Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Makes Two Speeches for Drys
Sunday, Telling About Pro
hibition in Kansas,
Ex-Governor Stubbs of Kansas, who
is campaigning in Kansas, came
( IU WlllilUil JUIlUdy IU man., ."w
t speeches, the first during the after-
to Omaha Sunday to make
' noon on the north side of the postof
t.m Rfum hari nnnken tni
tiiirht before, and the other in th
: evening at the First Methodist
church. His talks, had to deal large
i lv with the prosperity or Kansas
' drr its drv regime.
' Kansas nas more aiuucm. aiwm-
' incr the institutions of higher learn
' : : nrnnnrtirtn tn its nnoulationi
than any other state," said Governor
"Kansas has the largest per capita
wealth in the nation, on the basis
of property assessed for taxation
'LrnnEn0 Ib nnm rt th turn StntPS
.1 : U...v .mn mi mtm.
ber of persons who cannot read or
write less than 2 per cent of its pop
ulation. . .
"Without a dissenting voice, in 1915.
the Kansas state senate and house of
representatives adopted i resolution,
approved py me governor m
that nrrthihttinn is ft cnm.
plete success, and denouncing the
widely circulated statements of the
liquor interests to the contrary. That
resolution was senate concurrent
resolution No. 33 Senator Kinkel
Gives Some Figures.
"According to the tablet of the
on the federal census of 1910, the
number of persons committea to state
insane hospitals averaged 115 per
100,000 population in the prohibition
states; 150 in the near prohibition
states; 242 in the partially licensed
1 97 ;n tUm liifi state.
states, AMU v . w '.7 7 .
"When the saloon was abolished in
Wichita, now a city ot ou.uuu, tne
weekly bank clearances increased
within three years from $1,400,000 to
"Kansas has forty counties out of
105 which did not send a prisoner to
the state penitentiary last year. This
fiscal year, dui persons wcic wm
nittaj tr, the nenitentiarv the small
the face of the fact that in Kansas a
mn ; arnt to the penitentiary for
...;r Viilrt Heeertinn. for violation
f 'U. Imnr laws anrl kindred crimes
which are but jail offenses in most
other states.
"Kansas has no bonded indebted
"Kansas had a loss of but $188,000
from business failures during 1915,
whirti is less than any state in the
Missiouri valley. '
Increased Valuation.
"Kansas has approximately $3,000,
UUU.uuu wortn oi property, an in
crease of $79,000,000 in 1915, and the
increase of 1916 will be more, than
double that amount.
"Kansas, under prohibition, has in
creased its bank deposits more than
inn in ten veal's. We have
$240,000,000 of surplus wealth in our
banks and savings institutions touay,
and this has more than doubled under
"Kansas has an automobile for
every fourth family a recora equauca
by only two other states.
"Kansas has a permanent school
fund of $10,485,299, and has invested
in its school property more than $28,
nmnnn an increase of 1.500.000 this
year. We spent last year $12,210,000
tor educational purposes, an increase
of $1,000,000.
"We have enrolled on our colleges
27,000 students, the largest college at
tendance in proportion to the popula-
UUU ill 111C U111LCU kJLdlS.
Expect to Cut Down
Wilson's Texas Vote
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 6. Opposition to
President Wilson's Mexican policy
will result in at least 33 1-3 per cent
increase in republican votes cast Tues
day in Texas over the republican and
progressive showing of 1912, it was
asserted here tonight by republican
state leaders.
Miller Park Residents to
Organize Social Center
Residents of Miller Park school
neighborhood are invited to attend a
mass meeting in the auditorium of the
school this evening when a community
center will be organized under the di
rection of the Recreation board. The
center will be conducted according to
the interest manifested by the at
tendants. Johnson Promoted; Becomes
Chicago Sales Manager
w. r. jonnson, manager ot tne
Omaha branch of the Woodman Lin
seed company, has been promoted. In
the latter part of the week he will
leave for Chicago, where he will be
come sales manager.
William C. Morse, assistant mana
ger of the company's office in St.
Louis, will succeed Mr. Johnson here.
Y. M. C. A. Election Night
Program is Interesting
. The Young Men's Christian asso
ciation will keep open house Tuesday
evening because of the presidential
election. A private wire has beensin
stalled and returns from the election
will be given out in the lobby. A
basket ball game and singing and
dancing by a "bell ringing" troupe has
been arranged.
Miss Martha Marshall, daughter of
J. H. Marshall of this city, and John
1C. Richardson of Chillicothe, Mo.,
were married by Rev. Charles W.
Savidge Monday.
Miss Marie Rous, daughter of Clem
Rous, and Fred C. Diggs of Red Oak,
la., were married by Rev. Charles W.
Savidge Monday.
Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue
ill Advertising.
Wanamaker Denounces Demo
Plan to Coerce the Postmasters
New York, Nov. 6. (Special Tele
gramsFormer Postmaster General
John Wanamaker has issued a state
ment sharply denouncing the scheme
which has been reported to him,
whereby Wilson campaign managers
had planned to coerce postmasters
into voting for Wilson. Mr. Wana
maker said:
"I have been informed that every
postmaster in every town and city in
every state in the country is to re
ceive a telegram, between now and
Monday, telling him to vote for
Woodrow Wilson. When I was in
the Postoffice department, I would
rather have had my right hand cut off
than to tell a man to vote for any
man for president, because he had a
$1,000 job in the department.
"I am informed, on unimpeachable
authority, that the telegrams have
been filed with both the large tele
graph companies.
"To my mind, it is a crime to at
tempt to intimidate postmasters with
$800 or $1,000 a year jobs, or even the
higher salaried postmasters, to vote
for Mr. Wilson. That office means
that man's bread and butter, and to
intimate to him that if Mr. Wilson is
G. 0. P. Candidate Says He Has
No Doubt that He Will Be
Elected Tuesday.
New York, Nov. 6. Both demo
crats and republicans profess confi
dence in the outcome of the voting
Tuesday. Final orders have gone out
from the headquarters here of the na
tional committees to the chiefs in
other states, but instructions will be
transmitted tomorrow to sub-chiefs
and lieutenants all the way down to
the precinct captains.
Charles E. Hughes, the republican
presidential candidate, who will re
main here until after election, an
nounced tonight that he considers his
campaign closed and that he has no
further statement to make. He told
the few callers he had, however, that
he felt sure of victory
Goes for Walk.
Mr. Hughes slept until 10:30 o'clock
this morning and did not leave his
hotel until after dinner tonight, when
he went for a walk.
The republican nominee will vote
Tuesday morning from the hotel here,
which is his legal residence. The
polling place will be an Eighth Ave
nue laundry.
Neither Vance C. McCormick, the
democratic national chairman, nor
William R. Willcox, the republican
chairman, had statements to make to
day. Each spent part of the day at
neaaquancrs mailing plans lor to
President Wilson s final message
to state and county chairmen, wired
from Long Branch, was made public
at democratic headquarters without
comment. It was said to speak for
Eleventh Hour Efforts.
Eleventh hour efforts of both
parties will be bent to "swinging" the
election of congressmen in doubtful
districts throughout the country.
Temperance Play
By Endeavorers
The temperance play, "At the Court
of Miss Columbia" was given in con
nection with the Christian Endeavor
convention Sunday afternoon at the
First Christian church. The charac
ters included fifteen young girls, all
dressed in white and impersonating
the dry states. Miss Columbia, un
personated by Ruth Bruechert, urged
Uncle Sam to make the United states
dry. Her attendants were Evelyn
Westgate and Isabel Campbell.
Following her plea diplomats from
Russia, Walter Lantlin; Mew Zealand.
George Jennings; "-Germany, Donald
Mahaffey; Oreat Britain, Harold
Boggs; France, Howard Woerner;
Canada, Edward Pleuler; Austria,
Leonard Camp; Sweden, Joe Hiddlis-
ton; Hungary, lheodore Woods; Ice
land, Joe Fhainholpa; New Found-
land, Herrick Yungall,' told Uncle
Sam of the benefits derived from
Uncle Sam upon hearing the evi
dence, told Miss Columbia that he
was but the servant of the people and
could do nothing.
Near the conclusion of the play
Miss Nebraska made a direct appeal
for the people of the state to put her
in the same class as her dry sisters.
She was encouraged by seven other
young girls, dressed to represent those
states voting on prohibition this year.
, A temperance recitation by Mary
Etta Cantannio was well received.
The play concluded with an address
by Rev.JJ'rank Lowe, jr., Columbus,
Mo., on tne frice ot Victory.
First Unitarians Sanction
Their New Church Site
The First Unitarian church congre
gation ratified Sunday the purchase
by its special committee , of the site
for their new church at Turner boule
vard and Harney street.
fending the construction ot the
new edifice, the church will have tem
porary quarters on the ground floor
of the Hamilton block at Twenty-
fourth and rarnam streets, where
Rev. Robert F. Leavens, the new pas
tor, will have his office. There also
will be held the meetings of the trus
tees, the Women's alliance and the
Junior club.
Railroad Business is
Booming All Over West
General Passenger Agent Basinger
of the Union Pacifi is back from a
trip over the Kansas divisions and to
Kansas City. He found the rai road
business booming wherever he went
with every indication that it will con
tinue, i i
With farmers having raised good (
crops and Having received high prices
for everything erown on the farms.
Mr. Basmger is anticipating a heavv
farm passenger business to California ;
during the winter months.
not elected he will lose his office, is
beyond all reason, indecent politics.
When I was postmaster-general, no
such action was ever or would ever
have been tolerated by me. During
my administration, there were about
o7,000 postmasters in the United
States. Now there must be between
90,000 and 100,000. Think of each in
cumbent of a postoffice getting a mes
sage of coercion to vote for Mr. Wil
son and intimating that if he does
not do as ordered he may lose his
"These telegrams, according to my
information, have all been written and
filed with the telegraph companies.
They have, so I have learned, been
distributed by each telegraph company
to a headquarters in every state in
the union and are all to be sent Mon
day. From what I have been able
to learn, the messages are worded
practically alike. I have been unable
to find out, however, whose signature
is attached to these telegrams. If
these messages were sent it must be
with the knowledge of Mr. Wilson,
and if this is the case, the scheme is.
in my opinion, a piece of unclean poli
tics, which I would never have
countenanced as postmaster-general."
Once Powerful Kingdom of
Europe Takes Place Anew
as Independent State.
Berlin, Nov. .6. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) "Polish provinces occupied
by troops of the central powers," says
the Overseas News agency, "were the
scene today of a great and momentous
historic event. Germany and Austria-
Hungary by joint action proclaimed
Warsaw and Lublin, the kingdom of
Poland, and re-established the right
of the Polish nation to control its own
destinies to live an independent na
tional life and to govern itself by
chosen representatives of the nation.
"A few days ago a Polish delegation
had called upon the imperial chan
cellor. Dr. von Bethmann-noliweg.
Its members were representative
Poles of all classes, all parties, all
ranks of society and all creeds. They
transmitted to the German govern
ment the wishes of the Polish nation
which now have been granted to
"Thus the ancient kingdom of
Poland from which in the past came
famous rulers like the Jagellones (a
dynasty founded by Jagello, which
reigned in Poland from 1386 to 1572),
and glorious soldiers like the great
Sobieski (John III, king of Poland in
1674-1696), is now resurrected.
"The Poles are free from Russian
oppression; no more to be trodden
under the heels of the Cossacks. The
liberty that had been destroyed a cen
tury afo on Russian instigation now
is restored. The rule of the knout has
been abolished, Poland has been
given back to western civilization."
Grain Prices Are
Still Slumping; No
Market Tuesday
There is no grain market Tuesday.
Here, as elsewhere, the grain men
want to take a little whirl in the po
litical game and consequently the ex
change will be closed all election day.
Grain prices continue to slump,
corn being the hardest hit, due to
the reports of enormous yield and
good quality. The Omaha market was
off 14 cents from Saturday, prices
ranging from 8494 cents per bushel.
The receipts for the day were eighty
Wheat was 2 cents lower, selling
at $1.621.77 per bushel. Receipts
were iw carloads.
Oats went off a half and sold at
5050-X cents, with forty-one car
loads oh sale.
Weather is to Be Fine for
All to Turn Out to Vote
Weather out in the state is just
about perfection. Temperatures are
running high and not a cloud is vis
ible. Similar conditions maintain all
through the mountains, according to
the reports to the railroads. This is
taken to mean that the weather on
election day in Nebraska will be fine.
Railroad men assert that informa
tion coming to them indicates that
with fair weather and the fall work
pretty well out of the way, the farm
ing sections of the state will poll the
largest vote ever recorded.
F. C Best Wants Bridge
Question .Handled Alone
Frank C. Best, candidate for re-election
as county commissioner, has ex
pressed himself as favoring a division
of the road and bridge committee.
He contends that the good roads
question is one of sufficient impor
tance and of such interest to the pub
lic that it should demand the attention
of a committee by itself. . Likewise.
he argues, the bridge question should
De nanaiea by a separate committee,
Lumbago and Paint In the Back.
At the first twinge ot pain In th back
apply Sloan's Liniment relief cornea at
once. Only SCc, All druggists. Adv.
Bring Out Your
Hidden Beauty
Beneath that soiled, discolored, fsritd or
aged eomplexion In one fair to look upon.
Mercollzed wax will gradually, gently ab
sorb the devitalised surface skin, revealing
the youthfully fresh . white and beautiful
akin underneath. Used by refined women
who prefer completions of true naturalness.
Mercolized wax In one ounce package, with
directions for use, ft sold by all druggists.
President of'Hughei Alliance
Gives His Estimate Based
on Enrollment.
New York, Nov. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) "New York state will be back
of Charles E. Hughes on November 7
with at least 100,000 majority. Labor
ing men and all other groups of wage
earners are standing by him staunch
ly; 90 per cent of progressive vote of
1912 and from 10 to 12 per cent of
vote cast four years ago for Wilson is
assured him.-.
Such is the prediction of Philip J.
McCook, president of the New York
Hughes alliance.
The fact that there are enrolled in
the New York Hughes alliance 175,000
voteis of all parties, the greatest
groups ever brought together in a
non-partisan movement, justifies Mr.
McCook in (peaking with authority
of the result in this state. Mr. Mc
Cook says:
"Ninety per cent of the progressives
of 1912 will vote for Hughes. Between
10 per cent and 12 per cent of those
who voted for Wilson in 1912, will
vote for Hughes. The drift of the Taft
vote of 1912 to Wilson is inconsider
able. The independents are in very
large numbers for Hughes. The labor
vote will, as usual, be divided and of
it Mr. Hughes will receive at least the
usual share which goes to a repub
lican candidate.
"New York will give at least 100,000
majority for Hughes and I shall be
rather surprised if it is not nearer
"The Hughes alliance in this state
now has over 175,000 members. From
a careful analysis of our membership
recently made, the following signifi
cant facts are disclosed: Thirty-eight
per cent or 66,500 are laborers; 31 per
cent, or 54,250 are clerks, salesmen
and buyers.
"Our enrollment shows that in New
permatt Style
yvn tPi iv? - 'f'" ' 19
Brewed and Bottled by
Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd.
00. IT Stewl. yheu Oonfta. 4al,
York state vernor Hughes has the
riendship and support1 of an extraor
dinary number of those who are de
pendent for their living upon their
dauy wage.
"Our analysis also shows that far
more than half of our members did
not vote the republican ticket in
Youth Hangs Self
In Cell in County
Jail; Tired of Life
Declaring that he was tired of the
way .he had been living and feeling
confident that the future held no hope
of change for him, Chance Jewell, 22
years old, ended his life Saturday
night by hanging himself in a celt
at the county jail, where he was
serving a sixty-day jail sentence for
Jewell tore a strip of cloth from a
blanket and tied one end to the bars
of his cell and the other to his neck.
Lack of space prevented a quick
death, and from the position he was
found in by Deputy Sheriffs William
Hogan and Joseph Popischal early
Sunday morning, it is thought that
he knelt as in prayer, in order to
strangle himself.
A note, scrawled on a paper bag,
was addressed to his two sisters, who
live at the Rex hotel, Sixteenth and
Cass streets, requested that he be
buried next to his mother, who died
several months ago.
Jewell was arrested Friday by Offi
cer Charles Pipkin, as a suspect in
connection with investigation of
stolen automobiles. Nothing could
be proven against him in this connec
tion, bnt while he was in court, he
was recognited as the youth who
stole a bicycle and sold it for $5.
Police say he had a bad record. He
had been a newsboy, messenger, and
taxi driver around the streets of
Omaha for ten years.
Court Gets $125 from
Raid On Disorderly House
L. A. Rohn, Sixth and Pierce
streets, was arraigned in police court
charged with keeping a disorderly
house. He was fined $50 and coats
and three inmates were each lined $25
and costs.
Is Always Light and Uniform in Color.
It is as inviting as it is satisfying. And it
can't break. When you buy a package of
ten Admiral Little Cigars you can smoke
every one of them. No wonder smokers
have yearned for it, and that inventors have
spent years trying to discover the ideal wrap
BUT TOBACCO, that will not crack or
1 frazzle, selected to blend with the flavor of
the filler; harmonizes the aroma of the filler.
. Therefore, Admiral Little Cigar, protected by
foil to keep their quality, are told in packages of
In foil-lined package. Thit meant another revolution in
protecting all-tobacco little cigan. And only a nickel.
jr., y
Leave No Doubt as to Where
They Stand on Question of
Senatorial Candidate.
A meeting held Sunday afternoon
in Bohemian Turner hall on South
Thirteenth street left no doubt as to
the loyalty of Bohemian citizens to
ward the candidacy of John L. Ken
nedy for United States senator. Va
clav Buresh called the meeting to
order and related some of the reasons
why Bohemians should vote for Mr.
Kennedy as against Senator Hitch
cock. The crowd cheered enthusiastical
ly when Chairman Buresh mentioned
the name of Kennedy. Vaclav Bribyl
spoke in behalf of A. C, Harte and
I rank L. Best, republican nominees
for the county board. John Simanek
made a brief talk for the republican
ticket. Stanley Serban and Joseph
Kaspar also spoke.
General opinion on South Thir
teenth street and adjacent territory
is that John L. Kennedy will carry
every precinct.
Mystical Order of Rosae
Crucls Comes to Omaha
In his lecture on "God'i Book of
Life" Sunday evening at Theosophical
hall, Sherman G. Peticolas said: ''With
the passing of the dark ages, the light
which has been kept burning during
the centuries by that devoted band ol
philosophers and scientists known as
the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae
Cruris has been thrown into the dark
places of occult knowledge, and now
an Ancient Hermetic brotherhood has
come to bless America with its teach
ings and with its coming astrology
will blossom as a rose.
"Omaha is to have the grand lodge
for Nebraska for the order and a
grand secretary has been chosen and
resides in this city."
M 1
Nehawka Man Says Republican
Nominee Will Carry Ne
braska by 10,000.
(From a itaff Corraipondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 6. (Special.)
Charles E. Hughes will carry Ne
braska by not less than 10,000 ma
jority over Wilson, is the opinion of
E. M. Pollard of Nehawka, who came
to Lincoln today after a campaign
trip through the state.
"I can't see it any other way," said
Mr. Pollard. "There have been
changes on both sides, but when the
swapping has been done, you will find
that it leaves the proposition In just
about the same relative positions as it
was before. In some places there are
some republicant for Wilson, while
in other places there is a decided
going to Hughes on the part of demo
crats. When you take into considera
tion that there can be a loss by Mr.
Hughes of seven or eight republicans
in every precinct in Nebraska, basing
the vote on the rate of four years ago,
and then the republicans win, it can
he readily seen that there has got to
be a real landslide for the democrats
to carry the state for Wilson. .
"Nebraska is normally republican
by at least 15,000 to 18,000, to say the
least, and I fail to see anything in the
situation which would make me be
lieve that Wilson will carry the state."
Breaks Into Barber
Shop and Takes Bath
For the second time during the
last week, the barber shop of John
Konvelin, 1202 Farnam street, was
broken into. The first time $2 and
a quantity of auppliei were taken.
The recent visit was more of a friend
ly call, the burglar merely . taking a
bath and a clean shirt.