Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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i Republican Candidate Says the
United States Will Maintain
" Its Self -Respect.
' Sullivan, Ind., Nov. 1. Charles .
i Hughes today declared in an open air
; address here that while the United
States does not wish war, it proposes
J to maintain it self-respect. ' The
j American people have realized at this
j time in our history it is very impor-
tant that there should be no question
j of their attitude with respect to the
! maintenance of American rights," Mr.
j Hughes said. "We desire peace, but
j we desire an honorable peace.' We
! do not wish war, but we propose to
! maintain our self-respect. .
"We know perfectly well that there
is no future for the country unless we
; enjoy the friendship of the world.
You evoke only contempt, either si
i lent or expressed, if you do not main
tain firmly and consistently your
j rights. There is no lasting peace
for a decadent people." ,
it Mr. Huehes said that he was sure
I the American people were coming to
i ;their own conclusions with respect to
j the various claims made in the cam-
oaia-n and that in the long run the
; American people do not make mis
stakes. ;
people uenerauy Kignt.
"Nothing is more striking," he
said, "in the course of a political cam
paign in this country than the way in
which the American people gradually
form the judgment. We have at the
outset many confusing voices, and in
the course of the campaign there are
many extravagant claims nut forward,
j but the American people recognize as
tne campaign progresses tne dominant
issues that concern their welfare. You
can be sure that in the long run the
American people do not make a mis
take witn respect to wnat. is neces
sary to their orosoeritv and the fu-
; ture of the country. ,
i "I. have felt in theses days a. grow
ls' ing sentiment. There has been a very
ft perceptible current of opinion and It
I' givey me an assurance that the Amer-
1 lean people nave been sitting the va
! rious claims which have been made,
J and have been coming ,to their own
; conclusions. They know perfectly
" well that we are now in a very unsat
' isfactory condition. It is not in my
heart to talk to you in a narrow, par
1 tisan way. As I understand myself, I
. am nere- anxious to serve tne wnoie
)' people of the United States, and what
I have to say is just as important to
! : the interest! .of democrats as repub
. licani. 1
"The American people are realis
3; ing, and I believe are coming swiftly
J. to a judgment that this country will
!, need a basis of prosperity that is not
to be found in a European war. We
, know perfectly well that at this time
we arc in a very unhealthy condition.
: You are interested my largely in
j; farming. When I-was governor of
"New York here was nothing to
!; which I gave greater attention than,.
'. to the development of our agricultural
activities, and if I am elected I pro
pose to do all in my power 1 to pro
mote the interest! of agriculture.
, "It is perfectly idle, however, for
anybody to say that he is a friend of
the development of agriculture in this
country wtien he framed' an Under
wood bill, -which puts most' of our
agriculture products on a free list, or
on such a low rate of duty as not to
furnish our farmers with the protec
tion to which they are entitled. We
have got to have a basis in this coun
try for the development which they
Seattle Firm is
Only Bidder for x -'
New Scout Ship
Washington Nov. 1. The Seattle
(Wash.) Construction and Dry Dock
company was 'the only concern to
submit direct proposal today for con
struction of one of the four swift
' cruisers authorized as a part of the
.1917 naval building program.
The limit of cost for the hull and
machinery of ships was fixed at $5,-
j j uw.uuu. ine Seattle company pro
! posed to construct one ship within
I thirty months for $4,975,000. ) .
i1 The scout cruisers are the first ves-
sets of 'their type to be designed fbr
i : the navy. They -are to make thirty
! five knots an hour sustained speed,
. and to extend their field of daylight
j : operation. Each will carry four high-
power hydroaeroplanes.
: The -submarines are . substantially
. . the same as the O-boats now under
" construction and are designed for
'. coast and harbor defense. -
; Commercial Club is
';. ' - After Army School
. Omaha ' wants ' ah army aviation
: school. At least the Commercial club
' ; is anxious to have one here. Provision
has been made in congress, -and Oma-
: ha is setting tortn its claims as a log
; ical location for such a school. . Ak-
' ron-. O., Is also in the race for it.
' The . executive committee of the
: Commercial club has had the matter
; - under discussion, and has considered
j ;the availability of the grounds and
! balloon house at Fort Omaha for auch
j purpose. The club has communicated
! ' with the War department about the
' f matter, and is now to push its claims,
: ; representing the superior advantages
ot umaiuw ,
- Democrats and Free Beer
V ; Attract Twelve Voters
Twenty-four members of the Polish
Citizens' club, twelve of whom are
' not voters, listened Tuesday night to
senator Hitchcock, Congressman Lo
; beck. Mayor Dahlman, Madden and
Fitzgerald. Free beeV and the lure
of democratic oratory induced that
many members of the club to attend
the meeting. The fiasco was staged
:n Polaski hall, Thirty-third and L
,, itreets.'.
The republican members of the Po.
ish dub will hold a meeting Monday
s ivening,' November 6, and predictions
.' ire that the 200 members will be
.here.. The Hughes men are now ar
'angmg he program of speakers for
the night, under the direction of Peter
Alleged Murderer of William
Black Found Not Guilty
After Eighty Hours.
.Galvestosi, Tex., Nov. 1. John
Copcland, 'charged with the killing of
William Black, an anti-Catholic lec
turer, was found not guilty by a jury
in the district court here early today.
.The jury reported lifter deliberating
eighty-four hours. Black was killed at
Marshall, lex., February i, 1915.
Twice during their deliberations the
jurors had reported to Judge Clay
Stone Briggs that they could not
reach a verdict, and each time had
been sent back.
Copcland received the verdict with
a smile -and turned to his wife and
little daughter. The three shook hands
with the jurors and thanked them.
Black was killed in a hotel at Mar
shall while Copeland, who was a bank
cashier at that pice, and other men
were calling on him in his room to
ask him to cease his lectures in Mar
shall. Whether the state will insist upon
a trial of the cases of George Ryan
and George Tier, both of whom are
also charged with murder in connec
tion with the killing of Black, will
probably not be known until the De
cember term of court.
gelatin's Herring Pain.
You can depend upon Sloan's Liniment to
kill th. nerve pain of iclatlca; U pene
trates without rubbing. Onljr tZSc. AH
druggliti. Adverttiement. ' ' i
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Reports from Bucharest and
Berlin Claim Important Vic
tories for Each Side.
London, Nov. I. Important suc
cesses for .both the Teutonic and
Roumanian armies are claimed in to
day's dispatches relative to the fight
ing along the Roumanian Transylva
nian frontier. ,
Official Berlin announces an Aus-tro-German
victory southwest of
Kronstadt, where Roumanian posi
tions west of the Predeal road have
been captured.
Southeast of ' Rothenthurm pass,
also, General von Falkenhayn's troops
report progress.
Reports of Roumanian success is
based on a Bucharest dispatch re
ceived in Rome. It declares the Aus-tro-German
forces have retired from
the region of Campulung. in northern
Roumania, pursued over the frontier
by Roumanian troops, which wiped
out four hostile battalions.
Further Russian attacks on the
troops of Prince Leopold, defending
fthe approaches to Lemberg, have
been repulsed, Berlin declares.
Intensive Fighting in West
On the Somuie front there, has
been a renewal of intensive fighting.
The French again exerted pressure
near the point of the entente wedge
into the German lines between Sailly
Sailliscl and Les Bocufs, advancing
last night, according to Paris, in the
vicinity of the last-named place. Ber
lin records the failure of British at
tempts to advance along the mile and
a half line running northwest from
Les Boeufs to Cueudecourt and at
The Germans were on the offensive
at Sailly-Saillisel, but Paris reports
they were defeated there in a violent
engagement. ,
Battles on Struma.
In Macedonia, on the Struma front,
northeast of Saloniki, British troops
have pushed further into the Bulga
rian lines, capturing the village of
Barakli-Azuma, according to Paris to
day. Three, hundrej prisoners were
taken by the British.
Doctors For Hughes by
An Enormoiis Majority
Hughes won by a large majority in
a straw vote taken the German
home Tuesday evening, when the
alumni of the University of Nebraska
medical school met for a social eve
ning. A straw vote was taken, which
gave Hughes 44 votes to 27 for' Wilson.
Jefferis Makes
Speech to Crowd
At Logan Rally
Logan, la., Oct. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) Logan had a regular old
time republican rally here tonight,
when a torchlight procession with
red fire and many torches preceded
the speech of A. W. Jefferis of
Omaha, before 'a crowd which taxed
the capacity of the largest building
in town.
Mr, Jefferis talked for two hours
on national politics and was applaud
ed throughout. He showed up the
weakness of the Wilson administra
tion, and paid splendid tribute to
Charles Evans Hughes. Chairman
Blackburn of the republican com
mittee, reports Harrison county to be
lined up in fine shape for the entire
ticket. . .- - I
A . (
Thompson delden
Never Under Like Circumstances
A Sale of Such jmportant Value-Giving
We have prepared with the
sole idea in mind of giving
you the best merchandise
. at distinct price savings in
1 order that this .Thirtieth ";,
Anniversary may be one
; long remembered.
No Prices Have Been Raised In Order
That Reductions May Seem Greater.
Every item in this adver-
. tisement is a special value
' and every one is truth-
.' fully stated.
t i
The Store for Blouses
Offers Thursday
$5.95 and $6.50
New Blouses
for $3.95 f V :
Styles from regular stock, V
' ;. crepe de chine and Georg- '
ette blouses, attractively
' made in white, flesh, and ,
burgundy; sizes, 16 to 44. ' ,
All Sales Final.
Women's Fine Kid Gloves
$2.25, $2.00 and $1.75 Regularly
For This Sale Thursday $1.49 a pair
This is a great surprise considering the
scarcity of good kid gloves, but then this is;
not an ordinary sale.' Sizes from 5V2 to 7
in white, black anoj colors. Thursday, $1.49.
To Introduce Our
"Wenoma" Corsets
We pff er three models,
new 1 and stylish, at
, these attractive prices
$1.50, $1.75 and $2.
For Thursday Only
Women's Fibre
Silk Hose
' 59c Quality, 39c a Pair
First quality hose re
' duced; a clear saving of
. 20c a pair. The offering
consists of black and
white fiber silk hose with
lisle tops; also outsize
fiber silk hose, ribbed
top, in black and white.
, A Thursday Anniver
sary Special.
Women's -Combination
at a Saving
. . Envelope" chemise, also
v combination corset
cover and open or
closed drawers; made
of good quality nain
sook, lace" and em-
' broidery trimmings, all
sizes. Regular price,
$1.35, Thurt., $1.19.
. " Third Floor.
Women's Umbrellas
Rovers of American
piece dyed taffeta with
a pure silk case. ,
- A beautiful line of ster
- ling trimmed handles,
' . each one different,
, $1.89-
Women's Silk Vests .
and Union Suits
for Less Money
Glove Silk Vests, plain
, top, colors pink and
white; a garment you
will like immensely.
$1.7S regularly; for
this sale, $1.39.
Women's Cotton Union
Suits, fine ribbed gar
ments, low neck, no
sleeves, ankle length;
$1.00 quality, 79.
Exceptional Pictures
of Indian Life
Actual photographic
reproductions of Indian
Life and picturesque
scenes among their
homes. Beautifully hand
colored and artistically
mounted. 22 subjects,
each having a' meaning
otj its own.
These are $2 pictures.
To be sold Thursday,
for $1.29.
Art Daparlmant, Third Floor.
Toilet Articles
for Much Less
Rubber Cushion Hair
' Brushes, extra heavy
''. double bristles, 98c
Menneri's and Williams'
Talcum Powder, 8c ;
Fine Hand Lotion, 14c a
High Grade Toilet Soap,
for 19c a box. :
Women's Neckwear
New, Fresh, Pleasing Style
Remarkable Prices
Large and small Collars
of Organdy and Voile, plain
and lace trimmed
75c Collars, 50c
, 50c Collars, 35c
35c Collars, 25c
Collar and Cuff Sets
75c Sets, 50c
50c Sets, 35c
Linen Prices )
that won't come again
?2.50 Scalloped embroid
ered Linen Scarfs,
Thursday, $1.69.
75c Fancy Turkish Tow
els 48c '
$2.50' Embroidered H. S.
-'' - Pillow Cases, Thurs
day, $1.38 a pair.
$4.75 Bleached Napkins,
at $3.50 a dozen.
$10 Satin Double Pam-
,1 ask Table Cloths, for
"v only $6.38.
Laces In the Sale
Desirable laces, of course,
for otherwise price
would be
, No Object
Beautiful spangled lace
' flouncings, black, pink
$8.25 regularly, now
$7.00 a yard. .
Black and Silver Laces,
$3.50 a yard.
Just a $1.25 less than
the regular price.
$3.00 Gold and Silk Net,
$2.25 a yard.
Black Net Laces, em
broidered in colors, all
reduced in price.
These Handbags
To Go at $1.39
Made of fine crepe
seal leathergfmoire lined,
fitted with coin purse
and mirror; plain leather
For one day only, $1.39.
Bronze and blue kid
boots, in button and
lace styles; values up
to $8, Thur... ?5.95.
New stylish boots, one
' of them is illustrated.
You can save inoney and
' at the same time pur
' chase the best of the new
Fall styles.
We can't tell you here
about every Anniver
sary Special. Many
more are on sale, even
though not advertised. '
Never Such a Suit Sale
$25 Does Not Give Any Idea of Their Value
This was a special purchase, made by our Mr.
Nicoll in New York City. His telegram to us read,
"Consider this best purchase I ever made." That
means a lot, considering that he has been our buyer
for nearly thirty "years.
' -
Suits of broadcloth, serge, and velour de laine
dpes this sound like an ordinary suit sale? Cer
tainly not. Most of these suits are fur trimmed with
Hudson seal and beaver; besides, "there are many ,
plain-tailored styles. '
$25 includes the alterations
'Deliveries will be made from alteration room in order of entry.
Haskell's Famous Black Silks
i. In. a Sale of Exceptional Importance ' .
! This is the first sale in ten years, although we have ;
had the exclusive sale of Haskell's ilks for thirty years. .
' i, Haskell's Silks at a Great Saving'
The name alone signifies the highest standard in
silks. Their saat regular prices is most satisfactory. . ,
We are making these special prices prices you pay for" :
ordinary silks in order that you may become better ac
quainted with these fabrics and see how thoroughly hon-
est are our business methods.
Every Yard of Haskell's Silks V
is personally guaranteed by Thompson, Belderi & Co., v
backed by thirty years of successful business. If you have
any intention of purchasing a black silk dress, coat or
suit, now is your opportunity one that cannot be dupli
cated. ,
No. 108 Haskell's Pure Dye Chif
fon Taffeta, 35-inch; regular
$2.00 quality, sale price, $1.68.
No. 109 Haskell's Pure Dye Chif
fon Taffeta, specially used for
skirts and suits; regularly,
2.25. Sale price, $1.95.
No. 76 Haskell's Satin Messaline,
one of the season's most pop.
ular silks, does not slip or pull;
regularly $2.25. Sale price,
at $1.85.
No. 85 Haskell's Satin de Chine,
very dressy, suitable for dress
es; rich black; regularly $3.
Sale price, $2.48.
No. 2010 Haskell's Silk Faille, a
beautiful corded weave, all
. silk, makes rich coats, skirts
and suits; regularly $2.76. Sale
price, $2.28.
No; 170 Gro de Londre or Cord
ed Taffeta; regularly $3.00.
Sale price, $2.48.
Haskell's Peau de Soie, a rich
fabric, sold mostly for coats
and suits; wears like iron; reg
ularly, $3.00. Sale price, $2.48.
G21 Haskell's Pure Dye Chiffon
Finish Taffeta, nothing bet
ter, all colors, regular $2.25
quality. Sale price,, $1.95.
No. 70 Haskell's Satin Duchess,
the finest heavy satin made,
just the weight for coats Bnd
suits; regularly $3.60. Sale
price, $2.88.
No. 80 Haskell's Duchess, makes
.rich afternoon gowns; regu- S
larly $2.76. Sale price, $2.28.
No. 600 Haskell's Satin Raye, in
all the wanted colors plum,
navy, negro brown, Hunter's
cope and black; a rich, lustrous
. silk with smtlll pin stripes,
suitable for dresses and suits;
36 inches wide; regular $2.76
quality. Sale price, $2.28.
English Costume
Best quality, fast colors;
in all the most satis
factory velvet made ;
does not crush easily,
wears beautifully; 42
inches wide. We have
sold many pieces this
season for $4.95 a yd.,
Thursday, $3.75 Yard
Basement Apparel
$1.60 New Fall Models
of Sateen Petticoats,
at 69c
Breakfast Sets, 79c.
Your choice of the en
tire stock ; all sales final.
- $1.00 House Dresses;
unusual values in attrac
tive styles and fabrics.
The Fur Shop
is offering for the anniversary
some extra values on first
quality furs.
Intamtinf Price.
Stationery 19c a Box
But never again
we caa't buy any more.
Willard's Society Linen a fine
grade writing stock. Box of
50 Envelopes and 50 Sheets
of Faper. Box of 84 Sheets
of Paper. Box of 96 Envel
opes, 19c A BOX.
Been selling at 30c, and at
present costs will be 40c.
Silk Hose for
$1.10 a Pair
Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hose, with flare tops
and lisle soles, white or
Also out size Silk Hose,
lisle tops and soles, white
and black.
, Vry specially priced at
$1.19 "P".
Men's Neckwear
Newest Fall Patterns
An especially large and
effective scarf, beautiful
colors, made with slip
easy band, pf.
for ...JOC
This special price is
for this sale only.
Women's Flannelette
Gowns for $1.10
The best "Brighton Make"
Flannelette Gowns, V
neck or with collars; all
sizes; regularly $1.35.
I Wednesday, $1.10.
Third Floor
' "lower.