fHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 5, 1916. 3 A TELEPHONE 2020 DOUGLAS' Smart Costume Blouses Just Arrived from New York SO "DIFFERENT" and so distinguished, that one glance at them makes every woman with a blouse need de cide then and there to add at least one of these to her wardrobe. Made of excellent quality georgette crepe, braided models, now so fashionable. All the new colorings, coral, chartreuse, brown, plum, navy, green, white, flesh, and black, $8.98 and $10. Blouse Shop, Second Floor. Domestics, Dress Prints, Flannel, Etc. Fancy Outing Flannel, Amoskeag "Smyrna" Cloth and American Fleece Outings, best grade. Off the bolt, Monday, yard . . - SVitt 36-inch Highly Mer cerized Curtain Mar quisette, from the Glen wood mills. Plain white and ecru. Faney bor ders. Regular 19c value, off the b,olt, yd 12V4t The Genuine "Duckling Fleece' Kimono and Wrapper Flannel, beau tiful designs; light and dark grounds. 15c value, yards 12Mt Beautiful Fall Suitings, from the Windsor Print ing Co.'s mills. Neat light and dark colorings. 12 &c value, special Monday, yard . . . 7 H 32-inch Genuine English Shirtings, neat Fall de signs, fancy stripes and figures. Fast colors. Monday, yard . . . 15 Basement. I 'mm fb 'HUH,.. -uiuujujTri,l'iiH( SETS THE PACE JliSlkHl FOR CROWING OMAHA trn ill i n. wi. i& Fashionable Apparel and Furs Unequalled Style and Low Pricing A LL THE exacting niceties of style have been adhered to in every garment we show ; J the critical eye of Dame Fashion can only nod approval, and yet, withal, the rjrices are so moderate that every woman who follows Fashion closely knows that we are asking minimum prices even at a time when the wholesale markets are rising, and ris ing, ana rising. Pretty Silk Dresses At $15.00 In the choice colors of the present season. Crepe meteor, taffeta, crepe de chine, georg ette, etc. Smart models for young and middle-aged women. Effective combinations of satin and serge. Afternoon Frocks For Dress Occasions Beautiful frotks for bridge, dinners, etc., made in the most effective of the latest Fall models in the richest and pret tiest of silk fabrics. Every smart combination of the season. $25, $35, $49, $59 to $98 Party and Dancing Frocks The daintiness of these frocks can only be appreciated when seen, as the filmy nets, laces and fabrics in their dainty evening colorings make them fascinating. $25, $35, to $65 i O NT' lit Beautiful Silk Velour Coats Made with the large cape collars, of different rich furs. The wide, flary bottoms and the semi fitted styles. ' $49, $59 to $85 Rich Plush Coats In the good qualities, with guaranteed linings. Pretty large cape collars of fur and fur-trimmed. $25, $35, $39, $49 New Silk Petticoats The color you want in many combinations of silk jersey and messaline, jersey and taffeta, all taffeta and all-satin. Wide, pretty, full ruffles and fitted tops. $2.98, $5 to $6.98 Suits Wonderful Assortment Suits Wonderful assortment of velours, broadcloths, mixtures, etc. Some plain-tailored styles, others fancy and fur trimmed. $30 to $45 Suits $18.50 $25 to $32 Suits $14.50 Smart Tailored Suits, $35.00 New Models in Hudson Seal Coats Wonderfully Attractive Hudson Seal and Marten Trimmed Collar $149.00 Hudson Seal, Marten Border and Collar $198.00 Hudson Seal, "Raccoon Trimming $125.00 Hudson Seal, Mole Collar and Trimming $225.00.. Hudson Seal, Beaver Collar and Trimming $235.00 Hudson Seal, Blue Wolf Border and Collar $298.00 Hudson Seal, Kolinsky Collar and Trimming $375.00 Hudson Seal, 9-Inch Martin Border and Large Collar $385.00 Second Moor. Wool Coats In rich soft velours, Bolivia cloths, chev iots and broadcloths. Pretty fur trim mings and plain tailored effects, in ev ery good color Burgundy, plum, Char treuse, gold, navy, brown and green. $15, $19 to $49 A Seasonable Sale Of Sewing Needs Sewing Machines, Dress Forms, Notions, Mc. The three great factors in your sew ing success. The very best of their kind in each instance. Time, money and labor savers. THE "FREE" Best Sewing Machine in the Wprld Built to last a lifetime and with a guarantee and an insurance policy that safeguards you no-ninsr. loss of anv kind whatsoever. For a limited time we wilL continue our remarkable allowance of $12 for Your Old Machine to Apply ' as first payment on the "FREE." 5 With a good Dress Fosm, a plentiful supply of Notions and Sewing js Need, and this inimitable "Free" Sewing Machine, you will accomplish more than you ever did in sewing before, with less fatigue and actually v save time and money. . 5 The "FREE" built to last a lifetime i qq The lightest running , f V a I The fastest sewing '. . .ldown buy8 14 The most convenient ( M QQ The most beautiful 7 . ., Mechanically perfect k week pays for Special Sale of Standard Make Sewing Machines V We have a very limited number of Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, s New Home, and Domestic Sewing Machines, which we will sell at s IIIIIIIllllIIIIllMMllMIIIIIllllllltlllMllllllHlllllllltllllllllMIMUIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIItlllMlllllIllllllIllllillllllilllllllMIIUUnitllifli: I Welcome -Teachers! 1 You Are Cordially Invited to Take Advantage I S Of All the ACCOMMODATIONS and I I CONVENIENCES f 1 Which the Greatest Retail Establishment in the Middle West Has to Offer i New Silk and Fiber Silk Sweater Coats The dainty new ideas shown in the sweaters are to be admired, as the beautiful weaves bring out the smartness and richness of the fabrics. New models never shown before. $10, $12.50 to $49 Knit Underwear Union Suits for Women and Children. Offerings that are so timely that they will make their own appeal. Women's Union Suits, fine and medium fleece lined cottons, some part wool. All styles and sizes. Worth $1.00, spc- g5rf cial, suit Women's Union Suits, medium and fleeced cot ton. All styles and sizes. Knee and ankle lengths. Worth 75c, special, JQrf suit Misses, Children's and Boys' Union Suits, me dium and heavy fleece. Bleached, cream and gray. Worth to Bc. ah ages to 16 years. Cflw r Suits Main Floor. Hosiery Specials Everyone wants the better kind of Hosiery, especially when it may be obtained at a very reasonable price, as for example, these: Women's Plsin and Fan cy S i 1 k H o s i e r y, all shades and styles. Wide lisle tops. Fashioned. Spliced heels and toes. Monday 81.00 Women's Fancy Striped and Plain Colored Silk Hosiery, worth to $1.00 at 790 Women's Silk Boot and Fiber Hose, fashioned and seamless. Pair 59 Women's Fibsr and Silk Boot Hosiery, colors, black and white. Wort i 30c, at 290 Women's Silk Lisle Hos iery, black, white and some colors. Special, pair 250 Main Floor. 1 Fashionable Silks at Low Prices 98c LAST YEAR we had the pleasure of meeting you and greeting you in this store and now, when another twelve months have rolled around, we feel that upon this occasion of your re-visit to Omaha, we are -better than ever qualified to dem onstrate to you what HEAL SERVICE MEANS. Take advantage of all thes conveniences: A Check Room, where your parcels will be taken Just received a line of Beautiful Satin Lining, in the new stripe and floral combinations. Light and dark grounds. Extra good weight. Special, yard , .81.25 v Special Offering for Monday; Silk worth to $2, yard 40-inch Novelty Radium. 36-inch Plain Messaline. v 40-inch Printed Crepe de Chin. 36-inch Novelty Silk. I 40-inch Stripe Taffeta. 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplins. ' . 40-inch Bedford Cord. 36-inch Swiss Taffeta Plaids, in a large range of new color conv binationa. Beautiful soft, brilliant finish for the new blouses and , dresses. Special, per yard 31.50 Beautiful Soft Velvets , S Our Velvet Section is the largest and most complete in ev jjjj ery detail, showing all of the newest and most wanted tex s tures and colorings. Our prices are remarkably low. I 40-Inch Chiffon Velvets, in black and colors, yard .... $3.50 E 36-Inch Costume Velveteens, in all colors, yard $1.95 40-Inch All-Silk Chiffon Velvets, all colors, yard $4.75 40-Inch Imported Extra Heavy Costume Velvet, all colors. Per yard .....$3.50 50-Inch Black Seal Plush Coat inv. tier vard 9t Q?5 Go Over the Store From Basement to Third Floor I s-,nch Nove,ty Stripe ctin-"Ve,vet. p yard $2-95 EXTRA SPECIAL Five Pieces of 40-Inch Black Chiffon Dress and Suiting Velvet, beautiful soft finish. Very deep, rich black,' per yard, $2.95 Main Floor. Rest and Writing Room, on the South Balcony, Main Floor. The Bank, where your checks will be honored. The Post Office (Branch tf), to which you may have your mail addressed. Three Restaurants The Green Room, The Blue Room, and the "Movie Inn," where you may dine m comfort at very little cost.- care of. AND PLEASE REMEMBER If you so desire, we will check your baggage from the rail road station to this store, and check it out again to your temporary home, absolutely free of charge. $5.00 and upward. Hundreds of New and Beautiful Things Will Greet You Our stocks are full and complete in every line despite the conditions which make it well nigh impossible to obtain merchandise from abroad, this store with its wonderful foresight, has forecasted this condition in a way that will astonish you, and your every want in apparel, fabrics, accessories, etc., will find a ready fulfillment, at very reasonable prices. WE ARE DISTRIBUTERS of the world's best merchandise, and our organization is equal to every emergency. Third Floor. Dress Forms "The Model" Collapsible and Adjustable Dress Fcb-ms. They are adjustable at neck, bust, waist and hips, also any height. Made in two sizes Size A, 32 to 44 Bust. Size B, 35 to 50 Bust. Each form is packed in a separate box, and can be put away in a small space when through using. Our regular $12.50 forms, Monday $4.19 Full Dress Forms, non-adjustable. Each form can be raised and lowered to any height. Sizes 32 to 44. Regu lar $5.00 values, special, each $2.19 Eight-Sectional "Better Way" Dress Forms. These forms are made with arm pieces, and each form has extra long hips and wire skirts to keep dresses from falling in when titting. reriecciy proporuunea xorms. If so desired, we adjust to perfect measurements before delivering. Our regular $15.00 forms, on sale Monday for $6.98 . Main Floor. Notions at Low Prices C. M. C. Crochet Cotton, ball. . .5c Large Wooden Skirt Hangers ... 2c Darning Cotton, special, spool. . lc San-Silk, all colors, spool 3 He 60-inch Tape Lines, each lc Stocking Feet, special, pair 5c Good Shell Hair Pins, box 3c Pearl Buttons, 15c grade, card. . .3c Best Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, card 3 J c Wash Edging, Bias Tapes, Lin gerie Tape and Other Tapes, worth to 15c. Special Mon day, bolt 3 He Large 10c Bottles Machine Oil. 3 He 200-Yard Spools of Machine Thread - 2 He Inside Skirt Belting, with bones, yard 10c Main Strong Wire Hair Pins, 6 pack ages for 5c Safety Pins, 3 dozen for 5c Hat and Romper Elastic, black and white, Monday, 4 yards 'for 5c One Big Lot of Slightly Soiled Betsy Ross and C. M. C. Crochet Cotton 2fcc (No Mail or Phone Orders.) Best Dorcas and Dexter Knit ting Cotton 3c Extra,Heavy Steel Skirt Mark ers, each 10c Best Mercerised Rick-Rack, large 15c bolts, on sale Mon day at 5c Rust-Proof Hooks and Eyes, 10c grade 3Uc Floor. Fpr the Entertainment of Teachers and the Public ' TTT TT -W T T" T" n t we mve brought Here, lor the i Entire Week-. The Great Scenic Reproduction' Yellewstone Park I Those who have had the opportunity to visit this S wonderful National Park, will enjoy seeing this re- markable reproduction, those who have not seen it in actuality will fully appreciate the treat in store for them. LECTURES WILL BE GIVEN each I day from 10; 30 to 4:30 " f Beginning Monday, November 6, and Ending Saturday, November I 11. On the Third Floor of this I Store ADMISSION FREE. j:3iiitisiiiitiiitiiiiiitiiiifiitiiiiffiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiir An Importer's Stock of Fine Laces To be Sold at About 50c on the Dollar WE VERE FORTUNATE in obtaining the entire surplus stock of a New York im porter, at about 50c on the dollar, and we will sell them to you in the same way. There are many beautiful styles for you to choose from and every, piece in the sale bidsNfor your favor because of its particular merit. . I i 111 ii 1 A Dress Goods Announcement Of Very Unusual Interest Another Large Assortment of Those Fine, All-Wool Challies, in a large variety of new'atyles and colors, in light and dark grounds; stripes, buds, dots, floral designs, plaid effects etc.; 27 inches OQ wide. Sells everywhere for 69c and 69c, per yard OaC 84-inch Fine, All-Wool Velour Check and Plaid Suitings fQ Cf and Coatings, in all the new combinations of colors. ' YardJ)eOU 50-inch Fine, All-Wool Gabardine, In a large range of all the new Fall (colors, especially adapted for the new style dresses d 1 "7 C and 'Suits. Monday, yard P A f O Several Thousand Yards of Fine, All-Wool Dress Goods and Suitings. such as Serges, Poplins, Gabardines, Plaid Suitings, Checks, Novelty Weaves, Etc.i 40 to 64 inches wide; all the new Fall shades. Values in this lot up to f'i.OO, in two special lota AO. and Monday, yard , Muff Beds, Linings, Etc. Muff Beds, down filled, in the new melon and pillow shape, lined with good wearing silk, plain or ruffled at ends. J HQ" tfJO ff Specially priced for Monday, each J)leO7 to J3UCr Mercerized Sateens, permanent satin finish. A QQ full line of colors; 36 inches wide. Monday, yd., e2C end OVC 32-Inch Fine Permanent Finish Venetian Coat Linings; plain CQ and fancy. All the wanted colorsv Special, per yard OiC Main Floor. 98c ""$1.19 Special Mill Lots of Ltce Curtains and Curtain Materials 1,000 Beautiful Lace Curtains, the lot cunsials of Fins Cable Nets, Filet Nets, Quaker Lace, Loom Weave and Nottingham Curtains. These are worth to $3.00 a pair. Special Monday, each 49 Mill Lengths of Voiles, Scrims and Etainine. Values to 40c. Special jjjonday, yard 10J Third Floor. Gold and Silver Lace Flouncings, up to 24 inches wide Gold and Silver Metaline Cloth, 36Tnchcs wide. Also desirable colors Novelty Colored Flouncings, em broidered with gold and silver on silk tulle nets Oriental Net Top Lace Flouncings, white and cream; 36 inches wide Silk Chantilly Lace white and black, inches wide Flouncings, up to 24 All-Silk Dress Nets and Chiffons, 40 inches wide Worth to $2.00, Sale Price, Yard, 98c Gold and Silver Lace Flouncings, embroidered on fine silk nets. . .Silk Chantilly Flouncings, up to 24 inches wide ' Silk Radium Allover Laces, white and cream, 36 inches wide. . . . Fina Imported Venise Allovers, 18 inches wide. White and cream Fine Shadow Allover Laces, 36 ' inches wide Silk Dress Nets, 40 inches wide. Black, white and colors French, German and Filet Vals . . Fine Torchon and Imitation Cluny Piatt Vals, Edges and Insertions Plain and Dotted Footings Main Floor. Worth $1.00, Monday, Yard, 59c Worth to 10c Yard, 3ic I Laurel Cast Iron Range Made of cast iron, and will outlast, outeook and outbake any steel range made. Full size 18-inch oven, nicely nickel trimmed, white enamel oven door. So made that all holes on top can be heated without heating the oven, which means a saving in fuel when no baking is done. "Popular Laurel" Cast Iron Range $35.00 Steel Ranges, up from '. S22.50 Cook Stoves $12.00 I Combination Coal and Gas Ranges, cast iron $65 Furnaces, we sell the Caloric Pipeless." Prompt in'l'ation on receipt oi your oraer. Seamless Enamel Sanitary Roasters, in large size pl.l7 $3.29 19c Perfection Coal Oil Heaters Full Siie Wash Board, for Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, a five-piece set 79c A Beautiful Oval, Mahogany or Circassian, Walnut Finish Tray, size 16x12 $1.29 An Aluminum Coffee Percolator, 2-quart size. Pol ished finish, ebonized handle and welded spout 89c Baiemant.