THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916. TELEPHONE 2020 DOUGLAS Stylish Suits Warm Coats THESE ARE "PREPAREDNESS" DAYS IN THE APPAREL STORE Coats at $15.00 Little enough for a coat that is stylish and well made. And this is proven by the scores and scores that we sell at this price each day the variety is wide enough for you to get just what . you seek. t Women's Coats at $22.50 In Velours, soft and comfy; Cheviots, Novelty Tweeds, etc., with large Quaker collars, wide flare bottoms and belts all around. Children's Coats, $10 to $22.50 These are the REAL" PRIDES of our stock and . . represent such a wide range for choice, that no matter what your ideas are in regard to the coab you want to buy, it is here. Children's "Special" Coats, $5.00 Sizes 6 to 14 years". In all the most popular ma terials well lined and nicely finished. ' It Is Well to e especially when the stocks are complete and the prices so low that you are making a fine saving when you buy now. We. made our prepara tions months ago, and now you may take ad vantage of our fore sight, being perfectly sure that the best of style is yours at the lowest prices. Suits at $14.75 nd $1&50 Materials are Velours, Wool Poplins, Gabar dines, Duvetynes, Serges, Broadcloths, Mixtures, etc. Some plain tailored styles, other fancy and fur trimmed. Excellent linings, well made and finished throughout. All the very latest color- ings, sleeves and collars. Other Suits at $24.50 Made of finer materials, with the latest style wrinkles that go to make them individual. This is he coat that appeals for its'style as well as its price. Children's $6.50 Coats, $3.50 , Sizes 2 to ,6 years. Fine Velours, Cheviots, Nov elty Mixtures, etc. Large cape collars, half belt ed effects. Girls' Dajnty Dresses, $5 to $15 'Made of excellent quality serge, with a wealth . of variefl trimmings ; sizes 6 to 14 years. Dresses that are not only stylish, but so fashioned that they are perfectly satisfactory in every way. Second Floor. N AH Your Hosiery Needs Easily Satisfied Here Saturday AND in a manner that will make it easy on your pocketbook also. , Women's Thread Silk Hosiery, high novelties, Soman stripes, fancy embroidered. All the new shades in plain silk, wide lisle garter tops, others silk to the top. Spliced feet. Full fashioned. d (f Saturday t .... pl.UU . Women's Silk Hosiery, in black, white, and all colors for street and evening wear. Fashioned, high spliced soles, heels and toes; lisle tops. Worth $1.00. 7Q ' Pair. ; 7C- Women's Silk Boot and Fiber Hose, pure thread silk, pure dye. . Assorted colors and black. Fashioned and seamless. Lisle tops ; double heels and toes. Irregulars.- Extra quality. Worth : 50c. Special OQ Saturday ...:.... Women's Silk Lisle Hose, black, white and colors. Seamless and fashioned. All sizes. Double OCr heels and toes; wide tops. Pair ...... . . . . ." Children's Silk Lisle Hose, black, white and colors. Double knees, spliced heels and toes; medium OCr .weight. Special . . -JC infants' Cashmere Hosiery, silk heels and toes. Black white and colors. Kegularly worth Z5c, in at Main Floor. Boy's TTJ.,b Suits Saturday Special - ' Four Big Tables of these suits, all very desirable. , Specially priced in two lots r v tA or? 5.00 and $6.50 values. . . pt.d $7.50 and $8.50 values. . . $5.75 J Every woman will immediately .' .tmnrl m 1 trailing rcCUglllZO L1IC nunuviiuj quoted here and this, in spite of the fact that the market prices are rising every day, Long Pant Suit Sale A very attractive assortment of Smart Pinch-Back Style, and Semi. Eniliih Stylet, in real classy patterns. Serges, Tweeds, Cassimeres and Worsteds. Stripes, checks and plaids, in all the new colors. Included are a few Two-Pair-Pant Suit.. Suits in the lot worth to $16.00, at $9.75 Boys' Mackinaws Galore The greatest assortment ever shown ; three-fourths of them in the pop--nlar SKATE POCKET STYLE. Large assortment at every price $4.25, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50. Juvenile Suits Specially Priced All-Wool Serge Suit., in blue and brown. Corduroy Suit, and an at tractive assortment of Fancy Mixtures. Ages 2 to 7 years. , ' Every suit has a separate white dress collar, also many with cuffs. $4.00 to $5.00 values, special, Saturday, at. ( . $3.45 Boys' Odd Knickerbocker Pants ' Corduroy Knickerbocker., that will stand wear and tear. Full lined, at. $ 1 .25; Others in variety, unlined, at 85c and $1 .00 . Large assortment of Mixtures, at ."..'.,... .65c to $2.00 Chrysanthemums 9c Large Quantity Vellow, Pink and White Chryeanthemum., very special, Saturday. 9c Long Stem Ro.e, special, the dozen , 49c Entrance to Pompeian Room. ' . Cleaning Up the Pyramids. In the Picture Department YOUR CHOICE of any Framed Picture displayed on our pyramids, worth up to $5.00 $1.00 Some are in handsome gold frames, hand carved and newest' tones; others are Circassian Wal nut, and Mahogany and the new two-tone effects. The Frame alone would cost you more than the price we ask for the picture and frame complete. Third Floor. Candy for Saturday Delicious ' Home-Made Pecan Nut Goodie., pound. . ..... , 29c Assorted Cocoanut Ball., vanil la, strawberry and chocolate. Vhe Pound .15c Pure, Wholesome Angel Food Cream Taffy, all flavors. Special, Pound ,15c Redel's Vanilla Marehmallow., b . .10c Our Famous Pompeian Choeo lt Bitter SweeU and Swim StyU Milk Chocolatea, pound box. . 29c Pompeian Room. Charming Neckwear We have everything that is new ana up-to-date. Broadcloth., Satin and Georget te Collar. Dreu Sets and New Neck Pieces of Marabout, and Seta, Feather Boa., Boudoir Cap., Chaf ing Di.h Set., Tie., etc. Prices within the reach of all. Main Floor. Sale of Ribbons 7 Vi -Inch Moire Rib bon, all silk, high lus ter; in good shades. Regular 39c quality, at yard... 19c 6V-Inch Satin Edge Moire Ribbon, in a good assortment of colors j yard...)....... 19c ' 3Vg and 4-Inch Fancy Warp Prints, yd. . 19c Main Floor. Special Dinner Safarday Night, 5 to 9 p. m. 60c ' Consomme Clear en Tasse Olives Celery Hearts Radishes Smother'd Chicken, Southern Style Fried Sweet Potatoes ' Stewed Corn Lettuce and Tomato Salad Apple Pie Raspberry Pie - Rhubarb Pie Ice Cream and Cake ' Tea Coffee Milk Green Roon. Wall Paper In Room Lots .Enough Wall Paper for a 12x14x9 room, including 10 Roll. Wall, .6 Roll. Ceiling and 18 Yard. Border. Your choice of a dozen pa pers, suitable for kitchens, bedrooms, dining rooms ami. parlors. Saturday only, entire room 93c Paper, of Oatmeal Quality, plain and figured effects, each shown with a handsome cut border. Very suitable for din ing rooms, living rooms, and halls. A complete line of all colors. Wall, ceiling and border, for. ...... $2.98 ' Third Floor. Most Beautiful Blouses at $5.00 Dressy Shadow Lace Blouses, black or white. Georgette Crepe; Blouses. Crepe de Chine Blouses Pussy Willow Blouses. -- These blouses are exception al values. A wonderful assortment in all sizes and styles. Colors White, Flesh and Maize. 1,000 Net Blouses. $2.98 Each Crepe de Chine ind Georgette Crepe, Fichus and embroidered models. Dol ors ecru, white, flesh and maize. Hundreds of Other Blouses at Reasonable Prices. Blouse Shop, Second Floor. Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Children's Hats ' This is a radical clearance and if you have one child, two children, or more bring them all here on Saturday, for in many instances, you can buy for all of them at the same outlay you would ordinarily make for one. Misses' and Juniors' Hats, .Ages 4 to 12 Years. In three lota 59c $1.00 frl.50 , Over 500 Smart Hats, made mostly of Silk Velyet and Plush Effects. A great many s of these hats are daintily trimmed with ribbons, in such colors, as brown, Copenhagen, blue, pink, white, black. A number of these hats have wide edgings of fur. The shapes are Mushrooms, Sailors, Poke hats and Soft hats. ' 'Choice of the ENTIRE STOCK SATURDAY, in three lots. . Second Floor, Guaranteed Washable Kid Gloves N Are getting more popular every day, for every women who buys a pair of these Famous Adler or Perrin Gloves is bound to , advertise them to all of her friends for their good looks, their wear ing qualities and their practicability. They come in Pearl, Pearl White, Gray, Mastic, Ivory, Black and Tan, either plain or with contrast stitchings, and they are priced at last year's figures ; A , , ; $1.25, $1,50, $1.75, $2.00 Good Stock, of Imported Glove, from France, from the famous Perrin factories, in overseen, or pique, v Either plain or with beautifully em broidered backs. Every pair absolutely guar anteed $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50 Just received, a new shipment of the very lat est Embroidered Glove, from the famous Val lier factories. White, black and a few colors, with beautifully embroidered backs, in exquisite new designs. gQ v ' " Main Chamoi.ette and Leatherette Glove., made in Germany. They are very scarce and hard to obtain, 59. 65. 85. $1 and.. $1,25 Special for Saturday Children'. Fleece Lined Kid Glove., Gauntlet, or Mitten., warm, dur able and very good looking..,. 59c Danforth's Famou. Broad Cut Glove, for Children, unlined, silk lined or fleece lined. All sizes to fit the little tots from 1 year to chil dren of 14. Made of soft skins to fit the lit tle, stubby hands perfectly $1,25, $1.39 Floor. ' Knit Underwear Offerings Fine Values - Women'. Part Wool Union Suit., low neck, sleeve less; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves; ankle lengths. Good fitting garments. Very special, suit 81.50 Women. Union Suit., silk top and lisle body; cuff knee. Pink and white. cial, at. Worth to $1.25, very spe .85 Main Floor. Women's Fine Cotton .Union Suit., fleece lined and medium weight. All styles and' sizes. Worth to 75c, special 50 "M" Knit Suit, for Girl, and Boy., fleeced cotton, patent taped seams and buttons. All sizes. Suit, at 59 Girl.' and Boy.' Heavy Fleeced Cotton Union Suit., Velastic and other good makes. All ages to 16 years. suit 50 Rubber Goods, Drugs Toilet Necessities 2-Quart Fountain Syringe, rapid flow tubing. Regu- larly worth 11.25. Saturday.............. V-4S 2-Quart Hot Water Bottle, guaranteed. Worth $1.50, sale price .: ..........v.;.... ...63 Rubber Sheeting, extra quality, 86 inches wide. Sat urday, yard ....... 29 - Ho.pital Abtorbent Cotton, 1-lb. package. . .......... . .24 . Hounhold Rubber Glov.., all sises, pair. i......29 . S.nitol Tooth Pa.te, 25c tube. ..................... ...14 Kolynos Tooth Pa.te, 25c tube; ...16 Vantine.' Sandalwood Toilet Water, the bottle. . . .'. 88 Mary Garden Perfume, the ounce 11.75 Jap Ro.e Toilet Water, 50c size jar. ....... . . ....29 Cream Meridor, 60c size jaK .29 ' Madam l.e'bell's Cucumber Cream, 50c size. . . . ." 29 . M.loro.o Beauty Cream, 50c size '. .29 Pond's Cold Cream, 50c size jar .....( . ..29 ' Carmen Face Powder, 60c size ......29 Madam he'bell's Face Powder, 50c size . . ..;.. . . .29 Urn M.. Pmmm PnOllaV. 25c liZ ..18 El Perfecto Veda Rouge, 60c size bok. 29 Sanitol Face Cream, 25c size ergon's Benioin Almond Lotion, bottle. William.' Talcum Powder, the can..., Matteta Talcum, the can Cutox Nail Enamel, 26c size ....... . .' Williams' Shaving Stick, special...... Gillette Razor Blades, $1.00 size....... Imported Bay Rum, the bottle. . . . . . . . . Sal Hepatic., 60c size bottle......... Murine Eye Remedy, 60c size. . . . . .'. . . . S. S. S., for the blood, $1.00 size Mentholatum, 50c size jar. , . . . . I Li.terine,"'$1.00 size bottle Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1-lb bottle. 14 is ...10, .....10 .,..16 .....75 .....21 .....29 .....39 ...;.59 .....29 .....59 .....24 Sloan'. Liniment. 26c size bottle ,15 Peroxide Soap, 10c cake... 5 Lilac Ro.e Glycerine Soap, 10c cake. 5 Pure Cattlle Soap, 15e size. 9 Phriicians' and Surgeon.' Soap, 10c cake......... 6 4711 Vedora .Glycerine Soap, the Cake........ 7 Stork Caitila Soap, 10c cake , 6 f Palmolive Soap, the cake , Pluto Water, ,the large bottle . . Second Floor. 5 28 C That Cannot VsOrSetS Be Equalled At the Prices We Are Quoting : In the first place, the Corsets we are offering are of a standard make, with a reputation and a guarantee for fit and finish behind them that makes the offering all the more remarkable the real reason for this reduction in price we scale in piain, .uupis way vm. At this time Corset manufacturers are unable to match materials imported from the other side, and because we were- fortunate in obtaining two1 lots of materials, we had them made into up-to-, date models. . .,i Madame Lyra and Warner Models In dainty pink and white silk Broche. We have added also, some . models in Lu Vida, Madeline and Smart Set, in odd sizes that we cannot duplicate. . ....- All These Corsets $3.00 each Odd sizes and somewhat slightly soiled; in front lace and back lace Corsets, a good assortment of models -$2.00 OUR SPECIAL Corset, with wide front steel and adjustable , abdominal band; medium top, long hip, sizes 20 to 86 Satur- day only s;ndFu;:-"-Voo About 450 Pairs of Women's Novelty Fall Shoes LOOK AT THE PRICE AGAIN, $3.85 For Shoes Worth From $6.00 to $7.50 All this- season's styles where lots have become size-broken,' we have grouped them all together and priced them at the one figure. ' We need the room these shoes oc cupy for the incoming arrivals and our necessity is your opportunity. There are Fawn, Putty, White and Pearl Kid excellently made and fin ished. ! ' All with light weight turn soles and covered Louis wood heels, of same. . Main Floor. $3.85 SaturdayIs the Last Day for the War Trophy Exhibit Third Floor Be Sure to See It!