Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Dramatized and Produced by the
From the Popular Novel of the same name
: forgot to owntlon that w.'r to Ick.t of hi motor coat. Chrl.tophw pulled nd Race th othr; but Jack BlieWrd him- and th only hop lay In tn PPM
nnf' jtnd ha laughed out boy- " " unfolded th. paper. On on eld. a lf oould not have cut a Uravr dash than or wu tatart tttaylj
. teWwords wr writtn, whloh h absorbed' gay FItsgarald. play for th prise?) "Don t b frlghtnd.
perhepe I I
highwaymen f
"f ou did forrt that part." Christopher in a oond in th y of Scarlet Runner.
Mt rWl.t bringing her ln-"i. aha to be a -rVw. instead of your unload. ona. in- 0' V mu' of a n,w,.Wv?'!.' KWhlch hl" "i ha'S! rnTnT kSit I? 52!
hiahwar woman r t .i .?i!h in! .hVlrt , -rone- ..r. the atoppad lmoat a soon a. It had begun. In hi. .louch hat. h. ran and at Unt
T., ,- . a . .vi a - t - -- --. . . . , . rirHaT-H jhv iwn toi: muknii hirhwavman tn din i reel. cunnr nil oomraai 10 xaiigw.
ontf .0 or an aQ. risraiu n- instruction nulud into ma mina Derore ne rr-- ..V .I""',.? .1 ;::;1:'rr.T:. V,A,.- iv. rMf-v,.. .n k. tn
rjrki nr. sp.i?.. ? .r, a. b" ,4 fiSt.; huJr or th.";..;; Vhu. sr irua. -s .han,; tor
Th giggling, welted orl of woman and anybody, and poll sport" ha crl.d, hi vole
th laughter or attempted proteete of men breaking, with laughter. Then, matching on
jr." lm r.7. i"?.'" ? SL ' light W th. huWof th. Jest, whii. oth.r.. th.m 1.," h. siolalm.d.
wa four 'man. At th. right mom.nt w.'r. ufnT... My thing ihould wrong." What It. would hav. PPd from th. th. prl. fair tady.'
to tnrow on our oowis, out nni i remain collid ,h, mean? What could possibly go ;""","-" "V: . "- ".J." "iZ:.'X .
an abbftaa.
th door. Here and there ran forward a alio, amlllng and beautiful, though a Uttl
C. N. and A. M. Williamson
C-l 1 If k Iff Hnl "Thn. wn" w4'v n"Li our ffMt'" ,,M a loadd ".volw for th. harmlM toy h. had conKl.ntlou. man whom CW.toph.r took pale.
17rArf-Vlim1 Vll RoaH HAI0 I VirlaTT !. gaily, "w. auddenly throw off our monk- ' hl. baltP Ther. waa llttl. tlma to think. or a d.t.ct.. but Una na haraalf oh.cked
every tnina i ou iveaa nere 1 oaay i.h r.b.. .na a. maak. top.boot.d bl .r." hi. . k.Pt UP ; - ': .h. .
' O hlghwaym.n from th. .Wild of , ,,, r, OI cha, and ther would b ZlVL.S!&J2?LJE n An
ww n rp w m r America, w anaii d orieiun. wiw no chance to ftek nuestlona. It Mla Uftuv- ... .a - . wim many vo
V f ow. V!AA I hie WAAlr nlv.a and big r.volv.r. (not loaded, ,cnha np,"Vr "ny lat.r opportunity
napa, ana on omer iuera me "is would hav aald io In hr not, n. m- t p , :. supper,- an. w
oth.r two will hold up th. crowd and make tk. it that th a waa h.r final word, and h. xampl, free from all lurking fear. Flu-
am hand over their yaluablea In th. moat m"t trial to luck and hi. own wit to find gald and at masked follow.r war. reap- th;"Vla0"
reallitlo manner ju.t about midnight" 5 Jta 'n rlch harv..t, dropping, necklace., dog- their bag. or
"By Jot.I" aald Chrlatopher, look ing ' v . .,. ,, collara, braceleta and tlarak. Into the big om tneir am
k,.? , Tha young moon had gon to aleep long ,,. Douche. that hun. from their belt.. Thn Fltagm
And Ml, van Boutan took oft her mask
At Leading Motion Picture Theatres in Vivid Motion Picture
with Y
Next Week Another Story and New Pictures
Copyright; ml, by th Star Company. All Foreign Right. r.rrd.
"Ha, ha I
and from afar oft Chria- but all he had to .ay waa to thank Chrla-
m l unaereiaiiu, pre- . . . . . . - . . , . . , D - '
. - - . , i... ,. tna open gal ai di. etenp or HGine.
fr,"f-T ' . rw' ' th emlllnar lndtre-keDr: and a thin, milky . u iu'ri.M. Kl. nna at the tnnl... fit- hie "itramntln AnnrnHnn nf hla
pru iooi irica oi m. Vv. . ..... tirith en much tlma V"r: :l. '
aoor, rrom wnion ne naa aouoiieen un w, part.
"For you,. But won't It .poll Mia. ran V -.V,-- ; Thiy apui r':""0.n. t0 "m0" IV" " '.h. ..T' "'' .mlt!lke' ". ""ft
round tha driva. that tney naa arnvea mi. a .At- vn,, m nmninr nff th Rrni Moth- L, . a. -i.: i j ... at..
" - " has. veiled th. .tar..
"Wr you. But won't It .poll Ml- ran to r ttjj ha? not 'r-
Boutan balir M .. ,k. th h. arrlvad
"Make a gum a. to wnat w. uo -",.;--.:., - ,.,,, of th.
T .wear Tm In th. dark." tiSThrummina
"All thla will happen Juat before .upper, fh. thrumming
There', to b a grana ail-aown aupper, ana
'..a,Ur .'yn- l ,,m .w-ned Ing had gone wrong, Chrltophr wa .aylng mlIlut,. i aa my frle
Hungarian. '? the ballroom drowned t0imM wh,n ,u4denly the blood mounted ,Vp. and hear our fat-l
ummlng of th motor, and it , hl heaa ln a wav, that ror a .econd, th, blue diamond. You are 1
rlet Runner mad. no ound aa ahe turnd h(m gm Hl4 nothlng son, tni diuj aiamona. iou are i
war not a jok, dui
know whthr ih.y'v. b..n th. vlotlm of "w.'r. her. at exactly th right tlm," wom,n ,hould nvr .e their J.w.l again?
3oarlt Kunner maaa no tUI.n,d him giddy.
unmaaking. P.opl. will b. tn the moat ran unaer u u....-. - wrong? wnat ll tm.
enablea me also to chang. my mind at th
xrlend. will stay to
-in the mattar ol
free to do a you
'1 must be getting back to town."
with your car? very wen; we win meet
rHRlBTOPHBR drew up Scarlet Runner
before the doer nf the new A ,,....,,.
RMtaurant Ju.t aa tha tall Dorter in "I'm to be
dark green and gold lace wa. giving hla Chrl.tophar,
trifled with a bunch of Tlolet bld her . w, W?ii . whitlher th.v'v been robbed aald Fltaaerald. "Every aoul but ouralve By thl, tlm, tha content of tho. leather later." . .t
plate, her face un.mlling. occurred J!gt tVln- buJ-th.yll go In to .up- ., come and 1. In the ballroom. Wa ahall might b, worth two hundr.a Fltagarald wa. th. of th. ocea.lon;
to ChrUtoph.r that aha had carolv aooken ' tbelr little all, but tn.y ll yo in w y 5T .?". now. Mr. Race, can tf Ann.r hi. charmina air. and on of th young men of Mia Dauv-
t .11. yet u him, at l.a.t, .ha dominated u'fng around Ilka mice for new. of th. yop. turn youf car round, r.ady to g.t away of bonhon,, Pt,g.raia were a rogue-well. T'J"". fg e?h.w.? "ihcr!?
th.K.n. I . ""V,"" '.; Than after midnight will L tha ln.Wf Thata It. There', our doo
i great dl.h- pi. with a wonderful you .... through which w. hav , to maa. (or a man , nnanclai trouble, of any .ort. lopn.r . anow. w. "-?
t. -in h. down bv a .ervant , aah when we come out, laden with . . th , ha y onllai th, ho.te. Scarlet Runner, to hi. inten.e aurprl.e there
- . . .- t . .... . . . i , m nrettv COmin. . ... , t I. v., y
aleeolna nartnarr' aeVed my.teriou. moior.
rl.hln. hlm.elf alaewhere. PPr
ervtcu to . lady who wa alighting from though hla Intfteat wa antanglad.
iitviur in irom oi mm. ner race wa o v"
trlklng that for a few aecond. h foraot .wake. Buf
that ha Wa. BtlfTlv and meehentellv hnlHtn COUr.e you1
ua a letter deeinert fne aiv.w tn th. next weekf
magnlfloent porter for a luncheon gue.t It 0( cur Chrltophr had, and aald o.
waa not only her beauty which Chrlatophtr Vot th pat fortnight th paper had rained
found avreatlng. paragraphs about the Van Boutan hall. It
"That girl oan't be mor than twnty- w" to b a ma.k.d ball, and wa -itined
four, If she's that; yt th whole history of ' ',v! ln magnlflcanca tha hiatori nffalr
th World seem, looking out of h.r eyes at Devonshire House ln Diamond Jubilee
anyhow, all tha art, and muslo. and drama Ml Van Boutan. . patent yeast heir
of the world," waa th ourlous thought that w" ranownd for her beauty as for
tumbled Into hi hud ber million. 8he and a caraftflly eeleoted
Two men .tending In tha doorway .eemed "nt had taken and restored a nn old Ab
aoually Intereited In the girl. On of th tr ' Hnry VII.' d.y, conveniently near (
men. an elderly major, friend of hi. rioh tendon. A year agp the young helre..
unola, he knew slightly. Th othr, who wa. bad bn presented and oaptured society,
young, exceedingly wall dressed, and o ' n nad oaptured, or wa on th point
good-looking aa to be almot picturesque, of capturing, tha Marquess of Arrowdale.
had pale olive feature which seemed vague- Now she and tha aunt were giving thl. bail,
ly familiar to Chrl.tophar. t which, It wa laid, after th unmaaking,
T, sir; you called me, I think, lrr hr engagement to Lord Arrowdal- woum
It was th vole of th green and (old perhaps be announced.
porUr. He had handed th lady out of th "W hav a echem for th night of th
motor oar; th motor car waa gliding away; ball which will b th sensation of tha cen-
th major waa shaking hand with th plo- tury, If we can only carry It out," Kltsgerald
turesque young man. v want on. "It fall, on th last of March, a.
"Oh er ye.," Christopher answered th I ald: that at midnight we shall have
giant briskly. Ha thought that he wuld th lit of April, or All Fool'. Day, you
not, b orry to escape a broadside from th know. But that give you no hint of our
retired officer. "I want to leave thla letter brilliant Idea though It did give us our In
fer Lord Arrowdale. He's to lunch her, 1 splratlon. Wa had reason to belltv up to
bllv, and will be Inquiring for a letter. '"t night that tha plan wa In th-bst
"Vry good, lr," aald th porUr, and took working ordr; but th ohemes of mlc
th envelop. But h wa not quick tnough nd mnl On of our best mfc uddnly :
to save Christopher from th major, who fd ua Influenia or something obvious,
cam forward and aald all th thing that Th wheels wouldn't go rouna without him
Christopher had known ha would say given literally; because he s a motorist. I waa
the chanoa Th young man answered civilly, upt; but I reflected, TVhen In doubt, al
and .van zplalnd without petulance hi. way oonsult an American girl,' Ml o.lld
mention of Lord Arrowdale'. name, which Mia Dauvray Into oonaultatlcm. 'No chap
th elderly gossip had caught. "No, I don't ron,' I laid; nd, having the oourage of
know him; never met him In my life. A her conviction., h consented to a lunch at
friend wantd him to try my oar. Promlad th ultra-rspctabl Athenaeum. While I
to leave a not her. making an appoint- waited for hr I aw you and your oar.
m.nt." -What a beauty! 1 1 aald to myself. Don't
A. h. talked on, from th. tall of hi. y. "S,,"? & doouT trick"
h:dWbU'nhm.tth.. Kmrb,' XFiJS? ti t& oim.'"."., MafoV Noffirn. In
Mqu young man, and thy wr speaking ,.., . arlarlnalltv cantlvatad my
tog.tnr now wi n kind or suppressed .",--,,. n th. i-,t.. i veu were If It had not md too ridiou
louely ooncltd to fancy such a thing, Chrls-
iniereei wa enian.iea. - . . t M1 van Bouten', ,p0ls. Th
"nrirrt'll',0yUoutll ibo;;rTt.WOf & . ri5)8Sffi,prln.lpU Ubta f wit. . a trough thos
e heard o tha Van BMtan ball raque.t for Ml., van Bout.n herself to out to get out o(
ve heard of th Van Boutan ball ( " gh io aQ. an4 , tnat wUi he all monk' robes.'
K'W' ll 'Leewt tyfekean
tophr would hav had th tda that h was
the ubjct of thlr oonvration.
Imagination on tha Instant. I fait you wr
th man for ua, It we oould secure you.
"W want you to take ua Ml Dauvray,
myself, and several friend to Bt. Ronan's
Veil, ta. Z Ntt tuw I writ old J.m.y A"' ?n your r.PP.n. motor
ril Ull him hi n.phw'. looking pro.psr- ' "V.. that vou'll bi baok In town
ou,." ..Id th. major, and .Idled off without ' lti' '."topped
when, in
In for
backward glance. A. he did so, before S,,m50' 1 , you 5m
Chrl.toph.r -oould guide Scarlet Runner ti.SLVnl-,
away, th. plctur.qu young man naa isrt ..",j VVi.I;aluat tha .ort of thing
the girl .landing In tha door and carried !Dl"l'd., ,JJur!
'1 beg your pardon, but may I apeak to
to appeal to your
"If rathr odd. said Chrlatophor, "but
uu,.. Ana mat pour, iieuyr v,i.,u, v., . . . . . .
n.k i.nUe nrettv comina .L . . , i... if at ner house, sal juiss xauvrav in we imi uu, w me
those gold-colored curtains Now by n , lo., driver'.
our mowi'we- - - their dearest treasures! one wwuiu , - - ,A
forglven-could never live down auch a ''J'J""?;' he ,a"'-
- "If you wish." '
They started, and for a few moment.
neither spoke. Then Christopher asked, "Did
I do the thing you wanted?"
"Tea," she .aid. "I thought ypu would
do it."
" "Tou hypnotised me, perhaps. But waa It
,a gam, or "
"Oh, a gama, If you Ilka. But a terrible
came. I would have given my life to atop It.
or your.. Tou've saved both. I oan llv
now, I think. If he win th prl.a he'll 1st
me alone for awhile. But If he'd succeeded
to-night I couldn't have borne It What
would there have been for me? Only rto
disappear, a. he meant to do, or disappear
I In another way, a quieter way. I should
lhave chosen that I'm so very tired, you
isee." i
"Tired of what?" Christopher questioned
her almost fiercely.
"Of playing cat's-paw for him. I'm a
coward. I'm horribly afraid of him. He
could ruin me. I've helped him several
time. ln country houses where Tve been
staying. It's nearly killed me. but I had to
do It. This would hav been worst of all,
though. I love little Milly van Bouten. 1
bear her no grudge for taking Arrowdal.
Ten mlnuten lathe a nA.. . . . .
robin dated Jgure wa. flitting on foot round a short cut
. ... k - . . . ... a noia rrom Kora rruw u.i., meenis an ai-
.siLr,,An.rh.roir"k.d' ;..dn, vwv "I'v1:- . .", cara.
... M M,iet elln In ek..4 01 ni. iri.nO IO Ol. nuUM ivr vn uetl. " ewrfc FQUnO
RUnntf Plac, or mult SUP In ahead. . r. ...n.nlv enn waa All Fools' Dav enn elel-,l ,
"What I want 1 to aak If you will lunoh
witn ua tn
' of holding th
tonih.d. "Tou mltak m tor komon . ChrUtoph.r wa. glad wnen ana looked up. i" " -III vote . VI. i " ""l- '" on f"r myself and party of four
h Tt hm Kim hie flret real flhtnni tn eee whet everyone will vote Ua the Prize or he .l.He. . .Yr.1' DJ rour
"lS7T.. ..i .... k h.r eve. re Ilka No: It waa not naoee. vta without a een.e of humor. Now. t-.TJUT J, T ' "rtlng for a"
hea tel. ma everything. Tou lilt.
" " ' t. ....t- fiotri inar rrown.nn ihnm t r
That caua-M Chrlopnr, at It waa maant layr oomamina, ywy Mj.rwnT.iy, T.rj "-- -;r"v ZZ "7" ..' fin P,tB-r.M h. ,. a. . ...
to. . "V.1-F wall. I'm w!th you." .aid h.. And ardontly-but wh. T wa. .n.p.oad to -7 l ine cnua"ft- tlont waV tha thought whloh" Vnv;
to DO ntar ma. tnmrn wmm m on new 01 nn o-m - rv.rinTf.i.Kd.r'gi r,in v,- i l , :
..l.W&to!l .:?:VAhA.e"-':- "torted W,sg.r..d; .r.,t0nPh uru'e. tKZ I'
-" - n -- V Tf -...-. inn. ..mi e.i w ej.. - -r- IJ .
,,, .W..H: r-r,.. .ft. ....... . . --lOMIK. . . V - Jt i ... J.
I ""31
Bf llMhT -1 a vl n I i
Ulee Dauvrav looked uo auddenly. and wa All Fools' Day and olalminBt the n.i.. tn the rvnnt ji ei B."vr tuT
mi l 10 aaa u you win lunon . -r: ,",,,', - ,h. I.nev curve of her oursalvee. Tour nam. k. X. ' ..e ' "V. T' . aamitten hv
;m.rf."..Ut,t!tlonn ch.k. uTn.d . d.P r...-ool.r. Still .h. 1... you .Ik, a. you don't k m.'. tSStS'.
It gave him hi nr.t real onanca to see what - ""7, " v
rn hr y. wr Ilk. No; It wa not neoes- . Si. .... ." hV
n. .ary tor a woman with uch ys to say thar an adventur. for you. n'.
"ntant. a reoulred. her abbess' vll. and
Btlll. what aid th eyee " regular ooy-and-glrl adventure- board, Mur OI p"le-
reet-ce oa.r
perhaps h thought of th lady, h
with K. .. mmTl n'll ret nut
nre.anv. ray oar me sens eiue. vt, nm um " ... nVU h.l uerr-eue no tnate n,,t -k.t m..
and come bask." appointment with Lord Arrowdale? wa. right, h. .1 v.; CI,.
".utTafir 3"' ,n, Wb. wa. commuted to th, iXVVVSTiJ
ZJPSPJ&m- rn......h.. -h...., 5 nn'dlv SZtSSl fSS them"?. ffi?hAL"lL hi..'C? Fu""n". what h. had maant
walking ap rapidly round tha eorn.r that h. hi. In aupport of hr on word. It wa a Dor Wth lt ali or v,Ie(1 lth mwJ! , . ' '
took hla Lost and host unawar. Thy If ah appealed to him. But did h want tn., h. .. ., 'k.u.A. The laat guests ware ushered Into a fin. hall, calamity. She might even lose her lover, from ma, because I didn't love him. It wa.
were still standing In the wld doorway of hm to consent or rfuT H felt uddnly 011t vn ( h, could J wnere tneuwo notsses had stood to recelv through lt only bla mony and tltl I wanted needed.
"Douf Mind What I Said, Laughed Elolse.
ipcted him baok mo .oon, tor th.y were way to do so wa to mor of her. H 00uld hav, i.aKh himself for the L.V.h ,h, hd a lnt0 the ballroom, and th hall
dean ln conversation. would aaa mora of her. "In that oa, na aI(,itemant which ran ih,n.h hi. .,. u. waa empty.
11 wee vmr hivm .em. e " -
,iu. e v .. -- ... wee rnnrnuniLv in ins amnr nv in. arivan. .xoivo i,a uuur. eeia r lEflra n. F -.I.1. t hi. iii were nmcir ant nie niir.
!,.. tk.t eKe Innliul tin enrf eew tllm. "Tt'e Bet fieri VOU'tl ona Of Ul Z0lalmd ..... .. I... .. .i. l.,.. e.. epk.,.'. nnTv that nne mr.A ,k. 1 j .v.
uwu.i .- -r --" '" " " r. vuie , .i ee inuruuaiuy o r us.eraia. r . . . ui,r a,,e hlgn, n couia stop me game!
f"h'nrbl."- "i""'".h,"?l .D",lrt.4"i?.".d"r"rr; Tri: ." "t nigh, cam. Christopher JJSTS. T..1rh.,h.,,,rL",.n'5;.e "In cas. anything should go wrong!" If ''you like. Fit. thought .I'd bj , 1 of r..
Miss Dauvray had meant this meant him to vl' ' ,"- "
guess, meant to give mm sometning oy 7ir'
I'hJ! tlT '"I'aTJT: ?hiCi..1 h" 0UI" "Oh. lt all b.S.n with th, most awful
with a start of surprise, evidently not wholly Fltsgerald. , He arrived early at th rndesvous. but 4 the far end, through which we go when suddenly hla head was clear as 'a bell. If losses at bridge, and a hundred outside debt.
agreeable, though .ne nait-.miiad cmiiy. "y... said unnopstt. ot ,ari ,n0ugh to be th. nr.t on th. '" " '"n- o" mu.t keep this h, oid th, thing which had sprung into his " ".?. S i1 m 7. "
Th. .tart warned her companion, and he "Th.n you ahall hw 7Ai . Thr wa a garden with rather a oor. I want Race at the other, a he's train h. would not spoil Fltsgerald's chance then I thlnk-I cheated. Fit. . aw, and
turned to w.lcom hi guest with an lm- Wall. a. you. h.ard all -boutthe ball .you hl wa and Mr. . Run f. chauffr and should bs out first to .tart 0f the prise, in case the play were a genu- vd me. for-this kind of thin. He In
ou slve air which wa rathr enraging. Tea, know that Mllly van Bouten or heraunt, ,.,.. , ,h. r..r . ,h. .., .,...f th car for us. Th minute We e-et In see 1" ...... ... c... i. . w.r. .rnt awful straits too. But the blue diamond
certain ly. ne waa .airem.iy (uoa-iuo.ina.wno pos.e a. 0o.,r-,., ?" "'-"",': th gate opened, and Fltsgerald looked out """ V1!. '5. In' ,100K OI .yonT aoor' he might av th situation for Mies van
Chrl.tophjr would barely have guessed Ft" blue diamond a a prlsa- for tha gratt (rom undar a d)m han,,n(f ght. stopping McCUllaj, and If there I., turn lt and pull Bouten, save the Jewels, and unless Flti-
i,u.eiw.e .y. ..-.,...-.. - eeii.eiiu.i v. .... .......... , InA car, unnstopner saw tnat tnere were ' ' . ,iin imve .erald were a fool no one need ever Know
"Meaning th handsomest ooetume?" two othr mn with him, both already wear' vryboay penned oror tn run begin.. Tou he truth.
"Not eaaotiy tnat, ior u oan vn o won ing motor goggi, wnicn at.gui.ea tnem a" mm rwiwmwr ei.iiei mr nirowm. ...... ... .,, -..-...t had
turesque ln ordinary frook-ocat and .ilk
hat; yet thl man wa English. "Tou'll
think I'm mad," ha aald amlllng, "But even
that' better than to be eommonplao, Isn't
by my party. What she mean I to glv ball.
th diamond to tna person or group or par- ."We've all been dlnlna- hare."
Miss van Bouten, who'll be Undine, In pale com-
win save him. lfl he aete lt For your sake
I hope he will, ae well a tor mine. He
doesn't forget easily."
"How did he mean to rid himself of me
to-night?" asked Christopher quietly.
"Tou can guess, I think, Of course, th
Xu.hryoVdTOffi.T.p.n.on. Mr. SSJSSSSi " - fZJ&X TSbTH
no u na unaine, in paie , . . . ; a - a
green, with shower, of diamond, and pearl. Fltsg.rald . nlh.d H. and his as- ory oi . .g""---- fMtfB
aa w anow ior c.nain, manna to aiiss sieiani wer. ue..m...a. men u.... u .-: .. ;... c h.e. h..n ..b.n
At th. sound of hr name th girl toppd
on hr way to tha door ae if to anawer.
Rare" Deem remay ior me last ten mmutea Uri.
. nam.r ' "Naturally. verybody want, to gat that Dauvray, our friend's grandmother, oan't
i-rnm Hator Norburn Even tha nam of oiamona. wnion Miny van Boutan oougnt at bear the smell or smoke, so we'v had a olg- ""r " """r " V f T V th. kev Into hi Docket Then with nt
your .oT.ndld m It'"th. ira. a. an Intro. Chrlstl.'. on purpow to off.r In thl. way. ar.tte apiece In the garden, expecting yol. But .h. did not an.wer. She .imply touched b"k" thV gold curtain, h ftrJ on. bar"
ductlon And now will lMro"ca' you to ' tfi.r think fc.IW. aw. I'll 11 Ml. D.uvray Oh. h.r. Chrt.,oph.rt , bkf toM ytm
Mv"aamaT'ls1''PonBonby Fltnsgerald"; and If then there'a ba a chanoe of Its coming 'back Th. opening aoor thr.w out a stream of
'he glaa. doors But Instead of unlocking your benefit. jmWhnuM
It. ai Christopher had been tola to fio, he to .top your - nt at a certain plaoft I .bclleva,
tried It quickly, found It fastened, and slipped K to m.e t t f2lFffif& v,h XT??.
cident and went on.
A moment after they were Inside th ball
" ,......, I k. j to her In th end though I know for a faot llahL and tha cloaked flsrur of a tall alrl . v, uiv. w.,..
Bomeone. eiee w.i. .....v.. ... ... ... ..., it I. .ntt. .11 i." ... ........ k. . . f. ii.. V.T. " -" -re
thick chlf- fariea of fairyland and tha klnas and oueens
.....v. . .... . , . . . , - . , , . , , . . . . . . ... . ... w.v-. v. ....... . - - - w.e rnrm hid e int ne cerrien no narmieee
nrobablr tall ouv that I don't do anything " " Pr"'u"" r7tn'v:9" m." PWa, iutnaa oy a maia. miut dauUd by a cn of tnehantment. Alt th i; iV.. iUit h AIZ 9r"r Da
.... ,o. in uitt. r or iht pari, i want 10 a-i iu rav naa oov-srsa nap raoa witn a thick chir- ..x -k. bH.. .- l"r - " .
PsoSb; lTtT...r..d!,r Th.-young man'. lJ.ffTJJS .iinVw7nd-(th.r. ffWglKS th? wbSnV"' eM.nlL:
"m1.'.,.., nlw::3.ij,1.?wX"a"nn.,1:sc
queer nov.l, whloh mad. a sensation on th. the diamond jt a bar,. I ,d JJ ft.r ,roh.d for hla dl.d lf , rev.reno. tor th. monkish "J"l,A" J" "."l'"
they wouldn't hava killed you, for Piti
waa going: to dtriappaar and you oouldn't
have Identified the other man. But you
would have had a knock on the bead, and
ini e r .-. 1 4 Th .-at fttlvMn vniip rhara k aa
" wa? ".'v Flt'"Ia, know that he k H 4r, on, or , makH o(
formidable that he carried no harmles . and h,., b.en taking lessons with your
oen; ana me e.ieal wa. over- k,nd for th, lMt thre, daya. But now don't
All the women .creamed (he ,.k . ,.. DU,.tions. will you? I'm
and his fol-
so tired. It you are kind, let me rest.
fSrlatnr.her nheveri mil eet ellent. drlvlner
Instant .... Kelther sunk, asraln until he had
strenath of lu; and out of th thr.., tlm. i what shi , paid W6uld h.T.-h.ld h.r Int. band who entered tha laet guMt. with th. 11 t 'or an Instant though They brought her to her own door In, Regent'.
novel he had wove. play which owed It. J . Am.rican wp.- tn, .. of lh, oar. but she last note. wran g ro rw. i ou, nr.a,opn.r stopp.a ParR.
euccee. to th. eame quality. Pwpl. knew S"""''' ' i.mVn. wouTdi't ii "'PP0 blm,-n Chrl.topher had an n. .v ,. v, !(... "!. Tnh"'."..''..,. It Tn' " n toPPd Soarl.t Runner, h
him an Ulk.d of him .till, though he had ,h.oot of the "lJ;o' uST'Sii, & " onTlotton that ah wiehed ,?" kJlJ,E.hlTMr. .! cou" th ! V w . brol ""ti
not .Inc. written another novel or another 11wfL-7.,,.,wiV.hinV , VJ K Ti? w. to put h In. Without an ?.r'.".. 25? tnw.S. ! " 1m HllI'4 up' OT 1 flr,! h houtl1- "All this tlm Tv b.n thinking ( what
Play. Th.r. w.r. thing, .bout him ln tn. JJIUyt w " S.'ur"Ta?a. ?to Ju K..ll.tlon h held out hi. arm a a support Sf'RY.1 i'TJd SHhi rSi " 'ciSt.' Th" w.apon. baa death In th.m. too- you'v. Mid, I "
papar. .om.tlmM. H. w.nt to eountry I th prl,, a w. shall, our ld Is tp Mil tof fc hat d ,h, tald ,r fln , tain. iM I thi Jar end of ! th. Chr"to- fc o( thatout h oould w,ak at iw m if B.rTou. laughur.
?:t butT'f r,t3 HiiSr'SwE'SS .T:h..v":!-bool4",h'o', SSrH"Svf x&jmTxrA's&st. zmsvjl jss. fr'm-
oy?r h-..trm.gjT.r.v: as SHa SStSS SLw hfeas iffSrSra r- -t-r. ESnE.'K stUM mj
twenty-ulne or thirty. "Miss Dauvray and I th. aUmond, your A E!m th thing-whaTev.r It wai-w.ll con" ''n loft his roaary. And with that ,0mson. knock.d-up fci. arm (no on. but tak. oar-FI won't b too pleased with
have an Important Job on for the ten day "'.DOn? ..?f!loo itSti I and "mwIS I It from .llpTlng dn. thr. wer. .udd.nly four hlghwaym.n- chrl.tophw mw that if wu a v.ll.d abbess), you for ohantiug the nd of hi. gam.."
a: mil Jspssi?uTirJl 3S M 'siL-,. a-na a itSarjffs frT
HSiS,S aSaSSMsSSa ,K,wrai.M 5:. to th-- nx sj?
"The'uth. girl U,,tlw pro. te "12 bauVwhi C7t ' ta pUM th. brr.l by'mMU of 7. Mad. mut of It. Hd but on With that Fltarald bum into . loud tht ot iwrablm
Jr.d InSSSZkMilVSTtr nJli! InXtt lltil. d rubber band. A h usistent In th. With. .m. of holding up teugh vd tuek hi. wpon In hi. from wishing to a. Elolu Dauvray again.
wTrt hte great, daring black .yea Bh. up-to-dat. hlghwaymn ahould. But, oh. allppwl th revolver from ht hand Into a deep th company, for ICCteUaa kept on. door (Wu It becauae h knew th gam was up, (A irw A.veatwr. m Week.)