Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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Football and life hold so many hard knocks.
Most nun arelct lusy altcrling the shocks.
There wm an old tutor named Htronj,
Who allowed It wu footytth and wrong-,
, To follow a iramo
' When eeklnir for fame
That's why ho kept tilting- along.
Another old teacher named Poole,
Had been a great athlete at aehooL
T would do your heart, good, .
To tee them aaw wood, .
Whenever he laid down a rale.
) s
Seventeen Kansas Jacks Bite
Dust in Opening Program
'at Coursing Meet.
Seventeen rabbits bit the dust in
the opening event of the 'second an
nual coursing meet held under the
auspices of the Omaha Coursing club
at the Douglas county fair grounds
yesterday afternoon.
Sixteen courses were carded for the
afternoon's program, but one race
was tie and a second heat run,'
making the total seventeen. And the
hounds batted a thousand in the kill
ing league, nailing every rabbit he
re it could make the escape. Unly
e ) rabbit managed to get within
Viking distance of the escape and
, . crashed Into tne canvas surround
.ag the field in making a quick turn
, and the dogs pounced on mm.
, Ordinarily more rabbits escape
tnann are Kineu.
(' . About 300 persons witnessed the
i opening program .and a lively inter-
.est was manifested, although speedy
' kills in several of the events cur
s' tailed the duration of the excitement.
The meet was run off rather slowly,
but that was because it was the first
day, and more speed is expected in
the later programs.
Flack Has Winners.
W. , 8. Flack of Grand Island
y seemed to have the swiftest dogs.
Y Five of his .pups, all he had entered,
captured their races. Kuse and Cook
had the hard luck, all tour of their
entries losing.
Billy Sunday, owned by Kuse and
Cook,, and King Hare, owned by Jess
Levich, staged the tie race, but on
the second race the Levich dog ran
away trom the pup with the evan
gelistic title, 3 to 0.
, Two Close Races.
The Dancer, owned by Flack, and
Titanic, owned by O. L. Life, staged
exciting race, which was captured
Pine, owned by J. E. Wright, and the
bailor, the property of Ol L. Life,
also had a tough tussle, with the for
mer emergmg victorious, 8 to 6.
No disputes of any kind arose.
Ray Page of Friend, Neb., was the
x judge and nary a murmur over his
decisions was heard. J. Viox acted
as slipper.
The coursing meet continues at the
fair, grounds every afternoon this
week and Sunday. Results yesterday
were:.'" "
Ftrfit course: Art Clair, owned by O. L.
Life, wen from Myrtle Qotch, owned by 8.
S. Mesejadls.- Score: 4-0.
Second course: Honey Moon, owned by
.Vlrgenimid Shark, won from Harley Can
non, owned by Kuse and Cook. Score: 7-8.
Thlra-course: Credit Wild BUI, owned by
w. B. . Jtaok. won from Wild Elora, owned
by Kiise and Cook. Score: S-0.
Fountlx course: Lady Clair, owned by W.
. B. Flack, won from Vales Boy, owned by
V. D. Andrews.
Fifth course: The Boob, owned by Vlr
gen and Shatk. won from Village Black
smith, -owned by S. S. Meeejadls. Score, 10-4.
Sixth course: Neva Pine, owned by J. IS.
' Wrl stit, wonj from the - Sailor, owned by
O. L. Life. Score: 8-0.
Seventh course: Cash Wild BUI, owned
by W.' B. Flack, won frbm Wild Buck,
owned' by Virfeen and Shark. Score: 8-0.
Eighth course: Pete Baden' owned' by
Morlaw, Borla A Thornburg. won from
Muddy Roads, owned by V. D. Andrews.
Score:-' i-L -,'
Ninth course: Gay Can Trip, owned by
O.- L. .Life, won from Honey Moon, owned
by Vlrgen and Shark. Score: 6-1.
Tenth course: The Dancer, owned by, W.
. Flack, won from Titanic, owned by O.
L. Life, Score: 4-3.
Eleventh course: King Hare, owned by
ess Levich. -won from Billy Sunday, owned
,y Kuse and Cook. Score: .8-0.
Twelfth course: Fashion Model, owned by
j. m. . wrigni, won zrom Lickety split,
owned by Kuse and Cook. Score: 8-1.
Thirteenth course: Sam Baden, owned
by Morlaw, Borla A Thornburg. won from
Boney - Jlrn owned by V. D. Andrews.
Score; '7-4.
Fourteenth course: Wild Jerry, owned by
Vlrgea 1 and Shark, won from John C,
owned by J. E. Wright. Score; fi-2.
Fifteenth course: Frank Cannon, owned
by B. Flack, won from Rough and
Ready, owned by Jess Levich. Score: 7-6.
Sixteenth course: Slnbad, owned by O. L.
Life, won from Mae Qotch, -owned by S. S.
Mesejadls. Score: 0-8.
Wealthy Farmer Kills
J Self at Home of His Son
Beatrice,. Neb., Nov. 1. (Special
Telegram.) John Tejecka, a wealthy
Boheinian 'farmer, living three miles
west of Wyinore, committed suicide
this morning in a cornfield at the
home of his son Frank, by placing
the end of a 38 calibre revolver in
his mouth and pulling the trigger.
'Tejecka and his wife recently sep
arated and he visited his son's home
. this morning, where he conversed
with his wife in an attempt to bring
about conciliation, failing in tms ne
isappeared and was later found dead
in the field. ,
Teiecka was 60 vears old and owned
a 240-acre farm. He leaves a large
Tear Hit by Train,
'; Driver Badly Hurt
Bayard, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special.)
A young man named Hollis Sims was
injured at a railroad crossing between
here and Minatare. He was driving a
beet wagon and must have fallen
asleep. His team reached the crossing
just as a train came along. The horses
were thrown some distance, but were
not injured. The man was also thrown
several feet, striking a fence post.
Besides a number of scalp wounds
Sims had three ribs broken. He was
taken to Minatare on the train, where
a stop was made until he was given
medical aid, then they took him on to
Scott's Bluff to a hospital.
Avoca Schools Cet in Line.
Avoca, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special.)
The -Avoca school has adopted the
1. hot lunch system, and now those com
V. ing from a distance have one hot dish
f each day. Miss Anna Alhusen of the
primary room, having charge of the
V lunch. Each pupil participating takes
is turn in assisting in preparation
and clearing away. It is meeting with
favor by the parents and patrons ot
the schools.
Join the Swappers' Club. Membership in
free. Call at Bee office. ,
American . League Magnates
Think Too Many National
Men on Commission.
Chicago, Nov. 1. President B. B.
Johnson of the American league, in a
statement tonight, admitted that there
"probably will be a change in the
complexion of the National Base Ball
commission." - !
The statement was issued after two
afternoon newspapers had quoted Mr.
Johnson as saying that August. Herr
mann, chairman of the. commission,
would be deposed. Immediate denial
of the statement was made. President
Johnson,' however, said that certain
club owners ot the American league
wer eooDOsed to "too much National
league in the composition of the Na-
Confers with Johnson.
Mr. Herrmann is president of the
Cincinnati club of the National league
and has been chairman "of the Na
tional commission since the '(formation
of the body, under the .agreement of
both leagues. He was in conference
with President Johnson here last
week regarding questions involving
the commission.
The commission is made .up of
Johnson, Herrmann and t John
Tener, president of the ' National
league. , '.,-
Must Must Agree on Third. .
New York. Nov. 1. The Chairman.
of the National commission is elected
annually by the votes of thetwO major
league presidents, which means that
both Johnson and' Tener must "agree
upon the third member, since a dif
ference of opinion would result in a
deadlock. As both league presidents
are automatically members of the
commission, as at present consti
tuted, the only way in which the com
plexion of the body could be changed
would, be the election of a third mem
ber not affiliated with either league in
place of the present chairman, who
also is the president and chief stock
holder of the Cincinnati National
league club. i
avers Resent
Paving Assessment
The city council, sitting as a board
of equalization, received numerous
protests against special taxes as
sessed to pay cost of paving Center
street, Thirty-sixth street west to city
limits; . i '''.',
The protestants contend that the
special assessments do not compare
with the benefits ( accruing to the
property which is taxed. They
further state that thev did not sien a
petition for this improvement; that
the council invoked a new law per
taining to "main thoroughfares."
The council will set a day for hear-'
ing the case on its merits.
Boulevard Theater Gives
Big Hallowe'en Party
Hallowe'en festivities reiened su
preme Tuesday night at .the Boulevard
theater, j the innovation .ot a mid
night Hallowe'en matinee 'established
another step in suburban movie pic
turedom for Omaha. With keen in
terest old and young joined into the
spirit of the midnight frolic. The
theater was dressed most appropri
ately for this midnight entertainment.
Decorations in keeping with Hallow
e'en were in evidence everywhere, both
out and inside. Ihe regular evening
shows were held on schedule time. A
half hour, from 11 to 11:30, gave
ample time for the few changes neces
sary tor the matinee, ihe music aided
in producing the right atmosphere,
being of light frolicsome nature. Be
sides the regular pictures, "Dancing
Davy," a successful Orpheum circuit
dancer, gave a combination of com
edy, eccentric dancing and singing
much to the audience's liking.
School Community Centers
Open Season Thursday
Community centers under direction
of the Recreation board will be
opened for the season' Thursday eve
ning at Dundee, Central Park and
Keilom schools, supervisors will be
in charge.
Frazee of New York and Hugh
Ward of Philadelphia Buy
World's Champions,
Boston, Nov. 1. The Boston Amer
ican league base ball team has been
sold to Harry H- Frazee of New York
and Hugh Ward of Philadelphia. Jo
seph Larinln of this city, the former
owner, made
the announcement to-
(Continued from Pate One.)
and governmental activities," he con
tinued. He spoke of the shipping bill,
saying it was 'intended to pave the
way for private activity! '
Out of a mixed collection of peo
ple," he continued, "we have got to
establish a unit.- ; .
"I want to register my solemn pro
test here -against thej-use of our for
eign relations for politic purposes. I
cannot, I will not consider any man
a patriot who does this. They bring
in questions, the details of which they
are ignorant Some times lives are
involved." v ,
The president urged- co-operation.
"When tMs war is over," he conclud
ed, "we will get down to business." ,
Speech at Johnson.,
- Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 1-After
Shaking hands with crowds at fifteen
cities and towns in New York state,
President Wilson arrived here at 1:20
o'clock this afternoon on his final
trip of the campaign. His train was
twenty minutes late, because of the
frequent stops en route.
Greeted With Cheers.
Johnson City, N. Y., Nov. 1.
When President Wilson's special
train passed through here today, the
executive was greeted by thousands
of the employes of a shoe company,
which recently established the eight
hour day. The workmen and their
families repeatedly applauded the
president, who shook hands with
Alluding to the shoe company's
action in effecting an eight-hour day
as an indication of a spirit which di
minished feeling between capital and
labor, the president said:
"I want to express my regret that
I was not able to be here last Satur
day to celebrate what I think was a
very significant thing, the action of
the firm of Endicott, Johnson & Co.,
in giving its employes eight hours,
not only for the reasons that are
generally given, but also for better
reasons, because they regard men and
all their employes as members of the
same business family with them. If
that sort of feeling existed every
where there would be no question be
tween capital and labor. I want to
congratulate you upon living under
such auspicies and tell you how very
much obliged to you I am for this
real welcome."
Senator Borah is
Taken Seriously 111
Fond Du Lac, Wis., Nov. 1. United
States Senator William E. Borah of
Idaho, who has been speaking for
Hughes and Fairbanks in .this state,
is seriously ill here and has been com
pelled to cancel his speaking dates for
the remainder of the campaign. He
was suddenly taken ill yesterday with
a severe cold and is under the care of
a physician and trained nurse. This
morning he had a temperature of 102
and his condition is regarded serious.
Auto Mechanician ,
Dies of His Injuries
Chicago, Nov. 1. Ralph Hedlich,
mechanician for Wilbur D'Alene in
the recent automobile races at Speed
way Park, died today of burns sus
tained when D'Alene's car caught fire
during the contest. His home was in
Los Angeles, Cal.
Vannertllt Shows Class.
Vanderbllt Is showing the old wtoked driv
ing power this season, which means that the
southern oollese elevens will have to so con
siderable to b'eat out the Commodores.
' Join the BwappnrK' Club. Memborshlp Is
es. Call at 13ee office.
By Wheelan
Possibility He May Be Accom
modated by Nebraska
Next Fall.
Front a 'Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln , Nov. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) "Jumbo" Stiehm is hanker
ing tor a game with Ins old love, XNe
brsaka, according to word brought
back, to Lincoln by one of Stiehm's
The Hoosier pilot is convinced he
can trim the Huskers. I here is no
chance for a battle with the Hooaiers
(his season; but it is possible that the
Nebraska athletic board will accom
modate Stiehm next fall.
. Another ragged practice has caused
real alarm in the Husker camp on the
eve of the big battle with Ames next
Saturday for the Missouri valley title.
Fpur .men were, out of practice Jast
nignt Decause oi injuries ana tne same
number tonight. The scrubs.; toyed
with the varsity. , '
' Stewart plans to call in the alumni
Thursday and Friday nights to assist
in whipping a little fighting spirit into
the Huskers. The practices have been
dsipiriting and Dr. Stewart believes
some of the old stars can inject a
little pep into it.
1 r Illinois Fall Down.
The University of Illinois eleven, which
has been In the championship class for sev
eral years. Is proving somewhat softer for
their opponentsthan In previous seasons..
Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner
iT 7V.
Jr'o, K "',
Watch Tour Ballot and Place an X Before His Name loo Will Not
' Regret It
We strive to furnish every device neces
sary for speedy, efficient and dependable
telephone connections, and we are confi
dent our service responds to every reason
able requirement.
(.Continued from Page One.)
the bunkers," said Robert Hay, a
member of the engine room staff.
"The bunkers fell in and the engines
were dismantled. . Two men were
killed in the stoke hole and several
others were scalded.
"Three boats got away; a fourth
was smashed. Orders were given to
see particularly that all Americans
among passengers or crew were saved.
The wireless station tried to summon
aid, but his gear was dismantled by
the first torpedo."
United States Policy Unchanged.
Washington, Nov. 1. Secretary
Lansing authorized a formal state
ment today that the progress of the
political campaign would in "no way
affect the investigation of submarine
attacks and that there had been no
change in the United States' govern
ment's policy.
Meanwhile Count von Bernstorff,
the German ambassador, sent a wire
less dispatch to his government ask
ing that he be furnished immediately
by wireless with all the details availa
ble regarding the sinking of the
Secretary Lansing's statement! fol
lows: "The fact that a political campaign
is in progress will in no way affect
the practice of the department in ne
gotiating and in making full investi
gation of cases of this sort. We shall
do it as we always have, with as much
celerity as possible,
"I wish also to make another state
ment on a matter which has been
brought to my attention. The ques
tion has been raised as to whether the
policy of the president or the depart
ment in regard to submarine warfare
since the Sussex .was sunk has been
changed. I wish to say emphatically
that there has been no change in any
Awaits Word from Oertnony. '
Secretary Lansing made it plain,
also, that no decisive action would be
taken until Germany had had oppor
tunity to reply to the inquiry for its
version of the attacks on the Marina
and Rowanmore. The instructions
sent to the embassy at Berlin were
said to ask for an investigation by
Germany and not for an explanation.
It was not meant to indicate that the
United States believed that it had any
proof that Germany had violated its
The question of whether the Mar
ina was armed is becoming increas
ingly important. No mention of that
has been made in advices so far re
ceived and the embassy in London
has asked for information on the
Germany, has Contended that ships
armed., even with a small stern Run
for defense only, should not be. enti
tled to the ordinary guarantees,' but
could be sunk- on signt as oeing prac
tically naval auxiliaries.
The fact that England has been
arming more and more of its mer
chantmen has made the question a
vital one in Germany's consideration
of a wider submarine' campaign.
Officials here leave no doubt that
the United States will not admit such
a contentioh by Germany.
Th tilA Onlv RaaI Piemei
in Dowries Countv tor Whom
the people can vote at the
November 7 eleetlon. He
lives in Waterloo Precinct.
Voters of Omaha and sur
rounding country should re
member this fact. -
A. D. Compton has a real
I knowledge of Good roads.
bridges, etc., and promises,
if elected, to give them his
careful attention.
He is highly regarded as
a business man of ability by
everyone who knows him.
He has been a success as a
farmer and will be such if
elected County Commis
sioner. He has lived in
Douglas County 35 years
and been a taxpayer over
20 years.
1 H
7 ,?M V I
to.1 i i " i f
t VV I V fill
MlLi: LikgLhifl
The body of Max Meyer will reach
Omaha Friday- morning and the fu
neral will be held on Friday afternoon
from the residence of his brother, Mr.
Moritz Meyer, at his home, 3323 Har
ney street. The hour is 2 o'clock.
St. John's lodge of Masons has-been
requested by the New York lodge, of
which Mr. Meyer was a member, to
take charge of the services, and the
Baltimore lodge of Elks has likewise
requested Omaha lodge to participate.
The services at the residence will be
in charge of the Elks, and at the cem
etery the Masonic ritual will be car
ried out. , .
Jurors Rejoice When
v Dismissed from Court
Because of the difficulty of getting
cases ready for trial, Presiding Judge
Sears of the district court dismissed
all the furors with, the exception of
those in Judge Estelle's court.
When the presiding judge an
nounced that they were dismissed the
jurors heaved a big sigh of relief, one
of them, Robert B. Carter, presenting
Judge Sears with a red carnation with
"his compliments and thanks." ;
Laava Omaha 12:30 noon
Arrive Lincoln IiSS P. M.
Gam Commancas at 2:30 P. M. Sharp , ,- ,-'
Railroad Tickats at City Tickat Offlea, Farnam and 16th Su., and Depot
Tickat Office. Phones, D. 1238 and D. 3580. '
! B ESS I aTf
Rocco Fined for the
Violation of Speed Laws '
E. C Rocco, Twelfth and Pierce .
streets, violated the traffic regula
tions by exceeding the speed limit in '
an automobile. He was arraigned be-
fore, the, police magistrate and hned
$5 and costs. Several other violators
ot tne tramc regulations were a is-
charged. i
15cts.aacb, tlorfscta.
lBvasttratKMi Bacausa an artlela iot
not run Into a vraat deal of monty la
not an aaeass for burin blind. A good
battory or lanltlon system will keep a
lot of your small ahanga in tho savings
""delco-exide service station
9024 Farnaaa St. Omaha, Nak.
'Deled -fccfcV b 1
Servlc 1
Made of the Choicest Selected
Burlcy Grown -World's :
; Best Tobacco
Notfiing like a chew of first-class
plug tobacco to put an edge on yout) .
appetite and give you all the rich, jukjl
satisfaction that nature puts into the;
tobacco leaf, '.
Old Kentucky has" the frnity-sweel
flavor of the choicest selected Burlej) ,
leaf; ;, - . f ':t-
That leaf is the flawless product of
modern tobacco-growing, selected, re
selected, examined leaf by leaf. Then)
it's kand-tttmmei and made- into lun
cious plugs, with the mellow flavor per
fectly retained. And it's made with)
pure food exactness in ,one of th4
world's greatest plug factories,
When you're reveling in the rich,
sweet, flavor of Old Kentucky, you're '
chewing the luscious result of the most
, modern methods of high-grade : pluj)
lODacct nuuung, y
Is it any wonder that Old Kentucky)
Is the most delicious chew on earth? I
Try 10c plug to-day. You're bourn
to like it
Laava Lincoln ........ 5:30 P. M. '
Arriva Omaha 8:55 P.M.