Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Contradictory Statements Be
garding Conflicts in Galicia,
Koumania and Greece.
y A i l' ' .fiJ U H j Li U R U i
w m ft 13 " ' m B n K n
Petrograd, Oct. 31. (Via London.)
A heavy attack made yesterday by
i Russian forces in Volhynia resulted
in the capture of Austro-German first
line trenches, the war office an
nounced today. Counter attacks were
repulsed by the Russians.
In Transylvania the Roumanians
continue to press back the Austro
German forces in the Jiul valley, the
statement adds, 300 Teutonic prison
ers being taken yesterday and four
machine guns captured.
In the Roumanian province of Do
brudja it is said there is no change
in the situation.
German Official Report.
Berlin, Oct. 31. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) Russian troops yesterday
attacked the German lines near
Krashen, in the Shara district, but
met with a sanguinary repulse, ac
cording to today's army headquarters-
Engagements in the Berestechk re
gion on the Lemberg front .in Gali
cia and along the upper Styr resulted
favorably to the Germans. On the
east bank of the Narayva, southeast
of Lemberg, Turkish troops took sev
eral Russian positions.
Important heights further south
were taken by Germans, who repulsed
Russian counter attacks and captured
four officers, 170 men and nine ma
chine, guns. Attempts to advance
southwest of Stanislaus were futile.
' Efforts of the Roumanians to re
capture positions along the Transyl
vania frontier yesterday were without
success, the war office announced to-.
day. Since October 10 the Austnans
and Germans have captured more
than 10,000 Roumanians.
Conflict in Macedonia.
Paris, Oct. 31. On the Macedonian
front west of Lake Presbaya both the
French and Serbians made further
, . progress, the war office announced
today. The French took possession of
Singieri monastery, "n
Berlin, Oct 31 (By Wireless to
Sayville.) Serbian troops who re
cently have been advancing on the
western end of the Macedonian front
have been checked and thrown back
with heavy losses, the war office an
: nounced today. Following is the state-
"After initial success Serbian de
tachments in the eastern part of the
Cerna bend were thrown back with
heavy losses by a counter attack of
Bulgarian infantry to the positions
from which they started".
Sofia, Monday, Oct. 30. (Via Lon
don, Oct. 31.) A series of desperate
attacks by the Serbians in the Cerna
river region southeast of Monastir on
the Macedonian front resulted in san
guinary defeat I for them, the war
qffice announced today. ;, . v
., J In the Mongolia region to the east
Bulgarian troops expelled the Serb
ians from trenches in the vicinity of
Nebraska Has the Dryest
Year But One In 45 Years
If Nebraska goet "dry" - this year
it will be in keeping with the weather.
For this year bids fair to be the
dryest, with one exception, ever re
corded by the weather bureau.
ye have had only 15.34 inches of
rain since March 1, which is 11.87
inches lest than the average for that
The dryest year recorded here
since the well-known weather bu
reau was established in 1871 was 1910,
V when we had but 15.49 inches in the
whole twelve months.
Another dry one was 1894, the year
of hot winds, when .the' rainfall was
only 17.82 inches. In 1911 is was only
18.46 and in 1887 we had only 19.92
inches of rain.
; The average annual rainfall dur
ing the forty-five years, during which
records have been kept here, was
29.72 inches.
The wettest year in that time was
1883, when we had a rainfall of 46.92
inches, or more than three times as
much as we had during the dryest
year of 1910. . .
i The next wettest year was 1884,
with 47.68 inches of rain. In 1881 we
had 45.74 inches and in 1875 the rain
fall was 42.89 inches. .
- October this year, in temperature,
has been about normal, being just 11
degrees less than the average, or
about one-third of a degree a day.
A Splendid Cough Medicine.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a number of times during the
past two or three years for colds,
coughs and hoarseness, and am
pleased to say it has always given me
prompt relief. I consider Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy a splendid medi
cine and have recommended it to
many of my friends, who have used
it and likewise praise it highly," writes
Mrs. W. F. Frantz, Colden. NVY.
Trunk, Bag or Suitcase
Should Cm. Frem
Freling & Steinle
"0J'i Bot BaftM BotMan"
"Thtt veryon should visit a dn
tiat one avcrv six month in order
to kvtv their teeth in perfect condi
tion." Vliit the McKenney DtntUt
Daw mtA have your teeth examined.
Heaviest BrMte , Beet Silver Fill.
Work, par toetn.
Widr PbtM
worth SIS to S2S, I
$5, $8, $10 j
Beat 22k Ot
We plea yu or refund jrowr money.
14th ud Fanum !324 Fana.m St.
Phoao Oouflu 2S72.
o c n i
There Is Something Personal
About This Thirtieth Anniversary
Thompson, Belden & Company feel as
much pride in a Birthday as you do about
1 yours. '
Mere age in itself is not consequential if
initiative and steady progress are not keeping
it company.
These thirty years reveal many things to f
be grateful for, many things to be proud of,
and many encouragements for the future. Our
constant efforts to live daily the sentiment
of "doing the right thing" in service, in mer
chandise, in value giving, in courtesy, lead
' us to consider the generous patronage ac
corded this store as ample proof that we have
Considering the Merchandise Conditions
These Anniversary Offerings Will Be
Nothing Short of Wonderful
Not one single price has
been increased in order
that the sale price will in
dicate a reduction greater
than truth warrants.
Our printed word as you see
it here is just as good as our
spoken word within the store it
self. ' Being honest for thirty
years is so fixed as to become
habit a habit we never in
tend to break, i
These Hand Bags
To Go At $1.39
Made of fine crepe
seal leathers, moire
lined, fitted with
coin purse and mir
ror, ' plain leather
handles. For one
day only, $1.39.
Burkley Cambric
Shorts, 1 8c Quality,
I Oc a Yard
All perfect goods, in lengths of
from one to six yards, worth 18o
a yard from the bolt For petti
coats, gowns, children's wear, etc.
Wednesday's Anniversary price,
10c a yard.
Every Single Item
Mentioned Is An
Extra Value
A Sale of Fine Suits
To Celebrate the Anniversary
250 Suits-Priced $25
This Fashion Center of Women's Apparel
Is Going to Eclipse All Previous Seas
onable Value Giving.
These Are Not Ordinary Suits
Fabrics are broadcloth,
serge, and velour de laine,
in all the season's fashion
able shades. Most every
suit is fur trimmed with
Hudson Seal or Beaver, al
though numbers of plain
tailored styles are to be
They form a special
purchase made by our Mr.
Nicoll from Morris Kasho
witz, 303 Fifth Avenue,
New York City. .
$25 Includes the Altera
tion Charge.
Suits to be delivered in or
, der of their purchase.
Come Early -The Opportunity Is Waiting
Your New Fall Gloves
Should Be Purchased Now
We have a most pleasing variety in this sale :
White, black and colors are all plentiful. We
. ' have a complete range of sizes from 5V2 to ,
1 -tffifiaU $1.40 a Pair-
Women's Neckwear Great Bargains
Large and small collars
of organdie and voile,
plain and lace trimmed
75c collars, 50c.
60c collars, 35c
35c collars, 25c
Collar and Cuff Sets
75c sets, 50c. .
60c sets, 35c
Ostrich Feath
er Boas, black,
black and
white, white,
white and
black, natural,
natural and
white; ' $1.50
boas for 75c.
Important Sale for Art Needleworkers
Stamped Articles
Quality Silks, Famous for Thirty Years
An Extraordinary Feature of This Sale
pn this occasion, in spite of almost unheard
' of obstacles, it gives, us pleasure to present
Belding's Silk Fabrics
For Which We Have the Exclusive Sale "J
At prices to be remembered in after years
, ThU ii NOT Mil of odd. and
nd or icoondl that roil read about
dallr, but a ial of fciceit srad,
Maonablo, lik.fabrlei, first in qual
ity, color, and Ar.s trery rd backed
by our panonal suarantca.
Rmembr, .Ilk U tht aaiiatt fabric
in tha world to adulterate, to maka
Mm tlky and genuine like s pure
dye fabric. ; v .
Many manufacturer! take advan
tage of thla substituting proeeea. by
means of which three or four timet
the actual weight ! added br the
me of tin and iron. Thii weakeni
and overloadi the fabric, ao that it li
practically worthleie, and at the first
strain splits or, tears, although at first
It looks good. ,
. MORAL Whr buy Inferior silks of
unknown quality when we offer you
Belding'a guaranteed alike at less
than the ordinary eostT
In the face of a constantly rising market, we
offer the most remarkable prices on high
grade, seasonable silk fabrics which, without
any question, can never Te duplicated again.
At distinct savings, offering
golden opportunity to
select personal gift things
at a pries less than usual.
Stamped Pillow Cases, 49e
i On a fine grade of tubing.
Stamped Bath Towels, 49c '
Night Gowns, 49c.
Stamped Linen Towels, 49c.
Art Needlework, Third Floor.
75c Luncheon Seta, 39c
An attractive pattern stamp
ed on
6 tumbffiollies i3"?6065
6 plate doilies au'
Handbook of
Crochet Initials '
To every woman visiting the
art needlework section dur
ing this sale: A full alpha
bet, from A toZ, with di
rections for working.
Belding's Fancy Oriental Fig
ured Linings, newest designs, ex
quisite colors. Regularly $2.60 to
$2.75. Sale price $2.18. .
No. 727 Belding's Guaranteed
Taffeta, suitable for all dress
and street purposes, retailed
universally at $2.25. Anni
versary price, $1.95.
No. 671 Satin de Chine, rich
and lustrous, does not crush
'easily; the latest weave and
finish .for afternoon and
street wear; large , range of
newest colors. Regular price
$2.00. Sale price $1.78.
No. 751 Satin Striped Taffeta,
one of the season's prettiest
, novelties, regular price $2.50.
Anniversary price, $2.18. )
No. 164 Lining Satin, suit
able for coat linings, petticoats,
etc., wear guaranteed two sea
sons. Regular $1.25 quality.
Sale price $1.12 J,.
All Belding's silks, 1 yard
See goods displayed in Six
teenth Street window.
Silk Hose for
$1.19 a Pair
Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hose, with flare tops
and lisle soles, white or
M Also out size Silk Hose,
lisle tops and soles, white
and black. '
Very specially priced at
$1.19 a pair. V
This Price on Sta
tionery Cannot Be
19c a Box
Willard's Society Linen, a
fine grade writing stock. Box
of 60 envelopes and 60 sheets
.of paper, box of 84 sheets of
paper, box of 96 envelopes, 19c
a box.
Been selling at 30c, and at
present cost will be 40c.
The Men's Shop
Offers Two Specials
Outing Flannel Night Shirts, sizes
15 to 20, cut full and CQ
long ; . iJi7C
Men's Fibre "Silk" Hose, first
quality, Eiffel and Onyx makes,
sizes 8 to 1,1ft, in black, white,
navy, gray, and tan; heavy or
and light weight, a pair eSiOC
i x." ..." -"....I.- -mr. Til- "4 1 m (" !Ut- l-V f
Anniversary Sale of Fine Millinery
Five Hundred Beautiful New and Up-to-Date
Trimmed Hats Will Be Placed On Sale Wednesday
1 For Our Anniversary at Almost Half their Regular Prices
m 1 1 1 1
White Evening Hats 7
Fur Trimmed Hats
Stylish Large Sailors
Beautiful SUit Hats
Smart SmaXl Hats
Gold and Silver Lace Hats
200 Trimmed Hats
Regularly $5, $6.75, $8.75 anc
$10. Every favored style anc
color of this season , is repre
sented in this lot. Anniversar.
Sale Price. $3.50.
Millinery Section, Second Floor.
The Fur Shop Anniversary Sale of Linens
Offers New Marten Furs
At Small Prices.
Marten is aptly called the
"fur everlasting,"; and be
cause of its attractiveness is
Muffs, $25, $30, $35 up.
Scarfs, $13.50, $18, $28 up
Women's Silk Vests
and Cotton Union
Are Interestingly Priced
white and pink, embroidered tops,
$3 quality $2.48; $4 quality $2.95.
UNION SUITS, medium . weight,
high neck, short sleeves; Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves; all ankle
length; $1.65 and $1.75 regularly,
for Wednesday $1.39 a suit.
Toilet Articles
For Much Less
Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, ex
tra heavy double bristle, 98c
Mennen's and Williams' Talcum
Powder, Sc.
?ine Hand Lotion, 14c a bottle,
ligh prade Toilet Soap for 19o a
These Are Real Price
3e On Hand Early
$2.50 Scalloped Embroider
ed Linen Scarfs, $1.69
$2.50 Hand - Embroidered
Hemstitched Pillow Cases,
; $1.38 a pair. ' .
75c Fancy Turkish Towels,
$4.75 , Bleached Napkins,
$3.50 a doz.
$10.00 Fine Satin Double
Damask Table Cloths,
Camisoles $1.29
For Wednesday
Very dainty camisoles of
flesh or white messaline, with
a wide band of lace and small
sleeves. The correct garment
to wear with sheer blouses an
appropriate gift from one wom
an to another.
The price is $1.29 and it very
low indeed.
Conets, Third Floor.
Women's Flannelette
Gowns on Sale
The best "Brighton Make" Flan
nelette Gowns, V neck or with col
lars, all sizes; regu- tfjl 1 (
Third Floor.
larly $1.35. Wednesd'y '
$1.00 House Dresses
Unusual values in attrac
tive styles and fabrics.
White Washable Kid Shoes
$10 Quality for $8
The model illustrated in button
or lace for this sale at a clear
saving of $2 a pair.
It's a Sorosis
of Newest Style
: f