Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Personal Gossiw : Rdcietu Notes : Woman's -Work cr Household-: Tomes
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November 1 19
Hallowe'en moonshine may have
accounted for the reversion to child
hood of local musical folk at the Clef
- club dinner at Hotel Loyal last eve,
ning. Ghosts, goblins, witches
astride broomsticks, weird music and
eery calls of elves and wood sprites
enhanced the gaiety of the Hallow
e'en pranks.
The climax-came during the Vir
ginia reel, when Officer J. a. Simms,
as censor of the dance, arrested Mrs.
Mabel Crawford Welpton for danc
ing immodestly and for conduct "un
becoming a lady and a musician " The
dining room was immediately con
verted into a court room, Lee Kratz
mounted on a table behind the piano
as the judge; Jean Duffield was nam
ed prosecuting attorney,, while pris
oner retained Mrs. Edith L. Wagon
er for her counsel. A jury was im
paneled, from the other musicians
present and the examination of wit
nesses began. Testimony was replete
with musical terms, clever puns on
every day conversation. The trial
continued to the accompaniment of
great merriment until the jury
brought in a verdict of "not guilty.
The prisoner was much affected by
the decision and wept and laughed in
turn is she thanked the judge, her at
torney and the jury for proving her
A quartet composed of Mr. Simms,
Henry Cox, Mr. Kratz and F. O.
Newlean, which sang original coup
lets about each of the members of
' the Clef club, scored a big hit, as did
the piano duet of Mr. Cox, violin-
- ist, and Martin Bush. Cabaret, sing
ing and dancing added to the pleas-
ure of the evening. Fifty guests at
tended, i
Goodheart-Bross Wedding.
" At the Diet Methodist church on
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, Henry
L. .Goodheart and Miss Mathilda M.
Brosa, both of Omaha, were united
in marriage, Dr. C. N. Dawson offi
ciating. '
Misi Pauline Grossman played the
, wedding march, Mr. and Mrs. George
A. Benjamin were the attendants.
Both families and several immediate
friends were present. Mrs. Good-
' Heart is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Bross.
The newly-married; couple will live
at 4 worm inirty-sixtn street,
Wedding Rehearsal. ? V
The marriage of Miss Bessie Chris
tina Ahlquist, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C O. Ahlquist, to Mr. Kent
,' Charles Withnell, son of City Com
missioner and Mrs. C. H. Withnell,
will take place this evening at 8
o'clock at the home of the bride's
' parents. -. -v
Tuesday evening an informal party
and wedding rehearsal took place at
the Ahlquist residence. Those pres-
.-. ent, were:."- -. , '
Hum inA Mssdam
W. Ratlin,
Charlaa AhlqulaC.
flssala chflfltla.
Basste Jthlqulat,
Onla Krell.
Messra -John
Francis Paddock,
Ufa, Dleksnon.
Lorraine Wallaca,
Ruth Ratlllf.
Kant Withnell, i
Will Cralihoad.
Hallowe'en Festivities.
Miss Elva Carter gave a Hallowe'en
party for twenty of her friends in
the eighth and ninth grades at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Carter, last evening. The young
people were masqued and had their
frolic among decorations of jack
o'lanterns, witches and black cats.
Miss Irene Closson gave a Hallow
e'en party at her home last evening.
Seasonable decorations and games
,were used. Those present were:
l.llllaa Bros.
Louisa Wafnar,
Ivs Ctsmmon,
Qartruda Krai,
Lloyd McBlro?,
Halan Chaatar,
Loulaa Blrarh,
Elisabeth Usrahorn. ,
i Maaars. '
Daniel MoCarty,
Walter Fraderlckaon,
Charles Morris, .
Leroy Ryan.
Krle Olssn.
Waltsr Mayland.
Charles Rahn, f ,
Harold Boysaa,
Franco-Belgian Relief Society.
The enlarged, work of the Franco
Belgian Relief Wiety is progressing
rapidly. The association will meet,
tomorrow at 1:30 in its new quar
ters, 304 Baird building, to discuss
the situation and formulate plans for
the management of the enterprise. At
4:30 all women of Omaha who are
interested in war relief and the for
mation of circles to prepare hospital
bandages will meet with the mem
bers of the Franco-Belgian Relief so
ciety at its room. '
Mrs. John A. McShane, president,
has chosen Mrs. T. R. Rutledge to act
as chairman of the publicity commit
tee, Assisting Mrs. Rutledge will be
Miss Elizabeth Kern, Miss Mary
Duffy, Miss Daisy Doane and Miss
Anne Johnston. , ,
Pleasures Past,
Mrs, Duke Pence entertained Tues
day evening at a "Hallowe'en party for
ten young women. Games and music
preceded the dinner. The guests
were: , - ' '
Misses Mlaaaa
Halan Morton. ' Arnes Davis,
Berenice Wheal, . Irene Rose.
Ruth Hoblnaon, Wllda Ruter,
Helen Anderaoa, Irene Pence,
Alice Michel, Gertrude Penny.
B. Morion. William Tarton.
Mrs. Ed Janke entertained on Tues
day evening at her home in Benson
hurst at a Hallowe'en party for the
- members of the . Loyal Daughters'
club. The guests were:
Hlsees ... Misses
Jeaal Beltla, Irene Moulthrop,
Mildred TUsel, f Slale Hermans,
Gertrude Calvert, Edith Herman
Kmmi Pliant, Lola panleleon.
Vera Marshall, -
Mesdamea Meadames
M. Kroyer, . . .' Louis Moon, .
J. Calvert, t; , J. Blaael.
For Mra. Faith,
Mrs. W. G. Nicholson entertained
at a line party with eight guests at
the Orphcu'r) matinee this afternoon
in honor of Mra. George- Faith of
Chicago, who is the guest of Mrs.
John E. Pulver.
. For New Year Guest. ' ,
Mrs. H. A. Quinn of Council Bluffs
entertained ar number of Louncu
Bluffs and Omaha women at luncheon
at the Omaha club, and at -the Or
pheum matinee yesterday in honor of
Mrs. Hill of New York who ia visit
ing in Council Bluffs. On the lunch-
ton table pompom chrysthemums in
shades of yellow and golden brown
harmonized with tiny yellow pumpkin
favors suggestive of Hallowe'en. Cov-
pers were laid for:
Meadamea Mtsdamas
Lyman Bhugsrt, "Mflmer Khusart,
0. C. Lyon, K. H. Doollttle, .
John Bono, F. J. Schnorr,
Bakar, H. U. Krans.
1. C. Wood,
Mines MlBBPB
Orptia gulnn, Katherlna Beno.
For Miss Baldwin.
A very interesting guest is paying
a passing visit to Omaha. Miss Mary
Louise Baldwin of San Francisco ar
rived yesterday morning from New
York in her private car to spend a
day with Miss Harriet Smith. Miss
Baldwin is the step-daughter of Wil
liam Sproule, president of the South
ern Pacific railroad. She is a frequent
visitor in New York, as is also Miss
Harriet Smith, and the two are dear
friends. Miss Baldwin is returning to
San Francisco in order to make her
debut there on November 18.
Miss Harriet Smith entertained for
her at a small luncheon at her home
today. A centerpiece of Ward roses
in a black Japanese flower bowl, with
little birds perched at each end, was
used on the table. Covers were laid
for: . .
Misses ' MlsBca
Mary Louise Baldwin Marian Howe,
of Han Francisco, Ruth Hitchcock.
Helen Srohte, Marffarut Hemn. -
Josephine Conation,
Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith. ,.
Florence Nightingale Club.
A social organization which is do
ing a useful work is the Florence
Nightingale club, organized three
years ago. This club meets every two
weeks and spends the ,time making
baby outfits.for the Visiting Nurse
association. Since September this year
the club has made three baby sets at
its semi-monthly meetings. There are
about eighteen members. Mrs. S. J.
Duncan is president, Mrs. E. L. Hunt
ley secretary and Mrs. C. W. McMas
ter treasurer. The next meeting will
be held a week from Thursday with
Mrs. C. F. Kelly in the Winona apart
ments, ;
Dinner Party.
The Misses La Vern and Paula
Kilo entertained at a dinner party
Sunday evening in honor of Miss
Mazel Oilbaugn, wno recently re
turned from a six months' stay in
South Dakota. The evening was spent
in music and dancing. Several hu
morous sketches were given by, Miss
Margaret McNeill. Hallowe'en dec
orations were used. .
For Bride-to-Be,
Affairs for the next society bride
are beginning this week. In honor of
Miss Isabel Vinsonhaler, whose mar
riage to Mr, John Hugus Caldwell
will take plac the 14th of this month,
Thursday Miss Alice Coad will give
an informal bridge party, and Friday
Mary Megeath will give, a small
luncheon, ;
Junior Bridge Club. . - -
Miss Blanche Deuel will entertain
the members of the Junior Bridge
club at her home Friday afternoon in
stead ot today, as was previously an
nounced. Miss Eleanor Mackay will
substitute for Miss Eugenie Patter
son, Who is visiting in Kansas t-ity.
Pleasures Paat.
Chief among the HalloweVn fes
tivities was the dance given by the
Le Mars club. The special solo dance,
"Gingersnaps," By little Jeatiette
Brown, proved a great attraction.
Over 160 couples were present. Gin
gersnaps and old-fashioned apple
cider were served to the dancers.
On the Calendar.
Miss Daphne Peters has Invitations
out for a party next Monday evening
in honor of Miss Isabel Vinsonhaler,
a bride of the month.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Max Alexander of Cincinnati,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
M. A. Ketchenberg, will leave today
for her home.
Hallowe'en Party.
Miss Grace Sutter entertained at a
Hallowe'en party last Saturday night,
Advice to Lovelorn
1 Try to Be Friend.
c T)w Mlwt FAtrfftx: ! urn a younv man net
quit It and hold a rMponntbl position with
a lanr tlrm. About four month ago I mt
a younff lady on yoar my junior, whom I
hava loftrnsd to love dsarly, Thii young
lady alway told tn that aha rare for me
very much and doen not go out with any
body but me, itlll th doei tKt know
whthr ih loves me or not.
Lately ehe has told me that eh doea not
rare to marry at all, and when aik why,
ehe told me it'e a aeUieh reason ehe would
not want me to know, and at the name time
he auks me to coma around to aee her aa
often aa 1 can.
I would like you very much to give roe
your opinion about this matter aa I love
her o muh that I would not want to lose
hr friendship for the world. N. D. 8.
ierhape the girl's decision Is not irrevoc
able Borne young girls have a foolish and
unworthy horror of marriage which they
outgrow as they grow in wisdom. And. any
way, you need not so readly acknowledge
defeat. Why not strive to win her through
tender, unselfish friendship." You are young
enough to wait. - And I hope you an sura
enough to make perserverance worth while.
Find Where Ilia Great Opportunities lie.
' ;lear Miss Fairfax: I am Just past 11
and have for the last two years, been go
ing about with a young man IS, To me
this man is a model, and I think a great
deal of him and know If I were to lose
him It would break my heart.
lie has a fairly good position and la
ambitious, but his home Is not In New Tork,,
Conditions at his home are not what they"
might be. Me is at a loss to know what
he should do and has asked me to help
him decide. I do not want to put myself
in an emis pressing position of tilling him
I would like him to marry mo and take me
home with him. so would you kindlM give
me a tew suggestions? '
This young man eannot afford to give up
certain employment la New York for the
chance of securing work In his home town
and so being able to help his people. He
la most useful to them when his earning
capacity' does moat toward helping them.
Just make him feel your deep Interest, your
sympathy and affection a well, aa you de
sire to help -and I think you will find your
elf coming closer to him through sharing
hli trouble. The thing to do Is to help
him ascertain where hia real opportunity
for usefulness Ilea..
This is a suit which can be purchased at
moderate price in first or second quality of
blue serge or in white and blue Ramie linen,
or blue and white Ramie or French linen
A Brother's Worth
There is nothing more splendid
than a real friendship between broth
er and sister. It seems ko me very
tragic that auch friendships are rare.
A little understanding, a little tolera
tion, a little respect for each, other's
viewpoint and personality would prob
ably make a real friendship between
brother and sister a foregone con
clusion,.; No brother can proye his real inter
est in his sister by taking a suspicious
attitude toward every friend she has
or by refusing to let her share the
pleasures which he generally approves
of for other girls or by selfishly
neglecting her.
And no sister can cement nappy re
lationships betweeither brother and
herself by nagging at him for every
thing he does and by making demands
of all sorts on him and by prying
into hjis affairs.
I tie way to possess a brother worth
having is to be a sister worth hav
ingand of course the convers of the
proposition is equally true.
There are a few little things and
some large ones in which brothers
and sisters ought to defer to each
other. Here is just an outline sug
gestion of them. Work them up and
apply them to. your own individual
cases and see what harmony in your
family they produce.
Brothers, attention. Don't issue or
ders to your sister. If you see her
going about with boys and girls of
whom you suspect evil.make sure
you are right and then persuade
her that you love her too much to hi
criticised because of her companions.
Don't try to take all her fun away
from her by cuttitng her off from the
only people she knowsr- but exert
yourself to substitute other friends.
Be grateful for any little favors she
does you and don't ever demand as
your right the sewing on of buttons
or the mending of socks, ' -
Be thoughtful, considerate, gener
otis; bring some of the courtesy you
snow your sweetheart into your treat
ment of your sister. Make a friend
and confidante of her. Show a little
respect for her and a little belief in
the fact that she has brains and judg
ment and a logical mind to which
you can appeal even if "she is a wo
man." Now, girls, here s your little se'r-
'" Aik for and Sr,-,W
the Up-to-Date
.Ai y-r"- - I , f .', ; a
1 This practical wtnpcord has bone but
tons, and collar and band cuffs of simulated
moleskin. In navy blue, brown, green, or
to order in blacE r ,
monette. Study your brother's tastes
and whims and (ry to please him with
little bits of attention such as a
woman has it in her power to offer
a man. When he introduces you to
his friends, try to make a good im
pression; remember, he has a certain
pride in his ownfamily.
Accept advice with the feeling and
attitude that brother probably knows
whereof he speaks and means it for
your own good when he offers sug
gestions. ' His worldly wisdom will
save you from mistakes that might
be fatal to your happiness. His nat
ural chivalry will protect you . in
many difficult situations.
The point is that brothers and sis
ters ought . to be chums pals the
best of friends. I suggest that they
try it.
Lady Gives Simple Home Recipe that
She Used to Darken Her
Gray' Hair.' '.
For years I tried to restore my
gray hair to its natural color with the
prepared dyes and stains, hut none of
them gave satisfaction and they were
all expensive. I finally ran onto a
simple recipe which I mixed at home
that gives wonderful results. I gave
the recipe, Which is as follows, to a
number of my friends, and they are
all delighted with it. To 7 ozs. of
war add a small box of Barbo Com
pound, 1 oz. of bay rum and i oz. of
glycerine. These ingredients can be
bought at any drug store at very little
cost. Use every other day until the
hair becomes the required shade. It
will not only darken the gray hair,
but relieves dandruff and acts a a
tonic to the hair. It is not sticky ot
greasy, does not rub off and does not
color the scalp. Advertisement.
lath aa4 Capital
Rooiris, $1.00 and I J. 50
With Bath, I1.B0 and Up
i Cafe the Very Beat
, - Popular Pricaa .. . ,
a , ... -
III 11 j m
I Hotel Loyal I ; MiBM:
This frock of jersey cloth, the newest
. material of the season, hangs, from the
shoulder and leaves nothing todesire in
comfort or charm. It buttons down the
side. In navy blue, green, brown, and in
other shades. v
' IliiWr ra - L. BEINDORFF "'
V"-'$ilMtaJF':'') " ; C ' ' City Passenger Agent, ;
eaO 1324 Jarnani St, Omaha, Nebraska. vv'Sirt
California Is a
Family Winter
where even the. youngest and frailest may
great out-of-doors every winter day, basking
in the mellow sunshine, where winter colds
and draughts prove harmless.
Let them grow naturally and show gains during winter
as well as in summer. '
The trip to California is an easy one, requires less than
three days' time, daysJEull of interest and a fitting pref
ace to a pleasant outdoor winter vacation. "
Union Pacific System
affords excellent daily ' train service to California1;
through trains to either northern or southern California,
leaving Omaha at convenient hours.
For complete information concerning train service,
routes, rates, etc., and beautifully illustrated descriptive
literature about California apply, to -. -
Fall Fashions
Shoes are as interesting and varied
as they ever have been since we ac
cepted the first of fanciful footwear
that was launched a few seasons back.
Eight and a half to nine inch height
is said to be correct, and both but
toned and lace shoes are worn.
Collars of white broadcloth, fre
quently combined with catching cuffs,
are good style for suit coats and for ,
street dresses? Vestees for these same
uses are of organdie, lace, net. chif
fon and georgette crepe and are trim- .
med with hemstitching, tucks, lace
and hand embroidery.
Only 10 Cents
Bran Fond
Will Keop You Free from Cnnstipa- -tion
and Indigestion and To
TFp Yourntire System . :. ,
Without Medicine.
At Grocers 16 Geais.
"O-EAT-IT" ( a new combination fullj
baked, ready -to-eat, pure, delicious, nourish
ing bran bread food. Its crisp, tasty, toasted
slices keep indefinitely made from , rich, :
golden wheat-bran and other cereals. "O .
EAT-IT" takes the place of all old-style
bread and breakfast foods, morning, noon
and night; good for brain, blood, nerves and
growing children, and insures freedom from
constipation and indigestion without the aid
of medicine or any added oxpense of living.
Physicians heartily recommend it. For sale
at all grocers, 10c, or sent prepaid on re
ceipt of price. Address O-Eat-It Co., 185
Studebaker Bide., Chicago, 111.
A Nutritious Diet for All Age.
Keep Horlick's Always on Hand
Quick Lunch; Home or Office,
enjoy the
or romping
are unknown
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