Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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A. W.' Jefferis Denounces Deni
ocrat Congressman for
His Acts.
. A. W. Jefferis knocked the ball over
the fence last evening at a republican
mass meeting held in Eagle hall,' Flor
ence, where he arraigned Congress
man Lobeck tor alleged shirking of
debts, according lb a letter read by
, ihe speaker and written by C. E.
Markham of North Bend, Neb. i t
"The people of this district owe it
to Mr. Lobeck to retire him from con
gress, because the poor fellow is get
ting m deeper every year' said Mr.
' -Jefferis. "He is receiving $7,50 a
year and yet it seems he cannot live
on that salary. He may have to go
on the chautauqua platform like Mr.
Bryan did," he continued.
No Sense of Obligation.
Mr. Jefferis addeUhis charge: "He
has no sense of obligation of his debts,
nor has he ever taken a leading stand
on any proposition." Ben S. Baker,
republican nominee for congress, was
referred to by Mr, Jefferis as a man
eminently qualified for the position
now held by Mr. Lobeck and he guar
anteed that if elected Mr. Baker would
be able to live within his salary as
congressman and pay his debts.
John L. Kennedv was commended
to the voters of Florence as an ag
gressive leader! a man who would do
honor to the state if elected and who
' would serve the interests of the state
and nation.
Mr. Jefferis landed on Secretary
waker ot tne war department ior. nv
ing referred to George Washington's
continental soldiers as akin to Villa's
bandits. "Such a, statement should
not go unrebuked. It is treason to
thus belittle the institutions of a great
republic," he said.
J Baker Refert to Tariff.
Mr. Baker give a brief talk in which,
' was a concise explanation of the ad
vantages of the republican protective
-tariff, the Mexican policy and the im
portance of electing 'a republican
house and senate to support manes
nugnes as president. i
1 , The letter read by Mr. Jefferis re
lating to judgment rendered in district
court against Congressman' Lobeck
follows: -Should
Congressmen Pay Debts.
North Bnd, Nb., Oct. 83. To th Editor
of Th Be: A you no doubt know, both
th atata tnd nations) law offer to offlos
t holders swm advantaKM, dnld to ordinary
: nltlicns, notable among: th betna xmp-
(ton from paying" tholr bills. TfoU cannot
garnlshM or attach tha salary of g oUy,
stats or national official. Tha spirit of tna
law may bo correct, but Us action Is cer
tainly unfair, and It offers a sHIeld to many
men who are not slow to takead vantage of
It. Wttnesf the case of Congressman Charles
O. Txbek. ' ,
Thsrs ara on flls In the district court
of Douglas county tb following Judgments
against him: . . ,
. Klbert T. Duke against Chartss O. bo berk,
( 42,469.10 and costs. Execution Issued May
' T.8 R." Andrews against C. 0. Lobeck, HI
nnd coats and Interest, Judfmcnt rendered
B. Curtis against C o. lbeCh, flSt.10
and costs and Interest. Judgment rendered
Krvllla L. Earl agslnst C. O. Lobeck, t(14
and rosts. Paid on this judgment Ian.
Ounnsr A. Lind quiet against C, O. Lobeck,
Z, and costs and Interest Judgmsnt
rendered September St, 111, . . .
Sarah 8. Markham against CO. Lobeck,
13,208 and coats and Intsrsst Judgment
rrndffed October 16. 114.
Gunner A. Llodqutst against C. O. Lobeck,
IS, 737.11 snd eonts and Interest. Judgment
rendered September S4, lilt, Execution Is
sued October 6, 111.
. Totaled, with Interest added, amounting to
over $ II, 90S.
During the last fifteen years Mn Lobeck
hna drawn ltw eomntroller of Omaha
some 116.000 and as congrtsamsn he has
drawn i.iii.UUU irom ine naiiunai guvernmvnt,
ytt his juet creditors csnnot lay their hands
upon a penny of that amount.
A congressman has thres ways of drawing
his salary First, a warrant on the treasury;
second, the money may b paid to any bank
jor Individual he may designate, and, third,
or may be left on deposit with the sergeant
a l -arms. During his Incumbency Mr. Lo
brck, I am told, has never drawn his salary,
hut hue left It oa d dos It safe from his
creditor in the keeping of Unule Bam. I
When called Into court last year on a wrlf
of execution he claimed that all he had was
three shares of stock In the Swedish Audi
Darin the last fifteen years he has drawn
over 940.00 from the public purse, yet his
creditors cannot get a cent out of almby
tare or law.
Now tor an Individual example! When
mv mother, lire. 8. ft. Mirk him. was left
a widow thirteen years ago all wa had to
. face the would with wa a small stock of
Soods- located In North Brnd, worth perhaps
600. and some doubtful claims, among them
being three of Mr. Lo beck's notes for 1700
each. ' Needing the money, and needing It
badly my mother offered to settle with Mr.
lberfk for about half of their face value.
but was met with the sxruse of no money
and put off from time to tHne with promises
tM nav when thla. that and ths other thing
"turned up." or "after election." My mother,
a woman of to years, went to work Minna
the countermand when she passed away In
, June or this year ner claim against aar. ua-
bevk amounted to $1,(70, end ws never suc
ceeded tn getting a payment out of Mr.
The World -Herald of October ll, lltS,
recorded the fact that Mr. , Lobeck
among those who ''hit the trail" at the
"Billy Sunday meetings, and my mother
wrote htm the following letter;
"North Bend. Neb.. Oct. 28. Ill 5 Mr.
C. O Lobeck. Omaha. Neb.: Dear Sir: I
note In thla morning's World-Herald that
you are numbered among the trail -hit ten
at ths Sunday tabernacle. I take It that
this Is a nub to confuse on or Christian ty
and ts alncere. You, no doubt, recall that
"Hilly" Sunday Included among the Chris
tian virtues- honesty and strict payment of
dbta, and 1 hope that you are going to put
' your Christianity Into practice by making
u Datamini payment on your uvm w mei
' Very truly yours, '
, "MRS. 8. 8. MARKHAM."
y Mr. Lobeck's rculy was:
9. Markham. North Bend, Neb. Dear
Madam: Your letter or the lad received.
have so apology to make for going down the
trail. Under similar otrcumHtances would do
so again. Yours respectfully,
Mr, Lobeck's reference to doing eo sgaln
"under similar circumstance" may seem a
little vague, but when It Is understood that
when Mr. Lobeck's "wet" friends upbraided
him for doing ho he Intimated that such
action would bo very popular with the
"a rye, it may be a little plainer.
The above Is sn absolutely correct stats
merit, baited on facts and written In modera
tion. But does It not seemtas though there
vnouia im some way to rorce public orrictale
to nay their honeat debts or some nrsVlnlon
.in the lew denying the right to hold otfloe
' to men oi Mr. liObeck s stripe 7
Michigan Aggies Defeat -
North Dakota Farmers
East Lansinflr, Mich.. Oct. 29. Ef
fective use of the forward pass when
close to the visitor's eoal. enabled
the foot ball eleven of the Michigan
Agricultural college to defeat the
North Dakota Aggies, 30 to 0, here
today Straight foot ball could ac
complish little against Michigan Ag
ricultural college's veteran line. .
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoeg Remedy.
i ma u a mcuicme mat every lamiiyi
should be provided with. Colic and
diarrhoea often come on suddenly and
it is of tte greatest importance that
they be treated promptly. Consider
the suffering that must be endured
until a physician arrives or medicine
can be obtained. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a
reputation second to none for the
' quick relief which it affords. Obtain
able everywhere. Advertisement.
Philadelphia, who will addr
PraabjUrUns on rollfioua aduca
tioo at tha Young Man's Chris
tian association today.
y' ""Saife ft .w. f
Educational Notes
Chadron formal.
TtiBtninHAfi In flerman be the direct
nothnii ! htlni aivan to tha sevsnth snd
eighth grsdes of ths model school by Miss
(Julie complete tiisb oi" mgnounurau ji
hnnka anil rennrla at tha bureau of educa
tion are accessible to students In the library.
Students la the agriculture claanes will
soon pick corn from Mr. Fleming's field for
send teatlng, The corn tested by the classee
last year and piantea oy r. juemni tv-i-u
per cent In vitality.
Several faculty members will attend the
evasion of the Northweat Nebraaka Teachers
aaaocltition st Rutthvllle on Saturday, No
vember 4. . H1
The manual training stuaenis are ouna
Ing In the weal end of the shop cabinets
which will be used for ths placing of new
equipment. ,
The Juniors and freahmen enjoyed a pic
nic at Spring Creek Tuesday evening, Presi
dent and Mra. KHIott and Dsn Btbckdsle
.nil Mr fltiinurinl ware sTURStS of the
dames and their sponsors, Miss Uslsell and
Miaa Peterson.
Mrs. Sheens of Chadron mgde a very good
talk to the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation at their regular meeting, taking for
ner memo, rne rnw i J"7 .? r
Uf." The nrelude was played by Madeline
Leppla and a duet sung by Misses Blanch
ard apd tirlcson.
The Normal oreheatra has been perman
ently organised with the following members:
Violins, Prances Smith, Florence Collins,
Nell Durham, Evelyn' Oood, Hasel Garner,
Rons King. Holden Smith and Robert Slat
tery; cornets. Mas Morey and Wayne Bor
ton; 'cello, Gleaner Wilson and Wanda Rich
ards (soprano); Lealle Hitchcock (bass);
drums, Chloe Morey; plsno, Mary Wilson,
flute, B. L. Clemens, director.
The foot ball team played Spearflah Nor
mal October 2S at Spearflah. They will p ay
Alliance High school November S at Alli
ance and a return game with Spearflah on
November 10 at Chadron.
The first meeting or ins rirrari inaiiiuui
wmiA in th nhanel leal Wadneaday eve
ning, at which time Prof. Pugs ley of the
Unlvsrslty of Nebraska school of agriculture
and Miss Wllaon of the eatsnston depart
ment of the university gave lectures w im
cltlseas and members of the school who
were present. Hiss mison gav. an
trated lecture on tha composition of fooda,
ikiP finantlnn and uaea. Prof. FUSS ley
gave a diacusslon of the rural oredlts law.
As a member of the commission appointed
by President Wilson, Prof. Pugsley spent
three months Investigating the rural credit
systems of Burope.
rem NormaL -
a latrwe and hanor flrowd attended the
reception In honor of the Doane'foot ball
team, at ths Normal gymnasium after the
Paul Thomas of Alliance gave a violin re
oltal Wednesday morning. t
At a meeting of Hie faouity laat Tuesnay
It was decided unanimously to attend tne
Teachers' -association convention and ar
rangements have been made for a spsclal
train from Pern to Ornate.
Workmen have bean busy this week re
wiring part 'of ths lighting system and pro
paring to use power from ths manual train
ing power plant for lighting the campus
and classrooms. This will Siva all-day serv
ice If needed end also make possible a con
siderable economy by the use of the smaller
engine -
' The latest study center tor b organised
Is at Table Rock. Prof, Lofler will oonduot
the class. There are now 100 students en
rolled la these centers for work In the Nor
mal, 5-
A Rural Life olub hag been organised
among the patrons of the af fills ted rural
demonstration school known as the Honey
Creek dlalrlot. The club will study the 'prob
lem oi rurei sooiniogy ana snaeavor to im
prove some local conditions.
Ths desire among the girls to take some
part In the campaign took definite form at
a meeting of the girl of Mount Vernon,
hall, where a movement was organised
which resulted In Friday's chapel exercise
being turned Into a silver shower. The
money went Into the dry campaign,
The,, Young Men s Christian aanoelatlon
boys are packing a big box of books to send
to the boys on the Mexican border. The
books are being donated hy the echini snd
community people. Reporta from the Peru
boy indicate that the worst feature of camp
life is the monotony of enforced inantlviiv
and It Is- hoped that the books, which are
entertaining rather than specifically instru '
ttve. will helo the boys to nut tn tha tin,
Officers of the Junior clnaa were etaMarl
last week, aa folio wa: PreaMent YnnMa
Cooper of Auburn; vice president, Nlha Shu-
oert oi snuneri; secretary, Uabel Carey, of
Alliance: treasurer. Robert s&ndhara- r
Omaha. . .
Hastings College. I
The college has been favored with a aerlna
of lectures at the regular chapel hour on
"Ethical Phasea of Social Problems" by
Prof. James M. Coleman of Btoomlngton,
Ind. Dr. Coleman Is the author of "Social
Kthlcs snd In his tectums to the college
look UO Social orsanlsma. aoclat InatKutlana.
social efficiency and social regeneration. He
Is an interesting speaker and approaches
these subjects tn an entirely different way
from the ordinary,
The men's literary societies have chosen
Tuesday nights tor their publlo programs
given at me college cnapei. Tneir pro
grams are such aa to Interest townspeople
ae well as college students and they are In
viting all who are Interested In literary
Those entering Intercollegiate debates have
been busy the last week trying to select the
question for discussion with the other col
leges ot the league, Quito a number have
signified their desire to try out for the
teams. Iast year the college had twenty
fix men who tried out and It won all the
Intercollegiate debate which tt entered,
Mlaa loulse B. Hughes of the offlcs has
decided to furnish one of the news rooms
tn the girls' dormitory, which Is to be occu
pied st the close of this week. This will be
a finely equipped dormitory in every way.
The synod met at Hastings week before
last ana was mucn intereetea in tne college.
Reeolutlone wre passed agreeing to open
all the churches of the etates to the endow
ment committee and urging the pastors to
speak to their people urging the succeefill
conclusion of the large campaign for (606.000
wnicn is to ne oegun ai once, a resolution
waa also pawned urging eaeh of the churches
to pay Ita full apportionment ot IB cents a
member to the college this year for current
support. J
A banquet was tendered the synod at the
OolleRe, which waa addressed by Dr. Nathan.
lei McUlffln ot Fremont, Dr. Farmer, and
President Crone of the college nd Dr. Jamea
E. Clarke of Nashville, Tenn., representing
the collese board. One hundred and forty.
alx members of the synod attended the ban-
quiet ana joined tn en enthusiaette eupport
of their aynodloal collcve.
The chapel was addreaeed by Prof, Steen.
Loup City, Neb., and Dr. Clarke of Nash
ville, Tenn.; by Dr. Connebar of Central
City and Dr. Marshall of Omaha seminary
during synod meetings. Rev. Mr. Preaely of
Mlnden and Dean Leland, student pastor of
the university, addressed Y. M. and T. W
respectively, at their midweek meeting dur
ing synod.
Prof. H. M. Cunningham of the German
department has been absent a few days in
Oklahoma, where he was called by the death
of an aunt.
A large number of alumni witnessed the
HaHtlng-Wtlt-yn foot ball ru me und Joined
la the Hastings yells. Among these were
President, in Address, Asserts
Opposition Is "Scrupling
at Nothing."
Long Branch, N. J., Oct. 28. That
the opposition to his election is
"scrupling at nothing" in statement
of fact and policy was the charge
made by President Wilson in a speech
at Shadow Lawn this afternoon to a
throng that assembled for a joint
celebration of Nrw York day and
Woodrow Wilson day.
"What are we to say," he asked,
"of the patriotism of men -who take
advantage of a crisis of the world,
when the fortunes of men hang in un
certain balance, when the peace of
this great nation can be maintained
only by the most thoughtful and
considerate means, to settle a ques
tion of power among themselves?"
Renewing his discussion of the for
eign policies of the United States
and speaking of the "vocal element"
of the republican party, the president
declared: "They prefer a peace that
is produced by the methods of those
who defy, of those who brag, of
those who threaten, in order to es
tablish their prowess. They have
forgotten their manners. They want
a peace, indeed, but they do not want
a peace obtained as gentlemen ob
tain it, but only as braggarts ob
tain it."
Rev. Mr. McDougall of Bridgeport, Dr. Os
borne of Scottsbluff. Rev, Mr. Humphrey of
Ong. Kev. Mr. Brown of Uordon and Dr.
McOtffin of Fremont.,
Hastings college Is entering upon an en
dowment campaign for $180,000 for buildings
and (S60.000 endowment. A local campaign
will be conducted first, followed by a Ktate
and nation wide effort to place the Institu
tion In the front renk so far as material
equipment Is concerned.
Bellevue Oollega Notes.
Bellevue college students are msnl resting
much Interst In ths coming election. De
bates and arguments are staged every day
all over the campus. ''
The foot ball team spent Saturday after
the Wayne game at the home of Captain
Racely at Pender. After dinner the squad
went on a trip around the town and the
countryside adjoining snd returned to
Omaha on the evening train.
President Kerr returned Tuesday from
the synod meeting at Hastings, where he
met many of his old students, who are now
preaching. He preached Sunday at Gibbon
and delivered an address Monday morning
before the Gibbon High school.
The foot ball team plays Its next game
With Midland at Atchison, Kan., next Frl
day. Bellevue defeated Midland, 7 to 0, last
year snd supporters of the -Purple and Gold
look for another victory this year.
Work la being rushed on tha central heat
ing plant to Install the new boiler. The
Jtresent boiler Is unable to heat four build
ngs adequately during the cola weather.
The college literary societies have begun
te rush the freshmnn to gain new students
for members. Initiations will soon be in
order. -
President Kerr has announced that an
agreement will be reached within the next
three or four days on the social privileges
provision of the new student self-government
acheme. All the other features of the plan
have been agreed upon and are In force,
Doane College.
President W. O. Allen, J. Bi. Taylor and W.
A. Tyler of the Doane cbllego faculty ware
on the program of ths Congregational State
conference at Lincoln. President Allen ad
dressed the brotherhood at Norfolk and
preaohed for Rev, Edwin Booth on Sunday,
t The Young Women's Christian association
of the college received twenty-four new
members Sunday. Miss Alma Qrosshans,
president of ths Young Woman's Christian
assoolatfon, presided, and Mrs. J. N. Ben
nett gavs a talk.
Word from Pastungfu, China, brings the
news of the birth of a son to Mrs, Mabel
Bills Hubbard. 'Ofij Mrs. Hubbard has en
tirely recovered from a severe oriental sick
ness of eox months' duration.
The Young Men's Christian association
sold sandwiches Friday to raise money for
a slight Indebtedness.
The college classes are' alt organised In
the Sunday school with Mesdames Hob ford
and Swift, and Mies Helen Meston as teach
ers for the young women, and Profs, Fair
child, Taylor and Squires for tha young men.
Ths college has received a draft for $1,000
fcom Weeping Water academy trustees, as
they close the affairs of the acedemy,
to use as endowment for a Weeping Water
scholarship at Doane. , '
Fremont College). .
Friday evening Profs. Solomcm of the
public schools and Kelley of the college, to
gether with Mrs. Ray, acted In the capacity
of Judges at the singing contest held under
the auspices of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance union at North Bond.
The faculty attending the opera Carman,
Monday evening, were Profs, Schavland,
Munaon, Kelly and, Swlbert and Mesdames
Clemmona, Swtharf, Day and Gat nee.
The Bachelors' club of the college gave
a demonstration In chapel, much to the
surprise of the regular elasseo. The college
colors were In evidence and the Bachelors
marohed In, each wearing a huge mustache.
The entertainment consisted of the presen
tation by the president, William Dlahl, of
each eonrlbtutlng to the program, which
consisted of the male quartet, composed of
Joe Palmer, Walter Rlttamu), Clarence Zem
llcka and Charles tiaddle, who responded
with "Lucky Jim" as an encore. Somner
Con pie gave a violin solo and Hmll Proo-
haake read "The Tramp." Paul Johnson also
contributed a reading with a little take-off
on member of the club, which created
much merriment
Debating sections, under the direction of
Mr. Oalnes, are doing some lively debating
these days on campaign Issues, and become
more aplrted as, the campaign draws to a
.The operative pharmacy class presents a
very busy scone and are getting out some
splendid specimens,
Grand Island College). '
Professor Martha Firth, after being the
hospital for about month, has returned
to her residence somewhat strengthened.
Her purpose Is to spend the time between
now and Christmas wjth her friends In
Iowa, after which she will return to her
school duties. -
The college students have been Invited
by the local Baptist, Young People's union
residents of Nebraska
registered at Hotel
Astor" during the past
year. ' . , .
SingU Room, without bsat
fiJOO to ,3.00
Drabb f.ootofeo
'Singb Raoau, with buh,
t)jx to 6.fx .
Doubb o '
. Pulot, BMtraem ind bufc,
At Bcoutwty, 44th to Jth Sows
, bSt pmnc of Nw York's wcul and
busincu totvitin. In clow proiimity
til nulwty nrmiiult.
Brownell Hall Principal at
Church Conference on Schools
Ifiss Unphemii Johnson
to spent next Monday at a Hallowe'en so
cial In the parlors of the First Baptist
ohurch. 1
President -elect Jorden has purchased an
automobile. After taking a few lesson tn
how to manage a car he will use It In
going from place to place and from house
to house securing additions to the growing
Rev. Dr. 8. S. Batten gave the chapel
address last Wednesday morning on the
subjeot of temperance. He aroused a good
deal of 'feeling In favor of working and
voting for the dry amendment.
The Young Men's Christian association
of the college meets regularly each Tues
day evening. They are taking up Import
ant, practical subjects for atudy and In
vestigation.. . I
Mr. Reed of Ragsn has moved to Grand
Island with his family. Several of the chil
dren have entered college. Mr, Reed him
self Is acting si janitor of the Institution.
J, B. Leaner, one of the college trustees,
has undertaken to lay a cement sidewalk
along the- whole east side of the college
campus. Mr. Lesher has spent consider
able time and money In beautifying the
A good many tickets for the lecture
course have been sold among the students.
This course has continued for about six
years, and has won l(s way successfully
among the young people's organisations of
the different churches. .
The Ladles' auxiliary of the Baptist
church jnei -tn the parlors of Hlejbsl ull
Thursday afternoon. At thlg meeting In
teresting report of the women's mission
ary meetings at Fremont were given by
several of the lady delegates who were
present' at the state convention.. - "V,
. ,. ... ' - : York Colter. ,
During tha last week the college had the
pleasure of visits by Con grew man Sloan
and Hon. A. L- Sutton, both of whom ad
dressed the student body. The former gave
an Interesting description of the workings
of the national house of representatives. .
The senior class issued a challenge to any
other college class for a debate. The sopho
mores have accepted a challenge and s live
ly debate Is expected.
The special train to Central City for the
toot ball game was a great success. About
171 students and cltisens of tha town went
on the trip. ,
The girls of the colega staged the most
successful features of the year thus far at
ohapel on Thursday morning. The girls are
showing great spirit and originality,
Paul Porter and John Rollings, both of
the class of 115, attended the "home-coming"
game with Pesu.
The first number of the college lecture
course occurred this week. It was attended
by a large audience. -
' Vnlvsralty af Omaha News. ':'
Two elections were held last week. The
Utopian society met in Dean Halsey'a room
and chose the following officers: Fern Gil
bert, president; Clare Llndley. vice presi
dent; Olga Anderson, secretary and treas
urer. About twenty basket ball enthu
siaats held a meeting in the gym and
elected the following officer: William
Thompson, manager; Edgar Ernst, captain.
The university had three speakers last
week. J. 8. MacOroarty, author ot "The
Mission Flay," addressed the students and
faculty In chapel, Wednesday. Thursday,
Rev, John Baptist spoke to the boys of
the Young Men's Christian Association.
While he was speaking, Mrs. Lock wood of
the Young Women's Christian Association
talked to the co-eds In the gym. She spoke
on "The tQIrl of India," and In concluding
Winter Tourist Fares
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Palacios, Texas, and return
Jacksonville, Florida, and return $70.56
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. Ticketa on sale daily. Carry final return limit to
May 31st, 1917, and liberal atop-over privilegea.
Tickets, reservations and informa
Present-day school problems re
ceived through discussion and re
view at a conference of the heads
of church schools, held in connection
with the general convention of the
Protestant Episcopal church, which
closed at St. Louis yesterday.
Miss Euphemia Johnson, principal
of Brownell hall, went from Omaha
to the conference: Other educators in
attendance on the various sessions in
cluded: Dr. Endicott Peabody, head
master of the Groton school, Groton,
Mass.;, Miss Gray, principal of St.
Agnes' school, Albany, N. Y.; Dr.
Helen Sophia Peabody. principal of
All Saints' school, Sioux Falls, and
Dr. Walter R. Marsh, head master of
St. Paul's Cathedral school, Garden
City, L. I.
Another was Dr. C. W. Leffingwell,
well known to many Nebraska peo
ple as the one-time rector of St.
Mary's school, Knoxville, 111. Numerous-other
schools, notably those of
the southern, states, were also repre
sented. Called by Dr. William E. Gardner,
chairman of the General Board of Re
ligious Education, the conerence was
given over to a discussion of the
modern church school. Like every
other educational agency, these
schools are confronted just now by a
number of difficult problems, which
must be solved in the near future.
Most of these Questions came before
the gathering at St. Louis.
told Hhe university girls that the Indian
girl needs sympathy from the more eau
cated women of the world.
Dr. Jenkins and. his son. Finley, have
been carrying on an extensive experlmsnt
on the sense of taste In connection with
the study of psychology. They showed that
some cannot taste anything sweet, while
others taste everything as our. Those who
uee tobaoco are very sensitive to alkalies.
Prof. Leland Lewis, head of the chemistry
department, says that such a sensitiveness
should be expected, as nicotine contains
alkaloid matter. Borne reported that the
name .substance tasted sour at the tip- of
the tonaue and bitter, at tha epiglottis.
Those of the class who have a very sweet
tuoth 'are Miss Smith and Mr. Campsn.
These two detected sugar In every solution.
The lowest amount used was H of 1 per
Dean Halsey addressed the teachers' con
vent Ion in Cedar county laat Friday. He
spoke on "The History of Nebraska."
The students In a body attended "The
Mission Play" last Friday evening.
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Woman Telia How Lydia E.
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Women who suffer from displaee
menenta, weakness, Irregularities, ner
vousness, backache or bearmg-down
pains, need the tonic-strengthening
properties of the roots and herbs con
tained in Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable
If you want special advloe, write
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Absolutely Removes
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proves it 25c at all druggists.
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tion at Rock Island office. Phone,
write or call - , ,
J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A.
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1 Phone Douflu 428.
Nebraska Wesleyaa tnlvereity.
. Prof Wella presented tha franchise laws,
as they pertain to student voters, at convo
cation Wednesday morning.
Rev. O. H. Cornon, '11, of Ravenna, was a
chapel visitor Friday morning.
Dr. F. J. AJway of the department of soils
of tha University of Minnesota addressed the
Chemistry olub Monday evening. Dr. Alway
was formerly professor of chemistry at Ne
braska Wesleyan.
The Toung Men's Christian association and
the Toung Women's Christian association
are planning for their annual banquet, which
will be held next Friday evening.
Rev) Tltua Lowe of Omaha apoke to the
students at ohapel Tussday morning.
Nevada Beats Utah.
4 Reno, Nov.. Oct. The University of
Nevada foot ball team triumphed over the
Utah Agricultural collese eleven yester
day when Buckman kicked a field goal from
the fifteen-yard line. The final score was
9 to 7.
e FUrre High Wins.
Pierre,, (J. E., Oct. J (Special Telegram.)
A game with the Indian achool team re
sulted 42 to 0 for the local high school.
1 I
I yj,
He offers a constructive
and progressive program
that fill benefit the
people of Nebraska.
.His candidacy is in har
mony with the -strong
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Careful Reliable Safe
A Business Man
Not a Politician
Clean Capable Honest
American Girl Goes to , ' j
Marry a Japanese Dentist :
San Francisco, Oct. 28. Miss Pearl
P. Cox oi Evanston, 111., sailed today '
on the Pacific Mail liner Venezuela to
become .the bride, she says, of Dr.
Tuyo Yamada, a dentist in Osaka,
Japan, whom she met while both were
students at Northwestern university a
year and a half ago.
Miss Cox, who is 21 years old, ar
rived here several days ago with Mrs.
Missaki Shimadzu, wife of the secre
tary of the Chicago Japanese Young
Men's Christian association, who will
be her traveling companion.
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wound or bruiee prevent Infection and blood
polion. J&c. All drusglsti. Advertisement. :
Samuel H.
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His ability as a. jur
ist has been proven in
efficient service on the
supreme bench of Ne
' braska.
His public record it his
chief endorsement ,
i Ask your attorney He knows