Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    I i
2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles,
". Social Affairs Scheduled. .
Mrs. C. B. Coon will entertain the
'191 1' Bridge club at her apartments
in the Angclus Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. lack Coburn of St. Louis and
Mrs. R. A. Taylor of Seattle will be
, the out-of-town guests.
The Centurion club is planning a
i unique party for Thursday evening.
, Autumn decorations will prevail and
there will be a shucking bee conducted
in a corncrib. Cider, apples and
doughnuts will be served and dancing
. will be by lantern light.
Tuesday Night Dancing Club.
i' At the instigation of somcof the
influential members of the Thursday
Subscription and Saturday Dinner-Dr-iicc
clubs, which bad for the most
j part duplicate memberships. Mr. J. E.
Claflin and his partner, Miss Ethel
i Hill, who are now at the Fontenelle,
, have organized the two old clubs into
. a new club, which will meet each
. Tuesday evening at the Fontenelle.
Dinner and dancing will begin at 7
. o'clock. Admission will be by- card
, only and cards have been sent to
, members of 'the two former clubs. The
.. first dancing party, as has already
been announced, will be given Tues
. day evening of this week. Mr. Oaf
! Im is practicing with a saxophone or
chestra so that the music will be up and perfectly suited for danc
hij:. He and his partner came recently
from the Blackstone in Chicago and
were instrumental in organizing vari
ous clubs in other, cities and New
York. .
Some of the prominent names in the
list of members will be:
. , Mrpe a, and leedama
,' Dirk Btewarl. Ward Burs-ess,
J I.ulher Kountae, laula Naeh.
; Charlr. T. KountM,
i PriH.u Niirht DanelnB Club.
I , Th Kridav Niirht Dancing club
j held its regular weekly party Friday
t evening at Druid hall, with over lev-
t, enty-live couples present. A special
- frattir introduced during the even
; ins proved very popular, the "raffle
: one steo." in which partners were
chosen in approved gamblers 'fash
. ion. . The club's plans call for at
treat nni nnveltv number each even
ing and, although the season it little
u more than under wav. the members
ire already beginning to refer to it
II the "anti-monotony ciud. i ne
oext party will be held Friday even
j ing at Druid hall.
: At the Metropolitan.
' ! Miss Grace Sorenson hat been
i asked to give a free ttory hour for
1 children at the Metropolitan club
house Saturday, November in, at
o'clockj Any and all children may
cone, and if they enjoy the ttories
and the garnet which follow they will
be given another such treat December
I and 16.
. This week the regular Tuesday eve.
nine dancing oartv at the Metropolis
. tan will not be given because the ma-
iorfty of people will prefer to be
! downtown to hear election returns,
i Friday evening the party will be given
as usual. - . i
I Last Tuesday evening the gray and
rote ball room wat the scene of sev
! eral gay parties. Seven members of
the Original Cooking club gave din-'
! ner parties and afterward went to the
I Metropolitan for the dance.
" Mr. and Mrs. George Bernhard
1 Print had at their dinner Mr. and
Mrt. O. C. Redick, Mra. Helen Pop
pleton, Messrs. Earl Gannett and C.
W. Hull. Mr. and Mrt. Herbert
j Wheeler entertained Mr. and Mrt.
! Harry Tukey, Mr. and Mrt. A. L.
Reed and Mr. Stockton Heth. Mr.
I and Mrt. Ward Burgess entertained
1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Burnt, Mr. and
t Mrs. Glen Wharton.. Miss Anita Car-
rington of New Haven, Mitt Meliora
Davit, Messrs. Robert Connell and
Philip Met. Dining with Mr. and
Mrt. Charles Kountze were Mr. and
Mra. I. de Forest Richards, Mr. and
Mra W. T. Fove. Mrs. Emma Nash
I and- Mr. Frank Haskell Mr, and Mrs.
1 Sam Burns had with them Mr. and
'j Mrt. Hosford, Mr. and Mrt. T. L.
1 Davit. Mist Daphne Petera and Mr.
; Robert Burnt. Mr. and Mrt. Luther
; Kmintze save their dinner at the Fon
! tenelle and had Mr. and Mrt. T. F.
Kennedy, Mrt.J. T. Stewart, Zd, and
Mr. Cuthbert Potter. Mr. and Mrt.
loteoh Barker's party included Mist
Louise Dinning, Miss .Elizabeth Da
vit, Mies Mary Burkley, Messrs. Ray
Low, Ben Warren- and Lawrence
After the dance most of the parties
went to the tontcnelle lor supper.
Franco-Belgian Circles.
If you feel deeply burdened over
the suffering of wounded European
soldiers, demonstrate your sympathy
in a very practical way by becoming
a member of one of the numerous
circles which the Franco-Beligan re
lief society it forming for work at its
new headquarters downtown. Every
day of the week except Saturday has
been taken by some group of work
ers. On Monday morning a company
under the direction of Mesdames
George Cassels Smith, W. J. Hynes.
B. W. Scandrett and the secretary,
Mist Young, will work; Monday aft
ernoon a Bemis park circle has en
gaged; Tuesday, all day, the Dundee
circle under the leadership of Mrt.
Ezra Millard will continue itt good
work of last seaton; Miss Anne Gif
ford.' Miss Daphne Peters and Miss
1 hummel have organized a circle for
Wednesday morning; they will be fol
lowed in the afternoon bv members of
the Woman's club; Thursday, all day,
j the original Franco-Belgian society
will work, apd rriday will be given
over to the women of Trinity ca
thedral. i - -
Residence Changes.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Coad have taken
the W. J. Burgess house on Harney
street for the winter. Mr. and Mrs.
Burgess havegone to the Colonial.
. M r. and Mrs. E. S. Rood have given
up their suite at the Colonial and have
moved to one of the Colonial apart
ments next door. ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love came in
It Age Aojef Boot frrt '
this week from Loveland Farms and
took Quarters at the Blackstone tor
th winter. Mrt. Georee Peterson
Mrs. Mabel Olden. Dr. and Mrs. C.
A. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Montgom
ery and Mr. and Mrs. Clement Lnase
and Mr. Edholm are among those
who have gone to the Blackstone.
Mra. Collett Coming Home.
Mra Austin Cnllett. with her Sons,
iack and Jim, who sailed from their
ome in Santo Domingo on the
ateamahin Irrmuoit. landed in New
York Saturday morning, according to
a wire received by her parents, Mayor
and Mrs. James C. uaniman. jure,
Collett and the -boys will be in Oma
ha Tuesday morning, to remain un
til after Christmas, for which holi
day they will be joined by Mr. Col
lett. Miss Dorothy Dahlman re
turned but a few weeks ago from
Visit to Santa Domingo, coming home
on tin same boat.
Sick Room Notet.
Mitt Claire Daugherty, who wat
nnrrated UDon for aDoendicitis at St.
Joseph's, is recovering nicely, but will
remain at ine noapiui uniu ncxi. w.
. Frank B. Johnson underwent an op
eration at the Wise hospital Tuesday
at the result of strain from a fall three
weeks ago. He is getting along well.
F. W. Llarke. president ot tne ne
hraska National bank, underwent
successful oneration for aDoendicitis
I uesday at tne rresDyterian nospuai.
Mrt. r. ri. Davis was cauea to 10-
oeka. Kan.. Tuesday .evening by the
T . i... i .1... : u... d:.u-
llinCSS Ql llCr UI UIIICI-IH-11, UlOllU
Frank R. Mil snaugh. who hat been
very low with heart trouble for two
weeks. .-, . -
Vesta-Xis Club,
Miss Marie O Connor entertained
the Vesta-Xis club at a Hallowe'en
rarit nartv Wednesday evening at her
home, i nit it tne tirtt oi a tenet oi
oartiet to be given by this club this
season. Mist Maxine Farmer will
entertain at a Thanksgiving party, the
date to be - announced later. I hose
present were
Kalhryn Horan
Maxine Farmer
Marie O'Connor
Ruaaell Hopper
M. Watherepoon
Paul Boatwlck
Wlnirrad Farmer
Gertrude Furneaa ,
Roaa Dlion
I. V. Kelly
A. Wrieth
Gail ruraeaa
Studio Partv. . ' "
A novel Hallowe'en party was given
Monday evening by Miss Emily Cleve
at her new studio, when thirty-five
guests in costume enjoyed a revel. A
color scheme ot orange and black was
carried out in the decorations.
Second Floor Rosa Building,
18th and Farnara.
Very Important
Commencing' Monday,
Every Yard of Silk and
Velvet in the Shop
All the' $5.95 42-inch Imported
Chiffon Velvets
$4.50 yd.
All the $2.00 Imported Boule
vard Velvets
$1.35 yd.
All the $2.00 to $2.25 Fancy
Drees Silks
$1.45 yd.
Dress Satins
V $1.95 yd.
Alt the $1.50 Satin Stripe Taf
fetas and Chiffon Taffetas
$1.00 yd.
All the $2.00 GoorgetU Crops
$1.55 yd.
Ox' v
XJjsliis Calvin.
musical program was given, followed
by garnet, stunts and dancing. ' Those
present were
Meaere. ff,.r. 4
O. Nswlean Theodora Palm'
3. McCaffrey Rueaell Tetard
M learn Mleaee
Claire Maenn
Aivere L,onmen
Oltnda Pnlmer
Haeel True
Autuota Meneedoht
Kathrtne Uljenetopl.
Kthel Lyon
'atinalta Newlaan
hrlatlna Pauleen
Ntha Btarr
M. LlUntolp
Neighborly Club. ,
The ftcighborly club and the hus
bands of the members were enter
tained at a Hallowe'en party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Gewinner.
The house was decorated and each
guest came in an appropriate costume
for the Hallowe'en season. The even
ing was spent in games and music, the
prize being won by Mrs. Blackwell.
The following were present!
aieaars. ana ueeaamei
H. Funell
B, B. Andersen
O. Davia
r. Oewlnner
F. Morrlaon '
H. Phllpott
Miss Llnnls Llndraler,
D. M. Farler
. L. Byaba I
B. I. ft'oMe
C. Pelehoy
C. Zleharth
Lealle Noel
Ralph Morrlaon
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roth of Tekamah
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Mary Roth, to Mr.
J Moulthrop of Benson. The wed
ding will take place some time in
November, miss Koth often visits
heir brothers, Gorton and Joe Roth.
Mr. and Mrs. K. b. Deems announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Maud, to Mr. Vern Hurd of Council
Bluffs, the wedding to take place
(he last of the month. 1
Surprise Shower.
The Methodist church choir gave
a shower Friday evening at the home
of Oorton Koth in honor of hit sis
ter, Mits Mary Roth, whose marriage
to Mr. J. Moulthrop taket place In
November., ihe guestt were:
Meiara. ana Jseaaamee
O. W. Muak
Harry Reed
J. Calvert
J. M. Bailey .
J. W. Pareone
W. H. Reed
. 1. Whlatlar
William Burtard
B. A. Bearaon
J. M. Dlokenaoa
': Mlaaaa
Oertrude Calvert
Mtry Roth
Bdwln tmallas -
Maadametw- -
F. L. Bumpua
William Yartoa '
Bd Tartoa
W. J. Willi
Ruth coelldsa
Irene Moulthrop
Jeaala Moulthrop
J. Moulthrop
Barl Pavey
Dinner and Matinee Partv.
Mrs. T. P. Bialles of Chicago enter
tained the H. C. O. club at dinner at
the Hotel Loyal Thursday, followed
bv a oartv at the urpneum. xnose
present were: .
Mleaea-t Mime
Anna Smith Ada Fleming
Hylvla Johnaan . Helen Wilcox
Merle Harrow
Miss Calvin Arrives.
Miss Nellie Calvin, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Calvin, arrived Mon
day from an eastern trip to join her
Barents at the Fontenelle for the
winter. Miss Calvin attended Row
land Hall at Salt Lake City, their
V f I J
attractiveness, it would do rushing business. Attractive
ness is a mixture of nature, gumption and'effort.
Without "know how" the eoitliest. garment may have dowdy
appearance likewise without Intelligent care, the most luxuriant hair
may stamp the owner a frump. .
The ability of NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE to dispel hair ugliness is
extraordinary.- There is no maglo about Kerpicide, but the great im
provement from its intelligent use will be quickly apparent to all
To: delay ia to neglect get a bottle today. Guaranteed by the
Herpicide Co., told everywhere. Applicationa at the better barber shops.
Miss Virginia Pixley, recently
Urterl nreaident of the Junior Mu
sical society of Brownell Hall; is the
rf.mrhter nf Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pix-
lev of 5002 Cass street. Miss Pixley
I... meie o-reat nroDxess with the vio
lin under the direction of Miss Luella
Anderson of the Brownell nan
faculty. , . '
former home, and then went east to
Rogers Hall, near Boston.
DmamI Menrlnn.
- Victor C. Hayes left Friday for Chj-rao-o
after BDending a week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mr. and Mss. S. Bjork returned last
Tuesday after spending several weeks
visiting relatives and friendt near
A .A CUiMclev Nth-
Mr. Oscar Anchell of New York is
,;;tin0 hia mother. Mrs. Mina An
chell, at the home of hit sister, ir.
M . 1
Mrs. Thomas D. Crane and her tit
ter, Mrt. O. H. Daviton of Des
Moines, and Miss Margaret Daviton
leave today to spend tne winter
southern California. v
rmmni Club.
Mrt. E. Boulden entertained the
Cosmos club Wednesday at luncheon
at her home. Covers were laid for
the following:
J. Carney, (
F. Drake, 1
B. Oliver,
. R. Runchey of . ' ,
Grand Island. '
N. Wants,
B. Klnaley, j
J, Caaper,
B. Voboril.
O. Schrtb',. ,
Trl.Warsmltv Danee.
One of the largest affairs of the
week will be the dance given on
Thursday evening at Keep's academy
by the Tri-Fraternity club, which is
made up of the Delta Theta Phi, legal
fraternity; the Phi Beta Pi, medical
iraternitv. ana vena om ucua,
dental fraternity, of Creighton uni
versity. The hall will be decorated in
fraternity colors. Invitation! to the
number of 150 have been issued to the
alumni, active members and pledged
members, of the three fraternities. The
chaperones will be:
Dra. and Meedamee
P. T. Barber, 1 Claude Uren,
J. H. Wallace, 3. M. Bhramek.
J, C. aoukup, . w. B. Aan or
F. H. Xlnyoun, Council Blu(,
6. B. Folta.
prof, uonaia surae.
lit, and Mra. P. B. McOovsrn.
Baecraft-Nlxon Wedding
The marriage of Mist Cecil Nixon,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. A. A.
Nixon, to Mr. J. Langford Beecroft
of Ogden, Utah, took place at
Kountze Memorial church Tuesday
morning, Rev. O. u. Baltzly ofhcia
ting. Mr. Beecroft was formerly en
ployed in' Omaha, but tince July 1 has
been in Ogden, where he and hit
bride will make their home. The
bride's going-away suit was of green
?' isa.,'
' ' J y, W
gabardine trimmed with seal fur and ;
the wore large green velvet nai i
with bands of the fur.
Off for Panama.
Miss Mareta Mathews, daughter of
Mrt. M. L. Mathews, leaves Thursday
for a trip to Cuba and Panama, ac
companying her aunt; Mr? j. tv Gal
braith of Seattle, and Mrs. Galbraith's
daughter, Mrs. C. Castelen, who has
been visiting in Seattle. Mrt. Cas
telen'a home it In Ptnama, where her
husband is an army surgeon. - After a
two months' visit Miss Mathews and
Mrs. Galbraith will return via New
York, going out from the port at
New Orleans. .
Past Festivities.
The l'if ty-i' iity club entertained at
Halloween dancing party at the
Modern Woodmen of America hall
Tuesday evening. Over thirty cou
ples attended.
The Young Women t Hebrew as
sociation gave a Hallowe'en dancing
party at Cooper's Dancing academy
Wednesday evening. Yellow chrysan
themums were used as decorations.
One hundred couples were present.
Miss Agnes Lhnstensen gave a
Hallowe'en party at her home Tues
day evening. Hallowe'en colors were
used at decorations. Games and mu
sic occupied the evening. Those pres
ent were: .-,..
Meaere. .
Charles Sorenaon
Edward Olaon .
Oeorge Beckmin
Fred Kuhn
Serbert Falrman
meat Brown
Ann Chrlatenaen
Margaret Jacobaen
Edith Vanaeoy
Irene Hawoa
Marie Marriey
Franeea Morrlaaey
RWn Carpenter
Mary Turanek
Helen MoCrumb
Edward Mattson
Sherman Plnneen
Miss Bernice
Zimmerman gave a
Hallowe'en partv at her home Satur
day evening. Those present were:
Mleeea Meaere.
Wlnfred Cole Volney Hampton
LUOI e Hueerave Carro 1 Dlteon
Florence Zimmerman Kenneth Sr-tDle
Gertrude Bloomqulat Wilbur Rrickaon
Madeline iviohols Franela Snrrrv
Varsartt Wagner Wllmur Berkle
uarie luuneon nayniond Hanna
- Ward Kelly
Ralph Redfleld
A masque Hallowe'en oartv was
given in honor of the Misses Blanche
bwan and Mariorie Cole, at the lat-
ter's home, last Saturday evening. The
guestt were:
Vera Held
Vera Hour
Marie Laaa -
Mabel MeClure
Alt. Marahall
Flcrence Carlson
- Meaara.
Nick Mayn. -Wllber
Harry Myers
herald Clltltoh
Bmlt Btory
Clyde J.naen
Oeorse Ctearlaley.
Cleorve Beer
Oeorse Cllffton
De DS Bor
Barl Standlfleld
Charlee MoFarren
rrancts orunic
On Friday
evening a Hallowe'en
party was given by Mrs. Mina Taylor
and the Misses Bjork at their home.
The rooms were decorated with tne
seasons colors. The- evening .was
spent in games. Those present were:
Mlaaaa wieaea
Came Wetael, Julia Nlelaon.
Bile Wetael, , Kami naneen,
Violet Herman, Jennie Hanaen,
Marsuerlte Nelson, Jennie Buchanan,
Bllaabeth Hauaohlld, Mlnnt. Bullock.
Mary Kooarnlk,
- Msademee Meedamee
A. Colaon. M. Taylor, ,
F. Mortenaan, B. Brown. ,
M Hafen, e. f laaer.
R. Hamlin, v . ,
Hnnorahla Mention.
Two Omaha boys who are attend
ing Shattuck Military academy at
Faribault, Minn., received honorable
mention for high grades during the
month of October.- Ernest Eggerss,
whose Omaha address tt euy rtne
street, received gradet of nmety-fiye
in German and ehemittry. .Channing
Jordan, whole parenta live at UJS
South Thirty-third ttreet, Omaha, re-
j -
With thi. illustrated folder of KLOSTER instructions you will find it easy
to crochet most beautiful gifts those that your friends will be sure to appreciate.
How to get this valuable folder FREE
PRESENT this advertisement to your dealer,
and he will pvt you a copy of this latest
KLOSTER Folder, No. 421. It u abso
lutely,. If for any reason your dealer cannot sup
ply it, send ui his name and six cents in stamps,,
and wo will send you a copy immediately.
Everywhere women who have learned
the excellence of KLOSTER are using it
for crocheting. It worki imoothly and evenly
and afford the most pluuinf results.
The Thread Mills Company
219 West Adam Street i Chicago, HL
CpeCtai UireTa, u, Mmat enclosing 30 cents for three full
natd trial balls of Kloiter Cordonnet or Perle-add t cents (stamps) and receive
cur taint foldu described abort.
i'e.T r
ceived a grade of ninety-five in chem-
On the Calendar.
Miss Bessie Anderson will entertain
the Jolly club next Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. John Eiche will be hostess of.
the J. F. W. club Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. B. F. Diffenbacher will enter
tain the W. W. club at the home of
Mrs. Kelly McCombs next Wednes
day afternoon.
Notes of Interest , v
Dundee Catholic circle will hold a
business meeting and election of offi
cers Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. W. t. Hills, Yu4 Uav-
enport street.
Trinity Parish Aid society meets
Wednesday, morning at 10:30 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. lames A. Tan
cock,! 11 j North Eighteenth street.
The time will be spent in sewing for
the Christian bazaar. .
Miss Emma Johnson will read a
paper on "Resources of Alaska" when
the Business Women's club meets
Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock at the
Young Women s Christian associa
tion. A supper at 6:15 will precede
the meeting.
Captain A. W. Maish, ordnance de
partment, United states army, is in
the United Mates naval nospitai at
Philadelphia recovering from injuries
caused by an explosion at Frankfort
arsenal on October 3. Captain Maish
married Miss Pauline Bourke of this
Mrs. Herman Kountze and her
daughter, Mrs. Ella Magee, have tak
en an aoaYtment at Eighty-fourth
street and Park avenue. Mrs. Ma-
gee's children, Fredericka Nash and
Marshall Magee, who remained here,
will loin her next week.
News comes from Long Beach, Cat.,
of the birth there last Sunday of a
son, Louis, to Mr. and Mrt. Kobert
Bradford, who have been in Cali
fornia most of the time tince their
marriage in February, 1915.
Mra. H. C. Sumney, who went east
for the national tuffrage convention
at Atlantic Citv. hat returned after
two weeks in West Virginia, where
she gave her services to the suffrage
campaign in that state.
Bishop and Mrs. A. L. Williams re'
turned Monday from the Episcopal
convention in St. Louis. They were
the guests while there at the home
of the Kev. James Wise, now bishop-
coadjutor of Kansas. Bishop Williams
took part m the consecration cere
monies of Bishop Wise last Sunday
morning. ...
Mrs. Oscar B. Williams, who was
a delegate to the Women's auxiliary
convention in St. Louis, returned
Wednesday. Mrs. Williams visited
relatives at Kirkwood, just outside
of St Louis, part of the time.
E. A. Wurster of Milwaukee ar
rived Friday to join his wife, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. U,
Beaton, for two or three weeks. Mr,
and Mrs. Wurster returned home to
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum, formerly
of Omaha, will shortly give up their
apartments at-Haverford Inn, near
Philadelphia, having taken a suite of
rooms at the Beiievue-strattora.
With the Travelers.
Miss lov Higgins leaves next Sat
urday to spend about three weeks in
New York.
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daugherty, who
have been in Arizona since their mar
riage in April, arrived home last week
Free to
YOU have been wishing that you,
too, could make new, pretty gifts
for your choicest friends and other
dear ones, such as thousands of ladies
are making with KLOSTER.
rhis new KLOSTER Folder,, whifeh
can get free for the asking, solves the
problem. It is a folder that every woman
and every girl will be glad to have. It will
add to your joys pf the Holiday Season.
KLOSTER Folder No, 421, contains full instruc-
crocheting twenty-five beautiiul, dainty ar
ch as yokes, edgings, baby caps, boudoir
vn tops, centerpieces, lingerie bands, sachets
r novelties.
to i it'T in; ii m H3
and are with Mrs. Daugherty's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hochstet-
'er- . ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Martin have
Returned from an extended eastern
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Howell
reached Omaha Monday night from
their automobile wedding trip from
California. Mr. and Mrs. Howell are
staying with her grandmother,. Mfs.
V,, D. riustin, until tncy imu a uyuot.
Mrs. K. C. Barton lett tor fierre,
S. D., and from there will return to
Brookline- Mass., where she has taken
an anartmen't for the winter. Mrs.
J. E. Markel, her sister, is still at the
Fontenelle, but goes cast shortly,
Mrs. S. D. Barkalow and Miss Car
oline Barkalow returned from bt
Louis, where they went to attend tne
Eoiscooal convention. They are at
the Fontenelle for the present. :
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fritchett lett
last week for Memphis, Tenn., on
their way to New Orleans, whence
they sail for a two or three weeks'
trip. Miss Hilda Hammer has gone
to Chicago to visit friends during Mr.
and Mrs. Pritchett's absence.
Mrs. K. c. Moore ana ncr uub"
ter, Mrs. H. G. Jordon, reached San
Francisco last week and are visiting
relatives there.
News of the Visitors. 1
Miss Hanscom and Miss France ar
rive today from . New York to visit'
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kennedy.
Miss Edith Hulst of Milwaukee ar
rived Tuesday to spend several
weeks, the guest of her cousin, Mrs.
R. Beecher Howell, and Mr. Howell.
Mrs. Edith Loring is the guest of
Mrs. W. R. Nelson in Kansas City
for several weeks.
Miss Esther Dugan of Butte. Mont.,
is visiting Mrs. Robert Shirley.
Events of Past Week.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith gave
a dinner at the fonteneue, tonoweo
by an Orpheum party Tuesday even
ing, Miss Baldwin bf San Francisco
being the guest of honor. Miss Har
riet Smith, Ben Gallagher and Isaac
Carpenter, jr, were the others in the
Partv-' " . ...
Mrs. K. Beecher Howell gave a
luncheon Friday for her cousin, Miss
Edith Hulst ' of Milwaukee. Covers
were laid for Mesdames N. P. Dodge,
L. F. Crofoot, Edgar Scott, E. M.
Morsman, jr., S. S. Caldwell, George
Mclntyre, Miss Helen Millard and
Miss Ruth Hitchcock.
' Wednesday evening of this week
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraser gave the
first of a series of dinner dancet
which they are planning for the win
ter season at their new home in Dun
dee. At this first dinner were Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kountze and Mr. and i Mrs. C. C
The pleasures of the summer at
Estes Park were recalled Tuesday at
a luncheon given by Mrs. F. P. Kirle
endall at her home, when the guests
were half a dozen women who were
together last summer. Those pres
ent were Mrs. John A. Kuhn, Mrs.
C. M. Wilhelm, Mrs. John F. Flack,
Mrs. Barber, Mrs. J. R. Scobie and
Miss Ida Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Armstrong and
Miss May Mahoney arranged a motor
picnic Wednesday afternoon for Miss
Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn. Un
fortunately, at the last moment the
(Continued on Page Ian, Column One.)
the Ladies
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