THE BEE: v OMAHA, THU USD A It, NUv&AiH&k t, liim, . FARMERS FACING FEEDER PROBLEM Asking Themselves if They Ought to Feed Corn, Consid ering High Prices Now. MANY WOULD SELL CORN "Shall I sell my corn or will it pay better to keep the corn and buy cattle , to consume it?" That is the question that the farmers of the corn belt have been asking themselves and their friends at the big market centers all the fall. A good many decided to buy and feed cattle, and some, acting ' promptly on their decision, have the cattle already in tne teea lots. Others had made up their minds to feed, but were waiting with the hope that feeder cattle would be lower in November." Some of this number had given their commission firms orders to buv feeder cattle for them as soon as the price should come down a lit tle. Others were still on the fence . debating the question to feed or not to feed." . That was the situation when the corn market began soaring upward a week or ten days ago. As corn began jumping feeders began falling off the fence, and the higher it jumped the faster they fell off. Seemingly they . all fell off on the same side that is with their minds made up not to feed cattle, but to sell their corn tor cash Orders Countermanded. The result of this decision was felt immediately at the big market, cen ters. Feeders who had hied 'buying orders with their commission firms countermanded them. The number of country buyers who had been in at tendance daily at the1 big markets " dropped down to onlya fraction of what . it had been. TJie country suddenly became panic- stricken to sell corn and keep as far away as possible from all feeding operations., ine extent to wnicn mc hieh corn scare has spread is evi denced by the fact that quite a good many half-fat or warmed-up cattle are cominz back to market this week. As such cattle do not make as good beef as grass cattle that are still com . ing forward in large numbers from the range, it will be readily under stood that'they are bound to sell to ooor advantage. Large shipments ot such cattle could hardly fail to break the market wide open if persisted in It is also a noticeable fact that there is a big increase in the receipts at market centers of light under weight and unfinished hogs, all going to show that the high price of corn Has given the country a terrible fright and that in its efforts to save more corn to sell, it is losing sight entirely of the live stock market and its possibilities. . ' Mav Go Too Far. - While commission men and others at the big market centers are very backward about giving advice, espe cially when not requested, there is a general feeling that the idea of sell, ine high nriced corn instead of feed ing it may be carried entirely too far. ,,They realize that corn which is used principally as a feed for stock cannot remain high it everyone gives up teed ing stock and takes the corn selling side ot the deal. I On the other hand, men with a large amount of corn on hand may take the stand that they will sell corn while the selling is good, and if the price drops down they will buy cat tle and feed it out. That sounds logi cal, but everyone familiar with the cattle market knows that the big sup plies of stocker and feeder cattle are disposed of before the end of Novem i a . l- - j . : :.. n u.... ucr, 9 mic icuuluuii in (.uuiiiij- vis ing has already caused a sharp break in feeder prices, it is to be expected that a good many ranchmen with such cattle 6n hand will decide to hold them over another year rather than ship them at a time when prices are breaking. , For these reasons a good many stockmen are wondering what the outcome will be, and some are even going so far as to predict that -the country will find .it impractical for everyone to sell corn and that about the time feeders arrive at that con clusion and want feeder cattle, there! will be few on sale. There will come a scramble to buy feeder stock just at the tinre when the supply is short, with the possibility of prices climb ing way up to the top notch again. Cattle May Go Higher-. Some stockmen who have given the matter a great aeai 01 tnougnt are pointing out that there is a possibil ity of more money being made in feeding - cattle this year than was made when both feeder cattle and corn was very much lower than at the present time. They argue that prices on fat cattle due to the for eign war, to the Argentina drouth and to the big home consuming de mand, win oe nigner next spring tnan ever before. ' While granting that the feed will cost a whole lot more, they are calling attention to the fact that with beef cattle even at prevailing prices there is a good margin for nrofit. For ex ample, a feeder who pays $7.00 per hundred for a WO-pound steer and sells him when finished at $10 to $11 has $3 or $4 per hundred margin over and above the original cost on the 900 pounds. He also receives $1U to $11 for every hundred pounds of gain that the animal makes while in the feed lot, which will pay for a lot of high priced feed and srfll leave a good profit. Hogs are also bringing ex tremely high prices, apd the profit to be made on the hogs run after the cattle must not be forgotten. . A gopd many stockmen are predict ing that good corn-feds will reach $12 before spring. If that were to prove true the profit would be still larger. Stockmen at the'yartU are advising their friends in the country to think the matter over carefully. All the markets of the country have been re ceiving large numbersbf cattle this week, and prices on feeder stock are sharply lower. The time to buy is when pTices are going down and everyone wants to sell, not when they are going up and everyone is trying to buy. Lincoln Man Breaks Wrist While Cranking His Auto George Ansen of Lincoln sustained a fractirred right wrist which he sus tained while cranking his auto at Sev enteenth and Douglas streets. After receiving meorcai attention he waj Telephone Number 202a Douglas Telephone Number , 2020 , Douglas Opening of Closed Car Exhibit This Morning j Marked a New Epoch in Automobile Displays SOME of the most beautiful Gars ever exhibited are on view here -now. The store with its beautiful Corinthian Columns, reaching up to great height, lend a fitting setting of dignity and elegance to the display of the best that American makers are showing in CLOSED CARS FOR WINTER 1916-17. Limousines, Cabriolets, Brpug hams, Landaulets, Sedans, etc., the height of luxury ' and 'convenience for the Motor Traveled Way. Show ttf the" Public What the Winter 1916-17 Holds for Them in Closed Automobiles. The Omaha. Automobile Show Association and the Brandeis Stores lead the way for the Exhibi tion of CLOSED CARS the first mercantile establishment to show them and the first city in the United States to make a special exhibit of closed cars alone. This Exhibit Will Continue All This Week. Cars Will Be Shown Each Day Frdm 8:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. Men's Fur and Fur . lined Coats Chauffeur Suits S Auto Ulsters HERE'S A NOTE of comfort for Autoists for the days to come Fur Lined Coats, lined with Musk-. rat, Southern Mink, etc., with Beaver Auto Collars and Collars of Persian Lamb and Hudson - Seal $20.00 to $95.00 Fur Coats of Coonskin", Black Galloway, Kangaroo, Russian Dog, etc.... $18.00 to $95.00 . ( Chauffeur Suits, made of excel ' lentfabrics and materials $25 Auto Ulsters, big, warm and com fortable for zero days. A big ' bargain, at1. 20.00 to, $25.00 New Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx. , . Second Floor Men's Building. Wear a Flower or Flowers At the Closed Car Show OUR ENLARGED and beautiful Flower Shop offers the most beautiful CHRYSANTHEMUMS At- 15c each. Pink, yellow and white great big blooms, fresh cut-and hardy. Entrance to Pompeian Room. Women's Strap Wrist Gloves Guaranteed Washable For Motoring and Street Wear. COMPLETE STOCKS of the best Gloves for Motoring and Street wear. In Pearl White and Mastic. Famous Adler make. Worth $2.00 in the present market. Thursday, $1.50aPair- (Main Floor.) A Automobile Coats for Winter of 1916-17 We Are Showing the Best Styles This exhibit affords us the opportunity to show you the variety of styles we carry an opportunity also to invite you to see the wonderful range for choice in this Second Floor Apparel Department. Beautiful, full-cut Coats, with the swag- ger cut and the wide flaring bottoms; extra size cape collars of different rich furs and self fabrics. . FURS Such as Hudson seal , skunk, marten, natural oppossum, imitation mar ten, kolinsky, beaver, etc. FABRICS Such as Bolivia cloth, wool velours, duvetynes, kittens' ear, cheviots, etc. All the smartest colors, such as burgundy, chartreuse, navy, terra cotta, brown, bay leaf green, etc. Prices: -$25.00, $35.00, $49.00 $59.00 and up to $125.00 Second Floor. Beautiful Combination . , Boots for Fall White Washable Kid Top Black Kid Vamps. WE CAN GET right to the heart of this story in a jiffy. We took these beautiful Shoes right from our regular stock, and even though they are the style of the moment, you can buy them here on' Thursday at much less than they are actually worth. ' ' Six styles in all Plain and tipped vamps ; some have plain white tops, others in- - teriaced with black. All have . Leather Louis heels; some black soles, others with . white ivory welt. ' Values From $7.00 to $9.00, " Thursday Special $5.85 : ' Main Floor.." Automobile Books and Guides THE BOOK DEPARTMENT is displaying an exceptionally in- : teresting lot of Books, which are ' ' educational works which Auto- ,, ' mobile owners or prospective owners should have. Aute Ignition, Starting, Lighting, . etc. ................. Hayward Dyke's Encyclopedia. Self-Propelled Vehicles, t , J.E.Thomas. Brookes' Auto Hand Book. The Automobile Blue Book .... , .....The Official Guide. And scores tf others will be dis played on a convenient table dur- ing the exhibition of Closed Cars in this store. ' Main Floor. - Kitchen Cabinets We are exclusive Omaha agents for the Famous McClernan Steel Kitchen Cabinets. Steel means Strength, Beauty, Cleanliness the three cardinal virtues. The McClernan Sanitary Steel Kit chen Cabinet is made up to a standard, not down to a price. "McClernan" White Steel Cabinets, nicolene tops "McClernan" White Steel Cabii marbolite tops I lets, "Naponee Dutch Kitchenette", oak cabinets. Prices, up from. Satin Walnut Finish Cabinets, up from. .$40.00 .$45.00 .$25.00 .$18.50 We have the largest assortment of Kitchen Cabi nets shown in Omaha, at Lowest Prices. "PUNCH" Cedar Oil Floor Mops Large size, triangular in shape, and "gets" the dirt. Sale price a $1.00 Punch Mop and a 50c hottle QQ of Punch Cedar Oil, for tOC Basement. The Balance Those Fine Trimmed Hats From Our Great Sale Last Saturday WILL BE displayed and sold here on Thursday. Many women who did not share in this offering last Saturday, expressed re gret that they, overlooked so good a sale, so we determined to gather together the remainder. FROM OUR BIG CHICAGO PURCHASE , And Reprice Them Down to $3.75 For' Quick Disposal. ' DRESS AND STREET HATS, in -wide variety styles that will appeal immedi ately, especially with a price even lower than the remarkable figure placed upon them os Saturday. COME EARLY. Some gold and silver lace effects. , White Hats and large, dressy Sailors or black Lyons velvet, smartly trimmed with fur, flowers, etc., $3.75. Second Floor, Millinery Department. Beautiful Blouses At the Lowest Prices The last time we made an announcement simi lar to this the Blouse Shop was crowded for two days. We would suggest that you earn estly consider your future as well as im mediate needs . when you read this advertise ment, because the val ues we quote are so ex traordinary that they may not bear repetition all this season. SAMPLE BLOUSES v Worth up to $10.00 Made of Crerie de Chine. Georeette CrenA Pussy Willow. Some hand sewed IMPORTED MODELS in the lot. DRESSY NET BLOUSES bo QQ -Many Worth $5.00. $6.00 v : Crepe de chine, Beautiful Georgette Crepe, Mar quisette and Lingerie Blouses in this assortment. DAINTY LINGERIE BLOUSES - , $1.00, $1.45 and $1.95 Trimmed with Lace and Embroidery. v Crepe de Chine and Striped Taffeta Blouses s A very extraordinary showing of very beautiful Blouses, in white, flesh and black. -" At $1.98 Each ..,. $5.00 and J? B E 53 e taken to the home ot a . friend.