THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1916. DAVENPORT MAN : HELD AS SLAVER Arrested at Des Moines in Com - pany With Oirl From Aberdeen. The Day of Days ENTERS FLEA OF GUILTY (Krom a surf Correspondent.) ' Des Moines, la., Nov. 6. (Special Telegram.) R. Van Wie, general for the Guaranty Life Insurance com pany of Davenport, is held here on charges of violating the Mann act and is awaiting action under $2,5000 bond in the federal court ; Van Wie wasarrested this afternoon with Grace Eske, an Aberdeen, S. D., stenographer, at the Holland apart ments, where they had registered as ,man and wife. The arrest followed receipt of a telegram from the father of the girl, William Eske. The girl nade affidavit today that she was brought here by Van Wie, and he en tered a plea of guilty on arrignment It was given out at the marshal's of fice that Van Wie has a wife and daughter at Indianapolis, Ind. 4 - . Need Farm Experts. ' "We must place a doctor of agricul ture in every community, must ar range for him to spend all of his time at the work and must pay him ac cording to his ability and the work he performs," said President G. C. Crceland of the Ontario Agricultural college in addressing members of the Agricultural round table at the state teachers' meeting Friday. Present methods, he said, are not calculated to instill into entire communities the (progressive tendencies brought to them by the few who received an ag ricultural training elsewhere. He said lit , nnlv through these farm ex- Iperti that permanent results in the way o! progressive agrrcuuuic wum be obtained. Estates Pay Tax. Fifty-nine estates paid $29,668 in collateral inheritance tax tcr the state in October, according to the report of Quincy A. Willis, deputy treasurer ot state, int estate oi wuour n. McNeill of Mahaska county, paid the largest tax. The state received $10,- 1395 on $186,759, which went to col- lateral heirs. The tax assessed is 5 sper cent of the total sum which went to collateral heirs. ' New Business Firms. " Articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state today as follows: , Iowa Gas and Electric company, Washington, la., capital stock, $600,000; George S. Carson is chairman and H. F. Derbyshire sec retary. The Centerville Motof com pany of Centerville, capital stock, 6.000: oresident. W. G. Turner! sec- Sretary-treasurer, T. E. Calle n, both of ' t CI .... w- P.nnaHii nm. 'pany of Cedar Rapids, capital stock, ($50,000; president, John M. Redmond; ' secretary-treasurer, M. M. Thompson. (Trego-Bevington Auto company, Des Moines, capital $10,000; president, R. jW. Trego; secretary, Elmer L. Bev- mgton. The Schowb-Miller Engi neering company, Iowa City, capital stock, ?9,UW; president, . a. mil, low Cityl secretary-treasurer, M,( E. $chwob, Iowa City. ..... . , Hatton Tuition Cist. ' Thomas D. Hatton, whose parents .formerly lived in Creston, but now make their home in Dakota City, will test out the tuition law maintained by the Des Moines school board through i a case in the supreme court. The I district court here ruled that Hatton owed the Des Moines school district $50.75, He has appealed on the grounds that this was his home. He was not permitted ".to graduate from i the high school because of this unpaid tuition.; ; v , '"v.' ..- National Guards of Sundry States Eeady ; To CastTheir Votes ' ' Ef Paso, Tex, Nov. 6. All details have been completed in National Guard camps in this division for tak ing the vote of guardsmen tomorrow. In the Pennsylvania camp election . commissioners have arranged -for the 'soldiers to vote under their super vision. Each company has selected its own. election officers and ballots 'will be distributed tomorrow morn jing by the commissioners. The bal , lots will be collected after the sol idiera have voted and wilt be taken ; back to Harrisburg. , t A similar arrangement has been jnnde in the Massachusetts and Con- necticut camps here and at the Dela ware camp at Deming, N. M. Roth Claim Montana. Helena, Mont., Nov. (. Wllsoa will carry Montana by at least IS.OoO, according to a toracast mad today by tho dcmocratlo na tional oommuiM. i n republican slate com mittee claims the state for Hushu by 11,000. Mow to Can Coughs and Colds. Keep out of drafts, avoid exposure. Sat and live rliht and taks Dr. Klits'a New Discovery, la ase over years. Guaran teed. All druttlts.-Advertlsemerit. A GOOD '. Trunk, Bag or Suitcase ShovJd Corns From FRELING & STEINLE ' "Omaha's Beflt Bag-gsn Builders." 1803 FARNAM ST. , AN EXCEPTION. . Life insurance is an txception (1) to the rule "Don't buy a thing until you need it;" and (2) in that its cost has not increased along with prae- 1 ticaiiy everything else. 11 one waits .until h actually needs life insurance, . he cannot then get it. Insurance com f panics insure only sound lives. Im : paired lives are denied all the atand jard policies. The percentage which i companies reject is greater than their i death rate percentage. : . If you have no life Insurance, the Him to miks your application ia when j you are in good health. While the . cost of insurance has not advanced, yet the premium does increase with each year of added age. The younger the age at which policy is taken, the smaller the premium. The Midwest Life 1 . of Lincoln Nskrsaks ' M.-I. SSELL, President Guaranteed Cost Ufa Insurance VIOLENT BATTLES ON FRENCH FRONT f Continued from Paso. One,) tween Sailly-Sailliscl Tn7 St. Pierre- Vaast wood they were able to .recap ture some positions in the wood and in the village, of Saillisel, just to the north. After long interval, the resump tion of active operations in Dobrudja is reported from Bucharest, which announces a Roumanian victory. Rou manian troops are declared to have taken the offensive north of Hirsova and driven Field Marshal von Mack, ensen 1 troops irom several villages, which were set on fire as they were being evacuated. German Official Report. ' Berlin, Nov., 6. (By Wireless to Sayville.I The British and French. using the strongest forces, made con tinuous attacks yesterday on the Somme front. The war office an nounces that the German troops with stood tnse attacks unshaken. The statement follows: "In the continuous battle on the Modal KM f.o.b. Toledo Now Wade through the slush, stay at home and miss out, or get this car and go in warm, dry comfort , Which?'. ' Now's the time to decide. This summer delight is a winter necessity.' Why not have it now today? It will mean a healthy active life for the whole family all winter long, and when the warm weather comes more real joy than you ever knew before. SALES ROOMS 2047 Farnam Street Douglas 3292 Somme, the fifth of November was another fighting day of the first class. The British and French, with the .strongest forces, made a powerful advance against the front of General von Bclows' army. Troops under General Baron Marschal von Deim ling and von Gamier withstood the attack unshaken. The allied enemy on the entire front from Les Sars to Bouchavesncs, a distance of twenty kilometers along which they attacked, suffered the heaviest losses and ac complished nothing except a small local gain in the north part of St. Pierre-Vaast wood. The enemy left ten officers, 310 men and booty in our hands.' Northeast of Le Sara more than seventy prisoners and eleven machine guns were brought in. - . "Near Soisson-an attack by a weak French detachment was repulsed. "On the right bank of the Meuse (Verdun front) in the Hardaumont sector, there was violent artillery and hand grenade fighting." French and British Reports. Paris, Nov. 6. A violent attack by German troops was made last night on the positions captured by the French between Sailly-Saillisel and the St. Pierre-Vaast wood. The war office announced today that this as $795 -yfiM-'..' 211 5fi W for a Healthy Active Winter Willys-Overland, The Wlllya-Omrlanel Company, Toledo, Ohio ,'. "MMktaU.S.." -f J I Jjejes ayi , sault was repulsed with heavy loss to the Germans. London, Nov. 6. A strong German counter attack last night compelled the British to relinquish a portion of the ground they had captured in the neighborhood of Butte de ,Warlen court on the Somme front, the war office announced today. Hughes Will Carry: . -' South Dakota' by ; 10,000, SaysNorbeck ' Sioux Falls, S. P., Nov; 6. The campaign closes in South Dakota to night with Hughes and Wilson rallies in several cities and with both repub lican and democratic leaders predict ing victory. With a normal . total vote of 110,000, Hughes backers de clare the republican nominee will carry the state by a plurality of at least 10,000, while Norbeck. the re publican gubernatorial candidate, is expected to pile up a plurality much larger than that. The election of all republican congressmen, as well as the success of the entire state ticket ia also predicted. j ; Democratic leaders, on the other K I This is the big, roomy, comfortable Overland with the famous 35 horsepower Overland Motor developed to perfection in the building cf more than 250,000 now in every-day use. It is absolutely dependable, as thoroughly reliable In Winter as in Summer. Come in and get one today and go about your winter duties and pleasures in comfort and without risk. Inc., Omaha Branch hand, declare a great surprise is in store anH:onfidently predict that Wil son's strength in the state is great enough to carry the entire state dem ocratic ticket to victory. ' 'i A bitter fight on prohibition ends with the dry forces predicting a vic tory by 15,000 votes, but opponents of ' the1 proposed amendment are equally confident of its defeat. The proposed woman suffrage amendment has a fighting chance and may carry by a close margin is the general be lief. Several other proposed amend ments and five measures submitted under the initiative and referendum law will also be voted on. Only One "BROMO QUININE." ' To set the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for sis-nature of HJ. w. QROVB5. Cures a Cold In One Day. tie. Advertlasment. . . Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25cat all druggists. 795 Modal SS-4 1 . e. b. Toledo SERVICE STATION 20th and Harney Streets Douglas 3290 . THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY - u The Vogin of the Separate Skirt A fashionable costume is a distinc tive, separate skirt and a becoming blouse. Skirt styles express a world of originality in these extensive as- sortments of ours. The fabrics are quite the best the season offers and the tailoring is beyond criticism. The Prices $6.50 to $35 Apparel Section Second Floor. Skating Skirts, $12.50 and $15 Advance Notice Remnant Sale of Silks and Fine Woolen Fabrics Further Particulars Tomorrow Hundreds of desirable lengths have accumulated during the past sev eral months of selling. Many waist and dress patterns of Belding's and Haskell's high-grade silks in all weaves and colors. Fashionable Serges, Broadcloths, Poplins and Coatings, all at greatly reduced prices. ., More About the Sale Tomorrow POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. For Public Schools' Sake! Do Not Fail to Re-Elect Or. E. Hobvtchiner BOARD OF EDUCATION He it not on a slate, but always on the job. ' He has practical ideals. Has accomplished much, . and will accomplish more when re-elected. ASK THE PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS JUDGE i Candidate for Vote for P. C. HEAFEY For re-election for Water Board on the Democratic ticket. ' He helped to cut the water rate from 85c to 17c per thousand gallons. . POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. HENRY C. MURPHY for County Attorney My opponent has served ten years in the of f ice VOTE FOR A CHANGE , Vote for Murphy A "LIVE WIRE" County Attorney Thos. Falconer (21 years In biulneM In Omaha.) who with four others, Willi. Berger, R. A. Flesher, R. J. Sutton and P. W. C oak ley "A Practical School Board of Practical Man," tandi for the following platform: No. 1 Equality to all before the Board of Education, which means a fair and impartial hearing in all matters pertaining to the public. No. 2 We are absolutely opposed to the star chamber meetings. No. S We favor the re-establishment of the Teachers' Training School. No. 4 We favor the Standardisation of School Buildings. No. 6 We are opposed to the unneces sary delay in making the much needed improvements. and has been endorsed by seventeen Improve ment clubs of Omaha. Does It not appeal to you, Mister Voter, the right man for the right placet It does to us as citisens of Omaha. GEORGE ADWERS, FRED M. CRANE, SAM HOWE, JOE HIDDLESTON, CLIFF HIDDLESTON. W. A. )) El 51 li ia District Judge K