Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Walter V. Hoagland Says Party
Has Lowered Standard of
"The democratic record as. pub
lished in the Congressional Record,
indicts that party and of itself is suf
ficient to retire the administration,
which has lowered the standard of
Americanism during the last four
years," declared AValter V. Hoagland
of North Platte, Neb., addressing a
meeting at republican headquarters,
1607 Farnam street, Friday (evening.
Mr. Hoagland read the following
statement made by Congressman Sis
son (democrat) of Mississippi, which
appears on page 6,845 of the Congres
sional Record, of April 3, 1914:
Criminally Extravagant Congress. '
"Principle has gone to the four
winds of the earth and we are writing
ourselves down in the history of the
, country as being the most outrag
eously and the most criminally ex
travagant congress that ever sat on
the American continent I said that
ma speech before the last session,
and when I made that speech mem
bers of the democratic house came
to me and asked me not to put it into
- the Record because it would be used
by the republicans in their campaign
book. Let them use it. You may use
the statement now gentlemen, be
i cause when democrats get to. be so
violently extravagant that it makes
' its own record look bad as compared
to the very marked record of the re
publicans, I must apologize to you
republicans for having ever used the
words 'criminally extravagant' in crit
icising the appropriations that you
made, for if that expression, 'crim
inally extravagant' was proper to ap
ply to you, my 'God, the English lan-
. guage has never found an adjective
strong enough to apply to democratic
extravagance." i
' . Stands as Official Record, i ;
'Those words.f said Mr. Hoagland,
I "stand today' in the Congressional
Record as part of ithe official records
of the nationand were uttered by I
dcmocratl': - . .
Then the speaker turned to the
Congressional Record of Aoril (10,
1914, and read a statement made by
Congressman John J. Fitzgerald
(democrat) of New York, as follows
"If I placed my political fortunes
above my sworn duty under tne law,
I would not attempt to carry out the
Eromises of the democratic platform,
ut I should place .myself at the head
ol this band ot treasury looters upon
every occasion. , ,
'It is some effort for me to speak,
and I should not attempt to do so if
1 did not feel that my colleagues upon-
the floor teem either to be indifferent
to a very perilous situation for our
party, or else, which I do not ish
to believe', have so far forsaken dem
ocratic principles as not to deserve to
continue in control of the govern,
ment. ' ' '
"Whenever I think of the horrible
' mess that 1 shall be called upon to
, present to- the country on behalf of
the democratic party, I am tempted
to quit my place. I am looking now
at democrats who seem to take
amusement in soliciting votes on the
floor of this house to overturn the
committee on appropriations in its ef
forts to carry out the pledges of the
democratic platform. They seem to
take it to be a huge joke not to obey
their platform and to make ridiculous
the efforts of members of our party
who do try to live up to the promises
they made to the people."
"Remember, gentlemen, those
words were spoken by the chairman
of the committee on appropriations,"
declared Mr. Hoagland. The speaker
then went into details regarding the
"pork barrel" escapades of the ad
ministration, quoting dates and names
and places, showing how the public
money has been squandered by the
democrats as "molasses to catch
John L. Kennedy, Ben S. Baker and
. Frank S. Howell dropped in during
the close of the meeting, after having
attended a meeting at Valley., They
were greeted cordially. Mr. Hoagland
made the address of the evening and
made a favorable impression, being
applauded frequently as he scored
point after point in his expose of the
democratic fallacies.
, rail te HlRk PrlH.
Amsterdam (VI l,oqdoB). Nov. I. A Oar
man aubmartna plarfd.a prlee orww aboard
the Dutch Htoamer Oldambt, which left the
Honk of Holland ymlarday. At C o'clock
- thla mornlns a , Brilliiti dcatroyor eppearad
and rcapturod the Oldambt, according to
tba Hotvolk. The prlao crew : flrod two
bombs, with tha hope of dpatroylns their
Drlae, but tho Oldambt remained afloat.
Easy Way to Get
- Rid . of Itching
Don't worry any more about that
itching akin trouble. Just get a jar of
Resinol Ointment and a cake of Resi
nol Soap at any drug
store. With the Resi
nol Soap and warm
water bathe the af
fected parts thor
oughly, untjl they are
fret from crusts and
the akin it softened.
' Dry very gently,
spread on a thin layer
of the Resinol Oint
ment, and cover with
a light bandageif necessary to pro
tect the clothing. This should be done
-twice a day. Usually the distressing
itching and burning stop with the
first treatment, and the akin soon be
comes clear and healthy again. For
trial free, write to Dept. 9-R, Reainol,
Baltimore, Md. ...
Comfortable, fully equipped rooms,
. $1.00 a day and up. -Quick
Service' Lunch Room, the
best in the city. ,
Music with Meals.
Table eVHote Dinner, 35c.
OVER 40,000 BAGS
Germany Says Only Small Part
of This Ee-Dispatched fo
That Country. A
Berlin, Nov. 3. (By. Wireless to
Sayville.) Altogether 24,200 bags of
mail from Germany and 16,820 bags
destined for German were confis
cated by the British and French au
thorities from December,; 1915, to the
end of September,' 1916, says the
Overseas News Agency. The agency
asserts' that only a small part of the
seized mail was afterwards redis
patched to its destination. The seiz
ures are given by the" News Agency
as follows: ' . -i
From Germany:1 To the ;.United
States on Dutch, Danish and Nor
wegian steamers, 17,110 bags; to
Spain, Portugal and South America,
on Dutch and Norwegian steamers,
6,225 bags. To the Dutch Indies: On
Dutch steamers, 865 bags.
To Germany: From the United
States on Dutch, Danish and Nor;,
wegian steamers, 13,867 bags; from
Spain, Portugual and South America,
on Dutch and Norwegian steamers,
2,538 bags. From' the Dutch Indies,
on Dutch steamers, 525 bags.
"Drys"Will Storm
Heaven with Prayer
On Election Day
Fasting and all-day prayer meet
ings will be the rule with th Wo
men's Christian Temperance union on
election day. Frances Willard branch
will hold a prayer ' meeting at the
Young Women's Christian association
assembly room Tuesday between the
hours of 10 and 4 o'clock.
Mrs. William Berry, president of
the South Side union, announces
prayer meetings at the Wheeler Me
morial Presbyterian church, Twenty-
tmra ana streets, during the hours
when the polls are open from 8 a. m.
to 8 p. m.' - . -
Barn and Five Horses
; Are Destroyed bv Fire
Five horses perished last nighw
wnen tire or unknown cause destroyed
the barn of Nathan Reisman, 2723
Hamilton street. The barn was a
mass of flames by the time the de
partment arrived. .
"The Store for the People"
Features drastic Cut Prices in
Their Ladies' Coat and Suit
Regardless of the continuous rise in prices by east
ern markets, we're determined to sell closeout
our entire stock of Coats and Suits now on hand.
It's the Novelty Co.'s way and right in the season
when garments are at their highest values and we
have the better grades only at the lowest possible
price. Ladies' Coat and Suit Dept., Second Floor,'
take elevator.
LADIES' SUITS S.r,., pop. LADIES' COATS-F.ncy mix.
evet tnmmedi $20 1 1 1 velours, fur trimmedi vjIJSjD
values, Satur. U $15 ,. Saur. J
brown. , r.., fur 1 1 3 U our, fancy mix- 1 flijO
or velwt collar.) & - turM' 25 val" 1
S2S values) Sat... ucs; Saturday
LADIES' SUITS-Bolivia cloths, LADIES' COATS V.lour or
e h if f n broadcloth, Mil v 1 . t trimm.d; te jflC
poplin, gaoardinot fur ) I K full flaroi all mod- W I I 3 J
or velvet trimmed) $30 I J .1.) $30 111
values) Saturday. .... w Saturday 1 ' V
Drastic Cut Prices in Our Men's Clothing.,- ,
Department Saturday Main Floor V"5a
Mao's Suits or Ov.r- M.n's Worsted Pants a 1C
coats All alylmt-All . Neat at ripen $2 YI
$18 valuM) Saturday w values) Saturday
Mm's Suit, or Balmaroos MEN'S WORK OR DRESS
All ew inodelai Anl SHOES All siaesi AOQ
" value.) Sat- $3.50 values) Saur. ?
Men's Suits or Ov.rcoata MEN'S JERSEY RIBBED
All stylo.) $20 fVfAJC UNION SUITS , Aft
vahiut Satur. . 100 value.) S.tur- QQ
Mm'. Mackinaw. All now Women's Shoos In Newest
colors) extra good AJQS lasts) ivory and all Jkf QA
quality) $7.80 vol. fl ,00r.) $10 value.) SA''0
u Saturday. , Saturday
214-214 North 16th St.
Secretary of War Holds Up the
1 Location of Army Aviation
. Station for Ohio.
With the election only four days
off, the War department of the demo
cratic administration continues silent
on the question whether Omaha is' to
have the army aviation station at Fort
Omaha, as recommended by Chief
Scriven of the signal corps.
Though the Commercial club' has
been pushing Omaha's claims to the
War department since it was learned
that Akron, O., has put in a bid
backed by a political pull, the depart
ment gives no satisfactory answer to
the club's message. The Commercial
club has been given to understand,
however, that nothing will be done to
tlx the location until alter election.
Nothing Tangible Yet.
AskeJ for information. Colonel G;
L. Bingham, depot quartermaster of
the Umaha general depot, says: I
know nothing definite at all about the
matter. I have charge of the signal
corps supply depot, and the balloon
shed 6ut there at Fort Omaha, arid I
woujd know if there was anything
tangible as yet."
Meantime, while Secretary of War
Baker is playing politics by holding
the aviation station up as a plum for
Ohio if his home state goes demo
cratic, the splendid equipment of the
Wax department at Fort Omaha is
rusting in disuse.
It is conservatively estimated that
the splendid buildings, quarters, barns,
Tailor Talk
Biff .man mn eaay for ui. W ar
miking at auit now for a 300-poundcr,
Tha tall, alini ones aifd tha abort, fat
ones ara perfaeUr fitted her. Suits)
and Ovarcoata
$25 to $45
MacCarthy -Wilson
Tailor Comfort Clothes
315 S. 15th St ElksBldg.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.
balloon' house and gas tanks at Fort
Omaha represent equipment worth
considerably over $500,000.
School Moved Away.
For several years this has lain idle.
A few years ago the signal service
school which had occupied this splen
did place was moved to Fort Leavenworth,-
Now, Although General Scriven of
the signal corps has recommended
Omaha for the aviation training sta
tion, already authorized, seeking to
make use of the splendid equipment
already there, Secretary of War Baker
holds up the whole proposition to let
his home state of Ohio come into the
competition even though Akron has
no available military post. - , -
Ice House is Burned.
Iowa Falls, la., Nov. 3. (Special.)
The Iowa Falls Ice company suf
fered a $2,000 loss in the destruction
by fire of one of their ice houses on
Hallowe'en. The origin of the fire is
unknown, the structure being a mass
of flames inside when the fire was
discovered. The fire department pro
tected much adjoining property from
loss. The destroyed structure was
uninsurable and the loss to the com
pany is a total one. , '
Beaton's Saturday Bargain
Bulletin "
Read Over These Prices
Then Come Here to Buy
10c Wash Cloths ...7
50c Rubber Sponges ...... 14
50c Durham Duplex Razor '. .lOt
6.00 Durham Duplex ...$1.00
$1.00 Gem Razors 79
$1.00 Ever Ready Razors. . .794
50c Ziora Antiseptic 3Bi
tt-lb. Peroxide ......10
75c Tivoli Face Powder (Pinaud)
for 43
Beaton Cold Cream, in tubes and
jars, . . . . .... ,25t and 50
60c Solid Alcohol Stoves . . .24
26c Whisk Brooms 15
26c Peroxide 14 -lb 10
60c Palmolive Face Powder. 39
50c Palmolive Cream 39t
60c Pozzoni Powder 29
$1.00 La Noye Face Powder 49
50c De Mar's Face Powder. .24
Bocabella Castile Soap, cake. .5c
per dozen ..j ,50
26c Sloan's Liniment . ... ,.17t
25c Graves' Tooth Powder . .15
25c Mentholatum ......... 16
36c Castoria v. 21
60c Lantz Red Kidney Pills 39
50c Nadinola Preparatipns .34
Bottle of 100 Hinkle Cascara
..'V ..-.19
$1.00 Listerin ...59
, Parisian Ivory
Now is the time to purchase
Parisian Ivory. Our line of
Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Trays,
Toilet Seta, Cases, etc., is com
plete. : Abdominal Supporters
A complete line from $2 to'
94 each.
Beaton Drug Company
Ji' --.".,15th and Farnam.. ' ..'....":. ,.'
Saturday Evening,
Subject: "Kansas vs. Nebraska"
Mr. Conwell has issued the following challenge to Governor Capper of Kansas:
- Hon, Arthur Capper, Governor of Kansas, Topeka, Kans: '
On Saturday evening, November 4, 1 will address the people
of Omaha under the auspices of the Nebraska Prosperity League "
at the Auditorium. Subject: "Kansas vs. Nebraska," at which '
time I will lay bare the fraud and fallacy of Prohibition as it N
exists in my native state. You are hereby extended an invitation N
to be present, and refute, if possible, the facta and figures which '
, ; ' I shall present If you are unable to be present, you may send an r
accredited representative. Please wire me your reply, care of the
: , ; Nebraska Prosperity League, Omaha, Neb. -
. (Signed) . . . .. .". . i PAUL CONWELL.
' "7"" " ' ., ..... - ' ! .:. '.(.". - ' ( , '
This Meeting Will Be Held Under the Auspices of
The Nebraska' Prosperity League
Hon. L L RewberL State Treasurer ot Maine, Will Speak Monday Evening a) the Auditorium
I .v -v.-.-- - ' - ?
Bountiful Harvest in Corn Belt
Founds Down Prices on the
' -Local Market.
Due to reports that the crop is far
better than was expected and that
conditions for the harvest are per
fect, cash corn sold off 3 to 6 cents
per bushel, the break being almost
equal to the phenomenal rise of a few
days ago. Omaha receipts were light,
there being but thirty-six carloads on
the market. Old stock sold at 87
95 cents and new at 85g.7 cents
per bushel. Dealers, however, think
the break is only temporary and that
there will be a sharp advance as soon
as the south begins to make its ar
nual inquiry for stocks.
Wheat was a cent Up on the Omaha
market, selling at $1.761.80J4 per
' ' Perfume
All the latest odors of Hudnut's.
Colgate's, Piver's, Houbigant and
Arly, in plain and fancy Xmas
packages. From 50 a package
up to S1.0O. S .
.....; Candy -.1 .'
We are agents for Huyler'sr
Crane's, Original Allegretti and
Lowney Chocolates and Bon Boris.
Fresh shipments received daily.
Caramels in bulk, per lb. . .40
Chocolate peanuts, per lb. . . 50
Jordan Almonds,, per lb. ...39
Melba Chocolate Creams, per lb.
box .39
Cigar Specials ,
"10c Odins, 6 for 25
10c George the Fourth, each. 5
(Limited 5 to a customer.)
10c Muriels, breva size, S for 25
Rubber Department
$3.50 Whirling Spray,' female
douche $2.38
$1.50 Legrand 2-qt. Hot Water
Bottle 79
$2.00 Legrand Combination 2-qt
Fountain Syringe and Water
Bottle, at ......$1.15
$1.50 1 Legrand 2-qt. Fountain
Syringe 79
$1.60 Shoulder Braces. $1.00
$2.00 Shoulder Braces. .$1.50
-. ' Free .; -
With each purchase of Palm
olive Cream' or Face Powder, we
will give three lOe cakes of Palm
olive Soap FREE.
of Kansas City, Missouri
bushel. Receipts were all carloads,
practically all No. 2 'hard, a greater
portion of which was taken over by
the milling trade
Oats were slow and ' cent off,, sell
ing at 50!451 cents per bushel. Re
ceipts were thirty-eight carloads.
Another Big Enamelware Purchase on
. : AT THE
Another big purchase of double and triple-coated enamelware,
bought at an extra heavy discount, enables us to put the entire pur
chase on Special Salo fat this One Day Only, at prices that will moan
a saving to you of about one-half. Coma to this big Enamelware Sale
expecting to find extraordinary values and you will not be disap
pointed, and as always you make your own forms. .
Enameled M'4'
V f5
Sale '
Savory' Meat Itoasters, turkey size. 7fi
Sale price C
. A visit of impaction toour store would bo the most convincing
proof of what we continually advertisoi that tha assortments in all of
the different lines are much more extensive and that our prices are
much lower.
ty0" "A Double t" '"'J
- f .. and' KGtS'.Q
" triple XlmXfjrftt
-Coated Gv$$3l
v 1 enamel Wfiit?'
- . . wa,tk 10-quart Water
,. ware Pill glU pricJ
U-quart D,.h i-ans. aaia at ,e ;.
mmart Dish Pans, .Sale ,01 than u.x
P"C whole . PUa..Sle price
Our inexpensive location enables tale price - Qf
us to make the lower price. 1 Jv
' 'mCZIm-- 8-quart Berlin Kettles OQ-
f - . r with cover. Sale price siOC
T i 1 the : lart Coffee Pota.
; ; am " LoWW 'Sale price-.
Tea Kettles, small size.. Sale JJ Prices' 17c "
Nov. 4, 8 o'Clock
' Coughs and Colda An Dftnawoos.
internal throat and chit troubla pro.
duo Inflammation. To reduce Inflammation,
looaen cough, deatroy cold sarma use Dr.
Klnr'a New JJoaeovery. All druselata.
Everybody reada Bee Want Ada.
Jelly and
Pie Plates,
J Price