The Omaha Daily Bee Use the telephone for Bee Want Ads. Tyler 1000 Seven trunk lines. Intelligent ad-takers. PART TWO , EDITORIAL Paget 13 to 24 One cent per wore VOL. XLVI NO. 119. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1916. Oil TrtlM. at Hottli, Kawi StMdt, ito.. ftc SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ; V" WILSON CRITICISES WALL STREET MEN President, in Speech t New York, Arraigns Business for "Resisting Changes." SAYS THEY HAVE NO VISION New York, Nov. 2. President Wil son In an address here today before the Wilson Business Men's league, criticised . business "for resisting changes," declared that men in Wall street had no vision, and that men, who treat their employes as partners in their business, were the most pros perous. -' x "The amount of genius that ex erts itself in resisting changes," said the president, "is a great indictment. Brains have been burned out acting as "brakes. "The real trouble is that American business has been under the direction of too small a body of men." "Are the people living under condi tions which bring about justice is a question of prime Importance," the president continued. "The roots of business lie deep in the daily lives of the ordinary people. The thing that has disturbed the thoughts of a great many people is that some men be lieve they are being exploited. See a Volcano. "Now, men who go under the sur face see things that will have to be dealt with in vigorous fashion they see a volcano. But I think this sort of thing will be relieved and that the! things that are wrong will be made right." v . "It is high time that we define what 'we mean when we speak of progres sive policies." , The president spoke of the "intol erable burdens" i some women and children are carrying. ; "Progressiveness," said the presi dent, "is a constant adjustment of the conditions of society to the welfare of mankind.. I come to suggest to business men that 'it is better that this adjustment go forward rather than that it be dammed up until the dam is broken and society is overturned. "The particular conditions upon which successful, vital business de-' pends," said the president, "are the conditions which touch the daily life ,of the common mass of the people of the country. "When you think of the ultimate foundations of business you must know that you found them in the conditions of the national' life, and when I think of 1 searching . the busi ness question to its heart, it seems to me that there are some very large reckonings which have too often been left out of the account," ' ' 1 Always In Opposition. "I have been told again and agam," said the president, discussing' Wall street, "that it-was 'a mistake for me not to try in council on tKeiP'aT fairs, the men who constitute what we have agreed to call 'Wall street.' And I have again and again said this: If they would come in a spirit of co operation they would be more than' welcome. But they always come in a spirit of resistene'e not only, but advising alterations in the plans which would defeat the plans. I am speak ing by the book. , , ' "This is not -generalization. They have a subtle genius for proposing seemingly immaterial changes which would eventually lead to the defeat of the main objects of the legislation proposed. Do you wonder that I do not call them into consultation, and yet I tell you again that they will be welcomed the moment they come to co-operate and "they will nqt be wel come until then." j. , In conclusion the president Spoke of political parties,. He declared that' he believed parties are the "only instrumentalities by which we can manage the necessary concert of united action." He added that he did not believe in partys used for partisan purposes. ,, - -.. "I hope," said the president, "that every time a party is used for its own' sake every thoughtful man in the United States will vote against it. But if it is trying to v serve the inter ests of the whole people, if it really has a heart that sympathizes with the. whole' people, why then it deserves1 the confidence of the nation so long as it is doing that, so long as it is not seeking guidance from those who wish tocontrol, but acting in sympa thy with those who wish to live." Senator G.W. Norris Speaks at; Broken Bow Broken Bow, Neb., Nov. 2. (Spe cial Telegram.) Senator Norris talked here last .night to a big house. People came from all parts tf the county to hear him. He went into the tariff, talked on the harm of cau cus control in the democratic senate, showed up the conditions in Mexico and ridiculed the idea that the pres- - eni administration nad .kept us out of war. -The address lasted over two hours and was ; enthusiastically re ceived. - . Marburg Refused Passport ' , To Return to Belgian Arnjy Washington, Nov. 2. The applica tion of Theodore Marburg, jr., son of . the former minister to Belgium, for a passport to return- to England to re- - join the British aviation corps, has been refused by the bureau of citizen ship and referred to higher officials of the State department. Marburg, upon inquiry by the bureau, admitted he had fought in a foreign army and planned to return to resume his post. On that ground, In fonformity .with the law of 1906, the bureau refused the passport and referred the case. fecretary Lansing, while refusing ay to discuss the incident, said that an American who enlists' in a foreign army has forfeited his citi zenship. Applicants for passports must reaffirm their allegiance to the - United States and state the purpose of their trips abroad before a pass port is granted. Marburg lost a leg while flying with the British army in France, and planned to return to England as an instructor in the aviation corps. BEACH CONFIDENT OF HUGHES YICTORY Omaha is Crux of State Fight and the General Trend is Republican. FARMERS AGAINST WILSON Hughes and the whole state repub lican ticket will carry Nebraska if Omaha republicans do their duty, ac cording to Chairman Beach of the republican state committee, who com pleted a political canvass Thursday morning. "The vote in Lincoln is hard to -gauge accurately," said Mr. Beach, but the democrats are having just as hard a time of it to find where the Lincoln voters stand. Ill other places, the trend is obviously toward j the republican candidates. Especially is this true in the rural districts, where j the farmer is for Hughes and has as ' a reason f6r the faith that's in him that Mr. Farmer is bound to be the goat of that Adamson law by paying increased freight rates. '.- nugnes atocn Dooms. j "Oh, the demos are going to get an awful jolt when the votes are counted vt-i ,. ii,;..!-:.- i . . in iicDrasKa. vvunin me a: iwu weeks Wilson's stock has slumped steadily and Hughes and the rest of the republican ticket have profited by a big swing in their favor. About the only place where Wilson is really strong is in the railroad division points, where men refuse to see the double edge on the Adamson bill, But we more than atone for the slight losses in those places by big general gams. "If Omaha gives its normal repub lican support, and there is every indi cation that it will, all democrats will be pessimists and all republicans will be rosy optimists. In Omaha is the crisis of the political fight." Plattsmouth Opens : Carnegie Library Plattsmouth, Neb. Nov. 2. (Special Telegram.) The new Carnegie library at this place; built from the donation of $12,500 by.Andrew Carnegie to the city of Plattsmouth was opened for mally' yesterday.. ' i 1 At 3:30 this afternoon the story hour was presided over by Miss Hazel Dovey, where, the children met irrthe basement, which comprises, the audi torium. ' . .'' , From 7:30 to 8 this evening the Holly orchestra dispensed music in front of the building and at 8 the fol lowing program was given : Selections by the Plattsmouth male qji&r tet, composed of Herman Hough, H. O. Mc Cluskey, Roy W. Knorr and Bert Knorr; an historical sketch nd the turning- over to the city of the new- building b the president or th library board;1 wtlh response by -Mayor -l.aatilar:'-gr Onus en Mint Charlotte-Tem- pleton, secretary Dtate uormry ooarowwsvyi inffs from Miss Tobitt, Omaha city library; presentation of flag by the Women's Re lief Corps: -vocal solo by Mrs. 1. H. Wescott; dedicatory address by M. Q. Wyer, librarian of the University of Nebraska, his theme being "The Library In the Commun- ' - - , yr Wilson Men Hedge 1 By Bets On Hughes R.. J.. JCilpatrick, well known rail road contractor of this state, visited republican headquarters, 1607 Farnam street, Wednesday evening. "I am not much of a betting man, but I have $500 here which I would be willing to place on Hughes carrying the state," ire.Vemarked. Meyer Klein, prominent local dem ocrat, chanced to" fie present, and he was cjted as a probable taker of the $500. ' ' - "You have been asking forIughes money," remarked one of the group to Klein. "Here's a chance for you' to place $500." -, " - Mr. Klein got out of it by saying he guessed he had placed about all of the money he would risk on Wilson. Some democrats who take their poli tics as a betting proposition are now placing their money on Hughes in on der to cut down -the losses which they expect to sustain by reason of their early Wilson bets. Roumanians Continue 7 ' To Pursue Teutons Bucharest- (Via London), Nov. 2. Roumanian forces continue to pursue the retiring Austro-German troops to the west of the Jiul valley, inTran sylvania, according to the Roumanian official report issued today. Teuton attacks, the statement adds, were re pulsed after continued fighting in the Prahova valley and In the region of Dragosolva. East of the river Alt a battle still is in progress." The text of the statement follows: "In the Prohova valley the fighting continued throughout the greater part of the day. We repulsed the enemy as the result of counter attacks. "In the region of Dragoslavele we repulsed an enemy attack. East of Alt 'fighting still is oroceeding. "West of the Jiul pursuit of the enemy continues. We captured many limbers and 'a great quantity of war material." Omaha Retail Grocers Join National Society The National Association of Retail Grocers has taken the Omaha Retail Grocers' association within its fold, or rather the Omaha association has finally decided to go in. This gives the national body an increased mem bership of some 300. ' J. J. Ryan of St. Paul, national secretary, was in Omaha and spoke to the grocers hee. He pointed out the advantage of being affiliated with the national body, as this enables the grocers to work as a unit in eliminat ing unfair competition and seeking national legislation. Mr. Ryan de clared the national body opposed to the premium system. , A Good Suggestion. Try Chamberlain's Tablets when bilious or constipated. You are cer tain to be much pleased with thcifi. They are easy to lake and pleasafit in effect. Advertisement. Another Pertinent Question WHAT WILL OMAHA" LOSE ITCXT IT YOU AFEKEELECTED? Fireman Saves Man And Wife from Death Pluck, a ladder and Captain Nels Anderson of truck company No. 4 saved the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bauer, 2921 Mason street. With flames lapping all around them the couple stood helpless and trapped on the roof of their apartment. Ander son brought both safely, to the ground. s S. D. Stiles plunged back into the burning building to get $210 which Mrs. Bauer had left in a dresser drawer. He got the' money after he fought his way through a dense fog of blistering smoke. ' How the fire started is unknown. The Bauers got their first warning wheil smoke curled under the dopff of their anartment and then it was tdo "ta'ti tq Sjakei. their. escapVjC'rV Three Husbands y Seeking Divorce Three dissatisfied husbands seeking divorces from their spouses was the feature of the current bill in the mar riage scrapheap. . Alleging that his wife had the habit of staying out all night and neglect ing their child, Elden Cunningham has filed suit for divorce against Irene Cunningham. Charges of misconduct are made. Walter W. Smith would free him self from Leta Smith on grounds of cruelty. They were married last Jan uary. Cruelty is charged in a petition filed by Irving C. Mawrcnce against Blanche Mawrence. Beer Thieves Advised - To Buy Big Barrel of It Charles Harris and Chris Thomp son, itinerants, stole ten full cases of beer from P. Catitis, 1208 South Four teenth street, and were emptying them when they were taken by the police. Each was fined $10 and costs. "It would have been, cheaper for you fel lows to have bought a barrel," re marked the prosecutor to the pair. -fgfflPftX .,1 OHAHA'S CLAIM nit A A a the citizens wore seeking to elect responsible men to the OMAHA SCHOOL BOARD two jresrs ago The Omaha Bee of September l6th, had the following editorial: SELF-SEEKERS TO THE REAR The Bee't recent notice to the public that our Omaha school botrd needs re-ereetlon s and that the time to do it it at the coming election, when eight of the twelve membrhipa are to be filled by the voters, has had at least one desired effect. The taxpayers and elti sens generally are waking up to the fact that they are themselves responsible for what- ever inefficiency or mediocrity secures lodgment in the controlling management of our schools, and that the job of re-casting the board cannot be shoved off on the women or the children, because it concerns the men as much, and more. But merely becoming aroused to an unsatisfactory situation Is not enough. The schools cannot be put in charge of a better qualified board unless men of standing in the com munity consent to serve in this purely honorary capacity. The self-seekers must be sent to the rear and by self-seekers we mean thtf men who want to edge themselves in for personal profit or perquiFites, to saddle sisters, cousins, or aunts on the school payroll, to award contracts for supplies by favor, to play cat's paw for the book trust, or to promote some school site real estate deal. Omaha ought to have plenty of men, educated men, men ef integrity and tried "business ability, men free from selfish purposes, to fill all these places. Too often the voters have had only a choice of evils, when they should be called un merely to select between candidates, all of whom measure up to the highest standards. Today the fathers and mothers of Omaha are just as mucKinterested as they were two years ago, and hencethe citizens, both men and women, have selected the following men, who do not ask for the position, liowever, to be voted for on November Tth. This is the i y CITIZENS' TICKET FRANCIS A. BROGAN Lawyer JOHN BEKINS President 'Omaha Van A Storage Co. SAMUEL BURNS, JR. Burns-Brinker A Co., Investment Brokers. FRANK E. CLARK Mfr, Guy C. Barton Eststs, J VOTE FOR THEM NOVEMBER 7TH w- Coursing Men Meet . Bow of Hard Luck The Omaha Coursing club is fly ing signals of distress. The first bit of hard luck the coursing men had oc curred at Talmadge last week, when ninety of their jackrabbits were kill ed by a big storm. The jacks cost $2.60 each, which makes , thy loss quite considerable". -, ' -' " ';. Now comes ffie second bit of hard lusk. The Coursing club originally rented the Douglas county fair grounds from the fair society, agree ing to pay a flat rate of $50.. But the Water board, which'' owns "' the. grounds! and R. B. Howell aren't sat isfied with $50. They demand 25 per cent ot ,ti!e gate receipts ana. inicna S.i' '' Hughes" Men Odds On Victory - Even money that Sutton beats Ne ville for governor marks the betting at a local commission house. Bettors posted dollar for dollar that Hughes will carry California, Indiana, Illinois and New York. Democrats have been claiming that Indiana and Illinois had a subtle trend for Wilson and they boast that New York is doubtful. Hughes ruled a 10 to 74 favorite in Wall street, according to advices received by the Omaha firm. This shows a gain for Hughes, as some days ago the odds were only 10 to 9. One bet of $300 to $250 was made that Nebraska goes dry. Chicago Banker is Shot by Employe Chicago, Nov. 2. Steven Zager, 23 years old, member , of the private banking firm of John Zagar & Co., was shot and probably fatally wounded today-by Frank Cviich, a clerk. Civitch, who was arrrested, told the police that he shot Zagar because the latter accused him of stealing. J' WILLIAM E. REED Mgr. Clay Robinson Co., Live Stock Commission. . CHARLES O. TALMAGE President Columbia Underwriters, Insurance. CLARENCE V. WARFIELD Grocer ARTHUR R. WELLS Lawyer, DON'T ELIZABETH J. LINDSEY, Ch. Women'. Com. ' MATTHEW A. HALL, Ch. MenY Com. TEAM WORKERS ARE Alt MUSTERED OUT After Pushing Commercial Club Membership to About 2,000, Hustlers Quit. EVENT FOLLOWS THE FEED It was "musteriug-out" night for the "2,000 club," the regiment of member ship hustler.s of the Omaha Commer cial club, last night. Captain H. O. Wilhelm of this division commanded the troops to "fall in" at the Commer cial club rooms at 6 o'clock, where mess was served, and then, after pull ing off a few evening stunts and a little musical entertainment, he called the roll and mustered the men out of service. s This was the club that was to raise the Commercial club's membership to 2,000! It has it up to something over li800 now, and so Captain Wilhelm de cided to disband and let the regular membership committee lift the mem bership the other 200 betweerl now and the first of the year. "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here," sang the fellows in lusty voices; but the gang was not all there. It was a beautiful evening, and then there were little political meetings everywhere, and Hallowe'en parties, and card parties and apple bees. Those are the reasons why the gang was not all there. Still there were perhaps 150 present. , Some Real Singing. 1 "Mary Ate Some Oysters, and Mary Ate Some Ham," sang Rrower Mc Cague in his best tenor, or soprano, whichever it is; "Brighten the Corner Where You Are," chimed in Harry Weller; "They Say That Them Dutch Thev Ain't Got No Style," came the voice of Guy Liggitt: and so the songs echoed about the hail. Then when the chairman had pulled off a few little stunts, hs disbanded the fellows and sent them into the south dining room, where the tables were all set for cards. Immediately the men grouped themselves into fours about the tables, and instead of the old competition of teams for the most members, the competition became warm for "high, low, jack and game." South' and -West Foot Ball Teams ' - Come to Front New York, Nov. 2.-rAs a- result of the heavy scoring in a number of foo ball games last Saturday, the leadership in the struggle for indi vidual and team scoring honors shows some remarkable changes. , Southern and western elevens have wrested the premier positions from eastern in the total point competition, while a west cm nlaver: now at the United States Militailr academy,, heads the, list of 'HIUIIIUUH uvuw,"i,,,l-fi!;.-;' - Oliphant of the Army team, with ten touchdowns, seventeen goals and one field goal has amassed eighty points,; while Gerrish, . last week's leader, has fallen to. second place, with . seven points lesSf.. ; Cofall of . Notre Dame is third with fifty eight, and McCreigh of Washington and Jefferson fourth with fifty-seven. Devitalis of Brown is the best of the eastern scorers, with Captain Mueller of Cornell a close second. Georgia Technical has collected 309 points in five games, which give the southerners a big lead over Minne sota, in second place with 236. Vali derbilt is third, one point below Minnesota. Penn State and Syracuse are the two eastern teams to pass the 200 mark. A number of other elevens are closely bunched between 184 and 190 points, and the contests of the coming week-end are likely to de velop further changes in the standing of the teams. Holders of runs-for,-touchdowns record include Moss of Rennsaelar. 100 vards: ' Oliohant. Army, 96 yards; Beck, Penn State, 95 ; yards, and his team mate, Robb, with a similar distance; Brooke, Colgate, 90 yards; Whiting, Marinette, 85 yards, and Smith, Clarkson Technical, 80 yards. Start Anothsr Krrles. Jack Brltton and Td (Kid) Owla have, met seven times, and now they ars going to begin another series of .clashes to deter mine wlflch Is the betler battler. SPLIT THE TICKET STEEL COMMON ; PASSES PREFERRED Bethlehem Steel, Sears-Roo-buck and Other Issues Make New High Retord.3. SALES ARE ON BIO SCALE , New York, Nov. 2. United' States Steel common shares sold at the new high record of 122J4' shortly after the opening of today's market, the stock being absorbed in large indi vidual lots. This exceeds its previ ous maximum by half a point.1 It also passed the preferred stock; which told at 122.; , i i . Other records of the morning in cluded "Bethlehem Steel, which rose twenty-five, to 670, and Sears Roe buck three and a half, to 232J. United States Steel lost a point on enormous realizing sales, but this was more than counter-balanced by the greater strength of other industrials. Mercantile Marines were among the other strong and active features, and representative rails wcTe in better de mand at material advances. A strik ing feature of the railway list was a fifteen-point advance in Texas & Pacific Land Trust Certificates, to 145. By 12:30 o'clock sales exceeded 1,000,000 shares, of which -United States Steel contributed fully 20 per cent. Woman Derelict Surprises Judge by Society Badge Mary Walls, Thirteenth and Har ney street, charged with -being a wom an of the streets, appeared before the police magistrate with a Greek fra ternity pin proudly displayed on her coat lapel. The insignia was very familiar to the magistrate and he or dered the woman retained in the ma tron's department until he investi j gated the matter. Healthful Sleep is necessary for the enjoyment and prolongation of life. During sleep Nature renews, the vital forces of the body and restores the energy. Sleeplessness is one of the evil results of indigestion. To avoid it, keep the stomach well, the livef active and the bowels regular. The health of these organs ;; i Is Assured by Beecham's Pills. A harmless vegetable remedy, which acta immediately on the stomach, liver, bowels and kid neys, tonimr and outtina them in good working order. Millions of people sleep well and Vee& well Jecause, at the'Jirst unfavorable symptom, they begin. to take . Mm Directions of SdmUI Value to Worns with tnry tax. Sold by druggists throughout the wcrld. la bow, lOe, 2S. WE SAVE YOU HOHEY.'THERES A I5B-I5I5 Howard Wilton Room ilzet, 8-3il0-J, 1x12, 1-txi. 6x9-8. All the delicate and popular color ahad Ingi In bluet, roae and mlxturea. Prioei from 827.50 V- 69.50 Axmlnatera 9x12 817.75 Brunei. 9x12 81375 Brustela -3xl0 -6 89.75 81175 Wool Fiber 27x54 "...49o LINOLEUMS Hundreds of Pretty Tile Prices: 39c, 49cf 55c yard Inlaid block tiles and parquetry designs, from 85c to $1.35 per square yard. '.;: A DOCTOR FOR THE PUBLIC MANY WOMEN FROM AN OPERATION after a few office treatments. The women should know of the help for diseases and disorders of their sex. The men are comingfor blood and special disease. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT I invite you to call. Consultation $1.00. Examination or office treatment, ? 2.00. Cash Fees. Medicine free. Sur gery if you honestly need It. Don't come back if not satisfied. Hours 5 to 5. Office practice only. Sunday and evenings by appointment " hTn8. Dr.J.C.WOODWARDTT;tt6-0: -1 JAIL FOR RECKLESS DRIVING OF AUTO But That is Not the Only Com plaint, for Bjork is Held On Another Charge. TOOK AUTO OF ANOTHER i A. J. Bjork, Twenty-first and Dee catur streets, an employe of the Henry garage, Sixteenth and Charles streets, was sentenced to fifteen days for the reckless driving of an auto, which he took without permission from the garage The car was the property of the Updike Milling com pany, and a short distance from the garage Bjork drove the machine into an auto owned and driven by J. H. Greves, 817 Pine street. . Both vehicles were, damaged and Bjork and a companion were thrown from the car after it had run over the sidewalk and collided with a tree. Bjork was also bound over to the dis trict court, with bonds fixed atv$500, for taking the machine. His compan ion has not been apprehended by the authorities. 1 Mrs. Bjork Is ill. . . O'Neil Suggested As A. A. President' s- ' .' Chicago, Nov. 2. Norria L. "Tip" O'Neil, former president of the West ern league, has been suggested as a candidate for the presidency of the American association, it was learned here today. . i President Chivington's term expires this fall and there is said to be oppo sition to his re-election. Thomas Hickey of St. Paul also has been men tioned to succeed Chivington. The election is to be held at the annual meeting, of the association, which probably will be held next week. REAJON !sSU4 St. SPILLS gft rV.W RUG VALUES QUANTITIES, QUALITIES. Patterns Hundreds of MEN and WOMEN have been to my office and many new cases are coming daily for treatment and service on the SQUARE-DEAL, plan. I AM NO? a chiropractor, osteopath or faith healer. I am a graduate of medicine and surgery of nearly twenty years of active work, and offer you all any so-called specialist can give you at half his fee. I do not perform miracles. I cannot cure long standing chronic cases in a day or week as some grafters tell you. COME AND GET THE NAMES OF HUNDREDS who have been to my office and are more than pleased with my service on the small cash fee plan. I HAVE SAVED