and hammered on .anvils while the parade marched. Todav we have, our parade in auto mobiles and arguments are made in newspaper advertisements rather than with flambeau and Roman candles. 1 wonder it the hoys nowadays get the same thrill from an automobile parade that we did from a "flambeau parade" in 1896. - Judge Seeks Home . For a Little Lad v Is there anyone in' Omaha who ant tn make a home for a well- mannered, healthy, 12-year-old Amer-i ican boya boy wnom juage -esne of the juvenile court has takent such a likinor t6 that he says he would take 'him into his own if he didn't have children of his own? Alvin Bushnell is the lad s name. His mother is dead and his father is well, his father is in a distant part of the country and has relinquished all ricrhts to his son. Judge Leslie bad planned to send young Bushnell to Lincoln and have th stare amnorities marc scck a home for him. Alvin isn't an incor rigible and sos'can'r besent to the cot industrial home. a The mvenile court judge has 'de cided to seek a home for the boy in Omaha and is trying bis bes to find nut if there isn't some family in this city that would take Alvin, at least lor a tew ihuium. ( , China Scoff s at v ; Christian Europe "War-mad Europe's challenge, to Christiahity has thwarted China's Christian progress," Miss Ruth Pax nn. tnlrl' her hearers Sunday at the young Women's Christian association vesper service, miss raxon, who was association- missionary at l lentsin, China, spoke on Adequate .Christian Preparedness." "Preparedness has come -to 'mean to us a military thing, a means by which other lands and other 'peoples may be conquered, and all for the pomp of power. But the Christian idea of preparedness is infinitely broader than the soldier's definition. "Tell a Chinese follower of Con fucius today of all the, -good being done fpr the glory of God in Christian countries and he will politely but pointedly malce reference to Europe, where Christians are killing Chris tians by thousands." $ I Used 70 Vears D ' . A !,. t. 4 a TU 4Alta T5 1 a . U -T"l o -1 ir i t llv i marl jjl ,"1 la. OJ DauiJIlD u u IclnewiU be sent on receipt qt a 2 cent lolne made from roots and herbs has been used for over TO years for " constipation, Indigestion, biliousness, headache, etc., eto. Thous ands of letters tell of the good lthas done to those who have used It-A med icine that has bad Increasing use for so man- vears and is so highly en dorsed is surely deserving of a trial by every one having liver or stomach troubles. Youf -druggists sells Black-Draught- 25 cents a package. One cent a dose!, or for s sample address Thedfbrd's Black-Dsaugbt, 1901 Pine St, St. Louis, Mo. ' . a POLICE BREAK UP " . CROOKSYNDICATE One Woman and Two Men Are Trapped Had Organized .Band for Shoplifting. TWO OTHERS STILL FREE The activities of an organized band pf shoplifters, who in the last week have stolen goods valued at more than $500 from the Brandeis, Burgess Nash and Hayden stores, have been halted by the efforts of Detective Paul Sutton, whose work has led to the arrest and conviction of Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" McQuirk, 1720 Dodge street, and Rijssell Wagner ot the same ad dress. Two others, a man and a woman whose identity the police have not yet ascertained,- escaped. It has been the practice of the missing woman and Mrs. McQuirk re visit the principal stores oi the city and through slits cut uv- the sides of long, loosefitting cloaks, steal the articles that struck their fancy. Sat urday night Sutton, who had been working on the case for several days, located the outfit at 1720 Dodge street. McQuirk Boss. McQuirk is the proprietor of the establishment. Sutton phoned head quirters and Chief of Detectives Ma loney, Detectives Rich and Pszan owski, together . with Officer Larry Finn of the Brandeis stores and Of ficer" O. Tagal of the Burgess-Nash stores responded. They surrounded the house and in this manner were able to get three offenders and a lar.e auantitv of the stolen property. The man and woman who escaped did so by a clever ruse. Evidently the culprits were aware of the of ficers' presence outside, for the two who got away were locked by the others in a room,' the door of which fastened with a nadlock on the. out side. The police passed by this room and when they left the pair forced (he barrier and escaped. ' Woman. Faints.! In notice court Mr. and Mrs. 'Mc Quirk and Wagner were sentenced to rrinetv davs in the count? jail. Upon hearing the. sentence pronounced Mrs; McQuirk emitted a wild shriek and felT ,over backward in a feint, (not faint). She1 was removed to the ma tron's, department. Wagner's function as a member of the crew was to dis pose pf the stolen articles; Shoots Man She -1 Finds in House Miss Freda Keuchenhoff,' 22-year- old daughter of the proprietress of the Grand union- hotel, lwenty-sixtn and L streets, South, bide, shot and per haps;fatally wounded Robert Broder ick, 30, whom she found prowling ir the house early this morning. Broderick is in the South Side hos pital, in bad shape. Police Surgeons Losy and Shanahan say he has slight chances of livins.. ' Miss keuchenhoff said Broderick, who is a stranger ttVher, had no right in the house. He could not make a satisfactory explanation of his pres ence to' the police when questioned at the hospital. - Highwaymen Suspects ' Held Under $1,000 Bonds James Bentley and John Husheim of St Louis, who are believed to have held tip and robbed John Beck of Stuebenville, O., of his watch arid $10 Saturday night, were bound over to the district court with bonds fiked at $1,000 each. ... i . ; Eat Right Fool Right Stop Eating: Bread for a Few Bays, Try "0-EAT-lT," the Hew Bra- rood and Ton will -9 Free from Cmutipation out Medicine. At Grocers 10 Cents ) -or, Ca Right and Health and H-Ppto-W U Your to a Rip Old Age. "O-EAT-rT" ii a new omtynation fully baked, ready-to-eat, pure, delicioaB, nourish ing ,bran bread food. Its crisp, tatty, toaited ilieai keep Indefinitely made from rich gol den irheat-bran and other cereal.. "O-EAT-1T" takei the place of all old-ityle bread and breakfast foods, ' morning, noon and night; good for 'brain, blood, nervea and growing children, and iniurea, freedom from constipation and indigestion without the aid of msdicina or any added expense of living. Physician- heartily recommend It. For sale at all grocers, 10c, or sent prepaid on re ceipt of price. Address U-fcat-lt Studebaker Bldg., Chicago, iy. , Co.. 187 , ASK FOR and GET ' HORLICK'S 7 - THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap Sub-UiutV coat YOU same price. a s " --' -- - stamp. This old, reliable med- I I4 fir. GRAIN IN STORAGE INCREASES HERE Com Bins Practically Empty Because of Great Demand for the Cereal. WHEAT ALMOST TRIPLE Thouffh outside oarties are taking large quantities of grain, the quantity in storage continues to increase ratner than diminish. This holds true par ticularly with wheat and oats. Corn, however, is in such demand that the surplus has been reduced until the bins are practically empty. ,. The following from the inspection rennrt fthnws the nuantitv of each kind of grain in storage in Omaha elevators, in bushels, as compared with the corresponding date of one year ago: Now. Tr Ago. Wheat 1.623,000 601,000 .000 41,000 38,000 20,000 Corn 0.000 Oau ,., 2.0SK.000 Hye 207,000 Barley .., - S5.000 Beauty's Treasures Of Hair and Skin Preserved byCutlcura. Trial Free. If you use Cuticura Soap for every-Qay toilet purposes, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first pimples, red ness, roughness or scalp irritation you will have as clear a complexion and as good hair as It is possible to have. Sample Each Free by Mall with ea-ii. book o tt ik. Adar i poM-oaM: ."Cuticura, Dapt. OP. Boatoa." Sold evarrwhara. for skin trouble For over twenty years, physicians have relied on Kesinol Ointment in the treat ment of many skin and scalp troubles. They prefer it because it soquicklytops itching and burning, arid clears awaV redness, rawness, crusts or scales. They know, too, that It contains only the iofhelingma(erials, which could not injure or irritate the tenderest skin. Why not try it for your skin f ReKlnnl Otntmeat and Raatnnl 8ap are aold by all druax. f oriampleifrea. writ. to Dept. I-N, Kea Inul, llaluaora. (Var, Jituwt Smfjor ar haw. ToUU ., 2.9SM00 ' 1,401,000 9sx z-: " ft in g Kind I Want!" 55 I VJ "Mothertriedallbranis, Ac I rfij she knowt which Is but - nr I ' 5C "u how to gat good ; Be I Kf wholesome bakings every Qfl II 1 bake-dsT how to save tVTI I ill I KM Baking Powder money KK 1 1 1 ' KX3 leavening strength fine DQI -f' m IK liliiBg quauiiee aDsoiuts vj ( - . JC furUygreat economy of VS ' s - "'-.i . i ! , , ,' v-r test mwmmk UU R..d.HIJ,A.arda LM II- 'II 171 I IBM m ' ILW icq ,w,jwa.. iqqi ..m rrrrnm , presence i n 1 1 TPafsO-ITrTl aTlvl 'II -Store Hours: Burgess-Nash Company. Monday, Novembar 6, 1916. "Sugar Plum Hospitality Week" Begins Wednesday at Burgess-Nash PLAN your work in advance so you can attend this great merchandise event Wednesday and get your share of the sugar plums. Read Tuesday s papers for full par ticulars on "Sugar Plum Day." Coats Featured in the November Sale Are Brimful of COATS for all the varied occasions of Winter are here. Voluminous coats of Bolivia cloth rvelvet coats for, afternoon wear; with deep full cuffs and collars. ' ' Flaring skirted, fur-trimmed, some hsve clever button trimmed pieces at each side; others large fur collars, sometimes over collar of self material. Many odd ideas in belts and pockets and striking linings. $15.00 to $150.00 Young WomenV Coats MANY interesting arrivals portraying njw nesa in.every line. ' A number of high belted tvpes with huge fur-banded collars; qaint hlgh-waisted coats with fur used in odd ways, full swinging coats with self stitched collars and ample cuffs; all affording safe protection against winter winds. v' . m , '' Ripple Cloth, Wool Velour, Corduroy, Velveteen, Plush, f 19.50, $25.00 and $36.00 Coats for Young Girls of six to fourteen. Gozy warm little coats that ' button snugly about the throat and warmly lined and interlined. Some have the military cape extending ever the shoulders; others have belt "runnine into" Dockets. High waisted and low waisted ' types or with side fullness1, shirred) at waist i: . i line. Cheviot, Chinchilla, Zibeline, '. . ' " ' Corduroy, Velveteen, Plush, ; V , , . , 18.98 to $85.04, - 1 '. . t BurrM-Nuh Cv-4nnI Flaw. Tuesday-A Most1 Timely Sale of Gold and Silver Formerly $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 and A wonderful collection pf the much-infvogue gold and silver metal lace hats in all' the becoming shapes of the n -v o nnn Jndaded in tne( purchase price your via the Chicago, & North Westera Ry. , ' I I No Other Service Like It V. . The Beit II II ii I, I I . 1 " 1 1 NW4452 - ( 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P, M KVKRYBODY-l arTORE STORE NEWS FOR TUES - Style Hat $12.50. Burieaa-Naih Ca.-i.cnd Flaar. mm- laBuresa-Nafsh Co. Everprbody's Store 16th and Harney; . y Thesel Travel Features Without Charge Smooth Double Tracll ' ' , Automatic Electric Safety SigriaU ' Reduction of Grades and, Curvea--, : , ' a i Wide Choice of Seven Fat Modernly j Equipped Daily Trains i ' 7i30 a. SB, 12:30 p. m, ' . - 6:00 p. nv, 8iS2 p. nu, NN p. sa. tUverBuia . Extra Far: Train), 10:10 p. -ajbAict 1:20 ' You'll' be pleased with the dining aeryieetoo - A' . - ' KATAKE our reservations 1Y1 at 1401-03 Farnam St Phone Douglas 240 e . AY. Phone Doug. 137. S - Hats $12.50 Values at lower Trimmed Hats Ribbon-Trimmed Ha(s . Fm Trimmed Hats snitfthle for everv 'occa-- Mi k m M 11 Jl a I I II . t' I ' I II I A. ' W ' 1 - t sion, and in styles that will : tjie' matron as well as the young miss. Hats that were originally I marked $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 fand , I Uioice Tuesday, at a.uu You Uet Distinctive . tickiet to Chicago r are ; . ; . ' , usuim so. of Everything 1 ' 111 1 1 -'. '.1 . i it 1 ) i I 5 ' I I