THE BEE: OMAHA, TULSOAi, nWm.x: Nebraska BRYAN FOR ROAD BONDSIN LINCOLN Commoner Concludes Campagin Trip With Meeting in Capital City. SPEECH IN AUDITORIUM (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nev 6. (Special Tele gram.) Closing the campaign for the dry cause and in behalf of a part of the democratic ticket, William' J. Bryan finished a strenuous day of speaking in different portions of Lan caster county this evening, when a crowd which filled the city auditorium gave the Commoner a wild reception when he appeared on the platform. Colonel Frank Eager before the ar rival of Mr. Bryan spoke in favor of the proposed $800,000 bond issue for eight paved roads running out of Lin coln to the county line in all directions. Total Value of Corn Crop of State Over Hundred Million (From a .Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 6. (Special.) The total value of the corn crop of Ne braska this year, occording to the re port of Secretary Mellor of the State Board of Agriculture, is $114,042,969, estimating the price at 60 cents a bushel. There was approximately 250,000 less acres this year than in 1915 and 38,000,000 less bushels, the yield this year being given as 190,070,449. The yield this was was an average of 28.2 bushels per acre as against 32.6 last year. Still Too Early to Send For New Year's Plates (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 6. (Special.) Ap plications for automobile numbers will not be received by the secretary of state for 19J7 until he has set some day in the future, when it will be in order to make application. Work of sending out the 1916 licenses and plates ts still occupying the time of the office force. The mail this morning contained requests for about 150 more. Until the de mand for this year's plates has sub sided the secretary of state will have no time to attend to the next year's orders. Oil Inspection Fees Larger Than Before (From ft Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 6. (Special.) Oil inspection, fees for the month of October were larger than in any previous month in the history of the department, the receipts being $12, 986.15. The department got busy in the matter of drugs and patent medicines which have not the proper standing and 3,231 packages of drugs and pat ent medicines were ordered off sale. Gage Republicans Hold Great Rally Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 6. (Special Telegram.) The republicans of Gage county closed the campaign here to night with a monster parade through the streets of the city. Hundreds of automobiles were in line, including flambeau clubs, the Hughes club and other republican organizations in the city. Ten bands furnished the music, and every precinct in Gage county was represented in the parade. Chamberlain's Tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are intended especially for stomach troubles, bil iousness and constipation, and have met with much success in the treatment of those diseases. People who have suffered for years with stomach trouble and have been un able to obtain any permanent relief have been completely cured by the use of these tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are also of great value for biliousness. Chronic constipation may be permanently cured by taking Chamberlain's Tablets and observing the plain printed directions with each bottle. Advertisement. GRANDMOTHER KNEW There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But the old-fashioned mustard-plaster burned and blistered while it acted. You can now get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plas ter and without the blister. ' Musterole does it It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest skin. ' Just massage Musterole in with the finger tips gently. See how quickly it, brings relief how; speedily the pain disappears. Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 25c and 50c jars, hospital size, $2.50. astS MA SUFFERER Writ today, I will tell you, free of charge, of a itmpl horn treatment for asthma which eared me after physicians and change of climate failed. I am so grateful for my 'resent good health, after years of suff er ne;, that I want everyone to know of this wonderful treatment. H rs. Nellie Evans, K-t, Dm Moines, Iowa. Ad?. Sloan Finishes Campaign With Rally at Aurora Aurora, Neb., Nov. 6. (Special.) Congressman Charles H. Sloan fin ished his campaign Saturday night with a great rally at the opera house in Aurora. The building was crowded with men and women and his ad dress of nearly two hours' duration was listened to with great interest and much enthusiasm. Mr. Sloan delivered five addresses in Hamilton county Saturday. At Phillips, Gilther, Stockham and Hampton, large crowds of voters lis tened to the congressman. Mr. Sloan declared that it was con gress and not the president that has kept us out of war with European nations. "Congress restained the hand of the president in his dealings with Eu rope," he said, "and we have at all times been at peace with the nations across the water. Congress gave free hand to the president at Vera Cruz and we have ever since been at war with Mexico. The president's own judge advocate general has just re cently decided that we are now at war with Mexico. The democrats cannot get by the American people with the slogan, 'He has kept us out of war.' The American people have analyzed that slogan and they know it is not the truth." Northwest Nebraska Teachers Talk Shop Rushville, Neb., Nov. 6. (Special.) The annual meeting of the North west Nebraska Teachers' association was held here, commencing Friday morning and conluding Saturday. Prof. Bradford of the State Agricul tural college, gave his ilustrated lec- o ,,'Xog am io Xjoig auj,,, wnj large audience Friday night in the Gurley Opera House. The Saturday session was brought to a most appro priate and successful close by an elegantly arranged banquet to the teachers, given by the Mothers' club. A short program of music was fol lowed by an address from State Superintendent A. O. Thomas, who spoke of the present and future great ness of county and state, outlining the program of educational re-organization' which in time is to give every boy and girl in the county the advan tages of a High school education. Lincoln Democrats Give Up on Hitchcock (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 6 (Special.) Democrats in Lincoln have given up hopes of electing Hitchcock and Neville and now have turned their at tention to the head of the ticket. , "Bryan's visit to the state has caused defeat of both Hitchcock and Neville," said a prominent democrat today. New Hotel for Superior. Superior, Neb., Nov. 6. (Special Telegram.) A project is on foot to give Superior a new $50,000 hotel. At a meeting of the Commercial club Saturday night, L. L. Driggs of New York City, made an offer .of $20,000 towards a new hotel if Superior par ties will raise the balance. .$10,000 was subscribed in the1 meeting and a committee named to raise the bal ance. J. H. Agee is chairman of the committee, which expects to have the soliciting for stock finished in a few days. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Kennedy, in Pulpit At Lincoln, Speaks Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 5. (Sepecial Telegram.) At the St. Paul's Metho dist church tonight the theme was "Nebraska's Going Dry." John L. Kennedy of Omaha, republican candi date for United States senator, oc cupied the pulpit at the invitation of Rev. T. W. Jeffrey, the local pastor, and spoke at considerable length on the change of conditions accompany ing the advance of the world in en lightment and the reaction which this change bears to the present great moral question of whether the state shall favor the dry amendment to the constitution at the polls next Tuesday. Johnson Republicans Hold Great Rally Tecumseh, Neb., Nov. 6. (Special Telegram.) The republicans closed the campaign in Johnson county to day by a speaking tour to the several towns. Elmer J. Burkett of Lincoln was the speaker, and he was intro duced by Judge S. P. Davidson of Te cumseh. Rouoing meetings were held at Elk Creek, Cook, Sterling and Crab Orchard, and Graff and Vest were also visited. The day closed with a big night meeting at the court house in Tecumseh, the music being by the Tecumseh military band. Mr. Burkett was at his best and de livered some powerful addresses to day, particularly the closing attempt. Senator Norris Makes Address at Lexington Lexington, Nov. 5. (Special.) United States Senator George W. Norris, addressed the largest politi cal gathering of any political speaker this season in Aublc's hall Friday night. The closest attention was paid to him by the hearers,, while he showed the fallacies of free trade as put out by the democrats. He also answered the questions as to what he would have done on the war matter, and escpccially so on the Mexican trouble, to the satisfaction of the people that heard him. He likened the democrats in congress to a foot ball team, that when the signal was given by President Wilson, they moved as he said. The people that heard him were more than satisfied with the address. Mr. Bryan Refers To Defeat as Delegate Crete, Ncb Nov. 6. (Special.) W. J. Bryan addresed an audience of nearly a thousand voters at the Sokol theater Sunday evening, tinder the auspices of the Crete Dry Federation. i toward the close of his lecture, when he pleaded for the democrats to free i the party from the influence of the liquor element, and come out for pro-" hibition, for sooner or lated both par tics would have to do so. He stated that an evidence of the hatred of wet democrats for him was shown when their tool in this state refused to tell the people that Wilson wished him to be elected to the democratic con vention, and he was defeated. . Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. Don't Stay Gray Tint your hair to the shade desired with "Brownatone." This new preparation is far superior to any mixture that contains henna, sulphur, silver, lead or similar preparations. There is no danger of an itching or poison ed acalp when you use "Brownatone, for this simple preparation positively contains no lead, mercury, silver, sulphur, sine, ani line, coal-tar products or their derivatives. You just brush or comb it into the hair and presto I your gray hairs instantly disappear your hair is a beautiful and uniform color throughout the ends are as dark as the balance and you have any shade desired from a light brown to a black. Just a mom ent' "touchlngup" once a month and no one can ever detect it. No rubbing, or washing off no fading. Prepared in two shades one to produce golden or medium brown, the other, dark brown or black. Two sixes 26 cents and f 1. We will send absolutely free, for a short time only, a sample bottle of "Brownatone" if you will send us your name and address accompanied by 10c to help pay postage and packing. No samples at dealers. This offer is made for you to try 'Brownatone" Hair Stain, and find for yourself just how superior it is to all ao called "dyes,'1 combs, ete. The Kenton Pharmacal Co., 829 Pike Street, Cov ington, Ky. Sold and guaranteed in Omaha by Sherman ft McDonnell Drug Co. and other leading dealers. Use Zemo for Eczema Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying : little zemo furnished by any druggist for 25c. Ex tra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tet ter, pimples, rash, black heads and sim ilar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a greasy salve and it does not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable treat ment for skin troubles of all kinds. The B. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, Q. Winter Tourist Fares Via Rock Island Lines (FROM OMAHA.) ' Jacksonville, Fla., and return ....$54.56 Lake City, Fla., and return $54.56 Tallahassee, Fla., and return $54.56 St. Augustine, Fla., and return $56.86 Palm Beach, Fla., and return $73.06 Tampa, Fla., and return $66.16 Key West, Fla., and return $87.66 Savannah, Ga., and return $54.56 Mobile, Ala., and return $44.31 New Orleans, La., and return $44.31 Pensacola, Fla., and return $46.91 Thomasville, Ga., and return $54.56 Augusta, Ga., and return $52.77 Aiken, S. C, and return $53.67 Charleston, S. C, and return '...$54.56 Columbia, S. C, and return $53.67 Jackson, Miss., and return $38.90 Meridian, Miss., and return $38.90 Havana, Cuba, and return, via Key West, or Tampa and steamer $94.80 Havana, Cuba, and return, via New Orleans and steamer $92.15 Jacksonville, Fla., and return, via Washington and rail, or via Baltimore and steamer; same route both di rections , . . . . $74.40 CIRCUIT TOURS Jacksonville, Fla., and return, via New Orleans in one direction, direct routes in opposite direction ...$65.56 Jacksonville, Fla., and return, in one direction via direct routes; in opposite direction via Washington, D. C, and rail, or Baltimore and steamer . . $63.76 Havana, Cuba, and return, one way via New Orleans. Jacksonville and Key West, or Port Tampa and steamer; other way via Jacksonville, thence direct routes $111.80 Havana, Cuba, and return, one way via Washington and rail, or Baltimore and steamer to Jacksonvilla, thence Key West or Port Tampa and steamer; other way via Jacksonville, thence direct routes $126.50 Tickets on Sale Daily, with Long Limits and Very Liberal Stopover. Automatic Block Signals Finest Modern All-Steel Equipment Superb Dining Car Service Chicago-Nebraska Limited at 6:03 P. M., Daily Tickets, reservations and informa tion at Rock Island office. Phone, write or call J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A. Fourteenth and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas 428. The Telephone Number For You to Remember 2020 Douglas. D 101 SETS THE PACE earn A 1 w i M jfc m sw -UKi uaa ..,1nHI"!;,, ores FOR CROWING OMAHA Great Economies In Every thing You Need. 5,000 Pieces Johnson Bros. English Dinnerware Values Up to $1.50 on Each Piece To Close Out Here on Tuesday H Each COME HERE TO SHARE IN THE MOST WONDERFUL SALE OF DINNER WARE YOU HAVE EVER HEARD OF. think of buying Dinnerware now, right before Thanksgiving, at a price that simply seems impossible. 10c for a fine piece of English Dinnerware is so low that it is almost unbelievable while we have hundreds of pieces the demand will be so great that you had beter shop early. If this was very ordinary ware, it would still be a wonderful little price but when we say Johnson Brothers, we mean the best to be obtained in its class. , , . Excellent white and gold design, finished with fancy scroll work, with the real French china effects. Included in this sale are : Large Covered Dishes Large Platters Large Vegetable Dishes Water Pitchers Bakers ' , Sugar and Creamers Cups and Saucers And Plates of All Sizes. In fact, almost everything made of Porcelain for a com plete Dinner Service. How Many Women Can Afford to Miss This Sale-" Elect to come here on Election Daybright and early .i ,-. ' China Department, Main Floor. i '.;?!.'jUt 'i ' ' See The Yellowstone Park Scenic Reproduction On View Here on the Third Floor All Week. With wonderful fidelity, the marvelous region of the Yellowstone National Park has been reproduced in min iature from the spouting geysers to the glorious col ors of the canyon and the play of sunrise, storm and . sunset A giant searchlight sweeping the scene from the top of Old Faithful Inn, and the arrival and departure of the Stage Coaches add a life like air to the exceedingly in- ' tcresting reproduction. Children and grown-ups are cordially invited. Lectures ' will be given each , day this week, from 10:30 to 4:30. Third Floor. waaHaiaasBHasaaaaHaaaMaaaaKHaaBKaKavoHaavaaaaa iyff w FRANCIS A. BROGAN, Lawyer, 784 Brands is The, Ljtf WILLIAM E. REED, Manager Clay Roblnaon Co., Llva Stock Commlaalon, Stock Yardi. CLARENCE V. WARFIELD, Cracor, 2209 Military Ave. -V'i i- lib J ..-"'"-vV'1 U SAMUEL BURNS, JR., Burns-Brlnker A Co., Investment Broker, 449 Omaha Nat'l. Bank. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! STOP voting blindly for men just because they ask for the office. LOOK only for Efficiency and Integrity in the candidate. LISTEN to the recommendation of the citizens for the School Ticket. ELIZABETH J. I.INDRKY. Chairman Women's Committee. THEN vote for these eight well-known men. BEWARE of the man who asks to be put on the school board. II; pays no salary whatever. Cut this out and take to the voting booth with you. MATTHEW A. HALL, Chairman Men's Committee. FRANK E. CLARK, Manarer Guy C. Bsrton Estate, 7 Of A .k. M-al I DL. Dl J- 0 ! ARTHUR R. WELLS, Lawyer, Stout, Roaa 4 Walla, S24 Omaha National Bank Blag. CHARLES O. TALMAGE, Prealdant Columbia Flro UnaanrrltOTa, 3ul Marokaota' National Bank. rr His: BraMaaaMiag. ,rf tfhii ' 'f JOHN BEKINS, President Omaha Van Storaco Co ue aouu iota at. a s - ERSRflET C. SOLOIWOM for County Treasjij