Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    Bremen Is Lost, Says
trin of the submersible would
nersisted tonifrht that tin's iva't,;n
begin Monday morning. , i
Captain Koenig gives no credence
to continued rumors that the long
overdue submarine Bremen wilP ap
pear at New London. "The litemen
is lost," he said.
Despite denials by Commander
Yates Stirling of the submarine base
here that orders bad been given to
patrol the thrcc-mi&c limit, reports
as a quarters ship for the men vhile
the Deutschland remains in port. ,
Washington and Lee .
Take Navy Measure
Annapolis, Md., Nov. 4. Washing
Ion and Lee took Navy's measure in
foot hall here this afternoon in such
style as In uivt tlirir rntifirlti-. a
done by government submarines. Of
several of these boats in the outer
waters today, two returned tonight,
one later leaving for Boston, it was
said. The others, it was reported,
were still off Block Island.
the resulting goal followed by a neatly-booted
placement goal from a dif
ferent angle. N ,
Department Ortlera.
WnxlHnKtnn, Nov. i (Special Telelrram
Charlea I,. Davla, anperlnternlent of th
HoHoliud Indian a(rerry, Houth Dakota, haa
lp-n transferred to Port Apache Teaarva
1lon, Artanna, vlra W. M. Ietoraon, trans
ferred to KciHchuri. .
Nehraaka rural rarrlera appointed: Kalli
city. John I. Warnvr; Tecumaeh, Samuel A.
Deutscfrland Chief
New London, Conn., Nov. 4. Cap
tain Paul Koenig of the undersea
merchantman Deutschland said to
night that the loading of the cargo
of crude rubber and nickcLfor the Te-
severe jolt. Although haviitg the ad
vantage of weight and the added ben
efit of a wet, slippery field, the sailors
were outclassed more than the 10-to-0
score indicated.
For the entire last period the visi
tors played safe and to save their
several invalids, resorted to a kicking
i No Matter Where You Turn
' Voice of Political Orator
Greets You.-
Services for the crew of the I
Deutschland will he
morrow on the North German Lloyd
steamer Willchad, which is serving
game. The Virginians' points were
tallied on well-earned touchdown and
A negro, incensed by white men who
chidcd him for "hogging" standing
room in a Thirteenth street car last
night, whipped out a razor when the
car reached Thirteenth and Harney
and slashed Norman Ghyst, bartender
at the Musicians' club, who lives at
1410 Chicago, across the face. - Police
Surgeon Orris Myers took fourteen
stitches in the wound to close it.
Ghyst was accompanied by Dr. B.
L. Cavanaugh, denist at 607 Citv Na-
rional Bank Building, and I-red Kee ev.
,417 Jones, ut Vfore these could in
terfere the negro leaped from the car
and escaped. .
By A. R. GROH.
Well, folks, it's all over but the
shouting. ,
The campaign of 1916 practically
came to a close in Omaha and else
where last night.
The republicans and the democrats,
the "drys" and the "wets," have pre
sented their several causes to the
people with eloquence and vocifer-
The people will now retire to their
homes and offices and shops and give
the matter deliberate consideration.
And on next Tuesday they will go to
the polls and cast their ballots, exer
cise their franchises. In plain words,
they will vote.
V A great night was last night. Beau
tifully balmy and calm was the weath-
w ,er. Ann the crowns tlocked to the
bright light? of down town. The ora-
7 'J- l.,p rl r,;ilr.,... El4rtAJ ...-I., -...I
lasted late, from the big Bryan
meeting the street crowds ranged
down to little groups where impromp
tu debates were staged.
Debates Wax Warm.
Ah, friends, if harsh words could
kill, our population would be sadly
depleted today. In this home and
fireside daily we would never, never
print the epithets which usually-re
spectable citizens called each other
in the heat of political debate last
A tall, thin, gray-haired man was
speaking from an automobile at Four
teenth and 1' amain streets, when
short, fat man demanded to know
' rw mnrU Via in" Iivh Tlia
i t. t. g.-h. man told the heckler he I
was a bum, and the s. f. man invited
him to step down from the automo
bile and call him that, whereupon the
t. t. g.-h. man laughed, ha-ha-ha, just
like that, and directed his words, as
soon as he could be heard, to the
other side of the automobile. "I want
to speak to men, not hoodlums like
these folks on the other side," he
said, with dignity.
All Ends Well.
The same thing happened in other
forms at other street meetings. And
et it be recorded to the credit and
leveHieadedness of us Omaha . and
Nebraska and United States Nneoole I
that tne trouDle always ended up in
The only kind of shooting was
"shooting off" of mouths. The only
kind of daggers used were the daggers
that they "looked" at each other. The
only poison gas used was verbal cas.
At one meeting two men in the front
line trenches, after shooting at each
other for ten minutes, finally got so
well acquainted that they shook hands
and each agreed that the other was
a good fellow, except for his politics.
The Salvation - Army marched out
bravely and took its position on Dead
Man Hill at Sixteenth and Douglas.
untrigntened Dy tne oratorical artil
lery from a meeting half a block awav.
they burst into a salvation song, ac
companied Dy tneir band.
Trucks and wagons with big canvas
signs on them paraded slowly through
me crowoea streets.
All Sorts of Signs.
A "wet" advertisement on one truck
said, .Papa: If they have prohibition
in Nebraska will you have to buy my
, books , like they .do in Kansas.
(Signed) Walter." And along came
f a "dry" advertisement saying, "Booze
tor papa or shoes tor Walter?
Over in the Auditorium was a "wet"
IV assemblage. The Christian Endeav-
X'orers were singing in the Brandeis I
theater. All the other theaters hail I
And the ancient moon rode coldly
in the clear sky and, seemed to look
, down in amusement upon the ephe
meral struggles of puny man on this
November evening in the year that
men call 1916.
But, many are the hearts that are
anxious today waiting 'for the votes
to be counted. Not a few faithful
' democrats are pinning their hopes to
the immortal words of that staunch
patriot, that towering statesman,
, Louis J. Piatti, who, in a recent ad
1. dress to the democratic workers of
Douglas county, laid down the prin
' ciples and aspirations of democracy
-m these noble words, which shall go
ringing down the ages: "We will have
over 200 offices in Douglas county
to give out if we win, and we will
. Hifttrihllt thpm tn ihnca umrlace tUni
. . . .. . o .0l I
swing the most votes into line. '
Oh, friends, that little word, "if"!
Two Men Are Held
On Robbery Charge
Two men, describing themselves as
i, James Bentley, Denver, and James
Hutchinson, Kansas City, are being
held at police headquarters on a
charge of highway robbery, preferred
by John Buck, Steubenville, O., labor
er, who accused them of taking his
watch and $40.
The two men followed him from a
Ninth strejt resort, he said, and
when they reached . a dark -alley
!,,nn4 nnnll htm fri kAl.: J it iviliuu. V1IC
held his arm while the other searched
i his pockets. .Detective John Unget
made the arrests, finding the men in
a Douglas street lodging house.
Uses Razor When '
He Is Called Down
The Democrats Pledged Themselves to Reduce
the Cost of Living But Living Expenses
Are Now the Highest on Record
The following; i$ a plank from their Platform vf 1912
1 problem in every American home. The Repub
lican Party, in its platform, attempts to escape from "
responsibility for present conditions by denying that
they are due to a protective tariff.
"We take issue with them on this subject, and
charge that excessive prices result in a large measure
from the. high-tariff laws enacted and maintained by
the Republican Party and from trusts and commercial
conspiracies fostered and encouraged by such laws,
and we assert that no substantial relief can be secured
for the people until import duties on the necessaries of
life are materially reduced and these criminal conspir
acies broken up."
UpwarcJ Climb of the Cost of Living
from 1913 to 1916.
Baud tn fipint from Ik New York Timtt Financial Steven)
i ' I
193 1915
The Cost of Living NOW Is the Highest on Record
Nearly 407? Higher than in 1913 when the
Democratic Low I anfT Law Took Effect.,
If it is true, as Mr. Wilson claims, that our present prosperity
is not due to the war, then the high cost of living is not due
to the war. r
, The Democratic Party cannot claim the credit for one with
out assuming the responsibility for the other.
What You Paid' in 1913
and What You Pay Now
Articles Unit 1913 1916 Increase-
Flour . . i .Bbl. $4.65 $9.75 110
Sugaiv.... lb.' .044 .07V2 75
Lard..... lb. .10 .1712 61
Eggs..:.doz. .36 .58 61
Donmtlo tit Alrudr Riil-
kif it 13 In Many Parti
of ttia City.
What You Paid hT1913
and What You Pay Now
Articles Unit 1913 1916 Increase '
Salt Pork.. . lb. .12 .16 33
Salt Beef..... lb. .09 .llVj, 28
Butter lb. .31 .36 16
Sirloin Steak. lb. .24i2 .28 14
Vote for
Republican National Publicity CoT.rrJ:L20.