THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1916. MANY PRESIDENTS II MM DA'UULUIUUO Battle of Bullets Good Appren ticeship for Battle of Bal lots, history Shows. LINCOLN VS. . JEFF DAVIS By A. R, GROH. Since we are to elect a president a week from today, a few facts about our presidents are interesting right nowi ," ' '"' .. . . Though neither of our .principal candidates this year was ever a sol dier, more than half of our chief ex ecutives, were soldiers before they were presidents. ' You probably don't know that Lin coln was a soldier. He was a captain of volunteers in the Black Hawk war of 1832. Washington, Monroe and Jackson were soldiers in the Revolution; Jack son, W. H. Harrison, Tyler, Taylor and Buchanan in the war .of 1812; Taylor, Pierce and Grant in the Mex ican war; Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Ar thur, . B. Harrison and McKinley in the civil war; and Roosevelt in the -Spanish-American war. , Cleveland was the only man mar- it in the White House. He was a tielor when elected. So was Buch- but Buchanan remained a helor. Monroe's daughter, Grant's lKhter. Roosevelt's daughter and ilson's two daughters were married i the White House. The wives of Tyler, Benjamin Harrison and Wilson died in the White House. vThe only president s child born the White House was the second daughter of Cleveland. - . rresiaent jonn uuincy saams was the son of President John Adams. And President Harrison Was the andson of President William Henry arrison. ; Lincoln-Davis Likeness. Remarkable coincidences are noted in the lives of Abraham Lincoln, president of the union, and Jefferson Davis, president ot the confederacy, Both were born in Kentucky, Davis in 1808 and Lincoln in 1809. Both re- moved from that state in their child hood, Lincoln to the" northwest, Davis to the southwest. Both were .in the Black Hawk war, Lincoln as captain of volunteers and Davis as second lieutenant of regulars. They began their political careers in the same year, 1844, Lincoln as a presi-, dential elector tor Llay and Davis for Polk. They were elected to con- ss in consecutive years, 1845 and 16. Davis became president of the confederacy February 8, 1861, and Lincoln became president, of the union Marcn 4, law. i .. ''" Presidential Term. The presidential term of. four years was fixed by the constitutional con vention. 1 he hrst report of the com mittee there favored a term of seven tion. In debate, various terms fromN during good behavior to twenty years were favored. The limit to four years was finally adopted. The same convention debated titles for the president, some favoring "His Excellency" and others "His High ness, finally n was decided that 'it is not proper to annex any style or title other than that expressed in the constitution," and therefore the ad dress of the president is simply "The rresiaent ot the United States. I- Fay Templeton Comes Tn ftamlionm Qlirvvf Itt 4.V VXllUUUl MUUl VIJ j Word has been received at the Orpheum that Fay Templeton comes to that theater as the stellar attrac tion for the week of iNovember 12. Miss Templeton will present a reper toire of song sketches written ex pressly, for her by Junie McCree. Her last pronounced success was made in forty-five Minutes trom Broad tratr" flna hafnr Tll.e . pcared at the Orpheum. but not in. I regular Urpheum bill, it was with iVebep' and Fields at, a most-season ngagcmeni. Barney is In Again For Selling Dope "Barney Kemmerling is in the fed eral toils again. Barney, the police say, has shown his disagreement with' congress in the enactment of the "dope" law and has insisted on going right ahead selling dope to such as had the price. He is to have a pre liminary hearing-Wednesday. Real Mine that Nations at War Use May Be Seen Here' Omahans will have an opportunity to see a real mine within two or three days. Not a coal mine, or a gold mine, or anything like that. This is a marine mine, the kind they set out in the water and when a ship strikes it, boom I crash I and that's the last of that ship, i Lieutenant Waddel of the recruit ing office of the navy has ordered it branch recruiting station at Fifteenth aryt Douglas streets, I he mine is sfSRrical in shape and about three feet in diameter- It has an automatic anchor, so that it can be anchored au tomatically in any depth of water. City Planning Expert Is Now in the City Charles Mulford Robinson, one of -three city planning experts retained by the city for work in connection with the program of the City Planr ning commission, has been honored with a membership in the Town Plan ning institute, an international body with headquarters in London,- Eng land. Mr. Robinson is now in Oma ha and will attend a meeting of the planning commission this afternoon. Mr. Robinson will also address the Real Estate exchange at a meeting at the. Commercial club Wednesday noon. 'The annual election of officers will be held by the exchange. Foster Holds "Mike" , Under $15,000 Bonds Slike Obradovitch, 1214 South Thir teenth street, who on October 18 killed joe Obradovitch in a fight, was bonml over to the district court by 'once judge rosier on a cnargc 01 manslaughter, bonds were placed at JI5,IKW. ( Auburn-Haired Wives Do Not Break Into the Local Divorce Courts Douglas County judges and attaches of the divorce courts agree "with Judge Cox of Chicago that husbands' don't desert wives with auburn hair (correctly called by some "red hair"). The Chicago judge, who has been sitting on the bench in the Windy City's divorce court for many years, commented on the fact that the auburn-haired women make the best wiv . Now a few local authorities are willing to back Judge Cox up in his assumption. ' Miss Charlotte Martin, secretary in the office of County Attorney Mag uey, has-been observing wives who Thieves Cut Three Locks to Steal One Large Touring Car While Dr.'and Mrs. I. C. Wood of 3202 Woolworth avenue were peace fully sleeping in their chambers on east side of their home Tuesday morn ing at 2 o'clock thieves cut through three locks on the garage on the west side of the house and helped them selves to their big new touring car. The marauders experienced some trouble in starting the car, but fi nally sailed into, the stone wall which surrounds Jthe lawn of the Wood home, with "the result, that one of the heavy stone-copings wa5 knocked off. Mrs. W. A. Woodard, who lives next door at 3216 Woolworth avenue, was awakened by the noise and telephoned to Dr. and Mrs. Wood as soon as pos sible, but the car thieve' had made their getaway. ' Dr. Wood tailed in the police and chase was given. At 9 o'clock in. the morning the car was discovered about a mile from the house. The joyriders had been unfamiliar with the working of the car and when the engine went dead on them they had been unable to mix ajr and gas in such fashion as to start the car. In spite of its collision with the stone wall the car was very little injured. Mystery Marks Man's Disappearance, Hat Found On the Bridge The finding of a hat belonging to John Mitchell, aged 25, night watch man on the new Union facihe bridge, has led the police to believe that he fell into the river. It is. supposed that while Mitchell was -making his rounds he stepped into an open space in the bridge, which is only partly completed, lost his footing and fell. Mitchell lives at 1009 Pacific. He had been married for two years. Po lice are searching for the body. Drys to Make Four-' Day Auto Campaign The drys will conclude their cam paign in Omaha with a flying squadron- of twenty automobiles carrying speakers who will appear in reigys between '? p. m, and midnight, begin ning Friday evening and continuing to Monday evening. W. E. Phifer has charge of this street campaign. Street meetings will be held in Benson and Florence. - G. - D. Taylor, Willard Chambers and Dr. J. M. Beard have been speaking in this territory for the prohibitionists. Frank Harrison and party are also out on a "dry clean Nebraska tour. Young Forger Held . For District Court Walter A. Barlow, the young man arrested October 28 for forging a $31.20 check over the stamp of the W. B. Van Sant Co., was bound over to district court by Police Judge Foster. Barlow pleaded guilty. Bonds were placed at $750. A check ' for, a smaller amount passed on the Sobotker Cigar com pany was made good by the defend ant's parents. file complaints against husbands charging desertion for the last five years. "I've noticed every kind of hair on the heads of wives who visit this office to file complaints, but in my five years of observation I can't recall having seen an auburn-haired woman." ' Both Judge Day and Jydge Leslie agree that, on the face of things, the auburn-haired helpmates must be the truest. . Neither could remember of a case where a titian-haired wife appeared in divorce court and alleged desertion.- . ' 1 Street to Be Kept -Open All Week for Closed par Salon No . autos are to be parked on Douglas street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets for the re mainder of the week because of the closed car salon which is to be held for the next four days on the main floor of the Brandeis stores. Chief Dunn has assigned six policemen to keep this street open that it may be used for demonstrations. It will not be closed to traffic, but no one will be permitted to park cars there. The novelty of having an auto dis play in one of the big stores seems to have made a decided hit with the dealers and also with the public, judg ing from the interest which is being manifested. Admit Ladies Free To Coursing Meet Ladies will be admitted free the opening day of the greyhound races. which will start at the Douglas county fair grounds for this afternoon, and continues for the remainder of the week. A splendid coursing meet has just closed at Talmadge and all the leading dogs which raced at that point are now in the city and -ready to run. The races are to start at 1 :30 sharp each dav. Over 100 of the best racing grey hounds m the United Mates are a! ready here for the races and large crowds are expected to witness the events. Last year a coursing meet was staged for the same place and the attendance increased each day as the crowds found what exciting sport was in store tor them. Dan Gaines and Fred Burlimgim have brought their racer from O'Neill, where he has been summering, and have entered him in some of the main events. The big jacks have been brought from Kansas, where they are booked as pests and are ready tor the show. . . Bids on New Druid Hill School Rejected by Board 1 The Board of Education rejected all bids for new Druid Hill school build ing and directed architect t prepare new plans and specifications with a view of keeping within the appropria tion. The low bid was $10,000 more than the board intends to allow fot this school. Liven Up Your Torpid Liver. To keep your liver active use Dr. King's New Life Pillar Thejr Insure, rood digestion end relieve constipation. All drugglatav 26c. Advertisement. ., MILLARD HOTEL L. RENTFROW, Prop. Comfortable, fully equipped rooms, $1.00 a day and up.. Quick Service Lunch Room, the "Best in the city. Music with Meals. 'Table d'Hote Dinner, 35c. 13TH AND DOUGLAS, OMAHA. PS. n hi H 111 Jr- U l II V.'fl ibus Largest Furniture Salesfloors In Nebraska 4U atom IT fKI Til Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters Among New Living Room Suites! SMALL FRY SHUT QFF FROM OPTION TRADE Margin of Thirty Cents Bushel Now Required on Deals in Futures. . BUSINESS ALMOST KILLED $1.03, but the greater portion of it sold around $1 per bushel, with that of the new crop selling at 9999 cents. Altogether there were eighteen carloads on sale. Oats sold at 50tf51J4 cents per bushel, with receipts of twenty-one carloads. They have shut the small fry out of the speculative grain business and now anyone who wants to take a flyer in futures, unless he is a reliable re putable and well known dealer',' is forced to put up a margin of 30 cents per bushel if he makes a trade. Originally trades were made on a margin of one-eighth of a .cent per bushel. Then the margin went to a cent; later to 2 cents, then it went to 5, and still later to 10 cents per hush el. Now word comes from Chicago that the Board of Trade is exacting 30 cents, and Omaha has dropped in line. While this has pot curtailed the volume of the cash, it has just about killed off the option business. How ever, when prices again become stable margins are expected to go back. On the Omaha cash grain market there was little excitement. While prices held firm on high-grade stuff, there was a decided decline in all graias of the lower grades. Wheat was off 2 to 3 cents, corn 1 to 2 cents and oats yi to M of a cent. With 124 carloads of wheat on sale the top price was $1.82. with the bulk of it selling between $1.76 and $1.80 per bushel. Oldcorn held the former high top, Sandy Griswold Taken To St. Catherine's Hospital Sandy Griswold, who was taken ill shortly after his return from a hunt ing trip, has been moved from the Fontenetle to St. Catherine's hospital, Lithuanian Tag Day Set for Today South Side postofRce and Douglas county court house" will be headquar ters on v Wednesday for the Lithuan ian relief fund, this day being known as "Lithuanian Tag day," and recog nircii in proclamations by President Wilson and Mayor Dahlman. The fund has been started with $100, realized by an entertainment given by Nonpareil Social and Ath letic club On the honorary commit tee re Everett Buckingham, yictor Rosewater, t. C. Byrne and General George H. Harries. The Stock Yards ' National bank has been named as de pository,' : , ; . ' , i Mayor Dahlman proclamation fol lows: To the people of Omaha: Whereas the pruineni ui tup tw - nated Wednesday, November 1, as a day for raising tunas lor nw re,iw v. - - xtrlrken Lithuanians, many of whom are without the necessities of life; therefore,. ' I, James C. Dahlman, mayor of the elty of Omaha, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, November 1; aa a day for the collection of funds on the streets of our city for the re lief ot these destitute and starvlne Uth uanlana Let us respond sonorously to tMs call for help. . ' Q-BAN REVIVES COLOR GLANDS Darkens Gray Hair Naturally ' Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer is no dye, but acts on the roots, making 'hair and scalp healthy and restoring the color glands of the hair. So if your hair is gray, faded, bleached, prematurely gray, brittle or falling, apply Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer (as directed on the tiottle), to Hair and scalp. In a short time all your gray hiir will be restored to an even deli cate, dark shade and entire head of hair will become soft, fluffy, long, thick'and of such an even beautiful da'rk color no one could tell you had applied Q-Banv Also stops dandruff and falling hair, leaving your hair fascinating and - abundant without even' a trace of-' gray. Sold on a money-back guaranf . 50 cents fof a big bottle at Sherman & McCon nell's Drug Stores, Omaha, Neb. folks supplied by mail. Adv. Superior Values at Equal Price. u n 16 IV DODGE tf DOUGLAS STREETS Equal Values at : Lets Price. , ' u A Remarkable Sale of Tailored Suits Nearly 600 Handsome New Suits 500 of These Garments Made to Our Special Order and Nearly 100 Elegant Samples . ' . Go On Sale Here Thursday, at 25. to 50 Off Regular Prices 1 Your Choice of Any Velvet Suit In Our Entire Stock, Thursday Va Off Regular Price 50 HIGH-CLASS SAMPLE SUITS v At 33V3 Discount Thursday. OVER 200 ELEGANT NEW SUITS Made to sell to $59, fabrics are vel vets, velours, broadcloths and fine novelties, nearly all beautifully fur trimmed ; all sizes and colorsat . . V . s 29 75 Clay Suit, that sold up' to $39.00, in Broadcloths, Serges, Gabardines and Poplins, big assortment, all tf hTC e sizes 14 to 46; many them fur trimmed of Nobby New Suits, made to sell to $25.00. in Poplins, .Serges, Whipcords and Nov-; elties; best colors and r n7C- atvlAa; fill !?. in thin V I 119. sale, at, . i. . .,, ., s aiiu m 13i Seldom in a lifetimwill you find such a splendid . opportunity .for .profitable suit buying in mid-season. Each group holds its full quota of fashionable charm, appeal ing appropriate for the new season dependable materials and conscientious work manship characterize all offerings. . , , ,'!'- ' pay. TRY HAYDEN'S, FIRST -j?,i The Suite here pictured in part is ' carefully built of select oak stock throughout and shown in two fin- ( ishes, nut brown, turned and golden polished. The upholstery is best Span ish fabricoid, one of the most dur able, sanitary and good looking up holstery materials made, suite in cludes a massive arm chair to match the rocker and Duofold pictured. Other Duofold Suites priced from 837.5U to S75.UO fa Desire sWother Is ah AMothers ealthyBaby That's a loyal and natural feeling all mothers have. Then make your dpslre an assurance by using "Mother's Friend." Its beneficial qualities will conserve your own health and strength and make baby's coming easier and Its future health secure. Get It at your druggist. Send for the free book. j TKeBradlieldReiMaWCo. ?1 lawarBldjj, AtWsCaf- T i Revealing Today the .Chalmers Sedan I am revealing today the newest creations in Chalmers cars. The body is different from anything you have seen. And the lines are different too very refreshing, like a breath of crisp autumn air drawn deep into the lungs. - t T The body strikes a new note. It is a compromise between a limousine and an open touring car. A limousine in winter. A touring car in summer. You simply remove the windows with their , supporting frame, put them away in a Special cod partment back of the rear seat. It's but a few moments work and the transformation is complete. ' - ' The top is a permanent roof, built and trimmed as a part of the body not one of the so-called detachable type tops. I could go on at length Bedford cloth upholstery, silk curtain t rear win dow, reading lamp, a dome lamp, which lights when the door is open. But I prefer to tell you all this and far more when you see the car. The price t am proud of. I didn't know it could be done. $1780 Detroit R. W. CRAIG, Inc. Exhibit at Closed Car Salon: 2512-14 Farnam St. 1 Quality First