YAYE OF PROSPERITY Scandinavian Countries Are Fairly Rolling in Wealth Due to the War. ' FAY OFF STATE DEBTS (Correspondence ot The Associated Press.) Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 15. Now tnat the wave ot war-time prosperity iwwping over Scandinavia has reached its crest, in the case of Swe den, with the nrreatest crons the eoun- try has ever known, these northern ' peoples are forgetting some of the vicissitudes of the small neutral in the midst of the European conflagration, even the rigors of the blockade itself, so great nas Deen tne prosperity of the last two years that it is report ed the governments of Denmark, Nor way and Sweden already have paid oft, or have sufficient funds in tin state coffers to pay off, all outstand ing foreign indebtedness. So in I brief space of time the three small neutrals lying here in the very lap of war, but not of the war,- have been transformed from the borrowing to the lending class. The process of paying off foreign obligations has been materially facil itated by a loss in value of foreign exchange. The German mark lias led the international moneys downward with the loss of more than W per cent. 1 he tnglish pound, the Ameri can dollar, the Russian ruble, the con- tinental franc all have been quoted on the Scandinavian bourses at a loss of 10 per cent and upward, so that the foreign buying power ot the Scandinavian crowns, when buying has been permitted, has greatly ad vanced. Sweden had borrowed much money from Germany. Waitime trade with the blockaded Germans has brought enormous profits. This fact. -combined with the cheapness of the German mark, has enabled the Swedish debtors to wipe out many million crowns ot .teutonic obliga tions. i Golden Horn For All. When prosperity first came to Scandinavia it was distinctly a pros perity of the moneyed classes, People with money were quick to take ad , vantage of the war opportunities and not a few of them have made fortunes by merely dealing in foreign money. ' There were stock booms that made the manipulators of American "war brides" appear as amateurs. But gradually - the inflow of money af fected ail industries. Unemployment became unknown and the skilled la borers received high" wages. The farmers participated in the prosperity , from the beginning, and their share - has been steadily increasing until this year they will divide a crop yield -estimated at more than $400,000,000 against the normal of less than half that amount. This remarkable yield is due both to the bountiful 'cron: i and the increased values of foodstuffs: -The middle classes of the cities, the salaried employes, have as usual been caught between the millstones of high prices and big profits, the salaries having in no case kept pace with the increased cost or living. Savings banks and commercial banks show deposits far in excess of any expectation. Luxuries are in great demand and of course fabulous prices. The summer resorts report a record season. People with home products to sell are naturally not 1 worried By the British, blockade for they have discovered it has served the double purpose of lowering the value of foreign exchange and increasing 'the value of materials and foodstuffs now in the Scandinavian countries, mere are plenty oi complaints nat urally among the importers who ap- . preciate the wonderful opportunities of prosperity, but are not able to bring in foreign goods in sufficient quantities to get what they claim is ' their due share ot the good times, CroDS Benefit Germany. , The bountifufSwedish crops mean much to the Germans, for they will get their share of the much-needed foodstuffs in compensation for the German coal, chemicals and other ex ports sent to this country. Coal al ways has been the chief import of Sweden and great stores of German coal are being piled up here in Stock holm and at other depots throughout the country. There is a long winter coming and English coal has so in creased in cost as to be almost prohib itive. ) Part of the compensation lor German coal has been paid in Swedish horses, the export of 10,000 having been approved by the govern inent this year. But the only horses considered unlit tor Swedish military service. For these somewhat aged j animals the price has averaged over $400, thus giving the hore-owner a share -of the prevailing prosperity. Swedish manufacturers have shown a wonderful increase since the war began. Russia has become a great purchaser ot manutactured goods, es pecially since Russian factories have been turned to munition-making. The Swedish manufacturers have com plained the most bitterly against the British blockade regulations, not hav ing been able to get all the raw ma terials they needed. The governments of the three Scandinavian countries were quick to see the trend of the times and by special taxes and heavy income levies have filled the national treasuries to overflowing. One American concern doing business here in Stockholm paid last year a tax of 28 per cent on its net' profits. The stamp taxes on tobacco and liquors have steadily increased. On cigarette packages, selling ordinarily at 7S- cents for fifty. cigarettes a JU-cent stamp has been placed. Part of their enormously in' creased national revenue has been de voted to the maintenance of armed neutrality, the naval and military ex penses having been very heavy ever iince the war began. Shippers Reap Harvest. The Norwegians, with their wealth of shipping and their extensive fish? eries, have reaped such a golden har vest that the term "Norwegian mil lionaire" is a common designation for men who two years ago were pos sessed of merely modest means. The Norwegians rather "put it over" the Swedes at the beginning of the war by buying up many Swedish ships before the Swedish owners realized the mammoth profits that were to come from neutral tonnage in war times. The Danes were quick to grasp the situation, too, and the result has been that many Norwegian and Dan ish shipping companies have entirely paid off all their capital stock, have paid off the cost of all their ships and have declared huge dividends from the earnings of vessels which no longer represents a dollar of orig inal investment. Despite the many losses inflicted upon Scandinavian shipping by German submarines and North sea mines the tonnage of the northern neutrals has shown a 'steady increase. Many of the big shipbuild ing orders placed in the United States in the past eighteen months have come from Norway. Shipping shares on the stock exchanges, under these circumstances, have had a boom un paralleled in all history. They have jumped hundreds of points in a day and instead of selling in the tens of crowns are now selling in the thous ands. Ship values have increased ibout fourfold. The Norwegians have also reaped enormous profits from fish, .the price sf herring and fish oils having shown increases as hich as 600 Der cent. The biggest profits come from Germans, of course, but now under a iraae agreement with Great Britain the English have first option on the Nor wegian output at limited prices. eDsnite the. fortunes already mad in Scandinavia there are stories of still trreater ones that might be made. If anyone, for instance, could get a cargo of bacon for Germany through on ths one deal alone, the English blockade and through the Scandinavian restrictions of export, it is said he could retire as a millionaire Chinese Suspect New. Jap Genera' (Correspondence of TheXssocls,ted Press.) Pr-Uino- Sent. 30. China's appoint mnr nf Vfainr General Nobuzumi Aoki Las first class "military advisor to the V-l: A.M.t, Uto nrnunM much comment in the Chinese press, and came as a great surprise to for-eio-nprs livino- in China. Maior Gen eral Aoki will receive a salary of $2,000 Mexican per month, togethe with an allowance for traveling ex penses. Commenting sarcastically upon the appointment, the Peking Daily News says: "We heartily thank our Japan ese neighbor for lending the services of so valuable a general ot the Jap anese armv to China for the reor ganization of the Chinese army. The next step is the purchase of at least half of the arms and ammunition re quired by the Chinese army from Japan,- or the establishment of a Sino Japanese arsenal in this country un der Japanese control as demanded by Japan last, year, but refused by the late President Yuaft Shi-kai, even un der the threat of an ultimatum de livered at Peking on May 7, 1915. When Major General Aoki was as signed to Shanghai as an attache of the Japanese consulate there in the heat of the recent revolutionary trouble, many Chinese papers chars ed that he was the forerunner of a Japanese military movement design ed to control the Yangtse valley and pis employment as an adviser to the Chinese government is regarded with great apprehension by Chinese jour nals, which demand information as to why China should place itself in Tananrse hands hv the employment of the distinguished Japanese officer. Major General Aoki was the com mandant of Port Arthur in the Russo Japanese war, and is probably the most famous soldier in Japan. He is 57 years old and has traveled much in Europe. On several occasions he has been attached to the Japanese legation at Peking, and is an expert in Chinese art. Italian Soldiers Save Much Money Shell Hurls Soldier From Danger to Safety (Correspondence of The Aasoclatsd Press.) Berlin, Sept 23. There now is on record the case of a shell that rescued a man from an apparently hopeless situation. The son of the policeman, Fahrn bacher in'Landshut, on the west front, stumbled in to-a swamp and sank into it despite his utmost efforts. After struggling desperately for two hours he gave up all hope except that com rades might come along. Suddenly the section of country where he was was placed under French fire. "A shell exploded' very near him and, in stead of injuring him, tore him -loose from the swamp and threw him onto solid ground, tie lost consciousness for a time and was slightly hart or one hand, but recovered rapidly in a hospital, Filipinos Now Planning Municipal Golf Courses (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Manila, P. I., Sept. 28. The mu nicipal board, consisting of one American and four Filipinos, has voted to establish a municipal golf course in Manila. The links are to bo situated on the bay front on ti I lect in ground admirably suited tc the purpose, and will be thrown open to the public. The Filipino, since American occu pation, has taken whole-heartedly to our-door exercises, and among the younger set, some excellent tennis, basket ball and base ball players have been developed. These three sports, notably base ball, are played in every nook and corner of the islands. Golf is a new game for the Filipino. . ' Belle Become Pro. Tom Bello, the Italian bicycle rider who was runner-vp In the amateur championship this year, has decided to enter the profes sional olass. Tom opines that pedaling for mesjals, brlc-a-brao, etc.. Is all right as far aa It iroes, but It doesn't bring home the pagnetu. (Correspondence of The Associated press.) Headauarters of the Italian Army, Oct. 2. The soldiers each month send home to their families out of their pay $4,250,000, according to the army postottice statistics. Xhis tact is at tributed to the economic disposition of the individual soTdier and also to the abundant army ration which makes it unnecessary lor him to buy private supplies ot wine, tobacco or lood. Why. they wake us up in the morning to drink a glass of rum," said one enthusiastic Alpini. J. he total cost ot . the daily war zone ration is about 75 cents, accord ing to the changes in the wholesale market prices. But the high cost of living felt in the homes never affects the quantity allotted the soldier. the total quantity ot the ration is 1,860 grams, or slightly over four pounds, with an additional allowance of 300 grams during periods of hard work or lighting. Ihe traily bread ot the soldier weighs one and one-half pounds, with two pounds on special occasions. His daily drink consists of a half pint of wine, with a full pint fin bad weatKer or during periods of hard labor. The other items in his ration are meat, sugar, coffee, lard, potatoes or beans, salt, pepper, cheese, figs, choco late, dry tigs and cake. Senators to Cuba. 'Tis said that Clark Griffith is to pass up Charlottesville as a training- camp and take his Washington team to Cuba next spring-. harlottesvllle was all right, except that Its name was too long to get Into the papers, and the playvrs hail'to train in fur caps and Ulalers. ' J . "Gets-It" Never Fails for Corns! There's Nothing on Earth Like It For Corn and Calluses. "Whenever you sret corns and calluses. don't experiment Just use "GETS-IT" and nothing else. Easiest and simplest thing I know to use just a few drops on in a few seconds "GETS-IT" does the rest. The old Wear Shoeg That Fit "Geti-It" Tonight way is toMiundl up your toes in harnesses ana Bandages, use salves that make toes raw, cotton rings that make your corns pop eyed, knives and "diggers" that tear your heart out and leave the earn in. No wnn. der they make you limp and wince. Forget all these use "GETS-IT," the simplest corn remedy in the world, easiest to use, never fails or sticks, painless. Your corn loosens, then you lift it off. You can wear smaller noes. GETS-IT" is sold and rrnmmnAA t druggists everywhere, 26o a bottle, or sent on receipt of price, by E. Lawrence Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Omaha and reco .ime ded m the worlds best corn rem-dy by Sherman & What He St aeas For ' 'v ' ",'' - -f.-i-. Ul -:l .. -i ,,: !, ... ...... .. ..-.".)(,.. - ( (fyOU ask what road I propose to travel? These are the'mflestones which mark it. "An Executive responsible to the whole nation. - , , ''' . . v, ' ' . ' V. . ' "A Cabinet chosen from thje ablest Americans. "A foreign policy that stands courteously but firmly for American rights. "A flag that protects the American in his lawful rights wherever his legiti mate business may take him. "A preparation for traMe, competition which shall protect all groups of . American Workmen. "A government oversight of business which will fearlessly eliminate abuses, but will act on the assumption that the average business man is honest. "And finally a domestic policy which looks to industrial peace, and to sound and permanent prosperity based upon the development of American trade and the building up of American Industries. . "We Americans are in one boat. You cannot strike a blow at one group without injury to all. Common jus tice and fair play will settle our difficulties if suspicion and bitterness are let alone. These are the principles by which I propose to be guided." - r '(''- - - Republican National Publicity Commltt.o.