Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. XL VI. NO. 116.
On Trtlni, it Hotalt,
Ntwa UntJt, Me. So.
A peddler makes tales A
merchant makes customers.
Customers ara mad by constant
advertising, good, values ana
uniform courtesy.
B a merchant not a paddUr.
FAIR v ; I
Commander of All the German
Armies Says-Allies Will Not
Break Through Western
4?ront of Teutons.
Uncle Saml "How Protect the Pail When t he Fire Goes Out?"
President's' Own Official, is
Quoted in Eeply to State
ment on Effect of War. -
Even If Foe Smashes Line in
France, Thirty Years' Work
, . Is Before Them.
Berlin, Oct. 30. (By Wireless to
SayviJle.) "The situation is as good
is possible and all will be well also
in the future."
Thus Field Marshal von Hinden
burg, chief of the German general
staf, described the present war situa
tion to a representative of the Vienna
Nieue" Frei. Presse whom he received
at headquarters in the presence of
General von Ludendorf, tirst quarter
master-general. As to the duration
of the war Field Marshal von Hin
denburg said: 1
"That depends upon our enemies.
Prophesying does not pay. In the
hour of war one had better leave it
alone. It is possible that the year
1917 will bring battles which will de
cide the war. " However, I do not
know, and nobody knows. I only
know that we will fight this War to
a final decision.
Do Not Think of Peace.
General von Ludendorf here added
"We do not think of peace. We a,re
absolutely decided to continue the
war, as is shown with sufficient clear
ness by tpe measure t the allied
(Teutonic) commands."
This interview with the chief of
staff was given out today by the
Overseas News agency for publica
tion. It continues: "The correspond
ent in turn reported to Field Marshal
vqn Hindenburg on the general feel
ing in Austria-Hirfigary, declaring it
was one ox commence aim sausiat
tion, but,that, as everywhere, the end
, of the war was wished for. The field
' marshal replied: 'That we all wish;
undeistand this well. The Austro
Hungarian people have accomplished
their full duty during this war and
have made all the heavy sacrifices
which were necessary. But still new
sacrifices must be made lest those al
readynade have been made in vain.'
' v Morale Important, -c 'Wi
7. "General vdh Endefrdorf -interjected":
S 'Tell your Austrian friends that there
is only one efficient means for ending
the war; a firm will to end the war by
victory. Every soldier and all others'
must work together; they must realize
that r)o wav but war leads to peace.
Munition is not all; notv grenades,
but the morale of the troops brings
the final decision, and the morale of
the German and Austro-Hungarian
troops is superior to that of all our
adversaries. Nevertheless, munitions
mean very much in this war. At a
Dnevious visit Field Marshal von Hin
denburg told ypu 'the main thing is
discipline.' Thai is true. Discipline
is based on the completed education
of every individual man.
- "Asked whether there was any
chance that the war would be culmin
ated by a decisive blow, General von
Ludendorf said:
' " 'Perhans. The trend of events
must show this. I prefer to make
no statement.
"Asked whether the Russian masses
shall be exhausted Field Marshal von
Hindenburg replied:
Sleep Most Important.
"The field marshal said that since
the beginning of the-war he had been
on home leave in order to see his
- tamity only seven days, speaking on
the importance of sleep, he said:
" The main thing is sleeping. Soldiers
must be able to sleep that is a most
important quality.' As for the sleep
ing pf army commanders while great
'decisions were going on, the field
marshal said: 'Why not? if every
thing goes as you want it then sleep
is, perhaps, somewhat less sound, and
if everything is well then, ot course,
you sleep all the better.
N The Weather
For Nebraska Fair; colder. v
Temperatures at Omaha Yeiterday.
Hours. Deg.
n m 61
P- m 61
P- in 6i
p. m
l p. m 6
8 D. m K7
Comparative iocm Accord.
1916. 1915. I9H, 1913
HlgttMt yesterday .. 62 78 72
Lowest yesterday ... 41 63 - 43 is
Mean temperature ..53 66 68 28
Prm-lpltalton T
Temperature and precipitation, departures
irom the normal: a
Normal temperature 46
Kxeess fnr the day....) 6
Total exeeHB sin re March 1 234
jvormal precipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for tha day.'....;.., .87 inch
Total rainfall since March 1, .1 . 16.34 Inches
Deficiency alnca March 1 11.87 Inch
Deficiency cor. period, 1916.,.. 1.98 Inches
Deficiency cor. period, 1914 2.84 Inches
Heport from tSatlomi at 7. P. M,
Station and 8 la Tempt High- Ra1n
ui oumj i p. hi. em, iaii,
Cheyenne, clear ........ 44 64
Davenport, part cloudy 6 60.
Denver clear 68 68
Dew MolneH, clear ...... 60 64 ,00
Dodge City, clear , H . 72 .00
Minder, clear .48
North Platte, clear.... 48 66 ,0)
umana, elear 69 62
fubIo, clear ....66 72 - -,00
Rapid City, clear 46 62 .60
Salt I-ake City,, clear... 68 64 ,00
Santa Fe clear 64 , 62 .00
KtKTldan.' clear . .r:... 40 60 !oi
Sioux City, clear . 64 64 !0
Valentine, clear 46- 60 .00
T Indicates trace of oeclpltatlon. '
I "A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
i a a. m
kff-ftiIJJi. Hi
it ' m::::::::::
I aP . J i a. m
East Liverpool, O., Oct. 30. Charles
pvans Hughes-replying further to
Statements in rresment vv usuii s Cin
cinnati speech toldan audience here
today that the $2,000,000,000 increase
in American exports last year was due
almost exclusively to the demand cre
ated by the European war and cited a
statement by Chairman Hurley of the
Federal Trade commission, to uphold
the claird that America is "not pre
pared for post bellum - competition
with Europe."
"TmU $2,000,000,000 increase," Mr.
Hughes said, "represents almost ex
clusively the demand created by the'
European war.' What are we to do?
There' is but one safe course. It is
idle to talk about conditions of work
if there is no, work. And you can't
have any lastingjiasis for prosperity
unless you v apply the protection to
American industries. .
I was amazed the btlier day when
the spokesman for the opposing party
told the people that we were ready.
He said insubstance that the nations
engaged in this struggle are so wasted
Dy war mat we neea not iear ineir
"That is a very serious mistake if
you want to know what the facts are.
Let those who speak for the opposing
party take the words of the federal
trade commission, spoken almost at
the same time, as a result of their own
inquiry. What is the use or having
socalled expert bodies if we do not
pay any attention to what they say?
"This is what Chairman Hurley of
the Federal Trade commission said
last week in New York on this very
subject, and f commend it to the very
s.erious attention of those who speak
tor an opposing policy, tie says:
" 'While in many respects we know
little of what is going on in the war
ring nations,, we do know that within
sound of the guns, almost within
reach bf the falling shells, .Europe is
reawakening its industries.' 1
s He savs. further: Under the
stress of a life and death struggle ev
ery effort is being made to attain the
highest efficiency in the production, in
the distribution and in the tufc of com
modities of' all kinds.' He adds:
New processes are being discovered,
new inventions are being madeand
new forms of organization are being
created, and that war has compelled
Great- Britain 'to make thirty years of
industrial, progress in thirty months'.
x "Mut Increase Efficiency,-'
",f1f'our industries "'are not to "be
caught slow of mind and flabby of
muscie we must improve uur uusiucss
organization and increase our manu
facturing and -merchandise efficiency,
and must, keep jace with eve'ry step
in turope. . : . '
"That is the statement of the board
by the chairman of it, with respect to
increased efficiency , abroad. They
have got organization. They have got
a better knowledge' ot themselves.
They -have got a better discipline and
efficiency in production than ever b
fore." The economic basis of the pro
duction has not been affected. Even
the waste of the men, in view of the
numbers coming along year by year
into industrial activity leaves them
with more men, today to enter into
production than they had betorc.
Protection Also Needed.
' "Now these are facts for American
business men and American workilig
ment to think carefully over. When
it is said here we need organization
I agree. .When it is said thaf we need
agree, but there is one thing that ware
nqt said: ft is the thing wlych our
opponents, in view of their principles,
cannot well say. It is a thing that we
do say, and that is, whatever your
organization, whatever your alertness,
you .have .got .to have your markets
protected against the competition of
labor that is paid less- than you are.
"We propose to protect American
industry. You cannot run this country
"on the principle ot tantt tor revenue
only. We want to build up Ameri
can industry, protect the American
wage scale and lay the foundation for
social justice."
Mr. Hughes spoke in the dpen air
here 'before a crowd which was so
noisy that his voice could hardly be
heard fifty feet away. He left at
11:30 for Stubenville.
Indians Predict
Mild, Light Winter
Duluth, Minn., Oct. 30. Northern
Indians schooled in woodcraft.
through the signs of streams and for
est, see a kindly, softened winter, and
their labors thus are lessened. They
will not go to any great shakes to
have their squaws build warm wig
wams, they sav. V
The Indians base their belief on the
light corn cro, the scarcity and lazi
ness' of the squirrels at this time,
when' they should be filling their tree
caches. In addition the muskrats are
dilatorv in building their1 habitations;
the fur-bearing animals have thin
coats now, when they should be fitting
out in their thickest overcoats, and
bark on trees is loose.
Ambassador Sato
- Presents Papers
Long Branch, N. I., Oct. 30. Vis
count Sato, the new Japanese am
bassador to the United States, came
here today to present his credentials
to President Wilson. He was accom
panied by his full staff, several of
them in dress uniform. Willi'.m Phil
lips, assistant secretary of state, in
troduced the ambassador to the presi
dent. Greetings expressed hope for
the -continuance, of friendly relations
between the two nations were ex
Whither Any of-the Yankees
Aboard Torpedoed Ship Res
cued not Known, Accord
ing to Admiralty, t
Lansing Refuses to Comment in
the Absence of Definite
Newport News, Oct. 30. At
qffices of the United States Shipping
company local agentsfor the Donald
son line, owners of the Marina, it was
stated today. that the Marina was not
transp"brt in the service of the Brit
ish government.
"It is one of our regular steamers
plying between here and Glasgow," it
was said, "and was owned and oper
ated as a merchantman by the Don-,
aldson line. It, carried general
cargo and some horses for the Brit
ish government. It had not been
commandeered and still retained its
character as a merchantman."
Following are the names and ad
dresses of the Americans, all white,
on board the Magna: ,
F. H. Smith, Philadelphia, foreman;
J. H. Clarke and I. H. Robbins, Rich
mond, Va., and William Cullen, Phil
adelphia, assistant foremen.
Horsemen S. A. Devlin and
George Rogers, N6rfolk, Va.; An
drew Kraig, Springfield, O.; T. H.
Hamlin, Edgar Miller and - Charles
Porky, Baltimore, Md.; A. T. Wence,
Sheridan, Wyo.; H. B. Sinclair, J.
Arnold, F. A. Arnold and Andrew G.
Robinson, Baltimore, Md.; James r.
Foley and James Bridge,. Salem,
Mass.; George W. Wheeler, Lancas
ter, Pa.; T. E. Engle, Baltimore, Md.:
J. J. Harrison, Philadelphia; fcdflie
Martin, Chicago; Charles Hines'and
Walter T. Blainey,, Baltimore; John
R nisen. Boston. ; Mass.: N. F.
Clarke and N. Little, Chicago; F.: C.
Davis, Wakeforest, N. C.J Harry F.
Jones, Baltimore; Tom Anderson, Ok-
. . r-. n n-il CI
lanoma; vv. iyan, Daiiunurcj iiu
Kildal, St. Paul, .Minn.; M. u Hunt,
Baltimore; John J. Rilley and L. Harr
vey.-New York; B. D. Brown, Upper
ville, Va.;' Edgar Scheerer, J. Han
cock and J. C. R. Brown, Washing
ton; D. C; H. B. Mnrdleton, treder
icksburg, Va.; H.. B.-Bennett, Rich
loond, Va.r'Gv M Hause; ' Norfolk
Va ' Thomas' I. Branniean. Charles
ton, S. C; Jack Davis, Roanoke, Va.;
Robert Harris and Robert Barton,
Richmond, Va.; George F. Ledberry,
Fayetteville, N. C; J. C. Baird, jr.,
Charlotte. N. C.i Daniel H, Thomas
and John Thomas, Wilmington, Del.,
and George J. Lancaster, New York.
Thirty-Four Known Survivors.
London. Oct. 30. In reply to an
inquiry from tle American embassy,
the admiralty said today that there
were fortv-nine Americans in the
Lprew of the Marina.
ine aannrauy ihiuinicvi m. v...-
.. . IJ
uhpthpr warninor was civen.
No official information isavailable
whether any Americans were
drowned, although only thirty-four
survivors have been landed at Crook
Haven. Tlie Marina, which was oyt
ward bound, was torpedoed twiceand
DroKe in two. ii is repuueu
men were drowned while attempting
td lower boats. Mr. Frost has been
ordered to obtain all available in
formation in regard to the Americana
on the vessel.
The admiralty says the Marina was
not under government charter.
Lansing Withholds Comment.
Washington, Oct. .30. In the ab
sence of definite information, Secre
tary Lansing refused to comment on
either case.
It has been reported to the de
partment that the Rowanmorg was
sunk in a heavy fog and that the
submarine in that, way may have
shelled the departing boats.
In the case of the Marina some of
ficials take the view that even should
it be under charter to the British gov
ernment, the ship would not lose its
character as a merchant vessel unless
the British had put a naval crew
The 'dispatches did not make clear
and the department is anxious to
learn whether the Marina atttmpted
to flee. , '
Pay Car Bandit
Enters Plea of Guilty
Detroit, Oct. 30. James Walton,
leader of the bandit gang that robbed
a pay caT" of the Burroughs Adding
Machine company of $32,000 here-on
August 4, pleaded guilty upon ar
raignment in justice court today. He
was bound over to the recorder's
Immigrants A re Sending Fifty
Millions to Europe Each Month
1 ' ,
Chicago, Oct. 30. Savings of immi
grants to the amount of $50,000,000 a
month have been sent from the United
States to Europe ever fiTce the Euro
pean war began, according to Lajos
Steiner, for many years a student of
the immigration question in its bear
ing on the settlement of western farm
lands, who is in Chicago today. He
declared this had been done under the
constant urging of the "omnipresent
private banker, whose greatest prof
its lie in foreign exchange." The to
tal amount of savings exported in the
two years of the waf said Mr. Stein
er, is more than $1,200,000,000.
Ex-Secretary Advises Friends
to Support "Drys" Irre
spective of Party. .
Fullerton, Neb., Oct. 30. (Special
Telegram.) William J Bryan in his
first speech in the Nebraska campaign
here this morning advised U his
friends vote for ,dry candidates,' tr
respective of the ticket w!iich. thcy
were on.
Mr. Bryan devoted the first half
of fus ao3ess to. arguments in fa
vor oP the proposed dry amendment,
to the constitution and added that the
saloon keepers, brewers and distil
lers always vote for wet candidates
irrespective of the ticket on which
their names appear.
' "The time has come," he said, "for
dry voters-to support none but dry
candidates. Where the candidates on
both tickets are dry, vote for the man
who is the dryest. This is what I
shall do when I go to the polls at
home precinct at LincolrTa week
from tomorrow.1
- While the speaker made no direct
reference 'to Neville or Hitchcock, it
was apparent to all his hearers that
he did not intend to vote for either
of them.
Union Men Asked ..
To Withdraw iSons
From Boy Scouts
Boston, Oct. 30. Workingmen. of1
of the country arg asked to withdraw
theirs sons from Boy Scout organiza
tions in a resolution adopted by the
state branch American Federation- of
Labor last night. 1 he action came
after a report that Charles C. Jackson,
president of the Greater Boston coun cil
Boys Scouts, had advised scout
masters to prepare the boys under
them to "withstand politically the ag
gressiveness of labor unions," which
he is said to have predicted would be
"savage and bitter after the war.
"If this is to be the attitude of the
Boy Scout movement," the resolution
said, " it is time, that the wage earners
of the country should take their sons,
out of that movement, fo- he reason
that boys and young metrshould be
educated on liberal Hues and not nar
row ones."
Alleged Slavers
Held for Grand Jury
Milford' W. Baker and Florence
Baker were held for thar grand jury
following a hearing "before United
States Commissioner McLaughlin for
conspiracy to violate the .white slave
act. Their bonds were placed at
Moreover1, he declares, not only the
immigrant's money, but the immi
grant himself is headed back to Eu
rope. More than- 1,200,000 steerage
tickets actually have been sold in va
rious parts of the United States to be
good for the "first available passage"
on the conclusion of peace, according
to Mr. Steiner.
Mr. Stcintr is seeking legislation in
Illinois aud other states to check the
irresponsible activities of 4hc deal
ers in money and steamship tickets.
"For his own good, he maintains, the
immigrant with the wanderlust should
be colonized on American farms, not
sent back to impoverished Europe."
Berlin Official Report Tells of
Yielding Ground on Somme
. Front to Britons.
Berlin, Oct. 30. By Wireless to
Sayville.) British troops, - attacking
the German lines on the Somme front!
between Le Boeuffs' and ' Morval,1
succeaded . in-gainin ,". 0und
froiji.the ..Gerinaiui.the, iqc. office :!?
lioutieed today; ". I".':; '' : '. '
South of the , Somme French, po
sitions from La Maisonette, farm to
Biaches were stormed by German
troops after successful artillery prep
aration. , , I
' The farm itself was taken by the
Germans in the attack, during which
412 prisoners, including fifteen of
ficers, were captured. x
Oh the Verdun front there was a
continuation of artillery exchanges.
The textof the statement follows:
"Army group of Crown Prince Rtip-
precht: Many places on the front
north of the Somme were under hos
tile fire, to which we responded vig
orously, "The enemy, during an attack from
the Lesbouefs-Morval line, succeeded
in enlarging his penetration of our
most advanced trench, east of Les
Bouefs, for a small distance to the
south. At all points where the enemy
was able to advance through our cur-,
tain of fire he was sanguinarily re
pulsed. 1
"On the south bank of the Somme,
La Maisonette farm and French po
sitions extending thence to Biaches
we stormed in a brisk attack by in
fantry regiment No. 359, composed of
Berlin and Bradenburg troops. The
attack Was efficiently prepared bv the
artillery, splendidly assisted by the
observations of airmen. Prisoners to
the number of 412, among whom were
fifteen officers, were brought in.
"Army group of the German crown
prince: On the northeast front of Ver
dun the artillery duels continue."
French Take Trenches.
Paris, Oct. 30, A system of Ger
man trenches northwest of Sailly--Saillisel,
on the Somme front, was
captured by the French last night, the
war office announced today. The
French advanced as far as the Sailly
Church. 1
South of the Somme the Germans
made repeated attacks between Biach
es and the region south of La Mais
onette. By means of their last at
tempt they obtained a footing in some
of the Maisonette farm buildings,
Rhcims was bombarded violently
and some civilians were killed..
Baby Is Killed
During Auto Race
Edgar, Neb., Oct. 30. (Special.)
Two women were severely hurt and
a baby killed in an auto accident here
yesterday. Fred Knigge and wife and
his brother's wife, Mrs. Herman
Knigge and baby, of Columbus, who
are visiting here, were returning to
town. Another driver attempted to
pass them and a race resulted. Mr.
Knigge's car ran into the embankment
at the side of the road and truned
completely over, throwing the occu
pants out. The baby's skull was frac
tured and it died in a few moments;
Mis. Herman Knigge sustained a
fracture of the right wrist and Mrs.
Fred Knigge a fractured clavical.
Fred Knigge was not injured.
Highest October Price
On Record for Lambs
The highest price e,ver paid for
lambs in October was recorded on the
Omaha Live Stock exchange yester
day morning, wnen Oeorge M. Keed
of Laurel, Neb., soldH double-deck of
lambs, weighing a little under sev
enty-tour pounds Btraight, at $11,
Senatorial Campaign to Bid
Specially for Oerman-Amer- i
v , 1 lean Votes, 4
The Hitchcock outburst In -' bis
World-Herald" - about his - opponent
"appealing to , rice prejudice" is evi
dently intended as a cover, for what
i. being, done for him to nail down
tlie, Oerniifi-vote and' tfie qq'eflrt&hlej
methods being pursued. It has been
disclosed that' a ' special-; appeal 'for
Hitchcockin the German language
signed by certain Germans, mostly
democrats, has been prepared to go
in all the German papers and also
to be sent out as a circular, . And
behind this lie i-iale. , i r
- According to the story, a rkimbar
of Omaha men known to have Ger
man sympathies received, invitations
last Wednesday from A. L. Mever.
manager of Willow Springs distillery,
to be his guests at dinner without
indicating what the purpose of -the
session was to be. As a prelude to
the discussion, some matters con
nected with the wet and dry campaign
were brought up and thin, the sub
ject raised of all joining in an ef
fort to re-elect Hitchcock ia a recog
nition of his services to the, German
Val Peter, editor of fhe local Ger
man paperTTTad a document .already
drawn up for signatures, lauding
Hitchcock and telling why. Germans
should support him. In a word, the
dinner tendered by the distillery man-
ager turned out to be a Hitchock
meeting, pure and simplealthough It
soon disclosed the fact that several
of the guests present were opposed to
Senator Hitchock and particularly to
making his candidacy a German is
sue. Mr. Meyer's Own Statement.
"To be perfectly fair." said Mr.
A. L. Meyer last night after reading
The Bee's article; "1 think yOu should
make this correction that the purpose
of our dinner was wholly non-political.
In conjunction with a number
of gentlemen interested in havingj
viii many sti iigUL ucmic IMC pUDUC
I had had published a booklet called,
'Prophecy Fulfilled,' in which the au
thor, M. Dclaisi, a member of the
French chamber of deputies, writing
in 1911, or three years before the
present war,Nhad predicted, 'the war
to come.' In oVder to place this book
let on 'sale 'at newstands and give
it a wide circulation, we had 10,000
copies printed at 'a cost of $400 of
which $250 was stilt ot be raised and
I asked these men together to take
up the financing of the project and
in fact they did provide for most of
rthe obligation by contributinir $10
apiece. Other matters were, it is
true, brought in for discussion in
fact presiding officer, I was
asked to invite opinions ion several
matters but I want to insist that
the candidacy of Senator Hitchcock
and the matter of giving him sup
port in recognition of his friendly
attitude to the Geraians, was inidental
and was nottlic psjine object and it
was wholly chance that all. but two
or three of the guests do favor Sen
ator Hitchcock."
Carranza Now Has -
of 175,000
New York, 'Oct. 30. An army of
175,000 men, well equipped, provis
ioned, arid clothed, is now under com
mand of General Carranza and sat
isfactory progress is being made to
ward a restoration of peace in Mexico
by the breaking up and extermination
of the different "bandit" organiza
tions, according to Andres G. Garcia,
inspector general of consulates for
the dt facto government of Mexico,
who arrived here today from El Paso.
Horse Freighter Marina En-
route to Newport News is
Torperjoed Off Ireland
Without Warning.
State Department Will Investi
gate Whether Rights of Neu-
-.. trals at Sea ViolatejL v
: '..'- "BULLETIN. :;7'
London, Oct. 30. A private tele
gram received at the; American con- 1
sulate this afternoon from CrooIcl'i
Haven says that a number of Amer
cant were drowned when the British ,
steamship Marina was torpedoed by
a German submarine.
London, Oct. 30. The American
embassy today received a report from
Wesley Frost, American consul at , x
Queenstown, that that British (team- ;
ship Marina 1 had been torpedoed '
without warning. It is believed a
number of Americans were on board, i
Lloyds reports' that a ateamer an- ,
chored off Crook Haven, Ireland,
signals that it has picked up the ship- ,
wrecked crew of -the steamship
Marina of Glasgow. " ; '
Mr. Frost is now procuring affi
davits from 1 survivors.
A report on October 26 of the
British steamship Rowanmore, also
made to the American embassy today
by Mr. Frost, who states that the
vessel was torpedoed. Seven Ameri
cans, including five Filipinos, were '
on board the Rowanmore. Several
o them have given Mr. Frost affi
davits stating that a submarine thell- ,.
ed life boats while they were being
lowered and after they were clear ofi
the ship, without causing loss of life. 1
. Fifty Americana Aboard.
Newport News, Va., Oct. 30.
There were fifty Americana on i-the , .
British steamship, Marina, reported
torpedoed without warningin today's
dispatches from i London, when it -
sailed from Newoort Newt. The
Americans were signed here at horse
men. Ihey were all white and gave
their hornet as in various sections of.
the.- United Statea i' i-
Local agents for the owners of the
Marina say cable advices reported tha
vessel leaving Glasgow for Newport
News on Octobe 2S in Wlaat.-C-w'Miy
.Revive "Controversy' - "
Washington, Oct. 30. Destruction
of the British horse transport Marina
by a German submarine without
warning with possible loas pf Ameri
can lives and the endangering of the
lives ef seven American citizens in
the submarine attack on the British
freighter Rowamor'e reported from
Queenstown today by American Con
sul Frost contain possibilities of re
viving the submarine issue between
United States and Germany.
Officials realize investigations may j '
disclose there has been no violation ",
(Continued on Fe Two. Colama Two.)
General Von Stein
Becomes Prussian'
Minister of War
London, Oct. 30. A Berlin dis
patoh forwarded from Amsterdam
says that the German emperor has
sent Lieutenant General Adolf Wild
von Hohenborn. the Prussian minister
of war, to take command of an army
the emperor has appointed as Prus
sian minister of war and state Lieu
tenant General von Stein. The,
change, it is stated, is due to the de
tire that the minister of war, who
must decide military measures at
home, should have a thorough expe
rience in the increasing wants of the
army in the field. , V t
General von Stein was Tppointed
to the colhmand of the Fourteenth
reserve army corps in September, 1914
after having served as quartermaster
general. As late as two months ago
he was in command of troops in the
Somme sector of the German front ;
in France, apparently, in the vicinity '
of Thiepval. General Wild von Ho
henborn was made quartermaster
general in January, 1915,'and was ap
pointed minister of war to-succeed
General von Falkenhayn a few days
later - before : his : appointment as
quartermaster general he saw consid
erable service as a division command
er with the German army in Flanders.
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