Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 16

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the bek publishing company, propbietok.
Eateree at Omaha poetofflee aa ihooJ-Um
Br Mill
' Br Carrier
Bally and Sunder
Dally without Sunday 4Se..
Evening and Sunday 40a -..
Evening without Sunday... JSe. .......
Sunday Be only .........awe..'., V,aaiT
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ii , OFFICES. --; ' ' '
Omaha The Bee Bulldln. ',('.
I. South Omaha 2818 N street.
!' Council Bluffs 14 North Main street
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i Chicago 8H People's Gas Building.
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Addreis comsiunlcatlona relating to news and editorial
latter to Omaha bee. Editorial Department.
54,507 Daily Sunday 50,539
! Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Bea
Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya that the
average circulation for the month of September. ISIS,
waa H.S07 dally, and S0,5S Sunday.
DWIUHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presenea and sworn to before me
thai (d day of October, 1918.
, . ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public
Subscribers leaving lbs elty temporarily
.should hay Tho Bea mailed to than. Ad
straw will bo changed aa eflaa as required.
Four days to (lection day. Do your hustling
row. ' - r . i
And what's the use, especially when it isn't
necessary? . x' ::' .
When democratic bedfellows fall out the in
quisitive voter gets a package of peppery information.
It's the tenth time this time: "Are you 'wet'
or 'dry,' .Senator Hitchcock? , Why are 'you
dodging the question?" ' ;
Nature's artistic handiwork in Indian summer
days quickly becomes a choking smear under
man's wasteful smudge. ' '
The best preservative of peace for the United
States will be notice to other nations that Charles
Evans Hughes has been elected president. .
Diplomacy, be assured, will provide an artistic
winding sheet for the Marina disaster. . As a
silencer of disagreeable happenings diplomacy
radiates noiseless joy.
' ( The democratic secretary of war from Ohio
, stands up for his home state as against Nebraska,
while our democratic senator from Omaha won't
een stand up for his home town.
! A mighty escort of railroad men for Charles
- Ej Hughes , at Terre Haute demonstrates that
tit intelligent labor vote of this country cannot
be; exchanged for a political gold brick.
bh. vortex' of the political whirlwind centers
injftew York 'City lor the next lew days. If the
silent voter remains ailent amid the tumult of
contending hosts, an examination for tetanus will
b in order. '
ft-, ' "I i. i 1
Steel, trust earnings for the .third quarter of
the year establish a new high record of $85,817,
000 gross and $75,202,000 net From which it
may be inferred that the trust Is not worrying
about the high cost of living. j
i The deception by which the senator procured
President Wilson's punch-less indorsement is of
the tame sort he is handing the voters in trying
to persuade them that he waa helping the presi
dent all the time he was righting him. '
I The republicans have two good candidates In
Charles E. Foster and Harvey W. Reed for the.
responsible position of police judge for Omaha.
Remember that there are two of them to be
elected, and that you can vote for both.'
And don't forget H. H. Claiborne for justice
o( the peace. He now holds one of the six
justiceships which have been by law merged
into one, which makes it all the more important
tcj keep a tried and trustworthy man on the job.
. "Let My Policies Alone."
Woodrow Wilson's plea at Buffalo sounds like
the cry of a beaten man. Instead of standing up
and manfully defending the course of his adminis
tration in its dealings with foreign governments,
he demands that his policies be let alone, that they
be not criticised, for to do so is "to drag out for
eign relationships into partisan politics." "Men
who do this," he said," "I cannot regard as pa
triots." Well, most of the critics of the present
administration will lose little sleep over the esti
mate put on their patriotism by a president whose
secretary of war likened Washington's soldiers to
the Mexican banditti. " '
Consider briefly the foreign relationships of
the United States at this moment:
Great Britain: Notes of protest against in
terference with our commerce and our mails
have been-answered that Great Britain will not
change the policy complained of. Matter rests
, Germany: Lusitania case regarded as set
tled, with each government having its own idea
as to terms of settlement. The German govern
ment has not accepted the principle laid down
by our government, and has not disavowed the
act as demanded.
Mexico: Carranza has failed to realize Presi
dent Wilson's hopes, and is unable to establish
order; we have an army of 160,000 on the bor
der, and 15,000 in Mexico, waiting. - ,
Santo Domingo: The last word from there
was of more men wearing Uncle Sam's uniform
slain in battle; but we are not at war.
China: The "open door" has been closed;
Mr. Wilson forced American bankers to with
draw from the six-power loan, after it had been
negotiated, and left the empire at the mercy of
Japan and Russia.
Niraraugua: ' President Chamorro. whose
record makes Huerta's look white, has just been
re-elected president, under the guns of Ameri
can warships, receiving 50,000 majority out of s
total of 50.000 votes cast.
Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala: All
disgruntled because Wilson ignored their claims
in connection with acquisition of Gulf of Fon
seca naval station.'
' Colombia: Still waiting for the $25,000,000
indemnity and apology promised by the admin
istration. Japan : Not mollified, even though Presi
dent Wilson did induce senate to modify
phraseology of immigration bill.
Not a foreign question settled, not a new bond
of friendship cemented; an empty Pan-Americanism
blazoned forth, but no solidarity behind it
These are the achievements of Wilsonian diplo
macy, which he holds sacred from his critics. Is
it any wonder he does not want them talked
I British casualties for tha four months of the
Somme offensive total 414,202 men. Add to these
a! like number of French and German losses in
trie same region and the reader visualizes the
magnitude of the slaughter on an area barely
100 miles square. -
Negotiations for another British loan are pro
ceeding jn' New' York. 'This, like preceding
loins, is backed up by deposits of American se
curities of greater value, and yields better than
5 iper .cent ,. Supplies, purchased by the allies in
thus country, call for payments of $10,000,000 a
wicelc and' American credit is necessary to pre
vent a slump in exchange rates. , , '
Union of Trade Forces
-Philadelphia Ledger.
the matter of foreisn exoorta after the
war, it will be largely a case of united we stand,
divided we fall. If our country shall insist upon
disintegrating, business into small units, these
units will rind themselves fearfully handicapped
in the great trade war which must come after
the present war ofblood and iron ends. Every
European country 'is being taught by war to
' mobilize aid centralize its industrial powers, ex
actly as it mobilizes and centralizes its military
forces, i Practically every class of business in
each country has become one big business. In
Germany it has. become such through the power
o( an imperial command. There is no more com
petition among steel mills than between the two
wings of Hinoenburg'a army. In a lesser degree
other nations are tending to follow that German
ex-ample and forbid useless cut-throat competi
tion at home,, but more especially encourage
wholesale and united efforts to conquer outside
world markets,:;. j .
n Knerlaml'e mnhillrerl fnrluerriee will remain
Mobilized after the war ends. The same thing
itl true of France, Russia and Germany. In the
face of this new and greater trade competition
winch will be unleashed the moment the last
, . ! - 4 ... 1 1. . .U- 1 tH!,.J LZ ... ... .
uatuc nil irecu luuKUl, me wuttcu mimics lanuui
aord to neglect any longer the inauguration of
as entirely new trade policy. We need union of
fiirces ana facilities. We require encouragement
fpr combinations which alone can be in a hnan
otal position to meet fcurope s trade war in an
cien encounter. Above everything we should
1 ive at Washington men who have courage to
i ce!"these new conditions, and not scuttlera,
v. ncaacWirat -notion of legislation is to connt the
rotes that are in it. .
, "Villa Under Control." ?
Pancho Villa has just shown how well founded
is the statement from the Carranza headquarters,
on which our government relies for information,
,that he Is "under control" by stopping a passen
ger train, murdering the Carranza soldiers fin
guard and robbing the passengers. This will as
sure the presence of the Nebraska boys on the
Texas border for months yet to come. But the
Villa raid wilt have a still more embarrassing
effect One of the passengers on the train hap
pened to be a German, but an enthusiastic bandit
mistook him for an American and struck him
over the hesd with a revolver. This set will
necesitate apologies from both Wilson snd Car
ranza to the kaiser. Such unfortunate contre
temps might be avoided by requiring Americana
to wear distinctive badges when . traveling abroad,
so that others will not be subject to indiginities
We are supposed to endure with- patience because
of our mission to the world. , ,' i"
Unintentionally Overlooked.
From a subscriber residing in an interior
town, who was forcibly struck with The Bee's
enumeration of democratic peace-time war taxes,
we have the following calling attention to an
other one unintentionally overlooked: '
, In the itema on the first page of The Bee,
of the things "We must not forget," you left
out one item. Don't forget, the democrat ad
ministration ,put a license tax of $5.00, to be
paid semi-annually on every pool table, and then
took the boys down to the border snd kept
them there, regardless of their business at
home. No-wonder Wilson wants to hold the
(Guards on the border and keep them from vot
ing, for he knows, if they were allowed to come
home, he would be beaten 16 to 1, and he thinks
by keeping them there he stands a big show.
Surely there are enough relatives and friends,
(of the Guards on the border) at home to beat
him anyway. But what if they don't? Then
I fear he will keep the boys there just to spend
as much of. that democratic tax baore next
March as he possibly can. - O, the consistency,
to say "you must pay so much license tax for
each pool table" and then ship your boys to the
border to serve him, I have three boys in one
company of the Fourth Nebraska, and I know
how much they think of Wilson and the demo
cratic administration.
; This tells the story so graphically and so
clearly that it needs no further comment from us.
Wheat and Cotton "Futures.". 4,.
' Authorities on the big grain 'exchanges
throughout the country are trying to check the
speculation in wheat by setting the price for mar
gins at a prohibitive figure. No such action ia
needed in the case of cotton. The democrats
have well defined the difference .between wheat
and cotton, Tariff protection was taken off wheat
and retained on cotton; not only thai, but the
price of cotton Is Stabilized by a law enacted to
regulate the dealing in "futures" and prevent
gambling in the south's great ataple. Wheat is
still at the mercy of the speculators, snd the same
crowd that sent prices skyward can send them
down again whenever it is to the gamblers' ad
vantage. The Nebraska farmer must take his
chances, while the Georgia planter pays off his
"niggers," white or black, and lets the federal
government look after marketing his crop., That's
part of the difference between wheat and cotton.
' After repeatedly slapping them in the 'face,
President Wilson is still trying to placate the
German-Americans, the latest card being a pro
posed collection- under official sanction, for the
relief of German war victims, to be distributed
through the American ambassador at Berlin. But
unless we arc badly mistaken, our voters of Ger
man ancestry are too intelligent to fail to see
through this gauzy game. , . ,
While most congressmen silently heeded the
promptings of interested opponents of postal sav
ings banks, John t, Kennedy championed the
measure in congress and blazed the way to its
eventual success. As s senator his support of
beneficial public measures is guaranteed by his
Wild with tantrums of impending democratic
defeat, the Lincoln Star projects a fantastic pic
ture of "Our Earl of Lauderdale." We could
easily match it with the ancestral story of "Our
Uebef-Herzog von Hitchcock," but we would
have to dig up too many dark-closet skeletons.
Charles Evans Hughes Says:
"We want fair wages, reasonable hours,
safe conditions of work, opportunities for edu
cation and recreation. We want a sentiment
of fellow workmanship in this country, a senti
ment of co-operation. Let us get rid of class
antagonisms by the spirit of justice. There is
no hope for America if class is divided against
class." '
A Progressive Tells Why
How I shall vote next Tuesday:
For Hughes, because I consider it a great pleas
ure to have the opportunity to advance an able
. and clean man from one high office into a higher
one and I consider it no degradation to call on
a chief justice or any other justice of the United
States supreme court to accept the office of pres
ident pf the United States and that by common
sense of justice as well as constitutional author
ity any man, an American-born citizen, from
the humblest railroad laborer to the chief jus
tice of our country, has the inalienable right to
aspire to the presidency.
For Hughes, because of great problems, domestic
and foreign, confronting us during the ensuing
four years and which require care and decision
by a man of legal attainments.
For Hughes, because he has proven himself thor
ough in his investigation of corporations and in
laying bare their rottenness.
For Hughes, because he is capable and able to
handle questions of international character, so
that when our brothers across the Atlantic have
had enough of crime, hatred, violence and mur
der and When called upon to determine the
right or wrong of questions involving our coun
try internationally, past as future, he will
be able to decide such questions without the in-'
terference of designing and incapable advisors,
such as has been the cases with some of our later
For Hughes, because the working man and farmer
need a fair and capable man to represent them
at Washington, to give them laws that will stand
constitutional tests when assailed and laws that
will give them such opportunities as to make
them feel that life is worth living.
For Hughes, because I desire to see and feel gen
eral prosperity and not spotted or speculators'
prosperity only. -
For Hughes, because if I owned the United States
I would employ him on the spot, as the best is
the cheapest and, figuring on a salary basis
only, I would get the best cheap.
For Hughes, because we want a man like Hughes
"eventually, why not now?"
Not for Wilson, because he lias given us a four-
tar course of a most erratic administration.
ot for Wilson, because I consider him a poor
substitute for the man I had expected much
from, j as I have admired and followed Mr.
Bryan for a long time, only to find that by lan
guage and otherwise he has apparently been
"knocked into a cocked hat."
Not for Wilson, because he has seen fit to ram
through Congress a makeshift, unjust and un-equal-in-its-spplication
law, favoring a few as
I against the many, a clear case of class legisla
tion. Not for Wilson, because in the dark of a night,
he stood on the. border of dreamland and, with
out the consent of congress, ordered our sol
diers to take Vera Crut,
Not for Wilson, because of his recognition of Car
ranza as against other chieftains, thereby caus
ing jealousy and revenge.
Not for Wilson, because of his' party's cry for
peace, peace, and with thousands of our men
away down on the border, catching fitful slum
bers over their losded guns, ready to be called
into action on a moment's notice, there is noth
ing bat doubtful peace; ' ;., ,
Not for Wilson, because of his party's ascend
ancy on its false claim of republican extrava
gance, his own party making a fast record of
extravagance unparalleled in the history of the
country during so-called peace times, t
Not for Wilson, because of his party's attempts
to permanently land the progressrves in the dem
ocratic party bag, baggage and all.
As the managers of the democratic party have
so generously invited the progressives into their
camp, I aa one of them, registered as well as in
fact a progressive, decline, at this time, to enter
their camp, as I feel that the state of our country
and feeling the pinch from the high cost of living,
daily mounting higher and higher, requires that
my vote should go to Charles Evans Hughes for
president 3932 South Twenty-eighth Street. .
Farmers and Free Trade
-St Lotda Globe-Democrat-
One may well believe that the Canadian farm
era are feeling gloomy over the prospects of
Hughes' election and the repeal of the Under
wood tariff. We recently showed what an ad
vantage the Underwood tariff had been to the
manufacturers of Canada. But the Canadian
farmers have profited as much. The removal of
the duties on cattle, swine, sheep, lambs, rye,
eggs, buckwheat, corn, cream, bacon, ham, pre
served meats, lard, cornmeal and other agricul
tural products was a great boon to them. They
got all thia without being compelled to make any
concessions to American products, as they would
have been forced to do under the proposed reci
procity treaty. The figures on "exports of living
animals are eloquent. In 1912 the total value of
exports of animals from Canada to the United
States was only $1,697,061, while in 1915 it had
jumped to $14,052,578. The farmers along the
northern tier of states have been naturally hit
the first and the hardest They will bear it im
mind when they vote next week.
But farmers elsewhere are realizing what
democratic free trade means to them. H. M. Pope
of Fort Worth, Tex., president of the Association
of State Farmers' Union Presidents, is sending
out a pamphlet setting out just what the Under
wood tariff means. He shows that when ship
loads of corn began arriving at Galveston from
South America, after the Underwood tariff went
into effect, the price of corn fell 5 cents a bushel.
He calls attention to the fact that in South Amer
ica three crops of corn are raised in fourteen
months, on cheap, but productive land. The
wages paid farm labor are also far below that
American farmers . must pay. Transportation,
except from points at considerable distance from
water, costs very little.
' Just now there is an abnormal demand for
farm products, due to the great war. But this
demand will slacken at the coming of peace. The
American farmer is just as interested in the res
toration of a republican protective tariff as the
American manufacturer and the army of wage
earners in the factories. :,, . . .
People and Events
Marriage speed in Chicago still outpoints di
vorce. The latest marriage score is thirty sec
onds, credited to a thirsty magistrate, who
achieved the record while the bridegroom mixed
hia appetizer, a malted egg chocolate.'
Tax ferrets of New York anticipate a juicy
squeeze out of the fortune of the late Hetty
Green, the world's richest woman. Just what
pact of the fortune is liable to the state tax is
to te determined by a special commissioner.
Meanwhile the ferrets consider $4,000,000 about
the -limit of the squeeze.
War's tragedies reach far beyond the firing
lines. . The makers of the kaiser's cigars at Ha
vana is said to have committed suicide because
his job was destroyed by the blockade. He re
ceived a Cuban dollar for every cigar specially
built for the kaiser. Pride of station forbade
rolling smokers for the common herd and idle
ness rendered life not worth the living. .
Thought Nugget for the Pay.
In vain we call old notions fudge,
And bend our conscience to our
The Ten Commandments will not
" budge,
And stealing will continue stealing.
James Russell Lowell.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Serbia pushed the Bulgarians back
from Nlh. -
M. Zaimls defeated in the Greek
chamber by Venlzeliata.
Germans captured capital of Uztce
province in Serbia, but Serbian army
escaped. ,
Russia threatened Persia with in
vasion If that country Joined Ger
many and Turkey.
Brltlnh cavalry advanced Into Ser
bia and new allied forces were rushed
north from Baloniki.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
While other citizens are having the
bottom knocked out of their booms
Council Bluffs is having a boom
knocked out of its bottoms. Bottom
land has already made a Jump, and
if half the Improvements contemplat
ed are ever actually made, bottom
property will more than double In
Mrs. Hlgginson does not find art in
compatible with a butter bowl. She Is
decorating one with a stormy marine
scene and a tossing ship, to be mount
ed in plush.
Miss Minnie B. Carter has returned
to Omaha, to spend the winter with
her sister and brother-in-law, Dr. and
Mrs. Merrlam, on Eighteenth street
Mra I General Manderson enter
tained the Ladles' I Afternoon club at
the Millard In elegant style. The wo
men In attendance ware Mesdames J.
N.. H. Patrick, J. M. Watson, Dor
rance, Lacy, Joseph Barker, Hanscom,
Prltchett, Dandy, Wakeley, Cowin,
L. M.- Bennett Herman Kountze and
J. J. Brown.
A party was given at the residence
of Alexander Benham in honor of
Mrs. Benham's birthday. A distin
guished guest present was a. relative
of Mm Benham, Sir Charles Eaton,
member of Parliament for Bath, Eng
land. Miss Nellie Gunnell, well known
here, was marrted to Mr. Joseph Chll
derg. Rev. A. rt Sherrlll tied the knot
In the presence t a large number of
At a women's musicals held in the
tabernacle Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Eeta
brook, Mr. Wllkins and Mr. Estabrook
did gOod solo, duet and quartet work.
Miss Her entertained a few friends
and line music was a feature of the
evening, Mr. Butler's playing being
especially admired. ' ,
This Day In History. '.
1794 William Cullen Bryant, the
poet, born at Cummington, Mass.;
died in New York City June 12, 1878.
1804 Northern Illinois and south
ern Wisconsin were purchased from
the Indians by a treaty concluded at
St. Louis between Governor Willia,
Henry Harrison and the Sacs and
Foxes. '
-' 1886 General Ortega was arrested
by United States troops ss he waa
about to cross the Rio Grande to head
a revolutionary movement In Mexico.
1867 Garlbaldlans defeated by Pa
pal and French troops at Mentana.
1870 Belfort, a strongly fortified
town In Alsace, was invested by the
T 1877 Dennis Kearney, "the sand
lot orator," arrested In San Francisco
and Imprisoned for making incend
iary speeches and threats.
1864 Prince Kung acknowledged
the defeat of China in the war with
Japan, and requested foreign inter
vention. 1608 The Republic of Panama was
1909 Commander Peary's polar
records were approved by the Na
tional Geographic society.
1912 Turkey appealed to the pow
ers to Intervene in the war with the
Balkan allies.
The Day We Celebrate.
David A. Baum of the-Baum' Iron
company Is 53 years old. He has been
prominent In Commercial club circles
and was vice president of the City
National bank.
Edward D. White, chief Justice . of
the supreme court of the United
States, born in the. parish of La
fourche, Louisiana, seventy-one years
ago today.
Hohammed V, the present sultan
of Turkey and ally of ths German
emperor, born seventy-two years ago
Charles Dick, former United States
senator from Ohio, born at Akron, O.,
flftv-elght years ago today.
Charles J. Voplcka, the American
minister to Roumania, Serbia and Bul
garia, born In Bohemia fifty-nine
years ago today.
D. J. Traill, traveling passenger
agent of the Union Pacific railroad at
Cincinnati, O., was born at Spencer,
Mass., forty-two years ago today. Mr.
Traill was raised 'and educated in
Omaha and moved east about nine
years ago, 1 ,
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
The Republic of Panama celebrates
Its thirteenth anniversary today.
Today is the centennial anniversary
of the birth of General Jubal A. Early,
soldier of the Florida and Mexican
wars, and one of the most picturesque
commanders of the confederate states
Leaving Albany this morning Can
didate Hughes is scheduled to speak
In several leading cities of the Hud
son vallev, arriving at New York City
The annual convention of the Lou
isiana Good Roads association will
meet at Shreveport today and con
tinue In session over tomorrow.
The American Road Builders' asso
ciation, the oldrt organlmtlon In the
country devoted to the improvement
of roads and streets, Is to hold its
annual meeting today In New York
City. '
An Informal conference on the nation-wide
car shortage Is to be con
ducted at Louisville today and tomor
row by Interstate Commerce Com
missioner McChord.
Sioryctto of Ho Day
Lincoln Springfield, London editor,
was talking to an American corre
spondent. "I know a regiment" he said,
"where the subalterns are so young
that not one of them is able to raise
ths mustache required by etiquette.
"A handful of privates from this
regiment swaggered back to quarters
late one night singing the popular
ditty, 'Another little drink won't do
us any harm.'
"Aa they passed the. officers' billet
the guard on duty growled at them:
" 'SJiut up. you noisy fools, or you'll
waka the war babies!' " Philadelphia
Why Handicap Omaha?
Omaha, Nov. 2. To the Editor of
The Bee: I think It strange attention
has not been called more pointedly to
the relation of the wet and dry contest
to the relative commercial position of
Omaha In competition with wet cities
like St. Paul and Minneapolis to the
north and Kansas City and St. Jo
seph to the south. There Is territory
which constitutes a trade zone from
which Omaha now. draws business
which can easily be turned to Its
competitors. If It were national pro
hibition which was at issue, so that all
would go wet or dry together, It might
make little difference, but to put a
dry Omaha up against a Wet Kansas
City and a wet Minneapolis strikes
me as putting this city at a aisaa
vantage. It national prohibition is the
ultimate goal the prohibitionists aim
at we will be merely handicapping
Omaha needlessly to vote this city dry
before the others must go dry too.
No Onc-Man Government
Omaha, Nov. S. To the Editor of
The Bee: In view of the fact that
the main stumbling block in the way
of voting for Hughes comes from those
who are afraid the influence of Theo
dore Roosevelt will be so strong with
ths new administration that trwre will
be serious danger of war, It seems to
me that the point has not been brought
out with sufficient emphasis that the
danger of war comes from a man who
will send an ultimatum without con
sulting the people's representatives In
congress. As congress has the sole
right to declare war It should be con
sulted as to whether or not an ulti
matum should be sent because an
ultimatum Is equivalent to a declara
tion of war. '
It is high time that some candidate
should go before the people with the
promise that he would not usurp the
legislative business of congrcsa. The
responsibility of war or peace Is too
great to eenter In the authority of
any one man. It seems to me that
Mr. Hughes would gain hundreds of
thousands of votes If he would come
out squarely even at this late day und
state that he will not issue ultima
tums to any foreign country without
the approval of the people's repre
sentatives In congress. He could In
this vone statement nullify Wilson's
strongest claim that "he kept us out
of war" and, what Is of more impor
tance, it would protect us against a
one-man aotlon in the future. We
know that if the ultimatum to Eng
land on the submarine matter had
been voted on In congress an over
whelming majority would have voted
that the issue was not one upon which
the American naL.on would embark in
war. It was a betrayal of the peo
ple's wishes and usurpation of the
power of declaring war when the
president sent that ultimatum.
:. F. L.
Importance of the School Board.
Omaha, Nov. J. To the Editor of
The Bee: Most of us take small in
terest in our school board. The word,
the Institution is more or less of an
empty name to us. A man Is elected
to the board; we do not know what
he does, what he can do, what he
ought to do. He bears a title, he ap
pears in newspaper columns as be-lna-
on certain committees, voting in
certain ways, but we feel that he
means nothing really vital to tne city
except that he does sometimes ln
orease our taxes. To tell the truth,
we usually skip the articles about the
school board meetings. Consequently
it does not make much difference to
us whose names are on the ballot
who are finally elected; one man Is
Just about as good as another for
that, place. If this Is true generally,
how much more Is It apt to be the
case in the year of a presidential elec
tion, when big Issues are at stake and
exciting questions are taking our time
and attention and effort Yet whether
we elect Hughes er Wilson, Hitchcock
or Kennedy, this duty to Omaha of
today and tomorrow is urgent para
mount that we elect a good school
Is the school board member an
empty, trivial title, or has it real
meaning? What does this man, this
group of men, do? '
They care for the housing of Oma
ha's children In safe, healthful build
ings; they spend large sums of money
on public buildings which shall adorn
or disgrace our city. Time and Intel
ligent thought must be spent on this,
for school architecture is advancing In
leaps and bounds. The plan and struc
ture and equipment of our school
buildings is the foundation of our
school system; up-to-date, safe, artis
tic beautiful physical surroundings
are essential to the successful modern
Not only does this group of men
care for the physical, material side of
our school business, they also deter
mine the difeotion of that system in
tellectually. They choose superin
tendents, principals, teachers; In their
hands lies the appoinment of all those
who are to train and guide our chil
dren. Wise choice in such a matter is
a serious and exceedingly difficult
task. They decide on many points
connected with the course of study
whether American history ia to be a
required subject; thsy provide text
books, old or modern, In generous or
meager supply; they grant or refuse
the new laboratory, the new, labora
tory apparatus; they adopt new cours
es domestic art, domestic science,
debating, arts and crafts, carpentry,
printing. They determine our school
policies whether there shall be med
ical Inspection, military drill, uni
forms for girls, athletics, dancing, ex
aminations. , But they have a far greater and
more difficult and delicate duty, that
of recognizing and fostering a right
and a noble spirit. The school board
may or mav not uphold high ideals,
courage, hard work, truthfulness, Jus
tice, honesty. As they deal with the
numerous complaints of parents, pu
pils, teachers, principals, they are to
discriminate between the true and the
false, the right and the wrong, the
Just and the unjust. They must have
themselves noble enough standards
that they wish for Omaha schools the,
very highest, the best Ideals.
Is the school board an empty form?
Does it make no difference what men
are elected?
The man who will serve Omaha
well as member of the school board
must be public spirited and self-sacrificing;
he serves without pay and he
gives much time, much thought, much
strength. He must be honest; he
must be shrewd financially, yet he
must combine the love of ' economy
with the determination to have what
makes for efficiency. He must have
some degree of education, that he may
work well in education; he must b
intelligent for the problems Involved
are far from easy. He must bo Im
partial and open-minded, for the ques
tions have many sides; a narrow,
prejudiced mind has no place here.
He must be patient willing to investi
gate, to weigh. He must have Deter
mination, firmness and great courage
his path may lead him in opposition
to friends, to business Interests, to po
litical affiliations. And he should be
an Idealist, enough of a dreamer to
see before him a vision of an Omaha
greater, nobler, more splendid than
the one of today. Find that man,
vote for him, elect him for Omaha.
Holovtchiner's Appeal to Fairness.
Omaha, Nov. 2. To the Editor of
The Bee:. I have great faith in the
fairness ot the American people and
know that American men and women
believe In fair play and a square deal.
I also know that the American people
appreciate work well done and duties
conscientiously performed and are
willing to continue a man in service
if he so desires as a reward and as a
mark of appreciation for honest work
and devotion to duty.
for nine years without compensation
and it is universally admitted that I
have performed my duties well, that
my record as a public servant is clean
and beyond reproach and that I have
accomplished something for the wel
fare of our children and the public
school. In nine years I have never
missed a board meeting nor a com
mittee meeting, and the Imprint of
my constructive service and work are
visible in the city of Omaha and will
stay long after I am gone and laid
Why, then, was I eliminated from
the so-called citizen's ticket for the
Board of Education, and why was
there any need or necessity for a so
called citizens' ticket? Is there any
Issue which would call for a public
uprising or upheaval to create a cit
izens' committee for the purpose of
selecting a citizens' ticket? Why all
this agitation and fuss In pushing the
candidacy of six inexperienced - men
and Ignoring experienced, faithful and
honest men, such as W, A. Foster, R.
F. Williams and your humble servant,
who have served you well and who
are idealistic and euthuslastlc enough '
to want to continue their work for
the welfare ot the public schools and
IhA nfclMran It la tn tha inlnatlna
of the procedure that I am objecting
and to . fair play; and a square deal
that I am appealing, and I am sure
that the Omaha men and women will
not Ignore my appeal and will reward
long and faithful service to the peo
Dle and to the nubile schools bv re
electing me to the Board of Educa
tion. I detest asking for votes, but the
people of Omaha owe me that much '
recognition for long, faithful and effl-
clent service, and in doing that you
will also resent the presumption of a
few to select a ticket for you and srlve
It the much-abused name of citizens',
Open Letter to Hitchcock From a .
- Democrat
Omaha, Nov. 2. To the Editor of
The Beer Senator Hitchcock, it has
hnn nithliehnH from Hm. In tlmA
without your denial, that President
Wilson made you the bearer of a mes-
mho iv Mm licupie ut icDnuiKtt, .una .
that you, animated by most ignoble
of motives, deliberately suppressed
that message. President Wilson, actu- '
atea oy tne noblest or motives lor his :
ex-secretary of state and Nebraska's
most distinguished citisen, personally
requested you to tell the people of
Nebraska that he earnestly desired .
that Mr. Bryan be sent as a delegate
to the democratic national convention.
I am going to presume that the presi
dent did deliver such a message to
you and that you betrayed the confi
dence of the president, as well as the
people of Nebraska. Can you, sir, in
the presence of such pronounced,
arrogant and bold duplicity continue
to ask that the people of Nebraska
place confidence In you in so exalted
a position as United States senator?
Here we behold In illuminating con
trast two of the world's most domi
nating personalities seeking to Influ
ence the nation's affairs by great moral
ana intellectual forces to the ultimate
welfare and happiness of its people
deliberately betrayed by a political
Judas now seeking re-election. Sena
tor Hitchcock, aa a lifelong democrat
devoted to the Ideals and teachings
of national democracy, I cannot con
sistently support you and at the same
time preserve my1 self-respect and ad
miration and devotion to mycountry.
Because I firmlv believe this lnniHetnr
aptly and most forcibly typifies your
entire senatorial opposition to the '
president. And that today you stand
as the exponent of the unholy and
un-American designs of men in deter
mined oppostllon to the great masses
of the American people. J note with
pleasing concern the growing opposi
tion to you, which only means the ulti
mate triumph of Americanism over
Former Mayor of South Omaha.
"I want to apologiio, Blakelr. for my
rudencM lait evening. I uiun you X didn't
Intend It"
"Well, for the love of Hike, mean It nxt
Lime! I hate to Bee a mtn'i actions and hia
intentions harmonlte m poorly." Judje.
Sentimental Daughter He wa overcome
with emotion, pa. Every feature In hia face
wm working when he asked ma to majrry
Practical Pa That's all rfyrht, but I want
to see hia hand do some of the working.
Baltimore American.
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