12 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 6, 1916. DOFF MIDDLE NAME . AND BE PRESIDENT Washington Was Content with Plain "George" and Behold , Our Initialed "T. R."- "JAMES" A BABBITS FOOT By A. R. OROH. I'm going to give you a lew simple rules today to help you to get elected . president of the United States. I find in my researches that it de pends largely on how many and what kind of names you have and what names your parents had. . For instance, eighteen out of our twenty-seven presidents had no "mid dle" names. This is the more re markable because nine-tenths of the people in this country have "middle" names. ' ( The two principal candidates this year have three names each, though President Wilson, long ago, cruelty abandoned his first name, Thomas, and doesn't use it in his signature today. The presidents of two names each were as follows: ueorge wanning ton, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, lames Madison, James Monroe, An drew Jackson, Martin Van Burcn, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillnmrp. Franklin 'V Pierce. lames Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. , "James" it Lucky. , Next to being unhampered by a middle name, your best nomenda tural equipment for the presidency is to be named James. Five men so named have occupied the I White House Madison, Monroe, Folk, Buchanan and Garfield. If your parents carelessly and with out anv tesrard to havinn vou attain the presidency Vf your native land, failed to name you James, then it is to be hoped they named you either John or William; for there have been three Johns and three Williams among our presidents. . ' Earned fter Dad. Another great help to you in at taining the presidency is to be. named after your father. Searching through the inspiring pages of history, we find that one-third of all our presidents , have been men bearing the paternal "moniker," as Gyp the Blood .would have aaid.' - John, Adams -was the son of John Adams. James Madison was the son of James Madison. Andrew Jackson was the ton of Andrew Jackson. John Tyler's father's name ' was John , Tyler. Jamet Buchanan's father's name was Jamet Buchanan. Rutherford Hayes was the son of Rutherford Hayes. James Abram Garfield was the son of Abram Gar field. Willjam McKinley's father signed his name William McKinley and Theodore ' Roosevelt's father signed his name Theodore Roosevelt. Pick Your Mother. It it well, if you wish to make reasonably pure of being elected, to have a mother named Elizabeth. Four of our presidents had mothers with thaj name. Two 'others had mothers' named Eliia., The mothers of" four of them were named either Mary or Marie., Two bore the rather uncommon name, Nancy. These were the mothers of- the martyr presidents, Lincoln -and McKinley. . .. If these few simple rules assist you to the presidency, I hope you won't forget me. I would prefer the port folio of ambassador to France, tor I love to live in Paris. All Kinds of Grain Take Small Drop Again grain continued on its down ward course, whest losing 1 to 3 cents, corn 1 cent and oats Vi cent. Some of the local grain men continue on the bull side of the market, but the ma jority of them are now talking lower prices and have given up the idea of $2 wheat. ' For a Saturday, wheat receipts were heavy, 166 carloads being on the mar ket. The sales were made at $1.68 to .7V per bushel, a decline of nearly 20 cents per bushel. Corn sold at 86 '4 to 93 cents per bnshel, the top being for a car of old corn that was exceedingly' choice. The receipts were fifty-five carloads. Oats were the most steady of any of the trading commodities, the fluc tuations being only V, eent. Receipts Were thirty-sit carloads - and prices .SWi to 51 cents per bushel. Negrp Murders 'Mex' In Angry Argument Frank Raie), aged 30 years, a Mex ican was shot1 .and killed yesterday afternoon by an unidentified negro. The murder was at Fontenelle and Grace streets. Razel was a railroad section hand and lived near the scene of the killing. The negro, who is not known in the vicinity, pumped three shots into Razel and Tan- Kazel was dead when physicians and police ar rived. . Cow's Life Valued At $1000 in a Suit A value xi ,$1,000 is placed on the life of a co in a suit lor damages filed wit!, the clerk of tht district court by Charles B. Churchill' against the Pennsylvania railroad. ; The highly prized bovine started on its journey to the happy hunting grounds for cows while on the way from Man 'field, Q to Hartington, Neb. Women Who Pay taxes On Their Watehes May Vote A campaign is being waged aniong the business women of this city and among the working girls to get them to vote for the members of the school board at the election Tuesday. A nottce, posterf at the Young Women's Christian association, says; "Girls, help Onioha children grow iu best hchools. Elect good school board. Kecord taxable article at court house Ninety cents taxes on x'atch is suffi r .... . r I The Shielding Shadow By GEORGE BRACKETT SEITZ, Author of "Tho Iron Claw. Epitodt 6, "Th Disappearing Pritoner" NotM Th fttorr mt Th , gtileloW uifnsaM Patha's Woidir ttorUL. la mntd liars In scenario form, eondMMd from Ihe script Is) wbtrli tha pl wh prtMlvf-ed. Hiadr thin seemr! eanfully. th'n m at th theater how tha picture win prdud. A mw utmmrf 1 aubUitbcd very wck. (Copyright, If IS. by 0ors l Belle.) SYNOPSIS OF PRECBDINO CHAPTERS. To win his witt. Pontine. Babaatian Na varro hu forircd a paper and nnt her wathart, Jerry Caraon. to prison for life. Jerry encaped to an Inland tn tna South Atlantlo and there discovered tho treasure of a shipwrecked scientist. He was dressed Into the aea by an octopus and lost, beontine married Sebastian with the proviso that, until he won her love. she would be his wire "in name oniv. Two mysterious hand and eyes have ap peared and, haunting Sebastian, endeavor to make him confess. Also, a mysterious t ranger named Raven (tar romes Into Leon tine's life and pro tacts iter from jnany CAST OF CHARACTERS. . Raven tty '. . . , . T f Ionilne Navarro , ....Grace Parmond H'baeltan Navarro Leon Bary Blanca ,,...,..... Madeline Traverse Jnrry Carson t. Ralph Kellard HuMlttes Blanca, queen of the Underworld. plans ft criminal eoup. se 1, (Blanca's boudoir.) Open dia phragm on close foreground of Blanca, Romanoff and two other of Blanca' followers, listening to LeonUna'a maid servant, who speaks. Htwken title. "She suspects him of some thing and I think he bought her the Rajah necklace to appease her." Continuing previous foreground, maid servant speaking out the above, Otftaplve Into: . Hocne S.jeontlne's'bouoVtlr as per previous eiiaoaH.t (jtontme in picture. eas tlan enters. Leontlno rises. Sebastian greeta her pleasantly, and taking out Jewelry box, opens It and reveals the famous Ralah necklace. Sebastian hands the box to Leon tine, Leon tine hesitatingly takes It In her hand. Be basttan turns and exits. Leon tin gases after him. Moves towards small safe In wall and Is watched by maid servant in doorway. Show foreground of Leon tin by Jewel safe In wall. Steps to desk beside her and takes out small key from biding place. Opens small drawer In dealt. Takes out paper containing combina tion. Reads combination on paper. Thrusts paper back Into drawer. Locks, drawer. Hides key again and turns to safe. Opens sate with combination. Puts In Jewels. I Seti Leon tt no locks Jewels In safe and exits. Maid servant comes In. Moves over to desk. Takes key from hiding place. Opens desk. Takes out paper ana examines it. Hastily copies com bination en paper, then locks combina tion back In drawer and re-htdes .key. DImoIvo into: t N (Hlanca's boudoir as per scene 1.) Show foreground of maid, Blanca, Ro manoff and ethers. Maid finishes story and hands ovr paper on which she copied the combination. Blanca reg latere satisfaction with maid's work and examines paper. Show foreground of paper on screen. on it are the figures: v IS 4 rlghti 4 left. ' Continuing previous foreground, Blanca starts to plan a robbery off the Jewels. Subtitle I Ravengar, the mysterious, who. because he unwittingly wandered Into rttencas nouse and overheard certain plans, has been made a prisoner, has somehow escaped from his cellar Jail. Show close foreground of Ravengar behind screen In Hlanca's boudoir. He la nonchalantly taklns out a c tea ret. - Full set I Blanca, Romanoff, maid servant and others In the picture. Two China men come In and tell of Ravengar's escape, Romanoff happens to look to ward oorner of room and sees smoke rising abovs screen. 'All go over to corner of loom and move aside screen. Ravengar la discovered. Blanca speaks accusingly, ... Spoke title i "What are you doing hero;" Ravengar grlna and answers: g ,v' Spoke tUlei "Smoking. 1 was lonesome ana wong Lea left the. collar door unlocked when he brought in my luncheon." ,. 1 . , Continuing; tho scene, Blanca frowns at Chinamen, then Indicates her men to take Ravengar back into his cellar Jail. Ho rises, waves gay adieu to manca ana is J a away. .,: tuutsiae ceuar door.) Blanca s men come leading tn Ravengar .and thrust him Into cellar Jail. Shut floor carefully, locking It, and exit. -ttubtltlei. Midnight, " Scom A. (Leontlne's study as per previous episoaex aim itgnw Maia servant comes stealthily In, Oases about, then moves to window. Opens It and exits. thow foreground of Romanoff and one Ing In, window and silting out of foro ground. Seem t. (Leontlne's boudoir as per seen I, dim light.) Door stealthily opens and Romanoff comes Into room and gases about. Moves over to bed room. Isooka into bad room, then ooraes over toward Jewelry safe In wall. Hub title i The surprise. 1. (UUtslda study window In Leon. tine's housemoonlight effect.) Three policemen come up. Only two climb In window, the other remain! n outaid. a, ' (Hallway outside Leontlne's suite as per previous episodes.) Romanoff's . companion of scene S waiting In hall way. Two pollremen sneak Into picture and turn on lights, Romanoff's com , panlon shouts out a warning and the two polloeman leap upon him. Fight ensues. Been t, (leontlne's bedroom.) - Show foreground of Leon tine In bed. Hears fight In hallway and start up. Turns on lights. Full sett Lights flash up and Leon tine leaps out of bed. Romanoff comes running In from boudoir. Leon tine steps toward him, He hurls her to the floor and ruehea to window. Climbs out. One policeman comes running In and shoots. Seen 10, J Rear of .house moonlight ef fect.) Homanoff does long drop to ground rrom second floor. Staggers off and falls Into convenient hiding place. Policeman runs In after Roman off and passes by hiding place. Po liceman ' exits. Romanoff rises and exits in another direction. Ml I POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. Stand for the State Vote for - JOHN L. KENNEDY for United States Senator A vote for him meant a vote for America; for the PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS of her people; for the PROTECTION and SECURITY ol her citizent EVERYWHERE. ' Thirty-thm Years Etc. Hublttlet The fugitive. Scene 11. (Blanca's boudoir as per seen 1,) Romanoff, supported by two of Blanca's ' vmen, come tn from front room. Blanca romes In from bedroom nearby In negligee. Rushes to Romanoff,, Rom anoff explains. Speaks. Spoken title I "The only one who knew our plan is the man you have locked It the cellar. Ho gave it awaysome how." Continuing tho scene, - Romanoff fin ishes speaking out the above. Blanca . expretwes disbelief. Then leads Roman' off and her men out to look Into the matter. Scene 12. (Cellar In Blanca's house as per previous eplsodea. Doorway opens. Blanca, Romanoff and followers come In. Hove over to Ravengar, who Is sleeping on bench. -He rises and bows - politely, Romanoff steps forward and speaks accusingly. Ravengar wonder tngly speaks, - Spoken title i "Clave warning to the police? . How could 17 I've been locked In - here, ' - -v Continuing tho scene, Blanca nods. Romanoff insists and Blanca angrily drives him and the other two men out. They exit. Blanca' and Ravengar in picture Bianco stands gaxtng at Rejr- engar, tnen seats herself, invites Rav engar to alt beside her. He does. She turns to him and gases Into his face In an alluring manner. Leans toward htm Invitingly. Ravengar waves aside her blandishments. Blanca rises to her feet furious.. Speaks, between clenched teeth. Spoken title! "You Incline me to listen" to the demands of Romanoff and my men." Continuing the scene, she finishes speaking out th above, turns and an grlly exit. Scene IS. (Blanca's boudoir as per scene 1.) Furious, Blanca comes m. Flings , herself Into chair, registering fury at being repulsed by Ravengar. Show close foreground of corner of the room. Tho mysterious eyes and . nanas appear, words dissolve) tit un der tho eyes and hands: "But ona thing ooum wtn tho lovo of Ravengar, Se bastian Navarro has committed a forg ery. Draw a confession from him and the regard of Ravengar will change. The words dissolve out. Full eeti Blanca rises to her feet; and stares at th corner of boudoir. Rings bell. Two Chinese servants com tn. She bids them follow and exits. They for low. Scene 14. (Cellar as per scene II.) Show foreground of door opening and Blanca, followed by the two servants, coming In. Blanca stares off, . ' Show close foreground of Ravenganf on . bencn asleep. Blanca comes Into fore ground and gases at him 'wondering ly. Close diaphragm. - I v Subtitle) Blanca, being superstitious, de cides to follow the directions if the mystic hands and eyes. She arranges to k ia nap sebastlan and "third de gree' hiM secret from him, Scene IS, (Loration In grounds of attrac tive roadhoust.) . Bushes open and Blanca, RomanVff and another come Into picture, Blanca points to road house. 10. (Veranda of roadhouae.) Show foreground of Sebastian and Leon tine In automobile clothes being escorted to table by waiter and being seated. They converse. Sebastian Is very pleas ant and Is endeavoring to make Leon tin forget her recent suspicions of him. Sebastian happens to look off. .Show foreground of ane of Blanca's jmen In picture gaslng at Sebaatlan. He advancea and speaks. Spoken title i "There's a man outside wants to see you." Continuing the scene (full set) Sebas tian frowns wonderingly, Crook hendH Sebastian small piece of paper. Sebas tian looks at It. Show foreground of paper on screen, On It I written the heme of One Lamp Continuing tho seeta, 4batlan starts. Tears paper- la half'and tosses It away. Tells man he will follow him. Excuses himself to Leont ne and exits with man Subtitle i Leontln recognises the nam of una Ump Louie as on she has heard he io re. Show foreground of Leon tine picking up the pieces of paper dropped fcy Benssuan ana -lining mem iogetner. Show foreground of Leontlne's hand fitting the paper together until. .One Lamp Louie s nam Is discernible. Fall seti Leon tine, registers recognition of me nam oi una Jamp iui. Thinks, St Rises and follows Sebastian. Scene 11. (Second location In grounds. The . location Is empty.) Sebastian and crook ; come An. Romanoff and man leap out from hiding places and seise Sebastian. Hastily drag him Into bushes. , Seen 18. (Corner of veranda.) Show fore . ground of Ijoonttno coming up and look- , Ing off. Soeo previous scene. Regis, ters alarm and exits In Sebastian' di rection. Boom 19. (Roadway location, near by. J Crooks run In with Sebastian and pile him into back of automobile. . Show foreground of hedge som little distance away. Leontlne comes out -through hedge andatands staring offt a moment. Full sett Crooks in foreground point to where Leontlne can be jften In bacb- ground. .Leontlne steps back - Into hedge. Romanoff and another man run out after leontlne. Seen SO, (Other , side of hedge.) Leontlne ' comes throua-ll hedge, fleeing. Romanoff and companion, following seise her. Close diaphragm. Scene SI. (Outside shack on a high hill location seen through 1en of glass.) Open diaphragm on automobile driving up containing Sebastian, Leontlne, Rom anoff and men. Sebastian is dragged ' out of automobile and carried Into shack. Romanoff lakes Leontlne out of automobile and, handing her over to two. gypsies who have charge of v gypay wagon nearby, puts her Into gypsy wagon through rear door. Close ' door and lock It, leaving key In lock. Romanoff tells th two gypsies to ' watrh her carefully and exits. Seerte l. (Inside shack rudely fumtshd.) Rotnanoff'a men tie Sebastian In chair tn corner. Romanoff enters and tclla '. him he wanta confession. , Sebastian gases at htm defiantly. Romanorf , picks up piece of Iron and steps fur ward threateningly. (Outside shark as Per scene II.) Show close foreground of bushes part- POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. and the Nation in Nebraska Ing and Ravengar gaslng through. Stepo through bushes and exits through foreground. Show dlaphragmed foreground of the two gypsies by rear of wagon talking together. Open diaphragm further until Ravengar la seen creeping toward them. Leaps upon them and attacks them. Terrific fight ensues. Ravengar la locked" with one gypsy. The other breaks away and runs toward shack. Scene 84. (Inside shack as per scene 22.) Show foreground of Romanoff and his men asmit Sebastian, endeavoring force contention from -him. Gypsy cornea running In. Tells news and all hastily exit. Scene Mi (Outside shack as per scene SI.) Hhow foreground of Ravengar fighting . vwlth gypay. Knocks him out. Leaps to wagon, unlocks door and Jumps In. Ftdl act I Romanoff, hla men and gypsy run up. Romsnoff leaps onto steps of wagon and slam door. Turns key In It. Scene M. (Inside wagon.) Ravengar and Leontlne In picture. . Ravengar hears key being turned In lock and flings himself against the door. . u Seen !. (Outside shack as per seen 21.) Gypsy wagon I hastily pushed out of picture by Romanoff and bis men. Scene M. (Beclivlty leading tOong drop.) Wagon, started by Romanoffs men down tho declivity, comes whirling Into picture. Whirls toward long drop over cliff. ( Scene tS. (Inside wagon as per scene 2.) Ravengar looks out small window near top of wagon and registers he sees they are whirling toward long drop over cliff. Oases about. 'Finds sledgo and batters side of wagon. . - i. (Outside 'moving wagon.) Show foreground of Ravengar breaking out and. seizins: Leontlne. bids her lumn. Full sett leontlne and Ravengar Jump Just as wagon does long drop out of picture.- 11. (Cliff taken from beloW.) Wagon comes Into picture at top of Incline and falls down to th bottom, smashing to pieces, Scene . (Outside shack as per scejie 31.) Romanoff and men jtbout to - follow out after Ravengar and Leontlne, when the mounted police ride In. Romanoff and-men flee, Ravengar and Leontlne come In and .explain to police. Exit with them. Subtitle! A short time later Romanoff re turns to Blanca with the news of Ravengar's escape. Scene S3. (Blanca's boudoir as per scene 1.) Blanca In picture. Romanoff and his men come In, Romanoff furiously starts to tell httw Ravengar saved Leontln. Blanca Is overcome with wonder. Indicates them to follow and they alt exit. M. (Cellar.) Blanca. Romanoff and others enter. Ravengar Is asleep. As the party comes In he wakes and rises. Blanca la filled wTth wonder at finding mm mere, wuesttons him. Ravengar speaks. Spoken title i "I'm sure I should have liked to have done all you say but that door has been locked tightly. How could I have done It?" Continuing the scene, Ravengar finishes speaking out the Above. All gHie at him wonderingly, - - Pad Intoi Subtitle i "Who Is the Shielding Shadow?", Leans' Out Window, Falls . Three Stories 16 Street Joe Vielna, Mexican, leaned too far out the window of his home on the third floor of 1109 Farnam street and he dropped to the pavemerit below. A broken leg was the result. ' He' is at St. Joseph's hospital. POLITICAL ADVKBTISKMKNT. Chief Justice . ANDREW M. MORRISSEY Candidate on the Non-Partisan Ballot to Succeed Himself Asks for your' endorsement on the record he has made. . ' y ; V'-v'. ' Won his nomination by a handsome majority and carried 80 out of a total of 93 counties in the stated . I ' ' ' . .. ' Is in the Prime of Life, and His Record as Chief v Lookup : t If it appeals to you, Drys May Use the ' Auditorium On Monday Afternoon The "drys" were partly victorious in their legal (itjlit to compel the city commissioners to revoke the contract with the Nebraska Prosperity league for the exclusive .use of the Auditor ium for the ten days from October 27 to November . - - The writ of mandamus asked by the "drys" to force the city fathers to re voke the contract, at least in part, thus giving them an opportunity to use the building for one of their meet ings, was granted by Judge Sears of' the district court, before whom" the hearing was held. Judge Sears ruled that the Prosper ity league will have to give up the Auditorum for the use of the "dry" forces Monday afternoon, the only open date from now till election. As the organization which has the contract with the city for ten days will conduct meetings on all days " ' -a. :: . Omaha, Srtraska, ,0dtoter 25th,I9I6. r Se, ths undersigned "citizens of the Second Congreeeional District, having in mind the interest of the people of this District, and being fully informed of the situation and the qualigicaUons of the candi dates for Congress, urge all electors to rote for Benj. S. Baker for POLITICAL ADVERTIMKMKXT. 'Wr-' ; : Y " SL V NON-PARTISAN BALLOT For Chief Justice Nebraska Supreme Court: 0 ANDREJV M. MORRISSEY with the exception of Monday after noon, the "drys" will have to be con tent with the one date on "wash day." Judge Sears issued the writ compelling the city commissioners to rent the building to the "drys" on that afternoon. . ' Attorneys for the "drys" were granted the right to amend the peti tion in accordance with the evidence to the effect that the Auditorium will be in use every day from" now till election, with the exception of Mon day atternoon. , Government Studies , Negro Labor Problem Charles E. Hall and WiHiam Jen niper, inspectors of the United States immigration department,' are in Omaha making an investigation and official study of labor conditions of the negro. Because of the great de crease in the number of itrjmigrant arrivals, due to the European war, there has been a shortage of unskilled labor in the north. As a result man ufactures and railroads have been drawing heavily upon the negro la borer of the south. It is estimated r POLITICAL ADVKRTISKMKXT. Chief Nebraska Supreme Court "I have been personally acquainted with Judge ' Mbrrissey for fifteen years, and have never met a man for whom 1 have a higher regard. I am thor oughly satisfied that he possesses all the qualifica- ' tions that go to make a successful 'judge. As a member of the court he will have but one object in view. and that will be to adjudicate differences in a just, honest and upright way." Governor John H. Morehead. , . - "We are constantly moving forward to occupy higher ground, and -this fall we are to take a de cisive step; The record of Chief Justice Morrissey shows that he is a safe man to have1 on the court, and the people of the state Inay be sure that his in terpretation of the laws will be such as to carry out the will of the people." Hon. Chester H. Aid rich, former governor of Nebraska. ' ;;' , The Chief Justice is in his 45th year and is in vig-; orous health. His opponent is in his 70th year. This election carries with it a term of four years. If the Chief Justice is elected he will complete the term in his 50th year. His opponent,' should he be elect ed, would complete the term 111 his 75th year. v Judges are elected on a non-partisan ballot, so that they may be selected with a view to their especial fitness for the work to be done. x Justice Makes Him Worthy of Your Support I place a cross thus: bv department officials that over 2(0, 000 have migrated to the north in the last year. The immigration bureau is making a close study of the condi' trims with a view to avoiding the great dangers to labor interests of an overcrowded labor supply in the manufacturing localities. Mrs. Joslyn Files v.w-w ' ' Bond: for Million As residuary legatee of the estate of . the late' George A. Joslyn, reputed to have been Omaha's and Nebraska's wealthiest citizen, Sarah H. Josyln, the widow, has given a bond of $1, 000.000. She is appointed executrix -and is to pay the minor bequests, The will of the late Western News-- n.nw iimnti h.a.t has h.ti gmiH.il to probate. Mrs. Joslyn inherits the bulk of the estate, which is estimated at in the neighborhood of $5,000,000. It 'will be the first large estate in Nebraska to be required to pay the new federal inheritance tax. The fed eral inheritance tax on the Joslyn es- -tate will be enormous. ' POLITICAL ADVKRTIKKMKNT. Justice 1