Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Copyright, 1919.
International Ntw ScrTle
Drawn for The Bee by Geprge McManus .
n 1 i m n i i n : 7 a igiami 1 prra
JIVTHKIS D000KN0V-Mf?.. DON'T I'LL &Et 00 ""'OUR , MS4 . lgj - yJ '
yT OF , ' M,NUTE; "" t COINq - I CAN'T g" y
Cornhuskcr Mentor Covers Up
and Hides Every Single
' Play of Attack. ,
"It'll be time for the flower, boys,
when the Cornhuskers tangle with
Notre Dame," groaned about 90 per
cent of the 7,000 spectators when hos
tilities between Nebraska and Ames
, were concluded Saturday with Ne
braska on the long end of the close
3-to-0 count. - ,,
Those Cornhuskers, who 'for the
last five years have humbled the pride
bf the, mightiest and who have been
regarded by many Nebraska enthusi
asts as invincible, looked woefully
and pitifully weak Saturday. They
i 'cinched the Missouri Valley cham
pionship, but that was expected. But
they didn't show any foot ball that
would tempt a man to predict a vic
tory over Notre Dame.
But here and there in the stands
around Nebraska field sat a real stu
dent of foot ball who looked farther
than the-surface in - watching the
Cornhusker play, who studied the
rnetJtndj and executions of Stewart's
; charges and who sized each play up
for himself after the game. Ana those
chaps didn't send out any hurry calls
for the'uwtierlaker.
Watchful Waiting.
"Doc Stewart has a box of tricks up
his sleeve, it won't be the same Corn
huskers who will face Notre Dame,"
was the verdict of the lads who delved
beyond the surface. And they're
right. .
Doc Stewart is a foxy coach, fie
proved that to us just a few weeks
ago. The Cornhuskers played the
same ,kind of foot ball against the
Kansas Aggies that they played
against Ames Saturday. The offensive
was puny. A week later against Jtht.
Oregon .Aggies, a , much stronger
team, the Cornhusker offensive was a
powerful affair. It ripped the Oregon
machine to pieces the full sixty min
utesof play. That was. Stewart's
work. ' '
Last week during practice for the
Ames game Stewart only put his war
riers through one scrimmage and that
scrimmage was practically entirely
devoted to working up a defense for
the; Ames play. "The scrubs carried
theNball, not the varsity. Why was
that? In the first place a number of
' the Huskers were hurt in the . Ne-braska-Wesleyan
game. And in the
second place Stewart didn't intend to
show anything in the Iowa Aggie
game. ;
, Fdols the Scouts,
Assistant Coach- Rockne of Notre
Dame saw the game Saturday. So did
Coach Olcjitt of 'Kansas. So did
Howard Jones of Iowa. And if they
got any kind of W line on the Com-
"huskers they're wonders. . ... ,
The Cornhuskers diu not open up
once Saturday. They played straight
foot ball except for several unsuccess
ful attempts to forward pass and
every pass was made from straiarht
formation. No shifts were tried! No
tricks were tried. Only half a doieif
end runs were tried. Ted Kiddell, an
exceptionally fast man who can be
counted upon to skirt the wings for
good gains, was only given the ball ft
couple of times. Dobson, who has
shown (ability to , receive forward
passes, Was only called upon on one
pass and he captured that one for a
good gain. He is also a good line
plunger, but wasn't used at all. Stew
art was holding back in that Ames
game. Perhaps hfdadn't intend it to
be quite as close, but we have hunch
he is satisfied.
' And Vhen the Cornhusker! line upJ
iu uu uaiuc wnn rwansas ana lowa,
our guess" is that they will play pretty
: much the same kind of ball, content
- to win by a narrow margin without
disclosing any of the real attack for
, the hostile scouts to 'see and prepare
v against. But when Ste-vart sends his
men against Notre Dame, it will be
something else again. i
When Stiehm Did It.
Perhaps you remember tWo years
ago when the much-heralded Michi
gan Aggies invaded Nebraska. The
odds were IV and J to I on the Michi
' gan crew and every Nebraskan con
' ceded the defat. But what happened
The Aggies - were literally over
whelmed. 1 .
- Jumbo Stiehm covered upon the
Aggies that time. Covering up is an
old trick of Stewart's. He's done it
before at other places. And he's more
skillful at it than even Jumbo Stiehm.
By their victory Saturday, the Corn
huskers put their seventh consecutive
Missouri, Valley conference1 title on
ice. Kansas alone remains to dispute
that title and Ames has beaten Kan
sas, so it is believed the Cornhuskers
will win without a great deal of trou
ble. -Three Surprises. .
1 hrce surprises marked the play of
western teams Saturday. 1 he defeat
9 9 5
9 Q t S i
v"J J I A
Georges Carpentler, - member of
the- French-flying corps, still wants
to fight. , Even his part in the war
hasn't taken it out of his blood. Car
pentier has written .a letter to Les
Darcy, the Australian, who is now in
this country, in which be takes it for
granted Darcy soon will be on the
firing line, and says that after the war,
"if we are both alive," he would like
to box him and will concede whatever
weight Darcy might make if he be
comes a heavyweight.
as the star half back of South Dakota
last year and when the Coyotes played
Creighton, Vidal was completely stop'
ped by the Blue and White defense.
If Vidal could gain against Notre
Dame, reason the Nebraskans, Cook,
Caley, Kiddell and Dobson ought to.
Jumbo Stiehm, our, old pal, got an
other ran in the teeth by Northwest
ern. Jumbo has dropped three games
this year, more than he lost during
his entire career of five years at Ne
braska, s
of Minnesota at the' hands of"
Illinois was the most startling. Min
nesota was a heavy favorite in the
conference, while Zuppkc's eleven
was thought to be weak. It was an
other case of where a ' coach was
covering up. Zuppke had taught the
Illini a wonderful forward passing at
tack and it wasn't expected as
Zuppke's men displayed it for the first
time against the Gophers. ; He com
pletely out-guessed the crafty Will
iams. Ohio State, by defeating Wisconsin,
placed itself on even terms with
Northwestern in the conference fight.
On November 25 the Big Nine cham
pionship will be decided by these two
teams. It is the first time in history
Ohio ,and Northwestern will fight it
out for the title.
More Hope for Nebraska.
The victory of the Army over Notre
Dame was also a surprise. The
Hoosiers were the favorites. But Oli
phant and Vidal, two western proV
ducts, proved to be -too much. The
success of Vidal against Notre Dame
is rather pleasing news to Nebraska
supporters. Vidal will be remembered
Central Favorite
Over Lincolnites
In Fray Saturday
Central's stingging vi'vry over
Beatrice and Lincoln's ovcivhelming
defeat of Sioux Falls wercthe two
interesting games in Nebraska foot
bll last week. Coach Mulligan showed
the Queen City that his team mot
only was made up of first class ma
terial, but was the, handiest in the
state when it comes to fighting
through pinches. Morearty, or no
Morearty, Central would have beaten
Beatrice Friday because they had de
veloped a defense in the, first half of
the game that the Black and Orange
could not penetrate.
me tact that Mulligan s goal line
has not been crosse'd thus far this
season is encouraging for the Lincoln
game Saturday. It will probably take
more than one Griffin to swing his
way through the local defense, and
Since Lincoln has but one such per
son a Capital City victoryffseems re
mote. The odds by a whole lot-are
with Central. The game will be a
mighty close affair, however, as
Coach Reese has been weekly im
proving his squad.
Grand Island whipped away with
a victory against York. Owens of the
Third City eleven picked up a fum
ble in the third quarter and raced
for a touchdown. York has been
minus of its regular players . in its
first , four games and probably has
presented its weakest defense in the
four hardest games on its schedule.
North Platte and Kearney have
postponed their battle until Novem
ber 11, thus delaying the dope in this
direotion for several days. It is the
general opinion, however, that North
Platte cannot hold a candle to Cen
tral'! splendid record.
Bluffn Mldnti ItofMtod.
Thd .Pontfnetlen won from tb Council
BluffR Midfeet!, 6 to 1. Tha Fontenelloo
tnterfftrflni'o wu too much tor tha boya
acroaa tha rlvar. Tom Elvlnea win far tha
atftr of tha sama, eroialnStthe Mldgata Una
tor four touchdowns.
.Clair Dogs, Owned by Reagon
and Woodworth, Take Mer
' chants Hotel Stake.
A glass with,
your dinner is
good for you.
Phone Douglas 1889
and have a case
sent home.
Luxus Mercantile
Reagon and Woodworth of Utica,
Neb., captured the Merchants Hotel
stake and the Chris Lyck cup in the
final day of the coursing meet at the
Douglas County Fair grounds, when
the two Clair dogs, Dick Clair and
Babe Clair, ran true to form, and
won both ends of the semi-final round
in this state event. Both" dogs went
through all the rounds easily.
Wild Jerry, owned-by Virgin and
Shark, won the special stake by win
ning in the final round from Muddy
Roads, 17 to 6. This race was o long
one, as the score indicates. The jack
was a frisky animal and he gave the
hotyids a merry chase, but was even
tually killed when he tried to es
cape by leaping over the canvas. That
he had not been trained for the escape
was evident, as he had several oppor
tunities to get away, but did not try
for the escape.
Two match races were also held.
Honey Moon, won a match race from
Gold Top by a score of S to 2. Honey
Moon is another Virgin and Shark
dog. Grace Rockwell, owned by W.
If. Hack ot Urand Island, deleatea
Hurh Life in the other match race.
6 to 5. . A dispute, arose' over this
race, the owner of High Lite dis
agreeing with Judge Ray Page's de
cision. Grace Rockwell went into the
race a 3 to 1 favorite in theXbetting
ring and takers of the short end
joined with the owner in the dispute.
A lot of argument raged for several
The betting ring was a busy place,
with heavy oods being placed on most
of the races. ' On a few rsfces the
wise boys, who generally gave the
odds, took the short end and on dogs
that had been beaten every day be
fore against dogs that had won ev
erything before, and returned winner.
Thrre is a suspicion that it is possible
to "whisper to a dog" just as it is to
just as it is to a horse.
Occasionally the betting lagged and
a crap game and pitching dollars to
a line amused those of sporting inclin
ations. Yesterday was the last day of the
V Social life JJ
1 at thfiCflnitnl h IS U
Social life
at the Capitol
begins now
and naturally the road tq
Washington is the Baltimore & Ohio.
It is the shortest route. It is the only
line running solid steel trains without
change. It is the only line operating
drawing room, compartment and ob
servation lounging library cars. The
comforts are many. The dining service
is renowned.
Winter Tourist Season
Very low rates are now in effect to Florida
and Cuba via, Washington. Full information
at the address below. Please call or write.
Thes four famous modern steel trains run
through to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New
York, but liberal ttopoven are allowed at
Washington on all tickets.
The Chicago-New York Express leavta at 833 a. m.
The Interstate Special lavei at ... . 10:45 a. m.
Tht Chicago-New York Limited leavn atj 5:43 p. m.
Tha Middlo-Weit Express leave at . . . 10:43 p. m.
All trains leav Grand C antral Station, Fifth Av.
and Harrison St, Chicago. .
Ticket OfHcMt 338 Soath Clark St. and all princi
pal hotala. Grand Central Stadon, also 63rd St. Station. ,
C C. ELRtCK. Tnvallnar Paaa. AMnt. .
I SU-U Woodman of tha World Bldt.
Omaha, Nab. ,
Baltimore & Ohio
"Our paung era art our gutttt "
coursing meet and it is believed was
the finish of coursing, as far as Oma
ha is concerned. The coursing men
who conducted the event declare they
will not come back to Omaha. None
of the programs were well attended.
Italians Continue
Their Triuiriphs
Rome, Nov. 5. (Via Lotdon.)
Italian troops in the last four days
have taken prisoner 270 Austro-Hun-garian
officers and 8,722 men, says
the statement issued today by the
Italian war department. Since the
Italian offensive started August 6,
on the Julian front, the Italians have
captured 40,365 Austro-Hungarians,
including 1,008 officers.
Bancroft High Loses
' To West Point Team
West Point, Neb., Nov. 5. (Spe
cial.) The local foot ball team de
feated Bancroft High yesterday in the
hardest fought game of the season by
a score Of 17 to IS. Features of Jhe
game were the accurate goal kicking
and line plunging of Captain Howarth,
left half for the locals, and the end
running and defensive work of Left
Half Gates for the visitors. The teams
were very evenly matched and fought
from whistle-to whistle. During the
game Voght of Bancroft fell and sus
tained a broken ankle,, and Lloyd
Francis, also of Bancroft, had his nose
broken in two places. Lineup:
Mueller C.IC. . . rr. .: . . . J: Bonk
Wandt. L,. jp.Il. O Hnaon
a ....R. G.IR. O.. ...... IMehtner
Schrank , , .L. T.JL. T "&ndaraoii
Kaaa R. T.IR. T. . . . ... Stnffpeat
Andra UEJUH Palmar
Krauaa ... ,R. E. R. E. ...... .Vogt (c-
Howarth (c).,L,H.B.II.,H.B Cataa
Haeffalln .R.H.B R.H.B. Raabe
Nalaon F. B.!P. B... Trancls
Losob Q. B.Q. B D onahor
Subatltutaa: Bancroft, Copplo for Prancta.
Touchdowna: Loach, Howarth, Catea, Vog-t;
Prom touchdown: Howarth (3). Plaid
voala: Cataa, Howarth 10). Refaree: John
J. Qroaa. -Umplra: R. O. Raynolda. . Head
llneaman: La Pleacha Parley.
Alliance High Defeats Chad ran Nornal.
Alliance, Neb., Nov. (.((Special.) Al
liance High achool defeated Chadron Normal
yeaterday. S to 6, though greatly , out
weighed by Chadron. Tha game was wit
neaaed by about 2,000 people, the bualneaa
men of the city having raised fundn and
opened the gate to all school children free.
Local Pin tumblers Begin to
Show Signs of Eeal Form
, as Season Progresses. ,
Bowling scores of last week were
quite an improvement over thoseof
previous weeks, showing that Omaha
sharks are commencing to realize that
they have been hopelessly out of form
and in no condition to enter the big
Middlewest tournament, which starts
in St. -Louis this month. They are
still a little wild and lots of practice
is still needed if they expect to com
pete successfully against the teams
from other cities.
The season's prize fund will be larger
than ever, due to the large entry list.
It is expected St. Louis will enter 100
teams and that Chicago will be there
with twenty teams, Peoria, fifteen,
and Omaha, Kansas City, Sioux City,
St. Paul and Des Moines will have
their usual four to eight teams, but
the real surprise is the fact thaT small
er cities, which formerly entered only
one team each, sent in entries for two
or three teams. There are several
of these. Mason City, la., has entered
three; Dubuque, two; Burlington, nev
er represented before, two; St. Joseph,
three; Cedar Rapids and Davenport,
la., two teams each. Teams have been
entered from Taylprville. III., and Doe
Run, Mo. Several towns, such as
these, which have never entered be
fore, are lining up this season with
one or two teams each. ) ' "
A few Omaha teams have already
announced definitely their entrance in
the big meet. The Brandeis, Storz.
Metz and All-Stars will make the trip,
and. the Oma, Jetter's Old Age
and Luxus teams are considered prac
tically certainties. The Home Res
taurants of the Boosfer league alsq
contemplate taking the voyage.
The annual meeting will be held
Sunday, November 19. This meeting
will be especially interesting on ac
count of the keen competition be
tween- three 'cities for next season's
event. Des Moines, Kansas City and
Peoria are already playing politics
and endeavoring to line up delegates
from other cities.
Tourney at Lincoln.
Omahajeams will have an oppor
tunity for tournament practice-' at
Lincoln next Saturday it theyA enter
the big handicap tournament which is
being held this week. Lincoln has
entered twenty teams and teams wilt
enter from Wahoo, Omaha, Fremont,
Grand Island and Columbus. The
entry fee is $1 per man in each event,
and all will be paid out - in prize
money. About four teams will enter
from here. Saturday has been set
aside for Omaha teams, and two more
are needed to fill the reserved spaces.
This will be an excellent opportunity
for Omaha teams' to get in condition
for the big St. Louis fray.
South Dakota Holds l.
The Michigan Aggies
To. an Even Score
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 5. For the
first time in the history of the school,
South Dakota university held, the
Michigan Aggies to a 3-to-3 score at
Vermilion today. - South Dakota was
the aggressor throughout the contest,
keeping-4he ball for the greater part
of the time in the Aggies1 territory.
The visitors fought like real Wolver-"
ines, but were unable to score until
three minutes before the final whistle.
- In the second quarter McKinnon
placed a drop kick between the Michi
gan goal posts for 'the South Dakota
tally. In the latter part of the last
period a South Dakota penalty placed
the ball; within kicking distance and
three minutes before the end of the
game Huebel, Che Aggies' heady little
quarterback, tied the score by placing
the pigskin fairly between the posts
- Norfolk Minna Game.
Coach. Walker of Norfolk telephoned The
Ree laat evening that he waa minus a game
for Prlday or Saturday of next week and
would be open to a propoaltlon with any
high achool team of ability In the atate. At
the laat minute Oothenberg for unexplained
reaaon, he saya, backed out of a. contract
to play. ,
Bee Want Ads Produce Results!
caught the point of
ifot Hearted Havana
going through
. the Tom Moore Cigar
factory. (
The foreman opened a
certain door and together
they stepped into a large
dark room. When their
eyes could seeYin the dim
light, the foreman pointed
to great bundles of fiavana
leaf. "This,"he explained;
"is Tom Moore's Havana
leaf getting its natural age
ing. Some of it has been
here eighteen months
some nearly three years
to properly mellow." v
' Then in the great work
rooms the visitor saw the
Tom Moore Cigar makers
at their benches. "Many
of them," the foreman
whispered7'Twere here be
! fore the Spanish-American
With remarkable deft
t ness some were fashioning :
the age-mellowed Havana
leaf into Tom Moore
shapes. Others were roll
ing on Tom Moore's mild
Sumatra wrapper. , In an
other room skilled blend
ers were laying out the
exact proportions of each
grade of leaf to give Tom
Moore its uniform "light
hearted Havana", flavor.
t'; y .' '
That. visitor can say this with,
confidence; "No matter where .
,f you live, your 'Give me a Tom '
" Moore" will bring to you the same ; V
; 'mellow flavor the lame 'light ' '
hearted Havana' enjoyment."
. I .V IY i- 71 JL-JW .7 1
- '-l
: . C I G A R - X E N C E N t S
Rothenlrg & Schloss, Distributor. Kansas City. Mi r
c ' Omaha Branch 1715 Douglas Street r.,