Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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the be; publishing company, proprietor.
. Kn tared at Om.h. poatofflee aa eeond-claaa saatter.
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Dailr without Sunday Me 4.00
JCvanfns and Sunday 40c, -
Evening without Sunday 2Se 4.00
Sunday Baa only 1 JOe
Daily and Sunday Bea, thraa rear, in advance. IIS. 00.
Sand notjee of ehanga of addreis or irrcKularity in oe
llvary to Omaha Boa. Circulation Department.
Remit by draft, eiureil or soitai order. Only i-eeut eUmpa
taken in payment of amall account. Pereonal enaeka.
aacapt on Omaha and eaetem aachange, not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building.
Booth Omaha 2118 N .treat.
Council Bluff. 14 North Main I treat ,
Lincoln S: Little Building. , '
Chicago S18 People'e Gai 43uilding.
New York Room 80, 181 Fifth avenue. "
St. Louie 603 New Bank of Commerce. ,
Washington 726 Fourteenth atraet, N. W.
- "correspondence."
Addraei eommunicationc relating to newl and aditorlal
matter to Omaha Bea, Editorial Department
54,507 Daily Sunday 50,539
Dwight Willlama, circulation manager of The Bea
Publiehing company, being duly iworn. aaya that the
average circulation for the month of September, 1916,
waa (4,807 daily, and 0,6 Sunday.
DWIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed in my pre.enee and sworn to before mo
tilt Id day of October. 1918. .
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public.
Salweribor leaving the city temporarily
kould have The Baa mailed to them. Aa
dreae will ba changed aa often raquirad.
The high cost of Wilson is becoming stag
gering. Ak any housewife.
Rightly viewed, the calliope of Colonel Bryan
is neither loud nor soft. It strikes a higher note.
It's a scream. . ' '
, , 'What's a little thing like electing a president,
anyway, when the question of a "wet" or "dry"
Nebraska is at stake? " '
For the eighth time, it is the same interroga
tion: "Are you 'wet' orlry,' Senator Hitchcock?
Why are you dodging the question?"
Germany's daily war bill now amounts to $17,
000,000 against Britain's $25,000,000. The rising
cost of living lags far behind the boom in the
cost of killing. ' ,.
The mighty massing of voters around the re
publican leader during his Ohio tour affords con
clusive proof of the temper and purpose of Buck
eye citizens. ' ' ,
When a man's life depends on prompt medical
treatment, discussing ; who will pay the bill
smacks of ' inhumanity. ' Treatment is the first
duty. Argument on the bill can wait,
t Mr, Bryan does not' want to discuss the Luai
tania notes, notwithstanding its new phases. That
recalls his resignation rather than continue to
serve in the cabinet'of a president .bent upon
war the same president he is now ' trying to
paint as a peace dove. , ' '
For a third of a century John L, Kennedy
lias been identified with every public enterprise
for the upbuilding of Omaha and all his interests
are centered here. He will not fail to stand up
for his home town when he is sent to represent
Nebraska in the United States senate. ... .;,
It's the cuttle-fish that' tries to cover its tracks
by a copious inky fluid. The dust, raised by Sena
tor Hitchcock's personal organ about his oppon
ent "appealing to race prejudice" is the same kind
of k cover for the, senator's efforts to line up the
German-American vote for himself on a race
prejudice basis.
Tha Interstate Commerce commission insin
uates that the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic
railroad carries a sufficient supply of water in
stock to dispense with the last section of the
title.' Truly, evil days have fallen upon railroad
promotion when the operation of the. water
wagon between terminals provokes official levity.
The Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North
America adopted a resolution denouncing fee
splitting, as "the buying and selling of sick peo
ple" and forbidding the vicious practice among
members. The American College of Surgeons
has taken similar action. Both bodies foreshadow
a vigorous campaign against drumming up busi
ness on a commission basis. .
'i - i .
. Last spring The Bee commended the candi
dacy of Judge Albert J. Cornish for a place on
the state supreme court bench and called particu
lar attention to what Omaha owes to the Cor
nish family, not only as public spirited fellow
citizens, but also for Carter park and its devel
opment which has been brought about by the
beneficent interest of his brother, Edward J.
Cornish, for years head of our Park board. These
things should be again remembered at the coming
election. .
-. ., . -,k , -
Remedy for Car Shortage
Wall Street Journal
As an intelligent measure to cope with the ear
famine, the step taken by the New Orleans board
of trade is worthy of emulation by similar or
ganizations all over the, country. A committee of
this body has addressed a letter to all members
of the board, strongly urging them to co-operate
with the railroads by unloading all cars received,
within twenty-four hours. The committee as
tutely points out that by doing so tha shippers
of New Orleans will not only contribute to the
general welfare of the country, but that they
themselves will reap the first; and most direct
benefits in a more comfortablie local supply of
cars. -.
. Another telling sign of the times is an order
of the Kansas Utilities commission authorizing a
1 sliding scale of demurrage charges, rising to $5
per car per day for detention beyond a certain
period. True, we find the New England indus
tries demurage convention protesting against the
increase in demurrage rates proposed br the
American Railway association, and calling for
an investigation the great American weakness
of the reasons for car detention. Nevertheless,
this convention did hot omit to admonish the ship
pers represented therein of the extreme import
ance of releasing cara promptly.
When we consider that there are upwarda of
2,500,000 freight cars in the country, and that the
net shortage last reported was 60,000 cars, or
only about 2Vi per cent of the total supply, it
is clear how easily an increased use of all cars
might supply loading facilities to everyone who
needs them. Cars waiting on siding to be un
loaded are being used in a way, but not for the
i. transpoctaton tor which they are built -
Where the Minority Controls.
One of the admitted facts in the present, as
in all presidential campaigns for longer than half
a century, is that thirteen southern states, with
149 votes in the electoral college, are morally
certain to give their votes to Wdrow Wilson.
If this were i fair and free selection of a majority
of the voters of those' states, honestly registered,
no objection could possibly lie against the result.
Another fact, just as completely established, is
that the popular vote is suppressed in many of
those states, and that the result is the choice of
an oligarchy and not of the people.
Some comparisons of figures taken from fie
records of 1912 may be of Interest. In that year
six candidates for president- were presented. Here
is what ttie returns for that election show:
South Carolina
Montana ......
Nebraska .....
Mississippi ....
Indiana .......
Electoral Total Popu-
Vote. lar Vote.
9 . 50,350
4 " 79,796
8 249,481
14 121,423
10 64,528
15 654,474 '
In other words, for each vote South Carolina
cast for Wopdrow Wilson in the electoral col
lege, only 5,594 citizens voted at the polls: for
each of Nebraska's eight, 31,185 .citizens voted.
From vGeorgia Wilson got fourteen electoral
votes, each representing 8,673 votes cast at the
polls; in Indiana, each vote in the electoral col
lege represented 43,632 in the ballot box; Mis
sissippi's citizens counted at the ratio of one to
6,452, while in Montana it was at the rate of
one to 19,994. In Mississippi and South Caro
lina combined, 105,584 democrats took the trouble
to vote for Wilson, and from them he got nine
teen votes in the electoral college. In our own
proud state oi Nebraska, 109,008 democrats were
required to deliver eight electoral votes .to the
democrats, thus showing the superiority of the
southern brand of democracy over that of the
plodding north.
The -present administration is not only sec
tional, but it is in office by virtue of a very small
handful of votes.cast in the section it represents.
Whatever may be charged, the record proves
that' Charles Evans Hughes is a man of the peo
ple. It waa for he widows snd the orphans of
the army of policy holders that he undertook the
job of exposing the insurance scandals and put
ting the Ufa inaurance companies on a safe and
sound basis. It was in defiance of the "bosses"
that he drove the race track gamblers oat of busi
ness. It wss as a true friend qf labor that he se
cured legislation in New York for the protection
of the wage earner and it is as labor's friend that
he now denounces the perversion of lawmaking
by force regardleas of in whose favor it is done.
Mr. Hughes hss confidence in the people and the
people have confidence in Mr, Hughes.
Denials That Do Not Deny.
Democrats have so far met with evasive re
plies the allegation-.rhade by Henry Cabot Lodge
that a postscript was prepared to the second Lusi
tania note, telling the German government that
it must not take too seriously the language
the note. Their' denials do not Amy anything
that Senator Lodge has charged. Assistant Sec
retary Breckinridge says Lodge is. a "liar" and
his action "contemptible," but he did not say the
specific allegation is untrue. Mr. Bryan says he
relies on Mr. Breckinridge's statement Mr. Wil
son emphatically denies that he wrote the post
script', but carefully avoids denying that the post
script was written. , Other members 'of the cabi
net, past and present, are discreetly silent. In
stead of meeting the situation openly, the presi
dent and his associates are evasive and elusive,
taking refuge behind phrases that might deceive
the careless, but which have no meaning when
' The belief was general at the time and still
persists that some mysterious -proceedings were
had in the cabinet when Mr. Bryan' so suddenly
resigned his portfolio as premier, and so unsat
isfactorily accounted for his surprising action.
What these proceedings were may come out some
day.' It is known that Mr. Bryan gave to Dr.
Dumba Che assurance sought to be conveyed to
Berlin through the postscript, and that the news
readily was transferred from Vienna to the Ger
man foreign office. The present squirming snd
dodging of the president and his official family
can not alter that fact The whole proceeding is
typical of Wilsonian diplomacy, and forms but a
paragraph in a shameful chapter of American his
"I was called at St Louis," Mr. Bryan is
quoted as saying, "from the press gallery to ad
dress the convention, which never knew that there
were any 'wet' democrats there from Nebraska."
Oh, now, we most emphatically remonstrate (
Why such invidious allusions? Wasn't Arthur
Mullen there to receive his commission as mem
ber of the democratic national committee, aeal-.
ing bis authority to b the new democratic boss
of Nebraska? Just because Mr. Bryan doea not
like "Boaa" Mullen ia no good reason why he
should thus slight him.
Appealing to Class Prejudice.
Here comes the "Woodrow Wilson Adver
tisers' league," headed by Charles H.' Ingersoll
as president, with an appeal to retailers that they
vote for Woodrow Wilson, because the name of
Julius Rosenwald appears in the, list of the na
tional council of the Hughes Alliance. This ap
peal can -have but one purpose, and that is to
arouse antagonism and strife between "big" and
"little" business. While this appeal was being put
into the mail, President Wilson was speaking at
Cincinnati, repeating portions of the address de
livered in Omaha, and giving assurance that his
administration had "clarified the business atmos
phere," that "business had been relieved from a
nervous apprehension of the courts," and in other
ways striving to create the impression that the
Wilsonian doctrine is especially favorable to (lie
progress and growth of "big" business til the
United States. ' What will he say when he dis
covers, if he ever does, that one branch of his
sadly-divided supports is urging retailera to vote
for Wilson because one big business man is listed
as supporting Hughes. A more deliberate appeal
to class prejudice has not been made, even in this
campaign, fn which the democrats base their sole
hope of winning on arraying one class of citizens
against another. - ... .
" The pleasure of hearing the laat political gasp
of the democratic administration is vouchsafed
New Yorkers. President Wilson's farewell tour
covers much of the state. "Ye who have teara to
shed prepare to ahed them now." , .
Question of Constitutional
. Government
F. C Wln.ton ha Mtanaaaolla Journal,
No man who gives the subject senous con
sideration can escape the conclusion that for some
years past we have given little consideration and
little support to those who would preserve tor
ourselves and those who come, after us in its
integrity the government handed down to us by
our fathers. Significantly I note that in recent
years the people are looking with admiration to
the exercise on the part of the heatf of the nation
of what might be called "personal government,,
which on final analysis means its,substitution in
the place of constitutional government.
I have read a -good many times over with great
interest a little volume entitled, "The President
of the United States," published by Harper
Brothers last August, giving the views held by
President Wilson in 1908, at a time when he had
no reason to expect that he. would be called upon
to preside over the destinies of the nation. In
this little book Mr. Wilson is quoted as saying,
among other things, that "the attempt on the part
of the president to overbear congress by arbitrary
acts which ignore the laws, or virtually override
them, is destructive of the fundamental under
standings of constitutional government and there
for of constitutional government itself. In other
words duress imposed upon congress is de
structive.' 1 ' '
In the Adamson bill did he or did he not add
the great power and influence of his office to the
duress imposed on congress by the methods of the
brotherhoods? No man can question, however, the
fact that congress was acting under duress in the
passage of this bill and not as the free represen
tatives of the people, and that surrender shoald
- ... ,1 . ar uirtrlr tendinff to the
undermining of and eventually to the destruction
of constitutional government, jncy wee "-
a limited time in which to act; they were told not
to dot an "i" or cross a "t;" the president was
told to ign this bill on Sunday, and the thing
was done in a manner which tells us that, it we
would preserve to ourselves and to future genera
tions orderly government, we must rebuke those
who have been guilty of an ignominious surrender
and a violation of the obligations that they as
sumed on taking office, which obligation imposes
on them under oath the duty of defending the
constitution of the United States.
It is significant also that the president should
have rewarded those responsible, by the presenta
tion of each head of each brotherhood concerned,
as a souvenir of the-occasion, a pen used in the
signing of his name to a piece of legislation the
enactment of which at the time and in the manner
in which it was done brings a blush of shame to
the cheek of every man who loves his government
Further, this leads us regretfully to conclude that
the transaction met with the full approval of the
head of our nation, thus encouraging a repetion
on the part of -those who would choose to do like
wise in the future.
... I have been all my life a' friend of the work
ingman, because I have felt that all men should
feel friendly and act considerately to those who
earn their living by the sweat of the brow.
I have been a democrat because I felt that the
constitutional government under which we life
was conceived in the brain of an unselfish man
who desired to throw around the helpless the
rhantle of protection. Such government must be
preserved in the interest of a working people
themselves; but in order that it may be preserved,
the government must be entrusted to those who
will resist any attempt on the part of any portion
of society to invade the legislative hall and wring
from government under duress the passage of
laws without due consideration. This bill, passed
as it was, comes under Mr. Wilson's definition
as destructive, and warns us that we owe a
duty as citizens to come to governmental pro
tection. - ,
Whether or not a promise was given or im
plied, to the democratic leaders, that they should
receive at the" polls in November,- as a reward,
votes on the part of the brotherhood, Novem
ber 7 will suggelt an answer. That the brother
hoods fell that payment is due for servicts ren
dered is evidenced by the fact that they are advis
ing their members of their obligation thus to
repay those who they claim have conferred on
them benefits by legislation. ; '
This carrying out of an implied agreement
comes clearly under the definition by Mr. Wilson
of the things that should not be done, because
of their being destructive. I cannot permit my
sympathy for labor (evidenced by my treatment
of ljbor through many years) to close my eyes
to my duty to my government.
I am justified in my mind in feeling that I am
right in doing what I can on November 7 to
transfer our government to other hands. Feeling
as I do that our party and its head have been
weighed in the balance and found wanting as de
fenders of 1 constitutional liberties, I shall cast
my vote for Mr. Hughes.
It is with regret that I have come to the con
clusion that the great democratic party, the de
fenders in the past of constitutional liberties, are
today destructive agencies, and that they are op
portunists. These things would not have happened under
Washington or Lincoln as the head of our nation.
They would not have happened under any
previous administration. They are happening to
day because party leaders feel that the people
have lost interest in the thing which should con
cern us the most
. I see my duty and propose to perform it. I owe
an obligation snd propose to live up to it
Nebraska Political Comment
Holstein Herald: Six years ago Senator
Hitchcock's Omaha organ daily nagged Senator
Burkett with garbled extracts from the Con
gressional Record. This year the senator's organ
directs attention away from the record. The rea
son is the senator's record is as unsavory as his
Omaha organ and that's saying a-pjenty.
Havelock Post: In his attempt to corral the
German vote of Nebraska Senator Hitchcock is
sending letters to the Germans, calling attention
to the fact that he once introduced a measure,
which had for its object the prohibition of the
export of munitions of war and that this measure
was opposed by the president. He also lets the
facts be known that his campaign manager has
been a bitter opponent of Wilson. Why does he
do this with the German voters? Simply because
he knows they are for Hughes and if he tells
them that he favors Wilson, he might not get
their votes. When he is't talking in a German
community he lauds Wilson and says nothing
about his previous opposition to the president.
Trying to ride two horses at once is dangerous
and the senator is treading on very thin ice in
his efforts to defeat Kennedy.
Ainsworth Star-Journal: Kennedy is going
food, while Hitchcock is having his troubles in
the senatorial fight in Nebraska at the present
time. Despite all manner of effort being made
by the democratic press to -show that Hitchcock
is sincere in his support of the president, the
voters - are refusing to take any stock in such
yarns, and want to know if Hitchcock is sincere
now, why he so bitterly opposed the president
at a time when he was not seeking votes. If
Hitchcock is sincere in his support of Wilson,
why should he hire as his political manager,
one Chria Gruenther, editor of the Platte Center
Signal, a politician and editor who has bitterly
assailed the Wilson administration? Hitchcock
also has the active suppbrt of the Mullen ma
chine, which is controlled absolutely by Arthur
Mullen. In fact, the Mullen machine is devoting
its entire efforts to elect Hitchcock, and permit
ting the balance of the candidates to shift for
themselves. The close association of Hitchcock
to Mullen and Gruenther in this campaign places
him in a compromising position with the Bryan
wing of democracy, and proves to the voters that
his endorsement of Wilson is not sincere.
i aaamaai paa. awaal a I
Thought Nugget for the Day.
To be 70 vears young la some
time far more cheerful and hopeful
than to be 40 yean old.
Oliver Wendell Holmes.
One Tear Ago Today in the War.
German gained in new effort
twenty ml lea west of Riga.
Germans captured Kraguyevatz,
Serbia's main arsenal town.
Rome reported further gain of
ground by Italians northwest of Col
dl Lana.
French artillery fire stopped Ger
man attempts at assaults in Flanders
and Champagne.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
Jack Moynihan has accepted the
position of advance agent for the Sul
livan combination during the reat of
the season.
Two sea Uons captured in the Pa
cific off the coast of Alaska were oc
cupants of the express office at the
Union depot taking a rest in their
Journey to New York. They are kept
cool by huge chunks of ice in their
caare while on their way to fill a
'long-felt want la a traveling museum.
A. nanasome crazv quiit worKeu in
all colors of the rainbow hangs In a
store window at 1417 Farnam.
The Omaha lodge of Elks held their
annual meeting and elected the fol
lowing officers: William Babcock,
exalted leader; A. B. Davenport, es
teemed leading knlcht; J. B. Smith,
esteemed loyal knight; C. C. Hulett,
esteemed lecture knight; Martin Kel
ly, tiler; D. W. Haynee, secertarjr; B.
E. Whitmore, treasurer; T. G. Ma
grane, I. W. Miner and W. F. Bechel,
At a meeting of the chemical cir
cle of CreightoV college lectures
were delivered by the following:
Charles Frenzer, Patrick Burke and
William Doran.
Larman P. Pruyn, who has pur
chased the beautiful piece of ground
lying Just south of Hon. A, J. Pop
pleton's residence, fronting on eight
eenth and Sixteenth, better known aa
Sherman avenue, has platted It Into
sixteen full-sized lots and named it
Smith's park. .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Estabrook
have moved from Chicago street to
Twenty-eighth and Decatur. f
This Day In History. ,
1785 The stamp act one of tha
principal causes leading to the Amer
ican revolution, came into effect.
1808 John Taylor, the successor
of Brlgham Young as president of the
Mormon ohurch, born In England.
Died July 25, 1887.
1887 This Wlnnebagoes ceded all
their lands east of the Mississippi
river to the government.
1841 The sixth congress of the re
public of Texas assembled at Austin.
18S3 Russia deolared war against
1884 Postal money order system
went into operation In the United
1878 A canal connecting Amster
dam with the North Sea was opened.
1881 First complete train passed
through the St Gotthard tunnel.
1894 Emperor Alexander III of
Russia died and was succeeded by
Nicholas II, the present emperor.
1898 The captured Spanish cruis
er Infanta Maria Theresa, while being
oonvoyed to the United States, was
abandoned In a gale off San Salva
dor. The Day We Celebrate.
Nels H. Nelson, commission mer
chant is 58 years old today. He was
born In Norway, coming to this coun
try at the age of 8 vears and has
been In the commission business In
Omaha since 1887.
Dr. A. D. Dunn, one of Omaha's
leading physicians, is 48 years old to
day. He was born at Meadwitt Pa.,
and Is on the staff of several hospi
tals. William R. Watson, managing edi
tor of the World-Herald, is celebrat
ing his 46 birthday. He first saw the
light of day at Dalavon,' Wis., and
came to Omaha by way of Kansas,
Captain John D. McDonald, com
mander of the new superdreadnought
Arizona, born In Maine fifty-three
years ago todav, '
. Chester H. Rowell, California Jour
nalist and publicist and former pro
gressiva party leader, born at Bloom
ington, 111., forty-nine years ago to
day. William li. Saunders, noted mining
engineer and member of the naval ad
visory board, born at Columbus, Ga.,
sixty years ago today.
Eugene W. Chafln, twice the candi
date of the prohibitionists for presi
dent born at East Troy, Wis., sixty
four years ago today.
Rt Rev. M. Edward Fawcett,
Episcopal bishop of Quincy, III., born
at New Hartford, la., fifty-one years
ago today.
Boies Penrose, United States sena
tor from Pennsylvania, born in Phila
delphia fifty-six years ago today.
William Hodge, well-known actor,
born at Albion, N. Y forty-two years
ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
All Saints' day. - '
Candidate Hughes swings across
southern . Indiana today, concluding
with a speech at Tere Haute tonight.
' Bids will be opened by the Navy
department at Washington today for
four thirty-five-knot scout cruisers
and twenty submarines.
President Wilson has named today
as a day for the people of this coun
try to contribute to the relief of the
war sufferers of Lithuania.
The so-called standard basket law
enacted by congress at its recent ses
sion is to come Into operation today.
Beginning today the most of the
railroads will be paid for carrying
the mails on a "space basis" instead of
according to weight aa heretofore.
Trades and labor representatives of
Iowa are to meet In conference with
the state superintendent of public in
struction at Des Moines today to con
sider the promotion of vocational ed
ucation in the Iowa public schools.
The Pacific Coast Steamship com
pany and the Paclflo Alaska Naviga
tion company, controlling the Pacific
coastwise trade from1 San Diego ' to
Alaska, asje to be merged todav under
the nam? of the Pacific Steamship
Storyette of the Day.
"I can," said the bashful young man
to the director of the film company,
"Swim, dive, run an auto, fly an aero
plane, fence, box, shoot ride a horse,
run a motor-boat, play golf,, fight,
make love, fall off cliffs, rescue hero
ines, play foot ball, die naturally and
kiss a girl."
"But" Interrupted the famous di
rector, 'can you act?"
"Alaal" muttered the would-be
screen hero, "I never thought of that"
"Engaged," growled the director,
and another screen star was born.
Information as Asked.
Oracle. Neb., Oct. 2. To the Ed
itor of The Bee: Kindly tell, through
the Letter Box department when and
where "Bob" Burman, the automobile
racer, was killed, and oblige,
B. L. M. A Subscriber.
Note: Corona, Cal., during 800-mile
race there last February.
As to Bavaria's Mad King.
Omaha, Oct SI. To the Editor of
The Bee: I read' an article In The
Bee from The Brooklyn Eagle,
"Tragedy of a Mad King." I want
to correct you, if you please. King
Ludwig I of Bavaria had to abdicate
In 1848. He was the father of MaxW
mlltan II and grandfather of Lud
wig and Otto. Ludwlg I spent money
freely on beautiful buildings, as the
Valhalla by Regensburg, the Befrei
ungshalle by Kelhelm, this name
means to be free from French, in
vaders, and other costly buildings, and
then, Lola Montes, the Spanish danc
er, on whom he spent a fortune, and
the people would not stand for it, so
the king had to abdicate in favor of
his son, Maximilian. Maximilian II
and his queen, Mary, were beloved by
In the year 1888 King Maximilian
got sick with pneumonia and died.
The prmcea, Ludwlg and Otto, were
lovely children and happy. It was a
happy family until death came and
took their father away. They were
well educated, smart and kindheart
ed and In possession of all their fac
ulties, not one Insane. In time, Lud
wlg, now King Ludwlg-TJ, became en
gaged to Princess Sophie of Bavaria.
Every day he drove in state to her
palace to bring her flowers and In
quire after her health. He was pure
minded and believed In It. All at
once the engagement was broken off.
Why? Rumor had It the princess was
In correspondence with it well-known
photographer in Munich. It was a
sad awakening for King Ludwlg.
Prince Otto was happy, innocent and
full of fun. He- did like to play a
joke on his brother once in a while
and he was as healthy aa any young
person. -
When he was 18 years old he got his
own suite, his gentlemen in waiting
and so on, and decided to travel. He
was gone several months, his last stay
being In Madrid, Spain. When he
came back he was sick and no one
was allowed to see him he was not
to be seen any more. On dlt: Prince
Otto contracted a disease while he was
In Spain. Some said he was poisoned
while he was away; his mind was un
balanced from then on. It was a ter
rible blow to his mother, the queen,
and to his brother. King Ludwlg II
was an Idealist, He loved beautiful
things in nature, In art In music, but
his love to mankind was shattered.
Can one blame him? No, He found
consolation In music Richard Wag
ner found the way to his hungry soul
with his Inspiring operas and music
If Anally the king's mind got unbal
anced brooding over his brother's
misfortune, living only by himself and
not having any intercourse with other
people, because he had lost confidence
In everybody, Is It any wonder?
Host Pay for Them by Tax Levy.
Omaha, Oct. 31. To the Editor of
The Bee: My attention has been
called to the fact that the liquor in
terests have spread reports that the
adoption of the prohibition amend
ment would put an end to free text
books In our schools.
The furnishing of free text books
Is, under our Nebraska statutes, com
pulsory, and is not a matter resting
in the discretion of the Board of Ed
ucation. The adoption of the prohibi
tion amendment will not in the slight
est degree affect our free school text
book law or practice.
Where Does the Money Go?
Omaha, Oct 27. To the Editor of
The Bee: One of the leather-lunged
Anti-Saloon league street orators a few
nights ago shouted to his street au
dience the remarkable assertion that
there were (15,000,000 spent in Ne
braska for liquors, and that It would
be better to throw that money Into the
streets, have it scooped up with shov
els and thrown into the sewer.
If It is true that 815,000,000 are
spent in Nebraska for liquors, al
thqugh there Is no evidence to prove
it, then what becomes of that money?
The manufacture and sale of such
beverages involves the employment of
not less than 2,500 men engaged In
that business, earning not less than
12,600,000, with an average of not less
than three dependents for every man,
making at the least calculation 10,000
inhabitants In this state directly de
pendent on that business for their
livelihood. -. But besides those there
are perhaps an equal number of de
pendents in the allied trades earning
a similar sum. What do these people
do with the wages paid to, or the
money earned by them ? Do they take
the money along with them when they
die, or do they spend It for the neces
sities, comforts and luxuries of life?
Is It not a fact that practically every
dollar of that money goes to the
property owners, merchants, trades
men, mechanics and professionals of
Nebraska for rent, groceries, meats,
shoes and clothlpg, for amusements
and doctor bills, and many other
things too numerous to mention, but
all spent at home? Now are those
millions wasted, and would it be tet
ter to shovel that money Into tho sew
ers. --
The same applies to the money spent
by those Industries fori raw material,
such as grain, fuel and hundreds of
other necessities, not to forget local
taxes and the 8352,000 license money.
Is not every dollar of it disbursed In
Nebraska? -
What do the men engaged in this
business do with their profits?" Do
they fyoard, them, or send them out
of the state, or do they spend them
with their fellow citizens at home? If
a man engaged in that Industry builds
a house, who does the money go to?
To the contractor ana mechanics
buildin it. Everv dollar is kept
lar spent for cigars, lor cnewmg gum,
for anv nther Mivnrv. A
It Is strange indeed that a crowd of
men will listen with gaping mouths to
ii.h ton ah slthAi.r n.nlaat Vnhtllnllfl
assertions of that kind, cut out of,
whole cloth, prove two things:
1. That the prohibitionists arein
desperate straits .for arguments to
bolster up their cause. And
2. That they credit their audiences
with a very low degree, of intelligence.
In prohibition states Just as much
money is spent for liquors, but is prac
tically all sent out-of the state nevor
to return, and might, therefore, as
well "be scooped up and shoveled Into
the sewer" for all the good It will do
the business prosperity of such states,
and without solving the drink prob
lem therein. DAVID CQUTTS.
Member Stonecutters' Union.
Basis of Boy Scout Movement.
Omaha, Oct. 81. To the Editor of
The Bee: Referring to an Associated
Press dispatch given prominence in
your paper yesterday concerning a
resolution adopted by the Massachu
setts state branch of the American
Federation of Labor directed at the
Boy Scout organization on account of
a "report" of the action of one scout
official, who, If he took the action
named, certainly exceeded his scouc
authority. The details are meager,
but nevertheless misleading as to the
true alms of the Boy Scouts of Amer
ica organization, as hoys are educated
along very liberal Instead of narrow
lines, the whole scout program bej
n ranran Mwnrni nrnnnnn nv h it
vision, developing his initiative
leouuiuctuiuDDa, cuu matting ui itiu
thoroughly patriotic and reliable
ideals, uniforms, badges, flags and th
name Boy Scouts of America must be
at all times tjeld sacred and Inviolate
from commercial, racial, religious, po
litical, militaristic, partisan or other
faetlonal partiality.- j .
It Is contrary to national council
regulations for any scout, scout coun
cil or official to take any official ac
tion that might be capable' of inteA
pretatlon of Indicating sympathy wit
or support of any political or any
other factional issue or struggle, and
no scout official living up to regula
tions can make any possible use of the
Boy Scout movement for promoting ,
the Interests of one faction as against
another, C. W. HINZIB, JR.,
Scoutmaster Troop Two.
"Tou ukut hor tath. when hi, waa in a
pltaamnt tram of mind, h?"
"Yta, It octet m IS to ret HI mind In
that state, but after It waa accomplished
ho waa wllllnv to sivo m the whole fam- .
lljr,M Nw York Timea.
'' Xt to very odd that baldheaded men
alwara want to alt in th front at t;he
theater." !
'Tea. on would think they'd want
srai lunnir hii rum, uia nies.
mora Amerloan.
Ai It waa: Thrice l he armed who hath
hli quarrel Just. '
The lateat vereton; Thrice jut la he who
armed before the quarrel. Lite.
Patience Women aeem to be dotne; vry
thlnf that men do nowadays.
Patrice Nonaeneal You nevor law a man
powderlnf hie noee fifty time a day, did
your Tanker Btateaman.
Mrs.SheIdon Spent $1900 for
Treatment Without Bene
fit Finally Made Well by
LydiaE.Pinkham'8 Veg
etable Compound.
' Englewood, UI.-"While ffoln
through the Chantre of Life I suffers
nwiui aeouacueB,uer-
heat, and I suffered
so much I did not
know what I was
doing et times. 1
spent $1900 on doc
tors ana not one aia
me any good. One
day a lady called at
my nouse ana ssia
she had been as sick
las I was atone time,
and Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable:
Compound made her well,soItookitand
now I am just as well as I ever was. I
cannot understand why women don't
sa how much pain and suffering they
would escape by taking your medicine.
I cannot praise it enough for it saved
my life and kept me from the Insane
Hospital." Mrs. E. Sheldon, 6667 S.
Balsted St,, Englewood, 111.
Physicians undoubtedly did their best,
battled with this case steadily and could
treatment Is Buroassed bv the medicinal
nrorjerties of the srood old fashioned
roots ana neros contained in xyaia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If niiT comnlication exists It
pays to write the Lydia E. Pink
ham Medicine Co.. Lynn. Mass.
h (or SDecial f fee advice.
1 Jay
General DtstrOnrters Oeuha, Nebraska