Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1916, Image 1

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    When away from horn
ask for -
at hotel and new tan da.
VOL. XLVI. NO. 117.
sTells Columbus Heckler Privi
leges of Travel and Ship
- ment on Seas Should
Be Maintained. i
Republican Candidate Says He
Favors Maintenance of Every
American Right.
" jfMumhus. Ind.. Oct 31. Charles
1 ..." .. . ' ' . . . . ...
of every American right, "including
the right of travel' and the right of
shipment." Mr. Hughes has been
asked if he favored an embargo on
munitions or the passage of a resor
lution by congress warning Americans
off merchant ships flying the flag of
belligerent nations.
Mr. Hughes spoke in the open air
here before a crowd that had come for
miles to hear him and choked the
streets around Commercial park. He
was speaking of the competition
American enterprise will have to meet
from Europe after peace whtn a man
in the crowd shouted
"Mr. Hughes, as a personal admir
er, may I ask you a question?" There
was the usual confusion resulting
from an attempt to heckle. The
nominee asked the crowd for quiet so
thr the questioner might proceed:"
Tfcply to Heckler.
"In the event of your election," the
man asked, "will you or will you not
favor or oppose an embargo against
th shinment of munitions from this
'country to Europe or the passage of
'a war. resolution warning Americans
not to travel oif ships owned by na
tions at warr i
sir," the nominee replied, "am
in favor of the maintenance of every
right, including the right of travel and '
the rights of shipments. It is a very
- important right that we have as a
neutral nation and it is very impor
. tant that at this time when the great
war is raging we should vindicate neu
tral rights and maintain the integrity
of international law. To my mind it
is a very thoughtless policy ; that
would surrender any of these impor
tant rights because of any sentimental
consideration when we have the vast
j.jwrrnrtini gfinn'in1 commerce and
the importance of the rights of neu
trals t consider with respect to the
future of the United States."
The crowd cheered Mr. Hughes and
the heckler shouted. "Thank vou."
"The foundation of American pros
(Continued on Pago Four, Column Four.)
Demos Steal Shield
And Slogan, Charges
Council Bluffs Man
Wilson campaign buttons were de
signed by Herb Rogers of Council
Bluffs and appropriated by the demo
crats without paying a penny to the
designer. That, at least, is Mr. Rog
ers' contention set forth in his letters
to Secretary Tumulty and Vance Mc
Cormick, chairman of the democratic
national committee.
Mr. Rogers claims that not only the
shield, but the slogan, "Peace, Pre
paredness, Prosperity," were protect
ed by copyright issued' to him before
July, 1915;
Jury Is Still Out in
Black Murder Case
Galveston, Tex., Oct. SI. No ver
dict had been reached tonight by the
jury considering the evidence in the
case of John Copeland," charged with
the .killing of William Black, an anti
Catholic lecturer, at Marshall, Tex.,
February 8, 1915. Twice the foreman
has announced that the jurors were
hopelessly disagreed, but the trial
judge has refused to discharge them.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
' Temperature! at Omaha Yasterday.
Hour. Deir.
A a m .
10 a. m MS
U a. m 68
12 m 60
2 p.
S p.
4 p. in
b p.
6 p. m
7 p,
S p.
Comparative Local Rtcard,
1 1916. 1916. 1911. 1911
iTtffhMt yesterday...'. 8 S7 73 44
Lowest ypMtfirday. 37 64 fitf VI
Wean tpmpcrature. . . . 60 60 64 33
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 00
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal:
Normal temperature . 46
Kxceatt for the duy.'. 4
Total tiwcm h! nee March 1, 1916.. ..i!38
Normal precipitation .07 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .16.34 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 11.14 Inchon
lerirlncy ror cor. period, IB15.. 3.06 tnchea
deficiency for cor. period. 1914.. 3.87 lnchea
Reports from Stations at 7 p. m.
Station and Temp. High- Kaln-
Htate oi weather. 7 p.m. est. fail.
Cheyenne, cloudy , 62
Davenport, clear 60
Denver, clear 62
Dee Moines, clear 62
Dodge City, clear 66
Zander, claar 60
North Platte, clear.. 68
Omaha, clear 67
Pueblo, clear 62
Rapid City, clear 68
Salt Lake City, clear 14
Hanta Fe, clear 60
Sheridan, partly cloudy.. 40
Sioux Oily, clear 62
Valentine, clear 66
L. A. WELSH, Meteorolorlll.
rw a. m "'
Tfc -dr U m M
ft&Sr)lL 2 p. m 63
a fl - s p. m 2
(p. in 63
B p. tit .61
?L "JEs- 6 P- m M
Sta d?- T p. m 67
in... 64
B"U' H
Roumanian War Office- Claims
Austro-German Forces Defeated-Decisively
Szurduk Pass.
Lose Much Artillery and Many
Prisoners, According to
f Reports of Foes. .
London. Oct. 31. The battle that
h.. k..n in nrnorpsfi in the Szurdllk
pass region on th4 Roumanian Tran
sylvania frontier has ended in a bril
liant victory for the Roumanians, .ac
cording to wireless message from
Bucharest. The Austro-German
forces, it fi declared, have been re-
r,.1cl frnm .ho frnnttpr aftpr havtnff
lost much artillery and many prison
Alnnr.1,. frnnt -.f tht Tran.
miiig miu.v ..w... - -
ci.lirnia Alnc rm the nnrthpm Rou
manian border the Teutonic lines have
been shaken by the Roumanian at
tack, the dispatch adds. '
15, .-I,,, fVia f)l-t .11
The war office issued the following
" .nd nrtrrh"P.trn frniltS!
From Tulghes to Bicaz the situation
is unchanged. At bratocea a small
detachment surprised and repulsed
the enemy on Mount Rosea, causing
him heavy losses. In a single trench
dead. We have occupied Mount Ras
ca, making some prisoners, and cap-
xuring a macrnuc gun ami a scumi
light.. A. Pvrlaltic tliA h.-iniKnrr1mtit h
slackened. In the Prahova velley and
in th" region of Dragoslavle, north of
Campulung, we repulsed several of the
enemy attacks. To the cast of the
Kiver Alt aic action is proceeamg. in
the Jiul valley (region of Vulcan
idaa;, 111c ui suit ui vittinj- w..-
tinues. At Orsova (on the Danube)
luc uomuarumeni was less viuicui.
Kennedy Uses
. Newspapers to
Aid Campaign
' (Fxom a Staff Correspondent.)
Washineton. Oct; 31. (Soecial Tel
egram.) Unlike his opponent for the
high position ot United Mates senator
from "Nebraska. Gilbert M. jHHtliewlft
John L. Kennedy received no contri
butions for his campaign. His formal
statement, made in pursuance ot law
and filed today with the secretary of
the senate, states that Mr. Kennedy
thus far has exoended in his campaign
$4,898.17 and that he has promised to
spend $450 before November 7. .
lhe report ot , Mr. Kennedy is
uninue in that it sets out in detail the
amount of money expended with
newspapers throughout the state for
advertising and possibly subscriptions.
It is almost a recapitulation ot Ayers
newspaper directory so far as Ne
braska is concerned and with that trait
which is Mr. Kennedy's strong claim
for election he signed each sheet of
typewritten matter with his own sig
nature. Believing the efficiency of printer's
ink, Mr. Kennedy employed the news
paper of Nebraska to tell the people
where he stood on the big questions
now uppermost. He paid W. M.
Maupin $100 for space in his maga
zine. He gave the American Press
association $224.50. He paid his cam
paign manager sums at various times
and he paid newspaper writers for
copy." In short, Mr. Kennedy testi
fies to the effectiveness of, the news
naners as an advertising medium,
hence theMerailed reference to the pa
pers he has asked to announce nis
Platte Republicans
' - Plan' Big Meeting
Columbus, Neb., Oct. 31. (Special.)
Plans for the biggest and best re-,
nnhliran meetine of the campaign are
on foot for Thursday night, when Nor-
ris Brown, ex-United states senator
from Nebraska, is scheduled to de
liver the principaLaddress.
Preceding the meeting the Hughes
and Fairbanks club will assemble at
their headquarters and " march in a
body, headed by the fife and drum
corps, to the Orpheum hall, which has
been willingly decorated for the occa
sion. "
Progressives in Platte county are
to a man for Hughes. This meeting
will be presided over by C. N. Mc
Elfresh, present chairman of the re
publican county central committee,
and a Roosevelt delegate to the June
convention. Among others' is John
R. Lueschen, who is devoting time
and mousy toward Hughes' success.
Germany Orders Reprisals
On the Russian Prisoners
Berlin, Oct. 31. (Via Wireless to
SayvillO Measures of reprisal upon
Russian prisoners have been ordered
by the German government pending
the Russian government's acceptance
of German demands for improved
treatment of German prisoners of war
in Russia, according to the semi-of-,
ficial North German Gazette.
This newspaper states that the Ger
man government asked of the Rus
sian government that it put an end to
conditions which were tansing suf
fering to German prisoners of war and
that the period given by the German
government for compliance having
elapsed without a satisfactory answer
from Russia, the German government
has Ordered reprisals. To thisend, it
is stated, a number of commissioned
officers belonging to crack Russian
regiments have been transferred to a
special -tamp where the discipline is
especially severe and where they will
remain until the Russiaif government'
complies with the German request
"Fellow Citizens:- Behold the Democratic Boss
It is Arthur Mullen who boasts that he put William Jennings Bryan off
Remarkable Story of the Rapid
Rise of Art, Mullen to His
Present PP Ion of Pull
and Vower in
ft'i Politics.
since Arthur Mullen's boast that
he had "the only official acceptance"
from President Wilson for the Ne
braska semi-centennial, people have
been wondering "Who is Mullen?''
and democrats who have known him
have been asking "Upon what meat
doth this, our Caesar, feed?"
The rise of Art Mullen from a bare
foot boy in O'Neill to tbjf position of
Doss ot the democratic party in
Nebraska is indeed an interesting
story of push, nerserverance. wilv
craft, resourcefulness and political
cunning. Mullen began as a poor
insn iaa wno trained with the gang
that ran things in Holt county, under
the leadership of Mike Harrington in
the early '90s. It was in the stirrinir
times of the Barrett, Scott and Bartley
episodes and Mullen evidently made
the most of the lesson, deciding then
to become a lawyer in order to be
come more adept in the art of poli
tics.. When he entered law school he
wffi older than most of his fellow
students were at graduation. He se
cured his law school diploma from
the university ot Michigan in 1900,
being admitted to practice in Ne
braska shortly afterwards- This was
n'ltecn years ago when he was 27
years old and Hit horizon of his use
fulness confined to the town of
O'Neill and its surroundings. '.' t
Mullen's Political Apprenticeship.
But even then Mullen apparently
had visions of reaching the pedestal
of "political boss." He continued to
ally himself -with the Harrington
crowd, although calling himself a
democrat, while Harrington was a
populist and the two worked both
ends to the middle. Cashing in on
his accumulated political capital Mul
len became county attorney for Holt
county and several peculiar pages of
court history were written during his
incumbency. .
At -this time lit began to spread
into state politics.
While Harrington fixed op Holt
county delegations to the populist
conventions, Mullen arranged the
Holt county delegations to the demo
cratic conventions, not forgetting to
Meets Death on Santa Fe in
'. Texas .While on Way From
Calif opia to New York.
Canadian, f ex.; Oct. 31. Charles
T. Russell,' known, as "Pastor" Rus
sell, an independent minister, editor
of the Watch Tower and author, died
this afternoon orf an Atchison, To
peka & Santa Fe train en route from
Los Angeles to New, York. Heart
disease was given as the cause.
Pastor Russell complained of feel
ing ill soon after leaving Los Angeles
and gradually grew worse. Death
came while the train was stopped at
Pampa, Tex., near here. The body is
being sent to Kansas City, Mo., on the
train on which the minister died.
Pastor Russell was born in Pitts
burgh, Pa., February 16, 1851. He
was president of ttye Watch Tower
Bible and Ttract society of Pennsyl
vania, the International Bible Stu
dents association of London and the
People's Pulpit association of New
York. -
Woods Has Figures
Showing Republicans
Will Control House
Washington, Oct. 31. A republican
majority in the next house of at least
twenty-seven is predicted in a state
ment issued here tonight by Repre
sentative Woods of Iowa, chairman of
the republican congressional campaign
committee. Mr. Woods also declares
Hughes will be elected by a "satis
factory majority," and that the re
publicans have better than an even
chance of controlling the senate.
"These figures are, not a mere
guess," says the statement. "They
constitute a summary of the final re
ports made to this committee to date
by hundreds of careful, experienced
workers, who sent their information,
not with the idea of making as flatter
ing a report as possible, but in order
to .give the exact situation in their
respective communities on the eye of
"I am confident of the soundness of
my information and, therefore say
that there is a practical certainty of
the election of Mr. Hughes and a re
publican house, and better, than a
fifty-fifty prospects of republican con
trol of the senate."
Regards All Goods
Bound for Britain
As Contraband
Copenhagen, Oct. 31. (Via Lon
don.) A dispatch from Friedrich
sliaficn to the Berlingske Tidende
says that the (aptain of the Norwe
gian steamship Stemsfest, who was
taken to Friedrichshafen with the
members of his crew yesterday, re
ports that the commander of the Ger
man submarine, which sank his vessel,
tolld him that all cargoes for England
would be treated as contraband in
the future. ,
His Horoscope of Himself
t inn i i i) imi
X ! i
include himself, and when tjie trad
ing stage was reached Mullen and
Harrington were both in' the game.
With- this political apprenticeship,
Mullen was ready to put in a claim
for personal recognition when Shal
lenberger was elected governor. He
next blossomed out as state oil in
,n Who Was It Kej)t Us Out of War?
' Mr. Bryan is telling tlU people that President Wilson
kept us put of war. A few months ago he explained to the
same .people that he quit the cabinet because Wilson was
headed straight for war. . ,. i v- K?' ' v f t '(
I believe the republicans should remind the people of
the historical facts, as they happened a few months ago ;
how Mr. Bryan, bound for the south, found 'it necessary to
catch a train for Washington to hold conferences with the
members of congress to arouse thtim to the necessity of op- .
posing the president, who then was not trying to keep out
of war, but on the contrary, tried as hard as he could to get
us into it. Tens of thousands of letters and telegrams were
then sent from all over the country to senators, to remind
those gentlemen of their own responsibility in regard to
declaring war.
Neither Mr. Bryan nor the country in general did then
think that Wilson was trying to keep us out of war. Mr.
Bryan's conviction of this 'fact came out after the demo
cratic national convention, and also Mr. Wilson found out
how good he was when his friends there praised him to the
skies for keeping the country out of war.
I am only a farmer and have not the time to put all
these facts into good readable form, but I think you should
lose no time to show every voter that the president wants
to get his election under false pretenses.
To the Editor of The Bee. ' R. J. R.
Message Is
Going Over War
Mercedes, Tex., Oct. 31. A tele
graph message saidVto be about 50,000
words long, claimed to be the loHgest
telegram ever handled by a telegraph
company, has been going from Llano
Grande, Tex., where Minnesota
guardsmen are encamped, to St. Paul,
Minn., since Sunday night, and is not
yet finished.
Two operators are sending the
name and addressbf every member
of the Minnesota Guard on the bor
der, together with other .information
desired by the state of Minnesota in
its preparation of a ballotto be sent
to Llano Grande and on which the
guardsmen will register theirvotes in
the national election.
U-53 Has Returned
To a German Port
Berlin, Oct. 31 (Via London, Nov.
1.) The German submarine U-53, has
returned safely to a German port, ac
cording to the official announcement.
Subsea Deutschland Supposed to Be
Nearing U. 5. On Its Second Voyage
Washington, D. C, Oct. 31. The
Deutschland, Germany's submarine
merchantman, is believed in quarters
here which should knovy to be now
on its second voyage (o the United
States. Knowledge of the date the
vessel is supposed to have started
from Germany is disclaimed.
News dispatches from Switzerland
reporting that the Deutschland as
well as the Bremen had been lost
and that the former started for the
United States during September were
discredited. It was emphatically de
clared that the Deutschland was it a
German port all of last month.
It also was said today that in the
future all German submarines coming
to the United States, whether naval
spector,, the most profitable and po
litically powerful appointive job at
the governor's disposal. All through
the legislative session of that year,
Mullen was the political scout and
confidential messenger for the gov
ernor, to say nothing of doing a little
lobbying on the side and likewise
Britain Seizes
Dispatches for
Swiss Minister
New York, Oct. 31. Jules Metzger,
who says he is a Swiss courier, de
clared today on his arrival here on the
steamer Noordam that Swiss official
documents beafing the seal of that
government which he was bringing to
the Swiss legation in Washington and
to the Swiss consul general in this
city were seized by the British au
thorities when the Noordam stopped
at Falmouth. Metzger said the pack
ages bore the addresses to which they
were destined, and that' he informed
the English boarding officers of his
official capacity, protesting against
the seizure. The Noordam sailed from
Hughes Is Leading. Man
On Poll Taken on Train
Lincoln, Oct. 31. (Special.) Just
to indicate how much Hughes is
losing ground, a poll was taken by a
traveling man yesterday in a passen
ger coach on a Burlington- train from
Aurora to Lincoln, which showed
Hughes, 16; Wilson, 7.
or merchantmen, will make their
New London or Newport their port
of call. No more submarines will
enter Hampton Roads because of tlie!
danger of nets being dropped to trap
them off the Virginia caps.
American submarines are usually
operating in the waters off New Lon
don and Newport at all times of the
year. British nets dropped there
might endanger American vessels and
the lives of American sailors. Ger
man officials do not believe that the
British would take the chance of
netting American vessels. Conse
quently German submarines will take
advantage of the better opportunity
for clear paths off the Connecticut
and Rhode Island coasts.
0 Trtlnt, it Httili,
Ntwi (finds, (., M.
of Nebraska!"
thejpolitical map.
took a hand in dealing out the gov
ernor's patronage. That lie had his
troubles even then, due to hjs slip
pery methods, is evidenced by a let
ter printed at the time in the home
democratic paper, over the name of
S. Simmons, who had been the demo
cratic choice for county judge and
who then accused Mullen of double
crossing him arid throwing him down
in seeking the deputy wardenship of
the penitentiary.
Sample of Mullen Smoothness.
Simmons had submitted endorse
ments along with his application bear
ing the names of all the well-known
Holt county democrats. "I also asked
Arthur Mullen for his support, which
was promised," he wrote, "and he, in
my presence, dictated a strong letter
endorsing me for the position." Sim
mons made the trip to Lincoln.
"Here I found," says he, "that the
letter Mullen had written in my pres
ence endorsing me had not been sent;
that he had wilfully and knowingly
deceived me; that lie had 'written a
letter for and was supporting another
man for the place. It was quite evi
dent that my appointment would have
interfered with other appointments
from Holt county in which Arthur
was personally interested. Such de
ceit, political trickery anti nisnonesi
political juggling as Mullen deals in
is not in the interest 'of rogressive
democracy." , '
No liltle thinir like this, however,
could seriously interfere with Mullen's
progress toward the goal. As chief oil
inspector he continued to be Gover
nor Shallcnhcrger's right hand man, in
fact it is said he had n-.te to do than
any one person with engineering the
8 o'clock closing law onto the stat
ute books.' One report had it he ex
pected to stop it at the right time
on proper representations. Later he
persuaded the governor that it would
be good politics to go back on the
brewers who had helped them into
office and throw a hook out for the
support of the other end.
Goes Right Up the Ladder.
When a vacancy occurred through
the resignation of Attorney General
Thompson Arthur Mullen got Gover
nor Shallenberger to commission him
to be attorney general for the unex
pired term and Attorney General Mul
len actually made a trip to Washing
ton to appear in the supreme court of
the, United States as the attorney for
the state in a then pending case.
When his time was up and ; a
(Continued uftrnf Vow, Column Oh.)
Attempt of Britons and Franks
to- Gam" Ground oij Somme
" fails; Says Berlin.
Berlin, Oct. 31.-(By Wlrelesi to
Sayritle.) Attempt of the French
and British troopf on the Somme
front, near Les Boeufs and Li Mais
onette, to' advance yesterday were
defeated by the Germans, the war of
fice announced today.
French attacks in the region of
Ablainecour't and on both aides of
the Chalnes-Lihons road also were
without success, according to the of
ficial atatement issued today, Which
"The activity of the figKting on the
Somme was limited by unfavorable
weather. Detachments of the enemy
which advanced against our positions
northeast and east ot Boeuts
were driven back by our fire. An
attack of a French company against
La Maisonette failed. Equally with
out success were attempts of hand
grenade squads to enter our new
trenches south ot Hiaches. Attacks
of stronger French forces against
Ablainecourt and on both sides of the
Chaulnes-Lihons road were not car
ried out, owing to our defensive fire.
"In the Meuse sector (Verdun
front ) it was nuieter than on the ore-
ceding day- Only in the district of
St. Mihiel did the artillery tire in
crease temporarily to greater vio
lence." Generally Quiet Says Entente.
Paris. Oct. 31. The war office re
ports that there was no event of im
portance on the Somme or Verdun
fronts last night, except for active ar
tillery fighting in the vicinity of
Douaumont betore Verdun.
London, Oct. 31. "With the excep
tion of intermittent shelling on both
sides there was nothing to report dur
ing the night, reads todays otticial
British statement regarding opera
tions on the Franco-Belgian front.
Forty Die Daily of
Hunger in Zacatecas
Laredo, Tex., Oct. 31. Forty per
sons die daily in Zacatecas, Mcx.,
fnrm typhus fever, according to the
statement of a passenger here today,
who nrrived direct from that citv. He
said buriels were made in trenches,
and that wardrobes and other articles
of furniture are used for coffins.
Louisiana Progressives
Have Declared for Hughes
New Orleans, Oct. 31. The pro
gressive committee ot the second
Louisiana congressional district todav
pledged support to Charles E. Hughes
for president. The progressive com
mittee ot the third district toow sim
ilar action last week.
Chicago Loses Revenues
As Saloon Licenses Lapse
Chicago, Oct. 31. This city's reve
nue will drop $75,000 next year by the
lapse of seventy-five saloon licenses
for the year beginning November 1.
There remain, however, 7,100 saloons
in operation.
Fifty-One Reported - Saved in
Telegram Received by United
N States Consul Frost at
( Liverpool.
Ship Attacked Without Warn
ing and Goes Down in Rough
Sea in Ten Minutes.
tong Branch, N. J., Oct. 31. After
receiving unofficial information that
six Americans had lost their lives by 1
the sinking of the British steamship
Marina,, President Wilson communi
cated with Secretary of State Lansing ,
tonight and directed that all possible
haste he taken in obtaining the facts
concerning the sinking of the vessel.
Secretary Lansing informed the
president that in addition to asking
the American embassy in London for
information, informal inquiries had
been sent to the German government.
London, Oct. 31.i-Six Americans
were killed In the sinking of the Brit- ,
ish steame Marina, according to a .
telgram received by American Consul -
Frost at Queenstow'n, says the Press
association. The telegram declared '
that fifty-one Americans had been
saved. ' .
The Americans reported killed, the
Press association says, were two men
named Brown, two. named 1 nomas ,
and one named Middleton and one
named Robertson. Men named Miller (
and Davie, it is added, were injured.
Included among the Americans on
board .the Marina, according to a list
issued' October 30 by the United
States Shipping company of Newport
News, Va., agenti tor the .vessel,
were: P. D. Brown, Upperville, Va.;
J. C. R. Brown, Washington, D. C;
M. B. Middleton, freaericksnurg, va.;
DauieF P. Thomas and lohu P.
Thomas, both of Wilmington, Del.;
Andrew G. Robinson, Baltimore; Ed
gar Miller, Baltimore; f. C.siJavis,
Wake forest, N. C, and. Jack Dais,
Koanoke, Va. All were classified as
horsemen. I , - ,v
London, Ot. 31 The number of ,
missing from the British steamship
Marina, which was torpedoed by a
submarine pft the, Irish coast, has now
ben reduced to thirteen, according
to t telegram received at the Amen-
tan' embassy today from. Wesley -
F roit, American consul at uueem-
town. Fiftyitwo more 1 aurvivors
have been landed. Mr: Frost reports
that among the thirteen there prob--ably
will be American fatalities. '
- The British steamship Marina sank
Within ten minutes after being torpeJ
dneri. Weslev Frost. American consul
at Queenstown, reported to the Amer-
lean emoassy today. , ne saia sur
vivort state the vessel waa torpedoed -Without
warning. ; v
Survivors state the vessel was tor
pedoed without warning in a heavy'
sea and sank within ten minutes.
Mr; Frost is obtaining affidavits -
and ascertaining how many Ameri
cans are among the Castleton ur
vivors. The American embassy today to .
ceived a telegram from the American ,
consul at Glasgow, stating tnat the
Marina left Glasgow October 25 for
Baltimore and Newport New, witn
fifty Americans aboard. - t t
Hit by Two Torpedoei. .!
London. Oct. 31. A private tele
gram received today from Crook
haven by Robert P-Skinner, Ameri
can consul general, says that among
the survivors from the Marina, who
were landed it Crookhaven, are six- -teen
Americans. One of them is -
Frank Howard Smith, a veterinarian.
According to the telegram received
by Mr. Skinner, survivors report that
two boats containing sixty-three men
left the Marina at the same time and
have not been accounted tor. (This
telegram evidently was sent before '
news had been received that fifty-two
more survivors had landed at Cas
tleton). The weather was unusually
severe at the time the Marina was
sunk, and has been since then.
The Marina was first struck amid
ships. A terrific explosion occurred
on the starboard side. The second
torpedo struck the bow ' and the
steamship went down almost immedi
ately in two parts. It is reported
seven men were killed while attempt
ing to get into boats.
Sailors saw the wake of a torpedo,
according to these advices, and until
the ship was struck thought it was a
fish. ,
Lansing Aaka Affidavit!.
Washington, Qct. 31. Secretary
Lansing said today that his reports
on the destruction of the Marjna with
probably loss of American lives were
still too incomplete to permit of any
conclusions or to allow him to disy,
cuss the case. Fuller reports with j
affidavits of American survivors have
been ordered by cable.
This morning's news dispatch say'
ing some of the surivvo'rs had seen -the
wake of a torpedo and that the
ship was struck twice added gravity
to the situation. -
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