Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 14

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Ghosti Have Less Begard for
Truth Than Hen and Women
, in the fleih.
1 Spirits, the ethereal beings which
make np the great unknown hereafter,
re, in many cases profound and
painstaking liars. In fact, they have
been found to tie with far less com-
? unction than men and women of the
lesh. To speak of spirits as liars
seems utterly without poe
foundation. And, granting spirits
,'the vice of lying, to speak of them
as greater liars than human beings
1 that is, some human beings seems
very hard on the poor creatures of
the other world. Nevertheless, these
conclusions, along with many others
equally novel and really of practical
importance, resulted from a life study
of spiritualistic manifestations by a
man remarkably capable of under
' itanding such manifestations.
The late Palmer Jones of Michigan
made the study of spiritualism his
life's hobby, and the conclusions
which he drew are of vast importance,
from both the spiritualist's and the
" layman's view. Jones found, ' after
many experiences with spirits, that
he had to be continually on his guard
against the falsehoods of the inhabit
ants of the other world. -
Mr. Jones did not discuss the
tenets of spiritualism in words of
mystery. He respected the cult of
spiritualism and refused to do any
thing but give it the benefit of every
. doubt Yet he spoke of it in the lan
guage of present day science and ap
V plied to it the terms of psychology.
. His researches in the field of spirit
. ualism are both interesting and ab
sorbing. His deductions follow:
Fore of Habit
The spirits of the next world are
not of the same status as the people
of this. But the development of the
nul roes on there as here. The ores-
; ent population of 'the world amounts
to about one billion seven nunarea
.million, but this amount is not even
- comparable to the billions and bil
linna who have arone before
Jones, from his years of investjga
. tions, often declared that the drunk-
. aras nocKea to imaginary ura m
i mirit land and are unable to satisfy
! their thirst. It is to be presumed
from this conclusion, that strap-hang.
' era grab frantically for imaginary
' straps as they are lurched around
, corners in the crowded cars of spirit
' ' land, or that the spirit movie fans
crane their necks at pictures wnicn
thv cannot see. -
. Dunns his life. Tones unearthed
many fake schemes and exposed the
duplicity of grafters to such an extent
that he obliged many of them to go
out of the business. But he also en
countered conscientious followers of
spritulism, and was himself a believer,
although not credulous 10 uic extent
ox ociicving evcrytning uc aaw.
The Acid Tstt
' fm rim It lltarattv lltil fio-lira.
tively applied the acid test to one
! 01 me Dcai siate wrucra in uiv wuir
I try. Jones had heard so much of the
! man's ability that he made special
! trip to Washington to make an in-
vestigation. The man agreed to I
: meeting and Jones stipulated that he
i furnish his own slate,
t . The investigator procured an or
' dinary double slate, such as school
children use In the lower grades.
; Having -first, cleaned it thoroughly
' with acetic acid, he nailed the two
' pieces of slate together. As writing
I material Jones took along a piece of
! platinum, which is known to M about
j the hardest of all metals.
J The medium hesitated when tie
; learned that the test was to be made
I I with niatinum. hut finally acaulesced.
j The agreement was. that writing
I should appear on one of the two In.
! ner surfaces of the double slate. Con
siderable difficulty was encountered,
) presumably on account of the platW
i num, but finally the usual scratching!
were heard and the message was writ-
i ten.
i Through the fastened double slate,
J the platinum writing had appeared on
' the inner surfaces, and never did the
slate leave the eight of the invest!-
: gator. Mr. Jones, who was a chemist,
! washed off the eoirit writing with an
j acid, which dissolved the marks, and
left unmistakable evidences that the
; 'writing had been done with platinum.
j , , A Strange Revelation. '
i 'At one seance he encountered orob-
' ' ably the strangest circumstance of his
career. A Swedish girl had been at-
, tracted to tne place tnrougn tne nope
; that she might get some message
from the man whom she had expected
; to marry, but who had strangly dis
. appeared. The medium declared that
' for several nights there had been a
strange spirit trying to make himself
known, and, when the girl waa pres
ent, the spirit did materialize.
Speaking in Swedish, which had not
been recognised at any of the previ
ous sittings, the manifestation com-
municated to the girl the fact that
, he and his brother had been caught
m a prairie fire in Minnesota. The
fire had come upon them suddenly
t and neither knew just what had hap
, pened them. The spirit explained that
he did not know he was dead and had
' been wandering for a long time in a
itrange land trying to make himself
known to his beloved.
The investigations of Jones were all
t along practical lines. St Louis
f Globe-Democrat.
Princeton Professor is
Studying Japan's System
J (UorraBaoaoaaoa at tm Aaaoawtaa iTaaa t
Tokio, Aug. 30. Prof. Robert Me
: Nutt McElroy, head of the depart-
; f. ment of history and politics at Prince
; ton university, who is on his way to
' China as exchange professor has been
spending some time in Japan atudying
the educational system of the empire.
: He had lengthy -conference with
i Premier Okuma and Dr. Takata, the
; minister of education. At the aura
i mer center at Karuisawa he addressed
a large audience on the subject "The
I Historical .and Political Significance
i of the War." Prof. McEfroy wilt
! spend a year lecturing throughout
' China, chiefly at the university at
; Peking. :' ' ' .
!(- Bora Ar Toaah. -
Eva fcaviaa- Itutcara' amnbar (tkar Waar
'am aa aaoka) hacora tha - whlatla
blow Soaan't aaam to maaa It any aaalar for
; ta oovoalng foot ball warnora at Mat Foa-
, ur Bastard a grtddara.
Chinese Soldiers ;
Threaten Dynasty
(Corraapondaaea of Tha Aaaoolatad Praam.)
Peking. Oct 12. Military leaders
from the various provinces nave just
held a conference at Hsuchowfi in
Kiangsu province, which threatens
the existence of the oresent govern
ment should the parliament persist
in its etiorts to restrict the power ot
the military. General Chang Hsun,
who is probably the most feared of
all the old-time military leaders in
China, called the conference, and
many of the newspapers which are
in sympathy with the present parlia
ment charge that Tuan Chi-jui, the
premier, is in sympathy with the posi
tion taken by the military.
The conference declared that party.
politics is displacing all desire for
peace and harmony under the present
government, and that the national
assembly which is now wrangling
in Peking has accomplished nothing
and is being manipulated by political
leaders, who would be willing to
sell their country if they were able
to attain, their selfish ends."
It was the chief ouroose of the
conference to form a military union
for the checking of violent characters
and the preservation of peace. While
the military conference favored the
Srinciple of having a national assem
ly, it went on record as being in
favor of a dissolution of the assembly
by military force, should that body
take steps inimical to the welfare of
the nation.
The conference also considered the
proposed constitution which the na
tional assembly is about to draft and
inisted that the legislators should be
guided in framing the constitution
by the advice of experienced military
men. Chang Yao-tseng. the new
minister of justice, was singled out
as a member of the cabinet who is
wholly unworthy to retain his dosi-
tion and a protest against him was
sent to the central government. The
objection to the minister of juitice
is based on his alleged connection
with the recent ooium smurfflins: case
at Shanghai. Large quantities of Yun
nan opium were taken into bhanghai
bv an official party, of which Chang
Yao-tseng was member. He was
officially exonerated, but both the
press and the public regarded the
official action as a whitewashing, and
his retention in the cabinet orovoked
wide criticism even before the mili
tary conference took action.
The military leaders also insisted
mat a competent minister ot foreign
affairs should be immediately anDoint-
ed to look after the tangled inter
national questions which China how
laces . . v . , ,
Parliament and the military part'
stand at oonoaite notes. .Tuan Chi
jui, the premier, is primarily a mili
tary man and in sympathy with the
practical methods of the old-time
Chines who believe that the strict
exercise of military power is the only
means of maintaining peace in China.
President Li Yuan-hung, while prim
al, limitary man, IB not BO strong
ly in sympathy with the military
party. He has endeavored to main
tain middle ground and harmonize
the parliamentarian and the military
icaaers. ms success nas not been
marked. While the revolutionary
troubles have been entirely quieted at
Canton and in other parts of Kwang
tung province, and the Szechuen
situation is no longer threatening.
there is general dissatisfaction
throughout China with the Inaction
of parliament, and a clash between
the parliament and the military is
srcciy prcuicictft. v 1
What 97,000 Think
Of Wilson's Mexico
(Oerraaaandanea of Tha Aaaoelatad Praaa.)
Laredo, Tex., Oct. 23. Barely 3,000
Americans remain in the republic of
Mexico, as compared with the 100.000
or more who lived in that country
?rior to tne uauero revolution, in
911, These figures were recently
compiled here by an American who
concluded a ten weeks' tour of the re
public at this border point. His esti
mate and distribution of the Ameri
can citizens below the border is:
Mexico City, approximately 300
Tampico, approximately 900.
Panueo oil field district, near' Tam
pico. ZUU
Scattered through Sonora state. 350.
Scattered through Chihuahua state.
Stat of Neuvo Leon, including
Monterey, cm.
Guadalajara, 15.
State of Pueblo, 60.
Vera Cruz, 5a
San Luis Potosi, 12.
?ueretaro and Guanajuato, 20.
orreon, 30.
Isthmus of Tehuanteoec. 25.
Five hunderd additional Americans,
he said, are scattered through various
other states and cities of Mexico
mostly at points remote from rail
roads, where they are engaged
ranching or mining.
Austrian Baron Has Won Brit
ish Medals for Service Under
Kitchener in Egypt,
(Corraapoildanca of Tha Aaaoolatad Praaa.)
Stockholm. Sweden. Oct 3. There
came to Stockholm a little while ago
one of the distinctly unique personal
ities of the great world was a man
who had lived by the sword almost
from boyhood, but who in the sudden
turn of events iq 1914 found himself,
not a man without a country, but a
man with two countrieaA-twO coun
tries arrayed against each other in the
bitterest of all world combats.
He had served under the -Austrian
crown prince and had been aide to
Kitchener ot Khartoum, tie nao gone
into Egypt when Kitchener was there
as a lowly subaltern. For twelve
years he was a prisoner of the fanati
cal Mandi and the wild Dervish tribes
who threw back, for the first time in
centuriest the ever advancing fron
tiers of civilization. Escaping from
the clutches of the barbarians he won
the opportunity of participating in
that remarkable march across the
desert and the wonderful campaign
alor the upper reaches of the Nile
which brought civilization back to the
Sudan and won for Kitchener his tirst
great fame.
Britain Honored Him,
He came to Stockholm from Vien
na unannounced and to all intents
and purposes "incog." There were
few who recognized him as Rudolf
Carl von Slatin, baron of the Aus
trian empire, pasha of Egypt, lieu
tenant general of the Egyptian army,
major general of the British army and
six times the recipient of the coveted
British orders from Companion of
the Bath to Knight Grand Cross of
the Roval Victorian Order, all won
by distinguished service. He waa in
spector general , oi ine Egyptian
forces under General Sir Francis
Wingate when the crash of war in
1914 brought a ; new crisis in his al
ready eventful life.
When the parting of the ways came
in 1914 Slatin found his love tor Aus
tria was still strong although most
of his life had been devoted to Brit
ain and its wards in Egypt. He had
become essentially a part of the Eng
lish military machine. But he could
not fight against his fatherland, nor
could he serve in any way against the
country which had meant so much
to, him and whicn naa uvisnea non
ors upon him.
So Slatin regretfully met the issue,
He resinned his English and Egyp
tian commissions, sheathed the sword
which had been part of his very life
and passed into comparative security
in the very midst of war. Statin felt,
however, there was one service he
could render with all propriety. He
returned to Vienna, attached himself
to the Austrian Red Cross and now
is doing all he can to better the con
dition of prisoners of War, not alone
in his own country, but as part of a
plan to bring about reciprocal agree
ments among all the nations in arms.
Slatin suffered sufficiently himself aa
a prisoner in the Sudan and has the
widest possible sympathy with any
sort of captive.
It so happens that this very unique
fierionality of the war now has come
nto more or less direct relationship
with America. His mission in stock
holm was to meet here a representa
tive of the American embassy in Pe
trograd to discuss further means of
relief for the hundreds of thousands
of Austrian war prisoners now in
Russia, aa well as the immense colo
nies of Austrian civilians interned in
various sections of the big northern
empire. The Austrian government,
he said, was readv and anxious to co
operate in any possible way to bet
ter the condition of prisoners gener
ally and would gladly reciprocate for
anything Russia might do. He also
expressed the appreciation of the
Austrian (government for the relief
work already accomplished under the
direction of the American embassy at
Petrograd. blatin, who devoted his
life to militarism, speaks now of war
only from the standpoint ot humanity,
Norweaian-American Bank
To Facilitate Business
(Correapondnaa of Tha Aatoctated Proaa.l
Chriatiania, Oct. 12. The steadily
increasing mercantile connection be
tween Norway and the united states
has made it desirable that a house in
New York handle Norwegian inter
ests, especially money transactions,
it is announced in business circles.
Some of the leading Norwegian
hanks are co-operating to establish a
Norwegian-American clearing bank in
New York with a capital ot,
000. '
Vaia Ratama to Form.
Both tha varsity and freahman teams at
Tala bid fair to furntvh a real oome-bark
and to revive tha old Ell soset'am aplrlt
OA tha friairon.
Apolr Roaii'a Ualment to the aalnfal part
la all 7011 koad. Tha pala aoaa at once.
Only tfre. All druaslata. Advertleement.
Scarpe in Sweden
(Correepondenca of Tha Aaaoelatad Preaa.)
Stockholm, Oct. 8. Great Brit
ain's export prohibition on whisky
has moved Swedish dealers to take
account of their stocks, with the re
sult that they have found that six
months more will about see the end of
the available aupply.
In no first-class restaurant in Stock
holm can whisky-and-soda be had for
less than one crown, or about 28 yj
cents at the present exchange rate.
Some places charge as much as 1.30
crowns, or 36 cents.
High grade liquors particularly
certain brands manufactured by
monks are scarce and dear. The
same is true of French cognac and
French wines, which have increased
wholesale from 25 to 40 per cent. Thia
is due in large part to a scarcity of
bottles, not only in the countries of
origin, but also in the diminished ca
pacity of Swedish glasamakers, since
a great part of the liquors and w'nei
imported is brought in in Swedish
No shortage of Swedish punch, the
so-called national drink, threatens. It
may become necessary, however, to
drink in November and December
some punch not properly aged, on ac
count of the difficulty the manufac
turers experience in getting sufficient
sugar. ,
Mlaneaet Haa Tall,
aflnneaota aeema to Sava the eall among
ereatern foot ball rrltlra. The llnrhera are
Jonerelljr picked to win the Weatara ooa
irrenoe uhamulonahlo. .
Sweden's Poor Feel V
Pinch of War Prices
(Correepondenca of The Aaeoclated Praaa.)
Sinrkhnlm. Oct. 16. Fortunes have
been made in Sweden, as in the other
neutral countries of Europe, as a re
sult of the war, but the pinch of war
E rices is beginning to make itself
eenly felt among the middle and
Inwer classes. This has been evi
denced this week by the filing of peti
tions for increases ot pay Dy repre
sentatives of the railway postal, tele
graph and telephone employes of the
kingdom, by the city teachers of
Stockholm apd of other Swedish
cities and by the Stockholm school
teachers and other bodies. A special
food commission in Gothenburg has
decided to recommend to the city
council the granting of an appropria
tion of 300.00U crowns to relieve tne
distress of the lowest paid classes in
the city, and other cities have also
been considering the question.
Dr. Guinchard. head of the statisti
cal bureau of Stockholm, reckons that
the two years of war have brought an
increase of at least 50 per 'cent in the
cost of living in Stockholm, in accel
eration of a movement which really
set in twelve years ago. Dr. Guin
chard said to the correspondent:
"The budget for an ordinary middle-class
household has exhibited a
steady increase for all the necessaries
of life since the year 1904. This in
crease had amounted to 67 per cent
at the end of last June. In other
words, what this family could buy for
670 crowns in 1904 cost 1,119 crowns
three months ago, and since then
there has been a further increase." ,
House rents in Stockholm increased
15.8 per cent from 1905 to 1910, 3.3
per cent from 1911 to 1914, and 15
per cent in thf last two years. Fuel
prices, according to figures cited by
the Stockholm teachers in their peti
tion, have more than doubled in the
last ten years, a great part of the in
crease having come into the war
With so much new wealth in the
country, Dr. Guinchard and other so
ciologists believe the Way is clearly
indicated to help the less fortunate.
According to Municipal Councillor
Dahlberg of Malmo, this year's as
sessment lists very genet-ally show big
increases of taxable property, run
ning from 4U per cent up to as much
as 100 per cent. Gothenburg, Helsin
burg and Malmo all show large in
creases. The figures for Stockholm
are not yet known, but it is believed
that they will show an increase of
at least Z5 to 30 per cent. This, Ur.
Guinchard points out, would mean art
increase in receipts from municipal
taxes of some 6,UUU,UUO crowns with
out raising the tax rate, and would,
even making allowances for the in
creased cost of running the city, fur
nish an adequate fund to relieve all
distress. -s
Cornell Haa Staff.
Aeeordlnv to reporta emanating from
Ithaca, Cornell haa a world of hlah-elaaa
material at work. The aubntltutee are Juat
aooui aa gooo. aa tne nrat airing man.
iimn tsniPFFn FROM
Bays Cream ApoUrf h .KosWb
Opens Alt Paaaagei Bight U
instant reuei no waiting. Jour
clogged nostrils open right up; the
air passages of your head clear and
you can breathe freely. No more
hawking, snuffing, blowing, headache,
dryness. No struggling for breath at
night; your cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Ap
ply a little of this fragrant antisep
tic, healing cream in your nostrils.
It penetrates through every air pas
Sage of the head, soothes the inflamed
or swollen mucous membrane and re
lief comes instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv.
A Single Application
- Banithet Every Hair
(The Modern Beauty.)
Here is how any woman can easily
and quickly remove objectionable,
hairy growths without possible injury
to the skin: Make a paste with some
powdered delatone and water, apply
to hairy -surface and after 2 or 3 min
utes rub off, wash the skin and the
hairs are gone. This is a painless, in
expensive, method and, excepting
where the growth is unusually thick,
a single application is enough. You
should, however, be careful to get
genuine delatone. Advertisement
,,. ' . i
f If you nft
fragrance of jt 1
t ur v. I ,
Havana filler,
here's a full
worth in
Little Tom
a. m T B K
' '' fjll L1TTLE 1081 50
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Women's Troubles?
If you knew lust the simple truth about Cardul, 'the medlolnsJ tonlo for
ornen, you would not feel satisfied till you had given it a trial.
We have, at considerable cost, prepared a 64 page illustrated BOOS
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woman to understand and treat them In the privacy of her own home. It
Is written in simple English, and tells what you should know In a way you
can understand. It Is full ot valuable information for every woman who
Is not in perfect health.
This book will be sent tree to women only, postpaid In plain wrapper
upon request It Is distributed In no other way. All correspondence la
tonfldontlal-Just say "Send your Home Treatment Book".
- St Louis, Mo. S-34
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